What does the name Julia mean? How the name is translated into different languages

The name Julia has quite ancient roots and to find out its meaning, you need to look deep into history. Historians offer us at least two theories of its origin.

According to one version, the name is Greek and comes from the word yulos (ϊουλος), which translates as “fluffy” or “wavy”. So according to this theory the meaning of the name Yulia is “fluffy” or “wavy”.

According to the second theory, the name is Julia, female uniform named Julius. Well, the name Julius comes from the Yuliev family and means “from the Yuliev family.” By the way, there is a similar theory regarding the name Sergei. This name is also attributed to origin from one patrician family - the Sergeev family.

The meaning of the name Julia for a girl

Girls named Yulia grow up to be friendly and friendly children. They find it easily common language with other children. Likes to share toys, which is not typical for children. At the same time, they are happy almost all the time and charge those around them with joy. Julia is an obedient girl and her upbringing will not cause any difficulties for her parents.

In her studies, Yulia can get good grades, but with knowledge it is more difficult. If she likes the subject and considers it important, then her knowledge will be top level. If the subject is not interesting to her, then this is knowledge for one day, as they say, “pass and forget.” Studying is rarely important for Yulia, which in principle does not affect her performance.

Yulia is in good health, but like many people she has weaknesses. Yulia has enough problem area Usually there are ears. She catches them easily, especially in adolescence. Nothing helps here except precautions.

Short name Julia

Julia, Yulyok, Yulka.

Diminutive pet names

Yulechka, Yulenka, Yulyushka, Yulchik, Yulenok.

Name Julia in English

IN English The name Julia is spelled Julia.

Name Yulia for international passport- IULIIA, according to the machine transliteration rules adopted in Russia in 2006.

Translation of the name Yulia into other languages

in Arabic - جوليا (read as Yu-li-ya)
in Bulgarian - Julia
in Greek - Ιουλία
in Spanish - Julia
in Italian - Giulia
in Chinese - 朱莉娅 (pronounced Yu-li-a)
in German - Julia
in Romanian - Iulia
in Tatar - Yulia (with emphasis on the last syllable)
in Ukrainian - Yulia
in French - Julie
in Japanese - ジュリア (read as Yuria)

Church name Julia(V Orthodox faith) is written as Julia.

Characteristics of the name Julia

If we try to characterize the name Julia, then most likely she could be called changeable. She can quite easily become sad out of nowhere and then begin to rejoice again. The main thing is not to disturb her unnecessarily at the moment of a change in mood. She can also be described as a “hostess”. This character trait influences her life priorities and daily behavior.

At work, Yulia is a good employee. She rarely works for pleasure and achieves success in her work, but she performs her duties well. The main thing here is to find evaluation criteria in your work. She goes to work “from bell to bell” and happily runs home as soon as possible.

Family for Yulia is the most important thing in life. She evaluates her own success by looking at her family. Is there a car, what kind of house is it, what food is in the house, how are the children dressed? She asks herself all these questions every day and strives for everything to be of the highest standard. She chooses a husband who is hard-working and who appreciates such care. He raises his children for show and doesn’t devote much time to their upbringing. But we can definitely say that she loves them very much.

The secret of the name Julia

Much of what Julia does for her family is not for her loved ones. This is her thing and you would rather have a perfect picture than a friendly and loving family. From the outside it will almost always seem that everything is perfect at Yulia’s home. This is why she tries so hard. If she finds a husband with the same approach to life, then the idyll will really be close.

Another secret can be called her sentimentality. Knowing this, she tries to avoid situations in which it will become noticeable to others. Often cries while watching movies. Take care of this feature, it is rare these days.

Planet- Sun.

Zodiac sign- Lev.

Totem animal- Dragonfly.

Name color- Bright yellow.

Tree- Oak.

Plant- Sunflower.

Stone- Amber.

Despite meaning of the name Julia translated from Greek as “fluffy”, this girl is not as kind and sweet as she might seem at first glance. She may well show “thorns” if someone even slightly touches her vulnerable nature. The owner of this beautiful female name does not tolerate being “remade” to suit her, and criticism of her will more often than not turn out to be just a reason for resentment.

For Yulenka has great value so that she is understood and accepted with all her shortcomings. This especially applies to mom and dad. Her cheerfulness will only delight when she is treated with respect and understanding.

The meaning of the name Julia for a child is such that only persuasion and logical explanations will work on her - why this cannot be done. Raising your voice and using physical force will not achieve any positive educational effect.

For teenage Yulia, the interpretation of the name will not change its meaning either. Leadership, rebellion, the desire to stand out and self-confidence - these are the qualities that a girl will show in school years, especially if methods of authoritarian pressure were used during upbringing. All these rebellious traits are easily combined with good nature and deep intelligence.

The origin of the name Julia takes its roots from Ancient Rome, where the name of Yul was the name of the son of the founder of Alba Longa - Aeneas. In the country where this name originated, its etymology is attributed to the word Yulos, the meaning of which is fluffy, or curly.

The most memorable story of ancient times concerns Julia of Corsican, whose name is remembered by Christians for her unshakable faith. Sold into slavery by Eusebius, she refused to leave the ship off the coast of Corsica to make a pagan sacrifice.

Having drunk Eusebius, the governor of this area tried to force the woman to commit pagan rite, and upon hearing the refusal ordered her to be crucified.

Before the crucifixion, the woman was tortured for a long time, beaten, dragged by her hair, but she did not succumb. Now the mystery of the name Julia has not lost its ancient meaning– this girl will never do anything that is contrary to her principles, even under pain of death.

Characteristics of the name Julia

At first glance, you might think that Julia is a stronghold of kindness and balance, but inside this girl is not so calm. A stream of passions rages in her soul, and energy and frantic activity - main characteristic named Yulia. If she knows how to direct her energy in the right direction, then best friend, a defender and a psychologist rolled into one – you can’t find one.

Julia's character, like other people, has its pros and cons. The most important negative trait can be considered practically complete absence responsibility, and the ability to put your problems on the shoulders of others, blaming the circumstances, the weather - or anything, just not yourself.

By nature, she is a “lighter”, she likes to be like that, and her energy allows her to show herself as the ringleader and the soul of the company. But sociability and activity will never affect the girl’s somewhat aristocratic judgment. She will not stoop to ordinary drinking with strangers; it is beneath her dignity.

She needs those around her to correspond to her ideas about a cultural society; she is attracted to luxury, which results in the ability to quickly and quietly squander money. Yulenka does not like conflicts, so she tries to stay away from aggressive people, and this may give the impression of timidity, but she herself does not attach much importance to such a mental trait.


After a turbulent teenage life, having matured, Yulia calms down. She loses much of her selfishness and gives greater value the opinions of others. But still, a spark of rebellion remains in her, and love relationships it manifests itself in full.

She can remain without a partner for a very long time, although there will always be many caring men in her circle. Most likely, she will choose someone who can not only come to terms with her vital energy, but also feed it with his own. This means that Julia’s partner is guaranteed an intense relationship, intense passion and all the ensuing consequences.

When starting a family, the girl will moderate her ardor a little and will try to look for a “golden mean” in the relationship. For her, comfort and tranquility at the family hearth are of great importance. This means that she will leave all the riots and outbursts of emotions outside the threshold of the family nest.

She will make an excellent, but not selfless, mother. She will never remain on maternity leave for long, and at the first opportunity she will run to her favorite job. Innate independence will be her faithful companion in her relationship with her husband; she will never depend on him.

Yulina’s energy demands to go out, and no force can force her to sit at home, so her husband will periodically perform the duties of a wife. She will not put pressure on him, but she will also not tolerate pushing herself.

Business and career

Even at school, studying was a burden for Yulia, which means she will choose a job that suits her – where she doesn’t have to sit still for a long time and do dreary, painstaking work. She is very active, and professions that require creativity and continuous activity are especially suitable for her.

The fact that a girl does not like to study does not mean that she is not capable of self-development. She just doesn’t want to mark time, and her favorite job, which will truly captivate her, will force Yulia to improve her skills and successfully climb the career ladder.

The meaning of the name, character and fate

Julia is secretive, fearful and indecisive. But he knows how to carefully control his fears. Because of this, others get the impression that Julia is a cold, dispassionate and arrogant person.

IN at a young age requires constant attention and care from parents, and in adulthood - from his partner. At the same time, he is a very strong-willed person, although he tries not to demonstrate this side of his character unless absolutely necessary. If the need does arise, it is better not to stand in its way: to achieve her goal, Julia will, without hesitation, sweep away all obstacles.

IN stressful situation acts quickly and harshly. Fear comes to her post factum.

Has well-developed intuition. Add to this a lively and inquisitive mind, good memory, the ability to listen and hear, and you will understand why Yulia becomes excellent lawyers, psychologists, and teachers.

Julia is quite ambitious. If she chooses a career, it means she will become the best in her profession. If Julia tries on the role of wife and mother, she will be the best in this too.

As a rule, there are many books in Julia’s house, including books about art. Enjoys visiting museums, art galleries, theaters. Has a creative hobby: drawing, photography, embroidery, etc.

Very honest and responsible. Doesn't tolerate lies. Has a hard time dealing with betrayal (both from a partner and from friends).

She does not tolerate someone else’s point of view being imposed on her.

Touchy and vindictive.

With all this, her close friends adore her for her hospitable home, her willingness to lend a shoulder and help with sensible advice.

The most difficult words for Julia: “I need help.” Julia tries to solve all her problems on her own.

  1. Personality. The meaning of the name Julia is those who make up the wine of life.
  2. Character. 86%.
  3. Radiation. 88%.
  4. Vibration. 83,000 vibrations/s.
  5. Color. Red.
  6. Main features. Name analysis: sociability - receptivity - intuition - health.
  7. Totem plant. Vine.
  8. Totem animal. Deer.
  9. Sign. Scales.
  10. Type. Julias are secretive, somewhat timid and indecisive. Like their totem, the vine, they require care in order to bloom in time. Happy marriage or interesting work for them it is the purpose of life.
  11. Psyche. They avoid conflicts with society and the world, they are a little wild. They have somewhat aristocratic manners and do not like popular entertainment, such as fairs.
  12. Will. Yulia does everything not to show the strength of her character. But there is a will, and at the right time it makes itself felt.
  13. Excitability. Very strong and combined with quick response. It is amazing that this excessive excitability is adjacent to an amazing external coldness.
  14. Reaction speed. In order not to show that this situation frightens or worries them, Yulia restrains her emotions to such an extent that she seems completely impassive.
  15. Field of activity. They don’t like to study, they do it only when necessary. Either they choose to live at home and then become unsurpassed housewives and ideal wives, or they combine household duties with the profession of a lawyer, psychiatrist, flight attendant, etc.
  16. Intuition. These women have the ability to foresee the most important stages of your life.
  17. Intelligence. Yul has a lively mind, prone to generalizations, an excellent memory, but they are not too inquisitive.
  18. Susceptibility. If Julia and people like her become attached to someone, then it will be for a long time, and perhaps forever. Very careful, often for many years waiting for their fairy prince.
  19. Moral. These women have a sense of self-worth, they are true to their word and always fulfill their obligations. Yulia is equally friendly with both men and women and has a hard time dealing with betrayal or dishonest actions.
  20. Health. Impeccable. They never complain, are tireless and resilient. The only thing weak point in their body - internal secretion organs.
  21. Sexuality. They are reserved, which does not exclude outbursts of sensuality, especially when they meet an ideal partner.
  22. Activity. It takes a lot of tact and at the same time perseverance to develop activity in these girls. Yulia considers imposing her point of view on someone reprehensible.
  23. Sociability. Overcome their difficulties life problems on one's own. Relatives should take care that they do not lose contact with society.

Inquisitive minds are still trying to answer the question of how the sound vibrations of spoken words affect a person, incl. proper names.

Why do some sound combinations give us unpleasant associations, while others give us a feeling of happiness? Why do some people feel comfortable with their name, while others hate it with every fiber of their being?

Scientist and researcher Velichko F.K. suggested that every word we pronounce has its own rhythm and vibrations. If these waves do not coincide with a person’s internal vibrations, he feels discomfort and anxiety.

  • Stone - Amber.
  • Name days - May 31, July 29.
  • Horoscope or zodiac sign of the name - Leo, Libra.

Famous people

  • Yulia Lipnitskaya – Olympic champion in singles figure skating in 2014.
  • Yulia Vysotskaya – Russian actress, TV presenter (culinary programs).
  • Yulia Savicheva – Russian singer, actress, Eurovision 2004 participant. Read more:

Name forms

  • Full name: Julia.
  • Derivatives, diminutive, abbreviated and other variants - Yulyasha, Yulka, Yulenka, Yulyushka, Yuliko, Yulechka, Yulchenok.
  • Declension of the name – Yulia, Yulia.
  • The church name in Orthodoxy is Julia.

She is gifted with a wonderful sense of humor, endowed with a wonderful mind, and is distinguished by amazing observation and resourcefulness. She is capable of showing such resourcefulness that many will envy, and can get away with almost any situation. At the same time, she tends to take unjustified risks, get involved in adventures, and be extremely unrestrained, which often results in getting into unpleasant situations.

Origin of the name Julia

The name Julia came to us from Eastern European areas, where it was taken from the Greek language. The name itself came from the Roman family, originating from “Yul”, which meant “from the Julian family”. It is interesting that in Scandinavian countries this name is mainly given to children whose birth occurred in the month of December, because in their language the name is consonant with the word “Christmas”.

The meaning of the name Julia

Translated from Greek, Julia means “fluffy” or “curly.” Now let's see how soft and fluffy Yulia's character is.

Personality of the name Julia

Yulia has a rather capricious character, but she is quite capable, the inclinations of which lie deep in their soul. They are fascinated by everything connected with something fantastic and supernatural. They like to do charity work, help those in need, giving goodness and bringing happiness. The sense of responsibility among girls with this name is not so well developed, but they can listen to the advice of others and unquestioningly follow instructions. They, who need a strong will like air, so girls will only be glad if there is a person nearby who has developed this trait from birth.

Yulia is a very touchy and vulnerable girl, and their mood changes very often and unexpectedly, and very dramatically: from noisy and cheerful to apathetic and lethargic. As soon as the mood drops, it is better to leave Yulia alone and not touch her; it will take very little time and she will become normal again. It is very difficult to argue with a girl; she will stand her ground until the last moment, and only in the most exceptional cases It is with great difficulty that she can admit that she is wrong. But despite this, she is always surrounded by friends, which she takes for granted. For the most part, Yulia is laconic and indecisive in her actions, so it is important for parents to begin to develop activity and activity in her from an early age.

This girl has no particular zeal for learning in any of its manifestations and does it only because it is necessary. But she has an excellent memory, so if you arouse her curiosity, she can show serious success. What is really interesting to most of them is fortune telling and everything related to mysticism. And girls prefer to read romance novels.

High intelligence allows Julia to choose the field of activity that their heart truly lies in. They make good lawyers, medical workers, art critics, artists, flight attendants and fashion models.

A girl with that name doesn’t really like to take the initiative, but if you entrust her with a task, you can be sure that she will complete it on time and efficiently. She can’t stand lengthy and tedious moralizing and she doesn’t seek to lecture anyone. It is very difficult for her to forgive and survive betrayal, as well as failures that occur on life path. Circumstances and other people are more likely to be blamed for problems, even if in fact they themselves are to blame.

Most girls named Yulia have a beautiful athletic figure from birth, they like to dress beautifully and fashionably, and look feminine. No one is indifferent to them, some love them, and some are jealous. But this does not bring them happiness.

As a rule, they are reserved and sensual at the same time, especially when a person they really like comes along their way. These girls love sex, but they have little passion. Feeling her popularity among the stronger sex, Julia does not get lost and skillfully manipulates men.

But family life is very problematic. She doesn’t like running a household and sitting within four walls, taking on the role of a mother of a family and a housewife, although she does all these things well. Yulia has a lot of friends and she is always happy to host guests, and sometimes this approach turns the house not into a cozy hearth, but into a passageway, which becomes a cause of conflict with family members.

The fate of the name Yulia

Characteristics of some areas in the life of Yuli.

  • Health . Little Julia is prone to laryngitis and pharyngitis, which by adulthood often transform into the stage of a chronic disease. Girls who were born in December more often have problems with an unstable psyche, can often throw tantrums and become problematic in their upbringing. Another weak point of all Yulias is their teeth, which begin to hurt quite early.
  • Love and marriage . It’s difficult for Yulia to settle down even after reaching mature age. They tend to express themselves through sex, showing their partner all their whims and morals, without hiding anything. But it’s impossible to say that these girls have a superficial attitude towards sex; on the contrary, for them it is a natural continuation of personal relationships, so they still take it seriously. Relationships develop most favorably with men named Eugene, peacock, Titus, Julian, and Julia rarely gets along with Prokhor, Firs, Dasius, Varlaam.
  • Career and business . For girls with this name there are no special barriers and they can achieve financial and career success, in principle, in any field in which their soul lies. The only thing you need to pay attention to is wasteful generosity, which is aimed at loved ones and friends. This trait is not in the best possible way will affect the prosperity of this area. It is also worth giving up the bad habit of sometimes throwing dust in the eyes of other people.
  • Profession . Yulia is endowed with the talent of a businessman and has a well-developed logical thinking, which can find its application in the banking industry or in trade. In addition, with due diligence, Yulia can become wonderful actress, manager or producer.

A girl named Julia, born under the auspices of Aries and its origins, will grow up to be spectacular and sincere, popular and respected, but changeable. It will not be easy to predict her - today she is kind and positive, but tomorrow she will become a tough and rude predator. Future spouse must be able to flatter beautifully.


Taurus gives birth to a nature named Julia, who is narcissistic and persistent, harmful and impatient, manipulating the world around her and able to show persistence in achieving her goals, with a difficult character. She loves “material joys” and courtship, but will not sacrifice freedom for them.


Geminis have a restless and frivolous, but artistic and cheerful nature. Adventurism, a huge flow of ideas, imagination, daydreaming - all this is good, but there is no sense of purpose. It is difficult for such a lady in her personal life - there is no constancy, there is only love for passion.


Cancer - this zodiac sign promises mannerism, grumbling, imbalance, emotionality, dependence on mood and slowness, especially in making decisions, to the one named Julia. But there is also constancy - with this you don’t have to worry about tomorrow, because everything is calculated down to the smallest detail.


Leo will give Yulia beauty, narcissism, success, superiority, charm and a realistic outlook on life. But there is also self-interest - it will easily resort to deception and lies for the sake of profit. Selfishness also manifests itself in relationships with men, and hence poor compatibility with masculine signs.


Virgo - under this zodiac a girl will be born who is reasonable, pragmatic, proud, purposeful, but dependent on material wealth. There will be no place for laziness and frivolity in her life, but there is a place for inflated conceit - she doesn’t care about the opinions of the people around her, she loves only herself.


Libra - those born under the auspices of this zodiac sign will become a soft, cheerful, calm, independent and impressionable lady. She is eloquent, attractive, knows how to listen and delve into a problem, but is tough in relationships with the opposite sex. Able to adapt to the environment.


Scorpio will endow the girl with the name Julia, who appears under his protection, with lust for power, rigidity, unceremoniousness, excessive straightforwardness and rudeness. A born leader, he will not yield leadership to anyone and will defend it by any means.


Sagittarius - here in the person named after Julia, such traits as openness, independence, categoricalness, ruthlessness in criticism, justice and fidelity reign. She will become an excellent wife and loving mother. Will be successful workers in areas where criticism or a sober view is required (judging, etc.).


Capricorn - compatibility with men is not great, because he will look for an ideal, a knight on a white horse. Inherent factors such as determination, hard work, prudence, practicality, honesty, isolation. They often say about such women that “she is from another reality.”


Aquarius will give young Yulechka a secretive and indifferent nature, a complex and secret character that cannot be understood by the people around her. But this is a changeable nature - having met true love, wake up, change, become ideal woman, faithful wife.


Pisces are the main features of this sign, manifested in those named by this name: pragmatism, prudence, intuition, creativity and unsociability. This one will dream of a family, loving husband, and children - she doesn’t need career growth, noisy companies, fun and acquaintances.

Additional information

The name Julia has been popular at all times. Thanks to its pleasant, soft pronunciation, it goes harmoniously with many patronymics and surnames. A woman with such beautiful name has a special character that sets her apart from other representatives of the fair half of humanity.

Origin of the name Julia

The name Julia has Latin roots and came to Russian soil with the spread of the Christian faith.

Julius - exactly like that Ancient Rome often called men. Women own name didn't have. They were called by the name of their father or husband: if one of them was Julius, then his daughter or wife should have been Julia. That is why one of the translation options for the name sounds as follows - “the one who is from the Yuli family.” WITH Latin language the word “julius” is translated as “curly”, “fluffy”.

The meaning of the name Julia for a child

A sociable and emotional girl with such a soft name is always a leader in any company. She is so sociable that she easily gathers around her a whole circle of friends and acquaintances. The secret of the name Julia for a girl characterizes her as a friendly and obedient child. She is a little timid, irresponsible and frivolous. However, this girl differs little from her peers. With good upbringing or having fallen under positive influence, she can achieve excellent results in her studies.

Parents who want their child to be sociable, with a soft, slightly capricious and eccentric character, can safely call their daughter Yulia.

Adult Julia: the secret of the name

A sharp mind, resourcefulness, observation, a unique sense of humor - these are the character traits that a woman named Yulia possesses. She is prone to adventures, unjustified risks and casual acquaintances. Because of this, at a young age, owners of this name often find themselves in extreme situations.

The meaning and secret of the name Julia reveals her as an unrestrained and capricious person. And if we add to this her emotionality, then in the event of a quarrel there is no doubt that the showdown will be stormy. All Yulias are touchy people. But at the same time, they quickly forget about the quarrel, and after a while they behave as if it never happened.

At the same time, Julia is very sociable and moves through life easily. He is not afraid to change his profession or place of residence, and quickly adapts to new living conditions.

Character traits

Owners of this name are characterized by sudden changes in mood. Cheerful and cheerful Yulia suddenly becomes gloomy and apathetic. If you leave her alone for a while, she will again become the same as before.

Julia loves and knows how to argue. At the same time, she considers her opinion to be the only correct one. It is almost impossible to argue with this woman. The secret of the name Julia reveals her as a great dreamer. Her childhood passion for science fiction does not go unnoticed. Unusual stories There are a lot of stories that she can tell, and only she knows where the truth is in them.

A woman with such a beautiful name likes to be in public. Thanks to communication skills even in high society she feels confident. Julia often achieves universal recognition. He has a good sense of humor, thanks to which he goes through life with ease.

What profession will he choose?

At school, Yulia, as a rule, does not study very well. The reason for this is banal reluctance and restlessness. Although a girl with that name has a predisposition to study exact sciences. Yulia could be fully realized in the professional sphere, but women with that name rarely occupy positions leadership positions. Thanks to her perseverance, Julia could achieve great success in business, but she is quite happy with the role of a housewife. The boss may think that she is lazy in performing her job duties. In fact, work always comes second for Yulia, and all her thoughts are about her family.

Often, soft and gentle Yulia is chosen by a complex and Among women with this name there are marketers and advertisers, computer specialists, art historians, doctors, actresses and fashion models. But they make bad careerists; the family hearth is too dear to Yulya.

The mystery of the name Julia and her fate

Yulia will live happy life, if she can get married successfully and realize herself in family life.

In order for the fate of a girl named Yulia to be successful, naming your child this way, you should take into account the zodiac sign under which the baby was born. The name will not suit Virgo, Capricorn, Aries, Taurus and Sagittarius. And a girl born under the zodiac sign Gemini, Leo or Scorpio will grow up to be a harmonious person.

Julia has been surrounded by fans since childhood. She chooses her husband carefully; as a rule, they date for a long time, and only after that they legitimize the relationship.

The secret of the name Julia reveals the character of its owner as a hospitable and thrifty woman. Guests love to come to this house, where they are always welcome. The hospitable hostess will always set the table so that her friends do not remain sad and hungry.

The influence of the patronymic on fate

As you know, not only the name influences a person’s fate. When naming your daughter Yulia, you need to find out how it combines with the middle name.

The patronymics Alexandrovna, Andreevna, Vadimovna, Vitalievna, Dmitrievna, Olegovna, Sergeevna are suitable for this name.

The secret of the name Yulia Alexandrovna characterizes its owner as cheerful, cheerful and independent woman. In case of divorce, even after many years marriage, there is no doubt that she will be the initiator. He loves and knows how to cook delicious food. She is prone to being overweight, but, having gained weight, she does not strive to lose excess weight.

The secret of the name Yulia Andreevna defines her as a good-natured and non-conflict person. Can easily be offended by a bad joke directed at himself. She treats everyone with understanding, she is a gentle and friendly person.

Yulia Igorevna is the only owner of a name with particularly strong sexuality. This is a passionate nature that can turn the head of even the most reserved partner.

The secret of the name Yulia Yuryevna reveals her as a person who is capable of eccentric, rash actions. She likes attention from men. Most often, she gets married twice, and the divorce occurs on the initiative of Yulia. Due to the fact that a girl with that name is a terrible dreamer, it is not surprising that she can look for a prince among men for the rest of her life. Yulia Yuryevna is a born housewife. She would prefer the daily home routine to any job.

The secret of the name Yulia Dmitrievna characterizes her as an independent and even powerful woman. She is more interested in career growth. This is explained by the fact that Yulia Dmitrievna, as a rule, gets married late. She often comes across weak-willed men who do not suit this woman in all respects. And only when she meets a strong and powerful man will Yulia Dmitrievna become truly happy.

Julia: the secret of the name. Marriage Compatibility

Surprisingly, Julia always knows how to look good. That is why people often fall in love with such a girl the first time. For Julia, a successful marriage is the meaning of life. In the household she realizes herself as perfect wife, a thrifty housewife and caring mother. This is the woman who will never put work and career first. The secret of the name Julia defines her as a family person.

In family life, Julia does not strive to be a leader. However, she will not obey. The ideal option for such a union is equal partners.

Usually Julia marries twice. Bogdan, Vladislav, Vasily, Kirill or Evgeniy - this is what Julia’s husband should be called so that the marriage is long and happy. It is not necessary that Julia’s first husband will have the entire set of bad qualities and bad habits. A woman just needs to take a good look at her partner before getting married. If the marriage turned out to be spontaneous, most often divorce cannot be avoided.

Sexually, a woman named by this name is quite passive person. Only Julias born in December are able to become active sexual partners. Moreover, if the husband does not suit his wife in an intimate way, she will come to terms with it and continue to live as before. After all, family is sacred to her.

Julia's birthday

Julia celebrates Angel Day twice - on May 31 and July 29.

The Holy Martyr Julia, whose feast day falls on May 31, was one of those girls who was severely beaten by pagans for the Christian faith, and then drowned.

Angel Julia Day, which is celebrated on July 29, also has its own history. Back in the 5th century, a girl with that name also suffered for the Christian faith. She was cruelly crucified on the cross by the pagans.

Patron saints protect Julia and her marriage from dangers and help preserve family ties.