Being Dmitry Nagiyev is work every day. Features of the speech behavior of a TV talk show host Gestures, facial expressions, various signaling and sign systems

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  • This shaven man with a crooked grin is a born showman.
    His style of acting, whether on television or in films, is always on the edge... it would seem that a little more and he would descend into vulgarity, but surprisingly this does not happen.
    Conducting a sarcastic dialogue with himself on stage, he is able to suddenly say something deep and heartfelt.
    Where is the mask, and where is the real Dmitry Nagiyev? Don't guess.

    Dmitry Nagiev:
    "... Listening to me, don't take it to heart...
    And if you accept it, then be strong..."

    Date of birth: April 4, 1967 (age 47)
    Place of birth: Leningrad, RSFSR, USSR
    Height 1.73 m
    Not married

    * Nagiyev’s ancestors are Iranian Azerbaijanis, refugees from Iran during the First World War.
    Dmitry's grandmother was half German, half Latvian.
    Dmitry's father, Vladimir Nikolaevich Nagiyev, wanted to become an actor; in Ashgabat, until he was 17 years old, he played in the Red Army Theater, he was not accepted into the theater, and therefore he worked at the Leningrad Optical-Mechanical Plant. Mother, Lyudmila Zakharovna, teacher foreign languages at the Military Academy of Communications (St. Petersburg), daughter of the first secretary of the Petrograd district party committee. Dmitry has a brother, Evgeniy.

    * As a teenager, the actor practiced sambo and even won the title of USSR champion among juniors!

    * They write that in Hard times the actor was involved in blackmail, for which he was prosecuted.

    * Was a student at the Ulyanov Electrotechnical Institute (faculty of automation and computer technology). Served in the army. Graduated from LGITMIK (Leningrad state institute theater, music and cinematography). After graduation, he worked in Frankfurt am Main at the Vremya Theater, was a presenter at Radio Modern and was recognized as the best radio presenter in the country 4 times. At the same time, he worked in St. Petersburg as a DJ in clubs and dance halls. He was also a presenter at beauty pageants.

    * Nagiyev’s permanent squint remained after suffering facial paralysis. Thanks to doctors and procedures, the actor was able to defeat the disease and restore the functioning of his facial muscles, but not entirely. Hence his signature grin.

    * In 1997 he played his first main role in cinema - Chechen field commander Dukuza Israpilova in Alexander Nevzorov’s film “Purgatory”.

    * For a long time Dmitry Nagiyev worked in tandem with actor and director Sergei Rost, whom they met at the institute. Together they began working on Radio Modern, and then filmed the comedy series “Full Modern,” which later transformed into “Beware, Modern!” At the peak of their popularity, a break occurred between the actors, the reasons for which are not known for certain.

    * Dmitry Nagiyev constantly hosts various television programs. His program resume includes: “Telecompact”, “One Evening”, “Burden of Money”, talk show “Windows”. Currently he is the host of the sports and entertainment show “Big Races”; in 2003 he hosted the final show of the “Dom-1” project on the TNT channel. In 2011, together with Natalya Andreichenko, he hosted the reality show “Mother in Law” on the “Peretz” TV channel. IN last years hosted the “Voice” program.

    * In 2013-2014 he became an advertising face for MTS.

    * He was married to radio presenter Alisa Sher (aka Alla Anatolyevna Shchelishcheva). From this marriage there is a son - Kirill (b. 1989).

    * Currently single. His number of novels is legendary, but no one knows for sure. Has a lot of fans.

    “Recently, in a nightclub, when the security was distracted for a second, one woman wrapped a clump of my hair around her hand and pulled it out. I almost lost consciousness from the pain. And another time, my aunt suddenly crawled onto the stage and started kissing me with furious force "My administrator tried to pull her away, and she bit his hand."

    * 79 film works! Including in such films as: the TV series "Kamenskaya", "Deadly Force", "Mole", "The Master and Margarita", the films "The Most best movie", "Return of the Musketeers" etc.
    In recent years, he has played a restaurant owner in the series “Kitchen,” the series “Two Fathers and Two Sons,” and the series “Fizruk.”

    Dmitry Nagiev:

    Wrote a story about someone
    But it turned out - to myself.
    Here, in the middle of cold rooms,
    Living is uncomfortable and impossible.
    Or maybe just lonely?
    But am I completely alone?
    Take a closer look - there are so many of me
    Among pictures and paintings.
    But sometimes it gets scary here
    It can be boring and dark.
    My cheek gets wet -
    I haven't wiped it off in a long time
    And my life is good for something,
    She's already a little bit yours
    She looks so much like mine
    But he didn’t write about himself...

    /Based on materials from the sites,,, - 298.92 Kb

    Since the beginning of 2011, TNT has continued to fight with Channel One for the youth audience of 18-30. And in June, TNT with a share of 17.4% takes the lead.

    In June 2011, TNT gained a record share of the 6-54 audience - 11.4%, thanks to which it took third place for the first time in a month among major Russian television channels.

    In the first half of 2011, in terms of youth audience 18-30, TNT with a share of 15.5% is still inferior to Channel One.

    2.2. Analysis of the speech behavior of TV presenters of Channel One OJSC A. Malakhov (“Let Them Talk”) and TNT D. Nagiyev (“Windows”).

    To move on to a comparative analysis of speech behavior, we need to become familiar with the nature and specifics of the talk shows “Let Them Talk” and “Windows”.

    The program “Let Them Talk” is a joint project of Channel One and “New Company”. The producer of the TV show is the head of the Channel One Special Projects Studio, two-time TEFI Award winner Natalya Nikonova, and the presenter is Andrey Malakhov. The program is closely intertwined with previous projects with the participation of A. Malakhov - “The Big Wash” and “Five Evenings”, it reveals life’s problems, and is as popular as previous projects thanks to the charisma of the presenter. There are still burning topics for discussion, contradictory issues, and acute emotions of participants and guests 15 .

    The concept of the talk show “Windows,” hosted by Dmitry Nagiyev, was borrowed from Western European mass media, and is one of the trendsetters in the model personality of a conflicted TV presenter 16 . Frank discussions of unusual and violent family conflicts often turn the talk show studio into a fighting arena. The personal problems of the program's heroes come to the surface and, in front of the excited public, move into the stage of dotting all the "I's". A person is true at the peak of emotions - it is impossible to resist emotional outbursts and uncontrollable statements. Basic principles of the program: no boundaries, complete freedom! In case of a fight, there are always security representatives in the studio. There is no censorship or decoys in WINDOWS. On the set, the spotlight changes a person so much that he loses control.

    In order to conduct a comparative analysis of the speech behavior of TV presenters of Channel One OJSC A. Malakhov (“Let Them Talk”) and TNT D. Nagiyev (“Windows”), based on the studied theoretical material, we developed the following criteria.

    1. Communication skills:

    a) Verbal communications:

        • Type of speech
        • The principle of creating a conversation
        • Type of speech behavior in a dispute
        • Culture of speech behavior

    b) Nonverbal communications:

      • Gestures and facial expressions, emotions
    1. Speech behavior strategy
    1. Tactics of speech behavior
    2. Competence
    3. Let's consider the first criterion - communication.

    Communication skills are the ability to effectively communicate with people of different status (viewers, employees, TV channel management, colleagues, partners, etc.), establish contacts, receive and process information and convey it to viewers, mastery of words, verbal and non-verbal means expressiveness. The effectiveness of telecommunications depends on how accurately the presenters of television programs imagine the audience they are counting on, and also focus on them when implementing their creative ideas.

    a) Verbal communication is a way of communicating and transmitting information from person to person in the form of oral and written messages.

        • Type of speech

    Analyzing the speech behavior of A. Malakhov, first of all it is worth noting that most often his speech is socially oriented, which is due to his work on television. As mentioned above, Channel One is one of the main television channels in the country, and accordingly this implies a fairly strict regulation of the speech behavior of TV presenters.

    Characterizing the speech behavior of TV presenter D. Nagiyev, first of all, it is worth emphasizing that his speech is also socially oriented, which is due to his work on a television channel. Since TNT is a popular channel whose target audience is young people, strict regulation of speech behavior for TV presenters is not expected.

        • The principle of creating a conversation

    Since A. Malakhov acts as an interviewer in each episode of the talk show “Let Them Talk,” he has to follow the principle of cooperation in order to force his interlocutor to be frank and get answers to questions of interest to the audience. He tries to achieve the goals of communication with the interlocutor, to find out the facts of interest, his statements and questions correspond to the topic of the conversation, he avoids unnecessary verbosity and incomprehensible expressions, which is due to his knowledge of the target audience of Channel One.

    Example: A.M.: “Friends, let’s say thank you...” to an elderly woman whose granddaughter died: “Valentina Fedorovna, please accept our condolences. We understand that you wouldn’t wish losing your granddaughter even on your enemy.”

    D. Nagiyev in the talk show “Windows” also acts as an interviewer, but in contrast to A. Malakhov, he does not try to inspire confidence in the interlocutor, but on the contrary, strives for cooperation and solidarity with communication partners through the use of effective in this environment of communicative “strokes”:

    a) speech comic forms, puns, violations of genre-role norms of speech interaction

    Example: D.N.: What are you doing? Procuress! Right now you’ll ask for a glass; Clicked, nutcracker!; Oh, miracles! You're amazed! Live forever, heal forever; Elderly spectator: In our time there was love... / D.N. (interested): And now?;

    b) precedent phenomena related to folk and mass culture

    Ex: We are tormented by vague doubts...; The wife reproaches her husband, pointing to his mistress: I found someone to exchange him for! / D.N.: You can’t order your heart;

    c) jargon, colloquial expressions

    Ex: If he is homeless, then no one drove him out onto the street. I snorted myself, as they say; Well, it’s nice that you figured it out yourself; You're a boor, Leon! You're a boor!

        • Type of speech behavior

    A. Malakhov in his program “Let Them Talk” speaks in tandem of two types: “system specialist” and “thinker”.

    Firstly, he emphasizes the formality of the situation with his speech behavior: he uses an official greeting, phrases such as “Let me introduce...”, “Allow me to invite you to the studio...”, addresses talk show participants and studio guests as “you”, allowing to address himself as “you” only to a child, teenager or person with whom he is personally well acquainted.

    Secondly, he strives to pronounce and use words correctly and construct statements.

    Thirdly, A. Malakhov in his talk show relies on facts, strives not to express his feelings and critically express his opinion during the program, most often speaks calmly, and also demonstrates a rich vocabulary and knowledge of not only Russian, but also in English without allowing yourself to use jargon, slang or obscene language.

    D. Nagiyev acts as a “leader” in his program.

    In his speech there are no gross violations of basic literary norms, the norms of communication are observed, and the showman’s desire to “decorate” his speech with book and foreign language vocabulary is manifested. At the same time, individual intentional violations of the norms of harmonious communication contribute, according to the presenter’s plan, to the success of the program as a whole.

    D. Nagiyev, unlike A. Malakhov, does not know how to competently, reasonably, at a good rhetorical level defend his point of view (does not rise above accusations according to the principle of “he is a fool”) and demonstrate an extremely low level of general and speech culture

    Ex: D.N. You said "I'll make sure." So please make sure; Elevator: I'm tired of it! The elevator is broken all the time while she is there... she farts with everyone! / D.N.: Did it take you a long time to choose the word?

        • Culture of speech behavior

    As for the culture of speech behavior, A. Malakhov usually does not ask several questions at the same time, listens carefully to the answers of his interlocutor, but often allows himself to interrupt talk show participants and studio guests mid-sentence, not allowing him to finish his thought, which allows one to doubt his professionalism. He often asks the guest again, trying to focus his attention.

    Ex: “Are you saying these medications are safe?” , “In your opinion, all this is accidental.”

    The host of “Windows” D. Nagiyev, on the one hand, must distance himself from the participants in the TV show, playing the role of an arbiter, standing not so much outside the battle as above the participants in the confrontation, both in ethical and cultural-speech terms.

    Both D. Nagiyev and A. Malakhov condemn the heroes of the program for stooping to a public discussion of purely personal problems

    An example of a statement by D. Nagiyev: I don’t know whether you write valuable work, but I personally find you unpleasant. You acted badly towards a woman. You did not show that sense of tact that an intelligent person should have. That's why I don't want to applaud you. And we applaud mom.

    Etc. statements by A. Malakhov: You do not deserve to be called “mother” at all.

    b) Nonverbal communication is communication, the exchange of information without the help of words.
        • Gestures, facial expressions, various signaling and sign systems.

    A. Malakhov sits next to the guest or the hero of the program, maintains visual contact with the interlocutor, shows interest in the interlocutor’s speech, nodding his head.

    D. Nagiyev constantly moves around the studio, moving from place to place, his gestures are aggressive, sharp, and unexpected.

    1. Speech behavior strategy

    As we said earlier, strategy involves planning verbal interaction, i.e. line of conversation. The purpose of the strategy may be to gain authority, influence the worldview, call for action, cooperation or abstain from any action.

    • A regulatory strategy is designed to change the behavior of the interlocutor.
    • The dictal strategy has the goal of “informing the interlocutor about facts, events of objective reality, reasoning, telling, logically comprehending the topic of conversation.”
    • The modal strategy is intended to express one's emotions, feelings, mood in relation to speech and the communicative situation in general.
    1. Tactics of speech behavior

    It is worth noting A. Malakhov’s constant conversation tactics: he shows interest in the interlocutor’s speech and tries not to ask inappropriate questions.

    Ex. - “Let us now move to your city and remember those events” - in an address to a young guy.

    In D. Nagiyev’s behavior during the conversation, the desire to resolve the confrontation between the program’s heroes in the form of a scandal, with his right and obligation to reprimand and pass sentence on the guilty, begins to prevail.

    Pr.: I firmly believe that a person cannot be taken away. I firmly believe that a person can leave. And it’s not the one who took it that is to blame, but the one who left.

    This leads to the actualization of the negative communicative traits of the presenter. He turns into a conflict manipulator, prone to categorical, imperative statements, frequent interruptions and the use of conflicting speech genres - barbs and reproach - aimed at suppressing the interlocutor, as well as methods of linguistic demagoguery - bringing the interlocutor’s argument to the point of absurdity.

    1. Competence is a set of competencies and the presence of knowledge and experience necessary for effective activity in a given subject area.

    In his talk show “Let Them Talk,” Andrei Malakhov tries to show all possible aspects of life in our country, in all, even its most extreme, manifestations. The program “Let Them Talk” helps to look from a new, and sometimes completely unexpected, angle at problems that seem insoluble, and maybe even about which no one has ever thought about.

    As the study showed, Dmitry Nagiyev’s contradictory communicative behavior on the set is determined by the speech-behavioral script of the “borrowed” talk show “Windows” and is aimed at a fairly realistic recreation of the communicative situation of conflict interaction between irreconcilable opponents - the program’s heroes. D. Nagiyev in this situation performs several functions.

    Description of work

    The purpose of the work is to conduct a comparative analysis of the speech behavior of talk show hosts, based on the developed typologies of speech strategies of TV presenters.
    Research objectives:
    Describe the types of talk shows as a television genre.
    Consider the features of speech behavior of TV presenters
    Identify speech strategies and tactics used by journalists in talk shows
    To analyze the speech behavior of TV talk show hosts A. Malakhov “Let Them Talk” and D. Nagiyev “Windows”


    1. Peculiarities of speech behavior of TV talk show hosts
    a) Features of speech behavior in mass communication………5
    b) Talk show as a genre of communication television…………...…...8
    2. Speech behavior of talk show hosts of various television channels
    A) Comparative characteristics OJSC Channel One and TNT...15
    b) Analysis of the speech behavior of TV presenters of Channel One OJSC A. Malakhov (“Let Them Talk”) and TNT D. Nagiyev (“Windows”)………….18


    The ancestors of Dmitry Nagiyev’s father moved to Turkmenistan from Iran after the First World War to escape hunger. On the way to a foreign land, everyone died of hunger, and only Dmitry’s grandfather Gulam, who was then nine years old, survived. He was assigned to the Turkmen Orphanage, where they gave him an Azerbaijani surname, calling him by the name of the strangers who brought him. Dmitry himself believes that his surname means “Savior of the world.” However, in fact, the surname “Nagiev” is formed using the Russian suffix “ev” from the Persian name “Nagi”, and it in turn goes back to the Arabic “Naki”, which in Pervode from Arabic means pure, immaculate. All his life, my grandfather called himself Nikolai; In addition to Russian, he also spoke Arabic and Turkmen. Nikolai Nagiyev's wife Gertrude Sopke was half German, half Latvian. Her ancestors were Balts with the last name Leie and Germans with the last name Sopke. My maternal grandfather was the first secretary of the Petrograd district party committee. In short... science does not know who Dmitry is...

    About childhood

    He had a very ordinary childhood (and according to psychologists, all our oddities come from there): his mother was a teacher of foreign languages, his father worked in a factory, and younger brother Zhenya. The first thunder struck at the age of 10, when my father left the family: “Then my mother dragged us along alone.” Dmitry remembers his adolescence as a continuous war against poverty: the brothers were ashamed of their worn jackets, they often had to walk in painfully tight shoes, from which they constantly outgrew.

    When communicating with Dmitry, you notice another strange thing: it’s as if he was stuck in those times when their family had difficulty making ends meet. And although Nagiyev himself has not been in poverty for a long time - he lives in an excellent large apartment with an abundance of household appliances and drives a Mercedes, he still loves to complain about low incomes and his hard life: "IN student years I realized that it was a great happiness not to have to count money for fruit for a child, to be able to buy my beloved beautiful tights so that she would wear whole ones under her trousers, not torn ones.

    A child is distinguished by naivety, a teenager by distrust and bitterness, an adult by tolerance and wisdom. It seems that our hero remained a teenager at heart, because he never learned to forgive. It seems that he remembers all his grievances, starting from school:

    “When I was in 3rd grade, my mother took me to the sports section. I was kicked out of there after six months. The coach called my mother and said: "Take your son, he's constantly running snot". A couple of years later, I myself signed up for the sambo section, but we also fought in judo competitions.

    A few years later, having taken second place at the city judo championship, I met that coach. And he asked: “You don’t remember me? You kicked me out because I had snot.” He replied: “Everyone makes mistakes in life. Congratulations that now you don’t have snot.” And I said: "They're leaking. Only me
    learned to wipe his nose." By the way, about sports - the cruel childhood lesson was not in vain: for his physical fitness Nagiyev is very careful and free time is engaged in bodybuilding with a personal trainer - brother Zhenya. Perhaps the desire to always look your best, not even a hundred, but three hundred, has also caused
    one children's complex: “Once I spent the summer with my father’s relatives in Dushanbe, after which I became terribly fat. I was just terribly fat! They teased me: "The fat barrel gave birth to a son". At dances, I usually leaned against the wall, looking at others with envy. Once I tried to ask a girl to dance. I still remember how she and her friends laughed at me. And then I lost 12 kg. Perhaps this happened due to regular masturbation. Having returned to normal, he began to feel attention from the female sex, and masturbation lost its relevance." Now it’s time for Dmitry to be sad about those times when girls did not pay attention to him - for 7 years now he has received it in such abundance that one can only regret , and not to envy:

    After finishing school, Nagiyev went to the army. As an athlete, he was enrolled in a sports company, but it turned out that there was no sambo wrestling department there (he had previously successfully practiced sambo, even competed for the city team and the Russian junior team) and he went to serve in the air defense, in the forests, near Vologda, where he I broke my nose twice and two ribs. According to him, he “ate 17 meters of boiled herring with pearl barley porridge for the entire army.”

    Immediately after the army, he decided to enroll in acting, because “he didn’t know where they hired him to become intelligence officers.” Having won over his 155 opponents, he entered the Leningrad Theater Institute. Cherkasov to the acting department. After the first year, the master wanted to expel Nagiyev from the institute, but, fortunately, this did not happen. Dmitry lived to see his graduation performance, where he played Doctor Dorn in The Seagull. Tragic role. And director Lev Dodin said that for the first time he saw “The Seagull” about a doctor. That is, Nagiyev “pulled the blanket over himself out of fear.” By the way, he was recognized as the best graduate of the year. In parallel with his studies, Dmitry worked at the St. Petersburg Vremya Theater, which entered into a contract with the Germans. And so, at the same graduation performance, the Germans chose 3 people, among whom he was. Nagiyev worked in Frankfurt am Main for two years. Meanwhile, at the institute, Nagiyev met Sergei Rost, who studied at the same institute as a director.


    The contingent of his fans knows no age. The most ardent of them attack him in nightclubs, paint the walls of his entrance, bombard him with letters, “finish off” him with phone calls, and some even create entire websites on the Internet :)) They rip off posters, follow him to all his concerts and simply live on his staircase.

    “Recently, in a nightclub, when the security was distracted for a second, one woman wrapped a clump of my hair around her hand and pulled it out. I almost lost consciousness from the pain. And another time, my aunt suddenly crawled onto the stage and started kissing me with furious force .My administrator tried it
    pull him away, so she bit his hand." For several years now, girl fans have literally been living near his apartment (they even bring food and slippers with them), and they spy on him with binoculars from the roof of a neighboring house.

    When Dima was a radio DJ (and the studio was located near St. Petersburg), girls wearing makeup and thin tights waited for hours on the road - just to catch a glimpse of him (sometimes even in 33-degree frost!).

    However, in such cases Nagiyev felt sorry for them and gave them a ride to the city. In a word, Dmitry has long been very spoiled by female attention (and if someone is stuffed with cakes day after day, then in the end even the very sight of them will cause nausea). But oh, how wrong are those who hint at Nagiyev’s penchant for unconventional love! He vehemently denies all this gossip: “In the show “Caution, Modern!” Rost and I play female roles.

    This is where the rumors about my homosexuality begin. When this gossip started, I just smiled, pretending that it didn’t concern me. But I soon realized that they were interfering with my work. Since all nightclubs are controlled by criminal structures, and bandits, as you know, have strict ideas about what it should be like a real man, they began to cautiously invite me to host parties.

    I am ready to swear that I have nothing to do with homosexual organizations. Although now in show business I’m just seeing a craze for this. Sometimes I even flaunt the fact that I’m not interested in the sex orientation, religion and nationality of the person I’m communicating with, but looking at the army of gay artists, I’m simply perplexed.”

    Creative success

    1998 was an unusually productive year for Nagiyev. He starred in a number of films. In the film "Purgatory", in which Alexander Nevzorov invited him, Nagiyev played a Chechen commander (there were a whole bunch of notes, both positive and negative). Dmitry did not immediately agree to this role, having first read the script. And only after long and painstaking work did he finally find the image and begin to understand what motivates his hero - Chechen commander and the former hospital surgeon Israpilov, whose wife died in the bombing. “He tries in every possible way to justify his character, despite the fact that he is a warrior and a terrible person.”

    And in 1999, Nagiyev successfully auditioned for one of the main roles in the film - the TV series "Kamenskaya", created based on the novels by A. Marinina.

    In May 2002, Nagiyev became the host of the talk show "Windows".

    He played one of the main roles in the humorous television series “Caution, Modern!”, “Caution, Modern! 2" and "Careful, Zadov!" He was also the host of the sports and entertainment show “Big Races”, and in 2003 he hosted the final show of the “Dom-1” project on the TNT channel.

    In 2011, together with Natalya Andreichenko, he hosted the reality show “Mother in Law” on the “Peretz” TV channel.


    I would like to dispel the rumor that all the actor’s works are aimed at large fees. On this score, Nagiyev says: “I just want to look into the eyes of the one who gets into my pockets and considers my pennies to be big fees.” Some people argue this rumor by the fact that Dmitry owns a Mercedes, as mentioned above.

    Nagiyev family
    As of 2010

    Just like the rumors about his homosexuality, Nagiyev denies the existence of a family and children - a sex symbol is supposed to live an eternally free life: “Art is an illusion, and there is no point in interfering with reality - these are things of different kinds. The artist must be alone, as rider on a white horse." However, neither Sidikhin, nor Kharatyan, nor Pevtsov, their “marriage” in any way diminished their popularity. At the same time, everyone has long known that Dmitry lived for many years with radio presenter Alisa Sher and has a son, Kirill, who is 12 years old.

    In 2002, Nagiyev divorced (unofficially) from his wife.

    The role of women in Nagiyev’s life is generally covered in a veil of secrecy: he himself basically doesn’t talk about it, but the more fog there is, the more curious everyone is. Therefore, as they say, the earth is full of rumors. Really, handsome man surrounded by the most beautiful women (and Nagiyev constantly hosts various beauty contests) - how can you resist? Since he himself does not want to say anything about his personal life, others do it for him. So, all his friends, colleagues and former classmates say with one voice: Dima always had big success among women and he knew how to use it himself. At one time it was said that Dmitry loves exclusively women older than himself (and they cited Alisa as an example), but what, for example, is to be done with the long-term and almost round-the-clock presence of another mysterious person near the body of a sex symbol - the pretty blonde press attache Natasha Kovalenko, forever decisive issue: Let young journalists approach Nagiyev (promotion after all) or is this fraught?

    However, frequent performances in clubs for the sake of butter in front of drunk, rude and boorish audiences are a thing of the past. Now Nagiyev is a fashionable TV presenter and film actor. But his path to fame was not easy. Yes, on the first try he was accepted into the theater institute, and immediately he was assigned to the Vremya theater, with whom he even went on tour in Germany, but then a bad streak came: a family with a small child made him think seriously about something other than creative self-expression , but about livelihood. One day Dmitry was invited to try out as a DJ on the newly created Radio Modern. For the smart Nagiyev, it was the most ordinary radio broadcasts that became the springboard that lifted him to the stars. He made 100% use of the chance given to him.

    By the way, when Nagiyev left Modern (or rather, he was left), the radio, which had previously been one of the three leaders in the North-West region, very quickly fell into disuse, and many in St. Petersburg still believe that he was just a brilliant DJ.

    Read below about how and why Nagiyev left the radio.

    He perceived his broadcasts as theater, very subtly playing on the emotions of listeners and throwing them into heat, then into cold, now into joy, now into despair, then again forcing them to hope, while masterfully using music.

    At the same time, the label firmly stuck to Nagiyev - an idol of youth and a sex symbol of a generation. Therefore, he was soon invited to lead music program"Telecompact" on St. Petersburg TV and the program "Caution, modern!" on one of the local TV channels.

    It would seem to live and be happy - dreams come true one after another. But Nagiyev remains true to himself: “Unfortunately, popularity far outstrips income. Maybe I’m not very sober about myself, but I think that I deserve the most best women, the most beautiful houses, the most important roles. A
    So far everything is not as we would like.”

    Nagiyev once said that he does not understand those girls whom he seduces on the radio (“Well, where are you? Girls, write to me!”) and who after that literally gasp and die, refusing to eat or opening their veins from hopeless love for him: “Don’t you think that we are responsible for those we tame?” - “But this is not me, this is just an image. I am, first of all, an actor. And falling in love with an image is stupid!” After a couple of years
    Nagiyev said a little differently: “When you come home, it becomes increasingly difficult to take off a mask. Sometimes you come to sleep in it, because in the morning you have to put it on again. Of course, your loved ones suffer from this. A mask, if you wear it often and for a long time, in the end it grows in and you can’t tear it off - it becomes your face. Another question is what mask you choose for yourself.

    Conflict with Yakovleva

    Nagiyev and Elena Yakovleva

    At one time, many media outlets literally relished Yakovleva’s statement, allegedly heard from her even before filming began: “Whatever you want, I won’t work with Nagiyev!”

    And here is how Nagiyev himself comments:

    Yes, and I didn’t really want to be with her. (Laughs). No, initially there was nothing. Then it was some kind of joke... You know, it was most likely just a joke when
    once journalists asked her in front of me, they say, how did she work with Nagiyev, and she replied: “I and circus performers it’s quite easy to work,” and in retaliation to a similar question, I said: “But it’s difficult for me to work with older actresses.” (Laughter). And that’s it - and this wave began! And so, we don’t have any conflict with her and never have was.

    Reason for leaving Radio Modern

    Nagiyev and Alisa Sher

    This happened in 2000, then Dmitry Nagiyev and Alisa Sher submitted their resignations, and two weeks later Sergei Rost also submitted his resignation. In fact, both Alisa Sher and Dmitry Nagiyev say that they are forced to leave their favorite job by the “Napoleon complex” that torments the chairman of the board of directors of JSC Modern, Sergei Nikolaev. He is accused of ruining work and creating an unbearable environment for creative people.

    "Windows" by Dmitry Nagiyev
    A little about how Nagiyev got into the popular show of 2002-2003.

    The most scandalous show in Russia, “Windows,” was originally supposed to be aired on the STS television channel, then on TVS, but the author of “Windows,” Valery Komissarov, insisted that the program be aired on TNT. Where her story began in 2002.

    On television they say: “If you don’t need status, but need a rating, go to Komissarov.” But no one denies the creator of “folk” shows commercial success. “My family” is one of the long-livers of Russian television. But it still collects a rating of 3 points and a share of about 20. Now several programs produced by Valery Komissarov are broadcast on television: “Family”, “Windows”, “What does a woman want?”, “Tales of Love”. As soon as the program is promoted, a newspaper of the same name is published. Komissarov is also successful in the franchising business.

    Juices, butter, mayonnaise are sold under the brand name “My Family”. Another branch of the television business that Valery Komissarov is going to master is series, one of the most profitable formats. The production of his programs is much cheaper than the Channel One show. I bought the program "Windows" STS for $
    7.5 thousand. But Komissarov demanded to increase the price and ensure prepayment for a year in advance. At STS they called this proposal blackmail. They refused and started doing "Kush". It costs the channel $10 thousand, brings a rating of about 1 point and a share of 8. Now “Windows” airs on TNT three times a day and seriously increases the channel’s rating. They are already paying $20 thousand for them. The rating of "Windows" is about 5 points, the share is 15.

    Dmitry Nagiyev got into the "Windows" program as follows:

    Mr. Komissarov called Dima and offered to be the host of “Windows”. But I believe that Dima’s acting talent and his deep personality are, to put it mildly, underused there.

    Nagiyev himself comments on his “appointment” in “Windows”:

    I have had several invitations to various shows: “What a woman wants”, “I myself”, “The weakest link”. Probably, in all these programs I didn’t look the worst, so I was offered to host “Windows”.

    In fact, he was not the only one who was offered it. The host of the program could be, for example, Nikolai Fomenko. But they chose Nagiyev - and hit the nail on the head. Neither in
    On one television talk show, the host does not behave so provocatively: he subtly pushes the conflicting parties together. Here, for example, is a typical “window” story. Love triangle- She, He and another He. They are crazy about her. We met in the studio and almost got into a fight. The studio guests decide that She dearly loves both of them or is waiting for her prince. But the presenter is uncompromising: “If a woman under 30 is waiting for a prince, she needs to see a psychiatrist - this is true. If someone doesn’t like this truth, here’s a lie: perfect love you have to wait until you are 70 years old. The main thing is that death does not precede her.”

    Previously, the epithet “sex symbol” often appeared in articles about Nagiyev, but now it has become a symbol of scandal and shockingness. His show is loved and hated, criticized and eagerly awaited. When Nagiyev talks about the fame that suddenly fell on him, he becomes gloomy:

    If we were filming such a program in America, I would be second in wealth after Phil Collins. My fee would be thirty thousand dollars for one program. It’s easy to multiply by the number of programs per month and hang yourself from grief.

    Five basic safety rules during filming of the TV show “Windows”. Compiled by the show's creative team.

    2. No outsiders allowed - very nervous and difficult filming. Bystanders may injure participants.

    3. It is prohibited to bring firearms, gas weapons, or sharp objects to filming! In the heat of passion, spectators and participants are capable of
    the most unpredictable and decisive actions.

    4. People taking psychotropic drugs and registered at a psychoneurological dispensary are not allowed into the studio! According to the terms
    contract, the authors of the show are categorically against the presence of the “risk category” in the auditorium.

    5. Each participant and spectator in the studio must undergo a thorough medical examination. To avoid violating this clause, always
    There is a group of doctors monitoring the availability of the necessary certificates.

    "Okon" scandals
    Material from 2003

    Few people do not know that almost all entertainment talk shows on Russian TV are staged from beginning to end: instead of invited “interesting guests,” little-known professional actors appear in the frame. But if, for example, in the program “My Family” this is done quite subtly, then in the new “blockbuster” “Windows” its creators are not even particularly trying to hide their deception.

    The media obtained an interesting document about the direction of the filming of the show with all the planned moves...

    Getting to the filming of "Windows" is not a problem. During the broadcast of each program, a contact phone number will be shown. Dial it, tell the answering machine your coordinates, age, and within a week the editor will call you back. "Most importantly, don't forget your passport!" - he warns. But why?
    it is needed, it is completely unclear - anyone without any documents is allowed into the “My Family” studio on Profsoyuznaya Street, where the filming takes place. If only the hall was packed with spectators - they don’t need to pay! Here I was able to spy and overhear amazing things.

    Oh you ssss(!)ka! Yes, I…,” a heart-rending scream comes from the second floor, making me flinch. “No, no, don’t rush at her right away,” a pleasant baritone comes to me. “First, kind of hold back, and only then - punch me in the face!”

    In front of me, shifting from foot to foot, a handsome guy dressed in all black is bored. “On to makeup, on to makeup!” - the girl runs up to him, and they hide behind the door. After some time, the guy reappears in the corridor and, fidgeting, sits down in... wheelchair. Two stocky technical employees take him towards the studio, where in half an hour I will listen to the story of an unfortunate disabled man in all black who got into terrible accident and injured his spine.

    And the entire audience watched the inimitable scene during filming. The director mercilessly drove the young boy-spectator from the extreme seat in the second row, placing there a nondescript little man in a gray suit. When the cameras started working, a metamorphosis happened to the man. He started screaming, spitting saliva, waving his arms, and as a result got into a fight with one of the program’s heroes. A pleasant “surprise”, isn’t it?!

    But I was much more amazed when during the break I saw a neatly printed piece of paper hanging on the wall. On closer inspection it turned out to be detailed plan shooting day.

    The first column indicated the title of the story and the names of the editors, the second - information from the technical services: what “surprises” would happen during the filming. And in the third - information from the casting services - what, in fact, the story is being filmed. Here the exact number of heroes is indicated, their
    gender (“M” or “F”) and age. For example: “11.00; “Choose Me”, story editor B. Gorlov, hall editor D. Sitnikova, the heroine leaves before the gong, 3 heroes F 36 F 23 M 38, two women (!!) fighting over a man" ( spelling preserved).

    Or this: “12.50; “Die from orgasm”; story editor A. Makaryan; hall editor D. Lukyanov, after a slap in the face, the slut girl leaves the studio before the gong; 3 heroes M 75 F 27 F 22, the man wants him for(!) gasped to death..."

    There are a lot of interesting stories: “The wife constantly gets into accidents because she fucks with her husband while driving”, “a free-thinking father corrupts his son against the will of the mother”, “a man-pimp (that’s how it’s spelled with an “i”) checks prostitutes at home” ... Well, etc.

    One of the first to come up with plots for shows on STS was playwright Mikhail Ugarov. Now that his plays are being bought by the Moscow Art Theater, and the play “Bummer Off” is triumphantly staged in Moscow, he does not like to remember his work as a “fraudster.” They say that when he was recently called again to “come up with something like that,” he exclaimed in his hearts, paraphrasing the well-known saying: “Truly: you are at the door, they are at the Windows!” And he is right - from
    We are unlikely to ever get rid of endless shows of lies...

    A fake fight on the "Windows" program cost Nagiyev a small but real injury

    The secret love of Nagiyev and Samokhina
    In 2010, one of the most beautiful actresses of Russian cinema passed away...

    The star of the TV series “Gangster Petersburg” and “The Color of Flame” Anna Samokhina died in a St. Petersburg hospice on February 8, 2010 at the age of 47. The actress was killed by cancer. In the beauty's life there were two official marriages and many novels. Men melted under the gaze of her huge dark eyes. Dmitry Nagiyev, who still regrets that he did not have time to tell his beloved the most important words, could not resist the spell.

    At the time of their acquaintance, Dmitry Nagiyev (at that time a presenter on the St. Petersburg radio “Modern”) and Anna Samokhina were not free. The actress married for the second time - to restaurateur Dmitry Konorov and plunged headlong into her husband’s business, forgetting about the stage. Thanks to her efforts, the restaurants “Count Suvorov” and “Lieutenant Rzhevsky” began to flourish. Nagiyev began to visit these establishments occasionally.

    I first saw Anna in 1994 on a program about married couples that she hosted,” says Dmitry. - My wife Alice Sher and I won this show and won a prize. I did not imagine that fate would bring us together again.

    After some time, Samokhina called Nagiyev and proposed a joint project.

    She wanted to record an album,” continues Dmitry. - I was a budding radio DJ, and Anna had already become famous as an actress. They selected several songs for us, three of which later became hits. Having started working in the studio, we were soon forced to admit that sympathy arose between us. We tried to control ourselves, although it was difficult and sometimes impossible.
    After recording the songs, Samokhina and Nagiyev began working in clubs. The feeling of sympathy grew into something big.

    We went on tour, earned money and loved each other,” the actor recalls.

    How did your wife react to your novel?

    Life brings me together with smart women.

    Why did you break up with Anna?

    Fate let me down. Anya was older than me. And I, as a loyal person by nature, could not leave the family. He went to work and lost sight of Anna.

    They saw each other again a few months before Samokhina’s death: the actress came to Nagiyev for filming. She did not talk about her death sentence, although she looked very tired.

    It was in November 2009, Dmitry recalls. - I starred in Olga Subbotina’s film “Run”. They said that a lady came to see me. I go out and in front of me stands a woman who is beloved and dear to my heart. We hugged and started talking. And a few months later she was gone. If I had known that Anya would die, I would have behaved differently. But I didn’t understand then that she came to say goodbye. I loved her very much.

    What would you tell her if time could be turned back?

    That I don't care what she looks like. The main thing is that she is alive and knows that she is not alone. When Anna was in the hospice, I called her and wanted to come and be by her side. But she didn't want to let me in. She said that she would take drastic measures: they were talking about unconventional methods of treatment. She said that she would allow her to visit her when she felt better and looked different. But I didn't have time...
    Nagiyev did not come to the funeral - he was abroad at that time.

    They called me and informed me about Anya’s death. The question is not that I was in another country. I didn’t come because I didn’t want to see her dead. Then I would have realized that I had come to say goodbye. But I don't want that.

    He kicked Nastya Smirnova out of the talk show in disgrace

    On August 11, 2012, the next episode of the talk show “Vacations in Mexico” was released on MTV, which ended in a scandal: the host Dmitry Nagiyev disgracedly kicked Nastya Smirnova, a participant from the first season of “Vacations” from Nizhny Novgorod, out of the studio.

    The topic of the program was jealousy, Anastasia Smirnova, as in previous programs, and she attended almost all the “Vacation” talk shows, spoke brightly, proving her point of view. She even admitted that she was jealous of her parents for her brother: “I was more independent than my brother. Naturally, he received more attention than me. I cried". Nastya argued that jealousy in relationships between lovers and friends is “not normal, it destroys any relationship... I only have jealousy towards my parents. Neither to friends nor to young man I have not it".

    After which Demid swung his microphone towards the adjacent sofa, where Nastya was sitting. The girl immediately stood up, walked up to the guy, grabbed his face with her hand and said: “Don’t swing your arms, okay, baby?” After which there was a small scuffle between them, Nastya was screaming, Demid took her by the neck... The guys were pulled apart in time.

    The situation was commented on by presenter Dmitry Nagiyev. He said that Nastya was provoking Demid and that she should not have rushed at him, but cried, and then everyone would have felt sorry for her. “And now 99% of people think that you are wrong,” Nagiyev concluded. To which Nastya Smirnova threw:

    I do this so that my country will not love me. I like it when people don't like me!

    Nagiyev, pondering the situation that had just happened, admitted to Smirnova: “I swear... If I were Demid, I would have hit you,” to which she replied: “And I would have fucked you!”

    Wait... So you’re sitting now and telling me: “I would have fucked myself”?.. - Nagiyev asked in confusion.

    Why should I say such things that you would hit me? Strike, come and strike! - Smirnova answered defiantly.

    After a short pause, Dmitry Nagiyev finally decided to clarify the situation:

    Nastya, did you really throw this at me personally, that you would fuck me?.. - he asked.

    “Well, you told me, I would have hit you,” answered the Nizhny Novgorod woman.

    If you provoked me like that, I would hit you. And when you tell me, the master of sports... I get lost. I would tear you apart here!

    It’s ugly for the presenter to say that you would have hit me if you were a participant,” Nastya tried to justify herself.

    I see that you are provoking Demid, taking advantage of the fact that he really cannot hit you... And he is now sitting crap with you and doesn’t know what to do,” the presenter concluded. And after a while he said: “Can I ask you to leave today’s program?”

    Nastya said, “Of course, I won’t come again,” and left.

    Pinched the Greek presenter...

    For Dmitry Nagiyev it was just a joke, but filming of the program had to be stopped.

    Started new season international show "Great Race" and this year the following countries came to compete: China, Greece, Italy, Kazakhstan, Spain and Russia. Greece attracted attention not only for its first participation in the “race”, but also for its sexy host named Nadia.

    It was noticeable that she clearly liked the Russian brutal presenter. She constantly tried to offend him and somehow attract Nagiyev’s attention. And at one point Dmitry couldn’t resist, when Nadya walked past in a tight dress, he lightly pinched the Greek woman’s butt.

    It would seem that nothing serious happened; it might not have been noticed at all. But Nadya decided to make a whole scandal out of this. She contacted the show's executives, and filming had to be stopped. Nadya demanded a public apology from Nagiyev. Dmitry Nagiyev, of course, did not fall for the provocation and did not apologize.

    Nadya was offended and said that they, in southern country, men with unknown women They don’t allow themselves to do that.

    Conflict with Anfisa Chekhova
    Material from February 2012

    The long-standing conflict between Anfisa Chekhova and Dmitry Nagiyev continues to gain momentum. Let us remember: at the end of last year, Nagiyev almost drove Chekhov into hysterics with his harsh statements.

    The TV presenter publicly advised Anfisa, famous for her curvy figure, not to eat after six and to pay more attention professional qualities. Nagiyev’s patience ran out when Chekhova was late for the event that they were supposed to host together.

    “I actually left the house on time, but there was an accident in front of my car, and the traffic police officers took measurements,” Anfisa Chekhova tried to justify herself. – It’s not my fault!

    But Chekhova’s excuses had no effect on Nagiyev. Since then, the relationship between TV stars began cold war. In every interview they tried to hurt each other. On last week Anfisa finally named the real reason conflict.

    “In fact, three hundred years ago, when Dmitry Nagiyev was still hosting the “Windows” program, in one of his interviews I had the tactlessness of saying that a man who indulges in narcissism is unsexy for me,” the TV presenter admitted to Yellow Gazeta. “He was very offended by these words.” But this is not an insult to Dmitry, but my personal opinion. I don't really consider him a sex symbol.

    Anfisa vowed to no longer contact Nagiyev. Meanwhile, Dmitry himself said that he would not mind working with Chekhova again.

    “I hope we won’t have any more communication with him,” Anfisa said. – Honestly, it’s much more pleasant for me to run into Ksenia Sobchak, who behaves identically to Nagiyev. But we must understand that she is a woman. And on her part it doesn’t look so petty.

    Refused to go on stage with Sobchak
    Material from February 2012

    A new season of the Two Stars project has started in Russia. The organizers of the show wanted to invite Dmitry Nagiyev and Ksenia Sobchak to play the role of presenters, but Dima refused to host the program with Ksyusha.

    A week before filming, the producers of Channel One decided only on the presenter - Dmitry Nagiyev. The candidacy of the presenter was discussed for a long time, and the decision was made last. The main contender was Ksenia Sobchak.

    The calculation was made correctly: the show would only benefit if two sharp-tongued people with specific humor were paired up. However, Nagiyev did not want to conduct a project with Sobchak, even to the point of refusing to participate in the program. At the last moment, the producers decided that Nagiyev was the face of the channel, and, despite pressure from Ksenia, they found another presenter.

    As a result, actress Nonna Grishaeva was cast as the hostess of the Two Stars show. Dima, like a real man, did not explain the cause of the conflict.

    “I will not comment on this situation,” Dmitry explained. “I simply cannot afford to work with someone I don’t love.”

    As they joke behind the scenes, Nagiyev was so happy that he would not have to stand on the same stage with Ksenia Anatolyevna that he shaved his head.

    "I don't know a damn thing about women"

    Dmitry Nagiyev, whom the press once dubbed a Russian sex symbol, is trying in every possible way to maintain his scandalous image.

    For his fans, the actor is ready to always remain a bachelor. Although the most devoted fans know that Nagiyev has been living quietly for many years family life With Natalia Kovalenko, who works for him as an administrator.

    The audience doesn’t want to believe this and expects shocking behavior from Nagiyev. This is the actor’s on-screen image. And again Dmitry was able to embody it, last year becoming the host of the scandalous program “Mother in Law” on the Peretz TV channel. In this reality show, as in the famous "House-2", boys and girls try to build love, but under the strict supervision of their parents.

    Nagiyev follows the intricacies of the heroes' destinies and does not hesitate to tell them the bitter truth to their faces. At the same time, Dmitry still does not like to talk about himself; nevertheless, the Ytra correspondent managed to find out some details of the artist’s personal life. IN exclusive interview The famous heartthrob let it slip that he really values ​​family, love and loyalty.

    Correspondent: In your show, mothers decide which girls their sons should date. Did your parents give you any advice on how to communicate with members of the opposite sex?

    Dmitry Nagiyev: Mom did not give advice, but rather expressed her opinion, and only once, when I brought my first girlfriend into the house, who was two heads taller than me. My intelligent parent looked at this and quietly said to me: “Son, how are we going to feed her?” She turned out to be right, and I broke up with this girl very quickly.

    K: Would you call yourself a mama's boy?

    D.N.: This summer I realized that I’m actually not a mummy’s boy, but a daddy’s boy. This happened after my son Kirill started a fight on the beach in Odessa and he was taken to the police. Scandalous story instantly got into the press, my dad found out about everything, called me and said: “Here! This is all your upbringing!” I was so moved by this phrase and realized how much I love my parents.

    K: Are you involved in Kirill’s life?

    D.N.: It’s too late to change anything, he is an adult 22-year-old man... But seriously, I consider myself good father. I took full responsibility for raising Kirill. Now I’m also trying to give some advice. Imagine, he has a girlfriend, and it seems to him that this is forever. I never tire of repeating to him: “Son, look at dad! Before you get married, you must first do something in life.”

    K: So you yourself never set foot in the registry office?

    D.N.: If I’m really going to get married a second time, then journalists will be the last people I tell about it. For me, a stamp and a family are completely different things. Only loyalty and love are important. Of course, I am well aware that for a woman a stamp means almost everything.

    K: Maybe you should write in revenge ex-wife book and finally expose the weaker sex?

    D.N.: I'm afraid I can't do this. At the age of 17, it seemed to me that I had completely studied women’s hearts; at the age of 30, I thought that I had missed some little detail, but now I understand that I don’t know a damn thing about women.

    Are you going to officially marry for the second time?
    Material from 2012

    Popular TV presenter and showman Dmitry Nagiyev may still be getting ready to marry a second time. The famous artist’s chosen one is his beloved woman, who gave birth to his son a couple of years ago.

    TV presenter Dmitry Nagiyev is known not only for his imposing manner of broadcasting, but also for his stubborn silence regarding everything that concerns his personal life. And now, as soon as information appeared that the artist was allegedly planning to marry a second time, Dmitry Nagiyev avoided any comments, neither confirming nor denying the good news.

    “You can write that Dmitry Nagiyev hid his personal life as before, and is still hiding it now!” – the popular TV presenter “7 days” is quoted. However, it is this publication that reports that Nagiyev is in full swing preparing for the wedding celebration, and the showman’s chosen one is his beloved, who two years ago gave birth to the celebrity’s son.

    It is interesting that Dmitry Nagiyev and Alisa Sher (his first wife, with whom he has not lived for more than 10 years - editor's note) officially divorced only in 2010, although before that the showman was already considered a bachelor. The TV presenter commented on this event: “I can’t say that someone was the first to take the initiative to go to the registry office with an application. We went together and calmly divorced. That was the moment when the stamp in the passport no longer changed anything. Son Kirill grew up, and our lives begin to run parallel with a new leaf." After filing the divorce, Dmitry described his ideal woman: " Ideal woman as imagined by Dmitry Nagiyev? Then the scale is like this: beautiful legs, well-groomed and sense of humor."

    10 love revelations of Nagiyev
    Material from 2013

    1. The Lord sent me so many beauties!

    “I realized that I am very attractive to the opposite sex back in school,” boasts the handsome TV presenter Dmitry Nagiyev (45), writes the magazine “Stars and Advice.” - Since then, the Lord often brings me together with smart, chic women, with whom it is pleasant not only to fall asleep, but also to wake up.

    But on this moment Telemacho doesn't have an "official" girlfriend! Let's hope that Heaven will soon “give it” to Dima...

    2. I have such a fantasy!

    I won’t lie, I’m very flighty and amorous,” Nagiyev sighs. - And it’s all because of my wild imagination! Because of the knee sticking out from under the skirt, I can imagine something like this in my head, mom, don’t worry!

    3. He took his wife and... stopped loving him

    “We lived with her for 12 years,” the TV star recalls ex-wife, actress Alice Sher (46). - It was a very strong love, which gradually simply outlived its usefulness. I realized that I had fallen out of love and left. And in 2010 we officially divorced. Nothing lasts forever, you need to understand this...

    4. Jealous as hell!

    “I’m terribly jealous,” Dima throws up his hands. - When I meet a woman, I am jealous of everything: her post, her work, her fame, her income. Outwardly I can rejoice at her success, but inside everything is seething and bubbling!

    5. I am always in love!

    I don’t remember the state of my body when I didn’t love,” Nagiyev confesses with a smile. - He walked down the street, rode the subway, sat on the potty - and was always in a state of love. If this is not the case, my life seems to lose meaning, it becomes somehow boring and uninteresting...

    6. Fans are generous with gifts!

    Fans pamper the sex symbol of our TV not only with frank glances and gentle smiles, but also... with expensive gifts!

    Imagine, one fan gave me a cool watch for 30 thousand euros,” admits Dima. - What to hide, it’s very nice! I take! Why not?

    7. I never take girls rudely

    When I like a girl, I always court her beautifully, win her... I give her everything I can! And I get a kick out of this,” Dmitry admits. - But I’m not at all interested in taking her rudely!

    8. I don't seem to know a damn thing about women.

    At the age of 17, it seemed to me that I had completely studied women’s hearts. At 30, I thought that I had missed something small. Now I understand - I don’t know a damn thing about women! - the ladies' favorite throws up his hands. - All their words and actions can’t fit into my head.

    9. Because of my first love, I opened my veins...

    First love left scars not only in Dima’s heart, but also on his beautiful body:

    I loved my classmate Olya so much! This was my first love, my first sexual experience... And she changed me. It seemed that the world had collapsed and could not be repaired. I took a razor and began to cut my wrists. Fortunately, they stopped it in time. What a fool I was!

    10. I’m not going to get married yet!

    After his first marriage, which ended in divorce, the artist is in no hurry to tie the knot of Hymen.

    So far, I’m happy with everything,” this “lone wolf” waves off.

    Last photo

    "Careful, Nagiyev!" Documentary

    Nagiyev in the program "Raffle"

    Material prepared by Konstantin Anofriev,

    Media information used:, Izvestia, EG,, as well as our sources of information