The hot summer rose. Funny incident from life

1. Use the textbook's "Expand Dictionary" to clarify the meanings of the words given in pairs. Make up complex sentences using the words in these pairs different parts offers.

2. Model sentence twice so that you get: 1) a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates, united by union And, 2) complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by the same union. Draw sentence diagrams.

1. The hot summer sun has risen. 2. Lilies of the valley usually bloom towards the end of May. 3. The first flight of planes took off. 4. Passenger cars were walking along the highway in a continuous stream. 5. The sailing regatta has begun. 6. The school director left the office. 7. The announcement about the excursion was made a few days ago.

3. From books, newspapers, and magazines, write down at least six SSPs with different conjunctions and different semantic relationships between simple sentences.

  • Russian language
  • Homework
  • Submit by 06/12/2016 14:00

Solution to the task:

    2 days ago

    1. Use the textbook's "Expand Dictionary" to clarify the meaning of the words given in pairs. Compose complex

    sentences using the words of these pairs in different parts of the sentence.

    Library - subscription, abstract - concrete, authoritarian - authoritative, addressee - addressee. - a source where you can find definitions of words.

    Library is an institution that collects and stores books, magazines and newspapers for the public


    Subscription - 1. Providing readers with the right to use printed works outside the library

    within a certain period.

    2. Library department that issues books at home.

    In our city there is an excellent children's library, where you can get the most popular youth magazines as a subscription.

    Abstract - 1. Based on abstraction, abstract. For example: abstract concept,

    abstract thinking.

    2. Too general, not specific. For example: abstract nouns,

    naming abstract signs, actions, qualities: whiteness, kindness, cheerfulness, etc.

    Concrete - really existing, clearly defined, perceived by the senses, definite.

    For example: specific example, specific case, specific material.

    I would rather show the kids beautiful vivid images specific animals,

    and I don’t like some abstract characters that are so rich in

    2. Based on blind, unquestioning obedience.

    a huge chasm appears.

    Addressee - person or organization addressing postal item or cargo to someone.

    Addressee - the person or organization to whom the correspondence is addressed.

    A neat and punctual addressee slowly writes out the address of his new friend, line by line,

    imagining how happy the addressee will be when he receives this letter.

    2. Model the sentence twice so that you get:

    1) a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates connected by the conjunction and,

    2) a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by the same conjunction.

    Draw sentence diagrams.

    1. The hot summer sun has risen.

    2. Lilies of the valley usually bloom towards the end of May.

    3. The first flight of planes took off.

    4. Passenger cars were walking along the highway in a continuous stream.

    5. The sailing regatta has begun.

    6. The school director left the office.

    7. The announcement about the excursion was made a few days ago.

    1. The hot summer sun rose and illuminated everything around with its light.

    The hot sun rose and everything around was illuminated with bright sunlight.

    2. Lilies of the valley usually bloom towards the end of May and have an intoxicating aroma.

    Lilies of the valley usually bloom towards the end of May, and the forest is filled with an intoxicating aroma.

    3. The first flight of planes took off and quickly soared into the air.

    The first flight of planes took off, and their rapid flight amazed everyone.

    4. Passenger cars walked along the highway in a continuous stream and left behind

    just footprints on the wet asphalt.

    A continuous stream of cars walked along the highway,

    and only traces on the wet asphalt remained of them.

    5. The sailing regatta began and continued until sunset.

    The sailing regatta began, and the yachts glided along the water surface until sunset.

    6. The school director came out of the office and greeted the students.

    The school principal came out of his office and the students greeted him.

    7. The announcement about the excursion was made a few days ago and

    was read by everyone.

    The announcement about the excursion was made several days ago, and everyone had time to read it.

    1. A simple sentence with homogeneous predicates connected by the conjunction and.

    2. A complex sentence consisting of two simple sentences connected by the conjunction and.

    1. Copy from books, newspapers, and magazines at least six SSPs with different conjunctions and different semantic relationships between simple sentences.

    1. Connective relations (unions, yes (=and), neither...nor, too, also):

    • l connective-enumerative,
    • l connecting and distributing,
    • connective-effective,
    • connective investigative.

    The song on the seashore had already fallen silent, and the old woman was now echoed only by the sound of the sea waves.

    The sky shone immensely, and in it, like a flock of light dreams,

    pink spots of evening clouds glided by. Fet.

    With an adversative meaning (with conjunctions but, yes (=but), however, but, and, etc.):

    Everything is fine, but we need to leave soon.

    • with adversarial - concessive.

    I had my own room in the house, but I lived in the yard in a shack.

    • with adversative-compensative.

    The guns in the arsenals rust, but the shakos sparkle.

    2. Affiliation relations

    It smells like hay and dried grass, but the smell is thick, sweet and pleasant.

Lesson on the topic:

« Dividing marks punctuation between parts of the BSC"

Goals and objectives of the lesson:

Educational: find complex sentences in the text with a common minor member; introduce the condition for placing a dash between parts of the BSC, teach how to apply this rule in writing;

consolidate the ability to distinguish a simple sentence from the BSC, place punctuation marks between parts of the BSC.

Developmental: continue to develop skills comprehensive analysis text, the ability to formulate answers competently, reasonedly and coherently, to continue the development of intellectual and general academic skills.

Educational:cultivate interest in the native language and its richness; the desire to use means of expressiveness and the need to speak beautifully and figuratively. Cultivate respect for native nature and the skill of the writer, the need to study them.

Progress of the lesson.

I.Organizational moment.

Write down the date of the lesson in your notebooks.

II. Updating knowledge.

1.Linguistic warm-up.

Correct speech errors.(slide 1)

    All my sorrows have long since sunk into summer.

    Looking at the sky, the stars always surprise me.

    The second episode turned out to be more interesting than the first.

    The astronauts stayed in orbit for about two hundred days.

Orthoepic minute (slide 2)




    you're calling





    More beautiful

2. Oral repetition of theoretical information about the BSC.

    1. Which sentence is called complex?

    2. What sentence is called BSC?

    3.What helps to determine the semantic connection between the parts of the BSC?

    4. What groups are coordinating conjunctions divided into?

3. Explanatory dictation. (1 person at the board, the rest write in notebooks).

My older brother didn’t take me with him for a long time, but I wanted to get a glimpse of his training. (vs. sequence)

Either there was a fire in the distance, or it was the sunset that was burning. (will separate)

I can’t see the light of the sun, and there’s no room for my roots (conn. at the same time)

3. Checking homework.

Ex. 67- selectively (1,2,3, sentences).

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. (slide number 4) Why do we put a dash? Why don't we use commas? Let's figure it out by reading the theoretical information in the textbook on pp. 43-44.

2.Formulation of conclusions (slide 5).

IV. Consolidation of the studied material.

    Work according to the textbook.

Ex. 71- commented letter, drawing up diagrams on the board (1, 3.5 sentences),

Exercise 70 (you can only take the first 2 sentences).

    The hot summer sun rose and warmed everything around. The hot summer sun rose and everything around became warm.
    2. Lilies of the valley usually bloom in May and delight us with their beauty. Lilies of the valley usually bloom in May, and we rejoice at their beauty.
    3. The first flight of aircraft took off and depicted beautiful figure. The first flight of planes took off, and we saw a beautiful aerobatics maneuver.
    4. Passenger cars walked along the highway in a continuous stream and honked at each other. A continuous stream of cars walked along the highway, and horns could be heard.
    5. The school director came out of the office and began to scold us. The school director came out of the office, and we ran away in fright.
    6. The announcement about the excursion was made a few days ago and made us happy. The announcement of the excursion was made a few days ago, and we were delighted.

    Construction of sentences - syntactic synonyms (slide 6).

    When does this happen?

Swallows fly low.

The fish don't bite.

(Before bad weather, swallows fly low and the fish don’t bite.)

    2.Where can this be seen?

Tigers are obedient.

Elephants are easy.

In the circus arena, tigers are obedient and elephants are light.

    3.When does this happen?

The tooth will definitely ache.

Your hand will hurt.

Before the test, your tooth will ache and your hand will ache.

V. Summing up the lesson.

When is a comma not placed before the conjunction AND in the BSC?

How to distinguish sentences with homogeneous members connected coordinating conjunctions, from SSP?


§ 16, ex. 72.

Parts of a compound sentence are separated by a comma.

For example:

  1. Flowers nod to me, tilting their heads,
    And the bush beckons with a fragrant branch.
  2. The whole day in the forest was golden, and in the evening the dawn burned half the sky. (M. Prishvin.)
  3. It's the end of May, and it's cool in the field. (I. Bunin.)

Note. Sometimes between parts of a complex sentence a dash is added before the union And, if the sentence contains a sharp contrast or indicates a rapid change of events.

      Here is the north, the clouds are catching up,
      He breathed, howled - and here she is
      The sorceress winter is coming.

(A. Pushkin.)

In a compound sentence no comma:

1) if its parts are united by a common secondary member and a subordinate clause.

For example:

With every step forward, the mountain panorama seemed to spread wider and wider and the sky became deeper. (D. Mamin-Sibiryak.)

The stars had already begun to fade and the sky was turning grey, when the carriage drove up to the porch of the house on Vasilyevsky. (I. Turgenev.);

2) if all its parts are interrogative, motivating, exclamatory sentences.

For example:

Who are they and what do they need? (A. Pushkin.)

A compound sentence should be distinguished from simple sentence with homogeneous members connected by coordinating conjunctions.

For example:

69. Write down the sentences, placing commas where necessary. Indicate the conjunctions, determine their group and role in the sentence. Show with graphic diagrams. which conjunctions connect homogeneous members, and which - parts of a complex sentence. Explain how to distinguish a simple sentence from a complex one.

1. The harvest was excellent and the weather was clear and hot. summer days with dewy short nights. (L. Tolstoy.) 2. Fog slowly rose from the field and covered everything visible to the eye with a matte veil. (A. Chekhov.) 3. The river ran quickly and gurgled barely audibly near the piles of the bathhouse. (A. Chekhov.) 4. Winter is still busy and grumbles about Spring. She laughs in her eyes and only makes more noise... (F. Tyutchev.) 5. Suddenly, over the jagged edge of the forest, a jet plane silently flashed and disappeared, and only then the empty sky roared after it. (V. Kozhevnikov.)

70. Continue the sentence twice so that you get: 1) a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates connected by a conjunction And, 2) a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by the same conjunction. Draw sentence diagrams.

1. The hot summer sun has risen. 2. Lilies of the valley usually bloom towards the end of May. 3. The first flight of planes took off. 4. Passenger cars were walking along the highway in a continuous stream. 5. The sailing regatta has begun. 6. The school director left the office. 7. The announcement about the excursion was made a few days ago.

71. Write down the sentences, filling in the missing commas. Emphasize grammatical basics in complex sentences. Indicate conjunctions in complex sentences and explain the semantic relationships of the parts.

1. The orchestra was already thundering in the large hall and the dancing had begun. (A. Chekhov.) 2. Everything passes, but not everything is forgotten, (I. Bunin.) 3. At this moment, it seems that I would willingly give my life if only she would not grieve. (I. Turgenev.) 4. A warm and soft night breathed through the open window, and somewhere far away, emphasizing the silence of the room, grasshoppers chirped harmoniously. (L. Andreev.) 5. The city was still light from the lights, and the river under the bridge was black like dissolved soot. (L. Andreev.) 6. I don’t remember anything else and probably didn’t even see it. (V. Soloukhin.) 7. There was only a kilometer left before the battery, I already turned onto a dirt road and didn’t have to get to my brothers. (M. Sholokhov.) 8. In life, a great many actions and events take place simultaneously, but storytellers always tell them sequentially, clinging to each other like carriages on a train. (A. Bitov.)
9. I stand alone in the naked plain
And the wind carries the cranes into the distance
I'm full of thoughts about my cheerful youth
But I don’t regret anything about the past.

(S. Yesenin.)

72. Write it down, adding the missing punctuation marks; emphasize grammatical basics. Which sentence needs a dash? Which complex sentences have a common minor member that applies to both parts of the complex? Underline the one-part sentences.

1. It became stuffy in the hut and I went out into the air to freshen up. (M. Lermontov.) 2. On both sides of the street the lanterns came on and lights appeared in the windows. (A. Chekhov.) 3. We breathed the warm air of the grass around us, bumblebees buzzed loudly and grasshoppers chattered. (K. Paustovsky.) 4. Dusk was approaching and we had to hurry. (V. Arsenyev.) 5. There was a scream and everything went quiet again. (M. Lermontov.)

73. Write down the text, opening the brackets and adding missing commas. Find compound sentence with a common minor member, emphasize the grammatical basics, draw its diagram. Describe each of its parts.

Only by (half) night did the ground, which had been heated during the day, cool down and it became (really) cool. Somewhere (not) far away in the ravine there was probably a pond or a steppe estuary. He smelled of the silt of reeds. With (everyone) (a quail struck nearby. The croaking of frogs (un)confident in just (a few) voices was heard. “I’m sleeping, I’m sleeping!” - a little owl screamed sleepily in the night.

(M. Sholokhov.)

74. Composition. The painting by V. G. Tsyplakov is called “Frost and Sun”. Consider a reproduction of this painting. Do you have a desire to continue the title of the picture with poetic lines from A. S. Pushkin?

In Tsyplakov “Frost and Sun”

Yes, “a wonderful day”! How did the artist show this to us?

Imagine that you live in one of the houses depicted in the picture. You went to the window and saw... Describe what you saw.

Possible start:

I woke up quite early. The house was warm and the sun was shining. I ran to the window...

Question: Please help) Continue the sentence twice so that you get: 1) a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates, connected by the conjunction AND, 2) a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by the same conjunction. Draw sentence diagrams. 1. The hot summer sun has risen. 2. Lilies of the valley usually bloom towards the end of May. 3. The first flight of planes took off. 4. Passenger cars were walking along the highway in a continuous stream. 5. The sailing regatta has begun. 6. The school director left the office. 7. The announcement about the excursion was made a few days ago.

Help please) Continue the sentence twice so that you get: 1) a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates, connected by the conjunction I, 2) a complex sentence, the parts of which are connected by the same conjunction. Draw diagrams of the sentences. 1. The hot summer sun has risen. 2. Lilies of the valley usually bloom towards the end of May. 3. The first flight of planes took off. 4. Passenger cars were walking along the highway in a continuous stream. 5. The sailing regatta has begun. 6. The school director left the office. 7. The announcement about the excursion was made a few days ago.


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