Extreme transport accidents in the world. The worst accidents in the world

HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES- a complex of fixed, working and cash assets of the enterprise, including cash on hand, etc. funds in settlements, diverted funds and other receivables. Sources H.s. are the authorized capital of the enterprise, the remaining net profit after taxes, loans and advances, debt to suppliers and other accounts payable.

Classification household assets - This is an element of business language developed over centuries, distinguished by its capacity, systematic presentation, understandable to any interested user. The principle of balance. The original beginning accounting is the principle of balance, which is based on the fact that accounting considers the same economic assets of an enterprise from two points of view: from the point of view of their composition and functional role in the production process and from the point of view of the sources of formation (receipt) of these funds.

The composition of economic assets in accounting is called ASSET, sources of education (receipt) of economic funds - PASSIVE.

If we take into account that the reflection of economic assets by composition and by the sources of their formation in accounting is carried out in the same monetary measure, then the following equation will be fair: ASSET=LIABILITY The values ​​of asset and liability are always equal. This equality is due to the economic content of the classification. After all, both assets and liabilities represent the same economic assets, but only classified according to different criteria.

The classification of household assets by composition and functional role in the production process is called ASSETS.

Classification of household assets is made not only by composition (building, machine, fuel, cash), but also according to their functional role in the production process.

Depending on the period of circulation (use), assets in an enterprise are divided into: non-current (long-term) assets; current (short-term) assets.

TO non-current assets include: intangible assets, fixed assets, profitable investments in tangible assets, financial investments

Fixed assets- this is a set of material assets used as means of labor in the production of products, performance of work or provision of services, or for managing an organization during a period. Fixed assets include buildings, structures, working and power machines and equipment, measuring and control instruments and devices, computer equipment, vehicles, tools, production and household equipment and accessories, working and productive livestock, perennial plantings, on-farm roads located in property land plots and environmental management facilities, other fixed assets.

Current assets include: inventories, VAT (value added tax) on purchased assets , accounts receivable , short-term financial investments , cash.

Current assets are divided into inventories and expenses and into cash and settlement funds.

Inventories and costs include: raw materials, materials and other similar assets, work in progress, finished goods and goods shipped, goods for resale, deferred expenses.

Cash and funds in settlements include: accounts receivable, short-term financial investments, cash register, current account, foreign currency account.

Accounts receivable is the debt of various counterparties (buyers and customers, the state for tax calculations, employees for accountable amounts) to a given enterprise.

The classification of economic assets according to sources of formation and intended purpose is called PASSIVE

Liabilities are divided into: capital and reserves, long-term liabilities, short-term liabilities . Capital and reserves are sources own funds enterprises. These include: authorized capital , additional capital , reserve capital , retained earnings of previous years and the reporting year. Authorized capital- this is the equity capital of an enterprise, formed from the contributions of its founders (participants, shareholders) in the manner and amount determined by the constituent documents. Additional capital- This is the source of the enterprise's own funds. Reserve capital- a source of own funds, which represents reserve funds created from profits remaining at the disposal of the enterprise in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation or constituent documents. These funds are intended to cover the company's losses, repay bonds and repurchase its own shares.

Long-term liabilities include: borrowed funds and other long-term liabilities. Current liabilities include: borrowed funds, accounts payable, deferred income, reserves for future expenses and payments.

31.Inventory – this is confirmation of the actual existence of the name and obligations, identification of deviations from accounting data and their regulation. The main reasons for the discrepancy between accounting and actual data are: 1. natural loss of inventory. 2. theft. 3. inaccuracies when accepting and weighing cargo. 4. errors in accounting. Inventory m.b. full those. all assets and liabilities are verified and partial-one or several types of names are checked. The timing of the inventory of assets and liabilities is determined by the management of the organization. Full investment is carried out, as a rule, once a year before drawing up annual reports. It is also carried out when changing the form of ownership of an organization, changing management, etc. They are carried out by senior management inventory commissions. Before carrying out the investment, the responsible persons give a written receipt stating that all the valuables have been capitalized by them, and those issued to the company have been written off. After the investment, the same persons give receipts stating that they accepted the inventory assets for safekeeping and have no claims against the commission. When conducting an inventory of inventory items, the commissions draw up inventory signatures, inventory records tions, which indicate the actual presence of valuables and accounting data on them. Wed money is inventoried: 1. At the cash desk (by recalculating cash balances, commissions and comparing balances with accounting data.) 2. on bank accounts (by reconciling bank statements on cash balances on each account with available data in accounting. Settlements with third-party organizations inventory by sending these organizations personal accounts for settlements with them. Third-party organizations must confirm the balances of the calculations or submit a reasoned objection. In accounting, according to the inventory results, tions of the state of the comparison statements. In them, only those positions of values ​​​​are identified, discrepancies with the accounting data are identified. At the same time, the responsible persons present to the commission will explain the notes on these discrepancies. The commission will consider these records and makes a decision on the collection of shortages, capitalization of surpluses and formalizes its decision in a protocol. Inventory differences are reflected in accounting in the following way: 1. shortages of valuables within the limits of loss norms are written off to the product line 2. shortages in excess of loss norms are written off. against the guilty persons, if they are not identified, then at the expense of compensation; if the valuables are not insured, then written off to the account of non-release income and expenses.3. surpluses are accounted for according to the corresponding items of assets in correspondence with the account of non-operating income and expenses.4. accounts receivable from expired limitation period written off at the expense of the reserve for doubtful debts, and if such a reserve has not been created in the organization, then written off to the account of non-release income and expenses. 5. Accounts payable with expired statutes of limitations are written off to the account of non-release income and expenses. Surpluses and shortages are reflected in accordance with the approved protocol of the inventory commission in the month when the inventory was completed.

32. Principles of classification of accounts and their characteristics. Accounting is an ordered and regulated information system that reflects the state and movement of property, settlements and obligations, and the own financial results of an economic entity. The legislation establishes the procedure for state regulation of accounting, rules for publishing reports and measures to ensure the reliability of accounting information. The methodological basis for organizing accounting is a system of methods and certain techniques that are carried out through documentation, inventory, balance sheet, systems of synthetic and analytical accounts using the double entry method, valuation of property and liabilities, other balance sheet items, calculations and reporting of the enterprise. In the theory and methodology of accounting, the system of accounts plays a special role, since with their use the problem of dual reflection of information, its accumulation and generalization is realized. Accounts are recorded using the double entry method. A large number of accounts used in current accounting require their organization and certain systematization. This goal is achieved by classifying accounts. Since they are a carrier of information and at the same time a method of obtaining it, the classification of accounts should be carried out according to various criteria. These signs should capture the economic essence of accounting objects, the environment in which certain objects operate, as well as the features of the formation of an information system in the direction of satisfying the management apparatus with relevant information. In the most general approach modern theory classification of accounts provides for their grouping according to two criteria: 1) economic content; 2) purpose and structure

35. Types and forms of accounting registers.Accounting registers- these are special tables (forms) for reflecting business transactions recorded in primary documents. Registers are designed to accumulate, group and systematize homogeneous business transactions contained in documents into accounts; they serve the purposes of control, management and analysis of financial economic activity organizations and are used to compile established reporting forms. Due to the fact that there are many accounts and registers large number accounting registers are classified: 1. by purpose and volume of information (volume of content): synthetic(intended for recording business transactions on synthetic accounts; entries in these registers are kept without explanatory text, in a generalized form and only in monetary terms), analytical(designed and used to reflect homogeneous transactions in separate analytical accounts, each transaction is recorded quite fully not only in monetary, but also in kind), combining synthetic and analytical accounting(increase the reliability and clarity of accounting; in these registers, individual lines are intended for analytical accounting, and the final data of all records are indicators of synthetic accounting); by account type : chronological(used to record transactions in chronological order, i.e. in the order they were completed (most often in the order in which documents were received by the accounting department) without grouping them by accounts), systematic(homogeneous business transactions are systematized according to synthetic and analytical accounting accounts, an example is the general ledger, which records turnover on all synthetic accounts indicating the corresponding accounts) combined (combine chronological and systematic recording); By external form : free sheets (statements) (they are separate sheets or several bound sheets, these are order magazines or statements, they are opened for a month, some of them have inserts, are stored in folders), cards(these are also loose sheets, but not fastened together. They are stored in boxes in a certain system. A collection of cards of the same purpose is called a card index), books(used to register business transactions using both synthetic and analytical accounts. In accounting books, all sheets are laced, numbered, sealed and signed. The book is drawn up at the beginning of the year and maintained throughout it), machinegrams (accounting register, obtained when processing documents on a PC. Their forms are varied and depend on the purpose and content of the objects taken into account); by structure (shape of graphing) : one-sided, two-sided, multigraphic; on a material basis : paper and paperless registers.

36. Documentation, its essence and meaning. Documentation is one of the elements of the accounting method; it is a method of continuous and continuous reflection of business transactions in order to obtain the necessary information about completed business events, as well as making subsequent entries in the accounting system of accounts. Regardless of the methods of recording source data, each business transaction must be documented at the time and place of its completion. Documentation is a set of documents drawn up for all business transactions. The data they contain subsequently serves as the only basis for reflecting business transactions in current accounting. A document (Latin documentum - certificate, evidence) is a written certificate of the right to carry out, or confirmation of the actual implementation of a business transaction, in which the necessary details are filled in A document form is an information carrier with permanent information printed on it. In addition to document forms, floppy disks and disks serve as carriers of accounting information when they are processed on a PC. They are used depending on the automation tools that are used in the organization. The importance of documentation in the work of organizations is not limited to the fact that it: 1. serves as a means of substantiating accounts; 2. has great operational significance. Accounting documents are used to transmit orders from managers to executors, i.e. used to direct and manage business activities; 3. perform a control function, i.e. through documentation, the correctness of completed operations is monitored, the causes of certain economic violations are established, documentation plays a special role in the struggle for the safety of property. Documentation makes it possible to uncover cases of theft of property and various types of abuse, and often prevent them; 4. legal (legal) meaning of documentation. Confirming the correctness of the facts recorded in the records, documents are irrefutable evidence in disputes arising between this organization and other bodies and persons. They are used by court and arbitration authorities when resolving issues of various claims, checking the completeness of fulfillment of contracts and other obligations; 5. perform an analytical function, i.e. An ongoing analysis of the work being performed is carried out.

Economic assets, being the subject of accounting, for proper accounting and control are grouped according to two criteria:

the first – by type, composition, location (assets);

the second - by sources of formation (education) - equity capital and liabilities.

The first group characterizes the composition of the funds or where they are located. In accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Enterprises,” the property of an enterprise consists of fixed and working capital. Assets are resources that an enterprise controls and the use of which will result in economic benefits.

The second group characterizes the sources of funds or their intended purpose. “Property belongs to the enterprise under the rights of ownership or full economic management” - as written in Art. 10 of the third section of the Law “On Enterprises”.

Let's consider the classification of funds into these two groups.

Economic assets by type, composition, location are divided into: non-current assets, current assets, deferred expenses. Non-current assets include: intangible assets, fixed assets, long-term financial investments, construction in progress.

Current assets include: inventories of all types (materials, fuel, spare parts, work in progress, finished products, goods, etc.), bills received, cash, settlements (debt of legal and individuals before the enterprise) for goods, works, services, taxes and other payments to the budget.

Deferred expenses include current assets expressed in the costs of the reporting period, which are subject to attribution to expenses of subsequent reporting periods.

Intangible assets- these are means that do not represent material assets, but bringing profit to the enterprise (trademarks, patents, know-how, computer programs).

Fixed assets– these are tangible assets worth over 500 UAH. per unit and a useful life (operation) of more than 1 year. These include buildings, structures, vehicles, computer technology, machinery, equipment, furniture.

Fixed assets do not change their physical form; they transfer their value in parts by monthly depreciation and inclusion of it in production costs and expenses of other types of activities.

Intangible assets and fixed assets represent means of long-term functioning and are non-current assets.

Current assets– these are funds in circulation and supporting the process of production and sales. These are mainly means of short-term functioning. According to their homogeneity and purpose, working capital is classified into:

a) raw materials, materials - material assets from which production is carried out. They are consumed in one production cycle and completely transfer their value to the manufactured products. The volume and list of raw materials at the enterprise depends on the nature and specifics of its activities. For example, pasta factories and shoe factories require different raw materials. In trade, materials are used mainly for household needs (washing powders, soap, disinfectants);

b) low-value and wear-out items (LBP) - items of labor costing less than the cost of fixed assets (tools, equipment, calculators, furniture). These are items that serve the production and sales processes, the management area, have a low unit price and are used by the enterprise for no more than one year;

c) finished products (in manufacturing enterprises) are inventories to be sold;

d) cash is the most important type of working capital, without which the operation of an enterprise is impossible. Cash is in different places: in bank accounts, at the cash desk, in transit (in enterprises that sell in cash and hand over the proceeds to the bank through a collector);

e) funds in settlements, the so-called accounts receivable - debt from buyers for goods and materials sold by them, for which payments have not been received; debt of debtors on bills received, who instead of money issued a promissory note; debt of accountable persons on advances issued to them from the cash register. Accounts receivable means that the company's funds are temporarily held by other individuals and enterprises.

Working capital is:

standardized, according to which a standard (limit) of stock is established (materials, interbank products, finished products, goods, money in the cash register);

non-standardized (cash in bank accounts, funds in settlements).

Losses- a form of final disposal of funds that occurs as a result of expenses exceeding income. Losses characterize the irrational allocation of funds that are forever withdrawn from the sphere of production and circulation. They indicate a negative financial result of the enterprise’s activities and should not take place. Losses are subject to compensation from the profits of subsequent periods and the equity capital of the founders. They reduce their equity.

Economic funds by source of education are divided into:

1) own (fixed);

2) borrowed (temporarily attracted).

Own funds are: authorized and share capital, additional and reserve capital, target revenues, insurance reserves, etc.

Borrowed funds are long-term and short-term bank loans, as well as accounts payable (current liabilities).

What are they?

All types of capital is the amount of funds accumulated for a specific purpose. They represent the main source of own funds, varied in structure and purpose. The main ones:

Authorized capital– the amount of fixed and current assets formed at the expense of the state (in state-owned enterprises) or at the expense of the owner (shareholders, founders, participants). The amount of the authorized capital is fixed in the constituent documents. Authorized capital is total cost assets that are the owners' contribution to the capital of the enterprise.

Share capital is intended to summarize information on the amount of share contributions of members of consumer societies, collective agricultural enterprises, housing construction cooperatives and other enterprises provided for by the constituent documents.

Additional capital- these are accumulated amounts by which the sale price of issued shares exceeds their par value, as well as the amount of revaluation of assets and the value of non-current assets received by the enterprise from other persons free of charge.

Reserve capital- this is the value of the created capital of funds in accordance with current legislation and constituent documents at the expense of the enterprise’s profits.

Profit– a source of capital replenishment for both the enterprise itself and budget funds (through income tax). It is determined as a result of the excess of income over expenses and characterizes a positive financial result, which is the goal of any enterprise. The profit left after tax is used for production and social development, material incentives. This is a very important source of increasing equity capital, on which the further development of the enterprise depends.

An enterprise can use other sources of its own funds: gratuitous receipt of funds in the form of charitable contributions and donations, income from securities, subsidies from the budget, proceeds from denationalization and privatization.

Part of the funds is provided to the enterprise for temporary use from banks and other enterprises, the so-called obligations of the enterprise.

Bank loans– these are loans, debts that an enterprise takes out for a specific purpose, on the terms of repayment, payment, urgency. They are short-term (up to 1 year) and long-term (for more than 1 year). The bank provides a loan based on a loan agreement. Credit is a source of borrowed funds.

Accounts payable(current liabilities) are those funds that the enterprise received but did not make payment (debt to suppliers for received raw materials, fuel, small products, goods, debt to various enterprises for services). Accounts payable are also the enterprise's obligations for wages, taxes and obligatory payments. The peculiarity of these obligations is that funds from these sources are formed by accrual, and not by receipt from the outside. This debt arises due to the fact that the moment of its accrual (to employees, social insurance, the budget, the Pension Fund, etc.) does not coincide with the moment of repayment of the debt (payment of wages, payment of taxes, transfer of amounts to the social insurance fund, to the Pension Fund etc.) In fact, these funds are kept by the enterprise temporarily from the moment the debt is accrued until the moment of payment. But this is permanent. An enterprise uses accounts payable as a temporarily attracted (borrowed) source of funds.

To summarize what has been said, we can conclude that the two groups of funds represent the same funds, but grouped according to two characteristics:

on the one hand - what they consist of, i.e. what the company owns, what are its assets;

on the other hand, due to what these same means are formed (formed), i.e. the enterprise's own capital and its liabilities.

There is always a total equality of these two groupings of funds. The total amount of economic funds by composition (assets) is necessarily equal to the total amount of funds by sources of education (equity and liabilities). The balance sheet is built on this equality.

It is terrible to realize how much evil man has done to himself and the planet on which he lives. Most of the harm was caused by large industrial corporations that do not think about the level of danger of their activities in an effort to make a profit. What’s especially scary is that disasters also occurred as a result of tests various types weapons, including nuclear ones. We offer 15 of the most major disasters in the world due to human fault.

15. Castle Bravo (March 1, 1954)

The United States test-detonated a nuclear weapon in Bikini Atoll, near the Marshall Islands, in March 1954. It was a thousand times more powerful than the explosion in Hiroshima, Japan. This was part of a US government experiment. The damage caused by the explosion was catastrophic for the environment over an area of ​​11265.41 km2. 655 fauna representatives were destroyed.

14. Disaster in Seveso (July 10, 1976)

An industrial disaster near Milan, Italy resulted from the release of toxic chemicals into the environment. During production cycle When trichlorophenol was produced, a dangerous cloud of harmful compounds was released into the atmosphere. The release instantly had a detrimental effect on the flora and fauna of the area adjacent to the plant. The company hid the fact of a chemical leak for 10 days. The incidence of cancer increased, which was later confirmed by studies of dead animals. Residents small town In Seveso, frequent cases of heart pathologies and respiratory diseases began to occur.

Melting part nuclear reactor on Three Mile Island, Pennsylvania, USA, resulted in the release of an unknown amount of radioactive gases and iodine into the environment. The accident occurred due to a series of personnel errors and mechanical problems. There was a lot of debate about the scale of pollution, but official bodies withheld specific figures so as not to cause panic. They argued that the release was insignificant and could not harm flora and fauna. However, in 1997, the data was re-examined and it was concluded that those who lived near the reactor were 10 times more likely to develop cancer and leukemia than others.

12. Exxon Valdez oil spill (March 24, 1989)

As a result of the accident on the Exxon Valdez tanker, a huge amount of oil entered the ocean in the Alaska region, which led to the pollution of 2092.15 km coastline. As a result, irreparable damage was caused to the ecosystem. And to date it has not been restored. In 2010, the US government stated that 32 species had been harmed. wildlife and only 13 species were restored. They were unable to restore the subspecies of killer whales and Pacific herring.

The explosion and flooding of the Deepwater Horizon oil platform in the Gulf of Mexico at the Macondo field resulted in a leak of 4.9 million barrels of oil and gas. According to scientists, this accident was the largest in US history and claimed 11 lives of platform workers. The ocean inhabitants were also harmed. Violations of the bay's ecosystem are still observed.

10. Disaster Love Channel (1978)

In Niagara Falls, New York, there are about a hundred houses and local school were built on the site of a dump of industrial and chemical waste. Over time, the chemicals seeped into the topsoil and water. People began to notice that some black swampy spots were appearing near their houses. When they did the analysis, they found the contents of eighty-two chemical compounds, eleven of which were carcinogenic. Among the diseases of the Love Canal residents, such serious diseases as leukemia began to appear, and 98 families had children with serious pathologies.

9. Chemical Contamination of Anniston, Alabama (1929-1971)

In Anniston, in the area where agricultural and biotech giant Monsanto first produced cancer-causing substances, they were inexplicably released into Snow Creek. The population of Anniston suffered greatly. As a result of exposure, the percentage of diabetes and other pathologies increased. In 2002, Monsanto paid $700 million in compensation for damage and rescue efforts.

During the Gulf War in Kuwait, Saddam Hussein set fire to 600 oil wells to create a toxic smokescreen for 10 months. It is believed that between 600 and 800 tons of oil were burned daily. About five percent of Kuwait's territory was covered in soot, livestock was dying of lung disease, and the country suffered an increase in cancer cases.

7. Explosion at the Jilin Chemical Plant (November 13, 2005)

Several powerful explosions occurred at the Zilin Chemical Plant. A huge amount of benzene and nitrobenzene, which has a detrimental toxic effect, was released into the environment. The disaster resulted in the death of six people and the injury of seventy.

6. Times Beach, Missouri Pollution (December 1982)

The spraying of oil containing toxic dioxin led to the complete destruction of a small town in Missouri. The method was used as an alternative to irrigation to remove dust from roads. Things got worse when the city was flooded by the Meremek River, causing toxic oil to spread along the entire coastline. Residents were exposed to dioxin and reported immune and muscle problems.

For five days, smoke from coal burning and factory emissions covered London in a dense layer. The point is that it has arrived cold weather and residents began burning coal stoves en masse to warm their homes. The combination of industrial and public emissions into the atmosphere resulted in dense fog and poor visibility, and 12,000 people died from inhaling toxic fumes.

4. Minamata Bay Poisoning, Japan (1950s)

Over 37 years of producing plastics, the petrochemical company Chisso Corporation dumped 27 tons of metal mercury into the waters of Minamata Bay. Because residents used it for fishing without knowing about the release of chemicals, the mercury-poisoned fish caused serious damage to the health of babies born to mothers who ate Minamata fish and killed more than 900 people in the region.

3. Bhopal Disaster (December 2, 1984)

The whole world knows about radiation contamination as a result of a nuclear reactor accident and fire at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in Ukraine. She was called the most terrible disaster at a nuclear power plant in history. About a million people died due to the consequences nuclear disaster, mainly from cancer and due to exposure high level radiation.

After the magnitude 9 earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan, nuclear installation Fukushima Daiichi was left without power supply and lost the ability to cool nuclear reactors. This led to radioactive contamination of a large area and water area. About two hundred thousand residents were evacuated due to fears of serious illnesses as a result of exposure. The disaster once again forced scientists to think about the dangers of atomic energy and the need to develop

A man-made emergency is a situation in certain territory resulting from an accident, catastrophe that may result or has resulted in human casualties, damage to human health or environment, significant material losses and disruption of people's living conditions.

Accident is a dangerous man-made incident that creates a threat to the life and health of people at an object, a certain territory or water area and leads to the destruction of buildings, structures, equipment and vehicles, disruption of the production or transport process, as well as damage to the environment.

An industrial disaster is a major industrial accident that resulted in human casualties, damage to human health, or destruction and destruction of objects, material assets in a significant amount, and also led to serious damage to the natural environment.

According to the classification adopted by the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, man-made emergencies are divided into: fires, explosions, explosion threats; building collapses; transport; with chemical release hazardous substances; with the release of radioactive substances; with the release of chemical warfare agents; on electrical power systems; on utility and energy systems; at wastewater treatment plants; hydrodynamic.

Currently, the danger of the technosphere to the population and the environment is determined by the presence in industry and energy of a large number of radiation-hazardous, chemically hazardous, fire- and explosive-hazardous industries and technologies.

There are a large number of economic facilities, industrial accidents at which can lead to man-made emergencies. Such objects include radiation hazardous, chemically hazardous, explosion and fire hazardous objects, gas and oil pipelines, transport, hydraulic structures, and public utility facilities.

Man-made emergencies include:

  • emergency situations involving the release of radioactive substances arising as a result of an accident at a radiation-hazardous facility (a radiation-hazardous facility is an object where it is stored, processed or transported radioactive substances, in an accident in which people may be exposed to radiation ionizing radiation or radioactive contamination environment);
  • emergency situations with the release of chemically hazardous substances arising as a result of an accident at a chemically hazardous facility (a chemically hazardous facility is an enterprise or organization where hazardous chemicals are stored, processed, used or transported and, in the event of an accident, loss of life or chemical contamination may occur environment);
  • fires, explosions, bomb threats. Possible most often at fire and explosion hazardous facilities (a fire and explosion hazardous facility is an enterprise in the course of whose activities flammable flammable liquids, solid combustible substances and materials that can burn when interacting with water, air oxygen and with each other in quantities sufficient in the event of fire to create a threat to human life and health, as well as a threat to environmental safety in the area adjacent to the facility).

There are over 8 thousand fire and explosion hazardous objects in the country. Most often, accidents with explosions and fires occur at enterprises in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries. Accidents at such enterprises lead to serious consequences: destruction of industrial and residential buildings, injury to production personnel and the population, significant material losses;

  • hydrodynamic emergencies arising during an accident at hydrodynamically hazardous objects 1. Hydraulic structures are located, as a rule, within or above large settlements. Hydraulic structures are high-risk objects;
  • transport emergencies arising from transport accidents. Depending on the type of transport in which the accident occurred, a distinction is made between railway, road, aviation and sea accidents. Transport is a source of danger not only for its passengers, but also for the population living in the areas of transport highways, since they transport a large amount of flammable, chemical, radioactive, explosive and other substances that pose a threat to human life and health in the event of an accident. Such substances account for 12% of the total volume of cargo transportation.

1 Hydrodynamically dangerous object- this is a hydraulic structure, the destruction of which can lead to the formation hydrodynamic accident with breakout waves and flooding large territories. A serious danger to the population, the technosphere and the natural environment is posed by accidents of such hydraulic structures as dams, hydroelectric power station buildings, spillways, drainage and water outlet structures, tunnels, canals, pumping stations, ship lifts, etc.


  1. With the development of the technosphere, man-made disasters have invaded human life - emergency situations of a man-made nature (accidents and catastrophes at economic facilities).
  2. An analysis of man-made hazards and the causes of their occurrence indicates that they arise in the process of human economic activity, and main reason their occurrence is due to the human factor, i.e. for the most part they are man-made.
  3. An analysis of man-made hazards and their causes, carried out by specialists from the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations, allows us to conclude that the main causes of accidents and industrial disasters are due to the growing complexity of production using both new technologies that require high concentrations of energy and substances hazardous to human life, which have a significant impact on the environment natural environment; decreased reliability of production equipment, vehicles, imperfection and obsolescence of production technologies; the human factor, expressed in violations of production technologies, labor discipline, and a low level of professional training.


  1. What major transport disasters resulting in human casualties occurred in the territory Russian Federation in recent years?
  2. What factors determine the danger of the technosphere for the population and the environment?
  3. How will accidents in the technosphere affect human life safety?
  4. How, in your opinion, can the negative impact of the human factor on safety in transport situations be reduced?


  1. Find in reference books, tools mass media and on the Internet examples of man-made emergencies that took place in the region where you live.
  2. Make a list of the main measures that were taken to protect the population during any one man-made disaster emergency in your region.

Every year, about 1,000 emergencies occur in Russia, not counting small domestic fires, destruction of empty houses and other incidents that do not involve casualties or large material costs. Accidents and disasters at industrial enterprises deserve increased attention. This is due to the fact that they take lives and also cause large material losses along with natural disasters, domestic gas explosions and house collapses. Every year, property worth billions of rubles suffers from fires on the territory of the Russian Federation.

The greatest threat in terms of accidents and disasters is posed by enterprises where explosive gases are involved, explosives and dangerous toxic chemicals are stored. Modern nuclear power plants have better protection. Despite the scale possible consequences, cases of accidents over the entire period of existence nuclear power plants are isolated.

The main causes of accidents and disasters include obsolete equipment, non-compliance with safety regulations, interference in the operation of equipment, as well as errors in the design of industrial facilities. In this article we will look at the chronology of the largest accidents at industrial enterprises in the history of Russia from 1991 to 2015.


Ufa oil refinery. In September, a pipe broke at an altitude of 150 meters. The mass of the suspended fragment exceeded 700 tons. The consequences of the fall were compared by analysts to a magnitude 9 earthquake. Fortunately, disaster was avoided. A unique emergency response operation was carried out, which was included in the Guinness Book of Records. It should be noted that this was the first operation of the newly formed Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations. To eliminate the consequences, 350 kg were secured in the area of ​​the fragment. explosives. A targeted explosion made it possible to lay the pipe without damaging the unique plant.


Artillery storage facility of the Pacific Fleet, Vladivostok. The fire led to the partial detonation of shells and explosives. To eliminate the consequences of the emergency, 240 tons of water sprayed from an IL-76TD aircraft over 6 flights were used.


Engine plant of JSC "KAMAZ", Naberezhnye Chelny. As a result of the largest fire in 20 years, more than 200 thousand m2 of territory were damaged. The central production building and equipment were completely destroyed. The consequences of the fire reduced the plant's production capacity.


JSC "Arkon" February. There was a critical leak of chlorine on the premises of the enterprise. The release of chemically hazardous substances required a large-scale operation by the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The actions of rescuers were aimed at helping and evacuating citizens caught in the impact zone. After ensuring the safety of the population, department employees began eliminating the leak.


Vorkutinskaya mine, Komi Republic. March. A methane explosion occurred in one of the mines. Significant resources of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were involved in the rescue operation. As a result, more than 200 miners were brought to the surface.

Mine "Pervomaiskaya", Berezovsky. September. To eliminate the incident, 13 pieces of equipment and more than 50 rescuers were involved.


Mine "Zyryanskaya", Novokuznetsk. December. A methane explosion occurred in lava No. 1401. The main reason for the advent was human factor. As a result of the explosion 1200m. workings were damaged or blocked. The impact of methane caused damage to an area of ​​17,454 m.


Mine "Central", Vorkuta. January. An explosion of coal dust and methane led to partial rubble and a prolonged fire, resulting in increased smoke. On the lower horizon, 27 people were trapped under the rubble. During the most complex operation, which lasted several days, 23 people were rescued and 4 dead were found.


Vorkutinskaya mine, Kemerovo region. January. A methane explosion occurred in the lava located at a depth of 720 meters. At this time there were 86 miners in the mine. Their rescue began after the fire was extinguished. 69 people survived.


Mine "Zapadnaya-Kapitalnaya", Novoshakhtinsk, Rostov region. October. Breakthrough groundwater caused a blackout of electricity and communications. At this time, there were 71 people at the mine face. At the beginning of the rescue operation, 25 miners were rescued. After many hours of hard work, rescuers were able to evacuate another 24 people.


Mine "Esaulskaya", Kemerovo region. February. As a result of the explosion, a partial collapse of the mine occurred. Four miners were able to get out on their own and were hospitalized. Eliminating the consequences of the explosion required the work of 150 rescuers.


Mine "Central", Vershino-Darsunsky mine, Transbaikalia. In September there was a serious fire. As a result of the rescue operation, the lives of 39 people were saved. To eliminate the consequences of the fire, more than 380 specialists and 40 pieces of equipment had to be involved.


Ulyanovskaya mine, Kemerovo region. March. There was a serious explosion in the mine. As a result of the actions taken, 93 people were saved and the bodies of 110 dead were recovered.

Mine "Yubileinaya", Novokuznetsk. May. There was a methane explosion. Of the 217 miners in the mine, 179 were rescued. More than 330 people and about 60 pieces of equipment took part in the operation.

Komsomolskaya mine, Vorkuta. June. There was a methane explosion. Of the 277 people in the mine, 263 survived.


Sayano-Shushenskaya hydroelectric power station. August. As a result of the accident, the second hydraulic unit was destroyed, which caused flooding of the turbine room. Almost immediately, 75 people died. During the operation, which lasted almost 8 days, it was possible to eliminate the consequences of the accident and save 14 people.

Ammunition Arsenal, Ulyanovsk. November. Due to the fire, an explosion occurred and fragments scattered. 1013 people were evacuated from the accident zone. As a result of the incident, 36 people were injured and 1 was killed.


oil refinery, Krasnoyarsk region. June. The explosion of the distillation column led to a fire that engulfed 400 m2 of the plant area. The fire damaged the adjacent administrative building.

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