The school froze in admiration: the most beautiful girl in the world went to first grade. Western media named six-year-old Russian Anastasia Knyazeva the most beautiful girl in the world Anna Knyazeva the most beautiful girl

In the 1950s, Marilyn Monroe was considered one of the most beautiful women, although by today's standards she would most likely be advised to dye her hair a more natural color and lose some weight. Ten years later, the thin, almost androgynous-looking Twiggy becomes the standard of beauty. And her appearance categorically contrasts with the standards dictated today by the new “beauty queen” - Kim Kardashian. There is a constant debate about how beautiful these girls are, and whether they are beautiful at all. It’s different when it comes to the beauty of children.

Our review today includes eight children whose beauty has captivated both modeling agencies and ordinary people.

1. Anastasia Knyazeva, Russia

Not long ago on Culturology.rf we talked about Nastya Knyazeva with her amazingly beautiful bottomless blue eyes. It was thanks to this expressive look and doll-like appearance that Nastya became a model from the age of four, and now, when she is only six, she has won the title of “the most beautiful girl in the world.”

Now the girl has more than half a million subscribers on Instagram, and Nastya herself (of course, with the help of her mother) collaborates with brands such as Amoreco, Kisabiano and Mischka Aoki.

2. Laneya Grace, USA

Just like most of the kids on this list, Laneya Grace began doing commercials in quite a while. early age- at three years old. Dad simply took a photograph of his daughter on the seashore and sent it to the largest agency, and they responded almost immediately. Thus, the girl’s parents signed a contract for the filming of their daughter with such serious companies as Ralph Lauren and Macy's.

Many nationalities are mixed in Laneya's blood, and her dark skin, combined with expressive green eyes, instantly captivated the models. Now the girl is 13 years old, and she still continues to appear in commercials and music videos.

3. Anna Pavaga, Russia

Anna Pavaga is also a model from Russia. Anya is now 8 years old, she lives in St. Petersburg, and her modeling career the girl started at the age of three, combining it with regular ballet classes. The girl can be seen in several magazines, including Scrabble, Children and BILLBOARD.

The girl starred in numerous advertisements for children's products, as well as in an advertisement for the Waterville water park. In addition to photographs, Anya can also be seen in videos, in particular as a guest star in several music videos and in a cameo role in the film “The Universe of Water.”

4. William Franklin-Miller, Australia

It's not just girls who become popular among children due to their attractiveness. Fame came to William after he and his parents moved from London to Melbourne. Today, his Instagram has more than half a million subscribers, and the 13-year-old boy has several roles in films and TV series and, of course, several contracts with children’s clothing labels.

Fame came to William unexpectedly. A girl from Japan posted his portrait from Instagram on Twitter, and within a couple of days this photo received a million likes, and the guy’s Instagram instantly acquired 150,000 new subscribers.

5. Anastasia Bezrukova, Russia

Now Anastasia Bezrukova is 13 years old, and three years ago she was one of the most successful child models in Europe. Her photographs can be seen in the most popular children's fashion brands, in particular Benetton, Moschino, Incanto, and Vogue Bambini.

Nastya also recently starred in a film - she played the daughter of Sergei Bezrukov’s hero in Anna Matison’s film “ Milky Way", although in fact, of course, the girl is not a relative famous actor, but simply his namesake.

6. Tallia Burke, USA

Tully has relatively few followers on Instagram, but on the other hand, this girl is only five years old, and she already has contracts with such serious companies as Ralph Lauren and Oscar de la Renta. Before this, it was she who bore the unofficial title of “the most beautiful girl in the world” and was predicted to become Kate Moss.

The girl’s mother claims that Tallia does not feel the burden of fame, as she perceives filming as a game. The mother is confident that in the future her daughter will continue to collaborate with modeling agencies, but will still choose a different profession.

7. Megan and Morgan Boyd, USA

Megan and Morgan are twins, and they both have a rather rare appearance: they have dark skin, but blue eyes. However, Morgan has heterochromia - one of her eyes is partially brown. Fame came to the girls after their mother published photos of her daughters on Instagram.

Now the girls are only four years old, but no one doubts that they are extremely attractive.
"Snow White from Siberia" for its completely unusual appearance. She is only 8 years old, but the pictures of this baby have already conquered the entire Internet.

0 December 5, 2017, 17:50

Western media have found the new most beautiful girl in the world. She turned out to be six-year-old Russian Anastasia Knyazeva, who captivated social network users with her “angelic look” and “doll-like appearance.”

Nastya’s portfolio includes collaborations with several popular brands of children’s clothing, and on Instagram, which her mother Anna runs for the girl, there are more than 500 thousand followers.

Speaking of mom. It was Anna Knyazeva, a former model, who decided to try her daughter’s hand in this business. And I was right! Young model She began her career path at the age of four, and at the age of five she received her first contracts. Now she has already been awarded the title by Thylane Blondeau and Kristina Pimenova.

As always, not all social network users approve of Nastya’s parents’ decision to connect her life with such a cruel industry at such an early age. In addition, Knyazeva’s mother is reproached for allowing makeup artists to abuse makeup during filming. Other users admire Nastya’s appearance, demanding that Anna update the girl’s Instagram profile even more often.

Russian child model, TV presenter. In 2017, she was named the most beautiful girl in the world by the British publication The Daily Mail.

Biography of Nastya Knyazeva

Anastasia Knyazeva born in 2011. Her mother Anna Knyazeva - former model, who left her career for the sake of her family and children. The girl has an older brother Artem.

When the girl was 2.5 years old, she first participated in the filming of an advertisement for a children's clothing brand. Soon the girl’s mother began blogging with photos of her daughter on Instagram. Unusual beauty the young model attracted the attention of many users social network: by 2018, Nastya’s account had accumulated more than 1.3 million subscribers.

In ordinary life, Knyazeva is engaged in singing, choreography, drawing and sculpting, teaching English language. In 2018, the girl went to 1st grade secondary school. In the future, Nastya dreams of becoming a veterinarian or a pastry chef.

Modeling career of Nastya Knyazeva

In 2016, Anastasia became the “face” of the Little Miss Aoki collection from the Australian clothing brand Mischka Aoki. She also participated in shows and advertising photo shoots for such companies as Chobi Kids, Kenguru, I am special, Keti One, Amoreco and Kisabiano.

In 2017, Knyazeva was named the most beautiful girl in the world according to the London Daily Mail magazine. This caused a great stir among media representatives and Internet users. Many commentators have expressed doubts that such at a young age must be used a large number cosmetics. The publication even turned to the girl’s mother for a response.

In 2018, Nastya was included in the list of the 50 most beautiful children in the world according to L’Officiel magazine. In addition to appearance factors, journalists assessed the number of covers of publications with children, the number of subscribers to accounts on social networks, the number of publications in the media, requests in search networks and the number of advertising contracts received.

Anna Knyazeva: “Beauty is fickle, so I don’t rely only on my daughter’s appearance. Nastya has many other activities - choreography, English, modeling, drawing. She recently became interested in vocals, so we are now looking for a music teacher.”

Participation of Nastya Knyazeva in television projects

In 2018, Nastya starred in a video Maxim Fadeeva"New Lullaby" In November 2018, it became known that the little model had been chosen as the host of the children’s musical project “Tyts Parade” on the CTC Kids TV channel. " Tyts parade"is a collection of clips selected by children. You can vote for your favorite artist in the channel group on the VKontakte social network.

Anna Knyazeva: “For Nastyusha, this is the first experience of working as a TV presenter, although there have been many offers. Since music has become a part of our lives, we gladly took part in the project of the STS Kids TV channel. Nastya prepared for filming very responsibly, read the script, rehearsed her lines.”