The scariest photo in the world with ghosts. Real photos of ghosts and apparitions

The Internet is full of ghost photos, but not all of them are genuine. In this collection, we have collected for you the most famous photographs with ghosts, the authenticity of which has been established by competent experts.

Photo taken at an intersection in San Antonio, Texas. Andy and Debi Chesney made a special trip to this intersection to check out the ghost legend and take some photos. Quite unexpectedly, a transparent figure appeared in one of the photographs after development.

Freddie Jackson was a mechanic in the Royal Air Force during the First World War and died in 1919 after being hit by a propeller. But two days later he appeared in a squadron group photo, peeking out from behind his head best friend.

It is believed to be the ghost of Lady Dorothy Townshend, wife of Charles Townshend, 2nd Viscount Reyham, who resided at Reyham Hall in the early 17th century.

According to available records, she was buried in 1726. It is suspected that the funeral was a hoax, but in fact Charles locked his wife in a remote part of the house and kept her there until her death.

In 1891, Lord Combermere died after his carriage overturned. The photographer set up his camera in the lord's library with the lens shutter open for one hour.

And everyone else at that time was almost four miles from home at the lord’s funeral. After development, everyone immediately noticed in the photograph the outline of the head and hands of a man sitting in the owner’s favorite chair.

Ghost on the Stairs at the National Museum Greenwich (England). The former clergyman made his famous photograph in 1966. Experts, including several from Kodak, have concluded that the image is not a fake.

In 1959, Mabel Chinnery went to the cemetery to visit her mother. She took a photo of her husband sitting in the front passenger seat. The film was developed, after which it turned out that someone wearing glasses was sitting in the back seat.

In 1996, Ike Clenton took a photo of his friend who was dressed in a cowboy outfit. And it was right in the middle of Boothill Cemetery near the town of Tombstone.

They both claim that when this picture was taken, no one was in sight near them. Ike Clenton says it is impossible to take a photograph like this without showing the legs of the person standing behind.

This photograph was taken during an investigation by the Society for the Study of Ghosts in the cemetery at Bachelor's Grove. On August 10, 1991, several members of the society were in the cemetery near a small abandoned grave.

In 1924, James Courtney and Michael Meehan, two crew members of the steamship Watertown, were accidentally killed by a steam escape. They were buried at sea off the coast of Mexico. The next day, the crew photographed their “faces” appearing and disappearing in the water.

His Reverend K.F. Lord took a photo of the altar in his church in North Yorkshire, England. The photograph and negative were carefully examined by experts who found no evidence of editing or re-exposure.

Mrs Andrews came to the cemetery to visit her daughter Joyce, who died when she was 17, and did not notice anything unusual when she took this photo. The woman claims that there were no children nearby.

In 1982, photographer Chris Brackley photographed the interior of St Botolph's Church in London. On the top floor of the church, in the upper right corner of the photograph, a translucent figure is clearly visible, shaped like the outline of a girl.

According to the book “Real Ghosts” by author Brad Steiger, where this photo was published, there was only one photographer in the church at that time. Since the figure who appeared in the photo was all in black, it was assumed that it was a clergyman.

The photo was taken near Alice Springs, Australia in 1959. Translucent female figure in the foreground may not be due to double exposure, as experts say.

This famous photo was captured on surveillance video by a nurse at an unknown hospital. A dark figure stands on a patient lying on the bed.

The photo is known as “Face in the Window.” A mysterious face looks out from a courthouse in Alabama. According to the stories, this face former slave named Henry Wells, who was struck by lightning.

Photo of the so-called Ghost Bridge, according to legend, the photo shows the ghost of a woman drowned in the river.

The photo was taken in the abandoned Waverly Hills sanatorium, where tuberculosis was treated. Because effective treatment at that time there was none; the mortality rate was very high.

After the discovery of antibiotics, the sanatorium was closed, but according to legend, the souls of the patients still roam there, and on this photo one of the nurses is Mary Lee.

The Myrtle Plantation House in St. Francisville, Louisiana is one of the most famous haunted houses. The most famous of them is the ghost of the slave Chloe, who was hanged.

The Whaley House is also known for paranormal activity. Thus, it is believed that this photo shows the ghost of Thomas Whaley, who died from ant poisoning.

This is a very old photo that was taken during the renovation of the house. Supposedly it depicts the ghost of a Confederate soldier who died during the American Civil War.

Wedding photographer Neil Sandbach was photographing the area when he photographed this barn in Hertfordshire, England. An incomprehensible white figure appeared in the photo, the presence of which Neil could not find an explanation for.

In 1975, Diana and Peter Berthelot visited Worsted Church. Peter photographed his wife praying in silence in one of the church pews. Later he learned that he managed to capture in the photo the White Lady, about whom there are legends among the local population.

The picture shows a happy mother and son who have just moved to new house in Chicago. After development, the photo revealed the face of an old woman and a bulldog, which can be seen in the reflection of the door.

This photo was taken at Hampton Court Palace in England in 2003. According to experts, the image of the ghost at the door is not a photomontage.

Charleston's Old Town Jail is over two hundred years old and thousands of inmates have died here. It is assumed that the light figure in the photo is the ghost of one of them.

This is a photograph taken at Lake Dorothy Dunn, Wisconsin, USA. According to the photographer, there were no children around when the photo was taken.

The Mary King's Inn in Edinburgh, Scotland has long had a reputation as a haunted house.

The teenager took this photo while attending a wedding at Tulloch Castle in Scotland in 2008. According to The Sun, the castle has been around since the 1200s and is haunted by the ghost of the “Green Lady.”

This photo is from the Decebal Hotel in Romania. Legend has it that an ancient Roman treasure is hidden somewhere in a 150-year-old building, and this ghost is guarding it.

Photo from the Tea Room in Australia. Owner Dan Clifford said the motion sensor triggered something late at night and that's what he found on the security video.

The picture was taken in England, in Aston Church. Experts cannot explain the nature of the ghostly figure.

The photograph shows the ghost of a child looking out the window of the famous haunted house at 432 Abercorn Street in Savannah, USA. Legend has it that a girl tied to a chair by the window died of heatstroke in the house.

This famous photograph made at the beginning of the 20th century. A disembodied hand is imprinted on the Queen Anne bureau.

The story behind this photo is also widely known. The photo was taken before the relatives took the old woman to a nursing home. Her husband, who had died 13 years earlier, allegedly appeared behind her.

A police officer took a photo of the abandoned truck before it was towed. A ghostly figure was later seen inside.

This photo was taken at the Crescent Hotel in Eureka Springs, USA, known for its paranormal activity. Experts find it difficult to explain the nature of the ghostly figure in the photo.

This article will appeal to all those who like to tickle their nerves with various mystical stories.

Diana Berthelot and "The White Healer"

In 1975, Diana Berthelot, her husband Peter and their 12-year-old son attended Worsted Church in Norfolk, England. Diana began to pray in silence, and Peter decided to take a photo of his wife. Returning home and looking at the photograph, the couple froze in horror.

In the photo, there was a white shadow sitting directly behind Diana. The couple returned to the church the following summer (apparently they were not the shy ones) and asked local workers if they had noticed anything strange.

The priest told the Berthelots the legend of the White Lady, also called the Healer. She appears in church next to someone who needs healing. Diana recalled that at that time she was really very sick, but after visiting the church she felt much better.

Three men and a baby

It's not often that a real ghost appears on set. feature film, but this also happens. This happened in 1987 during the filming of the comedy Three Men and a Baby. This scene features actor Ted Danson, with a creepy figure standing behind the curtains behind him. a little boy, who keeps his eyes fixed on the operator.

Danson swears there was no boy present during filming, and neither the cast nor crew were ever able to give logical explanation to how a creepy boy slipped onto the platform with such a sideways glance.

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“My daughter and her friends went to San Antonio (Texas). They drove past the place where once happened terrible accident– a bus carrying children overturned, many of them died. My daughter took several pictures at this place. When the film was developed, in one of the pictures we saw this figure - it looked like a little girl with a teddy bear in her hands.”

“My nephews were fooling around and playing tiger cubs. I photographed them and found in the picture some creature watching the children from the screen of a switched-off TV. Dark face, left side shaded. There is nothing in the room that could give such a reflection, and even if there was, it would have to be located close to the TV and be quite large. Later I found out that the previous owner of the house shot himself.”

“We have been studying for a long time paranormal phenomena. We were recently invited to check an old hotel in Arkansas for this purpose. In one of the photographs taken in the corridor, this strange figure appeared.”

“This photo was given to me by a colleague at the photo studio. I've been printing photos for 10 years and have never seen anything like this. I know that the picture shows a church in France, and what he did most a simple camera. It appears as if someone is walking through the doors and that he/she is holding a bomb with a fuse. The woman who ordered the photographs was so horrified that she did not even pick up her order.”

“When my parents took a photo of my brother and me, they didn’t see anyone’s face on the screen. The TV was turned off at that moment.”

“This photo was taken several years ago. It shows my sister and a boyish face that seems to be watching her from the TV screen. The TV was turned off, it was obvious - otherwise you could see the name of the channel in the corner of the screen. The supposed boy is wearing a shirt, at least not a white collar is clearly visible on his neck - the kind worn by choir members. I know that a monastery once stood on the site of our house.”

“This photograph was taken on the site where there was a hospital in Queen Victoria's time. Our family lives there now. My wife and I decided to restore some rooms and take “before and after” photographs. After we began to discover strange figures in the photographs, strange things also began to happen in the house itself. The housekeeper of the old hospital used to live in our house. Such orbs appear in many photographs and faces are clearly visible in them.”

“This photo was taken by my eldest son. I don’t even know what to think about it.”

This photo was taken by the wife of the coach you see in it. “Take a closer look at the upper right corner and you will notice three translucent shapes. The photo was taken with a digital camera in the early evening. There was once a bar and dance floor in this place where sailors gathered - that's all I know."

“My mother took this photo when she went to London in 1985. The shop pictured is in the Hampstead area and was closed. During this period my mother had own business for the retail sale of clothing, and this facade somehow interested her. The figure of a man is clearly visible on the glass. Note that in order to get a reflection of this size on the glass, a person must be standing directly in front of it. But there was no one on the street. By the way, this store has been gone for a long time.”

“In this photo, the ghost of the girl is clearly visible, but still not as clear as the man standing next to him.”

“What could this mean? When I photographed my great-great-grandfather, my great-great-grandmother had already been dead for a long time.”

"Our musical group went to an abandoned ranch to film a video and take some pictures for the album. There was no one nearby - just us. But when the photographs were developed, one of them revealed a strange figure in the background. Several years ago one of our group members died in car accident. We were driving to our concert, our bassist Jimmy was driving the van. We all escaped with minor injuries, but Jimmy was unlucky.”

“A couple of years ago, a girl from New York named Stacy had an accident in her Volkswagen and spent a long time in the hospital. When she recovered, her boyfriend called her and said that he had fixed the car. After some time, he drove the car to Stacy's parents' house. The girl was so delighted that she decided to take a photo of the guy next to her updated “bug.” And when the photo was developed, the girl’s mother asked how she got into the back seat of her new car (it’s behind a VW). But this is completely impossible - Stacey was standing with a camera at that time. And a reflection of this big size There was no way it could have happened. How can I explain this?

“This photo of the “gray lady” was taken in Cramer (Pennsylvania) in 1977 and made a lot of noise in the local media at the time. The photographer swears that when he took pictures, there was nothing like this in this place.”

“This photo was taken by my sister's friends during a tour of an old Scottish castle. The figure, which is clearly visible behind the hugging couple, does not give the impression of a ghost. It looks like a portrait of a girl that hasn't fully developed. But how could this happen?”

“My mom filmed me and my friend during Halloween 1989. We were 13 years old. And only many years later, looking at the photograph, we noticed another strange dark figure in this picture - it looked like a guy about our age.”

Who are ghosts and apparitions? Do they exist or is it a figment of human imagination? It is known that legends about ghostly phantoms were especially widespread in the Middle Ages. It is also known that almost all medieval castles were notorious. There were rumors that ghosts lived there and disturbed the lives of the owners. What's really behind these rumors? Today there is documentary evidence that ghosts really exist.

By the way, ghosts and apparitions are synonyms, although experts argue that the word “ghost” has a narrower meaning and is characteristic of the rest human souls, and any phantom can be called a ghost.

It should be noted that in the Middle Ages, haunted castles were not something special. On the contrary, family estates, in which the spirits of ancestors lived, were considered beneficial for their owners. Most often, the spirits of suicides and those who died a violent death, as well as children, wandered through the castles. The living heard groans, tapping, laughter, observed the movement of objects, and saw human outlines. It is believed that ghosts freely pass through any objects and walls, since they are subtle-material entities. And in fact, according to eyewitnesses, these objects are most similar to holograms, white clots of energy.

Now there are hundreds of specialists in the world who call themselves ghost hunters. They are equipped with special equipment that allows them to see ghosts in rooms and on open space. Modern cameras with increased sensitivity are able to record the movement of these objects, since they pick up vibrations of the subtle world, invisible to us.

Why and where do ghosts appear most often?

What happens when a ghost appears in a house? The air becomes heavy, strange things begin to happen, objects and even people can disappear. There are ghosts who behave calmly and do not bother the living, but there are also those who are clearly trying to ruin people's lives.

Why is this happening? Apparently, every dead spirit has its own purpose on earth. Some come to their relatives in order to warn them of danger and thereby protect them from misfortune. Others appear to take revenge, to remind the living of the sins they have committed. As a rule, the restless souls of suicides, stuck between two worlds, wander around their former homes.

Psychics and mediums are convinced that the energy of ghosts is destructive for people, because ghosts are energy vampires who are fueled by the emotions of the living. This is especially true for ghosts of children.

Contacts with ghosts

Mediums call ghosts spirits and work with them on those subtle levels where these spirits are stuck. They conduct seances to find out what the uninvited guests really want.

In our world there are many magicians who call themselves the chosen ones due to the fact that they are able to communicate with dead spirits, whom they see without any devices. Spirits provide them with assistance and protection in matters of magic.

There is documentary evidence of successfully conducted spiritualistic seances. But here’s a fact: everyone participating in such sessions soon goes crazy or dies under unusual circumstances. According to mediums, this happens because when invading subtle worlds and establishing contacts with spirits, a person gives up part of his own energy, which means he becomes vulnerable to otherworldly reality.

Therefore, those who wish to make contact with spirits should first think very, very carefully. These entities themselves, with rare exceptions, cannot harm a living person, but the desire to visit the other world most often ends very badly. So is it worth the risk?..

Every day there are more and more signals from people that they have seen ghosts, and the images can be completely different. Some people just hear noise, others observe an incomprehensible glow, and some managed to meet quite real creature with clear outlines. You can find it online a large number of photographs in which you can see silhouettes or see an incomprehensible haze.

What does a ghost look like?

Most often, spirits appear to warn of impending problems. Many relatives for a long time those experiencing loss loved one, see them in reality and even receive certain signs. According to existing evidence, the appearance of a ghost is accompanied by a feeling of cold, strange smells, some sounds and even the movement of objects.

Eat different types ghosts:

  1. "Crisis". They appear at the moment dangerous situations threatening life.
  2. Dead. People come to those with whom they have closer contact.
  3. Collective. These ghosts are seen by several people at once.
  4. Living people. It may sound strange, but there are ghosts that represent a living person. This happens when friends or relatives get into difficult situation. So the spirit appears to warn.

When talking about what real ghosts look like, many begin to describe the image offered in movies. What’s interesting is that in some cases, everything really is so and the ghost appears as an almost transparent substance with the outline of a human figure. Most descriptions say that ghosts are completely similar to people and only strange actions, for example, passing through walls, indicate that they belong to the other world.

What does a real ghost look like in history?

There are several references in history to the existence of spirits. For example, in ancient Egypt ghosts were depicted as people who died in agony with various injuries and mutilations. They were called khu. When they were mentioned, people felt real horror and fell into a stupor. There are references to ghosts in the legends of ancient Babylon and Greece.

In European folklore, there are many stories about spirits inhabiting castles, churches and other historical buildings. The ghost in the cemetery looks like the other options discussed above, but only people with supernatural abilities see them. Based on their words, they are no different from people, except that they are not as clear.