Pyotr Maksakov was born. Wedding of Bdashkina and Peter Maksakov

Are there those among us who have not read secular news at least once? Or just not interested in life famous people? Didn't keep track of their fates? Often, in such searches for information, we try everything on ourselves, fantasize and dream, receiving a charge of energy and an incentive to action. This is the second year that a name has regularly appeared in the tabloids: Maksakov Petr. They talk about his family and discuss his achievements.

Golden youth

We have been observing the lives of some people since birth; we recognize others from their roles in films and on the stage, sports records or professional achievements. And there are people whom we hear about only in connection with some secular news. And even reporters call them that: socialite, famous party animal...

Maksakov Peter is neither the first nor the second: he has no special achievements or outstanding talents. But also a reveler young man you can't name it either. Yes, in the company of Moscow's golden youth he is quite famous. But no more. At one time, Peter met with the daughter (of the president of the Russian Wrestling Federation) Tatiana Mamiashvili. But the novel was rather superficial and hasty.

What is so attractive about this guy and why has his name been on people’s lips for the second year in a row? There are several answers to this.

Wedding of the century

First of all, the guy became famous for his marriage. Pyotr Maksakov and - only lazy people didn’t talk about their wedding. At first, they discussed the somewhat hasty nature of the romance: they met at the beginning of the year, and in May they were already engaged. Then everyone tracked the preparations for the grand celebration - the wedding of this couple, which took place in June 2015, almost a year after

Of course, such an event cannot fail to attract attention. Children of famous families start a family. Everyone is interested in looking behind the curtain for a second: what dress the daughter of the most famous Russian designer is wearing, where the ceremony will take place, what kind of ring the bride has and who the guests are. In addition, both novice designers and just amateurs (and maybe those who are preparing for a wedding themselves) are looking for ideas and examples of style and taste. Where else to look for inspiration if not at such ceremonies.

Maksakov Peter walked down the aisle a fragile miniature girl, whose dad created for her wedding dress weighing 7 kg. And before the engagement, the guy went to New York to see jewelers who restored and made adjustments to the design of the family jewel - his grandmother's ring.

As Valentin Yudashkin said: the guys had no need to play such magnificent wedding. But they both understand that they are representatives of public families, they grew up in an atmosphere of constant interest in their lives and calmly reacted to everything that happened.


If with Galina Yudashkina everything is quite simple and clear - the daughter of one of the most eminent Russian designers clothes, then Peter Maksakov - a personality almost unknown to the general public. Nevertheless, his family deserves special attention. After all, his family includes diplomats, theater figures, and politicians.

But first things first. Peter's most famous relatives now are his grandmother and aunt. First - famous actress, Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR It was her son Maxim who gave his mother the eldest grandson. And my aunt, Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs, is an opera diva and an active politician. She became a deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation and works on the culture committee.

On his mother’s side, Peter Maksakov is related to Anatoly Dobrynin. This young man's great-grandfather is credited with "preventing a third world war." The fact is that Dobrynin served as the USSR Ambassador to the USA from 1962 to 1986. And it was at the beginning of his career, according to rumors, that he had to talk like a man with permission. It is known that Anatoly Dobrynin was an extremely delicate person. And this trait allowed him to always achieve his goals. According to reviews from close people, all members of this family inherited diplomacy and the ability to negotiate.

Childhood years

How did Pyotr Maksakov spend his childhood? The biography of this young man is not yet very eventful, so any interesting points his life is interesting to readers. Peter spent his childhood in Bryusov Lane in Moscow, in his grandmother’s house.

The nanny took him for a walk to the playground near the Church of the Ascension. It is noteworthy that Galya Yudashkina and her teacher also walked here. It was the Church of the Ascension that opened its doors to representatives first of the Soviet elite, and then to the elite of the new state. Therefore, with early age Peter saw a lot of famous people.

The boy attended primary school in Moscow, at the famous twentieth school. And then his parents decided that English education more suitable for their offspring, and Peter Maksakov (his biography is similar to the biography of any child famous family) further studied at Oundle. This educational institution in just over four centuries it has proven itself to be excellent.

Higher education and career

Of course, the offspring of diplomats, observing family traditions, studied at MGIMO and received an MBA there. But before that, still in England, he received a degree in psychology from the University of Durham.

Peter's career is still at the very beginning. But now he is developing several independent projects. One of them is the brand “Vodka Kremlevskaya” - a joint venture with Ilan Shor (husband of singer Jasmine). The other - the company "SMiT" - was created by Peter and his friends to develop startup concepts.

It is obvious that Valentin Yudashkin also found a use for his son-in-law: at Valentin Yudashkin, Peter took the position of a business consultant.

Without snobbery

Despite the widespread opinion that representatives of the “golden youth” are great snobs, Pyotr Maksakov (the photos posted in the review confirm this) is quite democratic. He drives a Chevrolet to work, lives in the Yudashkins’ house, and plans to build his own house next door (so as not to waste precious time driving through Moscow traffic jams).

According to Galina, she and her husband have a hot temper. But both learn to bypass the cornerstones and see the main thing behind the emotions - loved one and kindred spirit.

Are there those among us who have not read secular news at least once? Or were you simply not interested in the lives of famous people? Didn't keep track of their fates? Often, in such searches for information, we try everything on ourselves, fantasize and dream, receiving a charge of energy and an incentive to action. This is the second year that a name has regularly appeared in the tabloids: Maksakov Petr. They talk about his family and discuss his achievements.

Golden youth

We have been observing the lives of some people since birth; we recognize others from their roles in films and on the stage, sports records or professional achievements. And there are people whom we hear about only in connection with some secular news. And even reporters call them that: a socialite, a famous party animal...

Maksakov Peter is neither the first nor the second: he has no special achievements or outstanding talents. But you can’t call the young man a reveler either. Yes, in the company of Moscow's golden youth he is quite famous. But no more. At one time, Peter met with the daughter of Mikhail Mamiashvili (president of the Russian Wrestling Federation) Tatiana Mamiashvili. But the novel was rather superficial and hasty.

What is so attractive about this guy and why has his name been on people’s lips for the second year in a row? There are several answers to this.

Wedding of the century

First of all, the guy became famous for his marriage. Pyotr Maksakov and Yudashkina Galina - only lazy people didn’t talk about their wedding. At first, they discussed the somewhat hasty nature of the romance: they met at the beginning of the year, and in May they were already engaged. Then everyone tracked the preparations for the grand celebration - the wedding of this couple, which took place in June 2015, almost a year after the marriage was registered at the registry office.

Of course, such an event cannot fail to attract attention. Children of famous families start a family. Everyone is interested in looking behind the curtain for a second: what dress the daughter of the most famous Russian designer is wearing, where the ceremony will take place, what kind of ring the bride has and who the guests are. In addition, both novice designers and just amateurs (and maybe those who are preparing for a wedding themselves) are looking for ideas and examples of style and taste. Where else to look for inspiration if not at such ceremonies.

Maksakov Peter walked down the aisle a fragile miniature girl, whose dad created a wedding dress weighing 7 kg for her. And before the engagement, the guy went to New York to see jewelers who restored and made adjustments to the design of the family jewel - his grandmother's ring.

As Valentin Yudashkin said: the guys did not need to have such a magnificent wedding. But they both understand that they are representatives of public families, they grew up in an atmosphere of constant interest in their lives and calmly reacted to everything that happened.


If with Galina Yudashkina everything is quite simple and clear - the daughter of one of the most famous Russian clothing designers, then Petr Maksakov a personality almost unknown to the general public. Nevertheless, his family deserves special attention. After all, his family includes diplomats, theater figures, and politicians.

But first things first. Peter's most famous relatives now are his grandmother and aunt. The first is the famous actress, Honored and People's Artist of the RSFSR Lyudmila Maksakova. It was her son Maxim who gave his mother the eldest grandson. And my aunt, Maria Maksakova-Igenbergs, is an opera diva and an active politician. She became a deputy of the State Duma of the VI convocation and works on the culture committee.

On his mother’s side, Peter Maksakov is related to Anatoly Dobrynin. This young man's great-grandfather is credited with "preventing a third world war." The fact is that Dobrynin served as the USSR Ambassador to the USA from 1962 to 1986. And it was at the beginning of his career, according to rumors, that he had to talk like a man with Robert Kennedy about resolving the Cuban missile crisis. It is known that Anatoly Dobrynin was an extremely delicate person. And this trait allowed him to always achieve his goals. According to reviews from close people, all members of this family inherited diplomacy and the ability to negotiate.

Childhood years

How did Pyotr Maksakov spend his childhood? The biography of this young man is not yet very eventful, so any interesting moments of his life are of interest to readers. Peter spent his childhood in Bryusov Lane in Moscow, in his grandmother’s house.

The nanny took him for a walk to the playground near the Church of the Ascension. It is noteworthy that Galya Yudashkina and her teacher also walked here. It was the Church of the Ascension that opened its doors to representatives first of the Soviet elite, and then to the elite of the new state. Therefore, from an early age, Peter saw a lot of famous people.

The boy attended primary school in Moscow, at the famous twentieth school. And then his parents decided that an English education was more suitable for their offspring, and Peter Maksakov (his biography is similar to the biography of any child of a famous family) further studied at Oundle. This educational institution has proven itself well over four centuries.

Higher education and career

Of course, the offspring of diplomats, observing family traditions, studied at MGIMO and received an MBA there. But before that, still in England, he received a degree in psychology from the University of Durham.

Peter's career is still at the very beginning. But now he is developing several independent projects. One of them is the brand “Vodka Kremlevskaya” - a joint venture with Ilan Shor (husband of singer Jasmine). The other one, the SMiT company, was created by Peter and his friends to develop startup concepts.

It is obvious that Valentin Yudashkin also found a use for his son-in-law: at Valentin Yudashkin, Peter took the position of a business consultant.

Without snobbery

Despite the widespread opinion that representatives of the “golden youth” are great snobs, Pyotr Maksakov (the photos posted in the review confirm this) is quite democratic. He drives a Chevrolet to work, lives in the Yudashkins’ house, and plans to build his own house next door (so as not to waste precious time driving through Moscow traffic jams).

According to Galina, she and her husband have a hot temper. But both learn to bypass the cornerstones and see the main thing behind the emotions - a loved one and a soul mate.

Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov: first photo shoot with their son Anatoly

Over the past year, the lives of Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov have changed dramatically. The birth of a son and the decision to independently develop the Fashion House of Valentin Yudashkin - these events occurred in their family at the same time

Italians like to repeat: “Found a family, found a treasure.” The success of fashion giants Fendi, Armani, Trussardi and Missoni - the best for that proof. In each of these cases, the prosperity of the brand is the result of coordinated work big family. It's impossible to imagine them recruiting for... leadership positions according to the advertisement. So the master of Russian fashion, Valentin Yudashkin, decided to involve the younger generation in his work: recently his daughter Galina became the art director of the brand, and her husband, Pyotr Maksakov, is responsible for its promotion on the international market. The guys are careful about traditions, but still decided to change the fashion vector. "We have started rebranding! Now we are focusing more on the younger generation, but at the same time we are trying to preserve our corporate identity", says Galya. The youngest member of the family, one-year-old Tolya, is also in action. When the boy was six months old, he attended the Valentin Yudashkin show in Paris and even walked on the catwalk with his mother. Galina and Peter spoke about the new stage in their lives HELLO!.

Galya, Petya, how was your first year as young parents?

I'll say this: every week it's new baby. He's growing so fast. I want to be with him every minute, but work doesn’t allow it.

It's been a fun year! But Galya is right: I want to be with my child much more often, and not leave and come home when he is sleeping. It's a pity that we miss so many moments.

Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov with their son

It must have been difficult at first?

We were warned that there would be a catastrophic lack of sleep; we were prepared for this mentally, but not physically.  (Smiles.) Anatolka slept well from birth, but it was still difficult for me to get up and feed him at night. For the first couple of months, Petya and I walked around like zombies.

Marina Vladimirovna, Galina’s mother, immediately told us: “On the first night, as soon as you arrive home, come running to me.” And so it happened! And not because we wanted to sleep, we were just scared: was our son lying correctly, how was he breathing? But now this jitter is no longer there. I quickly felt confident in the role of a father, although they say that men come to this later. I can feed him myself, hold him in my arms. I never had any fear of “breaking” my child.

Were you present at the birth? Not every man will dare to do this.

Yes, but at the very important point Galya asked me to leave.

I think childbirth is such an intimate moment. There is nothing for a man to do there!

Petya, are you talking to your son? English, and Galya is in Russian...

Yes, we immediately decided to communicate with him in two languages, so that later there would be no problems and we would not have to learn quickly. Many people told us: “Well, how can this be? It’s still early! He’s very small.” No. On the contrary, children under three years old very quickly absorb all the information, and now we see that Tolya understands everything perfectly. If I say, “Come to me,” he comes. And if Petya shouts a minute later: “Come to me!” - he runs towards him.

Indeed, he learns everything very quickly and clearly knows what he wants. If he needs a car, he will go to her. If he falls along the road, he will get up and walk again.  The purposeful fellow is growing.

During the shooting, Anatoly was not capricious at all: he smiled, looked at the camera on command, and as soon as Frank Sinatra sang on the radio - New York, New York..., he immediately began to dance

The birth of Anatoly coincided with the rebranding of the Valentin Yudashkin Fashion House. Accident?

Of course, we didn't wait until the baby was born to start making changes. (Smiles.) It’s just time. We will make the brand more modern.

Yes, we retain our corporate identity, but now we are looking towards millennials and are starting to actively work with Western audiences.

English Vogue wrote that the new Valentin Yudashkin collection was created for young and stylish residents of the metropolis.

Yes, the collection is really different from what we did before. She's daring in a way, but still elegant. We used leather, velvet and organza. The key element of the collection was the Orenburg scarf, but not in its usual form: the scarf was dyed and made into tops, shorts and jumpers. The collection received good reviews. This means that we are not working in vain.

Galya, you have recently held the post of art director of the Fashion House. Tell us what are your responsibilities?

We have a small team, so there are a lot of responsibilities. I work with stars, attract young bloggers to collaborate and am developing a new line of accessories - it will be more focused on a young audience. We will also soon open a flagship store on Kutuzovsky Prospekt- after overhaul. It will be in high-tech style, like many boutiques of world brands in Europe.

Galina and Peter got married in September 2014, and they claim that during this time they never quarreled. "We are both very rational people and we are used to solving all issues before they become a problem,” explains Galina

Petya, you also entered the family business and now work at the Valentin Yudashkin Fashion House. What responsibilities do you have?

I do everything boring in the company! (Laughs.) I manage the systematization of processes within the company, the dissemination of business plans, communication with our international partners and the development of new lines.

Did you yourself want to work in the fashion industry or did Valentin offer to continue the family business?

I love fashion because it's one of the biggest drivers of the economy and it's all very interesting to me. Moreover, many world houses are family businesses. Look at American brand Ralph Lauren or the Italian brand Trussardi - where all family members work for the company. And, no matter what anyone says, no one is as interested in developing the business as his heirs.

The Valentin Yudashkin show in Paris has been taking place for 25 years. Last year, Valentin could not be there for health reasons and you, Galya, had to present the collection alone. It must have been hard?

Of course, despite the fact that I have been observing the process since childhood. No one has ever placed such responsibility on me. I remember how my dad called a few days before the show and said: “Galya, I’m not coming!” I suspected that this was possible, but until the last moment I believed that he would be able to fly to Paris. So I pulled myself together and did everything not to let him down.

How does Valentin feel now?

Great! More energy than all of us. Dad is already actively working and traveling. The illness forced him to pull himself together and take action. He proved that we simply cannot be defeated.

This year has not been easy for you. Recently it became known that Denis Voronenkov, the husband of Petya’s aunt, Maria Maksakova, was shot dead in Kyiv...

Denis Nikolaevich and I were not close and saw each other only a couple of times in our lives. This is all very unpleasant. Of course, I sympathize with my aunt, but he is a grown man and knew what he was saying and doing, and understood what it could lead to. As a human being, I feel sorry for him, because he is a son and a father... We are always ready to support Masha, we are relatives.

Petya, you have a big friendly family. It’s difficult to even call People’s Artist Lyudmila Vasilievna Maksakova a grandmother, but she is already a great-grandmother. How does she feel in this role?

I never called her grandma. For us she is just Luda.

Lyudmila Vasilyevna immediately warned us: “I don’t really like children.” But when she saw Tolya, she admitted that he conquered her.

Yes, now she happily walks with him and reads fables to him. Our parents are so active that they will give us a head start! (Laughs.) Their cheerfulness was passed on to Tolya. On the second day he began to smile! Typically, children begin to show emotions only in the third month.

It seems to me that after the birth of his grandson, dad changed a lot: he became softer. He enjoys playing with our son when he has time. Our Tolik is not problematic, and parents get a thrill from communicating with him.

Since everything is so simple and easy for you, are you thinking about a second child?

We already want it! Why wait?

Having gotten married, Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov united two famous dynasties. For the first New Year's dinner at the family mansion, Valentin Yudashkin invited HELLO! and new relatives: Peter’s grandmother Lyudmila Maksakova, his mother, Ekaterina Dobrynina, and sister Anna, December 2014

It's finished! Galina Yudashkina and Pyotr Maksakov are finally having a grand wedding.

Let us recall that on June 5 the couple got married in the Church of the Hieromartyr Clement, Pope of Rome in Moscow. Only family and friends were present at the wedding, but about 500 people were invited to the celebration itself, including many stars.

On the morning of June 5, the wedding of Galina Yudashkina and Peter Maksakov took place in the capital’s church of the Holy Martyr Clement, Pope of Rome.

24 year old daughter famous fashion designer Valentina Yudashkina and the 24-year-old grandson of actress Lyudmila Maksakova registered their relationship back in September last year, but the couple decided to witness their union before God only now.

On such an important day for the lovers, all their family and friends were with them. During the church sacrament, Dmitry Medvedev's wife Svetlana and deputy Vladimir Kozhin and his wife Olesya Boslovyak were present.

According to eyewitnesses, the bride was one of the last to arrive at the scene. Galina was tender white dress with a huge train and long veil.

Yudashkina already showed off her wedding outfit in a recent shoot for Tatler. Of course, the author of the wedding attire was the girl’s father, designer Valentin Yudashkin.

The designer's daughter will have two more dresses that no one has seen yet. Galina will demonstrate them a little later, at a big celebration that will take place in Gostiny Dvor. In one of her interviews, Yudashkina said that about 500 people were invited to the holiday, including many stars.

We look forward to photos from the wedding and congratulate Galina Yudashkina and Peter Maksakov on their wedding!

Maksakov family. Peter Maksakov biography

So, as we learned from Light’s post, Galina Yudashkina has a new boyfriend - MGIMO graduate Petr Maksakov.

No one doubts that Galina cannot choose a simple guy. Gala needs a rich man with connections who can provide the daughter of a famous couturier with a comfortable existence.

Let's figure it out family ties Petra Maksakova.

Peter's grandmother - famous actress Lyudmila Maksakova. Her first husband was Lev Zbarsky (Zbarsky’s father embalmed Lenin). In this marriage, a son, Maxim, was born, who at first bore the surname Zbarsky, but after his father left for the USA, the family decided to return to the surname Maksakov.

Maxim, Peter's father, was convicted of fraud.

Under the suspicion of the Main Directorate economic security and anti-corruption activities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the winners of competitions held by the Ministry of Sports for the development of budget funds within the framework of the federal target program "Development of physical culture and sports in Russian Federation for 2006-2015". Every year for the promotion of sports and healthy image life on television and in printed publications The ministry allocates about 80 million rubles.

Since 2009, the winners of the relevant competitions have been companies affiliated with entrepreneur Maxim Maksakov. To win the auctions, the alleged scammers acted in a very primitive way. In particular, to participate in the auction they nominated three or four companies registered in the name of their friends, acquaintances or relatives, one of which became the winner.

As it became known, most of the allocated funds ended up directly with Maxim Maksakov, for which he was brought to trial and sent under house arrest.

Why wasn’t Maksakov punished for fraud? There is a version that the case was suspended due to Lyudmila Maksakova’s personal connections with the Mutko family.

Now for most of the year, Maxim Maksakov lives in Italy with his new wife and two daughters.

Daughter of Lyudmila Maksakova from her second marriage to Peter Igenbergs - Maria - opera singer, as well as Deputy State Duma from the United Russia party.

Maria Maksakova is married to Vladimir Tyurin (nickname - Tyurik). Although she officially denies this.

While Maria sang at the Mariinsky Theater and served as a deputy in the Duma, Tyurin was put on the international wanted list by Interpol.

... Tyurin V.A. through companies and intermediaries - individuals, through commercial activities for the purchase and sale of property, invested in the territory of Spain funds obtained by criminal means, mainly in the territory of Georgia and Russia. Thus, Tyurin V.A. committed crimes under Art. 515.1, 517, 301.1, 302.1 (participation in a criminal community, legalization and laundering cash) Criminal Code of the Kingdom of Spain.

According to the “primaries” of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, Vladimir Tyurin is allegedly one of the ten most famous kings of the Russian underworld, along with Ded Khasan, Zakhar Kalashov and Tariel Oniani.

Tyurin's criminal record:

- On November 1, 1974, convicted by the Irkutsk Regional Court for complicity in gang rape;
- On June 11, 1980, he was convicted by the Bratsk City Court for complicity in burglary and malicious hooliganism;
- On October 28, 1985, he was convicted by the Bratsk City Court of engaging in prohibited fishing and involving minors in criminal activities.

Here in such a beautiful and friendly family Galin's new groom is growing up - Petya Maksakov.

Before Galina, Petya met with Tata Mamiashvili for some time.