Interview about my life. Victoria Isakova: a frank interview about life, love and creative destiny

Ekaterina Strizhenova - famous Russian actress theater and cinema, TV presenter, ambassador of the World Without Tears charity program. Let's talk a little about this amazing, charming and wise woman. A woman who combines intelligence and beauty, simplicity and sophistication, calm and at the same time flow positive emotions that you get by talking with her. Catherine, on the one hand, is meek, sweet, beautiful in her thoughts and actions, and on the other hand, she is a person of enormous willpower, patience, and follows the given instructions. life goals, able to set priorities correctly. They say about such people: “The flower is on the outside, the steel is on the inside!” A woman who was able to build a career and family.

- Ekaterina, did your family influence the choice of your future profession?

Somehow it happened naturally that I had no doubts about who to be. At the age of 5, my parents sent me to the folk choreographic ensemble “Kalinka”, in which I danced for 15 years. My entire childhood consisted of performances, tours, and then filming - first in television plays, and then in films. I was passionate about it, it was more than a hobby - it was my life. Discipline at Kalinka was strict - if you don’t study well, then no performances. That’s why I came home from school, immediately sat down to my lessons, and then ran to rehearsals.

- You met your future husband early. Was it love at first sight?

We met on film set film "Leader". Not only was this my film debut, I was only 14 at the time. Sasha played the role of my classmate, and we quickly found mutual language. At first we became friends, then our feelings flared up, and after 4 years we first got married and then got married. It was the kind of love when you don’t hear or see anything else around. We were from very different environments, from different families, and no one could have thought that we would stay together for long years. But when there is love, everything else can be overcome.

- At yours long marriage is there any special secret?

I get asked this question very often. There are no secrets here. You just need to appreciate those around you and try to make them happy. For me, my family is the main meaning of life, I can’t imagine myself without it.

- Katya, can you describe in a few words what kind of mother you are?

I hope you are attentive and understanding. But, in general, this question is worth asking my children, not me.

- What kind of future would you like for your daughters?

Have a happy future. And in what area - it’s not up to me to decide. Sasha is interested in dancing and gymnastics, and has been hosting the program “Our Favorite Animals” on the TV Center channel for several years now, and Nastya went into another field - she studied in London and New York, and now works as a designer. I am glad that my daughters are fulfilling themselves in what they love.

- What does charity mean to you?

Help is a natural desire of everyone normal person. And since I’m a mother, children’s problems and troubles are especially close to me, because nothing is more important children's health. Today I am an ambassador of VTB Bank’s charity program “A World Without Tears”. This is a great honor for me, and I am glad that, as a public person, I can attract as much attention as possible to the problems of children’s health.

- Ekaterina, you have an extensive filmography, are there any favorite films or roles among them?

The film “The Musketeers 20 Years Later” means a lot to me - it gave a “second wind” to my career, because before I received this offer, there were thoughts of leaving cinema. I love “Carrot Love” because this film gave me the opportunity to play a role that is atypical for me. I can also be proud of my role in the good TV series “Everyone Has Their Own War” based on Volodarsky’s script. In general, I love all my roles and believe that initially there is no need to accept offers for which you will be ashamed later.

- You got the second one higher education majoring in Psychology, why?

I decided to get a second higher education when I was preparing to take part in a television project on psychology. The project was later closed, but I received a diploma, which I am very happy about. Knowledge of psychology helps me in my profession - I read scripts and “get used to” the roles, thinking about my heroine, how she can act and what not, and what motivates her. In life, this knowledge is also not superfluous, however, the saying “a shoemaker without boots” is sometimes truer than ever. It’s not for nothing that they say that psychologists can help everyone except themselves.

- Which of your projects are you most interested in now?

What I love about my job is that it is so diverse. I love theater very much and will never give it up, I enjoy acting in films, and the experience of a TV presenter is also valuable to me. I know how to do my job well, and I am pleased that together with “ Good morning"Millions of people start their day.

As for the talk show “Them and Us,” every time for me it is a challenge for which it is impossible to prepare. My partner Alexander Gordon and I are very different; he believes that since I have been happily married to the same man for so many years and raised two children, then there is nothing to talk about with me at all (laughs). But the success of this program rests on this, on our confrontation, on the fact that we can openly discuss important and painful topics. Therefore, to summarize, I can say that I love all my projects in their own way.

- You acted in films with your husband, a director, what did this experience give you?

We worked on the same set several times as actors, but as a director and actress we first came together in 2005 - in the film “From 180 and Above.” Don’t think that since Alexander is my husband, he does me any favors. Rather, on the contrary - he is more critical and strict towards me than towards other actors. He can publicly reprimand me, make a reprimand. And in the film “Carrot Love,” for example, he gave me a supporting role, although I dreamed of becoming the main character. He just didn’t see me in this role. However, Sasha is a very talented director, and it is very interesting to work with him every time.

- Katya, when you are faced with a choice in everyday life: career or family, what do you choose?

Usually such a question does not arise in my life. I love my job very much and devote a lot of time to it, but family has always been and will be a priority. Therefore, I will never agree to projects that could jeopardize the time spent with my family. It is sacred to me.

- Katya, you look amazing! How do you manage this with your busy schedule?

Firstly, I don’t try to look younger than my age, I don’t chase youth. I believe that a woman should be well-groomed at any age.

Secondly, I always watch my diet and physical fitness If necessary, I go on a diet. I am not the type of woman who can afford to eat everything and not gain weight, so I strictly control what I eat. And if I feel that I’m tired, that a reboot is needed, then I set aside a day that I devote completely to myself, I go to a cosmetologist for a massage. And then I dive back into everyday work, feeling full of strength.

- Does your family have a favorite dish?

My youngest daughter really likes creamy mushroom soup, my husband likes it when I make pizza and pies with poppy seeds. But in everyday life, we try to avoid baked goods and other “harmful foods” and eat a healthy and balanced diet.

There is only one motto: everything that doesn’t kill me will lift me up!

- And finally... Ekaterina, give parting words to our readers.

Thank you for the interesting conversation, it’s very pleasant to communicate with you, you’re really charged with positive energy! All the best and lovely to you!

The conversation was conducted by Yulia Prokhorova, especially for the Women's magazine "Prelest"

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50 year old actress Julia Roberts considers every day of his life ideal and happy. The star has been married for 15 years and she admits that she knows what can make every woman happy..

Julia Roberts gave a rare interview about her personal life with her husband

The actress often keeps silent about her personal life, but the other day the star decided to talk about her husband Daniel Moder.

In an interview with the famous glossy magazine, whose cover she became the face of, Roberts said that before meeting her husband she was selfish, but all that changed.

“I was my priority, a selfish little spoiled child running around making films,” Julia said.

The actress admitted that everything changed after 2000, when she met “her man.”

"When I think about what makes my life my life, brings meaning to it and glows inside me - it's him. Everything revolves around him," the actress told the publication.

The couple first met on the set of the film The Mexican, in which Roberts played main role together with Brad Pitt, and Danny worked as a cinematographer. After two years of dating, they got married in 2002 at her 20-acre ranch in Taos, New Mexico.

After this, they often worked together to create new paintings. Often, speaking about her husband in interviews, the actress calls him “the safest place on the planet.”

One of the most strong couples Hollywood has three children: 12-year-old twins Hazel and Finn, and 10-year-old Henry.

JoeInfo journalist Anna Ash recalls that Julia Roberts received. The star will play the role of the mother of an adult son in the drama film “Ben is Back.”

Ask yourself these questions before it’s too late.

Chantal Gerber is the co-founder of Want2Discover, a project dedicated to self-development.

You can close this article right now, pretend that you have never seen it, and continue to live as you lived. But when are you planning to challenge yourself to live a bigger, more meaningful, more fulfilling and meaningful life?

You see, many of us live on autopilot. We no longer direct the course of our lives, but become part of standard patterns and routines. And what’s most unpleasant is that we begin to become satisfied with this comfort, we stop pushing ourselves towards a more meaningful life. If you, too, feel like you're living on autopilot, then it's probably time to ask yourself some important questions—ones we often avoid because they can push us out of our comfort zone. But it's never too late to change the course of your life. And the questions from the list below are the first step to realizing what you should change and how to act differently. But be sure to answer honestly and don't be afraid of difficult, conflicting emotions - this is exactly what you need to push yourself to make much-needed changes.

1. Do you like the person you have become?
2. What will people say about you at your funeral?
3. What will you regret not doing in your life?
4. What is the wisest thought you have ever heard?
5. What have you learned from your personal bitter experience?
6. How often do your greatest anxieties and fears come true?
7. If you had a year to live, what would you try to achieve?
8. Do you serve money, or is money in your service?
9. Are you afraid to be yourself around other people? Why?
10. What are you grateful for?
11. Have you done anything recently that you are proud of?
12. Have you done something kind recently?
13. If you knew that you would die tomorrow, what questions would you ask yourself?
14. If your worst fears came true, would it matter five years later?
15. How would you describe yourself?
16. Do you take other people's advice?
17. Do you get offended quickly?
18. Do you consider yourself a pleasant person?
19. “What we receive ensures our existence. What we give creates our life” - What do these words of Winston Churchill mean to you?
20. Do you enrich the lives of others in some way?
21. Do you live a meaningful life?
22. What is a meaningful life?
23. Would you give your life to save the life of another person?
24. How much are you willing to sacrifice for people in poverty?
25. If you could live the same day over and over again, what would you choose to do that day?
26. Do you consider yourself an important person and worthy of affection and love?
27. What will make you feel more worthy? What should become different about you?
28. What upsets you most often?
29. Would you agree to work less (and do things you love) and earn less?
30. What brings you peace?
31. What is the main quality you look for in others?
32. What is your main dream?
33. What is your main fear?
34. How would the world be different if you had never been born?
35. What life lessons do you wish you knew ten years ago?
36. If you could tell your younger self one thing, what would it be?
37. If your life was a movie, what would it be called?
38. If your life was a movie, would you enjoy watching it?
39. What does success mean to you?
40. If you could become a different person, what kind of person would you become?
41. What was the best day of your life? Why do you think so?
42. What are you most looking forward to in life?
43. From which bad habits would you like to refuse?
44. Who is your authority and why?
45. Do you know your partner's love language?
46. ​​Do the people you love most know how much you love them?
47. Are you satisfied with the depth of your relationships with people?
48. What do you owe yourself?
49. Considering your current daily life, what do you hope to achieve in five years?
50. Do you often say “yes” when you really want to say “no”? Why?
51. What did you learn yesterday?
52. What do you like about yourself?
53. Would you call yourself a generous person?
54. When people talk to you, do you really listen?
55. What is the most important thing you need to change in your life this year?
56. How many hours a week do you spend on the Internet?
57. What are your most common negative thoughts? Is there any logic to them?
58. Do you think that it is too late for you to take on some things? Why?
59. If you could become the most powerful person in the world, what would you change?
60. How much time do you spend with family and friends?
61. Where do you want to be in five years?
62. Do things that are not necessary complicate your life?
63. How could you simplify your life and focus on what matters most?
64. What causes you stress?
65. What makes your life easier?
66. How often do you share something without expecting to receive something in return?
67. What is the main challenge in your life?
68. What is the most important thing for you in life? Are you spending enough time on this?
69. If you could send a message to the world, what would you say in 30 seconds?
70. What do you not tell anyone about and really regret it?
71. When you're in last time tried something new?
72. Are you afraid to express your own opinion?
73. Do you often give in to the persuasion of others and then feel resentful and regretful?
74. Are you holding on to something that needs to be left behind?
75. How often do you allow your fears to keep you from taking action?
76. Do the people in your life help you be your best self?
77. How often do you get rid of others with excuses?
78. What mistake will you never make again?
79. What's worse: failing or not trying at all?
80. What helped your personal growth more - challenges and trials or pleasant and cozy moments in life?
81. If you could make sure that there were no more challenges or obstacles in your life, would you agree to it?
82. What stands between you and yourself main goal? Give a one word answer.
83. How often do you go to bed feeling angry or angry?
84. Is it wrong to steal to feed a hungry child?
85. If you paid more attention to the sad aspects of life, would you experience more internal conflicts?
86. If you learn from mistakes, why is it so bad to fail?
87. What in life could you pay more attention to?
88. Why do we think about other people most when they are not around?
89. What does it mean to get the most out of your life?
90. In what ways have you given up or given up?
91. How many people do you really love and what do you do for them?
92. Do you ask enough questions, or are you happy with what you already know?
93. What were you doing the last time you lost track of time?
94. Will you be happy if you no longer have to work?
95. If you could ask for one wish to be granted, what would it be?
96. What inspires you in life?
97. What is the thing you most can't live without?
98. What do you like to do over and over again?
99. When was the last time you laughed until your stomach hurt?
100. What is stopping you from living the life you want to live? Hopefully, after studying these questions, your brain is going crazy with all sorts of thoughts and ideas. This is exactly what you need! By taking the time and effort to answer these questions, you are almost guaranteed to find greater depth in your life. If we always avoided important questions that provoke us to make life changes, nothing would change!

All respondents were asked the same question: “What is the meaning of human life?”

(00.08) It is believed that this is one of the most important significant issues for a person. And it is interesting because they tried to answer it at many historical stages, over many generations.

(00.25) We, the youth, have now been imposed some kind of false idea about the so-called universal human values. Translated into Russian, universal human values ​​sound something like this; they are promoted to us from the screens of American films, these values. What is their meaning? - Go fill your belly! Go fill your pockets! And have sex! From the point of view of a Russian person, this is a dream of mortal sins. These universal human values ​​are just the bottom, the swamp, into which you can fall and be lost.

(01.04) If only I knew. There is no single answer. There is no single answer because everyone is different.

(01.21) Serious and big question, which, I think, should rather not be asked by a person, but rather should be asked by a person in relation to life. When life asks a person, how can you justify your existence? Why did you come into this world? What can you realize from what you are? How can you use all the potential that you have?

(01.48) Human existence is constantly in the process of development, constantly in some kind of systems of change. That is why, probably, it cannot be said that there is a meaning, and that is what it is. Rather, it is about looking for it. And find it for yourself in each specific period of time.

(02.16) Viktor Frankl, who founded this meaning-oriented psychotherapy, he often said that when he gave reports in America, people came up to him. These were, perhaps, sometimes managers who did not have enough time, these managers, due to lack of time, said: “Mr. Professor, I don’t have time to listen to you, could you now briefly say what the meaning of life is, I can’t listen to the report ? “And I will give you an answer,” said Viktor Frankl, “if you answer me, what is the most successful move in a chess game?” And the answers were different. They said, “Depends on how the pieces are arranged, who the chess players are,” etc. And to the same extent, each person is unique, he meets once.

(03.40) If you suddenly managed to live your entire life from beginning to end in an absolutely clichéd way and according to schemes, then your life would be meaningless.

(03.52) Maybe I’ll say something a little unusual. But the meaning of life is objective, without any feelings, desires and human desires. The meaning of human life is death. We will die, and no one has ever escaped death, so the meaning of every person’s life is death. This means preparation for death. In short, this is what it sounds like.

How to prepare for death?

Preparing for death is an even more complex issue. Because to prepare for death you need to go through school, I would say even an institute, or maybe even an academy. Because the Holy Fathers say that Orthodoxy is the science of sciences, and the art of arts. We learn throughout our entire life until death. We do not finish our studies at school, at a technical school, at an institute. We study until our deathbeds. And these lessons, they pass with us every day, without stopping, and pass.

What is the meaning of human life?

(05.01) I believe that in order to realize my creative potential. Still, each of us creates our own world, our own inner world. These are my feelings of like, dislike, love, interest, like - don't like, according to my liking - not according to my liking. I create it. Everyone creates their own own world. And of course, we create space around us, at home, in the country, in the world, in space. We create our own world, we realize our creative potential. And we become like the creator somehow.

(05.47) The meaning of life is that you must go through all these stages and make sure that your decisions are correct, that your actions are correct.

(05.59) To have time to love. To have time to become happy. There is little time. And you need to do everything in time, and there is so little of it. But we don’t know our own death.

(06.14) The meaning of life is, I think so, I believe in it, to meet and connect with God.

(06.29) The question of the meaning of life is divided into several questions. The meaning of life as such, as the result of my existence, the answer to which I can give when I no longer have any other opportunities, as they say, on my deathbed. And such intermediate questions about the meaning of life that I ask at every moment of my existence.

(06.54) The meaning of life is from life itself, in its continuation from biological point vision. And there is no need to prove it or look for it. When a person lives, he does not need to look for the meaning of life. And indeed, when he loses some goal, when he sees his uselessness, he begins to think and look for the meaning of life, which has always existed for him regardless of his desire.

(07.29) Meaning always comes later, meaning is an attempt to understand. Meaning cannot be constructed in advance. We set goals in advance. The meaning is impossible. We look back at the life of a simple Moscow pediatrician, she herself, Lyudmila Vladimirovna, looks back at her life and asks the question: “So what? And what am I living for? The most important thing is this question. “And suddenly I understand - wow! There was something in this! There’s something in this, in what I lived!” And I’m looking into it! I don't have a clear answer. For example, if they say “Oh, that was wonderful!”, this is not about anything. Because everything was difficult. I can give this answer: “Wonderful!” The most important thing is that I understand that everything was more than I expected. And this is actually terribly interesting. This means there was meaning in my life.

What is the meaning of human life?

(08.28) Again, back to the Gospel. There the Lord gives an example of a parable about a crazy rich man who has accumulated enormous wealth for himself; it happens that he has a hungry year, but here it’s somehow strange. I sowed as usual, but 10 times more came up than usual. Who will not be touched in heart and rejoice in soul? He thinks, “Well, now, theoretically, I can go 10 years without sowing.” Very good. The question now is where to put all this? He says: “And now I will tear down my storehouses and build new ones, and my soul will eat, drink, and be merry!” and the Lord answers: “Madman! This very night your soul will be taken from you!” What is the meaning of life? Be on time. What did you manage to do? What has this rich man done? I managed to think about the temporary, that now I will be happy.

(09.36) No matter how beautiful and wonderful life is, and full of all kinds of gifts, it still ends. And this end of life hangs over everyone like an ax. When we are young, the ax is far away. When we get older, the ax is closer. This is the fear of death, it somewhat poisons everything that we have accumulated, that we have collected, everything that we have done, especially the good that we have done. All this must disappear with us. And the meaning of life is to find this thread that will connect us to eternity. And eternity for me lies in the pain of man, in Christ.

(10.24) The most basic core subject in our life is humility. Patience, humility, which make up love. Because God is love, and the closer we come to the divine nature, the more love we have. And you can approach it only through humility and patience. Accordingly, the more our teacher likes us, just like at the institute, and we are given a higher grade.

(10.54) For me (10.56) are quite close and winding; I found meaning for myself in serving God and the Divine. It's short, but for me it's everything. I was born into a godless family, I never heard of God in my youth, but quickly enough these questions of the meaning of life began to occupy me, and I realized that if I did not find answers to this question within myself, life would be meaningless. Which means it’s worthless. That's how it happened, through the hippie movement, through music, through the counterculture, I came to Orthodox Church. And here I received all the answers to my questions quite satisfactorily.

(11.41) A person who has children, grandchildren, etc., he tries with all his might to convey his experience and interacts with them. He doesn’t like something there, he wants to convey his baggage, rich and useful at the time he lived, to the extent that it is needed in our time. And as long as he has the opportunity to interact with his children and grandchildren, he does not have a problem with the meaning of life.

(12.19) Precisely sacrifice, if you like. Here is Father Vasily, our confessor, he served sacrificially. And he infected many spiritual people, maybe several thousand people, with this love and gift of his. And it’s not that I would like to repeat his path, we have a different path, but the basis is the same - love for one’s neighbor.

What is the meaning of human life?

(12.55) The meaning of life is to fulfill one's duties and satisfy God, because he created this whole system. And we are parts of this system, which is ultimately designed to satisfy this whole. And such an analogy is given to characterize, say, a hand or a finger. They interact perfectly in the body. But if you separate the finger from the body, it will become useless, it will not fulfill its duty, its duties.

(13.38) As for happiness, it naturally follows from the meaning of life. If a person has a high meaning in life, and in general there is a meaning in life, then the achievement of this meaning is the state of happiness when a person has achieved it.

And in this sense, I really like it, probably our wonderful Saint Seraphim of Sarov said it best on this topic. From the point of view of the modern man in the street, he was generally a beggar. He had nothing, just a homespun shirt. He himself cut down the hut in which he lived. For 3 years he ate a decoction of the herb, he kept a fast, he did not eat anything. But he was the happiest man on earth. And here is Seraphim of Sarov, because God’s grace flowed like a river to him from heaven, it even materialized. Sometimes in the evenings people saw a radiance coming from him. So Seraphim of Sarov expressed in three words the meaning of the life of an Orthodox Russian person, a Russian person in general. He said: "Acquiring the Holy Spirit."

That is, you have to live your life like this, and like this good deeds to acquire this holy spirit, to prepare the soul, to cleanse it. This. A person can take indefinitely. And what more people takes, the more he lacks. But he can only give to people what he has. He gave it, and that makes him happy. If people rewarded him for this, then that’s also very good. Therefore, I believe that the conversation about happiness is still far ahead for all of us. We have our own concept of good and evil. About sin and virtue. Of course, a person should do as much good as possible in life. And we must hurry to do this good, otherwise life is not so great. This is why we probably came here, to do good. Find love, neighbors, children, grandchildren, in general, prolong this life, bring benefit to both your homeland and your state. Then the person will truly be happy. For example, I consider myself happy man. I have a business that I have laid my life on. The fight for the sobering of our people.

It’s cool when an interview suddenly becomes so extensive that it can easily generate pages of content on a website. And all the words, as usual, are to the point and to the point. Thanks again to Armen Petrosyan for, and of course, part 3!

Most people try to attract attention to themselves: unconsciously, not out of malice. Maybe from a misunderstanding. This was all present for me too. When you start doing something online, you want people to pay attention to you.

In this way, a person tries to understand why he exists. But when you realize that you can attract attention by jumping out into the street naked and starting to scream. Yes, you attracted attention, but then you don’t do anything useful.

When you share meanings, they become opportunities for others to change...

About the meaning of life

In my understanding, the meaning of life comes down to receiving joy from what you do consciously. You look at what interests you, what brings you joy, and talk about it. And you gather around you people who are on your wavelength.

After all, when people gather around them people who are not on their wavelength, they need to be artificially restrained, cunning or deceived.

About travel

When I wrote what I wanted, I wrote that I was not interested in just going on a trip. I don’t go anywhere as a tourist at all. I don't like. One of my goals was, for example: if I came to London, I would have someone to talk to there. Not just for money, but so that there would be people there who would be interested in talking to me. Or I thought: “I want to be in good company, so that, on the one hand, I can see the territory and at the same time find new interesting communication.”

Through Facebook I found those with whom I went. It turned out to be amazing people. I still really enjoy communicating with them. And later, all four became the authors of “It’s Interesting to Live.”

And the year before last I flew to New York... I came alone. I went and looked. I realized that I didn’t really like it. I prefer to find people who live in the places I visit, who can show the city from the inside.

About change

You yourself must be the change you want to see around you. I always say that the success of any project depends on who does it.

For example, I don’t believe those doctors who claim that smoking is harmful if they themselves smoke. The same should be true here. If I read about or freelancing ( Yaroslav: I work on websites), or about travel, I would go to your page and find nothing about the fact that you are traveling; or you live differently than you try to teach others, I would not only not believe you, but I would also try not to go there again and not waste time on you.

Another question is that you can simply try to attract attention, try to inspire, try to motivate. And only history can motivate. The story must be honest. She may be beautiful, but this is show business again.

About expressing opinions

I don’t understand at all what the point is in expressing my opinion. You just need to tell the meaning that you yourself experienced in the hope that it may be useful to someone. Ask my opinion about Roza Rymbaeva. Who is interested in it, who needs it? It's a different question if I said, “I'm listening her and I remember my childhood, and I feel good!” Everything else is empty hot air.

Maybe I’m too primitive and can’t understand why I need to spend my limited time and attention on information that I won’t apply in my life.

About meanings and generated content

Sharing meanings is beneficial. You talk about what signal influenced you, where you received it and where another person can receive it. Tell us how you converted this signal into information and why; and how another person can transform it. Next, you show how you converted this information into action, how you acted, and how someone else can repeat your actions. And you tell him what changes your actions have led to, and how you evaluate them: Are you happy with them, or not happy.

It's like a collection of recipes. No one can get enough of having bought a recipe book and read it. He must buy food himself, cook something himself, eat properly - not get poisoned, not overeat. So, when you share, you tell the recipe.

As a conclusion

I have a huge request to ask. If you have time, sit down and write down ten ideas that you personally learned from what I said. For me, this is even more important than the interview that will result.