Zhulin and Navka 1993 Divorces in figure skating: Tatiana Navka and Alexander Zhulin, Ilya Averbukh and Irina L

Last month, following the divorce of Ilya Averbukh and Irina Lobacheva, the yellow press is intensely quarreling another ice couple.

Photo: Igor Skobelev

The Internet and the yellow press are full of headlines: “Navka leaves the family”, “Zhulin has not forgiven his wife for his betrayal” and all that kind of stuff. The latest gossip: the spouses are still living together, but only until the end of the television project “Ice Age”, in which both take part. They say that the producers of the show asked the star couple to be patient, since two divorces on the project are too much. Navka and Zhulin did not comment on the situation for a long time, but apparently their patience had run out. We met at the Ice Palace on Khodynka, where the Russian Figure Skating Grand Prix was taking place at that time.

Let's clarify the situation right away: are you leaving or not?

Tatyana: No, of course. Everything that they write about the departure and about my alleged affair with Basharov is complete nonsense. The worst thing is that half of the people believe this lie. Relatives and friends call and ask: “What’s going on with you and Sasha?” They are worried.

Alexander: When an article appeared that Tanya was secretly dating Marat, she and I were sitting in the bathhouse at that moment, we didn’t know anything yet. And then my mother calls me, literally in a pre-heart attack state, and in a trembling voice asks: “Sasha, is this true?” "What's the truth?" - I am perplexed. “Well, is Tanya leaving you?” - “How does he leave? Yes, she’s sitting next to me, everything’s fine.” And then this phrase, “everything is fine,” had to be said ten times every day. Indeed, everyone called.

Even those who don’t believe the rumors still say: “There is no smoke without fire.”

T.: Believe me, it happens. Especially when some people have no conscience.

Why don't you sue then? In the end, we're talking about about protecting your honor and dignity.

T.: At first we thought about it. We consulted with lawyers, and they told us that it is quite possible to win such a case. But firstly, this will take a lot of time - such cases sometimes last a whole year - and secondly, the maximum amount that the publication will pay after litigation is simply ridiculous. We will waste more nerves than we will achieve anything real and punish someone.

And you, Sasha, as a man, had no desire to punch one of the journalists in the face?

A.: Well, in America, paparazzi often get punched in the face. But after that they become even more active. You wouldn’t want to, you know, wake up one day and find a stranger under your bed... And anyway, why beat them? We need to say thank you to them! They gave us this kind of PR, and it was completely free...

Are you kidding?

Yes, in our country, if you treat everything without humor, you will go crazy. In fact, I just don’t want to delve into all this. We have a lot of other worries. It would be stupid to devote your life to fighting with journalists.

Have you ever thought about why the yellow press attacked you so much?

T: This is very strange for me. In principle, I find only one explanation: if previously athletes were not noticed in our country, now there is a real boom of interest in them. This is especially true for figure skating. I suspect that you can now make decent money from gossip about figure skaters, since the whole country watches ice shows. That’s why they don’t get off Zhenya Plushenko, Ira Slutskaya, Ilya Averbukh... Now they’ve reached Sasha and me. It's just a price to pay for popularity.

A.: When I lived in America and read all sorts of crap on the Internet about Russian stars, such names as Pugacheva, Kirkorov, Kobzon appeared there... Apparently, thanks to the Ice Age, we have finally grown to their level.

But, as it turned out later, quite reliable things were written about many of the people you listed.

T.: And they are fabricating things about Sasha and me blatant lie. Yesterday my husband already said to me: “Tanya, I have a feeling that my wife is Britney Spears or Madonna.” Something terrible is happening. I’m already really afraid to leave the apartment: it seems to me that the paparazzi will definitely run out from around the corner. It’s good that Sasha reacts adequately to everything, but many couples actually break up because of this fuss. If a husband, for example, is overly jealous and constantly writes nasty things about his wife, then sooner or later he will not be able to stand it - he will believe it.

Are you jealous yourself?

I do, yes, but to a normal extent. I will never throw scandals and hysterics, I will never check emails husband and will not look at his SMS. There are some wives who eavesdrop, track, and call all the time. “Where are you? And prove that you are there? etc. I am not of this breed at all. If there is any misunderstanding, I would rather approach the person and tell everything directly. We'll just sit down together, talk and calmly figure everything out. But now there is no reason for this. We are one family - that's it.

Do you want to say, Tanya, that you have never given any serious reason for jealousy?

It’s better to ask Sasha. But I don't think so. At least he always knows where I am and with whom. He can call at any moment and I will pick up the phone.

A.: I completely trust Tanya. It’s even somehow funny to talk about it. During the 14 years of our life together, she never gave rise to any suspicions. Of course, this whole story affects me. But not in terms of any distrust of Tanya or Marat, but I’m just disgusted by all this. By the way, Marat also got it, it’s not easy for him either - he has a wife, a child... I understand that anyone could be photographed like him, and then say: this is Tanya’s lover. Even Michael Jackson! But it seems to me that our people would believe that my wife is secretly dating the King of Pop.

When skaters skate in pairs, they are in constant body contact. As an amateur, I was always interested: how can you not be jealous if your spouse hugs another person every day?

A.: Yes, this is all nonsense. You're just not a skater, that's why you ask such questions. We have no time for “contacts”; we work until we get blood and sweat.

T.: We have been accustomed to this since childhood. During the ride, no one has any sexual thoughts - take my word for it. You only think about how to practice the elements. It's like actors. A person can play love on stage in such a way that everyone in the audience will believe in it. But in fact, he may simply hate his partner - everything is based only on acting skills. The only thing is, I don’t understand how the actors kiss on camera or get into bed. Being the wife of such a man, I would probably be wildly jealous. I can’t even imagine that, say, Sasha lies down in bed, kisses a strange woman, looks at her with the same eyes with which he usually looks at me... Creepy!

You have been together for 14 years. An unrealistic time for a couple who is in everyone's sight.

T.: I also couldn’t imagine how you could live so long with one person. And now I look back - everything flew by in a flash! Of course, Sasha and I had difficult times, but who doesn’t? This is fine. We are not two sweet gingerbread cookies. However, we have never in our lives not only separated, but even taken a vacation separately! Only once did Sasha go without me for five days to America with a child - I simply couldn’t physically, I was on tour at that time. And so we are always together.

They say that in adult couples, love is replaced by habit. Is that so?

A.: Yes, it happens differently for everyone. As for our couple, I never tire of admiring Tanya. I appreciate and remember every minute spent with her - what kind of habit is that? This is exactly love.

T.: It seems to me that you can’t survive for so many years on one habit. I can say that I personally have changed over the years: I have become more peaceful. If earlier I could be offended by Sasha for some harsh words, answer him rudely, and then cry all night, now I calmly react to everything. I understand that we are all human, everyone has breakdowns. There's nothing wrong with that. We will wake up in the morning, kiss - and everything will return to normal.

Outside of figure skating, what is your typical evening like?

T.: If we talk about today, this is not life at all. My Ice Age co-star (Finnish actor Ville Haapasalo - OK!.) works, so I have to completely adapt to his schedule. Ville is usually free late in the evening, and that’s when we train. Of course, with my husband. Sometimes we finish as late as two o’clock in the morning, and all Sasha and I have the energy left for is to stop at some restaurant and have dinner. These are the evenings we have now.

A.: We are looking forward to going on vacation. At least somewhere, most importantly, with the whole family and so that no one bothers us.

How do you spend your rare free evening?

T: Oh, then I like to sit at home with my husband. When we lived in America and I finished training at four o'clock in the afternoon, I was an absolutely home person. She loved to go to the store, buy groceries, and cook something delicious. In the evening, my husband came, we had dinner, drank a glass of wine, then watched a movie or had guests over. Life was much calmer than in Moscow. Here you have to go to a presentation, then to filming, then to an interview - in general, it’s complete madness. Although, on the other hand, there are tangible advantages in this life.

Well, take, for example, the same ice project. Even though it is very exhausting - both physically and psychologically, I began to notice that when I walk down the street or enter a store, the people I meet break into a smile. I began to understand that I really bring good with my work. And this makes me very happy.

What will you do when your popularity wears off?

T.: Oh, thank God! A normal, calm life will begin. I will not have any withdrawal symptoms - I will gladly devote myself to my family and friends. I will raise children and start cooking again. Do you know what I really love? When there is a lot of snow - you can go out of town with your family, go sledding, fall into a snowdrift with your child and husband... This is wonderful.

When they fell into a snowdrift in last time?

About two years ago.

Don't you think that Moscow is a very difficult city to live in?

A: It's true. Moscow gives you the opportunity to develop, become a star, but at the same time it throws challenges at you almost every day. If you cope and survive, well done, but if you don’t, you’ll be shoveled down so hard that no one will even remember.

T.: Although I love Moscow very much, it is becoming more and more suitable for business and less and less suitable for living. You have traveled all over the world.

Where would you like to eventually settle?

T.: I haven’t thought about it yet, but, probably, it’s still here. At the same time, I would really like to have a house by the sea, for example in Italy, so that the whole family could go there at any time.

A.: Italy is Tanya’s and my illness. And we didn’t agree, but we both like everything there - from the sea and sand to people and food.

Is America a past stage for you?

A.: At least I don’t get bored.

T.: We are complete strangers there. Who is ours national hero? Ivan the fool! He may be narrow-minded, but very sincere - to a stranger he will give away his last shirt. But in America, if you go into someone else’s house, they won’t let you go further than the threshold and won’t even offer you water. It seems like a small thing, but that’s how it is. For example, the expression “Hi, how are you?” it doesn't make any sense to them. If this is the beginning of a conversation with us, then the American will smile at you and ask you by rote, “How are you?” and leaves without even waiting for an answer. They are fake, these Americans.

How did you and Sasha live there?

T.: That’s how we lived. We only communicated with the Russians. Unless my daughter went to an American school. There, of course, I picked it up from the locals.

In terms of? Did this affect her in any way?

To some extent. She is now wayward beyond her years, freedom-loving, and not shy about anything. Recently he asked my sister: “Natasha, tell me what rape is? I know the answer, I’m just curious what you think.”

With the same serious look, she asked, how are you telling this now?

Yes! My sister thought for a very long time - the question is quite slippery - and then she said: “This is when they do something to you against your will.” In my opinion, a very worthy answer in such a situation. To which the daughter says: “About how you force me to study music?” Can you imagine? At her age I was completely different - shy, even complex. I couldn’t say a word across. Why? I can’t explain it myself.

When exactly did you lose your complex?

Probably around nineteen, or even twenty. I met Sasha and only after that I felt like a woman... It’s too late, right?

It's OK. As they say, the sooner you start, the sooner you finish.

I completely agree!

Tatyana Aleksandrovna Navka was born in the Ukrainian Dnepropetrovsk on April 13, 1975 in the very ordinary family. Mom was an economist, and dad worked as an engineer. Her parents played sports in their youth and, therefore, instilled in Tatyana a love for it. The girl chose what kind of sport to do herself. At the age of five, Navka started skating; her parents were able to get them even in conditions of shortage. However, before that I was roller skating. On the ice, the girl didn’t even feel much difference between skates and rollers.

By the way, little Tanya was bought skates after the girl watched and was delighted with the television broadcast of Lena Vodorezova’s performance. Soon figure skating took one of the leading places in Tatiana’s life. Before her hobby, Tatyana Navka brought only A's from school, but after the start of figure skating classes, the first B's appeared in her diary.

As a child, Tatyana Navka really didn’t like her own last name. Classmates constantly teased: “Navka is an astronaut,” “Navka is a ditch.” However, now that the surname has become known throughout the world, journalists have found out that in Ukrainian mythology “Navka, Nyavka, Mavka” mean “mermaid-like forest creatures, the souls of dead children.”

Figure skating became a part of Tatiana Navka's life in 1980. The capable, hardworking and patient girl was noticed by coach Natalya Dubova. At the age of 14 (in 1988), Navka was invited to Moscow. The teenager's life has become even more difficult. Every day Tanya had to get up in the dark and get to the capital from Mytishchi. Mom constantly told her daughter: “You are the best! You can handle anything!” As a result, Tatyana truly became the best.

Sports career of Tatyana Navka

In 1993, Tatyana Navka began to storm sports competitions. The girl's first appearance on the big ice was playing for the national team. Soviet Union. Then the skater performed in pairs with Samvel Gezalyan. After the collapse of the USSR, athletes represented Belarus. On Olympic Games ah in 1994 the couple received 11th place.

Interview with Tatyana Navka (“No comment”, 2012)

The partnership between Navka and Gezalyan eventually fell apart, after which Tatyana began to go on the ice with Nikolai Morozov. Together with the figure skater, the girl performed at the 1998 Winter Olympics, again representing Belarus. Then the couple received only 16th place.

Since 1998, Tatyana Navka began playing for the Russian national team. By this time, the girl had already broken up with her ice partner Nikolai Morozov. Roman Kostomarov became the new couple for Tatyana. The famous coach Natalya Linnichuk bet on the duo and invited her to train with her in the United States. However, a year later she changed her mind - in her opinion, the couple Roman Kostomarov and Anna Semenovich turned out to be more promising. Linnichuk told Roman about her decision and asked to notify Tatyana about it. At the same time, the coach herself feigned great surprise in front of Navka.

The couple reunited in 2002. Alexander Zhulin began to train the duo, and Elena Tchaikovskaya advised the athletes. Tatiana Navka's collection includes 9th place at the 19th Winter Olympics and the 2000 World Championships, two silver and a bronze medal from the Russian Championships, bronze from the 2003 European Championships, two victories and a silver in the finals of the Grand Prix series competitions. Navka is three times Russian Champion, twice European and World Champion.

Navka-Kostomarov. I dream about your eyes

Personal life of Tatyana Navka

Throughout her conscious childhood, Tatyana Navka was in love with the famous figure skater Alexander Zhulin. The athlete, together with his wife Maya Usova, once came to Tatyana’s native Dnepropetrovsk. Young Tanya and her friend went to the couple’s training every day, and every time they asked for autographs. There were about twenty of them. However, the skater himself did not pay any attention to the girl. While already studying in Moscow, Navka saw that Zhulin and Usova were also skating at the stadium where she trained. The teenager's happiness knew no bounds!

Tatyana Navka saw how the relationship between famous athletes. And at this time, on the contrary, the young figure skater began to have more and more in common with Zhulin. 18-year-old Navka flew to training camp in France and dreamed that Zhulin would be there. It turns out that the skater himself wanted this no less. From that time on, the couple began to live together.

After five years of marriage, on February 17, 2000, Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin registered their relationship. This happened in one of the notary offices in the USA. A few months later, on May 2, the couple had a daughter, Alexandra. At this time, the couple lived in the USA and trained in Montclair, New Jersey (USA). Immediately after giving birth, just 12 days later, Tatyana Navka returned to the ice.

Tatiana Navka and Alexey Yagudin

Ice passions

The name of Tatyana Navka began to appear on the pages of newspapers and magazines more often than usual since 2007. The girl returns from the USA to Russia and takes part in television show projects. It all started with the first season of the “Stars on Ice” competition, where Tatyana Navka performed in tandem with actor Marat Basharov.

The couple took first place. This was followed by the projects “Ice Age” and “Ice Age – 2”, where the girl skated with actors Ville Haapasalo (2007) and Vadim Kolganov (2009), respectively. In both the first and second seasons, Tatyana Navka became second.
In 2008, Tatyana Navka, paired with professional dancer Alexander Litvinenko, danced ballroom dances at the Eurovision Dance show. The couple also takes only second place.

In the fall of 2009, Tatyana Navka and Marat Basharov took to the ice as participants in the show “Ice Age. The best". This duet was a favorite of the program. The audience idolized the couple, who, by the way, won. After this, a blemish appeared in Tatyana Navka’s ideal biography: rumors spread that the beautiful and exemplary wife Navka was dating married womanizer Marat Basharov. The media actively discussed the celebrity romance, but the athletes themselves denied everything. Meanwhile, Tatyana Navka becomes first on the list of “Most sexy women Russia." By the way, her husband, Alexander Zhulin, by that time had been rightfully considered the country’s sex symbol for several years.

Gradually, rumors about upcoming wedding Tatiana and Marat. And while she was away, journalists increasingly talked about the impending divorce of Zhulin and Navka. Adding fuel to the fire was the information that Alexander had a young mistress - his ward Natalya.

In 2010, the couple officially announced their separation. However, the relationship between Navka and Basharov did not work out, and Alexander Zhulin, meanwhile, does not part with the young figure skater.

Tatiana Navka and Alexey Vorobyov

In the fall of 2010, Navka reappeared on television screens. This time in the project

And he expressed hope that his group would not be left without a skating rink for training.

Conversations in front of Sobyanin

First, I want to ask: what about the basic training area? At the Olimpiyskiy, where we are now, reconstruction is coming and, as far as I have heard, Zhulin has problems.

For now we are in limbo. I know that we are allowed to work here until January 1st. What will happen next is unclear. We are faced with the task of finding a new training place, but it is in the process of being resolved.

- Are there any options?

There will always be options, but...

- But are there parties interested in you?

Few people are interested.

- Your figure skater Ekaterina Bobrova even tried to raise this issue at a meeting with the President of Russia.

And I raised this issue with the mayor of Moscow Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin. But I understand that skating rinks are for full-fledged work We don't have enough. And we need rollers. Let's also hope that maybe this one where we are sitting will not be closed, but will be left during reconstruction. In principle, we do not bother anyone.

Before the Olympics in Sochi, when Elena Ilyinykh and Nikita Katsalapov said goodbye to you, you admitted that you experienced a moment of despair. Here are your words in an interview with RIA Novosti: “Special thanks to Alexey Olegovich Vorobyov, whom I met at Moskomsport and to whom I told that I would probably go to America. He: “What’s the problem?” Me: “We need to go to the training camp.” to Latvia with a group of young athletes who are still unknown, and there is no money." Then the problem was solved, but now you have similar difficulties.

Nikolai Alekseevich Gulyaev, my good friend. He told me: “Don’t worry, we will always come up with something.” So I try not to worry. I hope that my group will not be left without ice.

I looked at fragments of the free program of Victoria Sinitsina/Nikita Katsalapov and intuitively felt the beginning of competition with world champions from France Gabriella Papadakis and Guillaume Cizeron.

With them? We slightly changed the guys' style. The first part of the free program is Bach, Air. Air. Everything on the ice should be airy. And I really like the second part. It is extremely difficult to find a fast piece of music that would suit Bach's style. I understand that sometimes such combinations look simply terrifying, but, unfortunately, our rules force us to change the rhythm. It's hard to combine, but this time my friend helped me find very strong music that goes well with Bach. The composition was written in almost the same canonization. This is "Allegro in the style of Pugnani" by Friedrich Kreisler. And the tango rhythm dance is entirely based on Verano Porteño by composer Astor Piazzolla and performed by Raul Garello.

Both the guys and I are happy with how the programs turned out. We did well last season, but unlike last season, we finally need to start performing well.

- Last year’s free program based on two Rachmaninov concertos, it seems, no one scolded.

I haven't heard any criticism either. We were even advised to leave it for the next season, but it seems to me that if we want to grow, we need to take on something new.

Sinitsina showed persistence and behaved smartly

- Victoria, judging by communication with her, has become psychologically stronger over the past season.

She also technically accelerated. Yes, she is becoming stronger, more technical. The most important thing we needed to achieve was the emotional combination of Vika and Nikita. People are all different. I really hope that this year they will show themselves as a more mature couple. They have enormous potential.

- Have they become closer in skill level?

Yes, and psychologically they have changed.

- How did this manifest itself?

They began to train well.

- This didn’t happen last season?

Yes, they figured out a lot of things among themselves. There were discrepancies in technique that caused discomfort, and we worked to ensure that they began to fit each other in this regard. Vika showed tremendous perseverance. She behaved smartly. I think the fruits will be visible.

She and I talked a lot and went through in detail her entire history from the American Canton to the Olympic, and I noticed that she became...


- Angry in a sporting way. She speaks sweetly, but there is a core inside her that she herself grew.

I really hope so. She really needs this! She must not doubt anything.

- Do this pair need two sources of power? Or will we get a new Ilinykh/Katsalapov variation?

Ilinykh/Katsalapov, frankly speaking, were a good couple, right? The fact is that the more charisma that comes from a couple - from both partners, the better. Of course, you can always build a program so that a woman will be a woman and a man will be a man.

Is it worth knocking out a traditional woman from Sinitsina and placing her in a different framework, with a different charisma - aggressive and evil?

You know, when Tanya Navka teamed up with Roma Kostomarov, she really lacked sharpness. There was no precision in the execution of movements. She skated all the smooth parts of the program very well, but couldn’t cope with the fast ones. And Tanya was well aware of this. And Vika understands this. Sinitsina’s style, like Navka’s, is lyrical, feminine, smooth skating. But ours common element- sport. And you need to know everything about it.

Everyone knows Katsalapov, why discuss him?

- But in the new free dance you adhere to this style, which is familiar to Victoria.

I wouldn't say so. In tango there are fast pieces, and in free one there is one fast one. And Vika begins to cope with them. But the main thing is that she begins to cope with the tasks that the coaches set for her. You can’t perform at your level and say: “It’s so convenient for me.” After all, Katsalapov is an Olympic champion. And for her, this achievement of Nikita has always been a small problem. And maybe even big. Because she always needs to live up to him. This made her feel mentally ill. Nervous. Failures. It’s not easy to immediately pair up with an Olympic champion. But several years passed, and the couple began to develop as they should, based on their potential. When there are just two beautiful crazy people on the ice, it’s great. But in ice sports there must first of all be two athletes - partly angry, partly lyrical. And Nikita must be able to skate slowly and fluidly.

- Does it have any disadvantages?

Everyone has them. But it has many more advantages. And Vika definitely added, and this makes me happy as a coach.

- You said there was less clarification of the relationship between them.

Yes. Nikita is just like that... Yes, everyone knows Nikita that they should discuss him... He just needs to live up to his age, understand that he is a man and in life he will get married, be responsible for his family. And if he transfers this awareness even a little bit onto the ice, it will be great.

- But we talked about this a year ago in May.

And it seems to me that you and I talked about this seven years ago. (Laughs.) And now I really hope that something happened in his and her brains. Perhaps Katsalapov’s injury at the Russian Championship really affected them. They did great in the free dance. The first three elements are +3! Everyone told me it was just great. They laid claim directly to... And then this ridiculous injury... It really knocked them down psychologically. Thank God they didn't break. I was pleasantly impressed that they did not blame each other. Vika didn’t say a word to him. Nikita did not blame the coaches. They simply delved into themselves, rethought them, and generally began to talk less. In my opinion, they want to prove with their actions that they can achieve a lot. But I don’t confirm this yet, but I hope so.

- In that ill-fated free program at the Russian Championships, did Nikita have more than just physical pain?

When I saw his leg, it was black. It turned up, followed by a loss of support, then a failure of rotation. Everything fell apart.

- It all started during the warm-up, as it turns out.

Yes, but he thought he could handle it. But then he told me that at the end of the circle he realized that that’s it, there was no leg. I haven’t dug deeply into this situation, but I’m inclined to believe the athletes.

I told Vika that, in my opinion, even she did not believe at first that it was an injury. But she explained to me the whole problem, which was difficult even before the start of their dance.

I remember when it came out for rent. Even then he was nothing. He was tormented by the thought of pain. But what can I say about this, I want to enter the new Olympic season and I really believe that everything will be fine. This couple clearly didn’t do their best and didn’t get theirs.

Bobrova/Soloviev may return

Another Olympic champion in Sochi, Dmitry Solovyov, told me that he intends to continue his professional career. For now, they and Ekaterina Bobrova will be involved in the show.

Yes, the show - good school. And there is already music for their programs. The question is: how will they feel after the show? Will they want to harness sports career with new strength? For now we decided to wait. They are getting ready. They go to training, they are on the ice, they are in good physical fitness. Tatyana Anatolyevna (Tarasova) came and looked at them. She said they were skating great. Let's see what happens next.

- I don’t understand, did you choose the music for Bobrova/Soloviev’s programs this season?

The programs have not been installed yet. We are skipping the Grand Prix stages, and if we compete, it won’t be right away.

- But Katya put her career on hold and decided to focus on family matters.

On at the moment we are in a state of ambiguity on all these issues.

- Do you assume that Bobrova/Soloviev will return to professional ice this season?

I admit everything. There is nothing to be surprised in this world.

- And there are prerequisites for this?

They are on skates, on four legs. This is the first one. I install programs quite quickly. This is the second one. The programs of Bobrov and Soloviev are also rolling out quite quickly. This is the third. Let's see how their desire coincides with our desire. Difficult moment.

- Does Dmitry keep other partners in mind if Katya decides not to return in the coming years?

No, why? I don't think he will consider other partners. But this question should be addressed to Dima, I am not ready to answer for him.

- Do you think it makes sense for them to resume their careers? Or should they look for other roles?

I'm now waiting for them to try the show and then weigh in on what appeals to them the most. Sport is plowing. The show is a game. An art game that, to be honest, doesn't require much training.

You fought with Bobrova and Solovyov for many years, achieved success, now you have Sinitsina/Katsalapov with real prospects for the new four-year period. Wouldn't it be inconvenient for you to work hard with two duets that will require complete dedication?

I've always loved tandems. I like it when I have two strong pairs. Or better yet, three. They push themselves. I was very pleased with how the work between Bobrova/Soloviev and Sinitsina/Katsalapov went last year. They looked at each other. Of course, competition can be both good and bad, but I myself have never been afraid of competition. Last Olympic season we didn’t have a single conflict on the ice. Never. The work went very well.

But in order to unite two pairs on the same ice, you had to use your pedagogical skills, which probably were not limited solely to quotes about the benefits of competition?

Naturally, I had to talk. But I was lucky that they all reacted very correctly. Starting from the first training session, we did not have a single controversial moment. And I devoted absolutely equal amount of time to them.

Now, in the event of ambitious news from Katya and Dima, you will have to start a new conversation with Vika and Nikita, who probably feel like the first couple of your group.

Let's explain somehow.

- Have you ever had a desire to start actively working with junior couples?

I took very good coaches into the group. These are my former students, whom I loved very much - Yulia Zlobina and Lesha Sitnikov (the Zlobina/Sitnikov couple ended their careers after the 2013/14 season, the athletes played for Azerbaijan for the second half of their careers). These are creative, imaginative and hungry people. I highly appreciate their work and, frankly speaking, exhaled a little. I make the main decisions on music and choreography in all pairs, but they directly work with the juniors. There are some good couples, but to say that we have new Virtue/Moir (Canadians Tessa and Scott are three-time Olympic champions), I can’t yet. And my main priority is adult couples.

A celebrity divorce is never easy. The procedure itself, which is not easy, both legally and psychologically, becomes even more tedious under the close attention of the public. Perhaps this is why the decision to divorce among famous couples is especially difficult to make, and reporting it general public The spouses are in no hurry.

This is exactly how the divorce of Zhulin and Navka took place. Rumors about a crack in their relationship and a possible separation appeared back in 2007. The first sign was gossip about the relationship between Tatyana Navka and Marat Basharov and their vacation together in Los Angeles. Alexander Zhulin probably did not initially plan a divorce. Or perhaps he simply did not want to remain in the role of an abandoned husband and, according to numerous sources, entered into a new relationship with his talented student, the young and charming Natalya Mikhailova.

Surprisingly, the couple, who went through fire and water together, could not resist copper pipes. In the life of Alexander and Tatyana there were many difficulties and obstacles that they overcame with honor, and their marriage could no longer withstand the last test. The famous trainer Alexander Zhulin could not or simply did not want to prevent divorce and division of property.

Note that this is the second marriage for Alexander, his first wife Maya Usova was also a figure skater and performed in pairs with her husband. However, after Maya found out about Alexander’s new relationship, the divorce of Zhulin and Maya was inevitable. Accordingly, their collaboration was in question. But Alexander made a choice in favor of love and in 2000 married Tatyana. And after some time, in America, where the happy couple lived, a child appeared - their charming daughter Sasha.

Returning to their homeland in 2006, the couple took part in the popular show “Ice Age,” where the first chill slipped into their relationship, which then smoothly flowed into the divorce of Zhulin and Navka.

Despite the success of the show as well new apartment right in the center of Moscow, which married couple presented by then-President Vladimir Putin, the couple did not find happiness together in Russia. Heavy work schedule, constant employment, lack of attention to each other - not best ways strengthen family ties. This is known not only to famous couples, but, unfortunately, to mere mortals. Zhulin's divorce was inevitable.

Alexander acted as a coach, and Tatyana went on the ice with Marat Basharov. Did they interfere? family happiness rumors about the relationship between Tatiana and Marat, or whether the romance was not just an invention of journalists is unknown. Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin could not foresee the divorce. As often happens in life ordinary people, well-wishers did not help save star relationships, but rather became the last straw.

After the spouses had already separated and settled in separate apartments, the rumors did not subside for a long time, not contributing to family reconciliation, but rather the opposite. The talented coach Alexander Zhulin may not have planned the divorce, but life is impossible to predict...

No matter what vicissitudes follow famous couple, the result was a separation after all. In 2009, Alexander Zhulin and Tatyana Navka officially separated. Ex-couple Now they are connected exclusively by a child, 10-year-old Sashenka, with whom both parents are on excellent terms. Let's hope that the wonderful mother Tatyana Navka and caring father Alexander Zhulin, who survived the divorce, will maintain a decent relationship for the sake of his beloved daughter.

Unfortunately, even the most beautiful stories love does not stand the test of time and ends. An example of this is a relationship that lasted more than 15 years and led to the divorce of Zhulin and Tatyana Navka. We can only hope that their new novels will be exactly that true love for life and will give them unique sensations for creative flight and stable family comfort.

Russian figure skaters are being condemned, says famous coach

For some time now he has been no less popular than famous artists. Tatiana TARASOVA once called Alexander ZHULIN the sex symbol of our figure skating. His students respect him, and women love him. At the European Championships, which started on January 25 in Ostrava, Czech Republic, Ekaterina BOBROVA and Dmitry SOLOVIEV, Zhulin’s wards, will compete for the highest places.

Alexander Vyacheslavovich, don’t you have the feeling that foreign judges are underestimating Russian figure skaters?

You see what is happening in the world. At the instigation of the “Washington Regional Committee,” our athletes are being pressed from all sides. They even try to punish them for something they didn’t do. Figure skating is no exception.

So, Bobrova and Solovyov will have to fight in Ostrava not only with rivals, but also with judges?

The guys themselves understand everything perfectly. In order for Russians, in the current conditions, to be put in the place they deserve, we need to jump over our heads. This is the only way to win. But Katya and Dima are fighters and will fight to the end. And then we'll see.

The judges, on the contrary, love the French dancers Gabriela Padadakis and Guillaume Cizeron. What's special about them?

The French are two-time world and European champions. Their first season at the senior level was great. There was innovation there. But they didn’t change anything after that! For the third season in a row they are skating the same program, only now to different music. I assure you, there are ordinary elements there, there is nothing supernatural. And the judges, by inertia, continue to give them high marks. Previously, two foreign couples Virtue - Moir from Canada and Davis - White from the USA were like in space. They clearly stood out from the rest. But now there is no such thing.

Last spring, Bobrova was found to have illegal meldonium. At that moment you admitted the thought that your best couple will break up and Katya and Dima will no longer skate together?

Even so?!

Remember what happened last year. Anti-Russian hysteria was growing; they wanted to exclude our athletes from the Olympic Games in Rio. Isolate from the rest of the world. Then what is the point of a coach working? Whatever one may say, the Olympics are the main incentive. If it is prohibited, the athlete’s motivation immediately disappears. And the coach too.

But what does the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro have to do with figure skating?

So nothing is over yet. Now, due to doping, Russia may not be allowed to attend the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang. What if everyone is suspended and deprived of everything? Which parents would send their children to figure skating? I think there will be few takers. In this case, as I reasoned, you can go to the USA and become a world coach. Train everyone.

As far as I know, you have American citizenship.

Well, yes. I have dual citizenship- Russia and the USA. I spent 13 years in America. There are fantastic living conditions there. You can live somewhere in San Diego, on the shore Pacific Ocean so that my family, my child breathe warm, clean air. And you no longer work for results, but just like that, for money. In America, to maintain a house, a car, pay for health insurance and give good education your child needs to work hard.

Please clarify, did you have a desire to leave for the States or did you still have it?

I talked about how I reasoned a year ago. It was more out of powerlessness. If everything goes well, if things don’t go to extremes, I won’t go anywhere. In fact, I am a patriot and I enjoy coaching Russian couples.

Explain then why the new international duet Sara Hurtado - Kirill Khalyavin, who trains with you in Moscow, represents not Russia, but Spain?

The skaters themselves wanted it that way. Sarah is Spanish; at some point she was left without a partner and invited Kirill to ride together. Or rather, the Spanish federation made him such an offer. After Khalyavin broke up with Ksenia Monko, there simply was no worthy Russian girl for him. He himself wanted to play for Spain. And I understand him - there is much less competition there than in Russia. Now Sarah and Kirill have a chance to compete at the World Championships and even at the Olympic Games.

Didn't Monko leave the sport too early?

Ksyusha was tormented by injuries. Her back was very painful and her sciatic nerve was inflamed. I think she didn’t have enough mental and physical strength to deal with her injuries. Now Ksenia trains young figure skaters, and she really likes it.

Alexander Vyacheslavovich to his daughter Katya: “Do you want to play football again?!”

Tarpishchev saw prospects

Yours eldest daughter Alexandra lives with her mother. Do you see each other often?

We communicate constantly.

What does she do?

First we sent Sasha to figure skating. But after about a month, my daughter said that this activity was not for her. Then I took up tennis. At the age of 12, she was even a substitute at the European Championships among girls. Shamil Tarpishchev saw her and said that Sasha had good prospects. Unfortunately, she later suffered a serious back injury and was out of the process for six months. During this time, the rivals moved forward, and Sasha gave up tennis. Now my daughter is interested in music, takes lessons from teachers, and has already released several videos. Her pseudonym is Alexia.

Why does she need a pseudonym?

I wanted it that way. Probably trying to show his independence. Let me add that Sasha gets straight A's at school. A purposeful girl, she is 16 years old.

What kind of talent does your youngest daughter have?

Katya turned four years old on January 10th. She sings well, performs a belly dance for mom and dad - it’s funny. And for some reason I fell in love with football. It upsets me a little because football isn't really women's game. Katya hits the ball fantastically - with such force that you want to dodge the blow. But I can’t refuse my daughter. I play with her.

Does your wife Natalya Mikhailova help you with your training?

Natasha works with little skaters. But she doesn’t sit at the skating rink all day. The main thing now is taking care of my daughter, and Katya constantly requires attention. So my wife has a free schedule, she may not come to the skating rink.

When the eldest daughter Sasha was playing tennis, she met Andy MURRAY, now the first racket of the world

How did you celebrate the New Year?

Close friends gathered at our house. We had a good, heartfelt time. Then my wife and I managed to fly to Goa for a few days. Natasha mostly sunbathed, and I had active recreation- played tennis and golf.

And I naively thought that in January skaters and coaches work hard with almost no rest. They are preparing for the European Championship.

Bobrova and Solovyov’s programs have been ready for a long time. They just need to be polished. And then, coaches also need rest. At least a small one to recharge the batteries.

Did you bring your daughter Sasha to the court?

Yes, at first I was her coach. And when Sasha turned 11, she simply carried me off the court - 6:0, 6:0. I was no longer listed.

Have there been times when you wanted to, but couldn’t help her?

For two days I didn’t know what was wrong with my daughter. Where is she, is she alive? We then lived with Tatyana Navka in New York. We had to leave the city on business, and Sashenka stayed at home with the nanny. And suddenly there was a terrorist attack, they blew up two famous twin towers. Neighboring houses were also damaged. Tanya and I started calling the nanny, but there was no connection. It broke off. And so on for two days. It was unbearable.

Do you continue to communicate with Navka?

Yes, sure. First of all, she is the mother of my child. Secondly, in the 14 years that we lived together, there were a lot of good things. Is it really necessary to cross out everything and become enemies? I think this is stupid. After the divorce, Tanya and I rode as a couple for the only time. In the ice show "Professional Cup". We performed a dance to the romance “Thank you for everything, good friend” from the movie “We are from the future.” I think it turned out well. There was a lot of personal stuff in this dance. Despite everything, Tanya remains a close person to me.

When you talked about her, it seemed that your voice even trembled.

May be.

You not only train professional figure skaters, but also create programs for ice shows. How do you have enough time, energy and creative imagination for everything?

Oh, to be honest, I’m surprised myself. After all, I’ve been working with this schedule for almost ten years. From morning until four o'clock - with professionals at the Olimpiysky, and at " Ice Age» - from 16.30 until late. All artists, all guys know this. Choreographer Igor Orshulyak helps me a lot, he always has a lot original ideas. I definitely couldn't have done it without him.

How does the Russian Figure Skating Federation view your combination? He doesn’t reproach - they say, why are you distracted from the main thing?

Well, listen, I have a family to feed. Working on the show is a good help. As long as I have enough health and strength, I won’t refuse. You just need to skillfully combine them. Wasn’t it my couple that won the Russian Championship in December?

Moreover, Ekaterina Bobrova and Dmitry Solovyov did this for the sixth time. They repeated the record of legendary dancers Lyudmila Pakhomova and Alexander Gorshkov.

Frankly speaking, you surprised me. I didn’t know about the record, but I’m very happy about it. True, Pakhomova and Gorshkov were champions of the USSR, not Russia. It's still cooler.

How he lost Tatyana Navka

The young figure skater Natalya Mikhailova was the first to confess her love to Zhulin. In response he said:

I've been through all this before. If something suddenly goes wrong with us, it will only get worse for everyone. I'm married and I won't leave my family.

However, the romance still began. Six months later, well-wishers informed Tatyana Navka about this. The wife pushed her husband against the wall, and he was forced to confess. At the same time, Alexander added that he would break off all relationships for the sake of his family. However, Navka was greatly offended and replied:

Since you behaved like this, then now I can do whatever I want. And you don't dare tell me when to come home. I stopped loving you.

A couple of days later, photographs of Marat Basharov and Navka walking together in an embrace appeared in the press. Consumed by jealousy, Alexander Zhulin, in his words, called the actor and demanded: “Leave my wife alone!” However, Marat replied that they had been dating for several months.

The famous coach could not decide for a long time what to do, with whom to live. I even turned to a psychologist. And this woman told Zhulin the legend about Zeus, Aphrodite and Hera.

Aphrodite had high demands on Zeus, so she decided to find herself a new husband. But Hera loved Zeus very much and allowed him a lot. He stayed with her.

As a result, Zhulin chose the flexible Natasha Mikhailova.

And Tatyana Navka is now happily married to Dmitry Peskov. It’s not for nothing that they say: everything that is done is for the better!