Psychological relief at work. One day you should allow yourself to be yourself

10 the best ways psychological relief

1. Psychosomatic relaxation

As you know, all diseases are caused by nerves. To feel good, our body and soul must certainly live in unison. You may have noticed that when you feel dissatisfied or irritated, your body begins to react instantly. Your throat may suddenly become sore or your blood pressure may rise. All processes in our body are closely interconnected. Any disease has a psychological cause.

For example, the “missing voice” disease, which is common among teachers, or any other throat disease is associated with the inability to fully express oneself. A sore throat is “swallowed anger.” Unexpressed negative emotions have strong energy. By suppressing them within yourself, you harm your health. Famous psychosomatic specialists Louise Hay and Lich Burbo talk about the importance of complete self-acceptance. You can't go against your true desires. Listen to what causes this or that discomfort. Perhaps it’s time to let go of accumulated grievances a long time ago? Forgive and forget? Or finally say everything you’ve been wanting to say for a long time? To feel healthy and happy, it is important to keep track of yourstate, be able to analyze your emotions, and most importantly, express them freely.

2. Physical unloading

Another of the most effective ways to relieve emotional stress is to play sports. With systematic physical activity endorphins are released into the body, and you feel light and cheerful. You don't have to run 10 km or exhaust yourself with daily workouts on the machines. Choose the most suitable method of physical relaxation for yourself. This could be swimming in the pool after a hard day at work, yoga or belly dancing. The most important thing is that you exercise with pleasure, recording how with each lesson stress and negative emotions go further and further.

3. Change of scenery

Have you been sitting too long at work, but vacation is still far away? Try to find an opportunity to go out into nature or to another city on the weekend. A change of environment has a beneficial effect on your mental state. Even one day spent in a completely different environment will energize you. You will feel truly relaxed. You can also rearrange your home or workplace. An updated interior will help you get rid of the feeling of stagnation and routine in life.

4. Unity with nature

The activities of the director of a kindergarten involve working with documentation in the office. And numerous meetings, as a rule, take place indoors. Do you find time to take a walk in the forest? Or go out of town on a weekend for a picnic? Fresh air is essential for good health. Communication with nature is an important element in the harmonization of personality.

5. Spiritual communication or loneliness

Communicating with a large number of people every day, some of the managers are energized, while others are exhausted and feel empty. Depending on these features, it is important for the head of the preschool educational institution to find time to restore energy and strength. If you quickly get tired of people, spend the weekend alone, devote some time to yourself. If you lack communication, temporarily switch from formal communication to emotional communication. Gather your loved ones in a warm family circle, have a bachelorette party or go to the theater with your best friend. All this will have a beneficial effect on your emotional and psychological state.

6. Audiovisual unloading

Music is a certain conductor of mood. Do you want to relax or cheer up? Listen to music that suits your mood. Go to a concert of your favorite performer, enjoy a performance at the theater, visit interesting exhibition. Absorb all the most beautiful and pleasant things. At home, you can create a nice selection of best photos, causing positive emotions. Add some nice relaxing music to your viewing and enjoy. Try to surround yourself with things that are pleasing to the eye and ear.

7. Floating

Special float chambers are becoming increasingly popular in many cities, where you can quickly and efficiently completely relax. Translated from English, floating means swimming on the surface. A special salt solution in the bath will allow you to experience a state of weightlessness. Perhaps your city already has such float chambers that allow you to restore energy and improve your physical condition. Contraindications to floating are minimal, but the benefits for the body are quite significant. If you don’t have such cameras in your city, then treat yourself to any water treatments. Water in the best possible way relieves tension. Whether it's bathing, swimming in the pool or in the sea, your well-being will improve significantly.

8. Break the cup

Stress caught you by surprise right at work and you urgently need to let off steam? Break a cup or do 10 squats. Your anger will go into these actions. Excessive emotions can harm both your health and those around you.

9. Write a letter

Recently, an interesting opportunity has appeared on the Internet to get rid of accumulated negativity. You write everything that worries you in a letter and email send it to the address [email protected]. According to the authors of the project, no one reads letters, so you can write in any form, including in “strong” words. After a couple of days they are automatically deleted. An alternative to an email can be a paper version. Having described all your problems on a piece of paper, you can deal with it as you please. Tear it into pieces, burn it, drown it - whatever you want. The main thing is that you must realize that by getting rid of writing, you cleanse yourself of all negativity. Rest assured, the method is very effective.

10. Positive thinking

The best way to control your psychological state is the ability to think positively. Try to start your morning with a good attitude. Control your thoughts. As soon as you receive unpleasant news, do not immerse yourself in it entirely. Strong emotional accompaniment of events entails negative consequences. Thoughts snowball cling to one another. And now you no longer have one problem, but several. Therefore, it is extremely important to control your thinking. This may seem difficult at first. But over time, you will definitely develop the habit of positive thinking.

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Professional burnout is the scourge of our time, so it is very important to rest properly

Bad mood and constant stress really interfere with our lives - our ability to work decreases, fatigue accumulates, and the joy of life is lost. One of the effective ways to combat stress is psychological relief. It can be done both at home and at work.

Office holiday “at their place” - commonplace

It is known how much breaks in work, frequent tea drinking, smoking breaks and “walks” on the Internet irritate bosses. Nevertheless, such methods of psychological relaxation are well known to any office worker - after all, these are common means of distracting from the routine of the work process. They help you relax and prevent stressful state, save from chronic fatigue and professional burnout.

Psychologists are sure that short minutes of rest during the working day help a person regain strength and then work much more efficiently. This simple truth has long been understood by the leaders of Western companies. Psychological relief office workers in Japanese and US companies - a common phenomenon of corporate life that does not surprise anyone. For example, almost every enterprise and every Japanese company has rooms for psychological relief and relaxation. In specially equipped rooms, you can put out all the accumulated negativity on a mannequin that looks like a manual. In addition, in such rooms you can relax on the sofa after lunch.
The leaders of one Brazilian company went even further on this issue. At the request of the employees, hammocks were installed, in which employees have the opportunity... to sleep during working hours. Management explains such obvious relaxations in discipline by the fact that after fifteen minutes of sleep, work productivity increases significantly. After all, a rested employee works much more energetically.

What do we have?

How are things going with psychological relief at work in Russia? Alas, domestic companies have not yet grown up to soft sofas and hammocks. But it should be noted that some employers have nevertheless taken up this problem and are approaching the issue of psychological relief for office workers responsibly. In addition to the usual “smoking rooms”, refrigerators and kettles, the offices of some enterprises now have special recreation rooms equipped with sports equipment, or small gyms. And some even have rooms for psychological relief. True, psychologists note that, as a percentage, too few managers care about the psychological health of their employees. Most of them, on the contrary, prefer to save on everything. Caring only about profit, managers and entrepreneurs practically do not think at all about the people who, in fact, bring this profit. Sometimes such bosses consider any downtime in work unacceptable and prohibit leaving workplace even on short time. Unfortunately, many are familiar with such excesses firsthand. That is why some office workers have developed an extremely harmful tradition of having lunch right at their workplace, in front of a computer monitor. The result is disappointing - staff turnover, discord and squabbles, low labor productivity, an overwhelming percentage of illnesses.

Of course, this disappointing picture is brightened up by large high-tech companies. Their management quite rightly believes that under their leadership there are extraordinary programmers and developers who, for a fruitful creative activity Comfortable conditions, ease of work and leisure are necessary.
For example, Google takes great care of creating a comfortable atmosphere for employees. The office of the Yandex company is also called exemplary, with a beautiful interior, a buffet, a library, a psychological relief room, sports equipment and much more. All this creates a creative atmosphere for the people working there.

Help yourself!

If your bosses are skeptical about this “advanced” style of work and consider it a waste of money, you will have to take the issue into your own hands.

Create in your office, or at least on your desk, minimal conditions for psychological relief. It could be a small aquarium with fish, a family photo in a frame, a loved one indoor flower. Even the color of the blinds on the windows can help you calm down and disconnect from routine for a while. Oriental techniques - meditation, massage and auto-training - also contribute to emotional relief. During your lunch break, try yourself or together with your colleagues to recover in these ways. For the vast majority of people, they perfectly help get rid of irritation and accumulated fatigue.

Not only during your lunch break, but also during the working day, try to find at least a couple of minutes to relax. If you feel the first signs of fatigue, drink a cup of tea, sit back in your chair and close your eyes. Give yourself a simple hand massage and eye exercises. Walk around the room, joke with your colleagues. You will notice that you are gradually getting rid of fatigue and transforming into a person full of strength and energy.

Homemade ways to relax

Unfortunately, many people today are so overwhelmed by the dynamic rhythm of life that they cannot fully relax not only at work, but even at home. But it’s especially important to have proper rest at home! There are many home ways to relieve stress at home, namely: photodynamic, relaxation, physical education and sports, music and literature, drug therapy, communication with loved ones, pets, indoor plants.

As you can see, the methods of home psychological relief listed above seem quite simple. But they are nevertheless quite effective.

For example, psychological relief in a photodynamic way consists... simply of looking at photographs! Make a selection of the happiest moments of your life and at the first sign of a bad mood, watch them (or videos) and remember the pleasant moments of life spent with family or friends. You can also restore a good mood by looking at photographs of nature.

It's no secret that regular exercise helps to avoid bad mood and stressful situations and are an excellent preventive measure. Sport strengthens the immune system, and a physically strong person gets sick much less often. Strengthening nervous system and health when playing sports is associated with increased metabolic processes and the removal of toxins from the body, as well as the combustion of fats, proteins, carbohydrates and toxins.

Music can also work wonders when it comes to relieving stress. And if in the office you can listen to music only with headphones, then at home, as a rule, no one bothers you to turn it on at full volume. Classical music has especially great restorative and relaxing powers. The magic of Mozart, Bach and Tchaikovsky can take us very far from stress.

As for drug therapy, synthetic drugs have a number of side effects and have a toxic effect on the entire body, so their long-term use is not recommended. In addition, only a certified doctor can prescribe such drugs. With prolonged use, addiction to some of them is possible. In general, drug therapy is indispensable only in the acute period mental illness. So it can be safely considered a last resort in the fight against stress. But communicating with loved ones, relaxing in nature and reading your favorite books will always help you recover safely, easily and quickly psychologically.

When things get unbearably bad, what do you do? Do you suppress your mood with alcohol, sleeping pills, or swallow the state, compacting the negativity in the depths of your soul for the time being? Such methods can only lead to a hospital bed. Is this what you want? In such cases, productive psychological relief is needed.

The morning is wiser than the evening

It’s not for nothing that people say: “We need to sleep on this problem.” Indeed, when you wake up in the morning, you will remember yesterday’s “nightmare” much calmer.

View your family album

For all its simplicity it is very effective way removal from a negative situation. The faces of people close to you, their smiles, memories of happy moments in life allow you to feel yourself and your condition in the context of time - everything passes, and this too will pass. The brightest days remain in memory.

Personal account for psychological relief

Of course, get an appointment with professional psychologist very good, but in our culture it is not a very common practice. After all, a lot of time is spent, and many people cannot afford it. Then create your own office, the purpose of which is your personal psychological relief. This could be a gallery of beautiful pictures you selected from the Internet. In general, such photographs that evoke an emotional response in you, a smile on your face and peace. Or another option: sit in the silence of a cozy room or take a walk along the embankment or park. If there is such a possibility, of course.

The problem is in the box!

Have you ever wondered what the meaning of psychological relief is? We’ll give you a hint: talking about the problem. When a person talks in detail about a situation that worries him, he actually analyzes what is happening, allows his mind and subconscious to find the optimal way out. This is what psychological consultations and trainings are based on. Therefore, difficulties need to be talked about and under no circumstances hushed up. Tell your friend, sister, neighbor, or anyone you trust about the problem. If this is not the case, which often happens, or the situation does not allow you to tell anyone about it at all, write a letter. In detail, without omitting exciting details, without skimping on expressions and without worrying about vocabulary. Send a letter. Where? This is where preliminary preparation is needed. Create a virtual mailbox, come up with an intricate, long password for it, without writing it down anywhere, and immediately forget it. Send your troubles to this box.

Arms higher, legs wider!

Playing sports is the best psychological relief, no matter how it sounds. They will not only relieve stress, but also help prevent it: strong muscles mean strong nerves.

Tune in to the music wave

Music, as you remember, not only helps you build, but also helps you live. True! Listen to tracks from your favorite artists at full volume. Sing along and dance if the situation allows. But the psychological relief should end with calm, pleasant music. If there are no such preferences, use the classics. Beethoven and Bach are very psychological. Your heart will beat in unison with the music, which will calm it down, setting it in a different mood.

Yulia Sukhova
Corner of psychological relief as a means of overcoming the negative emotional state of preschool children

The life of a child of early and preschool age largely depends on his emotional state. He has not yet learned to manage his emotions, so preschoolers are largely susceptible to mood swings. They are quite easy to amuse, but it is even easier to offend or upset them, since they practically do not know themselves and do not know how to control themselves. It is very important to teach preschoolers to accept themselves for who they really are. After all, self-acceptance largely determines the nature of interaction with other people, so the development of this feeling in children must be given serious attention from a very young age.

Every child entering kindergarten should have the opportunity at any time (if necessary) to work through their negative emotions and get rid of them.

A psychological relief corner is a space organized in such a way that the child in it feels peace, comfort and safety. Staying in such a corner relieves stress, improves your psychophysical state and, ultimately, creates necessary conditions to save psychological health every child.

Basic purpose organizing a corner of solitude in a group is to overcome the emotional discomfort of preschoolers by creating “corners of psychological relief” in groups.


Create a positive emotional microclimate in the group;

Form a positive attitude of the child towards peers and adults;

Organize systematic work to normalize and develop the emotional sphere of children;

Contribute to the unity of the children's team by creating positive friendly relations in the group.

Emotions- These are the inner experiences of a person. Emotions can be simplified into two groups: positive and negative.

Positive emotions increase activity, energy, vitality, cause lifting, vigor due to increased work of the cardiac system, increased rate and depth of breathing.

Negative emotions reduce activity, depress vital activity (these emotions can stimulate the development of neuroses and destroy the health of children).

Negative emotions:

Emotions of destruction - anger, malice, aggression

Emotions of suffering - pain, fear, resentment.

Causes of negative emotions in children are varied, the most common being ordinary childhood jealousy, resentment, envy;

The child tries to protect himself from the attacks of others;

The child protects his personal territory;

Fear of separation from parents;

Excessive parental control;

Lack of attention;


Disrespect for the child's personality;

Prohibition on physical activity;

Difficult emotional climate in the group.

When organizing a psychological corner, a number of problems may arise. Firstly, where can I get space for this corner? How to position it? This problem must be solved individually for each group. Secondly, where to get funds? Teachers must make some of the materials for the corner themselves, using improvised means and waste materials. Parents can provide great help: do something with their own hands, bring something from home.

Features of organizing a corner of solitude. This place should be attractive to the child. The colors used in the corner should be calm, not flashy, pastel shades. The child should rest and not be further irritated by bright colors.

U the head of privacy must be small in size and, rather, resemble a small house, a hole, a tent, in which the child can wait out his stress, unpleasant emotions, relax, and then go back to meeting the team halfway. For example, “Dry rain”. Satin ribbons flow down like streams of water; It’s pleasant to touch them, to turn them over in your hands, you can walk through them by touching your face. “Jet” stimulate tactile sensations, help the perception of space and your body in this space. You can hide from the outside world behind the “streams” of ribbons, which is especially suitable for introverted children. It is multifunctional and affects many senses.

It is better to make a corner of privacy mobile than stationary (movable screens, weightless draperies). The baby himself can mark the boundaries of the corner by moving the screen or closing the curtains. The child may independently express a desire to go to a corner of solitude, or he may go there at the prompting of the teacher: if the teacher sees that the child feels uncomfortable, constrained, or, on the contrary, behaves defiantly and aggressively.

Filling the corner of solitude. The corner of solitude in kindergarten is filled with objects that are close to the child and to which he feels warm feelings. Psychologists recommend putting photographs of relatives. You can also put a toy phone in the corner, which you can use to pretend to call mom and dad. If the location and shape of the corner allows, then landscape paintings that have a therapeutic effect can be hung on the wall.

A mandatory attribute of such a corner will be soft, beautiful pillows on which the child can lie down to rest and, for example, listen to a player with relaxing music (wind blowing, water sound, birdsong, sounds of rain). It is also advisable to “populate” the corner with soft toys. Useful to put in a corner of privacy didactic games, lacing, plasticine, etc. - everything that can distract a child’s attention for a while.

Important to remember!

All games and toys should not be stored in a corner permanently; all paraphernalia is periodically changed, updated and replenished as necessary.

The effectiveness of the work depends on how aware the children are of the purpose of the corner, its equipment and the ability to use the attributes. Therefore, children are introduced to the corner immediately after its organization, invited to look around and try out the toys. As a new attribute is introduced, children are shown various ways manipulating him.

Pedagogical activity should be based on the belief that every child has the right to be who he is, and every child has enough potential strength to develop and be happy.

Approximate design of corners of psychological relief by age

Early age:

Corner for privacy;

Dry pool;

Soft pillows or upholstered furniture

Sleepy toys (often used during the adaptation period)

Photo albums with family photographs;

Telephone “Call Mom.” The child can “call mom” and talk to her;

Materials for sand and water therapy.

Middle age:

Privacy corner

Soft modules;

Kindness chair. Anyone who wants to be alone and relax in the kind embrace of an amazing chair can rest on it;

Punching bag, foam pillows. When a child fights, we explain to him that hitting children is bad, it hurts and offends them, but hitting a punching bag or pillow is very possible;

Colored balls of yarn different sizes. By unwinding and unwinding balls, children master the technique of self-regulation;

Massage balls - “hedgehogs” for teaching children in different ways rolling balls in the palms, on the outer and inner sides of the hands. This game with a “hedgehog” helps the child relieve muscle tension and calm down;

Magic plasticine (children roll, pinch, and crush plasticine, which also helps to calm down);

Didactic game “Collect beads”...

WITH senior preschool age.

Corner for privacy (screen, house, tent)

Soft modules;

Photo albums with group and family photographs;

Targets, bags of cereal for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression;

A set of tearing paper;

Anger rug (children know that if they are angry, they need to stomp on the rug and the anger will go away);

Buckets for fears (children draw their fears and get rid of them by throwing them into a bucket);

The thinking chair is used so that, sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we do not take toys away, but wait for another child to put them back after playing, etc. The most important thing is that a chair should not be a punishment for children;

Bags of moods. If the child Bad mood, he can “put” it in a “sad” bag, and “take” a good mood from the “cheerful” bag. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing the chest with the palm of the hand, the child improves his mood.

Area for psychological relief

Corners for privacy (tent, tent, screen, transformable house, umbrella, etc., “cry” pillows, “thought” pillows, night lamps, relaxation place, upholstered furniture, photo albums with group and family photos, telephone , mom’s favorite thing, an island of joy, soft and squeaking toys, a dry pool, a dry shower, educational games “Collect beads”, etc.

Material for teaching aggressive children how to express anger in acceptable ways.

Toys and aids in the corner are aimed at ensuring that the child can throw out all his negative emotions.

Punching bag (pillows) and boxing gloves, foam pillows, targets, anger mat. a glass, a jug or a pot for screaming, a panel for throwing a ball, a “Rug of Anger”, a box of anger “Hide all the bad things”, a box “Try it, tear it” (a set of paper for tearing).

Punching bag, beating pillows, foam pillows. When a child fights, we must explain to him that hitting children is bad, it hurts and hurts them, but hitting a punching bag or pillow is very possible.

“Pillows with stubbornness” - pillows with a dark pillowcase, are used when a child is stubborn, shows physical aggression, negativity (in this case, the teacher asks to help him cope with the “stubborn pillow” - this way the tension is relieved, the child expresses his negative emotions in an acceptable way, thereby getting rid of them). An example of the game "Stubborn Pillow". The teacher introduces the child to a fairy tale game: “The fairy sorceress gave us a pillow. But this pillow is not simple, but magical. Childish stubbornness lives inside her. They are the ones who make you capricious and stubborn. Let's drive away the stubborn ones? The child punches the pillow with all his might, and the teacher says: “Stronger, stronger, stronger!” (the stereotype and emotional pressure are removed). When the child’s movements become slower, the game gradually stops (the time is determined individually - from a few seconds to 2-3 minutes). The teacher suggests listening to the “stubborn” in the pillow: “Everything

have the stubbornness come out? What are they doing? The child puts his ear to the pillow and listens. Some children say that “stubborn people whisper,” others hear nothing.

Targets, bags of cereal for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression.

A set of tearing paper.

Box “Hide all the bad things.” Children throw out all their “anger and resentment” into it (after clenching their fists and collecting in them everything that has accumulated “bad things”).

"Rug of Anger" Helps children get rid of sudden feelings of anger. It is an ordinary rug for hallways with a rough surface or knitted from coarse threads, with small multi-colored bows on it. The child takes off his shoes, walks onto such a rug and wipes his feet until he wants to smile. You can tell children that when they are angry, they need to stomp on the rug and the anger will go away.

“Anger cup” (a glass, jug or pot for screaming). If a child is angry or offended at someone, he can express his offense in a glass (jug, pot) and it will be easier for him; It is a beautifully designed dark glass. If a child shows aggression, the teacher invites him to go to a corner of solitude and leave all the bad words and thoughts, all his anger, anger in this glass. After which the child has the opportunity to speak out, and the cup is then tightly closed or tied and hidden.

If you have a lot of space for a corner, you can place darts with magnetic darts.

Box “Hide all the bad things” - the child expresses all his grievances in a box, can draw his anger or resentment and also put it there, they take the box with them outside and “throw away” all its contents there.

Bag of emotions “Hide all the bad things.” Children throw out all their “anger and resentment” into it (after clenching their fists and collecting in them everything that has accumulated “bad things”).

Availability of material for teaching children self-control in different situations, self-regulation techniques.

Audio, video recordings (sound of the sea, sounds of the forest, music for rest, relaxation, colored balls, games with sand, water, cereals, buttons, homemade toys for braiding, twisting, tying, chair for thinking, magic plasticine, “Tactile bags” , “Bags of Moods”, “Boxes of Good Deeds”, balls – “balls”, pebbles for transferring from one box (container) to another; didactic game “Collect Beads”, massage balls – “hedgehogs” (massagers).

The “chair for reflection” is used so that, sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we do not take toys away, but wait for another child to put it back after playing, etc. The most important thing: a chair should not be a punishment for children.

Magic plasticine. Children roll, pinch, and crush plasticine, which also helps to calm down.

Balls - “boliks” will help children practice regulating breathing. Holding the balls in our palms, we breathe on them, warming them with our warm breath;

Pebbles for transferring from one box (container) to another.

Colored balls of yarn of different sizes. Their goal: to calm down naughty children and teach them one of the techniques of self-regulation. A naughty child is invited to wind bright yarn into a ball. The size of the glomerulus can become larger each time. The adult reports that this ball is not simple, but magical. As soon as a boy or girl begins to reel it in, they immediately calm down.

Phonograms with sounds of living nature help relieve stress.

It is good to use containers with beans, peas, buckwheat, and multi-colored corks.

Lacing, ribbons, homemade toys for braiding, twisting, tying are very calming

The didactic game “Collect Beads” will help your child relax, as will the colored balls of yarn.

Massage balls - “hedgehogs”. It is necessary to teach children different ways of rolling balls in their palms, on the outside and inside of their hands. This game with a “hedgehog” helps the child relieve muscle tension and calm down.

Mood bags (or boxes). If a child is in a bad mood, he can “put” it in the “sad bag”, and “take” a good mood from the “cheerful” bag. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing the chest with the palm of the hand, the child improves his mood.

Tactile, sensory mats.

Games for development fine motor skills(stringing, sorting by shape, by color).

The presence of emotional and educational games aimed at teaching children conflict-free communication.

The problem of communication between children is very important, their ability to understand each other, distinguish the mood of their friend, come to the rescue, etc.

Games and manuals aimed at developing communication and interaction skills, as well as emotional development: “The ABC of Mood”, “Friendship Rug”, didactic games: “What is good? What is bad?”, “My feelings”, “Feelings and emotions”, “Guess the emotion”, “Emotions in fairy tales”, “Find friends”, “What friends do”, box with little people, “Reconciliation pillow”, “ Box of reconciliation”, “Board, calendar, tree of moods”, “Mirror of emotions”, “Theater of emotions”, equipment for joint games and dramatization games.”

“Rug of peace, friendship.” The very presence of a rug of peace” in a group encourages children to give up fights, arguments and tears, replacing them by discussing the problem with each other. Whenever conflict situations, fights, quarrels or disputes, children must go to this “rug” (a homemade, beautifully designed rug) and resolve their conflict with the help of the “Mirilka Box” and a folding book with rhymes - mirilki.

“Box of reconciliation” - a box with holes on both sides, children insert their hands and shake them with each other. “Friendship Rug” and “Reconciliation Box” help quarreling children make peace with each other in a fun way, and after such reconciliation, children quarrel much less often.

“Island of reconciliation” - when conflict situations, fights, quarrels or disputes arise, children must go to this “island” (a homemade, beautifully decorated rug) and resolve their conflict in a “reconciliation” way.

The games “Emotional Flower” and “Mood Cube” teach children to recognize their emotional state and reflect it in facial expressions and gestures.

Stand "My mood". In the morning and throughout the day, the child can use emotional pictures to show his mood. Thanks to this, it is easier for the teacher to find an approach to a sad, upset child and provide him with support.

Paired stickers will help children split into pairs if this is a problem.

"Mood board". Each child in the group, if desired, can draw on this board his mood, emotions, feelings, etc. In addition, children can look at illustrations depicting different emotions, reflect and choose the picture that matches his current mood.

“Mirror of Mood” is a mirror to which is attached an album with schematic images of faces expressing different moods; a child, looking in the mirror, tries to display one or another emotion on his face. In addition, if a child is in a bad mood, you can invite him to sit in front of a mirror, in a corner of solitude, look at himself carefully and smile - his mood will definitely improve.

Didactic games for studying emotional states: “Feelings and emotions”, “What friends do”, “Guess the emotion”, “Find friends”, “Events and emotions”, “My feelings”, “Emotions in fairy tales”.

Photo collages "Kaleidoscope of Emotions" using photographs where children or family members show their emotions in various situations, using artistic design (poems, newspaper clippings, etc.)

“Mood masks” are masks depicting different moods.

Mood cube” - various emotions are drawn on the sides of the cube, the child, looking at it, chooses the side that shows what he feels, and then chooses the one he would like to feel

“The Book of Kindness” is an album with only kind fairy-tale, cartoon characters, plot pictures depicting scenes of good deeds.

Availability of material aimed at increasing self-esteem for anxious, insecure children.

In every group there are children with low self-esteem. Therefore, in psychological corners there should be “Boxes of Good Deeds” (“Good Basket”, where children put “grains of goodness” received from the teacher for a good deed, be it bringing a chair to a girl or helping a friend get dressed and other good deeds. Educators Together with the children, they sum up the results at the end of the week, and photographs of the children who have the most “grains of goodness” end up on the “Tree of Goodness” - a kind of honor board. This helps to increase the level of self-esteem in children who are insecure, and develops such moral qualities as. mutual assistance, kindness, responsiveness.

Podium, medals, “Sleepy toys”, “Chair of honor”, ​​“Boxes of good deeds”, “Glade of joy”, “magic objects” (hat, cloak, wand, pipes, fans, seven-flowered flower, shoes, boxes, magic boxes etc.).

The “chair of honor” stimulates increased self-esteem, self-confidence, and anxiety relief.

Magic objects: cloak, shoes, wizard's hat, magic wand, crowns, medal, “Magic Beans”, etc. They serve to increase the self-esteem of anxious, insecure children, help the teacher, together with the children, make wonderful journeys and transformations, make communication with preschoolers a fabulous experience, full of pleasant surprises, not only during classes, but also in free play activities.

Finger Theater. Aimed at building self-confidence, increasing self-esteem, and developing communication skills.

Availability of material for teaching children cooperation skills

and coordinated actions.

“Twister”, “Caterpillar”, “Fun Rug”.

Game "Twister". The play of American children incredibly captivated our children, with great pleasure, accompanied by squeals and the most incredible poses, almost daily spreading oilcloth with colored spots on the floor and twisting the arrow. The close intertwining of arms and legs brings children together and allows them to be closer to each other.

Literature used

1. Smolyakova E. N. Organization of psychological corners in a group kindergarten. //Preschool teacher. №4 – 2013

2. Directory of senior educators, No. 9, 2011. The use of anti-stress toys in the process of correctional work.

3. Handbook of teacher-psychologist No. 2, 2016. Corner of psychological relief “Fairy Room”.



In market conditions, the pace of labor processes significantly exceeds that which prevails under centralized management. Market economy implies competition, which spurs labor intensity at all phases of production. In market conditions, people must work with ever-increasing energy. And if you don't take special measures
to reduce the mental tension of workers, then adverse consequences are inevitable.
In all developed countries economically Countries practice special relaxation (relaxation) measures. The experience of large Japanese companies is interesting in this regard.
The relaxation method, first introduced into use by the Matsushita Denki company, has become widespread in Japan. The procedure is carried out in a special room. It consists of two rooms separated by a corridor. The stands in the corridor reflect the history of the company and present various episodes from its life. In the first room, divided by screens, regular and spherical mirrors hang, mannequins of managers and craftsmen stand, and leather swords stuffed with sawdust hang from the ceiling. There is a slogan on the wall: “At your service. Work from your heart!” There is a basket with bamboo sticks against the wall. The poster encourages visitors to take a stick and beat up their boss's dummy. You can also hit him with your fist. They say that employees get just as much pleasure from this. The Japanese themselves claim that after “working” in the office, they become calmer, their reactions acquire sufficient clarity. They are helped in this by a consultant psychologist who works in the adjacent room. The main task of the consultant is to conduct reassuring conversations with workers.
We have experience in operating relaxation rooms at our enterprises. We call them psychological relief rooms (PROs). The procedures are, of course, different from Japanese ones.
The CPR is a specially equipped isolated room designed for conducting sessions of complex psychophysiological effects on a person’s mental state. The purpose of the sessions is to provide emotional relief to workers, reduce their level of fatigue, and alleviate anxieties and worries. The basis of the methodology here is exercises to create good mood. The content side of the exercises is the visual, sound and verbal impact on the people’s psyche.
The visual range of the impact is formed by changing slides, transparencies or film fragments and a colored dynamic background. Sound range - musical pieces and natural noises (bird voices, surf noise, rustling leaves, etc.). The verbal series is represented by texts of aesthetic and inspiring directions
laziness. The presentation of all three types is strictly synchronized: the noise design corresponds to an adequate image and verbal content; natural sounds harmonize with the image. To enhance the effect, various aromas are used (smells of pine needles, flowers, medicinal herbs), the air is saturated with phytoncides. The session is often accompanied by the distribution of tonic drinks and oxygen cocktails. One session usually lasts 10-15 minutes. The stay of workers in the CRC lasts up to half an hour.
Session procedures. There are no strict templates. Procedures vary depending on the characteristics of the region, the nature labor activity, as well as the professional preparedness of consultants. In particular, medical workers focus on human psychophysiology, psychologists - on structural components personality. At the same time, we can recommend a standard procedural scheme consisting of three periods (Lopukhina E.V. - 1986).
The first period is “calm down”. Duration 3-4 minutes. Workers take a comfortable position in their chairs. Natural noises slowly increase (the sound of the surf, the rustling of leaves, birdsong, etc.). The bright light dims. Calm music with a soft musical rhythmic pattern of medium volume is heard. The soothing blue light turns on.
The second period is “relaxation”. Duration 4-7 minutes. The green backlight turns on. The music sounds melodic and quiet with joyful and soothing notes. Slides with views of nature are projected (mountain peaks, expanses of water, winter meadows, etc. - depending on inclinations and national characteristics workers). The voice of a psychologist is heard, pronouncing relaxation formulas.
The third period is “mobilization”. Duration 3-4 minutes. The color illumination gradually moves from green to pink and then to orange. The volume of the background music increases. The average tempo gives way to a major rhythmic one. Dance and march rhythms and song fragments can be heard. Workers move from a reclining position to a sitting position. Everyone exhales briefly and inhales long, and the intensity of the lighting increases. Slides depicting landscapes and sunrise are projected. Flowers, berry bushes, fruits, species of birds, animals, landscapes of city parks and architectural ensembles, mass celebrations,
laughing faces of people. All lights turn on. The command is heard: “Get up!” Everyone gets up and does a warm-up.
All three periods of psychological unloading can, at the request of the teacher (instructor), be filled with auto-training and meditation formulas. Then the period of stay in the CPR increases.

The KPR premises consists of three adjacent rooms. It is located inside production workshops, near workplaces. The rooms are isolated from sources of noise, vibration, radiation, and dust. Good ventilation and proper heating are necessary. The usable area of ​​the treatment room is at least 30-40 m2 with a height of 2.8-3 m. The number of seats is 12-20. Aesthetic design: coziness and normal comfort. On the walls there is a panel depicting natural landscapes, maintained in the main range of colors. The lighting is calm and natural. It is possible to use decorative floor lamps. Lighting adjustment is displayed on the operator's console. On the windows there are curtains made of thick, impermeable fabric to match the colors of the walls. Wall slides, aquariums, and decorative and artistic compositions of plants are allowed. The floors are covered with carpets in dark green tones. Armchairs with adjustable backrests (stereo headphones attached to each). On one of the walls there is a screen for the projection of slides, cartoons, and film fragments. Hallway (waiting room) -
area 16-18 m2. Equipped with built-in wardrobes for storing clothes and shoes. Coffee table, newspapers, magazines, equipment for dispensing oxygen cocktails. Operator room - 12-16 m2 Located next to the hall, has an observation window for visual control. The room contains an operator's console, a table, 2-3 chairs. The remote control controls: a) broadcasting work programs on autogenic relaxation; b) movement of video frames; c) synchronization of sound, color, speech; d) microphone connection with each chair;
e) air temperature and humidity. Sanitary and hygienic conditions of the KPR: a) temperature 2023°; b) relative humidity within normal limits; c) extremely permissible levels noise - no more than 50 dB. Lighting - diffused light. The color of the ceiling and walls changes with the help of electric lighting from a calming green-blue to an exciting yellow-orange. Speaker system with stereophonic effect. Equipment: video recorder, televisions, stereo recorder, stereo player, slide projectors, film projectors, lighting installations with filters, stereo headphones, a set of color slides with views of nature, a set of music records, air humidifiers, air ionizers, air conditioning, household chairs and with adjustable backrests, aquariums, dimmers, electronic watch.

The design of the CPR and the nature of the equipment may vary depending on local conditions. However, in all cases, visitors must be provided with reasonable comfort and amenities. The environment of the CRC and the entire procedure of its functioning should give people a pleasant feeling. As practice shows, each employee visiting the CRC must do certain preparatory work.
Task 1. Selection of music.
Listen to a range of music. Determine which of them have a calming effect on you, which invigorate. Start by listening, for example, to the overture to the opera “Khovanshchina” by MP Mussorgsky - “Dawn over Moscow”; Chopin's nocturne - “Morning”; musical sketches by P.I. Tchaikovsky - “The Seasons”; concert works by Tchaikovsky and others.
When determining the required melody, use a 10-point scale, where 10 points means an extremely pleasant effect, and 1 point means an unpleasant one. Repeat listening three times, take your time. In a hurry, you can easily make mistakes. Select works that receive 6 or more points.
Task 2. Selection procedure.
To listen to the melody, sit comfortably in a chair. Close your eyes and relax your muscles. Exhale completely, then inhale. Surrender to the enchanting melody of the music. Resist the temptation to fall asleep. When selecting music, you may have a desire to take some melody from the repertoire. Know that pop music most often has a destructive effect on the body.
Consider the content of two messages from periodicals:
How do snakes react to music? What kind of music do they “prefer”? Many herpentologists have asked this question. Indian snake trainer Rahman Bhavapali Tanchalan also contributed to this problem. He keeps on his “farm” two adult cobras, including the especially dangerous king cobras. When conducting his experiments, the trainer used a variety of music: from Indian folk melodies (mostly dance) to modern jazz and rock music. Most often he works with his favorite - king cobra Nagaina. The results of his research showed that quiet and melodic Indian music makes Naigainu slowly rise from the basket and sway smoothly to the beat of the music, as if half asleep. Loud jazz music bothers Nagaina so much that she inflates her “hood.” The deafening and sharp sounds of “metal” rock put the snake in a state of extreme excitement. While in the basket, she stands on her tail and makes quick, threatening movements.
The forest fur farm, located near the West German town of Hagen, bred minks, weasels, martens, and silver-black foxes. The fur farm flourished. However, soon things got worse: the animals lost their former energy, lost weight, and became lethargic. The examinations carried out were not
gave an explanation for what was happening. The solution was found when examining the surroundings of the fur farm: it turned out that a youth recreation center was located not far from it. And there for a long time, especially on Saturday and Sunday, pop music thundered and rumbled, repeatedly amplified by electronic equipment. As reported in the press, such nervous pressure brought the inhabitants of fur farms out of a state of “mental comfort.”
Task 3. Selection of text.
In the psychological relaxation room, in addition to music, they listen to the texts of literary works.
Choose texts that you like and listen to them periodically. Start by listening to the works of A.I. Kuprin - “Anathema”; L.N. Tolstoy - “Father Sergius”; Alexei Tolstoy - “Russian character”; A. Greena - “ Scarlet Sails"etc. Listen to poems by A.S. Pushkin, M. Yulermontov, and modern poets. While listening to the selected texts, try to feel the impact of their form and content.
Task 4. Selection of slides, cartoons, film fragments.
Select a series of slides, cartoons, film clips. Check them out. Draw a conclusion about the influence of these funds on your mind, feelings and will. Notice when and under what circumstances you enjoy watching this or that slide, cartoon, or film fragment.
Meditation takes place while sitting (in a chair, on a chair in the “coachman on a droshky” position). Relax, establish breathing, leave your eyes half-closed. Focus on breathing and slowly pronounce the keyword as you exit. It is better if this word does not have a specific subject meaning. For some, the word “time” suits others – “om”, for others – “ong”, etc. d. A word ending with sonorant sounds works well. There are also varieties of autogenic meditation, when instead of keyword imaginary or real objects are used:
a) after complete relaxation and breathing is established mentally until the smallest details any favorite landscape is reproduced. So, closing his eyes, the trainee runs his eyes over all corners of the landscape;
b) mental reproduction of an object (vase, bouquet, individual flower). To achieve an autogenic effect, first study the subject with with open eyes, and then reproduce it in all shades with their eyes closed;
c) mental reproduction of a candle flame. To do this, place a burning candle a meter away from you. Then, for 2 minutes, they carefully study the flame and then, closing their eyes, reproduce the flame in their minds. In all cases, the duration of the session is 15-20 minutes. Twice daily training has a beneficial effect on well-being, helps get rid of many ailments, and helps build character.

Starting position - sitting in a chair (on a chair). Relax, establish breathing, half-close your eyes. Focus deterioration on breathing. Mentally count your exhalations from 1 to 10, then repeat all over again. Breathe slowly. Perform the exercise for 15-20 minutes.
During the exercise there may be various phenomena: some will think that a bell is ringing somewhere, others will hear the sound of the sea, others will imagine some other picture, etc. All these experiences happen before going into sleep. Try not to fall asleep, persistently continue counting.
Twice daily training in breathing meditation has a beneficial effect on performance. Long-term work on oneself using the method of breathing meditation eliminates many personal ailments.