Methodical manual "Testing and measuring materials for literary reading" reading test (grade 1).

By literary reading

(1st – 4th grade)


primary school teacher

Siokhina Natalya Viktorovna



1st class

Lion and Mouse

There is also goodness from a mouse.”

(L.N. Tolstoy)

Mark the correct answer with √.

□ hunters

□ lion

□ mouse

□ lion and mouse

□ fable

□ fairy tale

□ story

a mouse ran over his body

□ the lion fell into a trap

hunters caught a lion

□ felt sorry for the mouse

Mark the correct answer with √.

□ called for help

□ chewed through the rope

□ scared the hunters

□ the mouse was afraid of the lion

the mouse heard the lion's roar

□ mouse kept her promise

2nd grade

New Year's pancakes


(According to V. Suteev)

Mark the correct answer with √.

□ in summer

□ in spring

□ in winter

□ in autumn

□ pies

□ pancakes

□ carrots

□ dumplings

□ patterns

□ embroidery

ribbons and flowers

□ bow

□ Pushinka

□ Janitor

□ Birds

□ Jumper

Mark the correct answer with √.

on Christmas Eve

on birthday eve

on New Year's Eve

□ about auntie

about New Year's Eve

□ about bunnies

about news in the Magic Forest

Mark the correct answer with √.

□ cold

□ it started to rain

□ butterflies

□ ants

□ bear

□ birds

3rd grade

ran to the window:


gave her a severe reprimand:

(B. Shergin)

□ story

□ fairy tale

□ fable

□ Duska

□ Puska

□ Muska

sour cream and fish

□ milk and fish

□ cream

come visit

□ Muska decorated the windowsill

□ ran away from home

Muska caught a mouse

Muska caught the mouse.

Grandma and Vanya went to bed.





4th grade


This mongrel appeared in the village from nowhere, lame and one-eyed.

She moved carefully on three legs, clearly protecting her damaged

didn't drive.

the owner became attached to the pet.

(According to Yuri Novikov).

In winter, the Pirate lived in a kennel.

□ □ □

with the fierce ones winds and snowstorms?Mark the correct answer with √.

□ prickly

□ strong
□ malicious
□ diligent

gloomy looking in a sentence:
Mark the correct answer with √.

it's obvious that he's gloomy
□ definitely gloomy
really gloomy
seeming gloomy

It's dark
Mark the correct answer with √.

□ in the evening

□ late in the evening

□ early in the morning

□ at night

Mark the correct answer with √.

Tale after tale
Stories about nature
Fables about animals
Stories about friendship and loyalty



Mark the correct answer with √.

□ Pirate by faith and carried out his service with truth.

Mark the correct answer with √.


Municipal state educational institution

"Average secondary school No. 1 named after A.M. Gorky" urban district of the city of Frolovo, Volgograd region

Test materials

in literary reading

(1st – 4th grade)


primary school teacher

Siokhina Natalya Viktorovna



1st class

Lion and Mouse

The lion was sleeping. The mouse ran over his body. (Tiger, elephant, lion)

woke up and caught her. (Squirrel, mouse, fox) began to ask,

so that he would let her in, she said: “If you let me in, and

I will do you good." The lion laughed that the mouse promised him

(evil, good, happiness) to do, and let her go.

Then the hunters caught the lion and tied it to a tree with a rope.

The mouse heard the lion's roar, came running and gnawed

(rope, rope, stick) and said: “Remember, you laughed,

I didn’t think that I could do you any good, but now you see,

There is also goodness from a mouse.”

(L.N. Tolstoy)

1. Indicate the main characters of this work.

Mark the correct answer with √.

□ hunters

□ lion

□ mouse

□ lion and mouse

2. What work have you read? Mark the correct answer with √.

□ fable

□ fairy tale

□ story

3. What trouble happened to the lion? Mark the correct answer with √.

a mouse ran over his body

□ the lion fell into a trap

hunters caught a lion

4. Why did the lion let the mouse go? Mark the correct answer with √.

□ felt sorry for the mouse

the mouse promised to do him good

the lion laughed and did not let go of the mouse

5. How did the little mouse help the huge lion?

Mark the correct answer with √.

□ called for help

□ chewed through the rope

□ scared the hunters

6. Why did the mouse help the lion? Mark the correct answer with √.

□ the mouse was afraid of the lion

the mouse heard the lion's roar

□ mouse kept her promise

2nd grade

New Year's pancakes

One day on New Year's Eve, the rabbits Pushinka and Jumper

were waiting for their aunt to visit.

Fluffy began to bake pancakes. The jumper got dressed and went outside

clear the path for dear auntie.

When (Pushinka, Jumper, Grumpy) returned to the house, on the table

plate grew a pile of delicious ruddy (pies,

pancakes, dumplings). The last pancake Pushinka lightly

threw it in a frying pan, and it deftly stuck to the ceiling.

That's it (Christmas, New Year, gold) decoration! –

gasped (Fluff, Snowflake, Jumper). At this time it rang

bell. Standing on the threshold was (neighbor, aunt, grandmother) in

new hat. This (cap, hat, beret) was marvelous

structure with ribbons and flowers.

Jumper and Pushinka admired their aunt: “Oh, auntie! Oh,


Everyone drank fragrant raspberry tea and talked about the news in

Magic Forest. Suddenly the clock struck midnight. Cold already

the pancake came unstuck and gently fell onto the hat (Pushinki, Pryguna,

aunts). The bunnies didn’t know what to do!

On the way to Auntie's house, the bunnies tried to take pictures

(ribbons, flowers, pancake), but to no avail. Suddenly there was a rustling sound

wings and cheerful chirping. (Bunnies, birds, butterflies) in one

In an instant the whole pancake was taken away, and everyone breathed a sigh of relief. A

Auntie was happy and calm: “How cute New Year

(According to V. Suteev)

1. At what time of year were the bunnies waiting for their aunt to visit?

Mark the correct answer with √.

□ in summer

□ in spring

□ in winter

□ in autumn

2. What treat did Pushinka prepare? Mark the correct answer with √.

□ pies

□ pancakes

□ carrots

□ dumplings

3. What was the aunt’s hat decorated with? Mark the correct answer with √.

□ patterns

□ embroidery

ribbons and flowers

□ bow

4. Who cleared the path for dear aunt? Mark the correct answer with √.

□ Pushinka

□ Janitor

□ Birds

□ Jumper

5. When did the rabbits wait for their aunt to visit?

Mark the correct answer with √.

on Christmas Eve

on birthday eve

on New Year's Eve

6. What did they talk about over tea? Mark the correct answer with √.

□ about auntie

about New Year's Eve

□ about bunnies

about news in the Magic Forest

7. What surprise almost ruined the holiday?

Mark the correct answer with √.

□ the bell suddenly rang

□ cold the pancake came unstuck and gently fell onto the hat

there was a rustle of wings and cheerful chirping

□ it started to rain

8.Who helped the bunnies remove the unexpected decoration from their aunt’s hat? Mark the correct answer with √.

□ butterflies

□ ants

□ bear

□ birds

9. How was the New Year in the rabbit family? What words are this

confirmation? Extract from the text.


10. Divide the text into three parts. Title them.




3rd grade

You do one thing, don’t spoil another

The cat Muska, whom Vanya drew, came twice a week.

Grandmother and (Petya, Seryozha, Vanya) thought that (Murka, Muska, Murzik)

comes to visit. They treated Muska with milk and fish. Muska was convinced

that she came to work, and considered the treat as wages.

I considered it my duty to ensure that there were no mice in the apartment. At the same time

worked in night shift- I sat in the corner of the corridor and listened.

And this is what happened. (Mom, Aunt, Grandmother) painted yellow-red

paint - ocher - the floor in the room, covered the window sill with white, a little

She opened the window slightly and left a gap in the door so that a breeze could move around the room.

(Vitya and grandfather, Vanya and grandmother) went to bed in the kitchen, and (Duska, Muska,

Murka) was sitting in the corridor. At night, in her sleep, grandmother heard that Muska

jumped and growled. Grandmother realized that Muska had caught (a bunny, a mouse,

chicken). But the old woman was too lazy to get up. According to cat rules, prey had to be

was to be taken outside. Muska felt a chill coming from the door.

She squeezed through the crack of the door, galloped across the damp painted floor,

jumped onto the windowsill. I danced here for a long time until I got out into the street. In the morning

Grandma opened the door to the (corridor, room, hall) and made a noise:

Look, Vanya, what that trash Muska has done! Paul inherited her

I decorated the window sill with paws. Grandma threw a strip of paper on the floor. Vanya

ran to the window:

Grandma, it turned out beautifully! Just like little red flowers!

“I’ll show you some flowers,” grandma grumbled.

As soon as Muska appears, I’ll poke her nose into these (pots, flowers,


Muska returned (day, night, evening) for a treat. Grandma put it under

nose (meat, milk, fish), but while Muska was eating, (aunt, grandmother, mother)

gave her a severe reprimand:

Remember, (Duska, Murka, Muska), the proverb: “You do one thing, another

don't spoil it." You did an important job - you caught the mouse, but I also did the job - I painted it.

room. You ruined my business.

(B. Shergin)

1. Determine the genre of this work. Mark the correct answer with √.

□ story

□ fairy tale

□ fable

2. What was the name of the cat that Vanya drew? Mark the correct answer with √.

□ Duska

□ Puska

□ Muska

3. What did grandma and Vanya treat the guest to? Mark the correct answer with √.

sour cream and fish

□ milk and fish

□ cream

4. What did Muska consider her responsibility? Mark the correct answer with √.

so that there are no other cats in the apartment

come visit

so that there are no mice in the apartment

5. What happened one night? Mark the correct answer with √.

□ Muskadecorated the windowsill

ran away from home

Muska caught a mouse

6. Indicate the order in which the events occurred.

Grandma painted the floor and window sill in the room.

Muska caught the mouse.

Grandma and Vanya went to bed.

Muska crawled out onto the street on the painted floor.

Grandmother gave Muska a severe reprimand.

Grandmother and Vanya saw what Muska had done.

7. Explain the meaning of the expressions:

Galloped across the floor ___________________________________________________

Squeezed through the door crack ________________________________________________

8. Write questions to the text you read. Start them with:



Part 1.__________________________________________________________________________

Part 2.________________________________________________________________________________

Part 3.________________________________________________________________________

  1. Formulate the main idea of ​​the text.


  1. Write down the words that need clarification of their semantic meanings. What dictionary will help you with this? Take advantage explanatory dictionary, explain semantic meanings words


It just so happened that the unfortunate dog found its way to a lonely shepherd,


a gloomy-looking man. The old man felt sorry for the dog, saying, okay, live, and get out of the yard


didn't drive.


The log hut (forester, hunter, shepherd) stood at the very end


sat down. Here he took root (cat, wolf, dog), which from the very first day (boy,


Ivan Petrovich, an old man) dubbed Pirate for his only eye.


There was also a kennel (for her, for them, for him), albeit old and abandoned.


The former guards of a crowded house once lived in it.


Days passed. Strength and health returned (to the wolf, bear, dog),


the paw healed, and the only eye no longer expressed the previous pain and resentment.


In addition, the (eyeless, one-eyed) Pirate turned out to be a rare dog


loyal and smart. Everywhere he accompanied the old man, sharing everything with him


hardships and worries. While protecting the herd, he showed a lot of diligence and


ingenuity: returned stragglers to (house, kennel, herd) in time and


lost animals. From morning to evening, an old man and his four-legged friend


They were inseparable. Together they left the yard while it was still dark, tired together


returned home in the evening. (Cat, dog, wolf) became (Van, forester, old man)


An irreplaceable and reliable assistant. Despite the fact that it is simple and mongrel


mongrel, the Pirate faithfully carried out his (bowl, work, service). Yes, myself


the owner became attached to the pet.


During his rest hours he liked to talk to him for a long time as if he were


your loved one. And it seemed to the old man that she was smart (lynx, dog)


understands him: sympathizes in grief, shares joy. And fellow villagers


noticed that the previously sad shepherd became more cheerful, more talkative, his eyes


warmed up. It was as if his soul had thawed...


Summer has flown by, autumn is noisy with rain. The winter was frosty,


with fierce winds and snowstorms. (Forester, hunter, shepherd) took the dog into the house:


(three of us, five of us, two of us) and warmer and more fun. By spring the old man is back again


to your (garden, herd). Together with Pirate, of course.


And how could it be otherwise? After all, life is a joy only with a true friend. That's how they live


they share sorrows and joys, helping each other.


(According to Yuri Novikov).

1. Find a statement that matches the content of what you read
text. Mark the correct answer with √.

The shepherd's log hut stood in the center of the village.

The pirate was a purebred dog.

In the spring the old man returned to his herd.

In winter, the Pirate lived in a kennel.

2. Explain why the old man called the dog Pirate.

The old man called the dog Pirate _____________________________________________________

3. The old man didn’t drive the dog away. Why do you think? Mark the correct answer with √.

because his hut stood on the edge of the village and he needed a watchmanbecause he had an old abandoned kennelbecause Pirate was a loyal and smart dog

because he was kind person and felt sorry for the dog

4. Write out a sentence from the text that tells about the changes that happened to the Pirate shortly after he began to live with the old man.


5. What word can replace the highlighted word in the expression?
Withfiercewinds and snowstorms?Mark the correct answer with √.



6. How do you understand the expressiongloomy lookingin a sentence:
“It just so happened that the unfortunate dog found its way to the shepherd,
a lonely, gloomy-looking person"?
Mark the correct answer with √.

it's obvious that he's gloomy
definitely gloomy
really gloomy
seeming gloomy

7. How can you replace the highlighted word in the sentence: “Together yet
darkthey left the yard, returned together tired in the evening
Mark the correct answer with √.

In the evening

late at night

early in the morning

at night

8 . The author calls Pirate in different words, for example, a mongrel. Find at least 3 more words in the text and write them down.

Pirate, mongrel, ________________________________________________

9. Which collection could this work be placed in?
Mark the correct answer with √.

Tale after tale
Stories about nature
Fables about animals
Stories about friendship and loyalty

10. How did the appearance of the Pirate change the character of the shepherd?

Write out a sentence from the text that proves your answer.


11. Which sentence better than others helps to understand the main idea of ​​the text?Mark the correct answer with √.

□ The pirate turned out to be an extremely loyal and intelligent dog.
□ The old man felt sorry for the dog, saying, okay, live, and did not drive him out of the yard.
□ And so they live, sharing sorrows and joys, helping each other.

□ Pirate by faithand carried out his service with truth.

12. What is main idea this text?Mark the correct answer with √.

□ Any dog ​​can be trained.
□ When you have a friend, life becomes better.
□ Stray dogs have a very bad life.
□ A shepherd cannot tend his flock without a dog.

13. What do you think, if the Pirate could talk, what would he tell the old man? Write about it.


14. Write down the words that need clarification of their semantic meanings. What dictionary will help you with this? Use an explanatory dictionary and explain the semantic meanings of the words.


OLD MAN (story about a dog)

The dog was old. Even by human standards, the number of years the dog had lived looked very respectable, but for a dog such a figure seemed simply unthinkable. When guests came to the owners, the dog heard the same question:

How is your old man, is he still alive? - and were very surprised to see the dog’s huge head in the doorway.

The dog was not offended by people - he himself understood perfectly well that dogs should not live so long. During his life, the dog saw many times the owners of other dogs who averted their eyes when they met and sighed convulsively when asked:

Where is yours?

In such cases, the owner's hand would hug the dog's powerful neck, as if wanting to hold him and not let him go towards the inevitable. And the dog continued to live, although every day it became more and more difficult to walk, his breathing became more and more difficult. The once toned belly sagged, the eyes dimmed, and the tail looked more and more like a drooping old rag. He lost his appetite, and the dog even ate his favorite oatmeal without any pleasure - as if he was performing a boring but obligatory duty. The dog spent most of the day lying on his rug in the large room. In the mornings, when the adults were getting ready for work and the owner’s daughter was running away to school, the grandmother would take the dog outside, but the dog did not like to walk with her. He was waiting for Lena (that was the name of the owner's daughter) to return from school and take him to the yard. The dog was very young when a small creature appeared in the house, immediately turning all attention to itself. Later the dog found out that this creature was a child, a girl. And from then on they were taken for walks together. First, Lena was taken out in a stroller, then little man began to take the first uncertain steps, holding on to the dog's collar, later they began to walk together, and woe to the bully who would risk offending his little mistress! The dog, without hesitation, stood up to protect the girl, covering Lena with his body.

A lot of time has passed since then... Lena has grown up, the boys who once pulled her pigtails have become grown-up boys, looking at a pretty girl, next to whom a huge dog was slowly walking. Going out into the yard, the dog turned around the corner of the house, towards an overgrown wasteland and, looking back at the owner, went into the bushes. He did not understand the other dogs, especially the gibbering dachshund from the third floor, who tried to raise their paws almost right next to the apartment. When the dog came out of the bushes, Lena took him by the collar, and together they walked further, to a group of birch trees, near which there was a playground. Here, in the shade of the trees, the dog has long loved to watch the children. Reclining, leaning his shoulder against the birch trunk and stretching out his hind legs, the dog dozed, occasionally glancing towards the bench where Lena’s peers were gathering. Red Volodya, whom the dog once chased away from Lena most often, sometimes came up to him, squatted down next to him and asked:

How are you, old man?

And the dog began to grumble. The guys on the bench were amused by the dog's grumbling, but Volodya did not laugh, and the dog seemed to understand him. Probably Volodya really understood the dog, because he said:

Do you remember?...

Of course, the dog remembered. And a rubber ball that Volodya threw onto the ledge and then climbed to get it. And a drunken man who decided to punish little Tolik for accidentally breaking a lantern. Then the dog growled for the only time in his life, baring his fangs. But the man was too drunk to understand the warning and the dog had to knock him down. Pressed to the ground by a huge dog's paw, the man lost all his pedagogical ardor, and was no longer seen near the site... The dog grumbled, Volodya listened, occasionally recalling funny (and not so funny) incidents. Then Lena came up and said, stroking the dog’s huge head:

Okay, I'm grumbling. Let's go home and chat some more in the evening.

The dog was especially looking forward to the evening walk. In the summer, he liked to watch the sun hide behind the gray boxes of high-rise buildings, and the coolness of the evening replaces the heat of the day. In winter, the dog could spend a long time admiring the black sky, as if made of soft velvet, across which someone had scattered colorful sparkles of stars. What was the old dog thinking about at these moments, why did he sometimes sigh so noisily? Who knows...

Now it was autumn, it was already getting dark outside the window and a quiet, dull rain was falling. The dog and Lena were walking along their usual route when the dog’s sensitive ear caught an unusual sound. The sound was very weak and for some reason alarming. The dog looked back at Lena - the girl did not notice the sound. Then the dog, as quickly as his heavy body would allow, rushed into the thicket of bushes, trying to find... What? He didn't know. For the whole long life He had never encountered such a sound before, but the sound completely subjugated the dog’s consciousness. He almost didn’t hear how frightened Lena was calling him, how Volodya was calming her down... He searched and found. The little wet lump opened its tiny pink mouth in a silent scream. Kitty. Ordinary gray kitten, who only a week ago first saw this world with his blue eyes, suffocated from the rope noose tightened around his throat. His front paws helplessly clutched at the air, while his hind paws barely reached the ground. The dog, with one movement of his powerful jaws, chewed through the branch on which the kitten was suspended. He flopped down in the wet grass, not even trying to get up. Carefully, so as not to crush the small body, the dog took it by the scruff of the neck with his teeth and carried it to Lena.

What kind of rubbish are you... - Lena began and stopped short. She groaned quietly and picked up the small, trembling lump. I tried to remove the noose, but the wet rope wouldn’t budge. - Home! - Lena commanded and, without waiting for the dog, she ran to the entrance.

The kitten survived. For three days I lay flat, not reacting in any way to the fuss around me. He only squeaked pitifully when a large bearded man with the strange nickname “Veterinarian” gave injections with a thin long needle. On the fourth day, seeing the syringe, the kitten crawled under the sofa, which caused great excitement among people. And a week later, he was jumping around the apartment, mischievous and completely healthy. cat baby. Moderately hooligan and disobedient. But as soon as the dog growled slightly or even looked menacingly at the mischief-maker, the kitten immediately became a model of obedience.

And the dog became weaker every day. It was as if he had given a piece of his life to a rescued kitten. And one day the dog couldn’t get up from his bedding. They called the veterinarian again, he examined the dog and threw up his hands. People talked about something for a long time, Lena cried quietly... Then the glass clinked, the veterinarian began to approach the dog, hiding his hands behind his back. And suddenly he stopped, as if a wall had grown in front of him. But it was only a small gray kitten. Arching its back and raising its tail, the kitten hissed for the first time in its life, driving away something incomprehensible, but very scary, from the dog. The kitten was very afraid of this man with a syringe. But something forced him to drive the veterinarian away from the dog...

The veterinarian stood there looking in horror. cat eyes. He stepped back and turned to Lena:

He won't let you in. Remove the kitten...

Lena! - exclaimed the hostess. - Well, why torture the dog?

No. Let it ride. No injections...

The veterinarian looked at the kitten, then at the tear-stained Lena, again at the kitten... And he left. People went about their business, the apartment was empty. Only the grandmother was busy in the kitchen, occasionally sobbing and whispering something incomprehensible.

The dog was dozing on the mat, resting his huge head on his paws and closing his eyes. But I didn't sleep. He listened to the breathing of the kitten, who was sleeping carefree, comfortably nestled under the dog's side. I listened and tried to understand how this small, weak animal managed to drive away a large and strong man.

And the kitten was sleeping, and he dreamed that the dog was again in danger, but again and again he drove away the enemy. And while he, the kitten, is nearby, no one will dare to take his friend...

Read the text "Pirate". Complete the tasks.

1. Find a statement that matches the content of the text you read and mark it ˇ.

The shepherd's log hut stood in the center of the village.

The pirate was a purebred dog.

In the spring the old man returned to his herd.

In winter, the Pirate lived in a kennel.

2. Explain why the old man called the dog Pirate.

The old man called the dog Pirate


3. Indicate the order in which these sentences appear in the text.

The number 1 is already there, put the numbers 2, 3, 4, 5.

The old man, who had already fallen down, came to life and began to recover.

The dog became an irreplaceable and reliable assistant for the old man.

1_ It just so happened that the unfortunate dog found its way to the shepherd.

The dog just helped out.

But one day the old man fell ill.

4. The old man didn’t drive the dog away. Why do you think?

Mark your answer ˇ.

because his hut stood on the edge of the village and he needed a watchman

because he had an old abandoned kennel

because Pirate was a loyal and smart dog

because he was a kind man and took pity on the dog

5 Write out a sentence from the text that tells about the changes that happened to the Pirate shortly after he began to live with the old man.




6. Why couldn’t the old man go for firewood himself?

Mark your answer ˇ.

because I decided to teach the Pirate to fetch firewood

because he was sick and had no strength

because during the snowstorm he was very cold

because he wanted to test the Pirate's intelligence

7. The pirate was very smart dog Give two examples of his actions and actions that confirm this.





8. What word can replace the highlighted word in the expression “with fierce winds and snowstorms”? Mark your answer ˇ.





9. How can you replace the highlighted word in the sentence: “Who will guarantee that you won’t run away?” Mark your answer ˇ.

will believe

will extend his hand

will give a guarantee

will say

10. How do you understand the expression “gloomy-looking” in the sentence “It just so happened that the unfortunate dog got attached to a shepherd, a lonely, gloomy-looking man”? Mark your answer ˇ.

it's obvious that he's gloomy

definitely gloomy

really gloomy

seeming gloomy

Pirate, mongrel, _____________________________________________


12. In which collection could this work be placed?

Mark your answer ˇ.

Tale after tale

Stories about nature

Stories about friendship and loyalty

Fables about animals

13. Explain how you understand the sentence: “The old man, who had already died, has come to life.”





14. How did the appearance of the Pirate change the character of the shepherd?



Copy from the text the place that proves your answer.




15.What feelings does the Pirate have for the old man? Mark your answer ˇ.

pity and affection

despair and hope

devotion and love

fear and mistrust

16. What did the author mainly want to talk about?

Mark your answer ˇ.

about the old man's illness

about a lonely shepherd

about a homeless mongrel dog

about friendship between man and dog

17. Which sentence better than others helps to understand the main idea of ​​the text? Mark your answer ˇ.

The pirate turned out to be an extremely loyal and intelligent dog.

The old man felt sorry for the dog, saying, okay, live, and did not drive him out of the yard.

This is how they live, sharing sorrows and joys, helping each other.

Despite being a simple and mongrel mongrel, the Pirate faithfully performed his service.

18. What is the main idea of ​​this text? Mark your answer ˇ.

Any dog ​​can be trained.

Having a friend makes life better.

Life for homeless dogs is very bad.

A shepherd cannot tend his flock without a dog.

19. Prove that the proverb “What goes around comes around” applies to this work.





20. What do you think, if the Pirate could talk, what would he tell the old man? Write about it.







Option 1

This mongrel appeared in the village from nowhere, lame and one-eyed. She moved carefully on three legs, clearly protecting the damaged one. It just so happened that the unfortunate dog found its way to a shepherd, a lonely, gloomy-looking man. The old man felt sorry for the dog, ml, okay, live, and did not drive him out of the yard.

The shepherd's log hut stood at the very end of the village. Here the dog took root, whom from the very first day the old man christened Pirate for his only eye. There was also a kennel for him, although old and abandoned. The former guards of a crowded house once lived in it.

Days passed. The dog's strength and health returned, his paw healed, and his only eye no longer expressed the previous pain and resentment. In addition, the one-eyed Pirate turned out to be an extremely loyal and intelligent dog. Everywhere he accompanied the old man, sharing with him all the burdens and worries. While protecting the herd, he showed a lot of diligence and ingenuity: he returned stragglers and lost animals to the herd in a timely manner.

From morning to evening, the old man and his four-legged friend were inseparable. Together, it was still dark, they left the yard, and together, tired, they returned home in the evening. The dog became an irreplaceable and reliable assistant for the old man. Despite being a simple and mongrel mongrel, the Pirate faithfully performed his service. And the owner himself became attached to the pet. During leisure hours, he liked to talk with him for a long time as if he were one of his own, a close person. And it seemed to the old man that the smart dog understood him: he sympathized with his grief and shared his joy. And fellow villagers noticed that the previously sad shepherd became more cheerful, more talkative, and his eyes became warmer. It was as if his soul had thawed...

Summer has flown by, autumn is noisy with rain. The winter was frosty, with fierce winds and snowstorms. The shepherd took the dog into the house: together it was warmer and more fun. But one day the old man fell ill. He only had enough strength for the most necessary household chores. And then there’s the oven. You can't not heat it - you'll freeze in this cold. It’s good that firewood was prepared for future use in the fall. But here’s the problem: the logs stacked in the hallway are already running low, and the woodpile of firewood is in the farthest corner of the yard, under the canopy. The blizzard, as luck would have it, did not subside for several days. They usually say about this weather: you can’t kick the dog out into the street.

The dog just helped out. It’s hard to say how the owner managed to explain what was required of her. Only from that day on the old man no longer cared about wood. It was enough for him to approach the stove and rattle a matchbox in his palm, as the Pirate immediately rushed to the door, waiting for the owner to remove the bolt. Having pulled out another log from the woodpile, the dog carried it into the house in his teeth, laid it by the stove and immediately hurried for the next one...

The house became warm and cozy. The old man, who had already fallen down, came to life and began to recover. And by spring he became so strong that he returned to his herd again. Together with Pirate, of course. And how could it be otherwise? After all, life is a joy only with a true friend. This is how they live, sharing sorrows and joys, helping each other.

In an urban village there lived an ordinary eleven-year-old girl named Lena. She loved animals very much, so she was delighted when she saw a big one in her yard, white dog. He was basking in the sun and seemed happy with life. Lenochka liked this dog so much that she, no matter what, decided to take him home. At that moment, a man of about forty-five approached the girl and asked why she was looking at a stray dog ​​like that. Lena said that she wanted to take this beautiful dog home. The man thought, remembered something, and then told the girl, this dog used to be the favorite pet of Fyodor Ivanovich, his neighbor. Fyodor Ivanovich dreamed of making him a good fighting dog, so he treated this handsome man strictly and beat him every day with a metal stick so that the dog would become embittered and become a reliable watchman and fighting dog. From this it follows that the dog is very angry and does not let anyone near him. The girl listened to him and ran to the lying dog. The man turned pale and tensed. The dog opened his eyes and looked at the approaching girl. He growled, and she hugged him and began stroking his head. The dog was very surprised and began to examine the small defenseless creature that dared to approach him, and then wagged its tail. This is how the friendship between the little girl and the strong man began. beautiful dog. They were inseparable. As soon as Lena returned from school, she immediately ran to her pet. They walked the streets, went into the forest to pick mushrooms, and just sat in the yard. Helen named her dog Pirate. Time passed unnoticed, Lena was happy. She was only surprised by the fact that the Pirate growled at all the people and did not let anyone near her. He didn’t like other people, but Lenochka allowed him to do whatever he wanted with her. Sometimes he even gave her rides on himself. During walks, the girl tried to avoid meeting other dogs, because the pirate was very cocky and always wanted to start a fight. When Helen was sleeping, the Pirate lay on the rug next to her bed and sometimes raised his head to look at his beloved mistress. Then he let go of his head and directed his thoughtful look somewhere far away, through the wall. At such moments it seemed that he was sad about something. When Lena woke up, the Pirate wagged his tail and ran up to her. She began to laugh with her sonorous childish laughter and hugged him tightly. The Pirate's longtime enemy was a dog named Fang. This huge Great Dane considered himself the master of the village, and the Pirate often barked at him and tried to attack him. The owner of Fang loved big and strong dogs, so he had five of them. He lived in his own house and kept his dogs in the yard. The other four dogs were smaller in size than Fang, but they were all fighting and very strong. They considered Fang their leader. One day a terrible event happened: Lenochka was returning from school and looked out for the pirate, because he often ran around the village. Suddenly she heard a loud noise, barking and squealing. It seemed to her that she recognized the voice of her pet. Throwing her briefcase on the ground, she rushed as fast as she could in the direction where these sounds were heard. Having run into neighboring yard, she saw scary picture- Fang and his flock attacked the Pirate. The five of them gnawed at the poor dog and dug into his body with sharp claws. The Pirate's bloody muzzle terrified those who saw him at that time. The dog fought in an unequal battle and bit into Fang’s body with all his might. At that moment, other dogs hit him hard from behind and caused him deep wound. Helen roared, grabbed the wooden shovel that the janitor always leaves near the entrance, and ran to save the Pirate. She began to bludgeon the dogs, who somehow became embarrassed after human intervention. Lena hit Fang hard in the face and kicked the other dog. The dogs backed away. They did not dare to attack the person and ran away. Helen threw away the shovel and ran to the Pirate. He was lying on his left side with eyes closed. The blood was bright red on the white fur. Helen tried

to lift the dog, but she did not have enough strength. Then she dragged him towards the house, and the Pirate whined quietly. The bleeding didn't stop. The thought flashed through Lenochka’s head that her beloved dog would die! She felt so hard, so bad, but she threw it away bad thoughts and continued to drag Pirate home. Soon he was lying at home on his favorite rug, and the girl was bandaging his wounds. He still didn't open his eyes. She brought him water, he raised his muzzle and drank. Helen burst into tears and sat for a long time with her beloved and adored pet. The pirate did not get up for four days. Lenochka did not go to school and looked after him. On the fifth day he got up and walked very slowly around the apartment, and then lay down again. The next day he already went out into the street and walked quietly but for a long time around the yard. After a few days, the Pirate recovered completely. Helen couldn't be happier.

Summer has come. Helen was sent to the camp, and the Pirate fell into depression

due to separation from the owner. He lay at the entrance all day long and waited for her. When people returned from work, they could not enter the entrance, because Pirat looked at him angrily and growled. Only Lenochka could call the dog away, but she was not here now. Angry residents complained to the police. They stood on the street until two o'clock in the morning. Finally a policeman came and shot Pirate.

When Lenochka returned from the camp and learned about the death of her pet, she began to cry. She was in so much pain at that moment that no one could console her or distract her. She didn’t leave the house for two weeks and just cried quietly, remembering her beloved Pirate...

Schumacher.... smelt fish...

Schumacher... smelt fish...

Petrovich, squinting, looked at the sunset for a long time.
“We’ll go fishing tomorrow, smelt fish,” he said, turning to the big shaggy dog lying at his feet. The dog happily tapped his tail on the ground: he knew perfectly well what the word “fishing” meant.
Petrovich, a black-tanned, stocky, seventy-year-old man with blue eyes like the morning sea, lush, curly, completely gray hair, in an eternal vest that seemed to have grown together with his strong body, stood picturesquely on a cliff, smoothly flowing into the sea.
The shaggy dog, Petrovich’s faithful companion, was a Newfoundland mix and it is not clear what other breed of dog: huge, black and red, with brown, attentive eyes, a lush, donut-curled tail, he bore the proud name Pirate.
Petrovich picked up this miracle five years ago, cold winter when he was returning from a friend to his old house on the shore of a bay. A quiet whine in the coastal stones attracted the attention of a tipsy old man, and he, swearing and stumbling on cold, slippery blocks of frost, almost crawled to the lagoon, where ice water The little puppy was freezing.
Swearing even more sophisticatedly, and constantly repeating his favorite:
“Smelt fish,” Petrovich took out a trembling, wet lump, put it in his bosom, and also, on all fours, crawled out onto the path.
Calling all the punishments of heaven and earth on the head of the monster, who was unable, even if he took it upon himself, to properly drown the unwanted puppies, Petrovich turned on the way to a neighbor and took milk from her for the foundling.
So the old man got a Pirate: true friend and the watchman, who adored his master and also fell in love with fishing, just as Petrovich had loved it for a long time and devotedly.
Petrovich had a homemade boat, assembled by him in his youth according to the drawings of a St. Petersburg friend. Actually, it was more of a canoe than a boat: wooden, tarred more than once, with an outboard, low-power, old motor, and Petrovich called it “Swallow.”
But this boat served Petrovich faithfully for decades.

Early in the morning, even before sunrise, Petrovich collected everything necessary for fishing, took the motor out of the shed, checked it, and, accompanied by the Pirate, headed to the shore, where he hid his “Swallow” in a crevice in the rock.
The morning was beautiful: blue sky, quiet sea whispering its eternal song, decorated with reflections rising sun, they had a good time and promised excellent fishing. The cool breeze lightly touched Petrovich's face and ruffled the fur on the dog's back.
“Well, buddy, let’s go fishing, smelt fish?” The old man affectionately touched the Pirate’s large head, feeling under his fingers a deep scar that crossed the head from ear to ear.
This Pirate received the scar from a blow with a large kitchen knife, which was used by unfortunate thieves who decided two years ago to “clean up” the fishing village where Petrovich lived. They chose the right time: there was fishing, people were busy fishing, the houses were empty. Having successfully robbed several houses, the thieves reached the old man’s house, but they did not know that the lonely grandfather would have such a strong and fearless defender. Having let the robbers into the house, where Petrovich, who had just returned from the sea, was sleeping peacefully, the Pirate lay down silently on the threshold, and when they, discovering that the old man had nothing to take, decided to go home, the dog suddenly, without barking, pounced on the first thief , knocked him to the floor, and the second, frightened by the dog’s attack, swung the same kitchen knife and slashed the Pirate’s head. But this did not save him: bleeding, the Pirate pressed the second robber to the floor, and then Petrovich came to the rescue.
The thieves were handed over to the arriving policemen, and the Pirate had a scar on his head for the rest of his life.

Having pushed his “Swallow” into the water, Petrovich installed the engine, put down the gear, food, oars, whistled to the Pirate, and he readily jumped into the boat.
The Pirate loved fishing. Not the process itself, but the boating experience. And the faster the boat moved through the water, the more blissful was the expression on the dog’s face. The pirate loved speed.
He always sat on the bow locker and exposed his head to the headwind and salty spray. The wind blew across the contented face, the ears fluttered in the wind, the boat cut through the waves, the Pirate was thrilled with happiness...
Petrovich, smiling, shook his head and muttered:
- Wow! The little animal understands too! Look, how pleased...
Schumacher, smelt fish...
... Having sailed about two kilometers out to sea, Petrovich adjusted the gear, and the Pirate settled down to take a nap.
The fish was doing well. Petrovich caught both perch and horse mackerel, and was about to have a snack, when suddenly a strong wind rose, suddenly, within minutes, the sky darkened, and the sea swell intensified.
Cursing the capricious weather, Petrovich tried to start the engine, but as luck would have it, it only sneezed like a cold and blew out stinking smoke.
The sea was noticeably stormy. The waves had already begun to rush over the sides of the boat, Pirate, all wet, curled up into a ball, clinging to the bottom of the Swallow, and Petrovich rowed with all his might toward the shore, promising himself for the hundredth time to buy a new engine.
…Swipe huge wave into the side of the boat, he knocked the oars out of the old man’s hands, and the boat capsized.
Petrovich and Pirate ended up in the water. The old man desperately clung to the bottom of his “Swallow,” but another wave pushed Petrovich away from the boat, and he lost sight of it.
Petrovich did not consider himself weak, but quickly realized that in such a storm he would not last long on the surface - his heart was no longer the same...
In despair, he looked for his boat among the waves, but it disappeared forever.
A dog swimming nearby approached Petrovich and offered his neck to his weakening owner. The old man hugged the dog, and the Pirate swam to such a desired and such a distant shore.
The waves swept over the swimmers, covering them completely, but the dog again and again surfaced, dragging Petrovich along with it. The old man helped the Pirate as best he could. He rowed with one hand, with his legs, sometimes he let go of the dog’s neck and grabbed the tail, letting the Pirate rest, and again hugged his savior’s neck.
Closer to the shore, the waves became steeper and higher, and the old man and the dog were already tired, it became more and more difficult to fight the elements.
But then Petrovich managed to catch the direction of movement of the next wave in time, pushed the heavily breathing Pirate onto its crest, and the wave itself dragged them to the shore, where it crashed against the stones with a hiss, leaving an old man and a dog completely exhausted but alive on the wet pebbles.

...Petrovich never bought a new motor, because his beloved “Swallow” remained at the bottom of the sea, and the old man did not want another boat.
Now he fished only from the shore, sometimes he borrowed a boat from a neighbor, but it was not the same fishing, because after that memorable storm the Pirate flatly refused to get into the boat and did not let the old man in, barking angrily at him and pushing him away from the boat with his body.
What kind of fishing is this without best friend? And Petrovich stopped going to sea.

But now he had a new hobby: having received his pension, having put on orders and medals, and having combed the Pirate, Petrovich went out onto the track and voted for passing cars. As a rule, someone always stopped, impressed by the colorful couple: a completely gray-haired old man, hung with awards, and a big, beautiful dog. They were put in a car and the driver, without knowing it, became a hostage to Petrovich’s cunning plan. He shoved money at the owner of the car and asked him to drive as quickly as possible, but it didn’t matter where. The old man opened the window, and the Pirate stuck his head out of the car in anticipation of entertainment. The driver got involved in the game, the car rushed along the highway, the happy dog ​​squinted at the wind hitting his face and was thrilled with pleasure.
The old man laughed joyfully and said to the smiling driver, stroking the dog’s back with respect and love:
- Shu-ma-a-her! ...smelt fish...