Who is Pyotr Chernyshev? Pyotr Chernyshev: You can’t live with Anastasia Zavorotnyuk! Soviet, Russian, and later American figure skater who competed in ice dancing

The actress and figure skater commented on rumors of their divorce

The couple commented on rumors of their divorce

Rumors that Anastasia ZAVOROTNYUK is divorcing her husband, figure skater Pyotr CHERNYSHEV, have been circulating on the Internet for several weeks now. Alarmed friends and acquaintances cut off the couple’s phone numbers, sympathizing and wondering why? The spouses are “stupid” - as they say! - they didn’t comment, but flew away together on a romantic trip to the Seychelles.

According to the actors, lately they barely get time to be together due to their busy work schedules.

I spent almost six months in Minsk filming the military drama “The Hunt for the Gauleiter,” says Zavorotnyuk in an interview with a magazine HELLO! - Petya had to live in St. Petersburg for a month and a half, where the Bolero show with his participation was on. And now, in September, he opened his own figure skating school at the Tavrichesky skating rink in St. Petersburg, so he spends a lot of time in his hometown.

When asked about the breakup, Nastya expressed obvious bewilderment:

Petya is very attentive to me and to all the women in our family - to my mother Valentina Borisovna, my daughter Anya, even to our nanny Tatyana Petrovna. He often gives flowers and gifts for no reason at all.

However, there is still not enough romance in their relationship, Anastasia admits. Chernyshev also believes that their feelings sometimes need a good “shake-up.”

Routine eats up these sensations, but you just stop for a second, slow down and focus on your loved one. And then what you felt at the very beginning, you will feel even stronger, I assure you.

At the same time, the lovers admit that it is quite difficult for them, as two artistic natures, to get along.

Petya, tell the truth: you can’t live with an artist,” Anastasia laughs.

- You can’t live with the artist Anastasia Zavorotnyuk! No one! - her husband assents to her. - Only I can and only with this artist. ( Laughs.) But seriously, the difference in temperament saves us. It is common for me, like any man, to rely more often on common sense, logic, and, when emotions run high, to judge calmly.

As for the jealousy that journalists catch them every now and then (and then successfully “divorce”), the couple said that in fact they are not familiar with this feeling.

I don’t really understand this feeling – jealousy,” says Peter. - It arises, in my opinion, only when either you are not confident in yourself and your love, or you are not confident in your spouse. Although I understand why this question arose: Nastya is kissing the artists in the frame.

Anastasia, in turn, admits that she is not so philosophical about such topics.

I have a clear position - jealousy can poison life and kill love, so I don’t allow myself to think about it. We must trust each other.

Peter was born in 1871 in St. Petersburg. He was named after his grandfather, who was a four-time winner of the USSR championship in figure skating.

In his childhood, Petya was fond of hockey, but his father forbade him to even get close to the hockey rink, fearing dangerous injuries. Therefore, from the age of six he went to figure skating classes.

From the age of eight, Peter already went to sports training camps and showed great success on the ice. True, he spent most of his time outside the home, but this helped him become more independent and self-sufficient.

In addition, despite absences, he graduated from school with a Silver medal.

Skater career

At first, Pyotr Chernyshov performed in single skating. He easily mastered new tricks and difficult jumps, and took prizes at championships many times. different levels, including international ones.

However, when he turned 18, he left for ice dancing due to injury. With their partner Olga Pershankova, they became Champions of Russia. However, Peter's demands on his partner were so high that they broke up.

Chernyshov's second partner is Sofia Elizarova. Thanks to her, he went to the United States, where he received a green card. There he performed a lot, trained at Natalia Dubova's school, and in 1996 the American Naomi Lang became his new partner.

The pair gradually increased their skill, and since 1999 they have won the debut US Championships five times, receiving Gold medals. In 2003, Naomi was injured and the couple ended their amateur careers.

Peter started coaching. He participated in various shows, and also choreographed dances for many famous figure skaters, and organized show programs himself.

Personal life

In 1988, Pyotr Chernyshov married for the first time - Natalya Annenko became his companion. They lived together for 7 years, but after Peter began training with Naomi Lang, discord began in the family. Peter was fascinated by his attractive partner, and Natalya proposed a divorce. After the divorce, Natalya spoke very warmly about ex-husband and said that they parted as friends.

Despite the whirlwind romance, the relationship with Lang did not lead to official marriage.

Chernyshov entered into his second marriage in 2008 - actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk became his chosen one. Peter fell in love with her when he saw her in the film “The Apocalypse Code,” and they met on the set of the program “ Ice age».

Sometimes there are reports in the press that Chernyshov and Zavorotnyuk are getting divorced. But the couple always denies these rumors. In addition, photos of her and her famous husband constantly appear on Zavorotnyuk’s Instagram.

It’s normal for Anastsia Zavorotnyuk and Pyotr Chernyshev not to see each other for six months, to work in different cities and... meet New Year in the pool. To talk about their projects and why their love has lasted more than 7 years, Anastasia and Peter invited journalists for the first time to their new three-story house in the Moscow region, which they bought 2 years ago.

Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and Pyotr Chernyshev have long dreamed of living outside the city. Peter spent a year and a half drawing up a project for the future house, drawing plans, calculating cost estimates for building materials. Looking at this, Anastasia thought: “At this rate, we will move, God willing, in five to seven years.” She decided to take everything into her own hands and, with her characteristic energy, set out in search of her dream home. For several weeks, Anastasia traveled around the Moscow region and looked at finished housing. When I arrived here, I entered the house, went up to the third floor, looked out the window at the forest and realized that I didn’t want to leave here.

Anastasia. It was love at first sight! (Smiles.) I immediately realized that this house was for us. She quickly completed all the documents, keeping the purchase of the house a secret from the whole family, even from Petya. I wanted to give my family such an incredible surprise. Everything worked out, although it cost me a lot of effort. After some time, I suggested that my husband go and see what the realtors were offering. I knew that Petya would like the house, its strict lines, space and panoramic windows. The husband really was delighted and began to think out loud how much this house could cost and how we could buy it. And I simply told him: “This is our home, congratulations, dear!”

Peter. At first I thought it was a prank. (Laughs.) And when he realized that Nastya was not joking, he only said to his wife: “I don’t know you at all.” It’s wonderful to understand that after seven years of marriage there are still so many mysteries about your loved one.

Anastasia, Peter, your house is beautiful. Will you be celebrating the New Year here?

Peter. Thank you. We celebrated 2015 for the first time in this house, we liked it. I will be happy if there is such a holiday.

Anastasia. Together with our children Anya and Mike (Anastasia Zavorotnyuk’s children from a previous marriage. - Ed.) we listened to the president’s congratulations, made wishes as the chimes struck and... dived into the pool. There were glasses of champagne and caviar in bowls on the side, we swam, danced, and had fun until the morning. I hope Anya will be able to fly to Moscow for the holidays... My daughter called recently and said she really missed both us and Moscow.

Is Anya studying in America now?

Anastasia. Yes, she has been living in the USA for the second year and is studying at New York University at the production department. It’s difficult for her, she spends five to six hours in classes, a huge amount of new knowledge, and English. But she likes it. I can't believe I already have one adult daughter that she has her own life. You know, despite the fact that we are now on different continents, we are constantly in touch, she tells me everything, we are very close.

And what about your son, 15-year-old Mike? Such a difficult age...

Anastasia. It’s a difficult age for some, but Mishka found a hobby, and it’s not computer games. The son is seriously involved in music, plays the guitar, writes compositions and lyrics in Russian and English. When we are together with children, time is compressed, and there is always rich communication between us. I remember my childhood. Dad is a documentary director, mother is the leading actress of the Astrakhan Youth Theater, People's Artist of the country. They worked a lot, but I always had the feeling that my brother and I were surrounded by parental attention. I’m not sure that I manage to give my children the same amount of information that I once received from my father, but I would like them to be as interested in me as I am with them. I should probably be strict and keep everything under control, but it’s difficult for me. Maybe this is a man's task. And next to the children there is Petya, who is a good friend to them.

Peter. Isn't mom a friend? (Smiles.) We are family. It’s just that Nastya is more emotional when resolving some issues. And I am balanced, reasonable, cold-blooded.

Anastasia, having known you for several years, I can notice that you are a caring mother. Was it difficult to let your daughter study in another country?

Anastasia. It was very scary.  I remember when she just went abroad for preparatory courses and we rented her an apartment, I couldn’t understand how she would be there alone, without me, without supervision?! I just couldn’t imagine how she opens the door with her key, unpacks her suitcase, and prepares herself breakfast. I couldn’t believe that I already had a completely independent daughter. For six months I tried to persuade myself to let Anya go free swimming. But exactly two weeks later I had “urgent business” in New York, and I rushed there, taking my son. It's funny, of course. But, returning to Moscow, after some time I again found a reason to visit my daughter.

Peter. But you finally mastered it modern means communications. You see, until recently Nastya was, to put it mildly, on good terms with electronic gadgets. But when Anya left, Nastya simply had to learn to send more than just text messages. Now she knows what Skype, WhatsApp and other communication programs are. (Smiles.) Of course, Nastya is still ready to go to America at any opportunity. It’s just that for the last six months both she and I have had a lot of work.

What projects take up the most energy and time from you? Do you continue to train skaters in Canada and America?

Yes, and in Russia too - I choreograph for Maxim Kovtun, Adelina Sotnikova, and the Kawaguchi-Smirnov couple. And I'm not only in sports. Now I'm waiting for the premiere of Igor Demarin's rock opera "Perfume" based on the novel by Patrick Suskind - December 24 and 25 at the Olimpiysky. I happily agreed to take this story to the ice rink as soon as the offer came from the producers. There should be a bright, colorful performance - a symphony orchestra, opera singers and the best skaters. To perform the main roles, I invited the champions - Stéphane Lambiel, Marina Anisina and Gwendal Peyser, Ekaterina Gordeeva, and I myself will dance with my partner Naomi Lang. After the premiere of "Perfume" at the same arena, at the "Olympic", we are launching a performance for children - "The Jingles and Their New Year's Adventures", a dynamic story to the music of Strauss in a modern arrangement. The fairy tale was invented by the writer Oleg Roy, among the participants was Mikhail Galustyan, for example.

Now you can safely be called not only a coach, but also a stage director?

Yes, perhaps. It all started on the eve of 2015, when our team commissioned the Moscow government to create the “Nutcracker” show as part of the “Journey to Christmas” festival. It was shown on Pushkin Square completely free of charge. This year there is a festival again and Tchaikovsky again - on December 18 there was the premiere of Swan Lake. When the show ends, the skating rink in the scenery is opened to people, and everyone can skate in a fabulous atmosphere. There are not many joys in our lives, and it is very nice to be part of a team that makes people happy. By the way, Nastya helps me a lot in all my projects: she “sounds” behind the scenes - reads the libretto. (Smiles.)

Anastasia, what about the cinema?

I am very glad that in our difficult times, when many film projects are closed and drowning, I am filming non-stop. Now we’ll finish the interview, and I’ll fly back to filming the film “Love and the Sea.” In June, the movie “Alien Darling” was shot, and it was shown on the “Russia 1” channel in the fall. There will be a full-length film in January. The profession does not let me go, it holds me, and there is no fatigue from it.

When choosing a project, do you imagine how successful it will be?

I can’t say that I’m somehow building a strategy - I need to star in this film, because it will make a splash, but I shouldn’t do this - it will fail. The proverb “A mystery is never rich” is exactly about my career. Take, for example, the same “My Fair Nanny.” When we started filming, no one could have imagined such success. The producer of the series, Alexander Efimovich Rodnyansky, said so: don’t have much hope for ratings. But somehow everything turned out differently.

Peter puts on a show in Moscow and trains in Canada, you, Anastasia, film here and there, go to visit your daughter in America. When do you see each other?

Peter.(Sighs.) You pour salt into the wounds. The last six months have been especially difficult. We only saw each other once every two or three weeks for two days.
Anastasia. Well, we found out the rules of the game right away, “on the shore” - even before the wedding, almost eight years ago. We understood that we both have a favorite job that requires constant movements, and often it does not depend on us where and when we fly tomorrow. But maybe that’s why we treat each other so well and treat each other for so many years. (Smiles.)

So separations strengthen your marriage?

Peter. I don't think breakups have any effect on feelings. Is it possible to love a person less simply because you are constantly with him?

Over time, feelings between people, if they do not go away, then definitely change. Passion passes, love transforms into respect...

Anastasia. You know, you're right. It’s all the more surprising to me that our feelings haven’t changed at all. It looks like happiness. It would seem that after a year or two or three, addiction should have set in, or maybe irritation would appear. But no. I was waiting for this moment - now, now everything will pass, everything will end. It still passes. Many books have been written about this. But time passed, but the feeling remained the same. And I stopped waiting, fearing and simply accepted the state of affairs as a given. (Smiles.) Well, nothing irritates me about Petya. Absolutely nothing. (Laughs.)

Peter. Oh, you're lying. I annoy myself sometimes. (Laughs.) But seriously, the freshness of feelings, mutual attraction, tenderness - everything is there, everything is the same as seven years ago. Why? I don’t know, but it’s probably impossible to explain in words. We both, of course, have character, and in order to accept each other’s opinions, which are sometimes diametrically opposed, we have to make an effort. This is a fact. But this does not change anything in our relationship, the main thing remains - love.

Style: Alesya Matyashchuk. Make-up and hairstyle: Dinara Samigulina. We thank Studio Laro for the festive home decor

Five-time US ice dancing champion Peter Chernyshev opened the Peter Chernyshev School in St. Petersburg. In Russia, little is known about this skater, but in the States he was a popular athlete. Returning to his homeland, Peter married famous actress Anastasia Zavorotnyuk and immediately became the hero of gossip columns. Although almost everything that is written about Chernyshev is not true. We decided to find out the truth first hand.

– Peter, this year you celebrate 35 years of your life in sports. The anniversary coincided with the opening of a school in St. Petersburg. Tell us about her.

– On our ice, in the “ABC of Ice” groups, children and adults learn the basics of skating. Here you can see future figure skaters and hockey players. The first steps on the ice are the same for everyone: both amateurs and those who set the goal of becoming Olympic champion. We also offer individual lessons.

– Was the school named after the famous grandfather?

- Right. This is a tribute to my grandfather.

In the 30s Peter Chernyshev was a figure skating champion. He was a very versatile person; he managed to combine work at the plant as chief engineer with sports career. Apparently, playing sports contributes to the development intellectual abilities. I firmly believe in this. Grandfather was the same person who brought me to the first sports section. I was six years old then.

“The move to Russia took three years”

– Are your parents also athletes?

- No. Mom Lyubov Vasilievna and dad Andrei Petrovich are engineers by training. They are already retired. Mom once devoted all her strength to our upbringing. I can tell you with an example younger brother Alexandra, because you can’t give yourself an assessment, that she did it very well. My brother also knows how to skate, but he was not involved in sports professionally. Sasha is a mathematician, he has two higher education.

– Peter, did you decide to move to the USA yourself?

- Yes. From the age of eight I went to sports camps. He spent two hundred days a year away from home and graduated from school with a silver medal. At the age of 16, when I decided to leave, I could already make my own decisions about what to do with my sports career.

– What has America taught you?

Positive attitude to people. All life in this country is permeated with a positive attitude towards others. Unfortunately, this is not the case with us. Probably the level of worries and troubles leaves its mark. I can’t say that it doesn’t exist in America. But in general, life there is simpler. Americans have confidence in the future.

– During your 18 years in America, you received citizenship and probably built a house. It’s not easy to pick up and leave your favorite place.

– There was no house, two apartments. I did well there: I skated, I trained. I had no intention of leaving anywhere. But life is unpredictable. Man proposes, but God disposes. I was invited to participate in a TV show in Russia, where I met my love, Nastya. It was really difficult for me to leave there. My move took about three years. It was not easy for me to adapt to the course of life here.

“I am a romantic in life”

– Are you a romantic in life?

- There is such a thing!

– We left Russia in the early nineties. Do you understand now what the dashing nineties were?

– It’s absolutely incomprehensible. The cultural profile of that time was left out for me. I didn’t know about the cult films “Brigada” and “Gangster Petersburg”. All the actors and pop performers were strangers to me. I didn’t know that the American sitcom “Nanny” was adapted in Russia and is called “My Fair Nanny.” I didn't like him in America. I didn't have the slightest idea who she was Anastasia Zavorotnyuk. I was surprised that Nastya played in this least favorite series of mine, and even after that she became a star in Russia. I began to learn about this later.

-Are you a house builder?

– No, I am a very flexible person in this regard. In our house, like in my parents’ house, there is a monarchy: we have a king and a queen.

– What is important to you in life?

- Honesty. I am not a supporter of putting material wealth at the forefront, but I am still more inclined to believe that spiritual values ​​make a person richer. By nature I am a philosopher.

– There are rumors that you and Nastya divorced and now your chosen one is Nadezhda Granovskaya, with whom you performed brilliantly on the “Dancing with the Stars” project.

- This is absurd! We did not divorce Nastya. We did not have any romances with Nadya or any other participant in the project. Nastya doesn’t know even half of what they write about us. I don’t tell her about this not because she will be upset - Anastasia takes this nonsense calmly, but because discussing this or that topic takes up time.

“I can’t get my wife into sports”

– With Yulia Kovalchuk you became the first on the project “Dancing on Ice. Velvet season" “Ice Age” brought you second place together with Ksenia Alferova. Who was it easier with?

– I was lucky with Nadya, and with Ksenia, and with Yulia. We didn't have sharp corners. All the girls smashed themselves to prove that they were the best and showed themselves with the best side. For example, Yulia was injured and, through pain and tears, skated two programs on one leg. She has a fighting character.

– Why does this happen: as soon as people get married, they are immediately assigned romances?

– This is a huge, wonderful compliment to us and our art - it means that we manage to play the feelings that are needed.

– People don’t believe that artists adapt so quickly on the ice. Many people think that you train for six months before a show.

– Nobody trains in advance. Everything happens the way it is shown on TV. What remains behind the scenes is that we spend twelve hours a day on the ice.

– Do you teach your wife to play sports?

– I don’t teach Nastya to play sports. You remember that we have a monarchy. The Queen chooses what she wants. But she joins me when she has the opportunity. It just doesn't always work out because I'm busy.

– How do you combine the appearance of a playboy with the image of a decent family man?

– I get my looks from my parents. As for the playboy, there are no comrades according to taste. But I can say for sure that I am a family man.

Photo by Gennady Usoev and from the personal archive of Peter Chernyshev

Pyotr Chernyshev was born in St. Petersburg, then still Leningrad, in 1971 into a family of figure skaters. His grandfather Peter, after whom the boy was named, became a champion in single skating four times.

Petr Chernyshev is an experienced figure skater. At first I was engaged in single figure skating. In the 1980s, he delighted the audience with triple jumps, which was rare in the USSR at that time. At the age of 18, Chernyshev’s biography revealed his passion for dancing.

Then he became the champion of Leningrad, and later showed excellent results at the USSR Championship. So in the biography of Chernyshev, together with Sofia Yelyazova, they competed for the USSR, and then for Russia.

In 1992, he moved to the United States, and in 2001 he became a full-fledged citizen of the country. Paired with Naomi Lang, figure skater Chernyshev achieved considerable victories. Having formed a duet in 1996, in the first season the couple took fifth place at the US Championships. Then, in the biography of Peter Chernyshev, victories at the championship occurred five times. In 2002, the couple Naomi and Petra participated in olympic games, representing the USA, took 11th place. After this, the famous figure skater took up coaching.

In addition, Chernyshev performs at many ice shows. For example, he participated in the Stradivarius Golden Ice tour with Niomi Lang.

The “Dancing on Ice” project helped to further increase the popularity of the already famous figure skater Pyotr Chernyshev. He, performing in tandem with Yulia Kovalchuk, managed to win the project.

Chernyshev's first wedding was with figure skater Natalya Annenko. The couple lived together for seven years. Now the relationship between Chernyshev and Anastasia Zavorotnyuk has received wide publicity.

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