What can you do in Minecraft besides houses? Beautiful buildings in Minecraft

Minecraft, despite the fact that it has the simplest graphics and a simple plot, was able to quickly gain popularity among users. The game has no boundaries in freedom of action. Here everyone can conduct experiments and implement their ideas. You can build anything: a portal, a house, mechanisms, entire civilizations, etc.

Here's an example of a house:

Here they are mainly engaged in the extraction of necessary resources. They are needed to carry out construction and carry out battles. New players often have a question about what can be created in such a game? If you don’t set a goal and figure everything out, it will be difficult to understand how to play. To build something, you always need to have resources. Some of them can be obtained by destroying old objects.

You need to have the tools with which to carry out construction. The first tools here will be wooden products.
When creating them, you need to destroy the tree. To do this, find several trees and hit their trunks to get wood. Crafting will be an addition to the tools in this game. To work with it, you need to create a special workbench from the boards (in this case, there is a chance to make tools such as a pickaxe or an axe). For axes, see the article on how to make an axe.
In this case, you can create a furnace, and in it produce glass and coal. See here How to make a stove. Each craft has its own size. For example, if we talk about a workbench, then its dimensions are 3X3. Naturally, the size of the objects that will be made here should not exceed these values. The game contains over 170 recipes with diagrams in order to build various objects (for example, weapons). Each recipe requires its own resources.
Crafting here allows you to make some types of resources yourself. If desired, you can form different types military means. This game is used by many schools where students can create different civilizations from blocks. With the help of special architectural materials it is possible to build even Ancient Rome.
Minecraft helps you remember lessons and also allows you to get pleasant pleasure from the game process. When creating an object from cubes, it makes it possible to find a huge number of sub-options for activities. Moreover, there is a chance to fight with various kinds of monsters and defend against them.

All this is included in the Minecraft universe. Beginners will first need to build special structures for protection. If this is not done, then most likely the player simply will not survive. It is easier to fight different monsters if you have many types of weapons.
There are also ways to fight, which are the subject of many guides. It has always been a joy for gamers to “crush monsters” since the days of arcade games. Minecraft can bring a lot of pleasant experiences to the player.
Jewel hunters will feel good in such a game, since they have something to do here. All dreams can come true here. This game will especially appeal to those who wanted to mine gold as a child. Among other things, the game allows you to create various cars. In this case, everything depends on the player’s imagination.
If construction is carried out on a multiplayer server, then other players can help each other with advice. There are special polygons in the game where objects are created according to a template.
Buildings are built thanks to a game mode called “Creativity”. When creating a new world, press the button and select “Creative”.
First you need to practice and only then start creating masterpieces. You can give some advice here. Before you start creating something in the game, it is best to draw a plan on a piece of paper - what will be built. A beautiful object of the multi-user version can always become a decoration for the server.

In fact, Minecraft can be equated to a real sandbox, since you can play it endlessly. Many participants, after a certain amount of time, gradually begin to get bored with the project, and therefore a problem arises. interesting question about what to do in Minecraft if you're bored. We recommend that you read this article to the very end, and then you will surely be able to find a solution.


You can determine that people, for example, are tired of playing Minecraft 2D or 3D, using servers. They currently exist large number. Participants enter the server, after which they instantly disappear, and all this happens because they have already played here. Accordingly, there is nothing more to do or the process becomes boring. Even on large servers, you can notice an interesting picture - out of hundreds of thousands of players, only a few appear online, and therefore, many are tired of playing, and they do not even log into the application.


So, what to do in Minecraft if you're bored? In fact, there are many interesting solutions, perhaps some have already been familiar to you for a long time, but you still know nothing about some. In order for you not to get bored with Minecraft, you must follow some rules, which we will talk about now. The first basic law is don't play too long. Determining how long you should be online is very difficult, since everyone has their own limit. Someone in can live in virtual world for four hours, and for some even a day is not enough. If you play every day, then you may get tired of the project in just one week, so it is recommended not to spend a lot of time in the application. The second rule that will help solve the question of what to do in Minecraft if you are bored. Under no circumstances should you pay attention to the extraction of resources, or rather, you should not worry about this. Don't be afraid, you can get the necessary elements at any other time.


You shouldn’t force yourself to play, although many players think completely differently. Ultimately, you have to decide what to do in Minecraft if you're bored. You need to play only when you really want to, you need to understand that this is not work, but entertainment. By the way, for those who are hearing about this for the first time this project, we will inform you that he received several special awards. For example, the magazine “Gaming” called it “the rise of a generation.” Critics also rate this development quite highly.

Due to numerous requests from our readers, we decided to start a “Minecraft Construction” section on our blog. In this section we will tell you about the basics of construction, architectural techniques and tricks that not everyone knows, we will show you how to build beautiful houses of certain architectural styles, fortresses and large structures.

Minecraft is a game designed for survival and resource extraction, but for half of the game, players are mainly in single player mode and are not engaged in construction. For most people, a box of earth or cobblestones will do to store resources and set up stoves and layout, but building in Minecraft can be much more interesting than just building a hut for the night.

To practice building, turn the game into Creative mode and try to create something amazing. In addition to ordinary houses and huts, you can build real objects and landmarks from our world, for example: the Eiffel Tower, the Templar Fortress, the Mayan Pyramid and other great creations of great architects of any time.

Of course, for construction in Minecraft, you can use any types of blocks. Let's talk about them.

Traditional building blocks are stone, stone brick, cobblestone, planks, sandstone.

Any traditional material can be presented in several forms: mossy stone brick, patterned sandstone and others, which you can create or get from dungeons and temples. All types of blocks are available to you in Creative mode.

Wood is an interesting material for decorating interiors and exteriors of buildings. You can place it on the side so you can see internal structure tree, we will use this technique later.

Using other blocks can help you not only decorate your interior, but also protect you from monsters and other players on the servers. Use more blocks such as snow, wool, quartz, hellstone and baked clay to add uniqueness to your building. Please note that some blocks can be set on fire, you must place flammable blocks no closer than 4 blocks from the fire source or 2 blocks on any other side.

The building blocks can also be used for decoration: a lever can be a bathroom faucet, and hatches can be used as window sashes.

Let's give a few simple rules construction, which should be followed when constructing a building of any complexity:

  • Decide on the building. Get inspired by the buildings of other players.
  • Decide on the sizes. Draw a layout of the building on paper or in a graphics editor on your computer.
  • Decide on the location of the building.
  • Prepare the landscape for construction.
  • Prepare a framework that will help guide you as you build. Make markers for the center and corners of the building, mark the walls and height of the floors, decide where the front side of the building will be located and where the side walls will be.
  • Start construction! Start with the walls, floor and ceiling, then move to the roof.
  • Add details! Small details for your home, in skillful hands, they will make a creation from any box.

If you are going to build a real structure, do not forget to take into account the scale: each block is approximately 1x1x1 m. Measure the walls of your house, the height of the ceilings and doorways if you want to recreate it in Minecraft. Remember that Minecraft uses only whole blocks, so the resulting measurements will have to be rounded.

In Minecraft, 1 block is equal to 1 cubic meter, therefore Steve's height is about 180 meters.

If your building is planned to be larger or smaller than the original, multiply or divide the actual dimensions by a certain number. For example, if you want to build a huge copy of a house, which is 3 times larger than the original at 15x10 meters in perimeter, then you should multiply 15*3 = 45 and 10*3 = 30, it turns out that the perimeter of your building will be: 45x30.

Don't forget to keep a block count if you are playing in Survival mode. You may need more blocks than you have in your chest. If you don't have enough blocks, you'll have to pause construction to get the blocks you need. Such moments can disrupt the rhythm of construction and you will forget what you wanted to do. Creative process easy to knock down, but difficult to return.

To avoid losing count during construction, mark the stages of construction:

  1. Replace every fifth/tenth block with another one to count and navigate the wall layout
  2. Dig holes in the ground
  3. Mark every fifth/tenth block with a nearby stone.

Construction in Creative mode is certainly easier, but not as interesting as in Survival mode. Building in a hostile world is much more valuable than building with an unlimited number of blocks. Use the following tips when building in Survival mode (Creative):

  • Build scaffolding out of the ground to reach hard-to-reach places. Then they are easy to remove.
  • Have a couple of dozen sand blocks and a shovel with you. Since the sand falls, you can easily and quickly descend from a height. Place a pillar of sand underneath you, jump up and dig under your feet to get down. Gravel will work too, but it will end up all graphite, although this is useful if you want to make arrows later.
  • You can also go down using a bucket of water, pour water near you, wait until there is a sufficient amount, then quickly remove the source and jump into the water elevator. Without a source, water will not spread over a long distance.
  • Hold Shift+W to move forward, carefully approaching the ledge. This way you won't fall when you get to the very edge.

That's it this time. In the next article we will talk about how to create circles, balls and curves from square blocks.

Do you dream of creating impressive buildings that will be remembered by Minecraft players, but don't know where to start? Below you will find a lot of ideas and a ton of inspiration to implement your plans, find the necessary resources and develop your creativity. Just get started from the first step!


Part 1

Buildings and structures

    Build a labyrinth. You can build an underground labyrinth for yourself or people on the server. If you want to make it scarier, run the Herobrine mod and activate it in the maze. We are not responsible for the result of your fright!

    Build a Temple named after Yourself. Make a temple to worship yourself! Sure, you can build a temple or church to worship anyone or anything, but it's also fun to build them to perform rituals for yourself.

    Build a highway. Clever Minecraft players have figured out how to use the minecart system to build a highway. Experiment with creating your own scenic highway or look for plans like this in a search engine.

    Build a castle. Of course, the first thing you build in Minecraft is a shelter... so what better proof of your mastery of the game than building an epic castle? Its construction in hard-to-reach places, for example, on a mountain, will be considered especially chic.

    Build a farm. Killing mobs to get resources is useful, but boring. More in an interesting way is the breeding of mobs. On the Internet you will find many instructions on such breeding, so you can choose the option that is right for you.

    Build a sky fortress. Start taking off and building your grand sky home! It can be not just a house, but a whole castle. You don't need tutorials to build this great building, just creativity and some skills!

    Build a museum. Building museums is fun and easy. Find suitable pictures or official plans of real museums on the Internet!

    Make miniature games. For example, you can create your own version Five Nights at Freddy's or Clash of Clans!

    Get into pixel art. Pixel art will help you create your own character or even a video game hero.

    Part 2

    Worlds and Environments
    1. Adventure time! Once upon a time, Bilbo Baggins went on a journey, and now it’s your turn. Build complex world with all the trappings of fantasy, be it a haunted forest or full of dangers mountains. When you're done, you can go on your epic hike and write about your adventures.

      Build pirate ship and island. Build a large island with a tavern, a pirate port and a ship roaming the expanse open sea! You can also erect interesting structures on it, for example the Temple of Doom.

      Build spacecraft and create the Universe itself. Use obsidian blocks in Creative mode to create a huge black space, then use plugins or codes to generate huge planet-like spheres. Then you can create a habitable spacecraft that travels between planets.

      • Fill a glass ball with lava to create a sun!
    2. Build a volcano. Make a huge volcano filled with lava. Bonus if you can build yourself a villainous lair inside a volcano. Glass can be used to contain lava and keep your shelter light.

      Create large trees with buildings inside. Build trees like in "Avatar" or on the Sacred Moon, a satellite of the planet Endor in " Star Wars", to the largest possible scale, and then fill in the roots, trunk, and branches with houses and transitions. Then invite your friends over for an Ewok-themed party!

    Part 3

    Utility models and inventions

      Build a train system. You can use the tracks, carts, red stone system and in-game physics to build completely automated system trains You can do this in a mine, or even build an actual train and train station for the people visiting your world.

      Build an elevator. You can use red stone and command blocks for the construction of an elevator in your buildings. It's surprisingly easy to do, and you'll find lots of different instructions online.

      Build a sorter. Using hoppers, you can create systems that sort your items quickly and efficiently. This is useful not only in the mines, but also in your shelter. Information about the construction various types Such systems can be found on the Internet.

      Build street lights. By using daylight switches with a converter, you can build photosensitive street lights that turn on when it gets dark. Use this to protect players and important paths from aggressive mobs at night.

      Build a mob trap. Mob traps are often large, cunning devices that catch and automatically kill mobs, usually by drowning them. There are many different designs to suit any budget, so you will definitely have plenty to choose from. Many master classes can be found on YouTube.

      Build a trap for griefers. Have you been harmed by griefers yet? Let's start building a trap for them! Look for instructions - there are many ways to do this!

    Part 4

    Inspiration from real world

      Build replicas of national monuments. Create intricate, detailed replicas of famous landmarks, monuments, and other structures. Set them up so that your players or friends can travel around the world in just a few minutes if they want.

      Recreate the setting from your favorite TV series. Take inspiration from your favorite TV series and create your own version of the setting. You can, for example, build a school, like in Buffy the Vampire Slayer, or Finn's tree house from the cartoon Adventure Time.

      Recreate your city or area. Recreate the neighborhood where you grew up. Build your school, local parks, your home and other places where you spent time.

      Recreate the setting from your favorite book. Use your imagination to the fullest and recreate the setting of your favorite books - for example, the Lonely Mountain from The Hobbit or Moominvalley. Let your imagination know no bounds!

      Recreate your room. Take one room and recreate it on a large scale. Make one block equal to 5–10 centimeters. As a result, the doors will be as tall as a skyscraper. If you want, you can build yourself a house within these walls and live like Gulliver in the land of giants!

    Part 5

    Crazy stuff

      Make cannons for mobs. On the Internet you can find many plans for building such a cannon. Explosive objects using redstone and TNT launch sheep straight into the world of Aether! Why shouldn't cows fly?

      Build a TARDIS. You can use command blocks to create the famous device from Doctor Who, the blue police box that is much larger on the inside than on the outside. You can find useful guides on YouTube and all over the Internet.

      Build the Titanic. Build yourself a replica of the Titanic and then have fun on board with your friends. Of course, you can also make a regular cruise ship. It might even be safer!

      Get into pixel art. You can transport yourself back to the world of 8-bit characters like Mario or Zelda and use Minecraft to create huge pixel art objects! Get creative and create an environment that you and your friends will enjoy. 8-bit music (chiptune) will add a special twist: welcome to the nineties!

      Make a working game or computer. If you are truly unique and willing to spend a decent amount of time, figure out how to make working computers and other complex mechanical devices. On the Internet you can find examples of 3D printers, working computers and even the game Pac-Man!

Building houses in the game Minecraft is one of the most basic tasks. Housing provides your protection from creepers, and also allows you to survive in the difficult conditions of the minecraft game. You can tell by the player's hideout financial situation, so all players try to build houses that please their souls. The mechanical type of buildings is one of the best and most beautiful houses, because almost everything is done automatically.

Players who travel and do not stay in one place are better off building quickly erected and from cheap resources to wait out the night and go back to adventure. But such buildings have a lot of disadvantages, such as high level noise from creepers, low strength. If you're playing alone, you can download interesting map(for example, a city) and see how they should look, gain experience. Open the maps and find the nearest cave and start construction.

Players who already have some supply of resources can build middle class house. These are usually built from stones or bricks. The advantages of such dwellings: fire resistance, expandability, good protection from creepers. Cons: resource costs. Buildings of this type need to be built in a thoughtful place, first look at the map and evaluate the area.

Complex type housing in minecraft. For players who have managed to accumulate a sufficient amount of resources. Complex type V minecraft game are castles or other large scale buildings. Pros: a lot of space, almost complete invulnerability, respect from other players on the server. Cons: long construction, requires a very large amount of resources and time. Some players who build such dwellings post videos, you can gain experience from them. It's nice to look at buildings like this. On a map, such constructions look wonderful and surprising. You need to choose the right place with precision; the map will help you choose it.

Needed: shovel, pickaxe.
Time: about half a minute.

You need to find an earthen or cave place in Minecraft. And dig yourself a dugout, which will be a good way to save you at first.
Pros: protection from creepers for the first time. Cons: low strength.

Mushroom house

Needed: Mushrooms (preferably red), bone meal, some blocks of other materials.
Time: 5-10 seconds. Easy to build.
To build this type of house you will need to install a mushroom and have bone meal to enlarge the mushroom. Once completed, place the ladder and get comfortable.
Pros: prefabricated, low cost. Cons: low explosion resistance.

Stone house

Needed: 2-3 stacks of blocks, 20-30 blocks, glass/glass panels.
Time: 5-10 minutes. Easy to build.

You will need to build a kind of square from blocks. You will need to install glass and a door. The house has high fire resistance and strength. Cons: typical, because many players build these in minecraft. You can also make a mechanical one at the end of construction, which will look great in the game.

On a tree (with video)

Needed: 2-3 stacks of blocks, glass, many ladders (initially you can climb a tree using vines).
Time: 10-15 minutes + time to find the tree.
We are building medium.
Usually built on big tree, in most cases on big oak(2 by 2 blocks) or tropical tree. The entrance to this is usually via a staircase.
Pros: the most effective protection against mobs in Minecraft, houses of this type are beautiful.. Cons: complex construction.


Needed: 3-4 stacks of building materials of sufficient strength, glass.
Time: 2-4 hours.
Building is hard.
In the simplest version - a stone one with a farm and a shaft, surrounded by a wall.
From the outside they look beautiful.
Pros: protected on all sides, plenty of space. Cons: time-consuming to construct, requires a large amount of resources.

Castle in minecraft (with video)

Needed: a lot building materials(50 stacks at least).

Time: several days at least. We build hard.
The castle represents prosperity and wealth in Minecraft. If built correctly, it is practically invulnerable. If you are playing single player, you can download the castle map and enjoy it. Watch the video on YouTube and decide for yourself whether it’s worth downloading.
Pros: a lot of space, respect from other players in the minecraft game, almost complete invulnerability, incredibly beautiful. Cons: takes a long time to build, a lot of resources, creepers can appear in dark basements. When you finish construction, you can make a mechanical lock. It is very pleasant to look at such a castle. Some players pass by the castle in surprise, examining it in the smallest details.

underwater house

You need: a lot, a lot of glass, patience, nerves.
Time: several days at least. We build hard.
Pros: there is always fish, invisible, in the right light only octopuses will spawn near you, beautiful inside. Cons: difficult expansion; if one block is removed, there is a possibility of flooding. Mechanical, in underwater world will not be easy to do due to the complexity of building mechanisms in water conditions. You can download suitable mods for this house, for example sharks, to add hardcore.