5 sentences with punctuation marks. Separating and emphasizing punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence (grade 9) methodological development in the Russian language (grade 9) on the topic

Dividing marks

Separating parts of a complex sentence

As follows from the data presented in the previous section (4.1), errors associated with incorrect division of sentences into parts make up the main percentage of errors in our corpus.

This result is expected, since errors in the “part” include several common cases:

1. putting a period at the end of a sentence

It is extracted by oxidative roasting of cinnabar.

The absence of a period at the end of a sentence, which should indicate the end of a thought, is very common mistake in student texts, especially printed ones.

2. separation of parts in a complex structure is the rarest of all errors in the separation of parts, which can be of a different nature:

Wrong choice of sign:

Nowadays, sometimes for scientific and advertising purposes they use fonts stylized as antiquity with such an H-shaped outline of the letter I; , however, their use is often more confusing than helpful, especially if the font is used for emphasis individual words, or even letters.

(Raceeva O., 7b1, Essay about the letter i)

Inability to highlight or see grammatical basis:

Mercury is the eightieth element in the periodic table, and has a relative atomic mass- two hundred point fifty-nine hundredths.

(Gazheev S., 8.e, Abstract on mercury)

Placing an extra comma between homogeneous parts:

Thus, we see that the Moon was formed as a result of the collision of a giant meteorite with the Earth. And now the Moon is a constant satellite of the Earth, exerting a constant influence on it.

(Zhuk T., 8e, abstract on the article “The Theory of a Giant Collision”)

Separation of parts of a complex structure.

It makes sense to talk about three cases here:

When a comma is missing between parts;

When two commas are missing, separating a part within another part and;

When a comma is placed in the wrong place.

In ancient states, in order to paint glass or porcelain, it was necessary to extract paint from the substance.

And in medieval Saxony, when a certain type of ore was melted, a poisonous gas was released, which the miners recognized as the prank of the Kobold gnome.

(Alekseeva I., 8e, Abstract about cobalt)

Punctuation marks at the junction of coordinating and subordinating conjunctions are a rare case, but they are represented not only in the corpus, but in all textbooks and modern testing and measuring materials.

And if you're unlucky,

Someone will die quickly.

(Rudak Georgy, 7b1, Essay “I’m dying of thirst with my hand”)

Separation of parts in case of non-union: two types of errors are possible here: in the first case, a punctuation mark between parts is missed (extremely rare); in the second, the wrong sign was used.

But L is not only a letter, but also a number: in the Roman Empire it denoted the number fifty.

(Bubnov E., 8e, Essay on lambda)

Indeed, there are many reasons for using the “comma part”, but we have introduced only two explanatory symbols:

separation of parts of a complex sentence/ clauses

homogeneous clauses

The second icon is placed mainly in the case of an extra comma with homogeneous parts, in order to accustom students to the idea that the property of homogeneity is characteristic not only of sentence members, but also of parts of a complex sentence. We did not introduce icons to distinguish all cases, so as not to overload the icon system, firstly, and secondly, the practice of using icons in lessons showed that in order to teach children to put punctuation marks between parts it is necessary to first teach them see different grammatical bases.

Punctuation for homogeneous sentence parts

Two icons have been created for this theme:

homogeneous members of the sentence/ homogeneous

generalizing word for homogeneous members of a sentence/ homogeneous generalization

The first is used for separating "," and ";" and when removing a punctuation mark, if the members of the sentence between which it is placed are heterogeneous or they are connected by a single coordinating conjunction.

They isolated this inert gas by exclusion after oxygen, nitrogen , and increasingly heavier components air[a] were turned into liquid.

(Shakhov V., 8e, Abstract about neon)

The second icon indicates that the checker’s “:” or “-” indicate the presence of generalizing words in the sentence.

Corpus research, as well as class analysis of works marked using the Interrobang program, confirmed the correctness of the decision that two explanatory icons for errors associated with homogeneous members a sentence is enough, while the need to introduce the first icon into the system was not in doubt, and the second icon helped students and teachers quickly figure out which rule should be repeated or passed: ":" and " - " for generalizing words or ":" and " - " at non-union communications between parts of a complex sentence.

Lesson 14. Separating and emphasizing punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence. Requirements to concise presentation
Analyze the semantic relationships between the parts of a complex sentence. Choose the correct statement:
The grandmother was angry and her granddaughter did not listen.
a) a comma must be placed between parts of the sentence, since the meaning of sequentially occurring events is conveyed
b) a dash must be placed between parts of the sentence, since the meaning of opposition is conveyed
c) a colon must be placed between the parts of the sentence, since the meaning of the reason is conveyed
d) it is possible to place any of the listed punctuation marks depending on the context
Today we will look at the different functions of punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence, depending on the structure, intonation and semantic relationships between its parts.
Main content of the lesson
Complex sentences are very diverse in the way they convey semantic relationships between parts, in their structure and intonation. Punctuation marks allow you to convey these features of a complex sentence in writing.
In complex sentences, the parts of which are equal in relation to each other, punctuation marks between the parts perform separation function. Such complex sentences can be divided into simple ones.
The driver whistled and the horses galloped. - The driver whistled. The horses galloped.
[The driver whistled] and [the horses galloped].
, - separator
So, in complex sentences, a comma, less often a semicolon and a dash are separators punctuation. For example,
The sun has set, but it is still light in the forest.
I felt somehow terribly sad at that moment; however, something similar to laughter stirred in my soul.
A moment - and the wind breaks the sail.
In non-union complex sentences, the separating function can be performed by a comma, semicolon, dash or colon. For example,
Cannonballs are rolling, bullets are whistling, cold bayonets are hanging down.
Birches, poplars, and bird cherry blossomed their sticky, fragrant leaves; linden trees inflated their bursting buds.
The rank followed him - he suddenly left the service.
The weather was terrible: the wind howled, wet snow fell in flakes.
In complex sentences, one part (subordinate clause) always depends on the main one. The subordinate clause is highlighted with commas, very rarely with other punctuation marks in order to emphasize the special semantic load of the thought being conveyed. In a complex sentence, punctuation marks between parts are emphatic.
[The blizzards (that are banging on the doors) will not knock me off the road].
, - distinguishing mark
The July wind sweeps my way,
And somewhere there is music in the window - a little.
Ah, now the wind will blow until dawn
Through the walls of thin breasts - into the chest.
There is the concept of author's punctuation, when the author of a text conveys additional meaning using punctuation marks. Observe:
M. Tsvetaeva
Thus, punctuation marks can perform different functions: dividing in complex sentences with equal parts (non-union and complex) and emphasizing in complex sentences.
The first part of the Russian language exam is writing a concise summary of the text you listened to. The following requirements apply to a concise presentation.
1. It is necessary to convey the main content of both each micro-topic (usually there are 3 of them) and the entire text as a whole.
2. In each part you need to apply one or more text compression techniques.
3. The work should not contain logical errors or violations of the sequence of presentation, as well as violations paragraph division text.
Unconjunct complex sentence, complex and complex sentence, main and subordinate part of the sentence, separating and emphasizing punctuation marks
Basic concepts:
A non-conjunctive complex sentence is a complex sentence whose parts are connected using intonation.
A compound sentence is a conjunctive complex sentence, the parts of which are connected using coordinating conjunctions.
A complex sentence is a conjunctive complex sentence, the parts of which are connected using subordinating conjunctions or allied words. From one (main) part of a complex sentence you can ask a question to its other part (subordinate clause)
Separating punctuation marks - punctuation marks separating equal parts of a complex sentence (non-conjunct and compound)
Markers punctuation marks punctuation that highlights the subordinate part of a complex sentence.
Analysis of a typical training task
Indicate in which examples the punctuation mark is emphatic
a) My father wished me a good journey, and my daughter accompanied me to the cart.
b) Everyone was silent to hear the rustling of flowers.
c) The day was gray and calm, the light air smelled of the sea.
d) He remembered the day when he was leaving.
Algorithm for completing the task:
1) read the sentences;

4) determine the type of sentence: non-union, complex or complex;
5) determine the function of the punctuation mark
Answer: b), d)
Analysis of a typical test task
Fill in the missing punctuation marks
Soon Nikolai was promoted to captain (?) and (?) when the regiment was put under martial law (?) he again received his former squadron (?) in which he was remembered and loved.
Algorithm for completing the task:
1) read the sentence;
2) find grammatical basics;
3) establish the boundaries of simple sentences within a complex one;
4) determine the role of the conjunction AND in the sentence;
5) place punctuation marks
Soon Nikolai was promoted to captain and, when the regiment was placed under martial law, he again received his former squadron, in which he was remembered and loved

Separating and emphasizing punctuation marks


With the participation of the project http://videouroki.net

Exercise 1


Mark the false and true statements.

Indicate true or false answer options:

In complex sentences, only punctuation marks are used.

Distinctive punctuation marks include the colon and semicolon

Emphatic punctuation marks are used in complex sentences.

In non-union complex sentences, both emphasizing and dividing punctuation marks are used.

Task #2


To separate the predicative parts, in non-conjunctive complex sentences we use...

1) colon

3) comma

4) semicolon

Task #3


Choose a sentence with special punctuation marks.

1) The dog chased a wasp, it bit him on the nose.

2) Vadik tried to reach the branch on which the red-sided apple was hanging.

3) The boy was put behind the wheel of a car for the first time, and he was simply happy.

4) We returned late: the concert lasted until midnight.

Task #4


Select sentences with punctuation marks.

Select several of 4 answer options:

1) I fell asleep unnoticed: I was lulled by the purring of the cat.

2) Vasilisa started reading books in the morning, and Ivan decided to play football.

3) You should never sit and wait for a mysterious wizard to solve all your problems for you.

4) Alevtina stuck her head in the closet, but no one was hiding there either.

Task #5


Choose the sentence with the emphatic conjunction.

Choose one of 4 answer options:

1) The hunter pulled the trigger - the bird screamed and beat its wings in the air.

2) Heavy cold drops slowly fell from the leaden sky, drumming on the leaves; Thunder roared nervously in the distance.

3) Oleg didn’t think twice: he jumped into the river after the drowning girl.

4) When it’s time to grow up, we look back at our childhood with bewilderment.

Task #6


Be smart. Choose conjunctions or allied words that can be preceded by a punctuation mark.

Select several of 5 answer options:

4) not only, but also

Task #7


In what case would you use emphatic punctuation in a complex sentence?

Choose one of 4 answer options:

1) there are no conjunctions in the sentence

2) there is in the sentence subordinating conjunction

3) the sentence contains a coordinating conjunction

4) emphases are not used in complex sentences at all

Task #8


In three sentences, parts are separated by commas. And only in one part is separated by a comma. Find this offer.

Choose one of 4 answer options:

1) My friend wanted to go to the right, but I was drawn to the left.

2) No one understood how he managed to set this record.

3) I haven't decided simplest example, what an excellent student I am after this!

4) The clown carefully applied makeup to his face, and the trainer absentmindedly cracked his whip.

Task #9


You already know that in complex sentences There may sometimes be a dash between parts. Read the sentence.

It is absolutely unclear to me how to deal with such a situation.

What sign is the dash in this case? Choose the correct statement.

Choose one of 4 answer options:

1) The dash is an emphatic sign. Still, this sentence is complex, which means that its parts are highlighted with punctuation marks.

2) This is a complex sentence, and the dash is a punctuation mark.

3) This is a non-union complex sentence, and the dash is a dividing punctuation mark.

4) The dash is a dividing punctuation mark because it always separates elements in the text and never emphasizes them.

Task #10


Look at the offer.

When there were no more thoughts in his head, the poet looked out the window: the snow-covered yard looked magical, and inspiration came by itself.

How many and what punctuation marks do you see in this sentence?

Choose one of 4 answer options:

1) one excretory, two separating

2) two excretory, one separating

3) three excretory

4) three dividing


1) (3 points) Correct answers:

2) (2 points) Correct answers: 1; 2; 3; 4;

3) (1 b.) Correct answers: 2;

4) (3 points) Correct answers: 1; 2; 4;

5) (1 b.) Correct answers: 4;

6) (3 points) Correct answers: 4; 5;

7) (2 points) Correct answers: 2;

8) (3 points) Correct answers: 2;

8) (3 points) Correct answers: 2;

10) (3 points) Correct answers: 1;

This methodological development– another option for working with the rules of punctuation of the Russian language. Development this lesson is aimed at familiarizing students with the purpose of punctuation marks in a complex sentence, a list of punctuation marks used in complex sentences different types, features of intonation of simple and complex sentences and the use of punctuation marks in different functions (separation, emphasis) between parts of a complex sentence.



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Methodological development of the lesson

“Separating and emphasizing punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence”

discipline "Russian language"


Bukarova Yu. A., teacher

Saint Petersburg


Lesson topic: “Separating and emphasizing punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence.”

The Russian language has many rules and many exceptions to the rules, which is why our language is one of the most difficult to learn. But, as a rule, one can “cope” with spelling and spelling norm for most native speakers it is not difficult, but the same cannot be said about the punctuation norm. Also in primary school It’s worth explaining to students that they shouldn’t rely on the teacher’s pauses while writing a dictation, they shouldn’t put extra commas just to decorate their writing, and when reading books, you can come across an unusual placement of punctuation marks - the author’s. Unfortunately, it often happens that by the ninth, or even eleventh grade, students cope perfectly with spelling rules, but do not know the rules of Russian punctuation at all.

This methodological development is another option for working with the rules of punctuation of the Russian language. The development of this lesson is aimed at familiarizing students with the purpose of punctuation marks in a complex sentence, the list of punctuation marks used in complex sentences of different types, the intonation features of simple and complex sentences and the use of punctuation marks in different functions (separation, highlighting) between parts of a complex sentence.

During the lesson, it is expected to compile notes and tables.

The purpose of the lesson: introduce students to the dividing and emphasizing function of punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence.


1) Educational:

Introduce the list of punctuation marks for a complex sentence;

Introduce the peculiarities of intonation of a complex sentence;

2) Developmental:

To teach how to differentiate the use of punctuation marks in different functions between parts of a complex sentence;

3) Educational:

Promote the development of aesthetic taste and speech culture;

Promote the development of interest in learning the Russian language;

Enrich lexicon students.

Type: lesson of learning new material.

Equipment: Russian language. 9th grade: textbook for general education organizations / L.A. Trostentsova, T.A. Ladyzhenskaya, A.D. Deykina, O.M. Alexandrova - Enlightenment, 2014-2017.(textbook), task cards, media projector.

Working methods: teacher's word, conversation, visual method.

During the classes:

  1. Org. Moment (1 min.).

Greeting students.

  1. Examination homework (6 min.).

What was the homework assignment?

Ex. No. 51.

(Conduct frontal survey students to know spelling and punctuation, determine the grammatical basis in sentences. The correct answer to the exercise question is that the predicative parts of complex sentences are interconnected participial phrases, participial phrases and unions).

  1. Updating the material(3 min.).

Before you start studying new topic, let's remember what a complex sentence (SP) is?

(A sentence consisting of two or more grammatical stems).

What types of joint ventures do you know?

(Compounds and complex subordinates).

What means of communication do you know?

(Union and non-Union).

What can serve as a means of communication of union proposals?

(Conjunctions, allied words and intonation).

What can serve as a means of communication non-union proposals?

(Intonation only).

Today in the lesson we will continue to study a complex sentence, get acquainted with the dividing and emphasizing function of punctuation marks between parts of a complex sentence, and consider the intonation of a complex sentence.

4. Information block 1(10 min.).

(A punctuation joke is projected on the board. The joke is not finished):

One “punctuation” anecdote tells of a traveler who, in a moment of danger, promised to “put up a golden statue holding a pike.” But when the danger had passed, he did not want to fork out money for a gold statue, and he gave an order that greatly reduced his expenses...

Think about how, with the help of a comma, a person was able to significantly reduce his expenses?

(Using a comma break).

(Second part of the joke):

“Put up a statue holding a golden pike.”So, without breaking his promise with a single word, he greatly reduced his expenses by moving the comma.

Besides this anecdote, you are probably familiar with ambiguous phrases...

(On the interactive whiteboard):

“Execution cannot be pardoned”

“I’m removing the damage”

“Mom is leaving in the morning, meet me”

How will the placement of commas affect the meaning of these statements?
- Let's look at the slide again and think about whether the intonation changes with different placement of the comma in these sentences?

(Read aloud)

What are the features of changes in intonation?

So, are you all convinced thatPunctuation marks in a complex sentence are needed in order to convey in writing the features of semantic relationships between the parts of a complex sentence, the features of its structure and intonation.

In complex and non-conjunctive complex sentences they separate simple sentences, performing a separating function, and in complex complexes the dependent part is isolated ( subordinate clause), performing an excretory function.

- Punctuation marks in complex sentences can perform dividing and emphasizing functions.

(Drawing up a table in a notebook):

  1. Practice block 1(8 min.)

In excerpts from Andersen's fairy tales, find and name punctuation marks that perform an emphasizing/dividing function.

(Tasks for oral work on cards. Two options)

Card No. 1

On the roof of the outermost house in one small town there was a stork’s nest. A mother was sitting in it with four chicks, who were sticking their small black beaks out of the nest - they had not yet had time to turn red. Not far from the nest, on the very ridge of the roof, stood the dad himself, stretched out and one leg tucked under him; he tucked his leg so as not to stand idle on the clock. You would have thought it was carved from wood, it was so motionless.

This is important, so important! - he thought. - There is a sentry at my wife’s nest! Who knows that I am her husband? They may think that I am here on guard duty. That’s important!” And he continued to stand on one leg. (H. H. Andersen “Storks”)

Card No. 2

Bolotnitsa was at home; The brewery was visited that day by guests: the devil and his great-grandmother, a poisonous old woman. She is never idle, even when visiting, she takes some kind of needlework with her: she either sews shoes from leather, putting on which makes a person restless, or embroiders gossip, or, finally, knits thoughtless words that fall from people’s tongues - all in harm and destruction to people! Yes, damn great-grandmother is a master of sewing, embroidering and knitting! She saw Inge, adjusted her glasses, looked at her again and said: “Yes, she has the makings! I ask you to give it to me in memory of today's visit! It will make an excellent statue for my great-grandson’s front room!”(G. H. Andersen “The Girl Who Stepped on Bread”)

  1. Information block 2(5 minutes.)

(Independent work with theoretical material from the textbook)

What is it for?

In what texts does it appear?

Let's look at a few slides with sentences that contain the author's punctuation marks?

6. Practice block 2(8 min.)

(Slides are projected on the board. We are looking for the author’s punctuation marks. We orally analyze what meaning the author conveyed with this or that sign, what is special about such a sign in a sentence. We consolidate the main topic of the lesson - we find emphasizing and dividing punctuation marks.)

Slide No. 1

How many times - he and I - along paths ringing from the drought, or without paths at all, along ridges, at midday... in continuity of conversation and walking - for hours - for years - everything up, everything up. (Tsvetaeva)

Slide No. 2

Mother didn't cry. (Bitter)

Slide No. 3

Memory, don't worry! Grow together with me! Believe
And assure me that I am one with you. (B. Pasternak)