Correct emphasis on the word agreement or agreements. Which is correct: agreement or contract? How to emphasize the plural

The rules of the modern Russian language allow the stress in the “agreement” to be placed on both the first and third syllables. However, these two options are not equal.

The strict literary norm is “agreement”: on the last syllable: And when declined, it always remains in the same place: “agreement”, “agreement”, “agreement” and so on. This pronunciation option is absolutely in all situations.

But the emphasis in the word “agreement” on the first “O” (“agreement”) is considered acceptable only in a situation of “casual oral speech,” that is, in everyday everyday communication. In all other cases, stress on the first syllable can be considered an error.

Some believe that the permissibility of the accent variant “agreement”, which hurts the ears of many, is one of the innovations that encourage illiteracy recent years. In fact, this is not so - the admissibility of such pronunciation in colloquial speech the authors of dictionaries noted it back in the fifties (for example, “Russian literary pronunciation and stress” by Avanesov and Ozhegov, published in 1959). Thus, the “permission” to place the emphasis on the first syllable in the word “agreement” is already more than 50 years old, but during this time this pronunciation option has never been recognized as full-fledged. This is unlikely to happen in the coming decades. So, if you do not want to be considered an uneducated person, do not hesitate to put the emphasis in the word “agreement” on the last syllable, this norm will remain relevant for a very, very long time.

How to form the plural of the word "agreement"

The situation with the word “agreement” in plural similar to the situation with stress. In the Russian literary language, the option “contracts” is unconditionally correct and appropriate in any situation. The stress, naturally, falls on the third syllable, and in all cases (“agreements”, “agreements”, “agreements” and so on).

Forming the plural with the ending –ы or –и is typical for masculine gender II (for example, “turns”, “circles”, “engineers”), while the ending –а(-я) in the plural is more typical for neuter nouns (for example, “clouds”, “lakes”, “villages”).

However, language is characterized by constant change, and a number of masculine words “showed a tendency” to form the plural characteristic of the neuter (for example, “board”, “boat”, “professor”). Since language is characterized by constant development, now such variants of the plural are parallel to the literary ones. They are not considered an error, but they are usually stylistically limited and acceptable only in colloquial or professional speech.

Therefore, the “agreement” form (the emphasis falls on the ending in all cases) is considered a variant of the norm, but strictly tied to what linguists call a “speech situation”: only in a professional environment and in colloquial speech. In written speech, it is better to use a strictly normative version, with the exception of casual communication in instant messengers and social networks.

And the “agreements” option is appropriate in any situation, in all literary styles, including journalistic and official business.

Pronunciation standards are not the easiest thing. Most often, questions arise in cases of use and spelling of words in the plural. If with nouns feminine Everything is more or less clear, then words of the masculine gender (second declension) can cause serious difficulties. For example, how to say: contracts or agreements, directors or directors, outbuildings or outbuildings?

Confusion with endings -ы (-и) and -а (-я)

IN Old Russian language for the masculine plural there were only forms ending in -ы (-и). Even M.V. Lomonosov identified only three exceptions to the rule, prescribing that one must say “eyes, sides, horns”, and in other cases pronounce -ы or -и at the end of nouns.

However, the form of words with -a at the end confidently gained popularity. IN modern language it occurs often, especially in colloquial speech (contract, proofreader). While endings with -s today often carry a connotation of “bookishness” and formality.

In modern Russian, some words in masculine in the plural they are used only with the ending -а (running), the other part is pronounced with -а only in colloquial speech, and when writing the ending -ы (agreements) is necessarily used, and in the remaining part of the cases the form with -а remains incorrect (authors ). Because of such confusion with endings, questions constantly arise about how to correctly write and say this or that word.

Words ending in -a

Among the words with endings -а (-я), the spelling of which often causes difficulties, you can find the following words:

board, buffer, buer, fan, monogram, bill of exchange, director, doctor, huntsman, chute, millstone, boat, jacket, dome, bell, master, number, haystack, watchman, paramedic, farmstead, best man, stamp, sharpie.

Ending in -ы, but it is acceptable to use -а (contracts)

There are many cases when ending in -ы (-и) is a strict literary norm, but in conversation it is permissible to use -а (-я). A striking example- the word "agreement". “Agreements” are correctly used both in oral and written speech (emphasis on the third letter O), but in an informal setting you can also say “agreements” - this would not be a big mistake.

Here is a list of similar words where the ending -ы (-и) is required, but -а (-я) is allowed:

bunkers and bins, years and years, inspectors and inspectors, feed and feed, proofreaders and proofreaders, boxes and boxes, bodies and bodies, contracts and agreements, holidays and vacations, spotlights and spotlights, editors and editors, sectors and sectors, mechanics and mechanics, outbuildings and outbuildings, poplars and poplars, workshops and workshops.

The ending -ы or -а is used depending on the meaning

It happens that the answer to the question of how to use a word correctly depends entirely on the meaning of the noun.

  • If boars, then hogs. If it's chimneys, then it's a hog.
  • The bodies are referred to as bodies, and the buildings are referred to as bodies.
  • Political groups are camps, but the military and tourists have camps.
  • There are images of heroes in books, movies, and paintings. But images are written on icons.
  • If we are talking about the skin of animals, we need to say fur. If we are talking about bags for transporting liquids, then bellows.
  • Societies of knights or monks were called orders. Insignia are called orders.
  • When something happens due to oversight, these are omissions. But the documents for entry are passes.
  • While the animals are sable, they are written with -i. When they turn into skins, they are already sable.
  • You can listen to the tones in the heart, tune the tones on the guitar, but the tones in the paintings are different.
  • Obstacles are called brakes, and in equipment the brakes can fail.
  • School teachers are teachers, and the founders of some theories, inspirers, are teachers.
  • Standing cereals are bread. The store sells bread.

It can be concluded that pronunciation norms continue to change today. Forms in -a are confidently making their way and it is possible that someday, in 70 - 100 years, they will become the main ones.

Which is correct: “agreements” or “agreements”? You will find a comprehensive answer to the question posed in the materials of this article. In addition, we will tell you how you can replace this word if you are unsure about its spelling or pronunciation.

General information

Not everyone knows how to correctly refer to “agreements” or “contracts”. And for most people who are directly related to the business sphere, such a noun becomes a stumbling block when preparing for a public speech or during a business meeting. That is why it is very important to know which is correct: “agreements” or “agreements”?

What is a contract? Let's find out together

A contract is an agreement between two or more persons that establishes changing or terminating their obligations and rights. The parties to such a document can be both legal and individuals, as well as various public legal associations (for example, the state, international organizations, municipalities etc.).

Currently, the word "contract" is used in three different meanings:

Due to such a variety of meanings, it can be quite easily replaced with a synonym. But at the same time there arises new question: ““Contract” or “agreement” - which is correct?” It should be noted that there is practically no difference between these expressions. After all, the word “contract” means the same multilateral agreement, which stipulates the responsibilities and rights of all its participants. That is why, if you do not know how to pronounce or write “agreement,” you should simply replace it with the most suitable synonym (document, contract, agreement, etc.).

Which is correct: “agreements” or “agreements”?

What to do if you don't know how to pronounce this word correctly? The answer is quite simple: it is necessary to be guided by orthoepic prescriptive stylistic distinctions between the use of the forms “agreement” and “contracts” depending on a particular speech situation.

Traditional form of "contracts"

The plural of the word "treaty" is "treaties". This form represents traditional way formation of nouns of the 2nd declension of the masculine gender. As you know, such words in the plural are formed using next endings: -s or -And. This rule is extremely important to know for the correct pronunciation of this expression.

So, let's imagine several nouns in the masculine plural:

  • turn - turn(s);
  • instructor - instructor(s);
  • agreement - agreement(s);
  • circle - circle(s).

Causes of confusion

Why is it so difficult to remember whether to write “treaties” or “contracts”? The word “contracts” is the only correct form in the Russian literary language. This is exactly what is characteristic of written and book speech. Its use is considered correct and appropriate in absolutely any speech context. However, confusion often arises. What is it connected with?

The Russian language is rich and diverse. It has thousands of different spelling rules. Thus, the plural words of a neuter noun of the 2nd declension have the endings -A And -I:

Let us note that many processes take place in the Russian language that violate a certain and already established norm, leading to the formation of new and stable forms. These words may well be confirmed by the productive formation of plural nouns that end in -A or -I according to the neuter type. Here's an example:

  • board - board(s);
  • professor - professor(s);
  • pearl - pearl(s);
  • agreement - agreement(s).

In what cases should one form or another be used?

So is the word “agreement” singular and plural? To use this expression correctly, the stress should be placed on the third vowel. Moreover, in connection with all of the above, it can be noted that in modern Russian, both presented forms of plural nouns can coexist and not be considered a violation. However, they are still divided according to stylistic principles.

So, the use of forms such as “agreement”, “scooter”, “cruiser” and others, according to all standards, corresponds only to narrowly professional and oral speech. As for the use of the plural of the noun “agreement” in the form “agreements” (the emphasis falls on the third syllable), the rules of orthoepy strongly recommend using this option in journalistic and formal business styles. This will allow you to avoid incidents during public speaking at official meetings or receptions.

Let's sum it up

Now you know when and how to write: “agreements” or “agreements”. To remember this rule, consider what the difference between these words is:

Thus, when thinking about how to correctly pronounce the word “agreements” or “agreements”, you need to remember in what context you are doing this. If you are just communicating with friends or colleagues, then both forms are appropriate (usually “agreement” with an emphasis on the ending). If you need to repeat this word repeatedly in public speaking(for example, at a conference) or used when writing a scientific text, article, then you need to use given word in the plural "agreements" (emphasis on the third vowel).

Correct: agreement, plural. -ы, -ов and (colloquial) -а, -ов


Which is correct: agreement or contract? How to put emphasis on the plural?

Strict literary norm: agreement, agreements; in casual oral speech, the variant agreement, agreement is acceptable. Let's give interesting quote from “Dictionary of difficulties of pronunciation and stress in the modern Russian language” by K. S. Gorbachevich:

Now it is still difficult to say with certainty whether over time the emphasis on agreement will become as normative and aesthetically acceptable as agreement. There are prerequisites for this. Not only part of the intelligentsia, but also some modern famous poets use the contract variant: “But don’t be scared. I will not break our agreement, There will be no tears, no questions, not even reproach” (O. Bergholz, Nothing will return...). In the book “Alive as Life,” K. Chukovsky predicted that the variants of agreement, contractA would become the norm of the literary language in the future.

A small note: many people believe that the agreement, agreement option is an innovation of recent years. However, an indication of the admissibility of such stress in colloquial speech can be found in publications half a century ago, for example, in the dictionary-reference book by R. I. Avanesov and S. I. Ozhegov “Russian literary pronunciation and stress” (M., 1959).

Errors in our oral speech are a common occurrence... Q, Rings or Rings, agreements or agreements, how to correctly pronounce this or that word and not be ridiculed in society? According to the strict literary norms of the Russian language, one should say “contracts”. However, in lately Many sources claim that the word "contract" is beginning to be used more and more often in business and business areas. “Agreements” is a kind of professional expression, such as “directors” instead of “directors”.

According to the assumptions of some etymologists, this word can become stronger in the Russian language and become an aesthetic norm of speech, both literary and colloquial.

Why "contracts"?

The word comes from the verb “to agree”, consisting of the particle “to” and the verb “to speak”. This is a pre-Slavic form that has not changed for more than a dozen centuries. Let us emphasize once again that “contracts” are an absolute literary norm, therefore this option is the only one the right way pronunciation.

It is the literary language that is the guarantor of the preservation of Russian culture and the Russian language as a whole. It acts as a certain standard of behavior that determines the unambiguity of the words used different people. If everyone starts coming up with new ways to pronounce and emphasize words, then people will simply stop understanding each other.

Even in the example of the words “agreements” and “agreements” one can see this misunderstanding when a person pronounces this word in a different way than his communication partner. This partner begins to listen not to what the person wants to convey to him, but begins to notice that he pronounces the word “contracts” incorrectly. This leads to mutual misunderstanding between the parties.

Correct pronunciation of words is of great importance for effective communication between people. A correct understanding of a communication partner is based not only on unified system symbols of speech, but also on the same understanding of these symbols. Therefore, there is a single point of reference - the literary standard of the language. People couldn't build Tower of Babel, since God has confused all languages. By doing this, he erected a communication barrier that people were unable to overcome. As a result, they never finished the tower.

It’s no joke, but how many conflicts, including at the global level, occur only because of a misunderstanding of the parties at the language level? Quite a lot, if not all of them. In today's world, people are in dire need of a unified system of symbols in order to build their relationships not only with their fellow citizens, but also with citizens of other countries. The trend is that year after year English is becoming a similar world language system.

Speak correctly! "treaties", but not "contracts".