Interview with Oreiro in Russian. Natalia Oreiro: “I want Russian girls to wear my clothes and sing my songs! It will probably be quite a challenging acting experience.

In the late 90s, Natalia Oreiro appeared on the screen in the image of a young orphan who was sheltered by rich family. Viewers all over the world were literally glued to their television screens when the series “Wild Angel” was broadcast. The success of the soap opera elevated the leading actors to the category of super stars - millions of girls all over the planet dreamed of being like young Natalia Oreiro. Despite the fact that almost 20 years have passed since the release of the series, the Argentine star is still basking in the love of fans. Today, May 19, the Latin American celebrity celebrates her 40th birthday.

Eternal youth

Despite the fact that Natalia Oreiro is celebrating a milestone anniversary, she amazes fans with her blooming appearance. Many admire her appearance. They note that time has no power over the artist - at her performances she appears in rather revealing outfits, which delights her fans. In early December, when the artist gave concerts in Moscow and St. Petersburg, she changed several dresses. Each costume was quite revealing, allowing viewers to see the celebrity's chiseled figure.

Also, many cannot forget Natalia’s appearance on the red carpet in honor of the premiere of the film “Gilda. I don’t regret this love,” in which the Argentine star played main role. Oreiro chose a translucent blue-gray dress that perfectly emphasized her figure.

However, the artist herself is not so enthusiastic about her appearance. Two years ago, she admitted that as she got older, she noticed changes in her skin and body. Natalya was upset that she no longer had the energy she had 10 years ago. She does not try her best to appear younger, refuses the roles of young girls and is proud that she has become wiser and more experienced as an actress.

Discord in the family

Natalia is married to musician Ricardo Mollo, who is 20 years older than her. Fans admire family idyll celebrities. However, crises and disagreements occurred in their family.

On the set of the film “Among the Cannibals,” the artist became close to actor Benjamin Vicuña. Many fans did not want to believe that passion could flare up between colleagues. The man's marriage seemed very strong - he lived with his wife Caroline and raised three children. A little later, Benjamin admitted that he no longer lived with his wife, and Natalya left her house. However, this romance did not last long - due to the termination of filming of the series, the artists stopped seeing each other.

After this, the paparazzi managed to photograph Oreiro with her husband - he accompanied her to the airport when she flew to Russia for a performance. Then the journalists concluded that her husband had the wisdom to forgive Natalya. Now the couple is raising a son, Merlin Atahualpa. Fans are glad that harmony has reigned in the artist’s family, and fans from our country note that the musician is incredibly similar to Stas Kostyushkin.

Love for Russia

Natalia Oreiro is a frequent visitor to our country. She regularly pampers her fans with performances and organizes grandiose concerts at the largest venues in major cities. Typically, several tens of thousands of people come to see the Uruguayan beauty’s show. Natalya admitted that she loves visiting Russia.

The Latin American celebrity said that after the tour she had a whole collection of Christmas tree decorations in the Russian style. She planned to meet New Year according to Russian traditions. She also boasted that her son even learned a poem in our language.

Natalya also learned some words in Russian, but dreams of mastering this language in order to freely express her thoughts.

At the end of last year, Oreiro visited the Moscow Film Festival, where she presented the film “Our Natasha,” which tells about her tour of Russia.

“This is a film from life. Perhaps it turned out to be a little melancholic. My fans know that on the Russian tour, as in life, I had a huge number of difficulties. Together with the director of the film, Martin Sastre, we decided to show the features of my relationship with the Russian public. We can say that this film is my gift to the fans who have been with me for more than 15 years,” Natalya presented the film.

Music career

Natalia Oreiro continues to delight fans not only with her roles in films, but also releases hits. At the end of last year, she presented a video that turned out to be quite frank. According to the plot, Natalya gets on the train, but in the carriage she appears in a revealing swimsuit, which emphasizes her figure and excites her imagination.

The artist also appears in a long white sundress, in which she dances surrounded by passionate men. Fans appreciated this video and noted that Natalia Oreiro has been deservedly considered a style icon and role model for a couple of decades.

Interview with Natalia Oreiro
magazine "Disnety Explora"
March 2001

-Is there a difference between acting in TV series and filming?
In movies, a lot of time is spent studying a character and only 2 scenes are shot a day, but in TV series they shoot 30 scenes a day and you can improvise in places.
-Are you going to act again?
Yes, I will be starring in a horror film with Pablo Echarri. And at the end of the year I’ll star in a series, but I don’t know with whom yet.
-Who is the best partner for you?
With Facundo Arana and Diego, everything worked out well for us, I don’t know. Why don't you arrange a poll on this topic? (laughs......thinks) Well, okay...I choose Antonio Banderes.
-Were you going to star in a series with Chayane?
Yes, but when he had time I had concerts in Europe. That's why we didn't succeed.
-What do you like most about your fans?
I like loyalty in guys, they are my most loyal fans, the letters they write to me make me very happy and they write about what they don’t like.
-And on trips?
I really miss people who are dear to me, but they allow me to visit places I never dreamed of. When I arrive, thousands of people are already waiting for me at the airport or hotel. At all the concerts they sing along with me in Spanish, I come with the musicians from the group and we have a good time?
-What do you feel on stage?
This is a very important moment, because you can’t take a break like during filming, but nothing can compare with the communication and energy that the audience conveys.
-Tell me about any funny incident at your concerts?
One day I fell because there was snow on stage, and since I think that the worst thing you can do in this situation is to stand up and pretend that nothing happened, I asked for a rag and began to wipe the floor while everyone was dying of laughter.
-If you didn’t become an actress or a singer, what would you like to do?
I would become a fashion designer or designer. Maybe in the future I’ll do this, I’m only 23 years old, the main thing in everything is to know what is required of you and not to give up when no one believes in you, this happens to me all the time, you have to believe in yourself.
-What do you remember from your childhood?
I liked most of all organizing parties with friends from the yard; I was in charge of sweets; I liked confectionery shops since childhood.
-What kind of pranks?
When I was 9 years old, we had a holiday, and since I didn’t have money for a new dress, I took it and made it from my mother’s curtain.
-Did it turn out beautifully?
No!!! Terrible (laughs) But I still liked it, the dress was very original and I went to the party in it. A few years later I learned to sew.
-What were you like at school?
I liked running after the boys (laughs), but I was a good student, I didn’t like history and mathematics.
-Did you fight with your sister?
Yes!! One day she was making the bed, and I jumped on her 3 or 4 times and she hit me so hard that it left a scar, you see (points to her forehead), but when I grew up, she no longer dared to touch me.
-What is confusing you?
It’s not convenient for me to come to a holiday alone and feel the gaze of others on me; when I like someone, I immediately become ashamed, I feel very stupid and blush.
-What face do you wake up with in the morning?
In the mornings I am full of optimism, I like the morning, yes, my eyes are swollen, my hair is all unkempt... and that’s the same thing.

Latin American performer and actress Natalia Oreiro, who gained wild fame after the release of the television series “Wild Angel,” is traveling to Russia. At the beginning of December, Natalya will give a concert in Moscow.


Let us note that Oreiro visited Russia many times. “I immediately realized that I felt incredibly comfortable here. I like everything: Russian poetry, cuisine, architecture and, of course, the people are kind and open. I want to get to know your country better,” the artist explained.

Oreiro organized a tour, traveling along the Trans-Siberian Railway, and even filmed documentary"Our Natasha", dedicated to the love of Russian fans for the Latin American beauty.

By the way, Natalya showed this film to her four-year-old son Merlin, whom she plans to bring to Russia. “When I told Merlin that he would come with me, my son was delighted: “Mom, I like Russian girls so much, they are beautiful.” But he is only four years old! When I bring gifts, he brags to his friends in kindergarten: “This is for me.” Mom brought it from Russia." And his friends dream of coming here with him. They don’t know that for this they need to fly 20 hours by plane!" – said the singer.

There was also talk about Oreiro's second child. “I am often asked about this - as if they are obliged to have many children. But I don’t want a second one yet. I enjoy the company of my son, I devote everything to him free time. I didn’t even hire a nanny so that I could communicate with him more,” Natalia Oreiro was quoted as saying in “7 Days.”

The artist lives at a frantic pace. “I have many projects at the same time. I’m making a film, then I’m going to Russia, then I’m hosting a festival, and I’m also a designer, and I have my own clothing line,” Natalya boasted.

Nevertheless, she always has time for her family. She has been married to musician Ricardo Mollo for 15 years. The singer revealed their secret happy marriage: “The main thing, I think, is to choose each other anew every day. To be together not because you have to, but because you cannot live without each other. And also to value personal freedom, to be more tolerant of weaknesses. Husband , for example, he is very patient with me. I’m younger than him... No, no, I’m quite simple. But sometimes my husband sighs: “I thought that someday you would become calmer, now I understand that you won’t. That's just who you are."

Natalia Oreiro talks about herself and shares her beauty secrets

Despite young age Natalya has already starred in 11 telenovelas and films, and in the last few years she has successfully combined her career as an actress and singer. Our viewers recognized Natalia from the television series “Wild Angel”. Since then, the number of her fans in Russia and the CIS countries has been growing day by day. This summer some of them were lucky enough to see Nati in Moscow, where she came to film a new 12-episode television film.

The film, tentatively titled “In the Rhythm of Tango,” will be released on the NTV channel in February next year.
Natalia Oreiro:
Date of birth: May 19, 1977
Place of birth: Montevideo, Uruguay
Favorite flower: jasmine
Favorite color: red
Favorite Actor: Nicolas Cage

Dreams: to have many children. And also act in Hollywood and buy an island. On film set Olga Pogodina, Valery Nikolaev, Andrey Smolyakov, Lev Durov, Facundo Arana worked together with Natalia in the series. Natalia played the role of the wife of the famous Argentine football player, who came with her husband to Russia, experienced an incredible love drama, found her calling in music, and with it, difficult female happiness. This exciting story will resonate
in the heart of every woman - and men too, because the main intrigue of the plot revolves around the best football club in Russia.

Interview with Natalia from Oriflame World magazine:
- Natalia, how did it happen that you started acting in a Russian television series?

- Perhaps you were especially attracted by the fact that in the story your heroine becomes a singer?
- Of course, first of all, I am an actress, and only then a singer.

But I am very pleased that I had the opportunity to perform two songs in the film. The first of them is my own, and the second is a song by the famous Latin American singer Lolita Torres. I won’t say which one, it’s still a secret! (laughs)
- In the new film you play the role of a purposeful and independent woman. Do you like this image? - Of course, because I achieved everything that I have.

with my own hands
- Please tell us how the filming is going. - I came into the film industry when I was 17 years old, and I still love cinema. I didn’t regret for a second that I became an actress. Filmmaking is an exciting job that involves many different people. By the way, I have always been lucky with my colleagues. Never in my life have I encountered misunderstanding, have not participated in

scandalous stories
. I think this is because both for me and for my viewers, my roles and the characters of my heroines are of real interest. I especially like filming in Russia. I have many friends here, and I am very glad that I managed to make friends with my partners in the series.

- How do Russian fans greet you?
- As usual, great. In Russia I have several large fan clubs with which I constantly maintain contact. My biggest fans even leaked onto the set and we had a really nice chat. - Natalya, what do you do in your free time from filming?- When I have a free minute, I try to get a good night's sleep. The fact is that I have a very busy schedule - only one day off a week when I can do at least some shopping. A couple of times I went out to

night club
. But usually I just have dinner at the hotel restaurant and relax.

Several times you radically changed your image. In "Wild Angel" you are a teenage girl. On the cover of the album "Tu veneno" there is a vamp woman. Do you like change?
- Yes, being new all the time is so great! I'm growing professionally, which means I have to change. I would describe my current image as: “a romantic young girl.” This is a versatile look and is very suitable for filming. - What is the secret of your attractiveness? What skin care products do you use?. In addition, in the morning, I apply a moisturizing cream to my skin, and in the evening, a nourishing cream.

- What role does decorative cosmetics play in the life of an actress?
- Makeup is an important component of my profession. I have my own makeup artist who accompanies me on set. Well, when I’m not at work, I don’t want to overload my skin with makeup. So I usually just do light makeup.

In the series you use Oriflame cosmetics.
Which Oriflame cosmetics did you especially like?

- Indeed, in the film I use mascara, and in one of the scenes I choose products from a catalog.
Actually, I can talk about Oriflame for a very long time, because I know and love this cosmetics, I starred for one of the catalogs. Oriflame lipsticks are simply a miracle: stunning shades and look luxurious on the lips. The mascara I used was also wonderful and I really liked the scents.

- Natalia, what could you wish to the readers of the Oriflame World magazine?

- I wish all women to be beautiful and happy! We know this girl from the series “Wild Angel,” which, starting in 1998, the Rossiya channel showed for three summers in a row. And not because there was nothing to fill the air with - the series’ ratings were crazy. Milagros, played by Natalia Oreiro, sank into the soul of our viewers so much that the actress began to be invited to Russia for any small reason: either to present an award, or to sing at a charity concert, or to appear on the cover of a magazine. Later, Oreiro flew several times with

solo concerts , and in May 2005 she moved to Moscow for several weeks to star in the Russian series “In the Rhythm of Tango.” After the release of the series, Nati somehow suddenly became completely uninteresting to Russian producers, concert organizers and buyers of television series. How does all this relate to my blog? Firstly, Natalya and her sister are now exploring the world of fashion - they created the Las Oreiro brand, which is very popular in

Latin America

. Well, secondly, my childhood dream finally came true - I interviewed my favorite Latin American actress and singer, and now businesswoman Natalia Oreiro and her sister, designer Adriana. Natalya, why did you so abruptly break off all ties with Russia? Now there are no TV series with your participation, no films, no concerts...“France” at film festivals - Venice, San Sebastian and Huelva in Spain. We recently returned from Cuba, where the film received many awards. This film will premiere in theaters in early February. In addition, in 2009 I starred in a very funny romantic comedy. I really want these two films to be seen in Russia! I'm also working on my fifth album, which is why I haven't done a world tour for so long, there hasn't been any fresh material. When the disc is ready, I will definitely arrange a presentation in Russia. Hurry up already!

Do you have big plans, and how do you manage everything? Your joint brand with your sister, Las Oreiro, must have taken a lot of time. By the way, whose desire is it to sew clothes?

Natalya: It so happened that this idea came to us at the same time, and now “Las Oreiro” has become what Adriana and I had been looking for for so long. We were just sitting, chatting and suddenly decided that wow! the moment had come to do what we had dreamed of for so long - and step by step we began to make the dream come true. We drew sketches, chose fabrics, looked for a store location, and did it all together.

- How do you divide responsibilities among yourself?

Natalya: We are still both fully involved in both the creative and technical process. Adriana sets the general course and direction of each season, correctly predicts trends and embodies them mixed with something personal, which is why our dresses, bags and shoes are unique. If we talk about our style, it is rather a mixture of “pin up” and retro.

-A very unusual combination. Who are your clients?

Adriana: These are women with self-esteem. They are able to charm any man and feel special. These are mainly women from 28 to 39 years old, but gradually these age limits are expanding.

- Natalya became the face of Las Oreiro, is that the end of her contribution to the common cause?

Adriana: Of course not! Natalia knows a lot, so we work together at all stages of our family business, and this makes us even closer. We complement each other perfectly and understand each other perfectly. It's been like this since childhood!

The price of a dress from your latest collection is comparable to the salary of the average Russian. Have you ever had an idea to create an affordable line and thereby expand your audience, like Zara and H&M do?

Natalya: We are now very far from the scale of Zara. Adriana and I are almost “by hand”, we are gradually moving forward and trying to be true to our principles. That's why we decided to make our own brand with its own prices and collections. Maybe when we “grow”, we’ll think about special, more accessible collections.

- Is Latin American fashion different from European?

Natalya: In my opinion, these differences are insignificant. We are all people, we are all looking for the same thing, we dream about the same thing, but our thoughts and desires find a slightly different form in clothing because of different cultures And geographical conditions. In Argentina all year round It's summer, so all the clothes are very bright and seductive.

-Where can people buy your clothes?

Adriana: In our boutique in the center of Buenos Aires and on the website
There are both new collections and sales from previous seasons. Moreover, we can send clothes ordered through our website to anywhere in the world.

Great, I'll have to try it. Natalya, several years ago you were incredibly popular in Russia, have you ever thought about promoting your brand on the Russian market?

Natalya: Adri and I have an idea to fly to Russia in the near future, we are now actively working on it. And we came to the conclusion that we need Russian partners for the success of such a project. In fact, the first country in which we will register our brand will be Russia, I guarantee it! I'm seriously thinking about having a show in Moscow and I dream that Russian girls will wear our clothes!

- Give me at least a hint when to expect you?

Natalya: Oh, I’m constantly invited to sing with you: either at concerts or at private events. I hope that I will do this soon, because I really have a lot of friends in your country. I want to see them quickly!