Download the program for inventory accounting. Application of computer programs in inventory accounting

The free version of Debit Plus can be used by both entrepreneurs and small businesses. The system allows you to maintain warehouse records and includes a system for interacting with customers. The functions of the system include a balance sheet, fixed asset accounting, and wages. The program is available for Windows, Linux, Mac OS.

Free version of the "Debit Plus" system:

  • Suitable for both entrepreneurs and small businesses.
  • Allows you to maintain warehouse accounting both with and without accounting (at the user's request).
  • Works on various OS - Windows, Linux, Mac OS, and DBMS - PostgreSQL, MySQL.
  • It is completely ready to work under the conditions of Ukrainian legislation and is promptly updated in connection with its changes.

The system consists of the Eclipse RCP platform, the Debit+ module itself, which is distributed as a compiled jar and configuration.
The entire configuration is written in JavaScript, the forms are in XML. You can use Eclipse for development.
In fact, only one configuration is free - the one with accounting and small pieces of other sections. The rest are paid.
But no one is stopping you from freely modifying it to suit yourself, especially since the site has a lot of documentation and examples.

A pineapple. GNU General Public License is a free software license. Software under this license is free for use for any purpose.

Pineapple is a freely distributed accounting automation platform. The system will help automate purchases, sales, and report generation. This free analogue of 1C has distribution kits for Linux and Windows.

Its own technology. The program is free, but the exact license is not known.

"Own technology"- management accounting platform for small and medium-sized businesses. The basic configuration of the system, which meets the requirements of most Russian companies, is distributed free of charge, including for use in commercial organizations. License Agreement and Terms of Use.

Main features:

  • warehouse accounting of materials, goods, products;
  • accounting and analysis of sales of goods, products, services;
  • conducting mutual settlements with customers or suppliers;
  • accounting of cash flows at the cash desk, bank, ability to download data from the client bank.
  • registration of all necessary primary documents, printed forms that comply with the law;

For all accounting sections, you can generate register statements; in addition, a number of built-in and additional reports are available.
Reports and printable forms can be exported to Excel, Open Office, and also sent by email. It is possible to upload data to accounting programs (if the corresponding additional module is activated).

Benefits of the program:

  • High speed thanks to client-server technology
  • The network version allows a large number of users to work with a single database, which is unique for free programs of this class
  • Multi-company accounting in one database and the ability to work with several databases
  • Flexible reports with custom groupings and filters
  • Possibility of connecting commercial equipment (RS232 or USB emulation)
  • Automatic re-run when correcting old documents

Athena. The program is free, but the exact license is not known.

Development and operation of various accounting tasks (and not only accounting), each of which is created with its own database.

This is a two-in-one system. The developer uses it to build accounting projects, and the user operates the developed projects in it.

The system can be classified as part of the RAD - Rapid Application Development direction, a tool for rapid application development, but on the condition that the developer is not a beginner. The complex, as a tool for developing various accounting tasks, is not so simple. On the pages of this site, beginners will find a lot of information to familiarize themselves with or master the system.

Athena exists in two versions: in the form of single-user and network assemblies.
A project completed using one assembly will work in another.
A few words about the differences between the assemblies are given on the "Download" page.

Athena is distributed free of charge without any conditions or guarantees.

Openbravo. Free ERP system with open source.

Wide, versatile functionality
Rich functional content: End-to-end financial accounting, Sales and CRM, Purchasing, Warehouse, Production, and Project and service management
Built-in extensible environment: Openbravo's best developments, third-party modules and vertical solutions for the best implementations
Expansion of organizational structure: Simple expansion from a mono-company to a multi-company structure with its own business units and warehouses

True open WEB architecture
Ease of use WEB: Simple and secure access to all functionality associated with WEB services, quick integration with other applications.
Easy to change and update: Most unique modifications are done without programming
Deployment flexibility: Mono or multi-party, on Windows or Linux, at home or at a service provider - you choose the ideal conditions

Low cost of ownership
High returns at minimal cost
Minimum initial investment: The “Pay only for services” model reduces the investment burden and allows you to clearly control the cost of the result obtained
Transparent pricing: Simplicity and clarity, no hidden fees, no license overpayments
Quick start, high results: Quick start with initial functionality and inexpensive cost of developing functionality in the future

GrossBee . GrossBee offers its clients a unique opportunity for such systems - to receive a fully functional single-user version of the GrossBee XXI system for free.

The enterprise management system "GrossBee XXI" belongs to the ERP class systems and is designed for complex automation of trading and manufacturing enterprises of various sizes: from corporations to small companies. The system solves problems of accounting and planning of material and financial resources, production, analysis of enterprise performance indicators, and many others.

All functions of the system are implemented as a set of interconnected modules that actively interact with each other and together form a single, holistic application. The modules are replaceable, allowing you to develop customized solutions for specific businesses.

The modules are combined into subsystems, each of which is used to solve specific problems. For example, the material accounting subsystem “deals” with the movement of inventory items, the cash and non-cash accounting subsystem deals with banking and cash transactions, etc.

The structure of the GrossBee XXI system is shown in the figure (click on the corresponding subsystem for detailed information):

GrossBee XXI includes the following main subsystems:

  • Material accounting subsystem
  • Contract accounting subsystem
  • Material resources planning subsystem
  • Production accounting subsystem
  • Production planning subsystem
  • Cash accounting subsystem
  • Cash planning subsystem
  • Subsystem for accounting for debts and settlements with counterparties
  • Fixed asset accounting subsystem
  • Accounting subsystem
  • Personnel accounting and payroll subsystem
  • Economic analysis subsystem
  • Enterprise economic monitoring subsystem
  • Administrative functions

All subsystems use a common database and exchange information with each other, which makes it possible to create a unified information environment at the enterprise, common to all its divisions. In general, the division into modules is quite arbitrary. For example, the material resources planning subsystem uses both data on the balance of goods in the enterprise's warehouses and information from the accounting and production planning subsystems, the fixed assets accounting subsystem receives data on equipment wear and tear from the production accounting subsystem, etc.

It should be noted that the system continues to actively develop; new modules and subsystems are constantly appearing in it, which are easily connected to others within the overall system architecture.

VS: Accounting. Accounting module - Free!

VS:Accounting is a program for maintaining accounting records for small and medium-sized enterprises. It allows accounting for organizations with both general and simplified taxation systems.

What is included in the Accounting module:

  • General taxation regime and specialized tax regimes of the simplified tax system, UTII.
  • Book of accounting of income and expenses.
  • Tax return according to the simplified tax system.
  • Tax return for UTII.
  • Accounting for fixed assets.
  • Accounting for inventories and services.
  • Accounting for cash transactions and formation of a cash book.
  • Accounting for current account transactions.
  • Accounting for trade operations in wholesale and retail, accounting for goods at sales prices, calculation of trade margins.
  • Accounting for settlements with accountable persons and generation of advance reports.
  • Accounting for settlements with counterparties, generation of reconciliation reports.
  • Formation of a sales book, a purchase book and invoice journals.
  • Formation and uploading of accounting and tax reporting in electronic form.
  • Current reporting forms.
  • Standard accounting reports: turnover sheet, analytical account and others (with drilling function).
  • Different ways of entering transactions: using standard operations, posting documents, manually.
  • Client-bank.

Other paid modules can be found at the office. website.

  • Salary and personnel
  • Personalized accounting
  • Trade
  • Stock


The system began to develop through the efforts of Fabien Pinckaers in 2000. Tiny ERP soon began to be implemented in the public trading market.

Until the end of 2004, Fabien Pinckaers combined in one person the developer, manager, and distributor of Tiny. In September 2004 (when he completed his research), other programmers were brought in to develop and distribute Tiny ERP.

By 2006, the program was successfully used in specialized bookstores, distribution companies, and service companies.

At this time, the TinyForge resource opens. Since then, developers from all over the world have been involved in the development of modules.

A stable version is released every 4-6 months, and a developer version is released every month. In June 2007, in version 4.1.1, a “web client” appeared, allowing you to use all the capabilities of the system using a regular browser.

In July 2008, Launchpad became the platform for organizing the work of the OpenERP community, and the system itself became more open to translators and developers. Also in 2008, the first version of the OpenERP book was written, replacing the system documentation. Since 2009, OpenERP has been included in the Ubuntu and Debian packages.

Technical features

  • Python programming language
  • Server-client interaction is implemented using the XML-RPC protocol
  • The server part uses PostgreSQL as a DBMS
  • GTK-based clients
  • Ajax based web client
  • A web client has been developed to work using mobile devices (currently access through it is read-only)
  • Modular structure


  • Accounting
  • Asset accounting
  • Budget
  • Human Resource Management - HRM
  • Products (goods)
  • Production
  • Sales
  • Procurement
  • Warehouse management
  • SCRUM - project management for software development
  • Order lunches to the office
  • Project management

Official website of the program:


Standard configurations - free

How Tria works

The Tria platform was created in the image and likeness of the most widespread software product in the vast expanses of the former USSR - 1C Enterprise. Just like 1C, the ready-made solution consists of two parts - a platform (launched application) and a database.

Comparison with 1C or a little history

The Tria system was not born out of nowhere. At first, the developers were creating non-standard solutions based on 1C 7.7. As a result of consistent research, a mechanism for business operations was born.

The essence of this mechanism is that the entire logic of document behavior is not contained in code in a programming language, but is specified using a special reference book Business transactions.

As a result, we received the following advantages:

  • The logic of document operation can be changed on the fly, while other users continue to work in the database.
  • The process of making changes to the configuration has been significantly simplified and accelerated, and consequently, the cost of support has been significantly reduced. What a programmer does in 1C in a day can be done in TRIA in an hour.
  • The level of requirements for a TRIA customizer/implementer has been significantly reduced. People who did not know how to program configured the wiring themselves and radically changed the logic of the program. The emphasis in the requirements for implementers has shifted: first of all, specialists must know the subject area, understand the methodology of work, and only then be specialists in TRIA.

Naturally, Tria turned out to be ideologically similar to 1C. The same hierarchical structure directories, documents, document journals, registers. There is no chart of accounts and periodic details yet - it will be planned over time. Essentially, this is something similar to the “Operational accounting” or “trade” component in 1C.

Here, of course, I would like to draw a comparison table, especially since 1C is familiar inside and out, but many will consider this as anti-advertising. Therefore, we will limit ourselves to a very brief summary: in 1C you can do almost everything that the user wants. The only question is time, money and a good specialist. Our software is more limited in functionality, but everything that can be done in Tria is much easier and faster, and therefore cheaper. At the same time, programming requires a significantly lesser degree of specialist training.

The main competitive advantage is a significant reduction in costs for the purchase, implementation, modifications and IT support of your software.

The configurations offered in TRIA contain all the experience of successfully running the business of our clients. They receive not only the program, but also constant recommendations and suggestions to increase the profitability of their companies. We are proud of the achievements of our clients, that over 4 years of using TRIA in the Lugansk region, not a single client has stopped their business, but on the contrary, despite the crisis, they are successfully developing.

Tria Specifications

For normal operation of Tria, a Pentium 150, 32 megabytes of RAM, and 15 megabytes of disk space are sufficient. The larger the database size and the volume of entered information, the more power the computer (on which the database is located) is required.

The Tria platform is a portable application - i.e. a program that does not require installation. You can install the program by simply copying the entire directory, and carry your accounting on a flash drive. On any computer you can issue documents or receive information about balances.

The free Firebird SQL server is used as a data storage (there are server versions for both Windows and free operating systems (Linux, FreeBSD)).

For single-user work, by default it is proposed to work with the embedded version of the Firebird server, which does not require its separate installation and administration.

You can read more about Firebird's capabilities here:

  • – manufacturer’s website
  • is the website of the company that took part in the development of this server. Contains a lot of useful information in Russian.
  •, are sites where you can communicate with programmers who operated this server.

The “Fixed Assets and Intangible Assets” section of the “Tangible Assets Accounting” program provides complete accounting of fixed assets and intangible assets, calculation and recalculation of depreciation for any month an unlimited number of times, revaluation, inventory, and receipt of output forms for any period.

When implementing the task, the directories are filled in: chart of accounts, clients, depreciation transactions, depreciation calculation methods, directory of financially responsible persons, directory of precious metals.

· The chart of accounts directory describes the structure of the chart of accounts, i.e. the accounting scheme is determined. The directory contains a list of all accounts and items of analytical accounting. For this task, the chart of accounts looks like this:


Fixed assets

Fixed assets of the main activity

Industrial buildings


Power machines and equipment

Working machines and equipment

Computer Engineering

Other machines and equipment


(except furniture)

Library fund

Fixed assets of other industries producing goods


Power machines and equipment

Working machines and equipment

Measuring and control instruments

Computer Engineering

Other machines and equipment


Industrial and household equipment

Productive livestock

Fixed assets of other industries providing services

Fixed assets of other industries, rendered. conventional (except for residential buildings)


Power machines and equipment

Working machines and equipment

Measuring and control instruments

Computer Engineering

Other machines and equipment


Industrial and household equipment

  • · The clients directory contains a list of all accounting entities: our organization, including branches, divisions, employees, third-party organizations participating in economic turnover. Each client has its own unique code (the program controls this condition).
  • · The depreciation postings directory contains a list of postings for accrual of depreciation of fixed assets by divisions and l.o.l. Indicate the balance sheet account for accounting for inventory numbers for which depreciation will be calculated, M.O.L. code, department code, debit account and credit account for recording depreciation transactions. All transactions are recorded in the ledger.
  • · The reference book describes methods for calculating depreciation of fixed assets.

[ 0 ] - depreciation is not accrued

[ 1 ] - according to the annual depreciation rate:

Depreciation = Book value*standard/100/12

[ 2 ] - monthly norm, count. months

[ 3 ] - by motor rally:

Depreciation=Book value*Mileage/1000*Normal/100

[ 4 ] - by production volume:

Depreciation=Book value*Amount of work*Normal/100

[ 5 ] - by service life, months

[ 6 ] - according to the write-off act, % of the initial write-off

[ 8 ] - by service life, months (100%)

[ 9 ] - at per ton rate

[ 11 ] - according to the annual depreciation rate from the residual value:

Depreciation=Residual value*Normal/100/12

Depreciation=Book value*Normal/100

This company uses 0, 1 and 3 wear methods. The depreciation method is assigned to each inventory item. Used when calculating depreciation of fixed assets.

  • · The directory of financially responsible persons is not adjusted by users; it is generated automatically from the directory Clients based on the criterion mol-1. Used when entering documents and printing output forms.
  • · The precious metals directory indicates the code of the precious metal and its name.

Accounting for inventory assets is an important area of ​​accounting for production and economic activities.

Accounting and control of the movement of inventory items and their sales are carried out by warehouse workers and accountants. This is a rather labor-intensive process.

In a market economy, the efficiency of accounting and the receipt of accurate information are becoming increasingly important.

Automation of accounting for materials, finished products and sales of goods will help solve this issue at enterprises.

Currently, the 1C Enterprise and 1C Accounting programs are widely used.

Accounting programs created by 1C cover the entire range of accounting tasks for enterprises with different profiles, and are traditionally flexible in configuration.

To keep track of inventory items in this program, you first need to set up the “Nomenclature” directory. Along with the list of products, the directory stores information about goods, work performed and services provided.

Inventory accounting transactions can be entered manually or standard configuration documents can be used for these purposes. To view documents related to the accounting of the transfer of inventory items to the warehouse, journals such as “Accounting for materials of finished products” and “Goods” are used.

To view documents related to sales accounting, use the “Goods, Sales” journal.

When selling inventory items, the buyer may be issued an invoice for payment.

To issue invoices, use the “Invoice” document of a standard configuration. Operations for the sale of products are documented in the documents “Shipment of goods, products”, “Sales of shipped products” and “Adjustment of shipment”.

To reflect in accounting operations related to shipment to customers, the document “Shipment of goods, products” is intended in a standard configuration.

The document allows you to arrange shipment without transferring ownership of the product to the buyer and with the transfer of ownership to the buyer. In the first case, the planned cost is written off to account 45 “Goods shipped”, and in the second - to account 90.2 “Cost of sales”.

If upon shipment the planned cost was written off to account 45 “Goods shipped”, then to reflect in the accounting of transactions on the transfer of ownership of these products, the buyer should use the following document “Sales of shipped products”.

This document is entered on the basis of the document “Shipment of goods, products”. To do this, you need to find the basis document in the “Goods, Sales” journal, which was used to document the shipment of products to account 45 “Goods shipped”, and select the “Enter on the basis” item from the “Actions” menu.

Based on the document “Shipment of goods, products, work performed, services” or “Sales of shipped products, work, services”, you can issue an invoice for transfer to the buyer. To do this, you need to find the corresponding document in the “Goods, Sales” journal - the basis and select the “Enter on the basis” item from the “Actions” menu.

When entering transactions manually, you must independently indicate the corresponding accounts, analytical accounting objects, and enter the number and amounts of transactions.

Based on the entered primary documents, the program itself generates reports.

To obtain summary and detailed information on finished product accounting, you can use standard reports. The standard report “Turnover balance sheet” allows you to obtain analytical information on the production and shipment of finished products in quantitative and total terms for a specified period. The standard report “Account analysis by subconto” for account 90.1 “Revenue” allows you to estimate the volume of product sales at the selling price. The standard report “Account balance sheet” for account 62.1 “Settlements with buyers and customers” allows you to view the status of settlements with buyers of inventory items.

The standard “Account Card” report can be used to obtain detailed information about all transactions on inventory items. (Appendix 8)

In addition, the program contains reports:

  • - summary entries - contains turnover between accounts (amounts debited from one account from the credit of another) for a certain period of time;
  • - checkerboard - contains a tabular representation of the turnover between accounts for a certain period;
  • - account turnover (general ledger) - used to display turnover and account balances for each month;
  • - order journal and account statement - report on movement on the account (initial balance, turnover with other accounts and ending balance), - detailing by dates (periods) or by transactions (operations);
  • - account analysis - contains information about the account turnover with other accounts for the selected period, as well as the balance at the beginning and end of the period; (Appendix 9)
  • - account card - contains transactions with this account or transactions on this account for specific values ​​of analytical accounting objects, name of material, supplier organization, etc.;
  • - analysis of an account by subconto - the report contains the total amounts of correspondence of this account with other accounts for the specified period, as well as account balances at the beginning and at the end of the period in the context of objects of analytical accounting, this report can be generated only for accounts for which analytical accounting, this contains turnover and account balances for each date of a certain period;
  • - analysis of subconto - where for each subconto the turnover is given for all accounts in which this subconto is used, as well as the expanded and collapsed balance;
  • - extended analysis of the sub-account - where analytical accounting is maintained on the account, debit and credit turnovers on the sub-account are determined, as well as the collapsed and expanded balance at the beginning and end of the selected period;
  • - diagram - intended to provide data on accounting results in graphical form;
  • - printing a register of documents - using the register of documents, you can create a register of documents for a specified period of time.

It can serve as an alternative to the 1-C Accounting and S-Enterprise programs. The "Warehouse" module of the "Complex Accounting" ComTech" system, which is aimed at an accountant, and not at a programmer, allows you to organize accounting in accordance with the specifics of the enterprise.

Accounting for inventory items is based on registers of primary documents: invoices, write-off and picking acts, inventory lists and others. All reports are automatically generated based on them. At the same time, for each item of inventory items, you can trace its history, enter the document that “generated” it, and, if you have access rights, make corrections. When you exit the document, the system will automatically rebuild the report taking into account the corrections.

The program's tabular interface provides convenient information search and group operations on selected document lines. When adding any details, the accountant can enter new columns and then use them in the report. Unification of work with tables provides an intuitive understanding of the system and reduces the time to master it.

All calculations are automated in the program. There are various tools for this, including automatic generation of a set of other documents from a document (report).

Quantitative accounting can be carried out simultaneously in two independent units of measurement, for example, when accounting for fuels and lubricants (income in kg, and consumption in l), precious stones (in carats and pieces), cattle (in kg and heads), etc.

Cost accounting is carried out in parallel in rubles and the “conversion” currency, which is specified for each inventory item individually. The accounting price (acquisition cost) is calculated based on the actual purchase price of inventory items. An accountant can independently include various factors in the price (transportation and procurement costs, customs duties, etc.). Formulas for calculating the price taking into account other columns of the document can also be specified independently.

The system supports the main methods of writing off the cost of goods - FIFO, and at average prices. In this case, the calculation is carried out for each warehouse separately. The accountant can independently choose the write-off method both for a group of inventory items and for a specific item.

A hierarchical directory of items with an unlimited number of levels of information nesting provides a quick search for inventory items, even if it contains tens of thousands of items. It includes parameters such as name, article, price, VAT rates, etc. If necessary, you can independently determine the visibility of the tabular interface columns for each group of inventory items.

The introduction of additional hierarchical classifiers allows users to group and analyze reporting data on inventory items in various aspects. For example, in the main directory of inventory items, product manufacturers can be used for grouping. When grouping by functionality (for example, TVs, VCRs, etc.), it is enough to enter the appropriate additional classifier and link inventory items to its groups.

A special feature of the "Warehouse" module is the ability to dynamically calculate the current balances of inventory items from the date of the last inventory, which allows you to continue working in a new period, even if any accounting inaccuracies have been identified in the old one but have not yet been eliminated. To identify them, a built-in procedure for diagnosing the movement of inventory items.

In this program, users can independently determine the composition of the parameters characterizing the batch. In addition, for each batch you can specify a list of accompanying documents or a link to a scanned file containing an image of the quality certificate. When registering inventory items for each item, additional information is entered by batch, since identical goods may be received under one invoice, but with different series, expiration dates or customs declaration numbers.

When generating invoices, information about written off batches can be entered either manually or created automatically according to criteria pre-specified by the user. For example, you can configure the program to automatically write off batches based on expiration date or use standard methods.

Despite the fact that the Warehouse module can be used independently, it is an integral part of a comprehensive accounting system. Postings are generated from the primary document. From the business transaction journal you can enter the corresponding primary document and vice versa.

Organizing the exchange of primary documents, nomenclature and other directories between remote departments and branches allows you to keep records for them as well. Accounting in the "Warehouse" module is maintained for both accounting and management personnel. For example, already at the stage of processing the primary document, even before accounting entries, you can create an act of mutual settlements with a partner.

Arrival-movement-expense. The module implements a mechanism for documenting inventory operations:

  • Accounting for the arrival of inventory items at a warehouse (division).
  • Accounting for internal movement of goods and materials across warehouses and materially responsible persons (MRP).
  • Accounting for the write-off of inventory items from a warehouse (division) according to current balances.

Parties. Accounting by batches/series has been set up, which is due to the operating principle of any warehouse.

Storage places. Accounting has been set up for detailed storage locations: Department->Room->Rack->Shelf->Cell

Analogues. A mechanism has been developed for forming groups of analogues of inventory items (interchangeable inventory items, equivalents) - in the nomenclature directory, analogues are easily identified, highlighting the main one in the group. When writing off materials from a file cabinet, it is possible to form a selection taking into account the configured groups of analogues.

Best before date. For each batch of inventory items, you can specify the expiration date. There is a report that shows the stock balances taking into account expiration dates. The user can easily track products that are about to expire.

Certificates. The system allows you to store a list of certificates used, as well as indicate which batch or which inventory item belongs to a particular certificate. You can upload scanned copies of certificates and other files.

Norm and minimum stock. For each material, you can specify its rate and minimum stock in the warehouse (department). Report “Deviation of inventory balances from norms and min. inventory" will allow you to quickly monitor the relevance of remaining materials in the warehouse.

Founding of the parish. In the receipt order document, it is possible to indicate on the basis of which documents (invoice, customs declaration, sales form, invoice, etc.) the receipt of goods and materials was issued. In addition, you can attach files (scanned copies, drawings, etc.) to the receipt order.

Drawings. The material card allows you to enter various additional useful information: files (for example, drawings, images of materials), articles, country and organization of the manufacturer, various data on Russian classifiers.

Quantity 2. Packings. The module allows you to keep track of materials by second quantity and by package.

Barcodes. Accounting for inventory items using a barcode speeds up the work of users and allows you to reduce the number of errors that appear in documents when manually entering information about inventory items.

TSD. To further speed up the program, you can use the data collection terminal; it allows you to remotely generate receipt/movement/write-off documents by reading the list of inventory items and then creating documents in the system.

Relocation requests. These documents are intended for generating inventory requests from departments to the warehouse. On their basis, documents for internal movement are directly generated.

Requests for delivery. These documents are intended for generating requests for inventory items from the supply department to suppliers of inventory items. On their basis, documents for recording inventory items are directly generated.

Requirement for materials. Using the application work scheme, the supply department can use the “Demand for Materials” report, which provides all the information about the needs of departments, warehouse balances, ordered goods, inventory turnover for a specified period. Based on this report, the supply department can easily determine the need for inventory items for the enterprise.

Integration. The joint work of the Kontur-Sklad module with products of the Kontur-Accounting family can be organized in several ways:

  • Work on the basis of one single document in the warehouse and in the accounting department, using the ability to collaborate on common documents and customize the individual user interface. Common documents and general reference books are used.
  • Work on the basis of separate document registers without intersecting warehouse accounting and accounting. Separate documents and general reference books are used.
  • Work on the basis of separate document registers with selective transfer of operations from the warehouse to the accounting department. Separate documents and general reference books are used.