Sil singer children. Model Heidi Klum kissed her ex-husband

A stately black man extended his hand to the blond beauty:

Dates and facts:

Heidi Klum was born on June 1, 1973 in Bergisch Gladbach (North Rhine), Germany.
Seal Henry Samuel was born on February 19, 1963 in Paddington, London.
The couple had their wedding at Villa Sila La Quebrada in Costa Careyes (Mexico).
In December 2009, Seal adopted Leni, Heidi's child with Flavio Briatore.
That same year, Heidi officially took her husband's last name, Samuel.
On the inside of Klum's left arm there is a tattoo with her husband's name and stars according to the number of children.

“The pilot is waiting, come with me.” She responded with her unsurpassed smile, which seemed to make everything around her brighter. The helicopter took them high into the mountains, where among the endless white snow there was... an Eskimo hut. Heidi knew that her lover was also a romantic and an inventor, but to build a hut?! Surprise turned to delight as Sil led her inside. Among the ice walls there was a bed strewn with rose petals. Candles were burning everywhere. In buckets - of course, champagne. “You are the most beautiful woman in the world, and I want you to become my wife,” the black giant smiled and handed her a 10-carat diamond ring. “Yes, I agree,” Heidi breathed.


The year 2003 was coming to an end. Heidi and her agent were sitting on a sofa in the hotel lobby, solving work issues, when a tall dark-skinned man walked through the door. Her interlocutor called out to the newcomer, who approached them. “This is Seal, a musician,” her heart was already thundering so much that the model could barely make out the manager’s words. The man who approached embarrassedly but smiled sincerely. “Sorry, but I’m just from the gym, now I’ll quickly go up to the room, take a shower and come back to continue our acquaintance,” said Seal. “Okay, just don’t try to break your promise!” - Heidi laughed. He headed towards the elevator, and she looked after this luxurious man, so frightening and charming at the same time. “Seal was wearing bicycle shorts then,” Klum would later say on the Oprah Winfrey show. “So I was able to appreciate the whole set at once. I immediately lost my head!”

She didn’t know then that the famous musician had noticed her even earlier, when the model received the “Woman of the Year” award at the London 2003 GQ Awards ceremony, established by the publishers of the famous men’s magazine. “Heidi wore a stunning, slightly see-through black dress,” Seal recalled. “But what impressed me most was her smile.” I then thought that any man next to her would feel the happiest.”

And here it is, the moment when luck may smile on him. Sil quickly freshened up, changed his clothes and ran out into the hall. Heidi was still there! He, a popular performer who had not suffered from a lack of female attention for the last 15 years, nevertheless felt terribly embarrassed. How to behave so as not to scare away fortune?

While the black giant shifted from foot to foot, not knowing how to start a conversation, the girl showed much greater agility. “You know, this morning I’ve been dreaming about a juicy piece of pizza. Let’s look at the pizzeria, I saw there’s one nearby,” she suggested with amazing directness and sincerity. “Aren’t models supposed to be cutesy and always on diets?” - Syl only had time to be surprised when they were already eating pizza, washing it down orange juice, and chatted incessantly. Several hours passed, and during this time sparks of love scattered between them like fireworks. Seal asked for a date, Heidi agreed.


... “Darling, are you in love?” - Her agent looked at the model suspiciously. “Looks like it,” Heidi winked back. How strange, because just a couple of days ago she couldn’t find any relief from melancholy.

She managed to contact Flavio Briatore! But Klum was warned that the head of the Renault department in Formula 1 is known as a “model collector.” That's what he was nicknamed for his excessive passion for catwalk stars.

Flavio, of course, was gallant and charming, he charmed and conquered, they recently informed the world about their engagement... But instead of the long-awaited ring, Klum received the front pages of newspapers with a photograph of the groom, passionately squeezing the 19-year-old beauty in his arms. The celebrity could not stand this, the engagement was terminated.

Heidi was left alone. More precisely, she was no longer completely alone: ​​she was carrying a child from Briatore. And representatives of Victoria's Secret, indignant, threatened fines for violating the clause of the contract, according to which there should be no significant changes in Klum's figure.

The girl did not want to take extreme measures, because she had long dreamed of a family. But staying alone and risking your career? She had been working for too long for her name to destroy everything in one fell swoop. “Just a minute,” I remembered magic word Heidi.

She got it from her father. In 1992, when the girl heard that she had won first place in the national beauty contest in Munich - out of 25 thousand applicants! - she was ready to sign all the contracts that were handed to her. Moreover, they included an amount of 300 thousand dollars - main prize to the winner. But dad, the sensible German Hunter, said: “Wait a minute. We don't understand any of this, so we should consult a lawyer." Since then, when she was overcome by strong emotions and she could no longer find a reasonable solution to the situation, Klum remembered this magic word. Now she also said to herself: “Just a minute,” and met Sil.

On the first date, Klum told a new acquaintance about her unsuccessful romance and interesting position. Contrary to expectations of the worst, Sil was not afraid and did not turn away from the model; on the contrary, he began to take care of her in every possible way. Went shopping, helping to choose clothes for expectant mother and things for the baby who was about to be born, supported Heidi and constantly told her how her pregnancy was going. And when the time came for her to give birth in May 2004, the musician interrupted his tour and rushed to his beloved. Since then they have not parted, and for the newborn Leni Seal became a real father.

With humor about everything
They answer questions directly and wittily. A few of the couple’s most striking phrases:
Klum: “I never worked on a fashion show because I was too big. I couldn’t pull the outfits over my hips.”
: “I’m excited to see what they write about the scars on my face. The most original options: ritual markings and the consequences of a child’s fight with a bear.”
Klum: “My parents taught me not to be ashamed of my body. Our children see us naked, and that's normal."
: “My wife is damn beautiful. But during pregnancy she becomes even more beautiful! Why do you think we have so many children?”

A few months later, the performer proposed to his chosen one in a romantic setting among the snow-capped mountains. And five months later the couple got married on the Mexican coast. The touching atmosphere of the celebration, to which only the closest ones were invited - about forty people, no more - the wedding composition Wedding Day, written by Seal especially for this day... Heidi felt the happiest woman in the world, and the musician thought that luck had finally smiled on him.

After all, no one had ever loved him so selflessly. Baby Syl Henry Samuel has been a nuisance to his loved ones since birth. Francis's father, a Brazilian of African descent, and his Nigerian mother, Adebishi, met in London. Young and ardent, they fell in love and got married right away. But both were students and simultaneously worked to make ends meet. The news of the addition upset them rather than made them happy. Therefore, the newborn Seal was placed in a foster family.

Divorcing Francis four years later, the mother took the boy to her place. The reunion did not last long: Adebishi soon became seriously ill and returned to her homeland, Nigeria, and placed her son in the care of her father. Samuel Sr.'s methods of education were extremely despotic. At the age of 15, when his father’s cruelty became unbearable, Sil ran away from home, returning there only once years later - to bury his father’s ashes.

The young man wandered around, working wherever he could, until one day he met musicians who invited him to go on a tour of Japan as part of a group. Then came Thailand, then Seal traveled alone to India and finally came back to England. A producer noticed him, and in 1991 the musician’s first album was released, which instantly made him famous. Fame came, and with it came a period of depression, a serious illness, a car accident, work on new albums, creative searches...

“By the time I met Heidi, I was 40 years old and had had a lot of fun. But in that moment. when I met her, I realized that an angel had come into my life,” summed up Sil’s long wanderings.


By the wedding day, Heidi was already in her fourth month and could not hide her joy at her situation. She had a wonderful, loving fiancé who shared her dreams of big family and found the pregnant bride incredibly beautiful. She had successful career: by that time, Klum had become famous not only as one of the highest paid models in the world, but also founded her own line of perfumes and jewelry, played small roles in films and TV series, and also hosted and produced TV shows related to the modeling business.

She didn’t worry about the kilograms she had gained during pregnancy, because she remembered that just a month after the birth of her first child, she managed to return to her previous shape. The secret was very simple: Klum spent five days a week for several hours in the gym and lost almost 20 kilograms. Of course, this required some effort, but it turned out to be easier than the model expected. In general, as soon as Sil appeared in her life, everything became easier. Kind and reliable, strong and romantic, he surrounded her with such love that Heidi no longer walked - she hovered above the ground.

“During pregnancy, I feel even better than usual. An unprecedented passion appears, a strong desire to do something, ideas arise,” she said in response to questions about how such a busy woman manages to easily go on maternity leave. “I think if you enjoy your position, there won’t be any problems.” And now I enjoy every moment.” In October 2005, the couple had a boy, who was named Henry. A year later, Heidi gave birth to her second son, Johan. At the same time, she never ceased to shine as a leading Victoria's Secret model and run her own business.

Few people believed that their life could be so perfect. This is understandable, love is an inexplicable thing, for some it lasts only three years, while for others, for many years in a row, at the sight of their loved ones, they flare up with passion and tenderness. “Do you know how I realized that this is the person who was given to me for the rest of my life? It’s not just that we are combined physically and that it is next to Sil that I want to grow old. It’s important that we dream about the same things and that we always have fun together,” that’s the secret perfect union discovered the model.

And indeed, they both wanted big family- and found their happiness in children. And when, at the end of 2008, Heidi said in an interview that she “missed the sensations that she experienced during pregnancy,” the appearance of another daughter, Lou Sulola, in their family in October 2009 was quite predictable.

Despite considerable marital experience, the couple managed to maintain a huge amount of romance in their relationship. When Heidi leaves for filming, she always sends her husband photos from the set with gentle notes. And he still... writes letters. Real paper letters and postcards follow the wife around the world. She admits that she keeps every single thing, collecting it in a specially designated box. It was Heidi and Seal who introduced the fashion among stars to remarry. Every year they arrange a wedding again and again, claiming that it gives great fuel to their love. And the ceremonies are carried out with their characteristic ingenuity and fun: sometimes stylized as retro, sometimes similar to a classic celebration, where guests are dressed as brides and grooms: men in black, women in white. “Sometimes they ask me if I could cheat on my beloved. Guys, I'm married to the most beautiful, smartest and funniest woman in the world - why would I run to the left?! And her gorgeous body - if anyone else has breasts like Heidi, you're extremely lucky. Hanz and Franz, as we call them, are great, I’m delighted with them.”

The story of a couple with their tender relationship, eroticism and endless love Now everyone can see: at the end of 2010, a black and white video for the new song Sila Secret was released. “This is a story about two people in love, about us. My husband is my ideal,” said the beauty.

But this is by no means a summing up, rather a new round of their history. Heidi announced that she is retiring from her modeling career. Of course, she will not become a housewife, because Klum still has business and television projects, but now the main focus is one of the most beautiful women wants to devote peace to her husband and children. After all, from an early age, Heidi dreamed of having a big family, like on postcards, where spouses stand tenderly hugging each other, and their kids play around them. And her wish comes true one hundred percent. “The only difference between our life and that idealistic picture is that we didn’t have big dog“- Heidi laughs as carefree and sincerely as only a woman in love who is adored in return can afford. And her husband looks at her with delight and remembers the moment when he first saw her. After all, he turned out to be right then: the man who finds himself next to Heidi will feel the most happy man in the world. And Sil is extremely happy.

It seems that this couple managed to find the answer to the question of how to maintain a relationship between two people if both are busy with their careers, and at the same time three more children require attention. “We are in love with each other as if we had just met. Of course, kids don’t always leave the opportunity to maintain personal space, but when we put them to bed, we make dates for each other. Like, “Well, baby, in the attic at two in the morning?” - the model smiles radiantly. “For each of our three children, I am ready to give my life. But first of all, I am Heidi’s husband, she is my chosen one for all time,” Seal echoes her.

7 chosen

Today she will receive millions of congratulations, among which there will definitely be one from Him, because they had amazing story with "far-reaching consequences" ...

He did not back down when, during their acquaintance, he learned that She was “in an interesting position,” and later even officially adopted baby Helena...

They called each other a treasure and for a long time were an exemplary family, raising four children, but one fine day their paths diverged...


Heidi born on June 1 in the German city of Bergisch Gladbach ( former territory Germany) in the family of the executive director of a cosmetics company and a hairdresser.

Friends persuaded Heidi to try her luck at modeling business, and luck smiled at her - beating 25 thousand competitors, the girl took 1st place in the competition Model 92 in April 1992. The main prize was a contract with Metropolitan Models New York for $300,000.

By this time, Heidi had already entered the university to study design, but the offer and possible prospects after winning the competition were one that could not be refused. And she left her studies, preferring to build her career as a model.

Over four years of constant filming, shows, glamorous parties and charity events, the beauty managed to become famous and gain a reputation as one of the most beautiful and desirable women on the planet. There was no end to the fans, but when one of them - stylist Rick Pipino - proposed to her on the roof of the Empire State Building in 1996, she said yes.

The wedding took place a year after the engagement, and Heidi remained as Mrs. Pipino for about five years. She initiated the divorce, but Rick agreed without any particular complaints.

Heidi continued to move in social circles, and now everyone around began to talk about her new marriage - the model officially announced that she was expecting a child from her partner - Flavio Briatore. However, things didn’t come to the rings - Heidi broke up with the unfaithful playboy and went nowhere while she was three months pregnant.

Her everyday life was again filled with work - filming, advertising campaigns clothing, cosmetics and perfumes, television, acting experience, social events where she played the role of host. And on one of them in the hotel lobby she saw Him...


Henry Olusegun Adeola Samuel born on February 19, 1963 in the London area of ​​Paddington. The future musician had a difficult childhood. Both of Henry's parents had strong African roots, but his father was born in Brazil. Mom was from Nigeria. Both ended up in London thanks to the desire to get an education. Therefore, a child for two working students was, to put it mildly, a burden. For some time, Henry was sheltered by a foster family, but when he turned four, his mother took him back... And raised him alone, because... By this time, the parents' student marriage had broken up.

But the idyll did not last long - my mother became very ill and had to return to Nigeria. Then the father took up raising his son. But he was not very zealous in this matter - Henry was more of a burden to him than a son.

He dropped out of school and ran away from home to go free. But by some miracle he was smart enough to still get a diploma in architecture, completing a two-year course.

He took on any job, but most of all his soul was drawn to music. And it was there - in the nightclubs and bars of London - that his professional career as a singer and musician began.

Singles, albums, charts, video clips, music awards - his popularity grew, and along with it his media exposure increased: more and more often he began to be invited to various social events as a celebrity.

And at one of these events, his eye was attracted by She...


The year was 2004 and GQ publishing house was preparing for its regular event- GQ Awards, which took place in London and where celebrities from all over the world were invited. She was bored in the hotel lobby, and he was returning from the gym.

She couldn’t take her eyes off the muscular giant, and he thought that “her man is the happiest on earth.” The acquaintance quickly grew into a whirlwind romance, but for the first month Heidi hid the fact that she was pregnant - she was afraid of Seal’s reaction to the news of pregnancy from another man. " But he treated me with such love, tenderness and understanding that I confessed, - the model later recalled. - And he not only didn’t turn away, didn’t flare up, on the contrary! - said that he would take care of the baby as if he were his own child..."

The singer chose a truly romantic place for the proposal: a glacier in Canada, where a bed strewn with rose petals was installed especially for this occasion. Could Heidi refuse? Of course not! Their wedding took place on May 10, 2005 in a close family circle. And after Helena was born, Seal officially adopted her.

Heidi Klum became a supermodel, partly continuing the work of her parents, who also belonged to the fashion world - her father was a representative of a large cosmetics company, and her mother was a stylist. Her personal life has always been eventful and rich in novels, she was married twice, gave birth to four children, who do not prevent her from starting new relationships.

Heidi Klum's first husband was a famous New York hairdresser - Heidi married Rick Pipino when she was twenty-four years old, and she was not yet so famous. Klum lived with Rick for five years, and after the divorce she maintained an excellent relationship with him.

In the photo - Heidi Klum with her first husband

It was during the period when Heidi was married to Pipino that she learned what real fame was - having posed for the cover of Sports Illustrated magazine, Heidi acquired world fame, and from that moment her rapid ascent up the career ladder began.

Having broken up, this marriage did not leave any traces in the model’s personal life - she and Rick never became parents, but a year after the divorce, Heidi Klum began dating the famous businessman and managing director of Formula 1 Flavio Briatore, an affair with whom lasted almost a year and the consequence of this relationship was the birth of Heidi’s first child, daughter Leni.

In the photo - Heidi Klum and Seal

However, her real father was not Briatore, but Heidi Klum’s second husband, the African-American singer Seal, who adopted Leni. For seven whole years everyone admired this married couple, whose relationship seemed ideal - they constantly confessed their love to each other, demonstrating exemplary family life. During her life with Seal, Heidi gave birth to three more children - Henry, Johan and Lou, and no one even suspected that inside this married couple a conflict has already matured, which led to the separation of the spouses.

They divorced noisily and with scandals, and the reason for the divorce, according to many, was new novel supermodels - Heidi Klum fell madly in love with her bodyguard Martin Kirsten. Their relationship began during a trip to Sardinia - perhaps Seal already suspected his wife’s passion, but in Sardinia he no longer had any doubts.

In the photo - Heidi and Martin Kirsten

After the divorce, the children remained with Heidi, who already saw her happy future next to Martin, but he never had to become Heidi Klum’s third husband. They lived together for less than two years, and almost immediately after breaking up with Kirsten, the supermodel began a new romance - with art dealer Vito Schnabel, who is thirteen years younger than Heidi.

For Vito, Heidi is not the first star with whom he had an affair - before that he dated actress Demi Moore, who, by the way, was also much older than him. Vito, with whom the supermodel appeared on everyone social events and openly demonstrated her feelings, became a lifesaver for her, allowing her to forget the parting with Seal and Martin.

To Heidi Klum's credit, it is worth noting that she, despite scandalous divorce, was able to restore good relationship with her ex-husband – Seal accepts active participation in raising their children. Moreover, Klum communicates normally with new lover his ex-spouse Erica Packer, who gave birth to another child, Sila.

Klum successfully combines her stormy personal life with no less successful career– she not only took an active part in fashion shows, but also advertised the products of the most famous brands. Sweets, jewelry, clothing, and perfumes are produced under her name. In addition, Heidi Klum has played several roles in television films and films, hosts various television shows, and even wrote the book Klum’s Body of Knowledge: 8 Rules of Model Behavior (to Help You Take Off on the Runway of Life). In 2008, she became one of the fifteen richest models in the world according to Forbes, and in the list of the most influential women in 2011 she took eleventh place.

Heidi Klum is a German model, actress, TV presenter, producer and screenwriter. Heidi appeared on the catwalk as the famous Victoria's Secret angel, and also starred for the world-famous glossy magazine Vogue and ELLE.

The future supermodel was born in June 1973 in western Germany, in the city of Bergisch Gladbach. The world of fashion was no stranger to her parents. Mom worked as a hairdresser in a beauty salon. Dad represented a large cosmetics company.

Already in school years Heidi decided that she would certainly become a catwalk star.

Modeling business

In 1992, 18-year-old Heidi Klum won a national modeling competition. She managed to beat 25 thousand rivals. The prize for leadership was a lucrative contract with a famous modeling agency and participation in a popular TV show.

At that time, Klum was already a student at the design college in Dusseldorf. But combine modeling career and studying turned out to be impossible. And Heidi chose the podium.

In 1993, the German beauty moved to the USA, where she began making fast career. She reached the peak of success in the late 1990s. This happened after a photo of Heidi Klum in a revealing swimsuit was posted by one of the popular American tabloids, whose circulation is more than 20 million. The beauty was offered a place as one of the angels of the legendary Victoria's Secret brand. The model's photographs were placed on the covers of glossy Vogue and ELLE. It was incredible, because Heidi had never appeared on the catwalks of clothing shows famous designers Paris or Milan.

After appearing on the title pages of magazines, the German model was offered contracts by McDonald’s, for whose restaurant chain she advertised sweets, as well as the famous Taft brand, Douglas stores and several shoe companies. During this finest hour for herself, Heidi Klum released sweets, collectible clothes and jewelry to whom she gave her name. In 2008, she was included in the Forbes 20 list as one of the richest fashion models in the world. Three years later, Klum took 39th place in the list of the most influential women.

In France, the name of the model was given to a new variety of roses. And in 2009, the German glossy Vogue dedicated the entire June issue to the popular compatriot.


Heidi Klum’s cinematic biography began with episodic roles (cameos) in the popular TV series “Sex in big city", "Desperate Housewives" and many others. At the same time, the German model understood that acting skills were not required from her: it was enough to simply “shine up” in the frame. But this doesn’t bother Heidi at all. She is confident that after working in several films she will have the skill and necessary experience. And then the directors will offer her more significant roles in their projects.

The calculation turned out to be correct. In the popular sitcom “Spin City,” the filmmakers invited Klum to star in 7 episodes as herself.

Further - more. In 2001, Heidi starred in the feature film “Zoolander” directed by. This was followed by larger roles in the sports comedy film The English Barber, the melodrama CSI: Miami and two documentaries about the world of fashion.

Every year 1-2 films with the participation of a star are released. And even though Heidi Klum has bypassed leading roles for now, she plays supporting roles in such sensational and almost cult projects as “The Devil Wears Prada,” “Ella Enchanted,” and “The Life and Death of Peter Sellers.”

Personal life

Everything that happens in the life of a catwalk star is incredibly interesting to her multi-million army of fans. And the model does not disappoint them, regularly providing food for conversation. Heidi Klum's personal life consists of two marriages and four charming children.

The beauty's first husband was the famous stylist and hairdresser Rick Pipino. The couple got married in 1997. The marriage lasted 5 years and ended in divorce.

The eldest daughter Helen was born in May 2004. Her biological father turned out to be Italian millionaire Flavio Briatore, with whom the model had an affair. But the Formula 1 manager cheated on the pregnant Heidi with the “jewelry” heiress Fiona Swarovski.

The German beauty was not at a loss and accepted the advances of the famous musician Seal. They got married. Seal adopted a girl in December 2009. Soon, one after another, their three common children appeared - Henry Gunther Ademola, Johan Riley and Lou Sulola. 3 years after the birth of daughter Lou in 2012, Heidi Klum and Seal.

It is known that in the same year the model started a relationship with her security guard Martin Kristen. But after 2 years there was a separation.

The next suitor of the model was art dealer Vito Schnabel. The romance developed rapidly; in the summer of 2016, Vito proposed to his beloved, but Heidi refused. The model explained this decision by saying that although her feelings for her boyfriend had not cooled, the woman did not want to get married, because she had already had two unsuccessful marriages.

In addition, these relationships cannot be called simple and smooth. Perhaps this was facilitated by the age difference between the lovers: Vito is 13 years younger than the model.

But according to journalists, the couple’s problems are more likely due to the man’s excessive love of love, which for the time being Heidi Klum turned a blind eye to. For example, one day the paparazzi caught Vito kissing an unknown brunette. This side affair was not the first for this relationship, but scandalous photos The couple's problems further aggravated, after which Vito and Heidi began a period that close couples succinctly called “difficult.”

After three years of relationship, this romance reached a dead end. Vito Schnabel and Heidi Klum began living separately again. In September 2017, the fashion model commented on the breakup with Schnabel, but emphasized that she considered what was happening to be a break.

Heidi Klum now

In November 2017, the model, like other celebrities before and after, came under the radar of hackers. Unknown people leaked nude photos of Heidi Klum online. But, unlike similar cases of other stars, this was not a home photo shoot, but professional photos taken from the personal book of photographer Rankin.

Heidi Klum did not comment on this case. The model, who is already in her fourth decade, does not hide her figure. The woman regularly posts on “ Instagram» photos in a bikini or even appears nude, allowing the angle to hide interesting details.

Just three days after hacker attack Heidi Klum shared photos with fans from her vacation on the beach in California. And soon after, the model walked the red carpet at the 2017 American Music Awards in a pink dress with a revealing neckline that left little to the imagination.

Provocative photos and Heidi's outfits received only positive reviews from fans. With a height of 177 cm, Klum weighs 54 kg, which amazes fans. Heidi Klum follows a personal fitness program to keep herself in this shape.

In January 2018, journalists learned that six months later, Heidi Klum and Vito Schnabel were back together. According to information received by the press, the lovers resumed their relationship under New Year, spent holidays together in Bali and have been living together since that moment. Neither Heidi nor Vito commented on the new turn of the relationship.

Against this background, at the beginning of 2018, a rumor appeared in the press that the model was getting married again. The reason for this was the photographs in which Heidi had ring finger journalists saw a ring that looked like an engagement ring. The model didn’t even try to hide this jewelry when the paparazzi started photographing the woman. But such rumors were not confirmed.

This news was overshadowed by other news from the life of Heidi Klum. The model found and posted on Instagram a photo taken by Mario Sorenti that had not previously been shown to fans or the press. On black and white photo young Heidi is filmed wearing a wet T-shirt with no underwear underneath. Fans reacted positively to this photo and also assured the model that she still looks no worse today.


  • 2000 - “The English Barber”
  • 2001 - “Zoolander”
  • 2004 - “Ella Enchanted”
  • 2004 - “The Life and Death of Peter Sellers”
  • 2004 – book “Klum’s Body of Knowledge: 8 Rules of Model Behavior”
  • 2004 - “ProjectPodium”
  • 2006 – “Germany’s Next Topmodel”
  • 2011 - “Children's fun with Heidi Klum”

Heidi Klum And Strength- wonderful embodiment perfect couple. A love story between two stars...

The love story of Heidi Klum and Sila was like a fairy tale from the very beginning: four years ago, the beautiful Heidi was abandoned Flavio Briatore(Director of the F1 Renault team), a considerable month pregnant, wandered in sad thoughts around the vast grounds of the New York Mercer Hotel.

And then, on the way out of the gym, she noticed a Hercules man with ebony-colored skin. “I just went numb,” she admitted later in the program Oprah Winfrey. - By the way, Seal was wearing tight shorts, so I could appreciate him “at his true worth.”

She herself took the first step and very soon found sympathy in the athlete’s tender heart and comfort in his strong embrace. Seal gallantly looked after her and accompanied her everywhere, including shops for expectant mothers. On the day when Heidi gave birth to a girl, the singer, who deliberately interrupted his American tour, was next to his beloved, and accepted little Leni as his own daughter.

A few months later, he brought Heidi by helicopter to the Canadian glaciers and, giving her a ring with a huge diamond, asked her to become his wife.

Hearing the cherished “yes,” he transported the bride to the Mexican coast. Here Seal, having previously composed the song Wedding Day, got married to his lovely Heidi, pregnant with their first son, who was born on September 12, 2005. Another child was born in November 2006.

Needless to say, despite three pregnancies in a row, happy mom she retained her excellent figure (six weeks after her second birth, she participated in the Victoria’s Secret fashion show). Family happiness, generously flavored with all possible glamorous seasonings, makes most mere mortals nervous and complex.

However, instead of being envious, let's take a closer look at what the main components are family idyll Heidi and Sila...

For Heidi and Seal, the most important thing in life is their relationship

“We have three small children, but our relationship comes first for us,” they declare in one voice. “I could die for my babies,” Seal says, “but first and foremost I am Heidi’s husband.”

They are “free together”...

For each of them, their work takes a lot of time. Heidi is a model, TV presenter, and now jewelry designer. Seal is a world-famous singer whose albums have sold a total of 15 million copies. They are constantly moving apart, each in their own direction, but admit that they are looking forward to meeting each other! You can imagine how hot they are.

...But they have a lot in common

First of all, Heidi and Seal are very attentive to their family responsibilities and sometimes spend whole weeks doing nothing but babysitting their children while they go to their mountain chalet or house on the Mexican coast. (This certainly works to their advantage.) They also sometimes work together: Seal got Heidi to sing a duet with him on the wedding song Wedding Day, and they both participated in the presentation latest model Volkswagen in the USA...

Sil - romantic husband

Among the feats he performed in honor of his beautiful lady are diamonds on Canadian glaciers, a wedding on a Mexican beach, guitar serenades and confessions like: “Heidi is the darling of my heart for all time.”

True, modern romance is not the lot of only the stronger sex: Seal devoted himself to Heidi, but Heidi, in turn, gives herself to Seal.

They have a vibrant sex life

Seal repeats at every corner that Heidi is the sexiest mother in the world, and she, batting her eyelashes in admiration, praises the masculinity of her husband and admits that they never forget to make time for lovemaking. And they even make dates for each other: “Hi, baby! Well, at two o’clock in the attic?”

They save each other

Seal doesn't talk about it often, but his mother abandoned him immediately after birth, then his tyrannical father took him in, then he ended up in foster care, then he contracted lupus, which disfigured his face. Meeting Heidi was a reward for all the suffering. Heidi had happy childhood, but in 2002 she went through a difficult divorce from her first husband, and then, to her misfortune, she met Flavio Briatore, who left her in the fourth month of pregnancy. Sil became a life-saving medicine for her, healing her from previous wounds.

They are united by a common dream

“Now I have a real family. This is my dream since the beginning early childhood", says Heidi. Seal echoes her: “We built what we wanted: a house full of laughter and children.”

They never miss an opportunity to laugh

Heidi and Seal constantly make fun of each other, she nicknamed her breasts Hantz and Franz for fun, he fools around all day long...

They admire each other

She is in awe of her husband’s songs and with tears in her eyes extols his professionalism. In an interview, he admires not only the “incredible beauty” of his wife, but also her directness, willpower, and friendliness.

Their roles are clearly defined

Strength - a real man, protector, authority, and Heidi is completely satisfied with this. She trusted him completely and completely. Now that they youngest son demands too much space in the marital bed, the father sends him to the nursery to claim his rights to his wife. And she doesn't mind.

They are proud of their couple

They are beautiful, love each other and readily demonstrate their happiness to everyone... As if they want to capture their love story for centuries.