Who is Daria Sagalova's husband? Daria Sagalova's husband

Best wedding Instagram

In 2011, a lot famous people legalized their relationship, including actress Daria Sagalova getting married. Many people know this girl as Sveta Bukina from the comedy series “Happy Together.” Not everyone knows who Daria Sagalova's husband is. Well, let's tell you a secret, husband of Daria Sagalova– Konstantin Maslennikov, a successful entrepreneur who is only four years older than his newly-made wife. An important fact is that Daria Sagalova got married for the man I dated for several years of my life. Groom and brides long time they tried to keep their relationship secret and even told others that they were sister and brother, so as not to give away their secret. The lovers joke about this: “Apparently they felt in advance that we would become relatives!”

Meeting Daria and Konstantin

Like any other wedding, Dasha Sagalova’s wedding was preceded by an acquaintance, and it happened as follows: the actress was introduced to her future husband eight years ago by a mutual theater friend. Konstantin sat down with Dasha and offered to put together a puzzle, something like a Rubik's cube. Daria simply could not resist such originality. For quite a long time the young people were only for each other good friends, but after a joint vacation in the Maldives, the guy and the girl finally realized that the attraction between them exists and has been for a long time.

Taking marriage seriously

When asked why this hasn’t been played for a long time wedding, Dasha Sagalova replied that she and Kostya simply take the concept of family very seriously, and love alone is not enough to create it. Therefore, Daria Sagalova, whose wedding took place 8 years after meeting her lover, got married only when she began to stand confidently on her feet professionally and morally.

The media has a variety of information about Daria Sagalova’s wedding, including how the proposal was made. Konstantin proposed marriage to his beloved in May 2010 in a 4D attraction: the young couple were among planets, flying stars, and cosmic dust. As Dasha said, there was a feeling that they were alone in the entire Galaxy.

Before the wedding, even some of Dasha’s colleagues did not see the photo of Sagalova’s husband. Now many people easily recognize Konstantin by sight. Photo of Sagalova's husband Daria You can look at our website below.

Where was Daria Sagalova's wedding?

The wedding of Dasha Sagalova and Konstantin took place in the Crocus City Mall restaurant; there were few guests - about fifty people. Of the celebrities at the wedding, Anfisa Chekhova, Dasha’s friend, can be especially highlighted. It was Anfisa Chekhova who caught the bride's bouquet.

There is also information in the press that preparations for Daria Sagalova’s wedding were very diligent and pedantic. And confirmation of this is the timing of preparations for the celebration. As a rule, pre-wedding preparation takes one or two months for young people, but not in the case of Dasha and Kostya. Preparations for their wedding lasted six months. As glamorous TV presenter Anfisa Chekhova noted, she had never seen Wedding Dress they chose as meticulously as Dasha.

For almost eight years, “Svetka Bukina” from the series “Happy Together” managed to keep her personal life a secret. The actress brought her chosen one into the world only after her official marriage.
The news that Sagalova got married in January of this year came as a surprise to many of her fans. “Who is this guy and where did he come from?” — some were surprised. “When did she have time?” - others wondered. After all, judging by numerous interviews, Dasha lived exclusively by her career. “I have three or four projects at the same time and a couple of hours of sleep... What kind of love can there be?” — the actress shrugged. But, as it turned out, “Svetka Bukina” was flirting - she had enough time for everything.

Dasha met her future husband, Konstantin Maslennikov, at the age of 17 thanks to her colleague at the Cinema Theater Alexei Chadov. Lesha and Kostya went to school together and continued to communicate in adulthood. Seeing Sagalova after the rehearsal, the young businessman Maslennikov immediately fell for her. However, he didn’t show it and at first he became simply an irreplaceable friend for the girl. “If I needed male help, Kostya was mystically at hand and quickly solved my problems,” Dasha confessed.
One day Kostya said that he had cousin- namesake of the actress, Daria Dmitrievn. The young people laughed at the coincidence and, for fun, began to introduce themselves to everyone as brother and sister.

When Dasha was invited to star in the sitcom “Happy Together,” her life turned into one continuous day of filming. She spent six days a week, 12 hours a day, on the set of the series. She also had to have time to play in the theater and pass sessions at the Moscow Institute of Cultures and Arts (Sagalova studied to become a choreographer). At some point, Daria realized: a little more - and her nerves would not withstand the constant tension.
As soon as a “window” appeared in the filming, the girl decided to rush to the Maldives with two friends. But before her vacation, she remembered: her car needed a technical inspection, and after her arrival there would be no time to deal with this problem.
Sagalova called Kostya, who was always ready to help. And in the conversation she inadvertently invited the guy to fly with them. And he suddenly agreed. On the islands, thousands of kilometers from home, young people finally realized that they were connected by more than just “brotherly-sisterly” relationships.

Kostya was not a fan of Dasha’s work. He rarely went to the theater and hardly watched television. But when, after the wedding in “Dancing with the Stars,” Sagalova decided to organize a choreographic school, future husband supported her, including financially.
Maslennikov also approached the marriage proposal thoroughly. “Dasha can thoughtlessly pick up jobs and then work seven days a week without days off,” said Kostya. “I studied her charts for a long time, trying to wedge in marriage. But in the end, he simply “stole” her during a lunch break between filming and took her to an entertainment center with a state-of-the-art attraction. You step inside and find yourself inside the Universe. Stars, planets, cosmic dust are flying around... It felt like we were alone in the entire Galaxy. In such an environment, I gave Dasha an engagement ring.”
After the wedding, Dasha took her husband's surname. Now according to her passport she is Maslennikova. The young couple settled in Kostya’s house in Peredelkino near Moscow and plan to at least double the number of family members. “Kostya is exactly the man I need: strong, sensible, self-confident,” says the actress. “I know for sure: we will be happy together.”

After the release of the humorous series “Happy Together,” the young actress Daria Sagalova turned into a star of Russian cinema. The role of Sveta Bukina, a broken but naive blonde, brought the girl from the Moscow region incredible fame: she acquired a club of fans.

But in reality, the talented artist is the complete opposite of her film heroine: Sagalova knows two foreign languages and graduated from school with a silver medal. Friends and family assure that Dasha only allows herself to be frivolous on screen if the image she is creating requires it.

Daria Dmitrievna Sagalova was born in the city of Podolsk in December 1984. Dasha is Russian by nationality. At school, the girl did not receive grades lower than “4” and “5”, delighting her parents and teachers with her diligence and diligence.

At the age of six, Daria Sagalova asked her parents to take her to a choreography club: the little girl loved to dance since she learned to walk. But mom and dad turned a deaf ear to their daughter’s request, considering it frivolous. But her beloved grandmother heard her granddaughter: she took Dasha to the Fantasy choreographic studio.

Six-year-old Daria for the first time demonstrated perseverance and the ability to achieve her goal: the teachers refused to accept the girl into the studio in the middle of school year, but the little dancer convinced them that she would make up for what she missed in a month. Dasha Sagalova was put on the last line with the condition: she would be expelled if they noticed that the student was being lazy.

Three years later, the young dancer was a soloist in half of the numbers in the repertoire, which the choreographic group performed at prestigious venues in the capital. As part of the main team of the Fantasy studio, Daria Sagalova attended festivals, the number of which numbered in the dozens. One day after a performance, theater director Oleg Butakhin approached 17-year-old Daria and offered to play Cinderella in the play of the same name.

Sagalova remembered how many times as a child she dreamed of being reincarnated as the most romantic heroine of fairy tales, and agreed. The girl came to audition and began rehearsals with the theater troupe. But the performance was canceled, and the talented artist was offered a role in the crowd of another production. But in the production of “The Nutcracker” Daria Sagalova appeared on the stage in the role of Princess Marie. The theatrical debut took place in 2003, when the girl was in 11th grade.

Despite successful start as theater actresses, after graduating from school, Daria Sagalova relied on choreography and entered the Moscow State University culture and arts. The parents continued to consider their daughter’s passion for dancing as a futile pursuit and insisted that she receive a “serious” specialty. Dasha listened and entered the extramural Plekhanov Academy, choosing the Faculty of Finance and Credit.

But the girl’s main hobby remained dancing, so she directed all her strength to study at Moscow State University of Culture and Culture: in 2009, Daria Sagalova received a honors diploma from the university. IN student years she appeared on the stage of the State Film Actor Theater.

In the same year, having barely left the university walls, Dasha opened her own choreographic studio, which she called “Daria Sagalova’s School of Dance.” The artist takes trained students as students who strive to improve their previously acquired dance skills.

Besides standard programs in plastic and dance, Daria Sagalova teaches the basics of acting and ways to convey emotions in dance, which gives her teaching style a special twist.


Since 2013, the artist first appeared on screens as a TV presenter. Daria Sagalova made her debut in this capacity on the television show “Five Answers” ​​on the NTV channel. A year later, Sagalova was entrusted with hosting two new projects - the program “I’m Right” on the “Yu” channel and the TV show “ culinary star».

The cinematic biography of Daria Sagalova began in the first years of theater university. In 2005, Dasha made her debut in four films simultaneously. She got supporting roles, which became the basic foundation for further achievements. On film sets, Sagalova learned to behave correctly in front of the camera, gaining the necessary acting experience.

Daria Sagalova’s memorable appearance and dancing skills came in handy in the youth television series “Club.” Thanks to these qualities, the actress received the role of Umka, a go-go dancer, who was remembered by the audience.

In 2006, preparations began for filming the Russian adaptation of the American comedy sitcom “Married... with children,” which in Russia was called “Happy Together.”

According to the plot, the couple of main characters are raising a daughter - a naive and incredibly attractive schoolgirl who embodies all the stereotypes about blondes. The casting agents began searching for an actress who would be suitable for this role, and settled on Daria. But at that time the girl worked in the theater and studied at the university. Due to lack of time, Dasha rescheduled her visits to the studio several times. Daria Sagalova arrived at the casting on the last day and amazed the film crew by being 100% in character: she was immediately approved for the role.

Daria Sagalova in the sitcom "Happy Together"

But the actress did not immediately like the character of Sveta Bukina: it took the producers of the show a lot of time to persuade the artist to play this role. Daria was frightened by the incredibly tight filming schedule (she had to film every day) and the planned number of episodes. However, producer Timur Weinstein managed to find a girl mutual language and come to a compromise.

The sitcom premiered in March 2006. Daria Sagalova appeared on the screens with her film parents Gena and Dasha Bukin, who were played by and. He reincarnated as Sveta’s brother, Roma Bukin.

Actors of the sitcom "Happy Together"

The image of the silly blonde Svetka brought Daria incredible fame throughout Russia and the CIS countries: the artist is recognized on the streets and asked for an autograph, Sagalova has fan clubs. Fans of the actress in Podolsk, where she was born, suggested that the city administration rename the street in honor of the idol. But Daria Sagalova gained the greatest popularity among the male part of television viewers, who, after a photo shoot of the actress in the glossy men's magazine Maxim, unanimously called the girl a sex symbol of Russia. With a height of 1.64 meters, Daria weighs 49 kilograms.

But the popularity of Sveta Bukina’s image also turned out to be back side medals: spectators and directors did not perceive talented actress in a different role. She was offered exclusively roles of the same type, one way or another duplicating the image of Sveta from the top-rated sitcom.

To destroy the stuck stereotype, Daria Sagalova takes part in the filming of the dramatic television series “She-Wolf” and the melodrama “I Will Never Forget You!” In the second film, the actress appeared before the audience in the role of the unprincipled and selfish heroine Marina, who sees no obstacles on the way to her goal and is not afraid to use forbidden techniques.

Daria Sagalova in the film "Hot Pursuit"

In 2011, Daria Sagalova played a supporting role in the detective series “Hot Pursuit”, where her partners film set steel and . At the end of 2012, the New Year's comedy “The Day of the Dodo” with the participation of the actress was released. In the same year, Sagalova appeared before moviegoers in the melodramatic series “ Perfect marriage", where she starred with, and.

In 2014, fans saw the artist in the 8-episode fantasy film “The Secret City,” based on the series of novels of the same name by writer Vadim Panov. The success of the film forced the director to shoot a sequel to the series in the same year, in which Daria Sagalova again played Larisa.

Personal life

For a long time, the star preferred to hide her personal life from the eyes of journalists. But in 2011 it became known that Daria Sagalova was marrying Konstantin Maslennikov. It is noteworthy that Konstantin has nothing to do with the world of show business - according to unconfirmed information, he is an ordinary policeman. But some sources say that Maslennikov is an entrepreneur.

The wedding took place at Crocus City Mall, and among the invited guests was the famous presenter and best friend Sagalova.

Some time later, the couple had their first daughter, Elizabeth, and four years later, on July 31, 2015, . The parents named the girl Stefania.

On the page in Instagram the artist willingly shares details of her professional career, but is extremely reluctant to let strangers into her personal life. Even Sagalova’s colleagues on stage did not know when Dasha got married: she kept the wedding ceremony secret.

Photos of Daria's family rarely appear on her social network pages. Sometimes Sagalova pleases subscribers photo together with my husband and even less often sharing pictures of my children. Most often, posts about work appear on Instagram.

Daria Sagalova now

After the birth of her second daughter, the artist changed her image: she cut her hair and dyed it brown-haired. And she immediately regretted it, promising herself that she would put an end to the experiments. The only changes that Dasha liked were the gradual weight loss: throughout 2016, Sagalova managed to lose 10 kilograms.

Daria Sagalova lost 10 kilograms

2016 turned out to be a busy year for the star: she was preparing for her defense thesis at the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. Daria reported this on her Instagram page. But the worries were in vain: Sagalova, a mother of two charming girls, an actress and TV presenter, whose schedule is scheduled by the hour, defended her thesis.

In January 2017, as part of the Day open doors Daria Sagalova came to the faculty’s television studio and told applicants about studying in the professional retraining program.

In 2017, as in previous years, the artist continues to work with students from her dance school. Visitors to Daria’s Instagram page know what an important place the dance school occupies in the actress’s life: two-thirds of the photos on the page are of students from Sagalova’s choreographic school.


  • 2005 – “It’s not harmful to dream”
  • 2005 – “The Right to Love”
  • 2005 – “I’ll Never Forget You”
  • 2006-09 – “Club”
  • 2006-13 – “Happy Together”
  • 2006 – “She-Wolf”
  • 2007 – “Night Sisters”
  • 2011 – “Hot on the heels”
  • 2012 – “Ideal Marriage”
  • 2014 – “Secret City”

The actress is going to represent Russia at the Olympic Games

Popular actress Daria SAGALOVA came out into the world for the first time during childbirth with her husband Konstantin MASLENNIKOV. An Express Gazeta correspondent managed to talk to the happy couple.

- Dasha, how do you feel as a mom?
- Amazing! Much better than before. My daughter is already 10 months old, so she’s already big young woman. He says “mom”, “dad”, “baba”.
-Are you crazy mommy?

- Maybe yes. If a woman is not a cat, then she becomes such a crazy mommy - this is normal.
- Has anything changed in your worldview?
- Of course, everything has changed. I understood the meaning of a person’s life, and even more so a woman. Only now I realized what I live for, for whom I live. With the birth of Lizonka, I began to value family more in principle. Not only mine, which consists of three people, but also my husband’s relatives and my loved ones. All the priorities were immediately set, I understood what I wanted from life, what my goals, objectives were - in general, I now know everything.

- Is daddy happy?
- Our dad also loves Lizonka madly, because she is his exact copy. She doesn't look like me at all! How our relatives laugh: “Don’t worry, in one place she definitely looks like you.” Moreover, she is the same gender as her father. He also plays with the hammer, just like he did as a child. After work, Kostya runs home faster and faster to see us, play with his daughter, take a walk with her.
- Do you spoil your child with fashionable clothes? Nastya Stotskaya, for example, orders it for Sashenka from the best designers...
- It is clear that I must maintain a certain level of her comfort and beauty. Of course, I want her to have the best. But not to the extent that diapers and diapers are from Versace... We have designer items for going out or receiving guests, which happens extremely rarely. Basically, we go to doctors, or doctors come to us. The main thing is that everything is clean, neat and beautiful. Believe me, you can buy beautiful and comfortable children's clothes for a reasonable price.

Olympic reserve

-Are you filming somewhere yourself now?
- You won’t believe it, everyone is there in “Happy Together”! I've already lost count of what season it is. There are new projects, but I won’t talk about it yet.
- You also serve in the film actor’s theater...
- Because of maternity leave I now appear there occasionally, and then only for half a day. Understand that the most important thing for me now is not work. But even at the same time, I am not ready to turn into a caring mother and housewife.
- And you somehow maintain the intensity of feelings, after all, you’ve been together for many years...
“Of course, we stimulate love,” Konstantin answers, “but we won’t tell you how.”
- Kostya, why did you love Dasha?
- She combines all the qualities that I need for her to be my wife, beloved mother, woman, etc. That is, she embodies everything I need. When all this comes together, that same love appears that comes out of nowhere and becomes such a significant unit between people.

- That is, you are absolutely “happy together.” Do you really not quarrel at all?
- We don’t quarrel at all!
- Dash, why did you fall in love with Konstantin?
- Because he is the only one in the world. Because he is so complex. Well, this is what I need. My husband is the only one like this in the world. I can’t explain to you, you don’t know these people.
“Let me tell you how Dasha is now engaged in a type of clay pigeon shooting called sporting - this is shooting at moving targets,” Konstantin turned the conversation to another topic. – She already has a 12-gauge shotgun. So, Dasha has already knocked down 25 plates out of 25! This is an amazing result, but only inside the company knows about it. Now we are preparing her for the World Championships in this sport. There is one more nuance, Dasha is left-handed, so she has a very specific technique, which Russian coaches can't get used to it. Dasha is unique in this sense. So wish Dasha good luck.
- Happy shooting! What about cinema?
- It does not interfere. By the way, soon, perhaps, Dasha will also engage in an Olympic sport - trapping. This is also shooting at moving targets below the level of the shooting stations. And then, perhaps, she will represent Russia at the Olympics.
- After she becomes an Olympic champion, what sports section will you send her to?
“I’ll take her hunting with me, where she’ll be luring ducks with decoys; by the way, that’s also a sport, and competitions are held in it.”

Popular Russian actress Daria Sagalova comes from Podolsk, Moscow region, where she was born on December 4, 1985. in a family of economists. From the age of six, the girl began to successfully dance, and this largely determined her fate. Together with her dance studio, Daria performed at festivals and concerts in different cities. But the constant workload did not interfere with her schoolwork; the girl studied well and graduated from high school with a silver medal.

As a graduating student, Daria Sagalova met the director of the Film Actor Theater at one of the festivals, and he invited her to try out for the role of Cinderella. Daria succeeded, but the performance was cancelled. But another role was found for the talented young actress, and she soon made her debut in the production of The Nutcracker. Having received a matriculation certificate, the girl was enrolled in the staff of the Film Actor Theater, where she works to this day.

Despite her success in the acting field, Daria Sagalova decided not to part with choreography and continued her studies at the Moscow University of Culture. After graduating in 2009 with honors, the girl opened a children's dance school, which she personally supervises, goes with her students to all competitions and sometimes teaches acting lessons to young dancers.

Creative path

From the very beginning of her work in the theater, the girl took part in castings for roles in films and TV series, and already in 2005. Several films were released with her participation in episodic roles. This experience came in handy very soon, when in 2006 she was cast in one of the main roles in the sitcom “Happy Together.” The role of the unlucky blonde Sveta Bukina brought the young actress all-Russian fame and the title of sex symbol of Russia, which she was awarded in 2008. readers of Maxim magazine.

Daria Sagalova in the series “Happy Together”

The filming of the sitcom coincided with the period of studying at the university and working in the theater, and Daria Sagalova initially doubted whether she could withstand such a heavy workload. But nevertheless, she made up her mind and agreed to filming, which she later did not regret - these difficulties taught her to manage to do a lot of things. The filming of “Happy Together” continued for seven years, and the actress grew up along with her heroine.

After Sveta Bukina appeared on television, the actress was inundated with offers for roles of dim-witted blondes, but she refused, not wanting this role to be assigned to her. As a result, her further creative path characterized by the most diverse roles.

Daria Sagalova’s filmography includes more than ten works, including the TV series “An Ideal Marriage”, “Hot Pursuit”, the comedy “Day of the Dodo”, “Night Sisters”.

Still from the film “An Ideal Marriage”

In addition to participating in filming, Daria Sagalova continues to work at the Film Actor Theater, runs her own dance school, and participates in various television projects.

Personal life

For a long time, Daria Sagalova was in a relationship with the young actor and dancer Alexei. But then the girl’s heart was won by another – Konstantin Maslennikov. Daria was introduced to this independent young man, a businessman educated at MSTU, by an actor friend.

This acquaintance led to the creation happy family. In January 2011, Daria and Konstantin got married. In order not to attract the attention of journalists, the event was not advertised, and even the actress’s colleagues found out about it after the fact.

In July of the same year, a daughter, Elizabeth, appeared in the young family. Daria Sagalova did not enjoy the joys of maternity leave for long, and the very next year two films with her participation were released. 4 years after the birth of Lisa, in July 2015, another daughter appeared in the family, who was named Stefania.

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