Methods of control in computer science. Methodological development "application of various forms of knowledge control in computer science lessons"

For lately education priorities have changed in the world. If previously knowledge in itself was valued, now general educational skills have taken first place: the ability to acquire and effectively use knowledge. The reasons are clear: currently, knowledge quickly becomes outdated or turns out to be insufficient, which means it is necessary to master ways of updating and replenishing it. His future self-determination depends on how a student can apply this knowledge and how competent he is in a broad out-of-school context. This is not only the ability to obtain and apply knowledge, it is communication skills, self-control and self-assessment skills, and the development of creative abilities.

Thus, assessment of students’ knowledge can be:

assessment - verification (In this approach, a set of indicators and assessment procedures are developed and adopted as state standards);

assessment is a mechanism of dialogue and self-development (with an approach in which the main consumers of information about educational results are direct participants in the educational process - teachers, students)

In the process of becoming Russian system In assessing the quality of education, two trends clearly emerge, reflecting the two approaches to assessing the quality of education discussed above. On the one hand, multiple choice tests are being used more and more actively, and forms of control such as writing and defending independent (creative) work are prohibited. On the other hand, non-trivial sample surveys have begun to be conducted in Russia, which could provide schools with enormous food for thought. At the same time, in any form of monitoring the quality of education, two points come to the fore: diagnosis and correction based on it.

Diagnostic goal of education quality

In my opinion, the main characteristics of a teacher’s pedagogical skill are:

1) the quality of students’ knowledge and actions;

2) student satisfaction (not with the teacher!)
learning process.

Consequently, both the teacher and the student, being subjects of the educational process, mutually influence the learning process and its quality indicators.

Objective quality control of students’ knowledge

One of the main tasks in my work is planning control over the quality of knowledge, developing its content, forms and methods of its implementation, analyzing the results of this control, in order to correct the content of education, methodological techniques, forms of organizing students’ activities in lessons and outside of class time.

When conducting control analysis, I consider it especially important to accumulate information about the dynamics of the quality of knowledge and develop measures to eliminate typical mistakes, some difficulties in mastering the material. The quality of knowledge is not always determined by the amount of material learned, but rather by the ability to operate with this material. All this requires a certain control system. There are several types and forms of control. Having analyzed modern approaches to this problem, I adhere to next classification:

FORMS OF CONTROL (by activity)

1. Lesson - traditional:

Tests, including individually differentiated (three-level);

Practical work and laboratory work;


Independent tasks;


Independent work (training and monitoring);


2. Extracurricular:

Competition projects;

Defense of abstracts.

3. Lesson non-traditional:

Round tables;

Didactic multifunctional games;

FORMS OF CONTROL (by function)

Ascertaining - tracking the actual assimilation of the material.

Formative - a statement of changes. Analysis of the correspondence of the results obtained to the expected ones, identification of factors influencing the result.

Corrective - correction of deficiencies.

For each job, the children are offered tasks on cards. To control knowledge, I use laboratory work, independent work (according to the proposed plan, the name and purpose of the laboratory work), reports on research, tasks, dictations, and design work.


Monitoring students’ knowledge and skills is a prerequisite for effective educational process. Not only the teacher, but also the student and his parents should know about the requirements for the level of preparedness of students, because with a properly organized system for recording academic progress, assessment points should be objective signals for improvement

mandatory educational material. Therefore, when organizing testing of knowledge and skills, I take into account a number of features of computer science, such as academic subject:

1) The computer science course is presented in two interrelated sections:

information Technology

fundamentals of computer science and computer technology

where the computer acts as a highly efficient means of collecting, storing, processing information, using new information technologies:

That's why special attention When monitoring training, I pay attention to checking basic concepts, revealing the relationships and interdependencies of the above sections

2) Computer science as an academic subject provides great opportunities to implement educational tasks through a variety of approaches:

experiment: mental and computer. (For example, in the initial level - on the topic “Performers and the system of commands of the performer”, the guys conduct a whole study on creating a virtual performer and executing possible commands for him, write them down and sketch them in notebooks, and after further acquaintance with the graphic editor, create images on the computer)

logical problems, etc.

When testing knowledge and skills, I take into account the assessment of not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. For the purpose of an individual approach to learning, I offer students tasks at different levels, as well as tasks that take into account the different speeds of students’ work. When organizing and planning testing knowledge in computer science, it is impossible not to take into account the age characteristics of students, since it is taking into account various methodological techniques that are most effective for each age group that makes it possible to encourage students to be active educational activities. So in elementary school- This is mainly a game, and in high school - an exploratory search.

I compose questions and assignments for students taking into account the following age characteristics:

curiosity, observation;

^ interest in dynamic processes;

desire to communicate with a computer;

~ objective - imaginative thinking;

І rapid acquisition of skills and abilities;

emotional excitability.

An approach to monitoring students' knowledge in computer science.

The whole variety of educational activities of students in computer science lessons confronted me with the need to develop such approaches to control that would take into account the knowledge and skills of the student, “acquired by him in different ways,” taking into account his individual characteristics. The system of thematic recording of knowledge and skills allows me to:

a) subordinate lesson control to leading tasks

b) take into account the various forms of educational activity of the student, his work over a fairly long period of time; completing the task different levels complexity.

I compose tasks and questions for the final test taking into account the requirements for thematic control:

identification of required knowledge and skills;

exclusion of questions that unnecessarily detail the educational material;

Control of general academic skills, and not just subject ones (working with a textbook and notebook, creative tasks).

I generalize and evaluate students’ knowledge through 4-6 lessons. Topics to be studied more hours, I break it down into several separate subtopics or conduct intermediate control. In this case, you can use testing, which takes no more than 10-15 minutes to complete.

An approximate scheme for planning thematic control:

Topic-> Lesson (module) control -> Intermediate control -> Final test on the topic

First, I determine what I will control (content of control) and how I will control (methods of control). When choosing methods of thematic control, I take advantage of the fact that in the process of studying the topic, I created opportunities to choose the path to achieve the main goal: working with a personal computer, solving logical problems, conducting research at home, in the classroom.

For example, when composing control questions on a topic, I choose one of the following paths:

I include tasks, the assimilation of the content of which required the participation of different analyzers, different types of memory, different speeds execution.

In assessing knowledge, I include work done in the form of research, laboratory work, creative assignment, and not just the results of a written test.

Then we will be able to say: “Only those who do not work with their heads or hands get a D in computer science; neither at home nor in class; neither with a textbook, nor with a notebook, and not just one or two lessons, but a month and a half.” At the same time, for strong students or students who are interested in computer science, I provide great creative opportunities to show themselves as a versatile person. For example, through elective clubs, children take part in competitive projects in the district and region.

Diagnostics of students' knowledge.

The quality of knowledge is not always determined by the amount of material learned, but rather by the ability to use this material. The process of assimilation of knowledge is individual, therefore I use various forms of diagnostics and monitoring work in the lesson, which take into account the learning ability and proficiency of each student in the class.

I use various assessment methods: oral control (individual, frontal, group, mutual questioning, etc.), written control (miniature essay, terminology dictation, multi-choice and multi-level tests), test control, game control (crossword puzzle, Olympiads, non-traditional lessons). And in the process of tracking, I keep a separate diagnostic card for each class, by analyzing which you can get answers to various questions: was the educational material given in an accessible way, was it interesting for the students. This diagnostic card is filled out throughout the work on the entire topic. After analyzing the results, you can draw conclusions about your own mistakes, adjust the children’s activities, and direct them in a creative direction.

Diagnostics of the level of assimilation of knowledge and skills at each stage of training allows me to optimally choose forms and methods of teaching, as well as forms of correcting errors and gaps in the assimilation and application of knowledge and skills.

In different age groups I use different forms, techniques and methods of teaching students. Therefore, for children of different ages The forms of control will also be different.

For example, during lessons in elementary school, real educational opportunities are understood: the degree of training, learning ability, cognitive interests, motives for learning, the degree of satisfaction of students and teachers. Here, the thought process itself is important (how a person thinks, how a computer thinks,...) and therefore I often use various techniques (during frontal questioning)

transition from a situation of difficulty to setting a learning task";

"generalization from the spot."

and diagnostic methods:

natural experiment (“CPU Game”: participants divide into groups and name themselves various parts computer and by role they show information processes in real time, etc.);

laboratory: a) “Selecting a task” in the topic “Statements, meanings of statements”: a picture and several statements about it are offered; One task is to find statements, the meanings of statements; The second task is to come up with true and false statements for the given picture. At this stage, a diagnostic indicator is important: what task did you choose, the process of solving it, did you like the task and why?; b) “searching for the best solution”; c) solving problems with incomplete conditions (the goal of which is to identify students’ ability to explore, analyze, and understand ways of working.

These diagnostic methods and techniques allow me to assess students’ knowledge, level of learning, and children’s mental functions.

Our students must have an adequate understanding of the information picture of the world, of rapidly developing new information and computer technologies. Thus, the study of computer science should be based on the work of thought, and thereby significantly contribute to the mental development of students.

I differentiate the task of “conducting evidentiary reasoning” for different groups of students: for the strong, “conduct,” for the average, “reproduce,” and for the weak, “see the situation.”

I am given rich material for diagnostics and subsequent correction of knowledge on individual modeling tasks, as well as interdisciplinary tasks (project method).

Of course, I also use traditional forms of control: independent tests, tests, oral answers, messages and abstracts. And I believe that it cannot be said that individual cards completely test all the skills that each student should possess in the process of studying a given topic, but they allow a differentiated approach to testing and diagnosing knowledge and skills at each stage of the learning process.

Ultimately, mastering systemic control methods, pedagogical monitoring of student learning and activity analysis allows me to control my objectivity in grading and adjust my teaching activities

Depending on the different bases of division, we can talk about different approaches to indicating species control.

For example: 1) If in the process of control the main attention is paid to the activities of the controlled object, then the following are distinguished: control based on the final result (we pay great attention not to the course, composition of the activity, but to its result); step-by-step control (we monitor the execution of individual operations that determine this or that action); control related to the establishment of certain activity parameters. Obviously, from the point of view of the learning effect, step-by-step control is preferable, since in its process the student realizes the essence and nature of the activity. 2) By place in the learning process we can distinguish the following types control of students’ knowledge and skills: current (carried out during the process of schoolchildren’s learning); final on the topic (thematic); final for the course of study. Sometimes current control is divided into preliminary (its purpose is to establish students’ readiness to learn new material), daily, and periodic. Forms control of students' knowledge and skills are distinguished in accordance with the forms of education: mass (sometimes group and frontal are distinguished) and individual.

You can also indicate specific forms used in the practice of school work, which can be classified as both mass and individual. These are tests, frontal, individual surveys, tests, essays, dictations.

There are various ways control of knowledge and skills of schoolchildren: written, oral, practical (related to the performance of various kinds of laboratory and practical work).

Talking about means control of knowledge and skills, most often they mean a task or several tasks that are offered to students in order to identify learning outcomes that correspond to the set goals.

The classification of such means can be based on the form of entering the response to the control task.

In this case, the following stand out:

- tasks of free choice of answer and

- tests (entering the answer in a certain way limited).

Let's look at each of these groups.

Free choice tasks require students to freely construct their answer. Such tasks, depending on the nature of the educational cognitive activity Students, when performing them, can be divided into questions (based on the activity of reproduction);

tasks (fulfillment of these tasks presupposes the formation of actions that form the basis of activity in solving the problem).

Tests are divided into two types: recall and addition tests, selective.

Tests of the first type are tasks for students to fill in the gaps in a coherent text given to them (for example, a notebook with a printed base).

Selective tests are divided into alternative, cross-choice and multiple choice.

An alternative test is a task in which the student must choose one (in his opinion, the correct one) from two answers offered to him.

The cross-choice (correspondence) test consists of several tasks, after completing which the student establishes the correspondence of the results he received with the expected results recorded in random order (the number of tasks and the number of answers offered to the student are the same).

What should a teacher keep in mind when selecting and compiling means of monitoring students’ knowledge and skills?

Each student must accept the task unambiguously. Tasks should be written in such a way that it is possible to obtain maximum information about the object of control with their help. It should also be noted that it is advisable to provide control tools with instructions that would allow anyone exercising control to unambiguously evaluate the student’s performance of each task.

Evaluation and marking.

An experiment is currently being conducted to introduce a 10-point rating system: 5, 5-, 4, 4+, 4-, 3+, 3, 3-, 2, 1.

5 exhibited if the material is presented in full, provided by the program or a textbook, function words and terminology are used correctly, mastery of previously studied questions and stable skills in answering are demonstrated.

5- , if there are 1 – 2 minor errors.

4+ - The ability to highlight the basic, free application of knowledge in practice in a standard situation, minor and easily correctable errors.

4 - Knowledge of educational material, understanding of standard questions and correct answers to them, application of knowledge in standard situations, errors in answers that are independently corrected by the student when they are recorded by the teacher.

4- - Knowledge of educational material, difficulty in answering standard questions, application of knowledge in practice with additional explanation of the error, which is eliminated with clarification, inaccuracy.

3+ - Knowledge of educational material, inaccurate answers to standard questions, errors in oral and written answers.

3 - Incomplete knowledge of the basic material, difficulties in answering standard questions, more than 3 errors, inaccuracy.

3- - There are separate ideas about the material being studied, errors, including gross ones.

2 - Ignorance of the main part of the educational material, the prevalence of gross errors.

Computer science in junior classes

I. Computer science (grades 1-6) A.V. Goryachev, A.S. Lesnevsky.

To prepare children for life in modern information society First of all, it is necessary to develop logical thinking, the ability to analyze and synthesize. Two aspects of the study of computer science are considered.


Informatics is considered as a means of forming educational potential, allowing the development of today's most advanced technologies - information.

General education

Computer science is seen as a means of development logical thinking, ability to analyze, identify entities and relationships, describe action plans and draw logical conclusions

Let us highlight two main areas of computer science education. The first is training in specific information technologies. The second direction of teaching computer science is the study of computer science as a science; it is advisable to teach children in this direction from primary school.

Goals and objectives of the course

Main goal course - to give students fundamental knowledge in areas related to computer science, which come first in the formation of the scientific information and technological potential of society.

The main objective of the course is to develop the ability to analyze reality to build an information model and depict it using any systemic information language.

One of the main directions for increasing the efficiency of the educational process in computer science is to improve the testing and assessment of schoolchildren's learning outcomes.

Testing and evaluation activities of a teacher are an integral part of the entire pedagogical work, important factor improving the quality of education. Often, to control knowledge, they limit themselves to an oral survey of schoolchildren, during which the text of the textbook is only retold.

For a better quality check, you need to use various types and forms of knowledge control.

Types and forms of knowledge control:

    Dictation - uh This form of written knowledge testing makes it possible to prepare students for mastering new material, generalizing and systematizing what they have learned, and practicing skills well when performing basic operations. The dictation is a list of questions that can:

    dictated by the teacher at a certain time interval;

    be shown in slides one by one;

    be presented in the form of tables with a set of answers.

Dictation: " Information and information processes".

Option 1

1.What is the object of research in computer science?

2.What is information?

3.Write down some historical fact known to you.

4.Write down some mathematical rule you know.

5.Explain the “completeness” property of information.

6.Would the following message be informative for you: “2x2=4"? Justify your answer.

7. Give an example of an information worker.

8.With the help of which organ does a person receive most of the information?

9.What actions does a person perform with information?

10.Who can a person receive information from?

11.In what form does a person convey information?

12.Give examples of ancient information media.

13.Name the technical means of communication through which information is exchanged.

14.What devices did people previously use to intensify information processing?

15.Give an example of information transfer in living nature.

Option 2

1.What does computer science study?

2.Name the three main essences of the world around us.

3.Name some fact from physics that you know.

4.Name some rule of the Russian language that you know.

5.What properties of information do you know?

6.Give an example of a timely message.

7.What determines whether the message you receive will be informative for you?

8.Give an example of people’s information activities.

9.What types of figurative information does a person receive with the help of his senses?

10.What information processes do you know?

11.Who can a person convey information to?

12.Give examples of modern information media.

13.What is a telephone line when talking on the phone?

14.What is the result of information processing?

15.What is a universal device for processing information?

    Independent work. The system of independent work should:

    ensure that the necessary knowledge and skills are acquired and tested;

    reflect all the basic concepts provided by the program;

    form techniques academic work;

    lead students to independently find techniques;

    ensure repetition of the same questions in different situations.

A major role in the development of a student’s independent thinking is played by systematically conducted and properly organized written independent work.

According to their purpose, independent work can be divided into two types:

    educational (the goal is to find out how firmly the basic concepts are mastered, how they are interconnected, how students understand the hierarchy of these concepts, identify their essential and non-essential properties);

    controlling (the goal is to test students’ ability to apply acquired knowledge in practice);

Educational independent work: “

Option 1

1. Formulate a definition of an algorithm.

2.How do you understand the terms:

a) “a final set of actions”;

b) “from the class of the same type”? Provide illustrative examples.

3.List the properties of the algorithm.

4.Explain the essence of any (your choice) property of the algorithm.

5.List the types of algorithms.

Option 2

1. Explain the essence of the property “certainty”.

2.Explain the essence of the “uniqueness” property.

3. Explain the essence of the “effectiveness” property.

4. Explain the essence of the “mass” property.

5.Explain the essence of the property “finiteness”.

Option 3

1. How would you prove that the sequence of actions proposed to you is an algorithm?

2.Prove that the practical application of Pythagorean theorem is an algorithm.

3.Can the known phenomenon “water cycle in nature” be considered an algorithm? Explain.

4.Can this sequence of actions be considered an algorithm?
Get the key. Paste it in keyhole. Turn the key 2 times counterclockwise. Remove the key. Open the door.

5. In one of the Russian fairy tales, the hero is given an order: “Go there, I don’t know where, bring that, I don’t know what.” Can a set of actions be considered an algorithm? Justify your answer using the properties of the algorithm.

Option 4

1. Formulate definitions of algorithms:

a) linear,

b) branching,

c) cyclical.

2.Give an example of a specific problem that could be solved using an algorithm:

a) linear,

b) branching,

c) cyclical.

3.List the ways to write algorithms.

4.Write down the algorithm for solving the problem in the form of a block diagram:y = √ a + 2 b.

5. Determine the type of algorithm from step 4

Supervising independent work:« Algorithms, their types, properties and recording methods.”

Option 1

1.Write down the definition of the algorithm. Underline the words in the definition that reflect the main properties of the algorithm.

2. Explain the essence of the “uniqueness” property. What happens if this property is violated?

a) making a cake;

b) tailoring.

5. Determine and write down a complete set of initial data for solving the problem: “Determine the area of ​​a circle”

Option 2

1.Write down the definition of the program. How does a program differ from an algorithm? Give an example in which this difference can be seen.

2. Explain the essence of the “effectiveness” property. What happens if this property is violated?

3.Name the performer of the following types of work:

a) shoe repair;

b) tooth filling.

4.What is a complete set of initial data for solving a problem?

5. Determine and write down a complete set of initial data for solving the problem: “Calculate the leg right triangle».

Option 3

1. Create an algorithm for calculating the area of ​​a triangle using Heron’s formula (write the algorithm in the form of a block diagram). Determine the type of algorithm.

2. Write down in the form of a block diagram the algorithm for solving the following problem: “Determine whether the point C(x,y) belongs to the segment AB if the coordinates of the ends of the segment are known.”

Option 4

1. Create an algorithm for finding the area and hypotenuse of a right triangle (write the algorithm in the form of a block diagram). Determine the type of algorithm.

2. Write down in the form of a block diagram the algorithm for solving the following problem: “Square the smaller of the two given numbers, and reduce the larger one by 2 times. If the numbers are equal, then find their sum.”

    Test - test is a system of small assignments that collectively cover a large range of issues from individual chapters of the computer science textbook and the course as a whole.

Tests are presented in three types in two versions:

The first type of tests involves filling in the gaps of “ellipses” in such a way that a true statement is obtained. Students are limited to the fact that instead of ellipses, they indicate one or two words that they consider to be missing;

The second type of tests requires students to establish whether each of the proposed statements is true or false. Students must not just give the answer “yes” or “no”, but demonstrate the ability to reason, draw appropriate conclusions, recognize a correctly formulated mathematical sentence from an incorrect one;

The third type of tests offers several answers to choose from, including true and false, and an answer that involves refusing to complete the task.

The number of answers is limited to the three most significant, since the set of answers should be easily visible to students.

Test: “Computer and information.”

A device that processes information is


B) external memory;

C) keyboard ;

D) processor;

    A disk drive is a device for

A) information processing;

B) reading and writing information;

C) storage of operational information;

D) long-term storage of information;

    To store the word “INFORMATION” in computer memory, you need

    1. 10 bytes;

      20 bytes;

      1 byte;

      9 bytes.

    Instead of the ellipsis, insert the necessary words: “Magnetic disks are devices for...”.

    1. long-term storage of information;

      entering information;

      information output;

      exchange of information.

    Smallest Addressable Part RAM- This

    1. byte;




    Test - p Written testing of students' knowledge and skills must be carried out at various stages of assimilation of the studied material, which makes it possible to obtain information about the assimilation of the same material several times. For this purpose, it is advisable to carry out various kinds tests, which can be divided into two types:

1.verification tests - designed to check the mastery of a separate fragment of the course during the period of studying the topic;

2. final tests - are the final point of repetition at the end of the year. A necessary component of these works are tasks to review basic theoretical issues.

Test work is an integral part of the learning process and has educational, educational and developmental functions.

Test: "Number systems" .

Option 1

1.Present in expanded form:

a) 4563; b) 1001012; c) AC616.

2. Convert the number 74 from the decimal number system to binary, octal, hexadecimal;

3.Follow the steps:


b) 101011-10011;

c) 1011x101.


b) 652-465.

3) in hexadecimal:


b) 92D4-11AE.

ASCII, determine the letter codeY

Option 2

1.Present in positional form:

a) 7045; b) 1101012; c) 1 D 516.

2. Convert the number 83 from the decimal number system to binary, octal, hexadecimal;

3.Follow the steps:

1) in the binary number system:

a) 1110101011 + 1110110101;

b)1011 – 1100011;

c) 10101 x 111.

2) in the octal number system:

a) 641 + 427;

b) 254 – 125.

3) in hexadecimal:

a) F154+12DA;

b) 12C4-9E1.
4.Using a coding tableASCII, determine the letter codeZand display it in eight-bit format.

    Test - uh This is one of the forms of the most successful consolidation of knowledge on the material covered.

Open tests. Before starting to study the material, students are familiarized with the list of questions and mandatory tasks on the topic, as well as additional questions and tasks. The student independently chooses the test level and solves the proposed problems. The test is considered passed only if the student has completed all the proposed tasks.

When studying some sections, also taking into account the features study group, sometimes it is advisable to conduct closed tests. In this case, students are not first familiarized with questions and assignments on the topic, but receive them during the test. In this case, it is possible to use instruction cards if the student cannot cope with the task, but this is reflected in the grade or the student completes an additional task.

Thematic tests are held at the end of studying a topic or course; they must be differentiated or multi-level, multi-choice.

Test: “Command files”.

Level 1

Option 1

Write a batch file that asks: "Do you want to know the formatting options (yes -Y, No - N)? - and if the answer is “yes” (Y) gives the specified parameters, and otherwise says goodbye to you.

Option 2

Write a batch file that asks: "Do you want to learn how to work with the programARJ. EXE(yes - Y, No - N)? - and if the answer is “yes” (Y) gives the specified information, and otherwise says goodbye to you.

Option 3

Write a batch file that asks: “What kind of floppy disk do you have (360 KB or 1.2 MB)?” - and formats this floppy disk, having previously displayed a corresponding message on the screen.

Option 4

Write a batch file that prints the names of files with the extensionEXEand located in a subdirectory of the root directory of the diskF. The subdirectory name is specified as a parameter.

Level 2

Option 1

Write a batch file that displays a message indicating the presence of a specified file in a directory. The file name and search location are specified as parameters.

Option 2

Create a text file on disk. Write a command file that copies the created text file to a floppy disk, asking if there is a file with the same name on the floppy disk for confirmation that the copy has been completed. The name of the text file is specified as a parameter.

Option 3

Write a batch file using the commandFOR, displays the contents of the directoryNUlocated on drive C in the directoryNC. After this, the question appears: “Do you want to print the contents of this directory on a printer?” If the answer is positive, the contents of the directory are printed.

Option 4

Write a batch file that, when a given file exists, displays the message “Are you sure you want to delete the file named \filename\?” When confirmed, the file is deleted. If there is no such file, then a corresponding message is displayed. Full name file is specified as a parameter.

Let us especially focus on testing , as a form of control. Well-designed tests can be not only a form of knowledge control, but also a means of repeating and consolidating the material covered. To use tests as final control, it is necessary to regularly test students throughout the school year. An effective remedy learning is the use of tests as a description of the final results of activities. In this case, we are talking about the principle of openness of education.

What is the effectiveness of this method?

Students, having received tests at the beginning of the topic, are already focused on getting a good result. If in other subjects it would be quite problematic to distribute didactic materials at each lesson, then in computer science, computers can be used as a necessary technical tool, where all the necessary tests are pre-installed and students can test themselves at any time with complete peace of mind.
Tests consisting of five questions can be used after studying each material (lesson). A test of 10-15 questions is used for periodic monitoring. And a test of 20-30 questions must be used for final control. When assessing, it must be used for final control. The assessment uses the following scale for a five-question test:

no errors – rating “5”;

one mistake – score “4”;

two errors – score “3”;

three mistakes – score “2”.

For a 30 question test:

25-30 correct answers – score “5”;

19-24 correct answers – score “4”;

13-18 correct answers – score “3”;

less than 12 correct answers – score “2”.

These standards are typical for secondary schools, when the scientific material is mastered within the framework of the basic plan. For gymnasium classes, lyceums and classes with in-depth study of computer science, these criteria are not suitable; the requirements for students of such educational institutions should be much higher. They can be calculated according to the criteria laid down in the Unified State Examination tests.

The most problematic area of ​​control is the objective assessment of students’ knowledge during oral questioning and performing practical tasks. Let's consider the factors influencing the assessment:

blunder – the semantic meaning of the concept, definition is completely distorted;

the error reflects inaccurate formulations indicating an unclear representation of the object in question;

defect – a misconception about an object that does not fundamentally affect the knowledge defined by the training program;

minor errors– inaccuracies in oral and written speech that do not distort the meaning of the answer or decision, accidental typos, etc.

Here, the standard against which students’ knowledge is assessed is the mandatory minimum content of computer science and information technology. To demand from students definitions that are not included in the school computer science course means to incur problems associated with violation of the student’s rights (“Education Law”).

Based on the norms (five-point system) laid down in all subject areas, a grade is given:

“5” – subject to a perfect answer, or if there are 1-2 minor errors;

“4” – if there are 1-2 shortcomings;

“3” – 1-2 gross mistakes, many shortcomings, minor errors;

“2” – ignorance of the basic program material;

“1” – refusal to fulfill educational duties

Forms of monitoring student activity in computer science lessons

Forms of control in computer science lessons:current, periodic, final and self-monitoring.

Methods for monitoring knowledge in computer science lessons:

Traditional - oral survey, written examination, testing, practical work

Non-traditional - essay, vocabulary dictation, project.

Types of control: test, test, independent work, etc.

An oral and written “test” at the end of each topic allows you to test students’ knowledge in general and in the system. Only after passing the test can students begin working on a PC. This is the strongest motivation for the guys.

Homework allows you to systematize computer science classes. In addition to tasks for repetition and consolidation of material, I give one or two home tests for academic year(each student is given his own ).

Various types of independent activities allow you to diversify the work in the lesson. At the first stage of knowledge formation, and especially in weak classes, the “solution by analogy” method is used. The ability to act according to a model does not come on its own, but requires special techniques from the teacher. In particular, it is important to carry out - especially when solving problems - a classification of material that ensures the gradual development of such skills. The kids especially like to correct errors in the proposed programs. This method independent work allows you to test your knowledge of programming language operators in an easy, relaxed manner. Determining the result of executing an algorithm or program theoretically is a more complex task that requires significant knowledge. Drawing up an algorithm for solving a problem - this method allows you to develop logical and abstract ways of thinking in children.

Proposing an idea for solving a problem for assessment causes a whole burst of reasoning, leading to the desired result. If suddenly it didn’t work out for one, then together the problem is solved quickly enough. Solving a problem to test your intelligence and speed allows you to test your knowledge and skills in working on a PC.

Tests and independent work are carried out both “theoretically” and at the computer. Various types of laboratory work allow students to develop computer literacy.

The planned learning outcomes in computer science, specified in the form of specific requirements for the knowledge and skills of students, allow the use of such a form of control as tests. With their help, you can obtain, for example, information about the level of assimilation of knowledge elements, about the development of students’ skills in applying knowledge in various situations. Test It is also convenient to use when organizing independent work of students in self-control mode, when repeating educational material. Tests provide an opportunity to objectively assess students' knowledge and skills using scores that are uniform for all students.

Computer dictation allows you to test simultaneously: students’ knowledge of the keyboard layout and ability to quickly type ; ability to use editing keys; knowledge of programming language operators and commands.

Working with creative groups at laboratory work. With such an organization, the exchange of opinions occurs freely, students learn from the example of their comrades’ reasoning and analysis of their mistakes, in an atmosphere of mutual interest in the results of their work. With the help of creative groups, such a method of control as self-control is implemented.

And the task of “long-range sighting” is solved in the creative group. This task is design computer game or training program. To complete this work, all the knowledge that the guys have acquired over two years is required. There is nothing more exciting than creating your own software product. A passion for games can imperceptibly and quite naturally turn into an interest in computer science, and later in mathematics and others. exact sciences. This is also a great way to test children's knowledge.

To ensure that the lessons are not boring and the children do not get tired, it is necessary to combine different forms of control in the classroom. In pursuit of this goal, I develop most of my lessons in this way, an example of this is my open on the topic "Strings".

For each topic, for each type of control, such a quantity has been accumulated didactic material, which allows you to individualize tasks for students as much as possible. Such forms of control make it possible to determine which students have not mastered the program material, who have mastered it at a minimum level, which students have full and confident knowledge and skills in accordance with the requirements of the program, and who have not only fully mastered the necessary knowledge, but can also apply in new situations, possesses skills at a higher level than those provided by the program.

General didactic methods of teaching computer science. Classification of teaching methods. Methods of control in teaching computer science (their role, functions in the learning process). Teacher's assessment activity (psychological and other aspects). Unified State Examination in computer science (purpose, topics, types of tasks). Private methods of teaching computer science (project method, programmed learning method)

General didactic methods of teaching computer science

When teaching computer science, basically the same teaching methods are used as for other school subjects, however, having their own specifics. Teaching Method is a way of organizing joint activities teachers and students to achieve learning goals. Methodical technique(synonyms: pedagogical technique, didactic technique) is component teaching method, its element, a separate step in the implementation of the teaching method. Each teaching method is implemented through a combination of certain didactic techniques. The variety of methodological techniques does not allow them to be classified, however, it is possible to identify techniques that are quite often used in the work of computer science and ICT teachers. For example:

  • display (of a visual object in kind, on a poster or computer screen, practical action, mental action, etc.);
  • asking a question;
  • issuing a task;
  • briefing

Teaching methods are implemented in various forms and using various teaching media. Each of the methods successfully solves only some specific learning tasks, while others are less successful. There are no universal methods, so a variety of methods and their combinations should be used in the lesson.

The structure of the teaching method includes a target component, an active component and teaching aids. Teaching methods perform important functions learning process: motivational, organizing, educational, developing And educating. These functions are interconnected. The choice of teaching method is determined by the following factors:

  • didactic purposes;
  • content of training;
  • the level of student development and the formation of educational skills;
  • experience and level of training of the teacher.

According to didactic goals, teaching methods are divided into methods of acquiring new knowledge methods of developing skills and knowledge in practice methods of monitoring and assessing knowledge, skills and abilities.

Classification of teaching methods

Classification of teaching methods is carried out on various grounds: for didactic purposes; by the nature of cognitive activity; based on the cybernetic approach Yu.K. Babansky.

According to the nature of cognitive activity, teaching methods are divided into explanatory and illustrative; reproductive; problematic; heuristic; research.

The classification of teaching methods proposed by academician Yu.K. Babansky is based on the cybernetic approach to the learning process and includes three groups of methods: methods of organizing and implementing educational and cognitive activities; methods of stimulation and motivation of educational and cognitive activities; methods of monitoring and self-monitoring of the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activities. Each of these groups consists of subgroups, which include teaching methods according to other classifications. The classification according to Yu.K. Babansky considers in unity the methods of organizing educational activities, stimulation and control. This approach allows us to holistically take into account all the interrelated components of the activities of the teacher and students.

Here is a brief description of the main teaching methods.

Explanatory and illustrative, or information-receptive teaching methods, consist of transmission educational information in finished form and perception (reception) by her students. The teacher not only conveys information, but also organizes its perception.

Reproductive methods differ from explanatory and illustrative ones by the presence of an explanation of knowledge, memorization by students and subsequent reproduction (reproduction) of it. Strength of assimilation is achieved through repeated repetition. These techniques are important in developing keyboard and mouse skills and in learning to program.

At heuristic method the search for new knowledge is organized. Part of the knowledge is imparted by the teacher, and part of it is acquired by the students themselves in the process of solving cognitive problems. This method is also called partially search.

Research method teaching consists in the fact that the teacher formulates the task, sometimes in general view, and students independently obtain the necessary knowledge in the course of solving it. At the same time, they master methods scientific knowledge and research experience.

Problem-based learning is very effective method for the development of schoolchildren’s thinking. A problem arises only when there is a contradiction. It is the presence of contradiction that creates the problem. If a contradiction does not arise, then this is not a problem, but simply a task. If the teacher is on training sessions will show, create contradictions, then he will apply problem-based learning method.

– This is a consistent presentation of educational material of a descriptive nature. Usually the teacher tells the history of the creation of computers and personal computers, etc.

Explanation– this is a presentation of material using evidence, analysis, explanation, repetition. This method is used when studying complex theoretical material using visual aids. For example, the teacher explains the structure of a computer, the operation of the processor, and the organization of memory.

Conversation is a method of teaching in the form of questions and answers. Conversations can be: introductory, final, individual, group, catechetical (in order to check the assimilation of educational material) and heuristic (search). For example, the conversation method is used when studying such an important concept as information. However, the use of this method requires a lot of time and a high level of pedagogical skill of the teacher.

Lecture– oral presentation of educational material in a logical sequence. Usually used only in high school.

Visual methods provide a comprehensive, imaginative, sensory perception of educational material. Practical methods form practical skills and abilities and are highly effective. These include: exercises, laboratory and practical work, project implementation.

Didactic game– this is a type of educational activity that models the object, phenomenon, process being studied. Its goal is to stimulate cognitive interest and activity. Play prepares a child for work and learning. Educational games create a gaming situation for the development of the creative side of the intellect and are widely used in teaching both junior and senior schoolchildren.

Block-modular training– this is a teaching method when the content of educational material and its study is formalized in the form of independent completed blocks or modules to be studied in a certain time. It is usually used in universities in conjunction with a rating system for monitoring knowledge. In high school, modular learning allows students to build an individual trajectory for mastering information technology by compiling specialized courses from a set of modules.
Methods of control in teaching computer science (their role, functions in the learning process)

Methods of control in teaching computer science (their role, functions in the learning process)

Control methods are mandatory for the learning process, as they provide feedback and are a means of correcting and regulating it. Control functions:
  1. Educational: this is showing each student his achievements in work; encouragement to take a responsible approach to learning; fostering diligence, understanding the need to systematically work and complete all types of educational tasks. This function is of particular importance for younger schoolchildren who have not yet developed the skills of regular academic work.
  2. Educational: deepening, repetition, consolidation, generalization and systematization of knowledge during control; identifying distortions in understanding the material; activating the mental activity of students.
  3. Developmental: development of logical thinking during control, when the ability to recognize a question and determine what is cause and effect is required; development of skills to compare, compare, generalize and draw conclusions; development of skills and abilities in solving practical tasks.
  4. Diagnostic: showing the results of training and education of schoolchildren, the level of development of skills and abilities; identifying the level of compliance of students’ knowledge with the educational standard; establishing gaps in training, the nature of errors, the amount of necessary correction of the learning process; determination of the most rational teaching methods and directions for further improvement of the educational process; reflection of the results of the teacher’s work, identification of shortcomings in his work, which contributes to the improvement of the teacher’s pedagogical skills.

The school uses the following types of control: preliminary, current, periodic And final. Control methods: oral survey, written survey, test, examination homework , test control, rating control.

Teacher's assessment activity (psychological and other aspects)

By assessment call the process of comparing the knowledge, skills and abilities of students with the reference standards fixed in the curriculum. The assessment occurs during the control procedure. Mark is a conditional quantitative measure of assessment, usually expressed in points. In common usage, grades and grades are often not separated. Teachers usually also use various formal and informal ways of assessing certain student actions, for example, remarking, praising, exclamation, facial expressions, gestures. At the same time, the mark is always given in points.

In Russian schools, a four-point grading scale has been practically adopted, although due to inertia it is still called a five-point scale. Other marking scales are also widely used abroad.

Evaluation functions:

  • notifying the student about the level of his knowledge and the degree of compliance with the standard;
  • informing about successes and failures in studies;
  • expression of the teacher’s general judgment about the student;
  • stimulation of active learning activities.
By assessing the student’s actions, we influence his intellectual and volitional spheres, and shape his personality qualities. An important result of assessment is the formation of one or another level of a student’s aspirations. The success or failure of educational activities is determined not so much by the child’s self-esteem as by the evaluative influence of the teacher, students in the class, and parents. All this influences the formation of the child’s level of aspirations.

Evaluation methods:

  1. Normative– based on the requirements of the educational standard and program requirements. This method is usually used by didactic scientists, and only in recent years has it begun to be used in schools.
  2. Comparative– comparing with the actions, knowledge, abilities and skills of other students, i.e. in comparison. It is most often used by teachers and parents.
  3. Personal- comparing with past actions, knowledge, abilities and skills of the same student in the past. This method is rarely used in our school.

Based on the requirements of modern humanistic pedagogy, the teacher in his current work needs to use a personal method of assessment. This method allows you to monitor the progress of each student in his development.

A normative method of assessment is necessary to guide students in their achievements and show standard samples of educational work.

Rules for grading and marking:

  1. Monitoring and evaluation must be systematic and cover all the most important elements of knowledge, skills and abilities.
  2. Assessment should be carried out in a combination of personal and normative methods. The use of monitoring computer programs does not exclude the assessment of the student’s work by the teacher.
  3. Evaluation and marking must be clear.
  4. When monitoring and assessing knowledge, the teacher should strive to ensure that his control is gradually replaced by mutual and self-control, self-esteem. To do this, students should be taught this form of educational work, and methods of control and evaluation should be indicated.
  5. The teacher should give students the opportunity to retake assignments repeatedly in order to improve their grades.
  6. The teacher must combine a variety of methods, forms and means of control, and flexibly change tactics when assigning grades.

Unified State Examination in computer science (purpose, topics, types of tasks)

The term "single" in relation to unified state exam (Unified State Exam) is characterized by two qualities: uniform in content, conducting and assessment technologies for school graduates throughout the country, and uniform, as a combined school graduation and university entrance examination.

The Unified State Exam, as conceived by the developers, should perform two functions: certify school graduates based on learning results and rank them according to the rating of educational achievements, which is necessary for admission to other educational institutions (secondary colleges and universities).

The purpose of the Unified State Examination is to establish the level of mastery by graduates of the federal component of the State educational standard of secondary (complete) general education in the subject. The results of the unified state exam in computer science and ICT are recognized by educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher education. vocational education as the results of entrance tests in computer science and ICT. Used in this case control measuring materials (CMM) allow you to correlate the results shown by individual examinees by assigning a quantitative score for the work on a one-hundred-point scale. Thus, it becomes possible to use Unified State Exam results to differentiate graduates by level of training for the purpose of competitive selection of applicants to universities and colleges.

According to the order of the Ministry of Education and Science (dated October 28, 2009 No. 505), the Unified State Examination in computer science is mandatory for a number of technical specialties, not only directly related to ICT and computer technology, but also many general engineering, technological specialties, as well as for physics and mathematics classical and pedagogical specialties universities. The Unified State Exam tests the knowledge and skills of graduates in the subject "Informatics" for all time schooling. The structure and volume of the computer science curriculum in educational institutions of different types and types varies greatly: from 240 hours in senior classes of an information technology profile to 70 hours of a basic course in humanities classes.

Test measurement materials contain tasks designed both for graduates of specialized classes and for those who have attended only a basic course for high school. The minimum limit of primary scores that allows you to obtain a Unified State Examination certificate in a subject is determined based on the content of the basic standard. At the same time, CMMs must provide an adequate assessment of the competencies of graduates with a high level of training, therefore, each version of CMM contains tasks of a high level of complexity that require the application of knowledge and skills in a new situation for the examinee.

The content of the exam is designed in such a way that the result is not influenced by what program or educational package was taught in a particular educational institution what software was used during the training process. Naturally, it is impossible to completely eliminate the influence of computerization of the educational process in an educational institution on the results of the Unified State Exam in computer science, but the content of the examination paper allowed graduates who studied computer science in the “machine-free” version to overcome the minimum limit and receive a score sufficient for admission to a non-core technical specialty.

The examination paper of 2009 and 2010 contained 32 tasks and consisted of three parts. In each part, tasks of the same type were grouped. The first part of the work (A) included 18 tasks with a choice of answers from four proposed; second part (B) – 10 tasks with short form answer, which involves independently formulating and entering the answer in the form of a sequence of characters. The third part (C) contained 4 tasks that required writing a detailed answer in free form on a special form. The division of tasks into groups was determined only by the form of recording the answer and was caused by a technological feature of the exam: the use of different forms for different types of tasks.

The total time allotted for completing the work, as now, was 4 hours, of which it was recommended to spend an hour and a half on the tasks of the first and second parts, and the remaining 2.5 hours on tasks with a detailed answer.

The work contained assignments on 10 topics of the computer science course, representing the main content of the subject, although the proportion of assignments on certain topics differed from the proportion of hours allocated to these topics in educational programs. This was primarily due to the fact that the existing form of the exam (paper answer forms, the inability to use a computer when completing tasks) is more suitable for testing knowledge and skills in theoretical sections of computer science than for testing practical skills and skills in working with applied software.

The EGE tested the knowledge and skills of graduates using tasks of varying levels of difficulty: basic, advanced and high. Quests basic level were contained only in the first two parts of the work (among the tasks requiring a detailed answer, there are no tasks of a basic level of complexity), tasks of an advanced and high level were contained in all three parts of the examination work. At the same time, the basic level tasks were aimed at testing the knowledge and skills of the invariant component of the computer science course taught in classes and educational institutions of all profiles.

Basic difficulty level tasks There were 17 tasks in the work, that is, more than half of the tasks, but their correct solution allowed us to obtain only 42.5% of the primary points (17 out of 40), that is, the result was not high enough for admission to specialized universities. Correct completion of slightly more than half of the tasks at the basic level by the examinee made it possible to obtain minimum quantity Unified State Examination points and use the certificate of passing the Unified State Exam for admission to universities and colleges, where the requirements for the level of mastering computer science are low.

Quests higher level checked the content of the profile standard in computer science, and because of this, they were focused on assessing the training of graduates who studied the subject in an in-depth program (there are 10 of them out of 32 in the work and they were contained in all three parts of the examination paper). Correctly solving these tasks allowed the graduate to receive another 30% of the initial points.

Five tasks of high difficulty level were intended to identify USE participants who have mastered the content of the academic subject well and are focused on obtaining higher professional education in areas related to computer science and computer equipment. Completing these tasks could give up to 27.5% of the primary points, since out of five tasks three belonged to the third (C) group and for their complete and correct solution the examinee could receive two, three or four primary scores respectively.

Control measuring materials tested knowledge and skills in three types of situations: reproduction, application of knowledge in a standard or new situation. The KIM in computer science deliberately did not include tasks that tested knowledge of terms, concepts, meanings of quantities, and formulations of rules by means of simple reproduction. When performing any of the CMM tasks, the graduate was required to solve any problem: either directly use well-known rule, algorithm, skill, or choose from total number studied concepts and algorithms that are most suitable and apply them in a known or new situation.

Tasks of the first type(requiring the reproduction of knowledge) there were 6 tasks in the work (out of a total of 32 tasks), they were included in the first and second parts of the work. These tasks were solved in one or two steps and involved the formal execution of a learned algorithm or the application of a rule. An example of a task at this level is task A15 on the topic “Technology for processing graphic information,” which involves determining the color of a Web page in a 24-bit RGB model based on beam intensity values. The tasks of the first level could be of both basic and increased difficulty levels.

Tasks of the second type(requiring the ability to apply one’s knowledge in a standard situation), included in all three parts of the examination work, provided for the use of a combination of rules or algorithms, performing sequential actions that clearly lead to the correct result. It was assumed that examinees in the process of studying school course Computer scientists have gained sufficient experience in solving such problems. This type, in particular, included the task of the basic level of complexity A14 on the topic “Technology for storing, searching and sorting information in databases,” which required the Unified State Exam participant to model the result of sorting or filtering a database according to a specified set of characteristics. A task of this type was also one of the tasks in the third part of the work (task C2), which required a formal recording of the array processing algorithm studied at school in a programming language or natural language. This assignment was related to high level complexity. Most of the exam tasks (17 out of 32) belonged to the second type; their correct implementation made it possible to obtain 18 out of 40 primary points.

Tasks of the third type tests, testing the ability to apply one’s knowledge in a new situation, were included in the second and third parts of the work (a total of 9 tasks out of 32, their correct completion gave a maximum of 16 primary points out of 40). They involved graduates solving a creative problem: what learned rules and algorithms should be applied, in what sequence this should be done, what data to use. This type includes text logic problems, tasks to find and eliminate errors in algorithms, and tasks to independently write programs.

Testing and measuring materials of the Unified State Exam in 2012 were improved in comparison with 2011 in all subjects (most significantly in computer science and ICT, history and literature). Changes in computer science and ICT are as follows:

  1. The ratio of parts 1 and 2 of the work has been changed (the number of tasks in the first part has been reduced from 18 to 13, in the second part it has been increased from 10 to 15).
  2. The distribution of assignments across sections of the computer science course has been changed: the number of assignments in the sections “Elements of the Theory of Algorithms” and “Modeling and Computer Experiment” has increased, the number of assignments in the sections “Number Systems” and “Fundamentals of Logic” has been reduced.
  3. Instead of a task for processing graphic information, a task for processing sound was included.

Private methods of teaching computer science (project method, programmed learning method)

Programmed training– this is training according to a specially compiled program, which is recorded in a programmed textbook or in a teaching machine (in computer memory). Training proceeds according to the following scheme: the material is divided into portions (doses) that make up successive steps (stages of training); at the end of the step, control of assimilation is carried out; if the answer is correct, a new portion of material is given; If the answer is incorrect, the student receives instructions or help. Computer training programs are built on this principle.

Under project method understand this way of carrying out educational activities in which students acquire knowledge, skills and abilities in the course of choosing, planning and performing special practical tasks called projects.