Atmospheric pressure research. Atmospheric pressure measurement

Test work includes 18 tasks. You are given 1 hour 30 minutes (90 minutes) to complete the physics work.

Read the list of concepts you encountered in your physics course.

Airplane flight, ampere, melting ice, newton, electromagnetic wave, farad.

Divide these concepts into two groups according to the criteria you choose. Write down the name of each group and the concepts included in this group in the table.

Choose two true statements about physical quantities or concepts. Circle their numbers.

1. There is a box in an elevator moving downwards uniformly from rest. Box weight module equal to modulus gravity.

2. Acceleration - physical quantity, which determines the rate of change in the speed of the body.

3. The sliding friction force depends on the area of ​​contact between the block and the surface.

4. The law of universal gravitation is valid only for material points.

5. The binding energy of a nucleus is determined by the amount of work that needs to be done to split a nucleus into its constituent nucleons without imparting kinetic energy to them.

Show answer

The racket bends when hit by a tennis ball. Under what force does the racket bend?

Show answer

Elastic force

Read the text and fill in the missing words:



does not change

Words in the answer may be repeated.

The rocket starts from the ground and, accelerating, rises to a small height above earth's surface. During the flight kinetic energy rockets __________. At the same time, the potential energy of the rocket __________. We can conclude that when a rocket launches, its total mechanical energy __________.

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increases, increases, increases

Air in a sealed vessel was placed in a vessel with water and the volume began to increase. How will the mass of air, temperature and pressure in the vessel change? For each value, determine the nature of the change and put a “V” sign in the required cell of the table.

Show answer

A bound system of elementary particles contains 8 electrons, 8 neutrons and 8 protons. Using fragment Periodic table elements D.I. Mendeleev, determine which element this system is an ion or neutral atom of?

Show answer

oxygen atom

The figures show the emission spectra of atomic vapors of hydrogen (1), helium (2), sodium (3), and a mixture of substances (4). Does the mixture of substances contain hydrogen, helium, sodium? Explain your answer.

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hydrogen (1), helium (2), sodium (3) contained in the mixture of substance

How long will it take a heater with a resistance of 10 ohms to produce 250 kJ of heat if electric current with a force of 10 A?

Write down the formulas and do the calculations.

Show answer

Possible answer

The formula of the Joule-Lenz law Q = I 2 Rt is written correctly and the formula for calculating time t = Q/(I 2 R) = 250,000 J/(10 2 A 2 * 10 Ohm) = 250 s is obtained.

Arrange views electromagnetic waves in order of increasing frequency. Write down the corresponding sequence of numbers in your answer.

1) Ɣ-radiation

2) radio waves

3) thermal radiation

Answer: _____ → _____ → _____

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Electrical voltage was measured using a voltmeter. The voltmeter scale is graduated in V. The voltage measurement error is equal to 0.5 of the voltmeter scale division. Write down the voltmeter readings in V in response, taking into account the measurement error.

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The student investigated the dependence of the length of the spring L on the mass of the loads lying in the pan of the spring scale. What value of the spring stiffness coefficient did he obtain, taking into account measurement errors (\bigtriangleup m = ±1g \bigtriangleup L = ±0.2 cm)?

Write down the barometer readings in kPa in response, taking into account the measurement error.

Show answer

You need to investigate how the refractive index of light depends on the substance in which the phenomenon of light refraction is observed. The following equipment is available:

Sheet of paper;

Laser pointer;

Semicircular plates made of glass, polystyrene and rock crystal;


In response:

1. Describe the experimental setup.

2. Describe the procedure for conducting the study.

Show answer

1. The installation shown in the figure is used. The angle of incidence and angle of refraction are measured using a protractor.

2. Two or three experiments are carried out in which the beam of a laser pointer is directed at plates of different materials(glass, polystyrene, rock crystal). The angle of incidence of the beam on the flat face of the plate is left unchanged, and the angle of refraction is measured.

3. Using the formula \frac(sin\alpha)(cos\beta)=n, the refractive indices are found and compared.

Establish a correspondence between the examples and the physical phenomena that these examples illustrate. For each example of the manifestation of physical phenomena from the first column, select the corresponding name of the physical phenomenon from the second column.

A) A skier who has slid down a hill onto a horizontal section stops.

B) A fast moving car cannot stop immediately.


1) When one body slides over the surface of another, a sliding friction force arises.

2) Inertia of bodies.

3) When two bodies rub against each other, they become electrified.

4) The force of gravity is always directed towards the center of the Earth.

Show answer

Read the text and complete tasks 14 and 15.

Principle of electric air heater

Electric air heaters come in four main types: electric convectors, infrared heaters, oil heaters and fan heaters.

We will talk about only one of them - the electric convector. The convector is equipped with electric heating element. If you specially heat the air from below, it becomes warm and moves upward. In its place comes a portion of cold air, which also heats up and rises. This phenomenon is called convection. Its essence lies in the continuous movement of air masses due to uneven heating of different layers. Air density depends on temperature: the warmer the air, the lighter it is. And according to Archimedes’ law, all less dense bodies in a liquid or gas float to the top. Therefore, warm air is always under the ceiling, and cold air is always above the floor. And this happens until all the air in the room becomes approximately the same temperature.

You can set the desired air temperature in the room using the thermostat handle, setting it to the position corresponding to a certain temperature.

What happens next? For heating to occur, electrical circuit the convector must be closed. The thermostat should open it if the air temperature becomes too high. But when the air temperature drops, it should automatically close it again so that the air continues to heat up. To do this, the thermostat is equipped with a movable element. By turning the handle, we change the angle of inclination of this element.

The convector temperature sensor has a plate made of a material with a high coefficient of thermal expansion. The more the plate heats up, the more it bends. While the air is cold, the plate is in contact with the movable element of the thermostat. The plate changes its position depending on the degree of heating of the air. The hotter it is, the more it deviates. And it will deviate until the circuit opens. Moreover, this will happen faster if you install more low temperature.

When the circuit is open, there is no heating, so the air cools. The plate on the temperature sensor also cools and returns to its original position - to the thermostat element, the angle of which is set by the user. The circuit closes again and the air heats up.

What physical phenomenon underlies the operation of an electric convector?

Show answer

The phenomenon of warm convection

Select two correct statements from the list provided and write down the numbers under which they are indicated.

In a healthy person, systolic and diastolic indicators of heart function should be within the established limits.

There are upper (systolic) and lower (diastolic) limits of blood pressure. The normal level of blood pressure is high, from 110 to 140 mm Hg. Art., and the lower limit is not less than 70. But the indicators do not always correspond to the established norm, this is due to individual characteristics body. This should not affect the general well-being; only a doctor can confirm the deviations characteristic of a person.

For each age, experts determined the boundaries of blood pressure. These indicators are shown in the table:

Monitoring indicators

Also, the doctor has the opportunity to identify the disease in people who, thanks to one-time measurements, believe that they have normal blood pressure.

To carry out monitoring, special modern devices are used that can store more than 100 measurements of pressure and heart rate in memory, indicating the date and time of the study.

After measurements are taken while standing, sitting or lying down, the data is transferred to a computer, where the results are processed using a special computer program.

Elena Malysheva’s guests will tell you how to correctly interpret the monometer readings in the video in this article.

Enter your pressure

Latest discussions.

When blood pressure rises, it always makes you think about general condition health of the whole body. Especially if this happens often, and the tonometer shows a significant deviation from the norm. In this case, an appropriate diagnosis is made - hypertension. But worst option is a situation where the pressure suddenly rises. This development of events can lead to a hypertensive crisis, an extremely dangerous condition. Why does such instability of the cardiovascular system occur? What causes a sharp increase in blood pressure? The reasons can be very different, and they are divided into two groups: external factors and internal.

The mechanism for increasing blood pressure is very complex. This process depends on the volume and consistency of the blood, the condition of the blood vessels and heart muscle, as well as the work internal system regulation of blood flow. This mechanism can be put into action various factors. The following external conditions can lead to a sharp increase in tonometer readings:

A gross violation of the rules of a healthy lifestyle.

Prolonged sedentary work or spending time on the sofa provokes blood stagnation, poor circulation, and vascular weakness. Low mobility leads to excess weight, which aggravates the pathology of the vascular system.

Abuse junk food(high content fast carbohydrates, cholesterol, salt, spicy seasonings) will lead to blockage of blood vessels, metabolic disorders, increased tone vascular walls.

Chronic fatigue over several days and lack of proper rest can cause a sharp spasm of blood vessels.

Changing weather conditions can also increase the level of exposure of blood to blood vessels.

A proven fact is the connection between arterial and atmospheric pressure. There is a directly proportional relationship between them. Most often, along with an increase in atmospheric pressure, a rise in the lower marks of a person’s tonometer is observed. When atmospheric front unstable, weather-dependent people on this day feel a sharp deterioration in their health, as the oxygen content in the blood changes.

The emotional factor is considered by many experts main reason higher level. It is the central nervous system that plays the main role in the regulation of vascular activity and the speed of blood flow. If it is constantly under tension, the tone of the blood vessels increases, and adrenaline causes them to narrow. Vascular resistance to blood flow may increase dramatically.

Extra pounds significantly impair the functioning of blood vessels. This is enough for the pressure to rise unexpectedly. Fat deposits form not only in the form of a large belly or unsightly folds on the sides, but also inside organs and in the vessels themselves. Atherosclerosis develops, and this is one of the first reasons for increased tonometer readings.

As a rule, the development of essential (primary) hypertension is due to external causes. The overwhelming majority of people face exactly this (95% of total number incidents). Hypertension of secondary origin is quite rare.

What to do

Usually, a person who suspects a surge in blood pressure immediately takes up a tonometer to find out its value. If the pressure has really increased or, conversely, dropped, the question immediately arises of what to do about it and how to treat it.

Many hypotensive people take tonic drugs that have already become habitual (ginseng, eleutherococcus), drink coffee and tea to improve their well-being. The situation is more complicated with hypertension, when it is no longer possible to reduce pressure with “improvised” means. Moreover, self-medication and adherence folk medicine dangerous for such patients
in view of the above possible complications hypertension.

If there are any fluctuations in pressure, you should visit a doctor, first of all, going to a therapist.
If necessary, he will recommend consultation with a cardiologist, urologist, endocrinologist, ophthalmologist or neurologist. To confirm pressure surges, you need to systematically measure it and record the readings. It is possible that later the presence of arterial hypertension will be established. When the reason for the surges will be clear, the doctor will be able to decide on effective therapy.

It is impossible to say for sure which is worse – hypotension or hypertension. Both conditions can be corrected subject to examination and appropriate treatment. It is only clear that increased pressure is much more dangerous than hypotension, which has become habitual for hypotensive patients. A hypertensive crisis can cause a stroke, myocardial infarction, acute heart failure and other serious conditions, so at the first sign of pressure surges you should go to the doctor.

Folk remedies for treating pressure surges

Oat decoction

Rinse a glass of oats, fill it with a liter of filtered, or preferably distilled, water room temperature and leave for 10 hours. Then simmer over low heat for half an hour. After removing from heat, wrap and leave for another 12 hours. Strain and add up to 1 liter of boiled water.

Take 100 ml daily three times a day for one and a half months. After finishing, take a month break and repeat the course. And this should be done throughout the year. In addition, this remedy is very effective for stomach and duodenal ulcers and chronic pancreatitis.


This is an old proven remedy. Peel the head of garlic, wipe them, put them in a jar and pour a glass of unrefined sunflower or olive oil. Leave for 24 hours, shaking occasionally (every 4-6 hours). Pour in the juice of one lemon and stir. Leave in a cool place for a week, shaking every other day. Take 1 teaspoon 20 minutes before meals 3 times a day. The course of treatment is 2 months, then a break for a month and repeat the treatment again.


Every day on an empty stomach (in the morning), take 1 tablet (0.2 g) of mumiyo for 10 days with 3 sips of milk. Take a break for a week and repeat the course. It is better to conduct at least 4 such courses.

You should be very careful when taking blood pressure-lowering drugs during a hypotensive state. The pressure can either drop sharply, or if you refuse to take medications that reduce pressure, it can increase sharply and a crisis will occur. That is, the solution to this issue must be solved using an individual search method and always with the participation of a doctor

That is, the solution to this issue must be solved using an individual search method and always with the participation of a doctor.

It should be borne in mind that preparations based on St. John's wort, motherwort, valerian, nettle (including valocordin) should not be taken during pressure surges (!) - they increase blood viscosity and its tendency to form blood clots, worsen blood flow through the arteries and, therefore , increase blood pressure.

Why does the blood pressure regulation mechanism become unbalanced?

There are three mechanisms for regulating pressure:

  1. Fast
    • vascular reflexes;
    • Cushing's reaction under the influence of cerebral ischemia;
  2. Slow
  3. Long-term

The following factors can disrupt blood pressure regulation:

  • work pathology endocrine system;
  • atherosclerotic changes in blood vessels;
  • renal failure;
  • spinal osteochondrosis;
  • neurological disorders;
  • ischemia;
  • premenstrual syndrome;
  • infections;
  • climate change, air travel;
  • caffeine overdose, smoking, drinking alcohol;
  • different types of anemia;
  • adverse reactions to taking medications.

Dysregulation leads to pressure fluctuations - sometimes high, sometimes low: we will consider the causes and treatment of this phenomenon below.

Mineralcorticoids - hormones of cells of the adrenal cortex, such as aldosterone, participate in water-electrolyte metabolism, increasing the absorption of water in the kidneys.

Any violations hormonal levels can cause fluctuations in blood pressure: pressure fluctuates throughout the day - sometimes high, sometimes low. Therefore, it is worth doing a blood hormone test once a year.

If renal function is impaired, significant fluctuations in blood pressure may be observed, since they are involved in the release of renin, a substance that triggers a cascade of biochemical reactions in the renin-angiotensin system. This substance is synthesized by kidney cells when blood pressure decreases and is one of the effective regulatory mechanisms. In renal failure, the release of renin is disrupted and the regulatory mechanism is disrupted. As a result, the pressure jumps - sometimes low, sometimes high. Blood pressure is most often determined by the efficiency of the kidneys.

Osteochondrosis, curvature of the spine, intervertebral hernias greatly affect blood supply: displacement of the vertebrae and their degenerative changes can affect blood flow. This is especially pronounced in cervical osteochondrosis - the arterial networks passing through the neurovascular bundle are compressed. Oxygen starvation of the brain occurs, the result is a reflex increase in blood pressure to improve blood supply to the brain, which causes the pressure to fluctuate - sometimes low, sometimes high.

Congenital or acquired heart disease

This is reflected in the level of pressure, especially systolic blood pressure - hypertension occurs due to deterioration of blood supply to the organs of the systemic circulation. At the same time, blood pressure fluctuates: high at the top and low at the bottom.

Acute respiratory infections can cause both high and low blood pressure. Intestinal infections accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea usually lead to a drop in blood pressure due to an imbalance in water balance and a decrease in blood volume. This is a rather dangerous syndrome: under the supervision of a doctor, it is necessary to gradually replenish the amount of lost fluid to normalize blood pressure and overcome dehydration.

It’s not for nothing that the system for regulating body functions is called neurohumoral - hormones are directly dependent on nervous system and vice versa. Nervous experiences and overwork lead to increased levels of the stress hormone cortisol. It is secreted in the adrenal medulla along with adrenaline. These hormones in combination can cause persistent or periodic hypertension with periods of normalization of blood pressure. This is expressed in the fact that the pressure fluctuates - sometimes high, sometimes low. different times days.

For example, taking hormonal contraceptives can cause blood pressure to fluctuate - sometimes high, sometimes low.

Changes in weather are accompanied by fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, which leads to spasm of cerebral vessels in weather-sensitive people. In addition to pressure surges, this is accompanied by drowsiness, headaches, weakness, decreased concentration, and chest pain.

Why the pressure fluctuates - sometimes high, sometimes low - we discussed above. There are several variants of this pathology.

The most common causes of floating blood pressure

Changes in blood pressure may in some cases be due to sensitivity to certain foods. This is especially true for lovers of very salty dishes.

Caffeine. Coffee causes a temporary increase in blood pressure. Three to four cups can increase it from 4 to 13 mm mercury. Those who do not regularly drink coffee may notice more significant fluctuations; regular coffee drinkers will not notice it at all. Experts don't know why caffeine raises blood pressure, but they think it's due to narrowing of blood vessels.

2. Stress and medications

During stress, the arteries narrow, making it harder for the heart to work. This increases blood pressure, blood sugar and heart rate. If you live in a situation of chronic stress, then constant stress on the heart can damage the arteries and increase the risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Medicines. Some medications, such as decongestants, anti-inflammatory drugs, and drugs may temporarily increase blood pressure.

3.Diabetes and dehydration

Damages nerves and causes frequent urination. When the body becomes dehydrated due to frequent urination and the nervous system is damaged due to excessive amounts of glucose in the blood, blood pressure regulation may not be optimal.

may also lead to pressure fluctuations with a sharp drop. To raise blood pressure by increasing blood volume, water retention must be restored. When dehydrated, the body loses its electrolyte chemical balance. This can lead to weakness and blood pressure fluctuations.

4. Calcium or cholesterol deposits in the arteries

Calcium and cholesterol deposits in the arteries make them narrower, stiffer, less elastic, and unable to relax, causing hypertension. This phenomenon is most common among middle-aged and older people.

5.Heart problems and nervous system diseases

Heart problems:
such as low heart rate, heart failure and myocardial infarction can lead to fluctuations in blood pressure.

This can cause many disorders, including the body's inability to regulate blood pressure.

In addition, pressure surges can lead to:

  • fever (accelerates heart rate);
  • adrenal fatigue;
  • menopause;
  • human predisposition to fluctuating blood pressure;
  • pregnancy;
  • exposure to heat;
  • age.

In some cases, experts link blood pressure fluctuations to more high risk development of stroke.

Elderly people are predisposed to morning high blood pressure

Of course, another reason, the most undesirable one, may be hypertension. It is those suffering from this disease who most painfully endure increased blood pressure in the morning. In this case, you need to fight, to the best of your ability, the factors that cause hypertension.

These include:


Physical inactivity


Fatty foods

Excessive salt intake

Physical and emotional overload

Changes in atmospheric pressure

Sick kidneys

Diabetes mellitus


Hormonal imbalance

They can help folk remedies. These plants reduce blood pressure:

1. Cranberry. You should drink an infusion of berries and cranberry leaves or cranberry juice mixed in equal proportions with beetroot juice.

2. Kalina. An infusion of viburnum helps. To prepare it, you need to grind the fruits and pour boiling water (a glass of boiling water per two tablespoons of berries). Juice is also useful.

3. Nettle. You can consume both its juice and an infusion of roots and leaves.

4. Garlic and onions.

Monitor your blood pressure. Measure it with a tonometer often. Measurements should be taken on both hands. If the difference between night and morning pressures is no more than 20%, then there is no reason to worry. Consider the rise in blood pressure in the morning as a natural physiological process. If the numbers are higher, measures must be taken.

A person may not always feel high blood pressure, so many people are unaware of the existing health problem for a long time.

If left untreated, hypertension often causes serious illnesses that are detected when the first symptoms begin to appear.

The presence of hypertension can be detected early if blood pressure is regularly monitored.

The measurement is best carried out throughout the day at home, in a quiet environment, standing, sitting or lying on the bed. This will allow you to obtain more accurate data and find out whether there is a threat of developing serious diseases.

How does a person's blood pressure change over a 24-hour period?

A person does not always feel that the blood pressure value is too high, without realizing that a deviation has formed. Hypertension, if not properly treated, causes concomitant chronic diseases when the symptoms become more active. Hypertension is diagnosed in the early stages if pressure values ​​are periodically monitored. Blood pressure readings during the day depend on many factors: body position during measurement, the person’s condition and time of day. In order for measurements to be as accurate as possible, they are made at the same time of day, in a familiar environment. If the conditions are similar every day, the body’s biorhythms adapt to them.

Blood pressure changes due to a number of factors:

  • the value increases in the morning when the patient is in a horizontal position;
  • during the day the pressure drops;
  • in the evening the values ​​increase;
  • At night, when a person rests quietly, blood pressure drops.

This explains why measurements must be taken at the same time, and it is pointless to compare morning and evening figures. Sometimes there is an increase in pressure when measured in a hospital or clinic. This is explained by nervousness, fear or stress in front of the “white coats”, and as a result, the pressure rises slightly.

Reasons for changes in blood pressure in humans during the day:

  • excessive consumption of coffee, tea, alcohol;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • overwork, stress;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • change in climate or weather;
  • pathologies of the cervical vertebrae.

Stress, fatigue, lack of sleep, worries and excessive loads At work - common reasons changes in blood pressure and hypertensive crises. This is typical for women - they are more emotional and unstable compared to men. Chronic stress and constant pressure surges over time provoke the development of the primary form of hypertension, which requires drug treatment.

Changes in the endocrine system also cause changes in blood pressure. Women before menopause or menstruation are especially susceptible to this. In the second part of the cycle, fluid in the body is retained, and excessive emotionality, characteristic during this period, also contributes to an increase in pressure. Unstable pressure occurs due to pathological changes in the adrenal glands.

The indicators can be affected by excitement, impatience, constipation or freezing in a standing position. The readings increase if a person needs to urinate or when the room is cold. Often the value is distorted under the influence of electromagnetic fields, so it is not recommended to keep the phone near the tonometer. The pressure should stabilize if the person takes several deep breaths before taking the measurement.

In the evening the readings rise, and at night the pressure drops. This should be taken into account both when measuring and when taking antihypertensive medications.

To receive exact values BP, must be adhered to certain rules measurements Blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day, and in hypertensive patients these fluctuations are much higher. If necessary, blood pressure is monitored at rest, during movement, and after physical or emotional stress. Measuring blood pressure at rest allows you to evaluate the effect on blood pressure medicines. It is better to monitor blood pressure on both arms, as the values ​​​​differ. It is better to measure on the hand where the indicators are higher.

Conditions necessary to obtain the most accurate results:

  • Half an hour before the measurement, do not eat, do not smoke, do not be exposed to hypothermia and do not exercise.
  • Take measurements while sitting or lying down, after relaxing for 5 minutes.
  • While sitting, lean on the back of a chair, since holding your back on your own leads to a slight increase in blood pressure.
  • If a person is lying down, the arm is located along the body, then a cushion is placed under the elbow so that the arm is at the level of the thoracic region.
  • You cannot speak or move while taking measurements.
  • When taking a series of measurements, pause between measurements for 15 seconds or longer, optimally 1 minute.
  • Between measurements, the cuff is slightly loosened.

How to measure blood pressure correctly

To avoid possible pathologies and serious diseases, even a healthy person needs to measure their blood pressure once a month. However, you need to measure it correctly and be better prepared before doing so.

How to prepare for diagnosis:

  1. It is not recommended to drink strong tea and coffee. You must refrain from doing this at least an hour before the test.
  2. It is also recommended to avoid sports and cigarettes.
  3. If you need to take any medical supplies, then read the instructions. Many drugs affect cardiovascular system. It is better to give them up during the study.
  4. Before starting the measurement, the patient should rest for at least 7-10 minutes.

How to measure blood pressure using a tonometer:

  • Sit comfortably, relax the muscles of your arm and place it on the table. Place a cuff on the shoulder in proportion to the position of the heart.
  • Make sure the cuff size matches your hand size as closely as possible. You need to be especially careful if the patient is overweight.

When is the best time to take measurements:

  1. First in the morning - although an hour after sleep and on an empty stomach.
  2. In the evening - either before dinner or after dinner, two hours later.

It is advisable to take measurements twice, leaving an interval of at least a minute between measurements.

The performance is the best. If the difference is small, then there is no need to worry - this is normal. If the values ​​​​are very different, then you should definitely consult a doctor.

ABPM method - daily monitoring

Daily blood pressure monitoring allows you to identify hidden pathologies and diseases. This is a measurement of pressure using automatic special equipment. Such a study lasts at least a day.

The device independently saves the data in certain time. This method is used to find out which values ​​are optimal for a patient depending on the time of day. You can diagnose hypertension and (if it exists) select the appropriate medications.

The cuff is placed on the patient's shoulder and the monitor is placed (either on a belt or on a belt). In this case, a person leads a normal lifestyle, carrying a special device with him.

How is blood pressure measured?

The diagnosis of “hypertension” is made by a doctor, and he chooses the necessary treatment, but regular monitoring of blood pressure- this is a task not only for medical workers, but for every person.

Today, the most common method of measuring blood pressure is based on the method proposed back in 1905 by the domestic doctor N. S. Korotkov (see “Science and Life” No. 8, 1990). It is associated with listening to sound tones. In addition, the palpation method (feeling the pulse) and the 24-hour monitoring method (continuous blood pressure monitoring) are used. The latter is very indicative and gives the most accurate picture of how blood pressure changes during the day and how it depends on different loads.

To measure blood pressure using the Korotkoff method, mercury and aneroid manometers are used. The latter, as well as modern automatic and semi-automatic devices with displays, are calibrated on a mercury scale before use and periodically checked. By the way, on some of them the upper (systolic) blood pressure is indicated by the letter “S”, and the lower (diastolic) by “D”. There are also automatic devices designed to measure blood pressure at certain, set intervals (for example, this is how you can monitor patients in a clinic). Portable devices have been created for daily monitoring (tracking) of blood pressure in a clinic.

Blood pressure fluctuates throughout the day: it is usually lowest during sleep and rises in the morning, reaching a maximum during daytime activity.

It is important to know that in patients with arterial hypertension, nighttime blood pressure readings are often higher than daytime ones. Therefore, to examine such patients great value has 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, the results of which make it possible to clarify the time for the most rational use of medications and ensure full control of the effectiveness of treatment

The difference between the highest and lowest blood pressure values ​​during the day in healthy people, as a rule, does not exceed: for systolic - 30 mm Hg. Art., and for diastolic - 10 mm Hg. Art. At arterial hypertension these fluctuations are more pronounced.

High blood pressure in the morning and low in the evening

This phenomenon often occurs when blood pressure is higher than normal after waking up, and in the evening it decreases, returning to normal. When blood pressure is high in the morning and low in the evening, the reasons for this condition may be:

  • emotional stress;
  • a large meal before bedtime;
  • drinking large amounts of alcohol the night before;
  • smoking;
  • hormonal changes in mature women;
  • thrombophlebitis - inflammation of venous capillaries;
  • atherosclerotic plaques in the arteries;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels.

In old age, people often note that their blood pressure is low in the morning and high in the evening. What to do in this case? The mechanism for this surge is usually an imbalance in the regulatory system. The above factors influence the hormonal regulation of metabolism and water-electrolyte metabolism, thus causing an increase in blood pressure.

If blood pressure fluctuates during the day, any specialist will advise you to adhere to a sleep schedule, eat right, and do moderate exercise. physical exercise whenever possible.

In more serious cases, the doctor may prescribe drug therapy aimed at treating pathologies of the cardiovascular, urinary, endocrine, and nervous systems. Any appointment should be made after an examination: appropriate biochemical tests and diagnostic studies must be done. You cannot self-medicate!

  • exclusion of fatty meats from the diet;
  • foods rich in dietary fiber and vitamins should prevail;
  • meals in fractional, small portions;
  • reducing the consumption of salt and spices;
  • the consumption of tonic drinks and alcohol-containing products should be minimized;
  • make freshly squeezed juices;
  • steam food.

For useful information on how to normalize blood pressure, see the following video:

Do you still think that it is difficult to cure hypertension?

Judging by the fact that you are reading these lines now, victory in the fight against pressure is not yet on your side...

Consequences high pressure known to everyone: these are irreversible damage to various organs (heart, brain, kidneys, blood vessels, fundus). In later stages, coordination is impaired, weakness appears in the arms and legs, vision deteriorates, memory and intelligence are significantly reduced, and a stroke can be triggered.

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Other physiological pressure changes

Physiologically determined deviations from the norm in blood pressure remain unnoticed by many. But there are cases when unstable pressure is monitored, and the change in indicators does not correspond to the norm. Then we can assume a relationship between deviations and the following states of the body:

We can talk about the development of pathology if a person also has endocrine disorders.

  • A stressful situation, anxiety, emotional stress, lack of sleep are common reasons that can change blood pressure.
  • Development of the pathological condition:
    • disruption of the endocrine glands;
    • pathologies of the autonomic nervous system;
    • cardiovascular diseases.
  • Age characteristics and pregnancy.

To prevent and prevent the development of serious pathologies, blood pressure readings need to be measured once or twice a year. A study may show certain deviations: increased pressure, decreased or constant surges. Such conditions are dangerous, so as not to trigger more complex pathological processes, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Arterial hypertension

An increase in blood pressure (140/90 mm Hg and above) is observed with hypertension, or, as it is commonly called abroad, essential hypertension (95% of all cases), when the cause of the disease cannot be established, and with so-called symptomatic hypertension (only 5%), developing as a result of pathological changes in a number of organs and tissues: kidney diseases, endocrine diseases, congenital narrowing or atherosclerosis of the aorta and other large vessels. Arterial hypertension is not without reason called the silent and mysterious killer. In half of the cases the disease long time is asymptomatic, that is, the person feels completely healthy and does not suspect that an insidious disease is already undermining his body. And suddenly, like a bolt from the blue, severe complications develop: for example, stroke, myocardial infarction, retinal detachment. Many of those who survived a vascular accident remain disabled, for whom life is immediately divided into two parts: “before” and “after”.

Recently I heard a striking phrase from a patient: “Hypertension is not a disease; blood pressure is elevated in 90% of people.” The figure is, of course, greatly exaggerated and based on rumors. As for the opinion that hypertension is not a disease, this is a harmful and dangerous misconception. It is these patients who, what is especially depressing, the vast majority, do not take antihypertensive drugs or are not treated systematically and do not control their blood pressure, frivolously risking their health and even their lives.

In Russia, 42.5 million people currently have high blood pressure, that is, 40% of the population. Moreover, at the same time, according to a representative national sample of the Russian population aged 15 years and older, 37.1% of men and 58.9% of women knew about the presence of arterial hypertension, and only 5.7% of patients received adequate antihypertensive therapy men and 17.5% women.

So in our country we have to great job for the prevention of cardiovascular accidents - to achieve control over arterial hypertension. The target program “Prevention and treatment of arterial hypertension in Russian Federation”, which is currently underway.

International publications use a new unit called “Bar”, which corresponds to a pressure of 1,000,000 dynes per 1 cm 2 or, as can be easily calculated, the atmospheric pressure maintaining a column of mercury in a barometer with a height of 750.1 mm. One thousandth of a bar is called a millibar. In practice, the latter value is most often used.

Thus, normal pressure at 760 mm it will be equal to 1013.2 millibars, etc. To convert the numerical value of pressure expressed in millimeters into millibars, the original number should be multiplied by 4/3 (approximately).

Determining pressure using a mercury barometer requires certain skills and precautions. To correctly read from a barometer, you need to make corrections each time for the temperature of the mercury and the scale, as well as for changes in gravity with latitude. To introduce the first corrections, barometers are equipped with small thermometers placed in the frame of the device.

The barometer reading shows the pressure at the height at which the level of the open end of the barometer was at the moment

Typically, all weather service barometer readings are based on sea level. To do this, add to the resulting reading the weight of the air column located between the barometer level and sea level. This correction is taken approximately based on the fact that barometric pressure drops by 1 mm for every 11 m rise in level.

In addition to mercury, metal barometers or, as they are otherwise called, aneroids, which means liquid-free, are often used in practice. The principle of their design is as follows: a metal box with corrugated bases is sealed so that the gas inside it does not communicate with the outside air at all. Such a box will change its volume, compressing when the external pressure increases and expanding when it decreases. If there is enough gas inside such a box large quantities, a change in its volume will also occur with a change in temperature.

Many scientists, including those involved in legal translations, have been involved in work on the study of atmospheric pressure. Optimal quality and affordable legal translation is available at Transvertum translation agency.

As the temperature increases and the gas expands, the box will expand at the same pressure and, conversely, as the temperature decreases, it will contract. To avoid this, the gas from the barometric box is almost completely pumped out. To counteract air pressure, a special spring is attached inside or outside the box. This spring stretches the box.

However, the influence of temperature also affects the spring, changing its elasticity. As the temperature rises, the elasticity of the spring decreases and, at the same atmospheric pressure, the box is compressed into to a greater extent than at a lower temperature. Therefore, you need to leave some gas inside the box. Then, as the temperature rises, the gas tends to expand the box. In this case, the decrease in spring elasticity is compensated by an increase in the volume of air inside the box.

It goes without saying that in order to achieve as complete compensation as possible, it is necessary to strictly calculate how much gas remains inside.

However, this method provides sufficient compensation only in within known limits temperature and pressure. Such compensation is completely sufficient for meteorological purposes, when the aneroids are usually located in enclosed spaces, and the pressure at the Earth's surface changes insignificantly.

In a specially designed metal aneroid, the needle not only indicates the existing pressure, but also records successive pressure values ​​for different periods of time. Such a device is called barograph.

The end of the aneroid pointer is equipped with a special pen. Non-drying glycerin ink is poured into it. The pen records the position of the pointer at each individual moment on a tape placed on the drum. The drum is rotated by a clock mechanism inside it, with a daily or weekly rotation. Both the aneroid and the barograph must be compared with the mercury barometer. Details about these instruments can be found in special manuals on practical meteorology.

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Atmospheric pressure is one of the most important climatic characteristics that influence humans. It contributes to the formation of cyclones and anticyclones, and provokes the development of cardiovascular diseases in people. Evidence that air has weight was obtained back in the 17th century; since then, the process of studying its fluctuations has been one of the central ones for weather forecasters.

What is atmosphere

The word "atmosphere" is of Greek origin, literally translated as "steam" and "ball". This is a gas shell around the planet, which rotates with it and forms a single cosmic body. It extends from earth's crust, penetrating the hydrosphere and ending in the exosphere, gradually flowing into interplanetary space.

The atmosphere of a planet is its most important element, ensuring the possibility of life on Earth. It contains necessary for a person oxygen, weather indicators depend on it. The boundaries of the atmosphere are very arbitrary. It is generally accepted that they begin at a distance of about 1000 kilometers from the surface of the earth and then, at a distance of another 300 kilometers, smoothly move into interplanetary space. According to theories followed by NASA, this gas shell ends at an altitude of about 100 kilometers.

It arose as a result of volcanic eruptions and the evaporation of substances in cosmic bodies falling onto the planet. Today it consists of nitrogen, oxygen, argon and other gases.

History of the discovery of atmospheric pressure

Until the 17th century, humanity did not think about whether air had mass. There was no idea what atmospheric pressure was. However, when the Duke of Tuscany decided to equip the famous Florentine gardens with fountains, his project failed miserably. The height of the water column did not exceed 10 meters, which contradicted all ideas about the laws of nature at that time. This is where the story of the discovery of atmospheric pressure begins.

Galileo’s student, the Italian physicist and mathematician Evangelista Torricelli, began studying this phenomenon. Using experiments on a heavier element, mercury, a few years later he was able to prove that air has weight. He created the first vacuum in the laboratory and developed the first barometer. Torricelli imagined a glass tube filled with mercury, in which, under the influence of pressure, such an amount of substance remained that would equalize the pressure of the atmosphere. For mercury, the column height was 760 mm. For water - 10.3 meters, this is exactly the height to which the fountains rose in the gardens of Florence. It was he who discovered for humanity what atmospheric pressure is and how it affects human life. in the tube was named a "Torricelli void" in his honor.

Why and as a result of which atmospheric pressure is created

One of the key tools of meteorology is the study of the movement and movement of air masses. Thanks to this, you can get an idea of ​​what causes atmospheric pressure. After it was proven that air has weight, it became clear that it, like any other body on the planet, is subject to gravity. This is what causes the appearance of pressure when the atmosphere is under the influence of gravity. Atmospheric pressure can fluctuate due to differences in air mass in different areas.

Where there is more air, it is higher. In a rarefied space, a decrease in atmospheric pressure is observed. The reason for the change lies in its temperature. It is heated not by the rays of the Sun, but by the surface of the Earth. As the air heats up, it becomes lighter and rises, while the cooled air masses sink down, creating a constant, continuous movement. Each of these flows has different atmospheric pressure, which provokes the appearance of winds on the surface of our planet.

Influence on weather

Atmospheric pressure is one of the key terms in meteorology. The weather on Earth is formed due to the influence of cyclones and anticyclones, which are formed under the influence of pressure changes in the gaseous shell of the planet. Anticyclones are characterized by high rates (up to 800 mm Hg and above) and low speed movements, while cyclones are areas with lower rates and high speed. Tornadoes, hurricanes, and tornadoes are also formed due to sudden changes in atmospheric pressure - inside the tornado it rapidly drops, reaching 560 mm Hg.

Air movement causes changes in weather conditions. Winds occurring between areas with at different levels pressure, overtake cyclones and anticyclones, as a result of which atmospheric pressure is created, forming certain weather conditions. These movements are rarely systematic and very difficult to predict. In areas where high and low atmospheric pressure collide, climate conditions change.

Standard indicators

The average in ideal conditions the level is considered to be 760 mmHg. The level of pressure changes with altitude: in lowlands or areas located below sea level, the pressure will be higher; at altitudes where the air is thin, on the contrary, its indicators decrease by 1 mm of mercury with every kilometer.

Low atmospheric pressure

It decreases with increasing altitude due to distance from the Earth's surface. In the first case, this process is explained by a decrease in the influence of gravitational forces.

Heated by the Earth, the gases that make up the air expand, their mass becomes lighter, and they rise to higher levels. The movement occurs until the neighboring air masses are less dense, then the air spreads to the sides and the pressure equalizes.

The tropics are considered traditional areas with lower atmospheric pressure. In equatorial areas there is always low pressure. However, zones with high and low indicators are distributed unevenly over the Earth: in one geographical latitude There may be areas with different levels.

Increased atmospheric pressure

Most high level on Earth it is observed at the South and North Poles. This is explained by the fact that the air above a cold surface becomes cold and dense, its mass increases, therefore, it is more strongly attracted to the surface by gravity. It descends, and the space above it is filled with warmer air masses, as a result of which atmospheric pressure is created at an increased level.

Impact on humans

Normal indicators characteristic of a person’s area of ​​residence should not have any impact on his well-being. At the same time, atmospheric pressure and life on Earth are inextricably linked. Its change - increase or decrease - can trigger the development of cardiovascular diseases in people with high blood pressure. A person may experience pain in the heart area, attacks of causeless headaches, and decreased performance.

For people suffering from respiratory diseases, anticyclones that bring high blood pressure. The air descends and becomes denser, and the concentration of harmful substances increases.

During fluctuations in atmospheric pressure, people's immunity and the level of leukocytes in the blood decrease, so it is not recommended to strain the body physically or intellectually on such days.