Everyone is talented and unique. What is your talent? A talented person is talented in everything

Five or six?

Each person is talented in his own way: one solves curvilinear problems in his head
integrals, another opens beer bottles with his teeth, the third at the 15th minute
dating is able to drag almost any woman into bed...
Inseparable warrant officers from the communications battalion had one talent for two.
All it took was for someone somewhere within the garrison to open
bottle, when five minutes later the touching face of one
from the ensigns, and soon the second one arrived. It was called "Chip and Dale"
rushing to help." Their flair for free booze did not fit into the framework
modern positivist science, however, it worked in ten cases out of
ten. A radio engineer once expressed the idea that ensigns sense
fluctuation of the electromagnetic field that inevitably occurs when opening
bottles. For the purity of the experiment, the engineers hid in the chamber
biological protection, which was used to test special equipment
and was tightly shielded. It didn't help. Exactly five minutes after
experimental uncorking scratched at the door. After that
the useless fight against parasites was stopped before the next
by simply planning two reserve glasses.
The ensigns' names were Mokrov and Petya. Petya was ruddy, round and very
cheerful, and Mokrov, on the contrary, was skinny, stooped and gloomy. He suffered
hemorrhoids, which is why he had a grumpy expression on his face
discontent. Mokrov stooped heavily when walking and always looked
from under his brows and generally resembled a German spy from the pre-war
Soviet films.
One day the regiment was conducting a tactical training in security and defense.
airfield. The honor guard company dashingly attacked the ZKP, but the security company did not
less dashingly repelled the attack. Office regiment climbing onto the roof
command post, enthusiastically watched the rare spectacle. Radio operator
the attackers caught his antenna on the barbed wire, the second soldier took
cut it. Seeing this, the defenders shouted: “Bitches! Who will be next
fix the thorn?! "Runned into a counterattack. It is unknown how he got here
Mokrov gloomily watched what was happening. Petya slowly approached
commander and whispered:
- Comrade Colonel, tell them to keep an eye on Mokrov, otherwise
will switch...
But one day the friendship of drinking companions came to an end. Suddenly at the headquarters
obscene screams were heard in the corridor, the sound of a blow was heard, and in the engineering
Petya rushed into the department like a bomb, covering his rapidly swelling eye with his palm.
It turned out that the previous evening Mokrov and Petya had peacefully celebrated
the end of the working day and on some whimsical occasion they started arguing about
about how many Hero Stars Dear Leonid Ilyich has. Mokrov argued
that five, Petya was leaning towards six. We bet on a bottle. It was decided
in the morning come to the headquarters and count the Stars on the portrait that was hanging then,
almost in every office.
In the morning, a hungover Mokrov showed up at the office, where a beaming
Petya. He presented a portrait of the Supreme Commander, which clearly showed
six stars. There is nothing to do, Mokrov counted out the money with a sigh and trudged off
to your BP. In his room there hung exactly the same portrait. Prapor angrily
glanced sideways at Ilyich, spat, but suddenly became wary. Something was wrong.
Putting a chair against the wall, Mokrov approached the portrait and began to
It’s a bit blind to look at. The Leader had 4 Stars! How so?! Mokrov
He took the frame off the wall, dragged it to the window, and then the harsh truth was revealed to him.
Cunning Petya early in the morning cut out the missing Star from his portrait
Brezhnev and pasted it on his...
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How to manage your reputation and life scenarios Kichaev Alexander

Everyone is talented in their own way

Everyone is talented in their own way

You probably noticed that our book combines various knowledge on management... energy of life processes, including, of course, business, which implies that business is a matter of life. And our life is a game with three unknowns:

You - They(consumers of your mind, emotions, energy) - Result interactions.

And if in some cases you need to divide or subtract, then in others you need to add or multiply. The main thing is to choose the right action and place everyone in in the right order, to their places...

And since we have moved on to a broader view of the surrounding reality, let’s also look in depth: in what environment do social martial arts masters (MSE), leaders who can also be called VIPs, grow and mature?

Yes, you can achieve VIP status on your own, or you can become a muse for a beginning VIP and, together with him, inspiring and supporting him, climb the social ladder. And I also respect this path.

Take sports for example: how much would the most talented athlete achieve without a talented coach? And when he becomes a champion, and therefore receives the status of a VIP athlete, then his coach can rightfully add the prefix VIP to his role function as a coach. You give each VIP athlete a VIP coach! Or better yet: From every VIP coach to a VIP athlete!

Typically, VIP results are made possible by talented participants. Someone generates and inspires, someone implements, and someone controls the effectiveness of the process... From each according to his abilities, and to each - his own!..

So, is every VIP talented? Yes, talented!

True, some have a talent for creation, while others have a talent for destruction...

Talent can be socially approved, or it can also be criminal, and its owners are persecuted. Although during periods of mass criminalization, those whose talent is to serve society are often persecuted...

And then we are once again convinced of the categorical justice of the unfair thesis: the winners are not judged!..


What talents do you have and to what extent have you realized them?

Why still not 10 points?

When and under what conditions will their full implementation be possible?

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Often looking at her sweet, but somehow alien smile, he thought how lucky she was.
After all, it is possible that every person is talented in his own way, but unfortunately, not every person knows about this talent.
Discover your abilities in early childhood to have parents who understand you, support you, and don’t try to impose their opinion, what could be better.

Many years have passed
Since then, Nikita has seen many people, smart and stupid, rich and poor, beautiful and ugly.
Gradually, on the basis of acquired experience, he divided all of humanity into two, very unequal parts.
1.Talented people.
2.People are not particularly talented or have lost their talent..
and the abyss lies between them.
How are they different?
Yes to everyone!
Power in the world belongs to people of the second category, there are a thousand times more of them, they are more manageable, their values ​​are clear, as are the ways to achieve them.
But without talented people, progress is impossible.
Only they are capable of creating values ​​that are a bridge between the past and the future.
Only they are able to leave a memory of themselves that will survive centuries.
Talent can be scary.
Gifted politicians and military leaders will send millions to their deaths without blinking an eye; scientists, without thinking about the consequences, will invent a bomb, a tank, a grenade.
Is the talent worth the rivers of blood shed? Was it really impossible for all the Alexanders of Macedon, Napoleons, Lenins, and Stalins to live without leaving mountains of corpses behind them?
On the other hand, the rule of mediocrity (see Nicholas 2) mowed down not much less people.
Still, the most comfortable area for using talent is art.

Georg Hegel

Music, paintings, poems show the way to beauty without sacrificial blood.
Of course, we cannot do without problems here, but these problems relate to to a greater extent, the creator himself, than those around him.
But he doesn't notice the problems.
He lives in a world created exclusively for him alone.
In a world where there is its own time, its own reality, its own values.
He doesn’t really care that in the eyes of those around him he’s a black sheep.
That his activities do not bring any material income, much less fame and respect.
Van Gogh sold one painting during his lifetime, Nietzsche published 40 copies of “Thus Says Zarathustra” with his own money and tried to distribute them to friends; there was no talk of any fabulous circulation or grandiose sales.
Can they be called losers?
From a primitive philistine point of view - of course.
For a talented person there can be no other choice.
After all, the main thing for him is to express what is hidden deep inside, what others are not always able to understand, what occupies a dominant place in his life.

The surest guarantee of mastery -
Don't recognize your own perfection.
William Shakespeare

You can't make a good shopkeeper out of Van Gogh, or a good merchant out of Leonardo, and you shouldn't waste time trying to teach Muhammad Ali how to cross-stitch.
Suum cuique (lat.) – To each his own.
Life is given to a person to find it, the sooner the better.
Find your purpose and try to realize it as much as possible.
It seems nothing complicated.
But why does this happen to only a few out of thousands?.............


Hello, Dmitry! I will object somewhat. Art can also be vague, aimed at a narrow, select circle. Probably, indeed, “the most comfortable area for using talent is art.” It's comfortable. For personal expression. Although, there are accompanying moments of “painful searches”, monotonous work, rejection, lack of money, the same improvement of life, and finally not understanding. But not all talents lived like Van Gogh, like Niko Pirosmani. And there were others who were quite prosperous in everyday life. They gave, for example, Pushkin, Makovsky, and many... And what does happiness, talent and certainly finding oneself in art have to do with it? What about talented surgeons? What is called from God? And what about talented pilots, and the same talented (often unknown) goldsmiths and embroiderers, whose works, along with the canvases of artists, are also kept in museums and are no less valuable in their significance? And what? Let them do cross stitch. But how! Why didn't you mention them? And outstanding travelers, athletes, biologists, naturalists... And simply talent - to give oneself to others. For example, talented, strong-willed, selfless rescuers? And what about the talent of a teacher, without which there might not have been geniuses? What about your mother's talent? It’s also not given to everyone. And just the talent to love and be loved? Why have you belittled everyone else so much? Even the talent of the cook. Why humiliate him? What the sophisticated elite gasps at cannot always even be called a work of art. Often, fashion simply dictates and... delight begins. Talent is diverse in its manifestations. I don’t think that it manifests itself “in just a few.” To be honest, quite often, these very (not all of course) “units” you mentioned have advanced thanks to successful business connections. Isn't that right? How many are unknown? Which, again, only talented researchers know about... Of course, there were those who were persecuted during life, who were “found” after death. He is a different talent. And there are plenty of manifestations of it.
“For a talented person there can be no other choice.
After all, the main thing for him is to express what is hidden deep inside, what others are not always able to understand, what occupies a dominant place in his life."
But this doesn’t only concern art!
Isn’t the main thing for a person of art to be heard? Isn’t the main thing for him to “express what is hidden deep inside”? This applies to almost everyone. If only there was someone who would listen, someone you could trust. There is another talent - to hear what is inside another and help him express himself, not to break down, not to be left alone with his pain. Maybe this talent is the most important...

“Art has as its task to reveal truth in a sensual form.”
But, you know, not all feelings need to be made public. There are, after all, perverted ones. Why infect others with a sometimes destructive disease? People of art should also have responsibility. Gogol said this very well. His words apply to poets, but I think this can apply to any talent: “A poet in the field of words must be as impeccable as anyone else in his field...” And what is truth? Not always in beauty. Well, not terrified either. Most likely in luminosity... More... about sensuality. And, you know, as N.S. put it. Gumilyov in one of his letters? "Purity is suppressed sensuality and it is beautiful, but the absence of sensuality is frightening, like an unheard-of form of debauchery..."
I think that true talent does not stick out, realizing how endless the path to perfection is and how many people follow this difficult path.
Probably the main thing: “that I awakened good feelings in people... and called on mercy for the fallen...”
“It is not always possible for others to understand” But write, draw, depict, make it so that everyone can understand: from a child to a wise old man! So that both the baby and the old man would close their eyes against the light and would want to take it into their souls... This is talent. Otherwise... "And the king is naked"

06/03/2016 at 19:26, 801 read, 0 commented

Another lesson in the Psychology program as part of the socially significant project “Comfortable and safe life socially vulnerable segments of the population through constructive dialogue with authorities and effective public control in Rostov region» implemented by ROO NWPT "Volga-Don" with funds Presidential grant in accordance with the order of the President Russian Federation dated 04/01/2015 No. 79-rp, agreement No. 162/2015/2, was devoted to how class participants determine their talent, as well as to pass a personality test.

Psychologist Irina Novoselova invited the program participants to tell what talents each of them has. All people are talented in some way. Some people know how to sew and cook, others can teach drawing. It is equally important to be able to seek justice, or convince someone of something, to be a “vest,” to be able to be needed and help others. Being a good wife and a good mother is also a talent that incorporates many components. The word talent comes from the Greek word "talent", which denoted a monetary unit in ancient times. There is a biblical parable about talent. It tells how a certain gentleman, going to long journey, gave his slaves coins (talents). One is five, another is two, and the third is one. The first two slaves invested money in the business and increased it by the same amount. The third slave did not work, but buried his talent in the ground. Having arrived, the master praised two slaves, but kicked out the third and gave his coin to another. From this parable it came catchphrase: "Bury your talent." This is how we receive our talents - some less, some more. Our task is to develop and increase talents, and not bury them in the ground. Next, psychologist Irina Novoselova invited program participants to take the “House-Tree-Person” (HTP) test. This is one of the most famous projective techniques personality research. It was proposed by J. Book in 1948. It was proposed to draw a house, a tree and a person. Then everyone heard an interpretation of the pictures depicted. After all, a drawing can say a lot about emotional state person. The interaction between the house, the tree and the person is believed to represent a visual metaphor. If you put the whole drawing into action, then it is quite possible to notice what is really happening in our lives. A special way of interpretation may be the order in which the drawing of the house, tree and person is made. If a tree is drawn first, it means that the main thing for a person is vital energy. If the house is drawn first, then safety, success, or, conversely, neglect of these concepts come first. Home Pay attention to home - this is an attitude towards yourself. If he is large and handsome, then the person loves himself, but if he is away, then he feels abandoned. If instead of a house there is a top view, a projection, then the person big problems. If the house is closed, there are no windows or doors - isolation, inaccessibility. Steps going not to the door, but to a blank wall - conflict situation. If the house does not have a lower line, it comes from below - the person has weak contact with reality, but if this line is too bright - difficulties and anxiety. If the lateral contours are thin - a feeling of danger. If a one-dimensional perspective is depicted, from the front to the side, the person is alienated from those around him. If there are no doors, the person is closed. If they are on the side, he is retreating or detached. And if the doors are open - a sign of frankness, a desire for warmth from the outside. If the doors are too large - dependence on others, and if they are small - isolation (as with a large lock). If thick smoke comes out of the chimney - internal inaccessibility, thin - lack of emotional warmth. Open windows indicate straightforwardness and readiness for contacts; closed windows indicate that a person is burdened by communication. The brighter the roof, the stronger man depends on your fantasies. Person The results of the “House-Tree-Man-Tree” test are determined the smallest details. For example, pay attention to the head. If it is large, intelligence is emphasized, small - its absence, unclear - shyness, conflicts are drawn last. At the same time long neck speaks of self-control, and the short one speaks of impulsiveness. The more one facial feature is emphasized, the more important this channel of perception is for a person, and if the chin is emphasized, this is a desire to dominate. Lack of ears means ignoring criticism. If the eyes are small - self-absorption, large ones - rudeness, large eyelashes - flirtatiousness. If the hair is shaded - anxiety, if not - hostility. Large shoulders indicate a craving for power, small ones indicate a feeling of one’s own unimportance. The more angular the body, the more courageous the person. A too small body means humiliation, a large body means unmet needs. The better the limbs are drawn, the more firmly the person stands on the ground and is more ready for action. Tree If the roots are visible in the picture, then the person is overly curious; if they are indicated by a line - the presence of secrets. If the crown is round - emotionality, if the branches are drooping - refusal of effort, in different sides- searching for contacts, spraying. If all the branches are drawn with one line - avoidance of reality. The palm tree speaks of a desire for change, the weeping willow - of a lack of energy. If the trunk is drawn with thin lines, and the crown with thick ones, this indicates a desire to assert oneself and act freely. If the lines are uniform, with pressure - determination and productivity.