Is Kostomarov currently married? Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov: “If there had been no love, nothing would have happened

Russian Star figure skating Roman Sergeevich Kostomarov was born in Moscow on February 8, 1977 in simple working family. Roman's mother and father had nothing to do with a sports career. Mother worked as a cook, father was an electrician. The family lived in Tekstilshchiki. Since childhood, Roman was an active and lively child; he dreamed of playing sports. He tried out for swimming and gymnastics, but was rejected from both. The boy could not do gymnastics due to his age, and he was denied swimming for no apparent reason.

Knowing Roman’s desire to play sports, his mother’s friend, who worked as a doctor at the AZLK Ice Palace, helped him enter the figure skating group. His first mentor is Lydia Karavaeva, who quickly noticed the promising young skater. Roman didn’t like it at first this type sports and he told all his friends that he played hockey. After a couple of years of training, the young man began performing in the group of the Theater on Ice, where Lidiya Karavaeva saw him. She invited the boy to her group.

Start of a sports career

Lydia Karavaeva paired Roman with her daughter Ekaterina. The skaters have been performing together for more than 10 years. Together with Katya, Roman becomes the world junior champion in 1996. But not everything in his career was so smooth. There was a period when Roman was about to quit sports and began to skip training, citing illness. However, the intervention of his mother returned the young man to big-time sports.

In 1998, Roman Kostomarov joined Natalia Linchuk’s group. Her group was training in America, and Natalya invited Roman to go with her. After much deliberation, the athlete agreed. Roman lived and trained in Delaware, USA. Natalya paired him with Tatyana Navka. The duet did not bring good results and the couple disbanded. Roman had a new partner - Anna Semenovich, unknown to anyone at that time. But this duet was also dissolved. The couple often quarreled, which interfered with fruitful training.

The flourishing career of Roman Kostomarov

In 2000, Roman began skating again with Tatyana Navka. The couple began to train with Tatyana’s husband Alexander Zhulin. The guys began to quickly climb up the career ladder. A year later, at the championship in Salt Lake City, they took 10th place. At the same time, they become champions of Russia, securing their status as the first ice dancing couple in the country.

Real success came to Roman and Tatyana after participating in the 2004 World Championships in Dortmund, where they took first place. In 2006, the guys became participants in the Turin Olympics. The couple received a gold medal for their performance in free dance. After gold at the Olympics, the couple decided to end their sports career. Since that time, Roman has taken part in Ilya Averbukh’s TV show.

In 2007, Roman was offered the role of a figure skater in the TV series “Hot Ice”. In 2010, the athlete starred in two films, “Close Enemy” and “Betrayed.”

Personal life and family

Roman Kostomarov was married twice. The figure skater’s first wife was Yulia Lautova, who is also involved in figure skating. The marriage cracked after four years. The couple divorced. Roman's second wife Oksana Domnina is also from figure skating. For a long time the couple lived in civil marriage. Oksana gave birth to a daughter, Anastasia, and announced a breakup to Roman. However, the relationship was improved, and the couple got married. In 2016, their son Ilya was born.

Having completed his sports career, he continues to delight spectators of ice shows. No wonder they say that it is the woman who makes the man. And there were many of them in Roman’s life...

Roman Kostomarov and Oksana Domnina.

Liliya Sharlovskaya

His son’s sports future was predetermined by his mother, who brought him to the AZLK skating rink. Here, two years later, he was noticed by coach Lidiya Vasilievna Karavaeva, who was looking for a partner for her daughter Katya. And although Roman really didn’t want to leave the Theater on Ice, he and Katya soon began skating together. Karavaeva took care of the youth in every possible way: she drove her everywhere, accompanied Roma to the metro after evening classes, and took her to her home for dinner in between training sessions. And the couple achieved success, winning the Junior World Championships in 1996. Later, another woman played an important role in Kostomarov’s fate - Tatyana Navka, his figure skating partner. Together they stood on the podium in Turin, winning Olympic gold. Although not everything in this union went smoothly: there were dramatic moments, resentment, separation, and mutual claims. Well, now the skater’s priorities have changed, the main thing for him is family. Two women love him: common-law wife Oksana and two-year-old daughter Nastya.

Roman, have you thought about how your life could have turned out if there had been no ice in it?
Roman Kostomarov:
“It’s radically different. I would probably be quite an ordinary person, worked somewhere in a factory. (Laughs.) Like any boy, I was more drawn to yard parties than to study. Mom said: “Study well in order to get a decent profession and make it in life.” But until I was twenty, the wind was just blowing through my head. I wanted to have fun, hang out. So most likely I would not have entered the institute. I would be an electrician or a carpenter. Although... Who knows, maybe at some point the brains would have turned on. Still, sport mobilizes, forces you to set goals and achieve them.”
You started figure skating thanks to your mother. Did you like it yourself?
“I was ten years old then, and my mother asked if I wanted to go to any section. I wanted. I was interested in artistic gymnastics, I often watched Olympic Games. These guys were very impressive - they were healthy, they performed miracles on the rings. But it turned out that at the age of ten it was too late to start doing gymnastics. Although my stretching was good: I did the splits and did a bridge. But they didn’t take me. For some reason, too, for swimming. So all that was left was figure skating, a girl’s sport. My mother had a friend who worked at the AZLK stadium, and she brought me there. The first steps on the ice... Probably like everyone else: my legs were X-shaped, I fell, I broke my knees.”
Then you didn’t set yourself the goal of achieving success, becoming a champion?
“At first, no. It was the Theater on Ice. We went on tour with various performances, New Year trees, and I was tenth in the back row dressed as some snowman. But it was still interesting. I dreamed that one day I would go abroad and buy myself real Coca-Cola and bubble gum.”
Has your dream come true?
“A tour to Canada was planned, but I never got around to it, I was taken into sports. I really didn’t want to leave - I was getting very used to the team, the people... But long heart-to-heart conversations about prospects and a bright future in sports still played a role. They managed to convince me.”
Your first partner was Katya Davydova, the daughter of a coach. So, what was it like riding with a girl?
“First of all, everyone in the yard was laughing at me because I was doing figure skating, and now with a girl! It was somehow shameful. Therefore, I either said that I was a singles player, or that I generally go to hockey games. And of course, dancing in pairs is something completely different. But Katya’s mother, Lidia Vasilievna, who just saw me at the skating rink, for some reason decided that I would succeed. They were then looking for a partner for Katya. Apparently, they liked me for some reason. (Laughs.) Of course, at first everything seemed frivolous, no one thought about sporting achievements, although we did three training sessions a day. Then things started to work out. In 1989 we went to competitions in Riga, then to Czechoslovakia. I finally bought a Coca-Cola - my dream came true. Gradually I got a taste for it, and the passion to succeed appeared. Although several times throughout my career I tried to quit the sport - for various reasons.”

Was there a teenage rebellion at age fifteen?
“The yard began to tighten. I lived in Maryino, after school we went to the Moskva River to swim, bake potatoes, eat cucumbers... It was such a fun that no training could compare. But my mother realized that I was lying, I didn’t go to classes for three days, and I told the coach that I was sick. She gave me good lyuli and brought me back to the sport.”
Is your mother an authority figure for you?
"Yes. Although now her worldview is somewhat outdated. As a person formed in Soviet time, she does not always adequately perceive modern life. But before, I always consulted with her.”
How were your relationships with your ice partners built? In order to succeed, mutual understanding is very important...
“The partners were different: somewhere I played main role, was a leader, somewhere a follower (although he tried not to show it). It doesn’t matter who is in charge in a pair, a good result is needed. But this grinding-in process has always been difficult and painful. Still, everyone tried to pull the blanket over themselves.”
Your duet with Anna Semenovich did not work out due to emotional differences? (In one of the interviews, Anna said that during their training they had a terrible voice. Sometimes Roman was even kicked out. - Author’s note.)
“No, Anya and I are similar in character. I just started skating with her after Tatyana Navka was my partner for a year. And, as they say, I felt the difference. The “candy wrappers” are both beautiful, but the “fillings” are different. Tatyana is older, more experienced, and has better technique. Anya is younger, brighter emotionally. She pushed into the background technical side, which I didn’t like at all. Still, artistry is good, but you need to be able to skate. So, comparing both partners, I realized that I had made a mistake.”
But it wasn't your decision.
“Yes, our coach Natalya Linichuk believed that Anya Semenovich would be more suitable for me. But I had to present this to Navka as my own choice. And since Tatyana and I had very difficult relationship, I did it easily. He said that we are not suitable for each other in character, our duet has no future.”

So trust the men after this - you don’t know what’s in their heads! How did you then manage to persuade Tatyana to return?
“I had to use the gift of eloquence. (Laughs.) It wasn’t easy. Moreover, she just gave birth to a child. Her relationship with Sasha Zhulin began to stabilize. But at the same time, I think Tanya understood that Sasha had made a career, but she had not yet. Just being the wife of a famous person is not in her character. She also wanted to achieve success in figure skating, to which she devoted so many years. So at the end of the season I decided to take a chance and called her. Explained why we broke up. And he suggested trying everything again. Tanya was shocked: “How?!” Linichuk was sobbing on my chest! “She thought for exactly three days, and then gave her consent. True, we had to leave Linichuk, Zhulin began to train us.”
After all these events, have you and Tatyana become more tolerant of each other?
“I had no choice. At that time I was already twenty-two years old: if I change my partner every year, there will be no result. I had to harness myself to the collar and push the cart to the end. I don’t mean Tatyana, but the current situation. Still, I was to blame for her. In addition, Tanya’s husband trained us, so she had all the trump cards in her hands, where am I with my sixes! Then everything somehow stabilized and went uphill.” (After moving to New Jersey, where Navka and Zhulin lived, Roman had a hard time in everyday life. He earned little then and did not have the opportunity to rent an apartment. At first he stayed with Tanya and Sasha, then he was sheltered by Ari Zakarian, Zhenya Plushenko’s agent. The skater spent the night in his attic on an air mattress. Then Olympic champion in single skating Oksana Baiul, his good friend, settled with him. After winning the World Championships in Dortmund, Kostomarov was finally able to afford rent. )
And some couples found it so well mutual language on ice that they even decided to start a family...
“I can’t imagine this. Tanya and I constantly fought during training. How else can you tolerate this at home? We still need to take a break from each other. There are many such couples among figure skaters: someone knew each other since childhood, skated together, experienced their first love. Of course, they got used to each other. Why not get married? Tanya and I agreed on enough mature age. She had Zhulin, I had my own girlfriend. Plus our arguments and bickering... I didn’t even think about trying to take any steps romantically. Although, I don’t argue, Tatyana is a beautiful girl.”

However, both of your wives are figure skaters. Is this due to the fact that athletes live in their own closed world?
“There’s just no time to go to clubs and meet people. After the competition, there are several free days when you can rest, relax, socialize - again with the same circle of people. You can’t fly from America to Moscow. I spent my entire youth, when I just wanted some kind of entertainment, parties, in training.”
Are you an amorous person?
“I’m an addictive person. And I experience breakups quite painfully. Of course you can see beautiful girl, you'll like her. There will be sympathy and love. But I know very well that this alone is not enough to be together; many factors must also come into play.”
Was it love at first sight with Oksana Domnina?
“No, at first it was just human communication. I had love at first sight with my first wife, Yulia. This is generally a feeling that people experience in their youth. The older a person gets, the harder it is to fall in love.” (Roman Kostomarov and Yulya Lautova met at the skating rink at the Olimpiysky sports complex - she was a singles skater, a student of Elena Anatolyevna Tchaikovskaya. They were still very young: he was twenty-one years old, she had just turned seventeen. Strong feelings Both were captured, but soon Roman was forced to leave for America. For four years they lived by phone calls and met occasionally. Roman came on vacation, and if Yulia flew to some championship in America through New York, he rushed to the airport just to see her for a while. They were sure that their relationship had been tested and got married in June 2004. Moreover, Oksana Domnina became a witness on the bride’s side. Everything was romantic and beautiful, but a year later Julia and Roman realized that the marriage was falling apart at the seams. — Approx. auto)
What do you think is the reason?
“After the wedding, Yulia went with me to America. She decided to quit figure skating, but I trained from morning to evening and devoted little time to her. And she wanted to have fun. This is probably why she periodically flew to Moscow and walked here. She said that she was flying to visit her grandmother and missed her parents, but in reality she was just hanging out. I found out about this a few months later. So I had my own complaints against her, and she had hers. It was at this time that I began to communicate closely with Oksana, we went on tours together. Sitting next to each other on the bus, we talked in different topics. And gradually I began to understand that by marrying Yulia, I made a mistake. I felt that Oksana was closer and dearer to me.”
You've been together for eight years. What is the reason for your reluctance to formalize the relationship? Are you afraid that everything might change for the worse?
“Well, I was officially married. We had love, a beautiful wedding with Yulia Lautova. And then everything collapsed. So why take the risk? For the sake of going for a walk and gathering people? This is what we can do. Everything is fine in our relationship even without the registry office. Although, probably, Oksana, like any girl, wants to wear White dress».
Maybe it’s important for you to feel that there is some escape route?
“You don’t think about it, but somewhere in the subconscious there’s probably such a thought. A stamp in your passport can really hit your pocket. As, for example, in America, when in the event of a divorce a woman receives half of her husband’s wealth. I think that every decent man, leaving his family, will leave most of his property to his wife and child. But I don’t want any dirt or legal squabbles. I am very grateful to Yulia that we parted without any financial claims, although she could have started to download her license. We officially divorced only in 2007 - Yulia asked for a deferment because she submitted documents for a green card. And I was worried that she would come and say: “Sorry, Roma, I won’t give you a divorce.” Let's divide everything." There were some attempts, but, thank God, Yulia still behaved adequately. She understood: everything that I earned appeared after our separation. That’s why we have normal relations now.”

Was your desire to become a father conscious?
"Absolutely. I wanted this after I decided to end my career in 2006. At first it is somewhat unusual that all life begins to revolve around little man. You have to give up many of your desires. You can’t open the window, you can’t turn on the air conditioner, you go to the store when you don’t need to buy anything yourself. But then you get used to it and begin to realize what a blessing it is to have a child. You come home, your daughter will climb on your lap, hug you with her little arms - and you don’t need anything else.”
It would probably be more interesting with your son? You can play some boyish games.
Roman: “I was very glad that my daughter was born. For some reason I wanted such a soft, sweet baby.”
Is it true that you teach Nastya to skate, although she is only two years old?
“In winter I had to take her on tour with me; my mother couldn’t stay with her. You went to practice yourself - why not put your daughter on the ice? Of course, she doesn’t know how to skate yet.”
Remembering your difficult childhood, how do you feel about your child playing sports?
Roman: “Positive. Let him suffer, work, strive for something. Maybe because I myself am an athlete to the core. True, I would like my daughter to take up tennis instead of figure skating. You can’t earn serious money in figure skating, but you have to work a lot. I like tennis myself, I play a little. I must be getting at least some adrenaline! I miss this feeling."
When was life more interesting - during sports or after?
“Then I was very good period, emotionally bright. But even now it’s not bad: more free time for self-development, for the family.”
You're lucky to have ice shows.
“Yes, lucky. But sooner or later everything ends, just like life. And this makes me a little sad. I understand that in another couple of years, that’s all, it’s unlikely that I’ll be able to perform.”
Where do you see yourself next?
“Most likely in coaching, or maybe I’ll get involved in productions. But I think it will be something related to ice. Perhaps not even here, but in America. Previously, it was absolutely uninteresting to me as a country of residence. I wanted to go home; all my friends were staying here. But now, on the contrary, everyone has gone there. Katya Gordeeva and Ilya Kulik are there - I go to visit them every year. The climate is amazing, the ocean is nearby. Ilya has his own skating rink, he invites you to work.”
Do you think you will be able to become a coach? After all, you need a special character, patience...
Roman: “Of course, I will give all my knowledge to athletes. And perhaps later, in the process, I will have a desire to raise champions. But for now I treat this as a business, as an opportunity to make money.”
A film career doesn't appeal to you?
“I tried it - it’s interesting and great, but you have to learn it professionally. (Roman played the main role in the series “Hot Ice”, and also starred in the crime drama “Kill the King”. - Author’s note.) Where, I’m already thirty-six years old... Of course, there are actors who started late. Like, for example, Andrey Panin, with whom we played together. Now, at the age of fifty, he has reached high level, but what does this bring in terms of finances? The acting profession in our country brings income to a few. You need to be Chulpan Khamatova or Nikita Mikhalkov. But go and become like this, especially in adulthood! I'm realist. You have to do your own thing—what you’re good at.”

— In the show “Romeo and Juliet” you don’t have the most romantic roles - Tybalt and Plague...

Roman: But they are so bright! Oksana created a stunning image - everyone who saw the performance noted it. Beautiful, sexy, stylish - in a word, Plague! (Laughs.)

Oksana: Honestly, when we started rehearsing, I had absolutely no idea how to play her?! Ilya Averbukh(the show's director) came up with the dramaturgy of the role: The Plague appears where conflicts, strife, and wars arise.

R.: In one of the scenes, the Plague on the chandelier rises to the ceiling and hovers above everyone, like an evil rock. Very impressive!

— Your costumes are amazing! Oksana is just Maleficent!

O.: (Laughs.) By the way, it seems! Although at first I doubted how I would ride in a crown and a long skirt?!

— And Roman, I heard, had to learn to fence especially for the show...

R.: I’ll say right away that swords, sabers and other musketeer matters are not my thing. Give me pistols and automatic weapons (laughs). But if it’s necessary for a performance, there’s nowhere to retreat. Physically it is very difficult - after the first training, my back simply fell off! But you still had to remember the sequence of combinations - who attacks, who defends.

A: And you can get injured!

R.: Yes, swords break, tips fly off. Every time I think, just not in the eye! Of course, we get into each other’s hands, sometimes to the point of blood. At first we got it, but now it’s okay, we’ve worked our butts off.

A: We performed in Sochi for three months - we have already performed 59 performances!

R.: Like all ice performances by Ilya Averbukh, “Romeo and Juliet” is loved by the audience. Oksana and I are happy to participate in it. Ilya assembled an excellent champion team: Maxim Marinin and Romeo and Juliet, Alexey Yagudin - Mercuzzio, Alexey Tikhonov - Padre Lorenzo.

— Has your daughter Nastya seen the performance?

R: Of course! She watches all our shows. She just doesn’t like it when Romeo kills dad (smiles).

— You tour a lot. What's included in your champion rider?

A: We don’t have a champion rider, and we don’t require a leather sofa and cognac in our room (laughs).

R.: For the last three years we have been touring mainly in Sochi. Of course, all conditions have been created there. We came with children, grandmother and nanny. If we needed an additional number, we paid for it ourselves, we can afford it.

— Do you miss amateur sports?

R.: I admit, at first my heart skipped a beat. How can it be that they will award medals without me! (Laughs.) Now I’ve calmed down. Everything has its time.

— After the departure of your couples (R. Kostomarov - T. Navka and O. Domnina - M. Shabalin), there was a decline in ice dancing. Maybe I should have stuck around after all?

R.: We did our job to the maximum. But we didn’t want to cover up the hole in the team. Sport is a cruel thing. Today you Olympic champion, and six months later no one remembers about you. We are lucky that we still have the opportunity to go on the ice. There is also enough adrenaline and communication with the public.

— Tatyana Navka told me that she keeps her “champion” Carmen costume. And you?

R.: Why! After the Olympics, I competed there for several more years.

A: We store both medals and costumes. This is our life.

— Do you follow the competitions?

R: Of course. We have our favorites. Fantastic Canadian ice dancers Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir. Of our couples, we are rooting for Victoria Sinitsina and Nikita Katsalapov. Magnificent Evgenia Medvedeva, and all the girls on the team skate at the highest level.

— Do people recognize you on the street?

R.: Sometimes they find out, come up for an autograph, and ask to take a photo. We don't refuse. But the most important thing is that, after watching enough ice shows, parents began to buy skates for their children and enroll them in sports sections.

— Are you already thinking about the time when you will stop performing on the show?

A. No, we live for today.

R.: We can always make a living by coaching - if not in Russia, then abroad. But I want this moment not to come for as long as possible (smiles).

— Your colleague Alexey Tikhonov recently starred in the TV series “Boomerang” in a dramatic role. Roman also has experience working in cinema. No desire to seriously pursue a film career?

R.: My film experience is nonsense. Everything is more or less famous people they try themselves in cinema, but this does not make them actors. This is a profession that needs to be learned, but truly talented actors generally only a few. You turn on the TV and think: who are all these people?

A: Alexey likes to play in the theater and act in films. By the way, in our performance this acting experience It came in handy for him - he not only dances, but also recites poetry superbly.

— After leaving big-time sports, how do you keep fit?

R.: For me, sport is like a drug. Fatigue after training and muscle pain are a pleasure. A few hours in the gym - and no depression. I alternate classes: boxing, tennis, rocking, cardio training.

O.: Unlike Roman, I don’t like the gym (laughs). I like it better when I’m so busy that I don’t have time to eat: dropping off the children, cooking, cleaning. When Ilyusha was born, we hired a nanny, but before that we managed on our own. Once a week a woman comes and helps with cleaning. But the rest of the house is mine.

-You are so slim! Is it all diets, proper nutrition?

— I don’t follow any diets and proper nutrition I’m not crazy: I love sweets and flour. But, as Romina’s mother says: you can’t crush a gene with your finger. Everyone in my family on my father’s side is thin.

— Do you live in Moscow or outside the city?

A: We are 100% city dwellers. Two days outside the city and Roman is already howling like a wolf (laughs). We love the center of Moscow, comfort, civilization. And spend two hours every day on the road to kindergarten- This is madness.

— You lived and worked in America for quite a long time. Have you thought about returning?

A: As long as there is work in Russia, we will not leave here. Here is our home, family, spectators.

— A few years ago you got married. Has this somehow changed your attitude towards each other?

A: This is a very important step for us. We got married in Moscow, with Father Nikolai, who once married Ekaterina Gordeeva and Sergei Grinkov.

R.: Katya told us about this priest. What you feel during a wedding cannot be described in words, it must remain inside.

- It seems to me that you are completely different in character.

A: Roman is expressive, impulsive - in a word, an extrovert. I'm calmer.

- You both come from simple families, right?

O.: That's right. As a child, I lived in the same room with my parents, Roman also grew up in a communal apartment. We didn't even have a TV. Some money appeared when we started earning money ourselves.

— Do you remember your first big purchase?

A: The car is a Honda Civic, which I bought in 2005.

— What kind of driver are you?

A: I go to Roman’s school, and he thinks that all the problems on the roads are because of women (laughs). He didn't want me to drive. Even when I got my license, he drove with me and controlled me (laughs).

— There is a five-year difference between your children.

A: This is a great difference! Nastya was very happy about the appearance of her brother. I think we were even more worried than she was. Especially Roman. When Ilya was born, he surrounded Nastya with such care and love! Concentrated completely on her.

- So you can leave the children with Roman with peace of mind?

R.: Better not (laughs). It is difficult for a man to cope with two children.

- You strict dad?

— I try to be like that (smiles). Children must obey their parents.

O.: But in general you are a kind dad.

R.: I don’t like it when I have to repeat the same thing ten times. Sometimes I can raise my voice.

— How do the children get along with each other?

A: So far they are doing great. Ilya is now at an age when he constantly runs after Nastya, calling her to play. She’s a great guy, she’s happy to communicate with him, and she’s not mischievous.

— Nastya doesn’t go to school yet?

“Considering that today children in first grade should be able to both write and read, we decided to keep her at home for another year. She goes to preparatory group, and in the summer a wonderful teacher taught her.

—Have you already chosen a school?

— I don’t know whether this is right or wrong, but we don’t bother about an elite or private school. You know what they say best school- close to home.

— Are you considering the option of studying abroad?

- Not yet. Indeed, in this case, one of us will have to move to be close to Nastya. And the family must stick together.

—Which of you is Nastya more like in character?

“She is hardworking, persistent, with a strong core. I think for both of us (laughs).

-What does she like to do?

— Nastya dances at Todes, plays tennis, and in the summer she became interested in gymnastics, but then the desire disappeared. Apparently, she pulled a muscle a couple of times, but she doesn’t want to endure the pain (smiles). She is calm about figure skating. Only recently have I more or less learned to skate. Once he told me: “I want to be a figure skater.” I ask her: “Do you want to get up at six in the morning for training?” - “No” (laughs).

— Does Nastya understand that her parents are famous people?

- We an ordinary family, and we try to instill this in our children. Nastya goes to kindergarten as usual. I think if she started imagining, they would have told me. Her friends must have seen us on TV. One girl once asked me: “Are you a figure skater?” That's all the fame (laughs).

— What do you consider the main achievement in life?

R.: Of course, children. This is the greatest happiness! There was sport in my life, there were victories. Today there is an ice show and work. Is love. I am grateful to fate that Oksana and I are together. It’s a sin for me to complain about anything.

A: Roman and I have achieved a lot, so I ask God for only one thing - that serious trials will bypass our family.

Video with Oksana Domnina and Roman Kostomarov:

Oksana Domnina is a famous Russian figure skater, known for her many glorious victories at a variety of tournaments and sports competitions.

Her career included awards of the most of different denominations, but what led our today’s heroine to all these successes? This biographical article will help our readers understand this.

Early years, childhood and family of figure skater Oksana Domnina

The future famous athlete was born on August 17, 1984 in the city of Kirov. The girl started figure skating at the age of six. At first she worked mainly at an outdoor skating rink, but later, along with some other children, she was selected to work at a more suitable one for training. artificial ice. During this period, our today's heroine began to practice ice dancing for the first time.

Oksana Domnina’s first coach was Irina Fedorovykh, and her partner was Anton Ryabov. Together with him, the athlete achieved some success at competitions in her native Kirov, but later this sports tandem broke up, and our today’s heroine began to go on the ice together with Ivan Lobanov.

In 2000, together with him, the athlete won eighth place at the Russian Championship in the adult group, and also became ninth at the championship among juniors. This success was a significant achievement for the still very young skater. However, at the end of the year the Domnina-Lobanov couple broke up. Ivan began performing together with another athlete, Olga Gmyzina. And Oksana accepted the offer of coach Alexei Gorshkov and moved to the town of Odintsovo near Moscow.

The new mentor paired Domnina with Maxim Bolotin. And in the end, the changes brought their results. In the 2000/2001 season, Oksana Domnina, together with her new partner, managed to reach the final of the junior Grand Prix series, and also win bronze at the Russian national junior championship. Everything was going very well, but disagreements off the ice forced Oksana to break up with her partner.

Starting in the spring of 2002, our today’s heroine began performing together with figure skater Maxim Shabalin. It was at this moment that Domnina’s first serious success came.

Star Trek by Oksana Domnina: success in big-time sports

In 2003, the Domnina-Shabalin couple took first place at the world championship among juniors. Immediately after this (at the beginning of 2004), our today’s heroine, together with her partner, managed to win silver at the Russian Championship. A year later, Oksana and Maxim managed to win this tournament for the first time.

Oksana Domnina and Maxim Shabalin

After this, the couple reached the final of the World Series Grand Prix, in which they managed to take third place, behind competitors from Bulgaria and Canada. However, despite this, in the early stages Oksana and Maxim still managed to add gold from the Chinese stage and silver from the Moscow stage to their treasury.

At the Russian Championship in 2007, our today’s heroine again reached the highest step of the podium with her partner. Immediately after this, Domnina and Shabalin appeared at the European Championships, where they lost only to a couple from France, ultimately taking second place.

The 2007/2008 season was also quite successful for Oksana and her partner. They were able to win the Grand Prix final, but later everything went wrong due to a knee injury that Domnina’s partner received. The operation was successful, and the recovery period was short. But after winning the European Championship, the couple still refused to participate in the world championship due to worsening pain in the knee, which Maxim complained about.

Oksana Domnina left Roman Kostomarov for Vladimir Yaglych

After this, Shabalin again underwent a rehabilitation course and was able to get on the ice again.

In June 2008, the couple changed their coach and began training under the guidance of Gennady Karponosov and Natalya Linichuk. Such a turn allowed the athletes to win the “Cup of China” (the Chinese stage of the world Grand Prix), as well as to win silver at the Russian stage of the competition. In the final of the Grand Prix series, the skaters also took second place. Not wanting to exhaust themselves with long flights, as well as disrupt their training plan for the European Championship, Oksana and Maxim decided to skip the Russian national championship. However, due to Shabalin’s accidental fall at the European Championships, the couple became only fifth.

This episode forced the athletes to take a fresh look at their training program. They began to train with redoubled zeal and already in March 2009 they won gold medals at the World Championships.

Thus, the Domnina-Shabalin pair became the only one in the world of figure skating who managed to win both the junior and “adult” world championships with the same lineup.

This triumph brought the skaters a medal for “Service to the Fatherland” (second degree). Subsequently, Oksana Domnina and her partner also became bronze medalists Olympics and three-time champions of Russia. After these performances, our today’s heroine interrupted her performances and triumphantly retired from big-time sports.

Personal life of Oksana Domnina

For several years, our today's heroine lived in a civil marriage with figure skater Roman Kostomarov. At the beginning of 2011, Oksana gave birth to her chosen one, daughter Anastasia. However, two years later, the love union of the two athletes broke up.

At the end of 2013, it became known that the actor Vladimir Yaglych became the figure skater’s new lover. Their relationship began during a joint performance on the Ice Age project. Currently, the couple is inseparable.

Why did the skater wait so long to marry Oksana Domnina? How much did he earn when he lived in the USA? Who was the athlete skating with when his couple with Tatyana Navka broke up for a while? We found answers to these and other questions!

Personal data

Height: 183 cm.

Weight: 78 kg.

Financial position: stable. Roman recalls that at the beginning sports career lived in the USA on $150 a month, but after winning the Olympics the situation changed. Now Kostomarov’s constant source of income is “Ice Age,” of which he is a participant, as well as Ilya Averbukh’s ice shows.

Housing problem: I have my own apartment in Moscow, a dacha.

What's in the garage: The first solid car of my own was a Toyota Land Cruiser SUV, donated by the President of Russia for winning the Olympics.

Main achievement: 2006 Olympic champion in ice dancing paired with Tatyana Navka. In 2007, he was awarded the Order of Friendship for his great contribution to the development of physical culture and sports, and high sporting achievements.

In the show "Lights" big city"with Tatyana Navka and Marat Basharov

Photo: courtesy of the Ice Symphony company

Men's hobbies: loves sports cars and motorcycles.

Favorite dishes: mushroom soup, steak.

Characteristics of friends: Roman’s partner in “Ice Age” Alena Babenko about what she values ​​in him: “It is important for me that a person has principles. And I really value such a quality as honesty. Roman has this quality.”

Flaws: very demanding of himself and others, does not like to be contradicted.

Where you can find: Roman doesn’t like to go to parties, so the easiest way to meet him is at the recording of the Ice Age show in Ostankino.

Attention! If Roman Kostomarov is not your ideal, be sure to leave a comment on who deserves to be on the list of the 100 most desirable men in the world.

Favorite women

With Tatyana Navka

Roman Kostomarov never had a reputation as a womanizer, although he himself admitted that in his youth he did not let pretty girls pass by. “This is to some extent bravado,” explained later figure skater. – It’s just that when you’re alone, you search like anyone else. normal man. You choose, see who suits you, who suits you. That's life".

The first serious feeling overtook Roman at the age of 20. His chosen one was a figure skater Yulia Lautova, who was only 17 years old at that time. The athletes met at the skating rink of the Olimpiysky sports complex in Moscow. It was a real long-distance romance: Kostomarov then lived and trained with Tatyana Navka in the USA, Yulia in Russia. But this relationship option turned out to be the most suitable for the couple. Daily phone conversations and rare meetings They didn’t let Roman and Yulia get bored with each other. But when the girl decided to quit sports and the lovers began to live together, problems began.

“I was constantly missing training. Yulia was jealous – either of the sport, then of Tanya, then of the other skaters,” Roman said. – The warm feelings that were there at first gradually faded away. And yet, in June 2004, we got married. The marriage lasted a little more than a year. That's all. We decided to get a divorce. It was scary! They couldn't divorce us for almost a year. Either I didn’t have time to come, or she didn’t. That’s when I realized that marriage is an extra headache.”

Wedding of Roman and Oksana

The unsuccessful experience of official relations took its toll when Roman began dating another figure skater - Oksana Domnina. They felt an attraction to each other during a joint tour with the Ice Symphony show by Ilya Averbukh. But there was no talk of marriage. Even the birth of his daughter Anastasia in 2011 did not make Roman think about registering a marriage with the baby’s mother. Oksana put up with this at first, but then began to hint that she still dreams of a white dress and veil. Roman did not react to this. As a result, at the end of 2013, the skaters broke up, and Oksana went to her partner in the Ice Age project, the actor Vladimir Yaglych.

But the separation did not last long - Domnina soon returned to Kostomarov. And already in March 2014, Roman invited his beloved to become his wife! The wedding took place at the end of April, the marriage registration took place a month after that. The wedding was secret, only the closest ones were present at the ceremony. The fact that Domnina and Kostomarov became husband and wife became known at another wedding - Marat Basharova. Oksana and Roman with wedding rings in their arms, without hesitation, they demonstrated their feelings there.

Five unexpected facts from life

  • Roman has several tattoos, each of which means something. So, after breaking up with Oksana Domnina, he got a tattoo “Love is a crucifixion” (the inscription is made on English language). But there are others, for example, “The main thing is family.”
  • At the age of 15, Kostomarov pierced his ear because he wanted to be like figure skater Sergei Klimov.
  • At first, the pair Roman Kostomarov - Tatyana Navka was considered unpromising. The skaters skated for a year (from 1998 to 1999), after which the coach paired Roman with Anna Semenovich. However, this duet soon broke up due to the fact that Roman and Anna were constantly in conflict. Kostomarov returned to Navka.
  • After moving to the USA, Kostomarov lived with figure skater Oksana Baiul for a year and a half. At the same time, relations between the athletes remained purely friendly all this time. Roman moved out when Oksana had a permanent boyfriend and became jealous of the girl towards Kostomarov.
  • Roman played in several films and the TV series “Hot Ice”. The most unexpected role was in the film “On Betrayal” (2010), where the skater portrayed... a lifeless body.