Dandelions: Homework. Card index of homework on lexical topics “Autumn”, “Mushrooms” Homework on the topic of mushrooms defectologist

Theme "Mushrooms": speech games and exercises in pictures for activities with children.

Theme "Mushrooms": speech games and exercises in pictures for activities with children

In this article you will find games for older children preschool age on the lexical topic “Mushrooms” and pictures for them. Some of the games - “What is cooked from mushrooms”, “Big and small”, “Guess whose mushroom”, “Ryzhik and Zolotinka” - you can use with children more younger age— 3-4 years (with high level child's speech development).

Game 1. Grammar game “What is cooked from mushrooms”

The game will teach the child word formation - the ability to form a new word by analogy (following a model), for example:

- soup, sauce, salad - mushroom,

- noodles, filling, caviar, mushroom casserole,

- cutlets - mushroom,

- all dishes that the chef prepares from mushrooms are mushroom dishes (mushroom salads, mushroom sauces, mushroom casseroles).

and also develops the child’s linguistic sense.

Part 1. Invite the children to imagine that they are now not children, but... cooks! You can put a real one on your child's head white cap. If you don’t have a cap, you can use a paper chef’s badge on a string (hang the badge around your neck like a medal). You can download the Little Chef Medal. Or you can use “magic”: say “magic words” in unison (“Turn around once or twice. Quickly turn into a cook!”) and even wave your magic wand.

Now we are chefs! The chef knows how to cook different dishes. And every dish he makes is very tasty, beautiful, aromatic. Today, chefs prepare dishes from mushrooms.

What can be made from mushrooms?

Now we will make mushroom soup. It's called... How? ( mushroom soup). What do we put in it? (list products). Remember with your children how mushroom soup is cooked.

Ask - is the soup fried or boiled? If it is boiled, what is it cooked in - in a frying pan or in a saucepan? Is it possible to cook soup in a frying pan? Why? While playing, we depict all the actions: take an imaginary “pan,” cut mushrooms, put them in the pan, etc. We inhale the aroma of the resulting soup and figure out who we will treat it to. You can immediately “pretend” treat the toys and each other and praise the soup (you will find words and descriptions of the dishes a little lower in this article).

You can also make... caviar from mushrooms! What will it be called? Mushroom caviar - what kind of game is this? If the child finds it difficult to answer this question, then tell him: “Caviar from zucchini - zucchini caviar. Eggplant caviar - eggplant caviar. And mushroom caviar is what caviar is. ..?” (questioning intonation and pause for the child to answer). Correct answer: mushroom caviar.

We depict with actions (pantomime) how we do everything together mushroom caviar: Cut mushrooms and vegetables. fry them, put them in jars, close them with lids, put them in the refrigerator for storage (This is important: all actions are depicted “for fun”, pantomime is a game! In this game, there is no need to require the child to screw real lids on the jar, sign the jar, count how many pieces of vegetable he put in it - the baby should be focused exclusively on speech and speech tasks. Everything else is done as in a regular game - in a folded form - “as if” we took the can, “as if” we put it on the shelf)

Today we, the cooks, have one more order to make for kindergarten casserole with mushrooms. What should we call it? Potato casserole is potato casserole, cabbage casserole is cabbage casserole, and mushroom casserole is what kind of casserole? What is it called? ( mushroom casserole ).

The last order is to make a salad with mushrooms for the squirrel’s birthday. Salad with mushrooms is called... what will you call him?( mushroom salad ). Let's figure it out interesting name our mushroom salad: “Squirrel's Joy”, “Mushroom Basket” (come up with a name with your child and the name, and what you put in the salad for the squirrel and depict how you and your child prepare it).

Now let's bake some pies. And we will also have mushroom filling. What is this filling called? Mushroom. This pies with mushroom filling.

You can also make noodles from mushrooms! That's what it's called « mushroom noodles« or cook mushroom sauce - what is it called? ( mushroom sauce) You probably already guessed what the mushroom cutlets are called? Mushroom cutlets!

And the gravy with mushrooms is called... what? ( mushroom sauce)

Mushroom stew - what do you call this stew? ( mushroom stew )

After the children and I have “made” all the dishes, we share our impressions. You can “praise” your favorite dish: “I have mushroom cutlets - delicious, crispy, crispy.” “And I have ready-made pies with mushroom filling, decorated with dough braids,” and so on. You can “brag” one by one, or you can all come up with a way to “praise” your dish, choosing as much as possible more words - descriptions. Help the children find meaningful words to describe these dishes.

An approximate dictionary for describing dishes and developing the expressiveness of children's speech in this game:

hot, warm, soft, fresh, fried, baked, flaky, tasty, rosy, aromatic, fragrant, tasty, crispy, grainy, juicy, sweet, salty.

Useful idea for child development:

Show your child at home how you cook mushroom soup and name all your actions as you go.

Verb dictionary for this comment:

- I wash it, clean it, cook it, put it in, cut it, cut it into pieces, grate it, put it on the fire, remove it, stir it.

- actions with mushrooms: mushrooms are dried, pickled, stewed, cut, salted, fried, and made into soup.

Such commentary will be very useful for the development of the child’s speech. Research shows that children who frequently hear the correct forms of words do not make mistakes in their use in speech. The words “rub” (tru - trem -tret), “clean” (clean - clean - clean), “cut” (cut, cut, cut) are not as simple for children as they seem to us. By explaining what you are doing, you simultaneously develop the child’s speech and prevent common speech errors like “rub” instead of “trash”, “clean” instead of “clean”, “knead” / “knead” instead of “mix”, “lay” instead of “put”. Involve your child in your actions and ask: “Do you want to wash with me? What are you doing right now? What am I doing? Yes, you wash, I wash. You and I wash the vegetables together. What kind of vegetable are you? wash? And what vegetable already washed? Which one is it now? will you wash? What a wonderful helper you are! Thank you for your help!”

Part 2. At the end of the game, ask the children a grammatical riddle: “Guess what I asked:

The riddle is aimed at developing linguistic flair and the ability to agree in gender between adjectives and nouns.

fresh, tasty, aromatic - is it caviar or salad? (If the child answers “Mushroom salad,” then ask him again: “Do we really say that: mushroom salad is delicious? No! How do we say about salad: mushroom delicious salad. So what is this?)

fresh fragrant delicious - is it a soup or a casserole? Right! What would we say about the casserole? fragrant delicious casserole,

Mushroom delicious aromatic Are these cutlets or pie?

Helpful Tips:

— Don’t forget to turn the children from chefs back into ordinary preschoolers at the end of the game :). This can also be done in the simplest way " magic words": "One, two, turn around! Turn into Misha (child’s name) again!” or “One, two, spin! Find yourself home again!”

— When playing with children, do not forget that cooks behave in accordance with their profession and do not behave like children. They can't throw a pan on the floor or chop mushrooms carelessly. Therefore, try to convey the peculiarities of the cook’s movement yourself, and the children will imitate you. The main thing is to treat your child in this game like a real chef - very respectfully, ask him for advice, be interested in his opinion, you can even call him by his first name and patronymic: “Dear Mikhail Grigorievich, can we already start making mushroom caviar? Okay, let's begin then. What do we need? Don't step out of your role!

- If the child begins to behave differently from the cook, remind him that he is not a boy/girl now, but the cook and his dish are very, very waiting (name who is waiting and why his dish is needed). Therefore, you need to try and “cook” it tasty so that people are happy and eat it with pleasure. This is often enough for the child to remember his role in the game.

Second version of the game: The second time you play this game, change it and play it in the second version.

In the second version of this game, children will learn to use nouns in the genitive case: from chanterelles (and not “from chanterelles” - this is a mistake), from boletus, from volnushek, from boletus, and so on.

For this option you will need “Mushrooms” cards. You can download them for free in the article

Place the cards face down on the table (You will need cards edible mushrooms, which depict several fungi). The roles of cooks are played by children players in turns.

Step 1. The cook takes a card and names the mushrooms shown on it. Decides what he will make from them: “I will cook mushroom soup.”

Step 2. Everyone guesses what he will use to make mushroom soup (or any other dish he has chosen): “Are you going to make mushroom soup from chanterelles? from champignons? from boletuses? from boletus?” until they guess. Everyone guesses one by one.

When the player has guessed, the presenter shows his card and confirms the correctness of the answer, for example: “Yes, I will cook chanterelle mushroom soup.”

You can introduce the following game rule: Also include “penalty” pictures in the set of cards - poisonous mushrooms. If a child recognizes an inedible mushroom and immediately says: “I have a poisonous mushroom. This is...(name of the mushroom)", then he can take new card. And continue to participate in the game. If he does not recognize the poisonous mushroom and “cooks” a soup or other dish from the poisonous mushroom in the game, then he misses his turn in the next round. Or he pays forfeit.

How to introduce your baby to edible and poisonous mushrooms You will learn from the article

The game can be played in pairs, in a small subgroup of children, with large group children. If you play with a large group of children, then the children play as one team. For example, one child - the leader - chooses a card. And the whole group of children guesses what is depicted on it. If the leader, the cook, makes a mistake, then a group of children corrects him, for example: “No, you need to cut it first and then put it in the soup.” Then a new leader is selected by the reader.

Game 2. Grammar game “Guess whose mushroom.”

An adult and a child play in pairs. Or an adult and several children.

Game 6. Speech game “Riddles - descriptions of mushrooms”

This game develops children's coherent speech, teaches them to express their thoughts sequentially, “read” the plan in pictures and compose a text according to the plan.

The usual description of any mushroom can be done according to this plan in pictures

Description of mushrooms: plan in pictures

For example: “This mushroom is called boletus. The boletus can grow very large. His hat is bright orange, very bright, strong, smooth. Like a red cap on your head. That is why it is also called “redhead”. The leg of the boletus is grayish-white, strong, plump. Boletuses grow in the forest under aspen trees. This is an edible mushroom. You can make soup from it, you can fry boletus mushrooms, you can make mushroom cutlets or mushroom gravy, pies.”

Riddle - description differs from the usual description of a mushroom in that the driver does not say the name of the mushroom. You need to guess what kind of mushroom it is from the description.

You can even play the game on the road or in transport. The driver describes a mushroom. Guessers guess what kind of mushroom it is. If the description is not very detailed, then they can ask additional questions to the driver.

To make a wish, you can take a set of pictures “Mushrooms” (the download link is given above).

Plan of the riddle - descriptions of the mushroom

The easiest way for a child to create a riddle is with a plan in pictures:

- what size mushroom is it,

- description of the hat,

- description of the leg,

- where it grows,

- what can be made from it,

- final question: “Guess what kind of mushroom”

An example of a riddle - a description of a mushroom: This is a small mushroom. It always grows next to other similar mushrooms - like a family. The mushroom has a smooth, orange cap with a carved edge. And his leg is thin. This mushroom grows in mixed forest. This is an edible mushroom. You can make a lot out of it delicious dishes: (list of dishes, known to the child). Guess what kind of mushroom this is?” (chanterelle)

First, the adult asks the riddles to the child, and then the child will be able to tell you similar riddles. If it is difficult for him to construct the text of the riddle, then help the baby:

A) by setting the beginning of phrases:“What kind of hat does he have? And his leg... This is a mushroom..."

b) questions based on pictures - plan:“What kind of cap does this mushroom have? Where does it grow”, etc.

Everything you need for riddles educational information about mushrooms You will find in the article

How to choose the right riddles about mushrooms according to the child’s age, how to compose a riddle about a mushroom together with your child, 95 riddles with answers and pictures can be found in the article

Game 7. What are the names of mushrooms?

This is a game with words that develops a sense of language and allows the child to master the word formation system of the Russian language.

The main thing in this game with words is not to suggest the correct answer, but to allow the child to experiment with the language and come up with it on their own. what would he call such mushrooms? This is a game in which the child acts with words and their parts as with a construction set, from the familiar parts of which a new figure can be assembled.

Very important: If a child comes up with a word in a speech game that is not in Russian, for example, he said that if mushrooms are stewed, then these are “stewed” mushrooms, then do not laugh at his answer. Just tell your child: “You know, such a word could exist in Russian. But people agreed to call such mushrooms differently. They are called “stewed mushrooms”. And other dishes that are stewed are also called. If you stew cabbage, what kind of cabbage is it? Stewed cabbage. If you stew carrots. it will turn out to be stewed carrots. And if you stew potatoes, what kind of potatoes will you get? That's right, stewed." The main thing is to give the correct example and its application in different situations in life. A child’s word creation (inventing new words in the Russian language) is a manifestation of that very “linguistic giftedness” of everyone small child, which Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky wrote about in his book “From Two to Five.”

Phrases for the speech game “What are mushrooms called?”:

  • If you boil mushrooms, what kind of mushrooms will you get? ( boiled).
  • If mushrooms are fried, then these are mushrooms... what kind? what can they be called? ( fried).
  • If mushrooms are pickled, then these are mushrooms... what kind? ( pickled)
  • If you stew mushrooms, you will get mushrooms... what kind? ( stewed)
  • If mushrooms are dried, what mushrooms are obtained... what kind? (dried)
  • If mushrooms are salted, what kind of mushrooms will you get? ( salty).

Game 8. Speech game “Ryzhik and Zolotinka”

In this simple little story, your little one completes the words to complete the sentences. At the same time, he learns to coordinate past tense verbs with the pronouns I, you, we, he, she, they.

Text: “Once upon a time there were two squirrels - a brother and a sister. My brother's name was Ryzhik. Have you guessed why it was called that? What other name can you come up with for a red squirrel (Ogonyok, Redtail, etc.). And my sister’s name was Zolotinka, because her fur coat was golden-orange.

Ryzhik was the older brother, and Zolotinka always tried to be like him in everything.

One day Ryzhik and Zolotinka went to pick mushrooms. Ryzhik jumps on the branches, and Zolotinka jumps. Ryzhik jumped on the ground, and Zolotinka too... what did she do? (jumped) on the ground.

Ryzhik found a mushroom, and Zolotinka... what did she do? (found a mushroom). Zolotinka jumps on the ground and sings a song:

“I went into the forest.
I am a fungus... (found).
Ryzhik went to the forest... (went).
Rizhik mushroom... (found).
We are in the forest... (let's go)
We mushrooms... (found)"

Ryzhik picked a mushroom, and Zolotinka picked a mushroom.

Ryzhik brought the mushroom home to the hollow, and Zolotinka too... (brought the mushrooms home) They together - what did they do? (they brought mushrooms)

Ryzhik washed the mushroom, and Zolotinka too...

Ryzhik dried the mushroom, and so did Zolotinka...

And they succeeded dried mushrooms for the winter!

Baby squirrels sit on a branch and sing joyfully:

“We went into the forest.
We found mushrooms.
We brought mushrooms
Dried for winter!

All pictures from this article for games and activities with children on the topic “Mushrooms” can be downloaded for free in good resolution and quality in our VKontakte group “Child development from birth to school” (see the “Documents” section on the right under the community videos. File with pictures is called “Theme Mushrooms” (tema-gribi).

I wish everyone have an interesting trip to the world of mushrooms with children! 🙂

More educational materials - speech classes with children you will find in the sections of the site “Native Path”:

I am always glad to receive your questions and comments! And if you and your children have your own favorite games on this topic or your own experience of introducing your child to the world of mushrooms, I will be glad if you share it below in the comments to this article!


"Speech development from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

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Homework on the lexical topic “Mushrooms” for children in the senior speech therapy group includes lexical material(dictionary), grammar exercises and tasks for the development of coherent speech (retelling short texts, composing stories, memorizing).

Lexical topic “Mushrooms”

Items: mushroom, boletus, boletus, aspen boletus, chanterelle, trumpet, honey fungus, etc.; toadstool, fly agaric; forest, earth, cap, leg; autumn.

Actions: collect, search, wash, peel, cook, fry, salt, dry; hide, grow up.

Signs: edible, poisonous, mushroom; color: brown, gray, red, red with white spots, white; size: large, small, tall, short, thick, thin...


1. Select the signs (at least three signs):

fly agaric (which one?) – ...

2. One is many: ( nominative plural):

mushroom - mushrooms
boletus - ...
hat -...
fly agaric –
fox - ...
stump - ...

3. Yes - no ( genitive singular):

fly agaric - no fly agaric
boletus - ...
hat -...
hat -
toadstool - ...
stump - ...

4. Do the math:

one mushroom, two..., three..., four..., five...;

one wave, two..., three..., four..., five....

5. Answer the questions:

Where do mushrooms grow:

under the birch - boletus
under the aspen -...
honey fungus -...

What can you do with mushrooms?

What is the name of mushroom soup?

What do you call a person who picks mushrooms?

What time are mushrooms picked?

6.What is unnecessary and why?

Toadstool, toadstool, cone, fly agaric.

Boletus, oiler, fly agaric, chanterelles.

7.. Guess the riddle. Learn it.

Both on the hill and under the hill,
Under the birch and under the fir tree,
Round dances and in a row
The fellows are wearing hats.

8. Draw or glue pictures of mushrooms. Divide them into 2 groups: edible mushrooms and inedible mushrooms. Show and name the parts: cap, leg.

Troyan Natalya Anatolevna,
teacher-speech therapist at MBDOU kindergarten
combined type "Bell"
Noyabrsk (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug)

Homework on the topic "Mushrooms" for the senior group is a selection of speech exercises on this topic, here we have selected poems and riddles that are appropriate to the topic and age for adults to read to children, and graphic exercises and attention exercises directly for children, which also promotes speech development.




Repeat with your child:

  • Where do mushrooms grow? (Mushrooms grow in the forest).
  • Which two large groups do all mushrooms divide? (Mushrooms are edible and inedible).
  • What edible mushrooms do you know? (Boletus, boletus, porcini mushroom, russula, butterdish, honey fungus, chanterelles, etc.)
  • What inedible mushrooms do you know? ( Pale grebe, fly agaric)
  • What parts of a mushroom do you know? The mushroom has... (The mushroom has a cap and a stem.)
  • What are the roots of mushrooms called? (Mycelium)
  • What do you call people who pick mushrooms? (Mushroom pickers)


one russula, many... (russulas).

one honey mushroom - many mushrooms, one chanterelle - many chanterelles, one boletus - many boletuses, one porcini mushroom - many boletus mushrooms, one boletus - many boletus mushrooms, one boletus - many boletus mushrooms, one toadstool - many toadstools, one fly agaric - many fly agarics.


What are the names of the mushrooms that grow under the birch tree? (Boletus mushrooms)? Under the aspen tree? (Boletus). Red-colored mushrooms... (chanterelles) Grow on stumps... (honey mushrooms). Mushrooms with butter caps... (butter mushrooms). Mushrooms used to kill flies... (fly agarics). Bad “bad” mushrooms are called... (toadstools).


Boletus - boletus, boletus - boletus, butterdish - butterdish, honey fungus - honey agaric, fly agaric - fly agaric, toadstool - toadstool, russula - russula, porcini mushroom - white mushroom.


Story-description of a mushroom according to plan(ceps, fly agaric, chanterelles, honey mushrooms, russula).

  1. What is the name of this mushroom?
  2. Where does it grow?
  3. What color?
  4. Edible or inedible?
  5. What can you cook from it?


Target: use of perfect and imperfect verbs.


Target: comparison of plural verbs of the 1st and 2nd person of the present tense.

These guys are very friendly - they always do everything together. We will tell you about them now. I will start sentences, and you help me finish them.


Target: the use of the verbs “put” and “put”.

Methodical instructions.First, the adult plays the game based on the picture. Then the adult covers the pictures with a sheet of paper and instructs the child to draw the mushrooms that Egorka put in the basket. Finally, the adult opens the pictures and speaks.

Here is Egor - he went into the forest

And I found mushrooms in the forest.

Look and remember how Egorka picked mushrooms:

That's how much - look.

Now remember in what order Egorka put the mushrooms in his basket. Draw them.

Check if you drew it correctly. To do this, tell Egor again how he picked mushrooms:

I put a mushroom in the basket - that's it.

I'm putting...

Answer the questions: How many mushrooms did Egor find? (Three.) What did Egorka do with the mushrooms? (Put it in the basket.)

Reading and memorizing poems

In the forest

N. Gladkov

We'll find a hundred mushrooms in the forest,
Let's go around the clearing.
We won’t take you in the box
Pale toadstool.
We'll search all the oak trees,
Fir trees and aspens
And good mushrooms
Let's collect them in baskets.

In cramped conditions

E. Serova

There are a hundred honey mushrooms on the stump.
- It's very crowded here! - they scream. –
Call a mushroom picker
Collect honey mushrooms from stumps.


V. Shulzhik

I walked along the path,
I found a white mushroom.
I walked along the edge of the forest -
I found three waves.
I went along the fishing line -
Moss fly under a leaf.
And she stepped straight -
I saw a boletus.

Yu. Kopotov

The little ones are worried:
- What can we do without a tub?
All the mushrooms are in tubs!
Forgot about the waves!
Look for the waves!
Very tasty mushrooms!


A. Prokofiev

Walked along the path -
They found the boletus.
Boletus boletus
He buried his head in the moss.
We could get through it
It's good that we walked quietly.


V. Shulzhik

This mushroom is called:
Raincoat, or grandfather's tobacco.
Just touch him on the side,
And he starts smoking tobacco.

Who sowed chanterelles?

E. Alekseev

Klim asked Alexey:
- Who sowed chanterelles in the forest?
Wild animals or birds?
- Well, it’s clear who – foxes.

fly agaric

I. Melnichuk

Near the forest on the edge,
Decorating the dark forest,
He grew up as colorful as Parsley,
Poisonous fly agaric.

Honey fungus

A. Prokofiev

The honey fungus climbed onto a stump,
I stayed for one day
And then he bowed down
Almost fell over
Thin, thin,
The leg is like a straw!


V. Shulzhik

The rain rushed over the clearing,
To the russula
Got captured...
And the insects fly in a hurry
Go to the russula for water.

The mouse sat on the oil can...

A. Laptev

The little mouse sat on the oil can,
And the oil can is a sticky mushroom,
So the mouse stuck.
Ay-ay-ay, ay-ay-ay!
Mom, mom, help me!


E. Serova

Cleverly hid
Under the birch tree.
Don't hide
So diligently -
I will find you

V. Kozhevnikov

Under a spreading pine tree
Found a squirrel
An unknown forest mushroom.
Mushroom, not a mushroom - a plate!
- He looks very strange, -
The animals tell her. -
- Maybe it's poisonous?
We should check it out.
But he laughs back at them
Forest squirrel.
- There is not a drop of poison in it,
I know this mushroom.
And there’s water in it, so be it,
It's even convenient to drink.
This mushroom is called milk mushroom.
It's quite edible!


A. Prokofiev

Morel, morel,
Old man from birth.
He grew up on the edge of the forest.
Hat on top of head.
The wind blew... and the morel
Fell on his side,
All covered in wrinkles -
Old man!


V. Musatov

Under the pine tree
In red needles
Don't look for saffron milk in the spring.
Red saffron
Not for nothing:
Ryzhik –
September Bulletin.

A. Laptev

Old mushroom Borovik
He raises his collar.
Near the hummocks he shudders,
He shudders and worries.
He wants to grumble.
He gathered his children
And mutters: - On Saturdays
Hide, children, from people.
Who will be covered with leaves -
He will remain alive.
And the one who opens his mouth -
People will instantly make a purchase!

For mushrooms

V. Shulzhik

A mushroom picker walked from afar
And there’s not a fungus in the basket!
Not a single mushroom -
Only grass and leaves.
The mushroom picker is tired
And he sat down on a tree stump.
- You tell me, forest,
Are you with or without mushrooms?
Looked at the mushroom picker
The forest is dense from above.
I swayed - creaking and creaking! –
He showed me a mushroom under the tree.
“I’m with mushrooms,” said the forest, “
Are you with or without eyes?

I. Demyanov

Oak trees grow on the mountain,
Mushrooms grow under the mountain:
White is old, he didn’t take it,
The moss is small and lethargic.
The breast warms the side in the sun.
Go to the box, fungus!

Guessing riddles

A cap and a leg -
That's all Eroshka.

Who puts a hat on their foot?

He stood on a strong leg,
Now it's in a basket.

There are no more friendly mushrooms than these -
Adults and children know.
On stumps they grow into lemmas,
Like freckles on your nose.
(Honey mushrooms)

He stood in the forest
Nobody took him
In a fashionable red hat,
Unsuitable for food.

Grow on the edge
Pink girlfriends
Their names are….

Stocky, wearing a new hat
A mushroom grows like a pine tree in the forest.
Happy grandparents:
- Will festive lunch!
Oh, the squirrels grabbed it instantly
This white...


A man walked into a pine forest,
Found a slug
It's a pity to quit
Eat - raw.


What kind of mushroom is on the hummock?
In a red velvet scarf?


What are these yellow sisters?
Hidden in the thick grass?
These yellow sisters
They are called...


By the shady ravine
The touch-me-not mushroom has grown:
Just press the side -
Look, there's already a bruise.

(Moss fly)

He stood in the forest
Nobody took him
In a fashionable red hat,
No good.


She stands pale
She has edible species.
If you bring it home, it's a disaster,
That food will be poison.
Know that this mushroom is a deception,
Our enemy is pale...


I'm growing up in a red cap
Among the aspen roots,
You'll recognize me a mile away
My name is….

I don’t argue - not white,
I, brothers, am simpler.
I usually grow
In a birch grove.


Along the forest paths
Lots of white legs
In multi-colored hats,
Noticeable from a distance.
Pack, don't hesitate!
This …


Math coloring pages

Kirillova Yu., speech therapist teacher.


Goal: - expansion and activation of the dictionary.
Tasks: - to form plural nouns;
- learn to form nouns with diminutive
affectionate suffixes;

- consolidation of understanding and practical use in speech

- consolidation of verbs in speech: “search”, “pluck”, “collect”

Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. Finger gymnastics.
One, two, three, four, five, (fingers of both hands “hello”,
starting with more.)
middle fingers on the table.)
For lingonberries, for viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother.

2. Introduction to the topic. Game “Walk in the Forest”. (Picture from the forest.)
Forest is big house where they live different plants, animals and birds.
We are going to the forest. “Who will you see in the forest?” or “What will you see in the forest?”
The children answer: “I will see trees. I'll see bushes. I will see flowers. I will see animals. I will see birds. I will see mushrooms. I will see berries.”
We name the mushrooms (from the pictures) - porcini mushroom, boletus, russula, honey fungus, chanterelles, boletus - edible mushrooms; fly agaric, toadstool - poisonous mushrooms.
We call wild berries(according to pictures) - lingonberries, raspberries, blueberries, cranberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries.

3. Game “Big-small”
Mushroom - fungus, mushroom berry - berry
Tree - sapling - bush - bush
Leaf-leaf bird-bird
Flower-flower branch-twig.

4. Game “One - many”
Mushroom - mushrooms berry - berries
Tree- trees bush- bushes
Leaf - leaves bird - birds
Flower - flowers branch - branches
Bough-bough trunk-trunks.

5. Physical education minute. “FOR MUSHROOMS”

All the little animals are on the edge
They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.
The squirrels were jumping
The saffron milk caps were plucked.
The fox ran
I collected chanterelles.
The bunnies were jumping
They were looking for honey mushrooms.
The bear passed by

(They waddle, at the end of the line they stomp with their right foot.)

6. Game “What shall we cook?”
From mushrooms - mushroom soup
From raspberries - raspberry jam
From blueberries - blueberry jam
From strawberries - strawberry jam
From cranberries - cranberry jam
From lingonberries - lingonberry jam

7. Game “What is this?” (finish the sentence and repeat it completely).
Birch, aspen, oak are...(trees).
Hazel, rosehip, lilac are...(bushes).
Chamomile, cornflower, forget-me-not are...(flowers).
Honey fungus, russula, fly agaric are... (mushrooms).
A mosquito, a grasshopper, a beetle are...(insects).
Cuckoo, owl, eagle are...(birds).
A hare, a fox, a wolf are...(wild animals).

8. Game “Mosaic” (put a mushroom out of 6 triangles).

9. Game “Who, where, where” (answers to questions based on the picture).
Where is the caterpillar? Etc.

10. Summary of the lesson. Recall what they were talking about.
Answer the question.
In a clearing near an oak tree, a mole saw two fungi,
And further away, near the aspen trees, he found another one.
Who is ready to tell me how many fungi the mole found?


Goal: - development of coherent speech.
Objectives: - teach how to form gender of nouns. case;
- learn to form relative adjectives;
- consolidation of verbs in speech: “search”, “pluck”, “collect”;
- training in retelling;
- develop fine motor skills, auditory attention, thinking.

Equipment: pictures of a forest, mushrooms, berries, a ball.
Progress of the lesson:

1. Org. moment. Game “Give me a word””.
Near the forest on the edge, decorating the dark forest,
It grew motley, like parsley, poisonous... (fly agaric).

Look, guys, there are chanterelles here, honey mushrooms there,
Well, these, in the clearing, are poisonous... (toadstools).

There are many white legs along the forest paths
In multi-colored hats, noticeable from a distance.
Don’t hesitate to collect, these are... (russula).
Finger gymnastics.
One, two, three, four, five, (fingers of both hands “hello”,
starting with more.)
We're going for a walk in the forest. (both hands “go” with the index and
middle fingers on the table.)
For blueberries, for raspberries, (Bend your fingers, starting with
For lingonberries, for viburnum.
We'll find strawberries
And we'll take it to my brother. (both hands “go” with the index and
middle fingers on the table.)

2. Game “What is there a lot in the forest?” (drawing up proposals)
For example: “There are a lot of mushrooms in the forest. Mushrooms grow in the forest.”
Mushroom - mushrooms - a lot of mushrooms berry - berries - a lot of berries
Tree - trees - many trees bush - bushes - many bushes
Leaf - leaves - a lot of leaves honey fungus - honey mushrooms - a lot of honey mushrooms
Flower - flowers - many flowers branch - branches - many branches.

3. Game “What shall we cook?” (based on pictures)

I'll make mushroom soup from mushrooms.
I'll make raspberry jam from raspberries.
I'll make blueberry jam from blueberries.
I will make strawberry jam from strawberries.
I'll make cranberry juice from cranberries.
I will make lingonberry jam from lingonberries. Etc.

4. Physical education minute. “FOR MUSHROOMS”

All the little animals are on the edge
They are looking for milk mushrooms and trumpet mushrooms.
The squirrels were jumping
The saffron milk caps were plucked.
The fox ran
I collected chanterelles.
The bunnies were jumping
They were looking for honey mushrooms.
The bear passed by
The fly agaric crushed. (Children walk in a round dance.)

(They jump in a squat and pick imaginary mushrooms.)

(They run and collect imaginary mushrooms.)

(They jump while standing and “pick” mushrooms.)

(They waddle, at the end of the line they stomp with their right foot.)

5. Learning to retell. Ya. Tayts “For mushrooms”.
Grandmother and Nadya went to the forest to pick mushrooms. Grandfather gave them a basket and said:
- Well, whoever gets the most!
So they walked and walked, collected and collected, and went home. At grandma's full basket, and Nadya has half. Nadya said:
- Grandma, let's exchange baskets!
- Let's!
So they came home. Grandfather looked and said:
- Oh yes Nadya! Look, I've gained more than my grandmother!
Here Nadya blushed and said in the quietest voice:
- This is not my basket at all... it’s completely grandma’s.
Q: Why did Nadya blush and answer her grandfather in a quiet voice?

-Where did Nadya and her grandmother go?
- Why did they go into the forest?
- What did grandfather say when he saw them off into the forest?
- What were they doing in the forest?
- How much did Nadya gain and how much did grandma gain?
- What did Nadya say to her grandmother when they went home?
- What did grandfather say when they returned?
- What did Nadya say?
Repeated reading.
Children's retellings.
Analysis of stories.

6. Summary of the lesson. Remember what they talked about.
Answer the question.
As soon as I went into the bushes, I found an aspen boletus,
Two chanterelles, a boletus and a green moss.
How many mushrooms did I find? Who has the answer?

Summary of a speech therapy lesson in a senior group on the lexical topic “Forest. Mushrooms"

First version of the outline (First year of study)

Correctional educational goals:

Consolidating ideas about the forest and plants growing in the forest. Clarification, expansion and activation of the dictionary on the topic “Mushrooms” (forest, mushroom, leg, cap, boletus, boletus, boletus, chanterelle, fly agaric, honey fungus, russula, collect, harvest, hide, hang, poisonous, edible, fragrant, soft, smooth). Improving the grammatical structure of speech (coordination of numerals with nouns in gender and number), learning to compose descriptive stories; form nouns with diminutive suffixes; practice selecting antonym words; consolidate the use of prepositions; consolidate vocabulary on the topic.

Corrective and developmental goals:

Development of visual attention and perception, speech hearing and phonemic perception, memory, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.

Correctional and educational goals:

Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. Nurturing love and careful attitude to nature.

Equipment: A typesetting canvas, a basket with flat images of mushrooms, a riddle picture “What do you see?”, notebooks, colored pencils.

I. Organizational moment

1 . The speech therapist gives the children one picture of mushrooms.

- I’ll tell you riddles, the one who has the answer picture will sit down.

In the autumn forest in September These are beautiful mushrooms!

On a boring rainy day, How many different hats

The mushroom has grown in all its glory, Among the dried leaves -

Important, proud. Yellow, blue, red!

His house is under the aspen tree, (russula)

He is wearing a red hat. (boletus)

Lucky, so lucky - Well, and this, in the clearing

A bucket full of mushrooms! Poisonous... (toadstools)

They covered a whole tree stump,

Collect if you are not too lazy! (honey mushrooms)

I greet you with a brown hat.

I am a humble fungus without any embellishment.

I found shelter under a white birch tree.

Tell me, children, what is my name? (boletus)

Red hat, polka dots on the hat,

Short skirt with a white leg.

A beautiful fungus, but it won’t deceive you,

Whoever knows about him will not touch him. (fly agaric)

II. Main part.

2. Exercise “Echo”

- You and I are back in autumn forest. We got a little lost and shouted “AU”. The girls scream loudly, and the boys quietly answer from afar: “AU”

3. Game “Basket with Mushrooms”

– Let’s now count how many mushrooms you have collected.

October brought us a harvest of mushrooms.

Salt, marinate and fry them in sour cream,

Make mushroom soup, cook them with potatoes,

And add a little of them to the meat dish.

The forest shares its wealth with you.

Thank you for the joy of autumn miracles!

Children count mushrooms in a noisy picture.

4. Finger gymnastics “Mushrooms”

One, two, three, four, five! They “walk” their fingers on the table.

We're going to look for mushrooms.

This finger went into the forest, They bend one finger at a time,

This finger found the mushroom, starting with the little finger.

I began to clean this finger,

This finger began to fry,

This finger ate everything

That's why I got fat.

5. Didactic game“Where does the caterpillar sit?”

The speech therapist attaches an image of a mushroom with a caterpillar to a magnetic board and asks questions:

-Where does the caterpillar sit?

-Where did the caterpillar hide?

6. “Exercise “Blow on the fungus”

- Each of you has a fungus. Name what a mushroom has?

– What should we affectionately call him?

– A strong wind rose in the forest. Blow on the fungus.

7. Compilation descriptive stories about mushrooms.

Where does it grow?

Under what tree?


Color, shape.


In what form do we use it?

8. Ball game "One is many"

- I will throw you a ball and name one object, and you will

talk a lot.

Mushroom – toadstool mushrooms – toadstools

Butter dish - butter russula - russula

Fly agaric - fly agaric chanterelle - chanterelles

9. Exercise “Fold a mushroom” (from sticks)

– Look at the picture, take as many sticks as you need to make the same mushroom.

10. "Mathematical Riddle"

– I’ll read you a riddle, but not a simple one. Listen and count how many mushrooms I found.
As soon as I went into the bushes, I found an aspen boletus,
Two chanterelles, a boletus and a green moss.
How many mushrooms did I find? Who has the answer?

III.End of class