Latest secular news about Russian stars. Celebrity facts you didn't know

Especially for you we have prepared the most interesting facts from the lives of celebrities whom we see on TV and hear on the radio, about whom, it would seem, we know everything, everything, everything. However, that's not all you knew about your idols. We are sure that even the most devoted fans did not know these interesting facts about show business stars.

Famous Brazilian model Andriana Lima adheres to quite strict moral principles, so before the wedding she remained faithful to her husband. The daughter of the model and her husband Marko Jaric was born exactly 9 months after their wedding.

Founder social network Facebook Mark Zuckerberg - versatile developed person, and every year he finds a new hobby, thus challenging himself. He started learning Chinese and has already made progress in many ways.

During the recording of "The Show Must Go On", Freddie Mercury was unable to move due to illness. Queen guitarist Brian May sang the vocals in falsetto, even though the pitch was too high for him. He told Mercury that he was not sure whether the sick lead singer would sing the part. He replied that he could and sang it in just one take.

Eric Clapton is the only rock musician to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame three times: as a solo artist and as a member of two rock bands.

Due to the busy schedule in the studio, Paul McCartney did not have time to buy his fiancee Linda wedding ring. On the eve of the wedding, he had to ask a jeweler to open his shop at night, where he bought a simple ring for only 12 pounds.

Once at an Alice Cooper concert, someone threw a chicken on stage during their performance. The soloist picked her up and threw her into the rows where people were sitting in wheelchairs, thinking that the bird is alive and will be able to fly. The next day everything printed publications were full of reports about what happened and even attributed to Cooper the fact that he tore off the bird’s head and drank the blood. Cooper initially denied this, but Frank Zappa advised him not to deny the rumor. “The Chicken Incident” marked the beginning of a new genre - shock rock.

Cristiano Ronaldo's transfer from Manchester United to Real Madrid became the most expensive in the history of football - they paid as much as £80 million for it!

During the popularity of comedian Charlie Chaplin, look-alike competitions were held in the United States. An interesting fact from the life of a Hollywood star: the actor himself once took part in one of these competitions in California incognito, but he failed to rise above third place.

Jackie Chan's mother was pregnant with the actor for 12 months. When she finally went to the doctor, he gave her C-section and Jackie was born weighing as much as 5.4 kilograms!

Brad Pitt suffers from a mild form of prosopagnosia, a disorder in which the ability to recognize faces is lost.

One of Angelina Jolie's first acting jobs was filming in the video for the rock band The Rolling Stones "Anybody Seen My Baby" in 1997.

Bright red lips and a protruding tongue - the emblem of The Rolling Stones - were invented not by the famous artist Andy Warhol, but by a lesser famous designer John Pash in 1970.

Before Marilyn Monroe became a model, she worked at an aircraft factory.

Nicole Kidman is left-handed, but she had to learn to write with her right hand for the role of Virginia Woolf. For this role the actress received an Oscar.

Once upon a time, Katy Perry's parents forbade her to listen to modern music, and all she could listen to was gospel (Christian music).

Now you know all the interesting facts from the life of stars and famous people! Tell your friends and share with them interesting stories about world celebrities!

Famous personalities differ from us not only in their achievements in one or another area of ​​life. Facts from life famous people confirm their strangeness. Famous people have such interesting biographies that you want to study them in full. Interesting facts from the lives of famous people will appeal to both children and adults.

1. captured Italy at the age of 26.

2. Hitler was named Person of the Year by Time.

3. Cleopatra was married to her brother.

4. Facts from the lives of famous people in America confirm that Andrew Jackson, President of the United States, believed that the Earth was flat.

5. For her wedding, Queen Victoria was given a piece of cheese whose diameter was 3 meters and weighed 500 kilograms.

6.Winston Churchill was born in a ladies' restroom. When there was a ball, his mother felt unwell and soon gave birth to him there.

7. Beethoven always brewed coffee from 64 beans.

8.Beria had syphilis.

9. Celine Dion and Madonna are cousins ​​of the wife of Prince Charles.

10. I almost always fell asleep in front of the fireplace. Because of this, he suffered from lack of sleep.

11. I considered socks to be the most stupid thing.

12.The most loving man is considered to be the king of the island of Tonga, who is in Pacific Ocean. His name was Fatafehi ​​Paulah.

13.I never had children, and intimate relationships Same.

14.Facts from the lives of famous people of Russia say that Alexander Suvorov did not lose a single battle.

15. always worked in the field equally with other men. And this happened despite the fact that he was a count.

16.Nikola Tesla had a panicky fear of germs.

17. Andriana Lima, who is considered a famous Brazilian model, remained faithful until the wedding. And exactly 9 months after the wedding, her daughter was born.

18.Paul McCartney, due to his own workload, did not have time to purchase an engagement ring for his beloved.

19. Cristiano Ronaldo is the most expensive player in the history of football.

20. Jackie Chan’s mother carried him for 12 months and this famous man was born weighing more than 5 kilograms.

21.Interesting facts about famous people provide information that Marilyn Monroe before she became famous model, worked at an aircraft factory.

22.Brad Pitt's first job was performing on the streets dressed as a "chicken".

24.Marilyn Monroe's bra sold at auction for $14,000.

25. To hide hair loss, Julius Caesar put a laurel wreath on his head.

26.Elizabeth the First imposed taxes on men who had a beard.

27. John Rockefeller gave away more than $500 million to charity in his own life.

28.Winston Churchill smoked at least 15 cigars a day.

29. King Solomon had approximately 700 wives and 100 mistresses.

30.Moart has never been to school.

31. Sigmund Freud had a panic attack before the number 62.

32.Louis Pasteur was a sponsor of the brewery.

33. Alexander the Great knew by sight about 30,000 of his own soldiers.

34.Queen Elizabeth had approximately 3,000 outfits.

35.Voltaire's body was stolen from the grave.

36.Dutch artist Van Gogh had bouts of madness. During one of them he cut off his ear.

37. Yuri Gagarin wrote before flying into space farewell letter wife, because he did not know how the expedition would end.

38. Luciano Pavarotti was fond of football.

39. Genghis Khan had a panicky fear of death. And this despite his cruelty towards his enemies.

40.When Alla Pugacheva was born, cancer was discovered on her throat. It was immediately removed.

41. Sylvester Stallone was often beaten in school years.

42. participated in duels more than 90 times.

43.Saddam Hussein wrote the Koran with his own blood.

44.Charlie Chaplin's body was stolen 3 months later by doormen who demanded a ransom.

45.When Vladimir Putin worked for the KGB, his code name was “mole.”

46.The largest fee of $20 million was first received by Julia Roberts.

47. All shoes for Paris Hillton were made to order, because she had large size feet and it’s difficult to find the right shoes.

48. Whoopi Goldberg, who is considered an actress, has no eyebrows.

49.Rihanna didn’t even finish school.

50.Beethoven wet himself ice water in order to raise your mental tone.

51. During his childhood, Charles Darwin's father considered his son mediocrity.

52. Demosthenes had a speech impediment as a child.

53.Genghis Khan died while making love.

54. Arthur Conan Doyle, who wrote Sherlock Holmes, was an ophthalmologist by profession.

55.Walt Disney was afraid of mice throughout his life.

56.Mozart began composing music at the age of 3. At the age of 35, he already had more than 600 works.

57.At the age of 3, Albert Einstein did not speak a word.

58.Timberlake is very afraid of spiders.

59.The national Italian flag was created by Napoleon Bonaparte.

60. Queen Anne was the mother of 17 children.

61.The autograph of the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar was valued at $2 million.

62.Charles Dickens preferred to sleep only facing north.

63. George Washington's birthday was the only birthday that was a holiday in the United States.

64.Uma Thurman's father was a monk and professor of Eastern religion.

65.Taylor Swift first played the guitar at the age of 10.

66. Ashton Kutcher trained as a biochemist.

67. Riana was a cadet in the Barbadian Army.

68.In her childhood, Angelina Jolie wore braces and glasses, for which the guys teased her.

69.Until the age of 16, Jennifer Garner did not wear or use a thong. cosmetics because she was forbidden to do so.

70.Tom Cruise had a dream - to become a priest.

71.Demi Moore attempted suicide during her school years.

72.Queen Victoria spent 40 years in mourning after the death of her husband. She did not take off her black dresses at this time.

73.Mussolini was deathly afraid of cats.

74. Alfred Hitchcock was afraid of eggs in any form.

75. Julio Iglesias played in the Real Madrid football team in his youth.

76.Most highly paid actor Charlie Chaplin is considered.

77. Marilyn Monroe grew up in an orphanage.

78. Tchaikovsky had a legal education.

79.Rikki Martin gave birth to two children surrogate mother, and all his life he hid his own orientation.

80.Hitler was a vegetarian.

81.Wives executed two of their six English king Henry the Eighth.

82.Paul McCartney's mother was a midwife and helped children be born.

83.Kipling could not write his works in ink because they were black.

84. Benjamin Franklin wanted to make a turkey national bird United States of America.

85. Bill Clinton sent only 2 emails during all his years in office.

86. George Washington did not shake hands when meeting, but only bowed.

87. Before starting his writing career, he was a doctor.

88.Cleopatra preferred to test poisons on her slaves.

89.Winston Churchill had Indian ancestors on his mother's side.

90.Queen Victoria spoke in English with a German accent.

91.Henry Ford, who is considered a successful businessman, had only a high school education.

92.Sarah Jessica Parker is attached to a black little dress, so she even got married in a black dress.

93.At one of his concerts, Ozzy Osbourne bit off the head of a bat.

94.Elizabeth Taylor had double rows of eyelashes.

95. During my school years I was a bad student in physics.

96.The Chupa Chups logo was drawn by Salvador Dali.

97. Kate Middleton's wedding dress could be purchased for $300 the morning after the ceremony.

98. Elvis Presley worked for a trucking company in his youth.

99. Napoleon's penis was purchased for $40,000 by an American urologist.

We are all with early childhood We imitate some actors or models. But it is worth remembering that they are also ordinary people, and some things happen to them too interesting stories that happened to each of us. In this article we propose to get acquainted with some interesting facts about celebrities that you might not know.

Interesting facts about celebrities #1. Karateka Taylor Lautner

Interesting facts about celebrities #2. Ashton Kutcher - biochemist

The idol of millions of girls, the role model of many guys, is not just a hero of soap operas. Before becoming a famous and sought-after actor, Ashton studied a very unusual subject at university - biochemical engineering. Who would have thought that such a handsome man has not only an attractive appearance, but also such knowledge?

Interesting facts about celebrities #3. Johnny Depp and the clowns

The brave and incredibly charming “Jack Sparrow” admitted in a recent interview that clowns and mimes scare him. And one can understand him; they really do look terrifying.

Interesting facts about celebrities #4. Nicole Kidman and mottephobia

Famous Australian actress Nicole Kidman shocked the public with her unusual statement. She admitted that she has suffered from mottephobia (in other words, fear of butterflies) since early childhood. As a child, returning from school, at the gate of the house she noticed big butterfly. Usually girls react differently to these insects, but Nicole didn’t like the butterfly and had to climb over the fence. From that moment on, she tried hard to fight this phobia, but to no avail. According to the actress, she is not afraid of cockroaches, beetles, or even spiders. But she considers the touch of butterflies unpleasant and disgusting.

Interesting facts about celebrities #5. George Clooney and bullying

Charming and attractive Doug Ross from the series " Ambulance"was the most beloved character in the series. This role made George Clooney the highest paid and sought-after actor in Hollywood. But things weren't always good for him. When George was a teenager, he experienced childhood cruelty. He had peripheral facial palsy. The guy endured cruel ridicule from his classmates for a whole year. But this disease disappeared as quickly as it appeared.

Interesting facts about celebrities #6. Halle Berry and the department store

Halle Berry's parents apparently loved the local Halle's store very much, since they named their beloved daughter that name. The parents of the famous actress explain this choice of name by saying that it is a kind of tribute to the store. Maybe Halle Berry was once shy about her name, but now everyone knows it, and the actress’s famous speech at the Oscars will forever remain in our memory.

Interesting facts about celebrities #7. Demi Moore and headband

One of the most beautiful and desirable women in the world, Demi Moore can give odds to any other young woman. modern girl. But she wasn't always so beautiful. Unfortunately, Demi suffered from strabismus since childhood. The girl had a lot of complexes, which is why she wore an eye patch. But fortunately, with the help of two operations, the defect was corrected.

Interesting facts about celebrities #8. Matthew McConaughey - kind heart

One day, Matthew McConaughey, who is also included in the collection "interesting facts about celebrities", during strong hurricane“Katrina” was not afraid and began to help all the animals that suffered from the flood. A year later, he saw a terrible picture: two young men were mocking a kitten. McConaughey immediately took the kitten that was set on fire. I am glad that he was not afraid and did not pass by such a picture. Well done!

Interesting facts about celebrities #9. Naomi Watts and elevators

Each person has their own special phobias. Some are afraid of spiders, and others are afraid of elevators. Naomi Watts has had claustrophobia since childhood. The actress says that in order to get into the elevator, she needs to carefully prepare herself for this.

Interesting facts about celebrities #10. Jessica Alba and a strange phobia

Looking at Jessica Alba, you see a well-groomed girl. Regardless of whether she is at home or at social event, her image is carefully chosen. And this can be seen not only in her appearance, but also in her house. Jessica Alba's house is always tidy, everything is always in its place. If suddenly there is chaos in her home, something is out of place, then the girl begins to become hysterical.

Our article about interesting facts about celebrities has come to an end, where we got acquainted with incredible facts from the lives of famous American stars. Even famous actors Those who have everything they want are not perfect, each of them has the same problems as we do. But their main difference from us is that they moved forward towards their dreams and did not imitate someone else. All of them became famous due to their uniqueness. If this article is read by someone who considers himself unlucky or simply has a complex because of some nonsense (or nonsense) - just don’t pay attention to it, but move forward and everything will be fine.

That's all for us. We are very glad that you visited our website and spent a little time to gain new knowledge.

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Megan Fox shows off her tattoo

It would seem that the stars are public people and we know all the information about them. But, as it turns out, every celebrity keeps skeletons in their closet and has dark spots in his biography, which few people know about. In today's article we will pull back the curtain of intrigue and tell you about amazing facts from the life of celebrities.

It turns out that Angelina Jolie should have had a completely different last name

Surprisingly, but true: one of the most famous actresses Hollywood Angelina Jolie never really had her own last name. Her father, Jon Voight, left the family when the girl was only two years old. The actress did not want anything to connect her with her father, so she decided to come up with a rather interesting pseudonym “Jolie”. In 2002, the star officially approved it in her passport.

They also say that the girl with angelic appearance I was far from an angel when I was a child. Future actress I dressed myself up in black latex pants, dyed my hair unusual colors, and dreamed of working in the service industry. funeral home and was a member of the Kissy Girls. You are probably wondering what style this band played in. We answer: no way! The main goal of Kissy Girls was to find a shy boy and kiss him with all their might.
Apparently, Angelina Jolie loves the color of the cut

The actress’s personal life is considered no less scandalous. Remembering the unsuccessful marriage of her parents, the celebrity decided to supplement her relationship with elements of rituals. Her marriage to Jonny Lee Miller cost Angelina a lot of blood. And in the literal sense of this phrase. At the wedding, Jolie did not wear a chic dress, but a white T-shirt, on which she wrote her lover’s name in blood! The second marriage was no less scandalous. The actress and Billy Bob exchanged not rings, but small jars filled with blood. As it turned out, even such rituals could not be done family life Happy Angelina.

It is also known that film sets Angelina Jolie prefers to perform many of her own stunts. Once she even received a serious injury. In the film “Lara Croft - Tomb Raider,” the actress, jumping on a chandelier, injured her skin so much that a scar remained on it.

Brad Pitt looks a lot like his brother

What do you think Brad Pitt likes to take his son Maddox for rides on? The answer was more than unexpected - on the domestic “Ural”, manufactured at the Irbit motorcycle plant. A similar motorcycle is in the celebrity's yard. Many fans are asking Brad to sell the “iron horse” at auction through eBay.

About a hundred of the best lawyers work for the family of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt, protecting their dignity. However yellow press in the form of tabloids it also has enough experienced specialists. It is known that between the media and lawyers star family very often skirmishes arise, which are immediately transferred to court.

Brad Pitt has younger brother, whom the actor loved to “beat” as a child. His name is Doug, he works in the IT field and is involved in charity work. I once starred in a commercial, but decided not to try myself in the world of big cinema.
Brad Pitt's brother

Brad Pitt's signature batch of wine was sold out within a few hours. All vineyard workers received 70 thousand dollars, glasses and an expensive suit. What a bonus!

Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie Donate More Than $25 Million to Rebuild New Orleans, destroyed by the hurricane nicknamed Katrina.

For the ring that Brad gave Angelina for her engagement, he paid about 250 thousand dollars. Work on jewelry lasted 11 months.

Johnny Depp managed to rise to the top of fame even without secondary education

Johnny Depp doesn't even have a high school education. This is how he spoke about it: “For me, school is a strange and incomprehensible structure. I don't know if it destroys the tasks assigned to it. Here you can discuss. But I think that in today's schools there is practically no good teachers. Many of them are indifferent to their work and only care about filling their wallets.”

Especially for filming the film "Pirates" Caribbean Sea: The Curse of the Black Pearl" Johnny Depp got a tattoo. However, the name “Jack” on this tattoo does not symbolize the name of the ever-cheerful pirate Jack Sparrow, but his son.
Johnny Depp has a lot of tattoos on his body

In addition to filming in world films, Johnny Depp tried to shoot videos for Vanessa Paradis, and also starred in several documentaries. Since 2005, he has served as the official face of the Montblanc brand.

The actor moved an incredible number of times as a child. . By the age of 15, his family had changed 20 houses. And the thing was this: the mother of the future actor did not like to sit in one place and preferred to constantly change the situation.

Johnny Depp calls Paris his favorite city. “Paris has a magical and fairy-tale atmosphere; its air can enchant you in an instant. This is a great place for people associated with creativity,” says the actor.

Chloe Moretz hates homophobes

Chloe Moretz has four brothers. Two of them are homosexuals. That's why young star vehemently opposes any manifestations of homophobia. Moretz’s fans still quote her scandalous phrase: “I will immediately remove you from my friends and add you to the blacklist forever if you write a word about my brothers or homosexuals in general... My mother always taught me to take care of my family. I may have a strange family, but we are who we are.”

Two years ago, the press literally buried Chloe Moretz. The media wrote the following: “16-year-old American actress Chloe Moretz was the victim of an accident. The girl received a life-threatening injury while snowboarding in Switzerland.” Such information infuriated the girl's family.

Chlom Moretz's father, McCoy, has been working as a plastic surgeon for a long time. Therefore, already at the age of 14, the girl announced that sooner or later she would lie on the surgical table.

Chloe Moretz has a rather strange disease - Aichmophobia (fear of needles). ). That is why the girl does not have pierced ears and does not wear earrings.
If you look closely, you can see that Chloe doesn't have earrings on her ears.

Before filming the movie “Kick-Ass,” Chloë Moretz went through a serious physical training. Her trainers were specialists trained by Jackie Chan himself.

George Clooney became popular at a fairly mature age

IN adolescence George Clooney was given the rather offensive nickname "Frankenstein". The whole point is that in teenage years the actor suffered facial paralysis due to a congenital genetic disease. The celebrity calls this time the most terrible in his life.

The first serious role went to George Clooney in 1994, when he was already 33 years old. He played Dr. Doug Ross in the TV series ER. Over the next five years, he was engaged in “establishing diagnoses,” while simultaneously playing in other films.

Fame came to the star even later. George Clooney became popular only after playing in Robert Rodriguez's comedy-horror film From Dusk Till Dawn. After the premiere of the film, the actor was literally inundated with offers.
Still from the film “From Dusk Till Dawn”

As you know, George Clooney's bachelor lifestyle is a real legend. By the way, Nicole Kidman and Michelle Pfeiffer once argued with the actor, claiming that by the age of 40 he would find love, get married and have a child. As a result, the girls had to send the actor a check for the disputed amount of 15 thousand dollars.

As pet George Clooney had a pet 126kg pig, Max, who died at the age of 18.

Megan Fox loves to play computer games

Megan Fox considers James Patterson's novel “Kissing Girls” to be her favorite book. The sultry brunette is also known to be crazy about comics. Some of her favorites include: X-Men, Fathom, Gen 13 and Witchblade. The star also plays games from time to time, especially Guitar Hero.

Megan Fox's body is covered with eight tattoos. The most famous tattoo is considered to be a portrait of Marilyn Monroe, which the actress decided to reduce to at the moment is doing this. The actress has lines from a play called “King Lear” by William Shakespeare on her right shoulder.. She also has one tattoo based on a poem she wrote.
Lines from the play "King Lear"

Despite the fact that today Megan Fox is a global model and popular actress, she was never popular at school. The celebrity hated her already from the first grades educational institution. Sometimes she had to eat lunch in the restroom so as not to be disgraced throughout the school.

The star claims that she has obsessive-compulsive disorder, and for some time she could not use forks and spoons in restaurants. The star also says that she does not feel comfortable in public toilets.

Despite what Megan Fox could boast beautiful body and face, her parents forbade her to meet guys and even invite friends home.

Thus, every celebrity hides quite interesting and amazing facts in his biography. Well, now you know literally everything from the life of world stars and, if something happens, you can have a little dirt on them.