The procedure for updating the next release of accounting 2.0. You have to wait for the update to finish

Before upgrading to a new edition, you must make a backup copy. To do this, you need to run the infobase in mode Configurator and in the menu Administration select item Download infobase. In the dialog that opens, just specify the name of the file into which the data will be written.

Launch the database in mode CONFIGURATOR on behalf of Administrator databases or select user with rights database administrator. For a correct transition from BP 2.0 to BP3.0, you need to install the additional role ""

This can be done by selecting Configurator menu item " Administration - Users" and open the desired user in the list.

On the tab " Others"you need to check the box next to the item" System administrator (for transition to edition 3.0)" And " Full rights".

After clicking on " OK" the changes made will be saved.

The transition to edition 3.0 must be carried out only on behalf of a database user with these rights.

Stage 2. Updating the database in Configurator mode

To select the correct update file, you need to know the current configuration version. You can view the current version by clicking on the icon "About the program" or in the menu item Reference select item "About the program"

Open the database in mode Configurator on behalf of the user to whom you have given rights.

In the menu item " Configuration/Support » click « Update configuration " If item " Support" unavailable, click " Configuration - Open configuration " and repeat the action.

In the window that opens, select “ Selecting an update file " by pressing the button Further

Specify the path to the update file: External treatments N:\1C updates\Transition files from BP 2.0 to BP 3.0

In the next window, click « Ready » to start the update process.

After some time, the program will download information about the update file and you will see a window like this:

At the press of a button OK The configuration update process will begin. It may take some time.

During the update period you will receive two messages, first click YES- update the information security configuration, press the second ACCEPT- reorganization of tables.

Stage 3: Completing the update

After the update is complete, click the button "Start debugging." The database will open in mode Company and you will see a message confirming the legality of the update. Check mark "I confirm" and press "Continue".

After confirming the update, the database will take some time to prepare the changes (the program may seem to freeze).

You should wait for the update to complete.

This completes the transition to version 3.0.

Failed to update? Contact a specialist!

New 1C releases come out once a week. Update in a timely manner and always keep your databases up to date!

Table last updated by: — 12.07.2019.

1C technology platforms.

Typical configurations.

The 1C company is constantly developing its software solutions. For each program, key updates are released at least once a month.

In order to find out what platform release and configuration you have (if you don’t know what a platform and configuration is, look at this video),

open the program in “Configurator” or “1C Enterprise” mode and click this sign in the top menu.

A window like this will open.

At the top we read the number of your platform release, just below the configuration number.

Changes to the number in the last register of the release number are not so important. Although, here we also need to make sure that there is not a big gap, especially in platform releases. You need to pay special attention to the following register. If it changes and you have discrepancies, you must update.

We publish information on this page for our clients. If you have not found the name of your 1C program, call us and we will include it in this table.

Relatively recently, the 1C company released a new version of the application solution “1C: 3.0” and thereby stopped supporting version 2.0. Previously, the developers, at the request of their partners, continued to support the previous version, but this did not last long.

This application solution is a continuation of the so-called legendary series of accounting programs. It has a different interface, the so-called managed application, which provides users with completely new opportunities: hosting applications in the cloud, creating reports in the background, and working in web client mode is also possible. In addition to interface changes, there are some improvements that relate to the accounting part: the salary accounting module has been expanded, and tax accounting has become more logical and convenient.

What are the features of the transition?

The transition from the 1C Accounting solution from edition 2.0 to 3.0 will undoubtedly be inevitable for all enterprises where it is used. It is important to say that the transition itself is not at all complicated and is simply an “update” of the configuration for the next one. But there are also some disadvantages. In practice, we have already gained experience in the transition of atypical configurations, which we will now tell you about. Below we will look at the features and problems that occur in configurations with a level of change that is “more than average.”

Required Release

To switch to another configuration, you need little: release the configuration of edition “2.0”, from which you need to switch to the new version. You can find out which release is required on the website. There is information about the current versions suitable for updating. For example, today the current version is “”, which can be updated from the release “”.

How to adapt configuration modifications?

If the user is dealing with an atypical configuration, the first thing to do is to transfer improvements from the functionality of the second version to the third.

To obtain a list of changes, you need to compare (compare) the information database configuration with the vendor configuration. At the same time, you need to check that the provider configuration remains up to date.

In this case, there are certain features:

Improvements that were made on “regular” forms cannot simply be transferred to managed forms. Here there is a need to adapt the program code;

- “Accounting 3.0” is, at its core, a new software solution. If, for example, before this the modification was in a document module called “Receipts of Goods and Services” (function “Calculate Percentage of Surcharge”), now the above procedure may not exist at all. Then the question arises about the need for serious understanding, as well as analysis of each of the improvements;

When programmers used typical common modules in modifications, then most of all all the “links” will be lost. Now the general modules have undergone significant changes: both their names and the composition of their functions (the legacy of the new 2.x);

A similar fate affected metadata objects. A large number of them have become “unnecessary”, so to speak. Instead of the latter, other objects began to be used, and some of them were renamed (for example, a directory with the name “Registration VIFNS” changed its name to “Registration in Tax Authorities”);

The problem of industry “superstructures”

Currently, based on the configuration called “1C: Enterprise Accounting”, there are a large number of industry solutions. These solutions are in most cases installed as an “add-on” configuration.

As a result of market analysis, many such solutions are no longer supported. This happened for completely different reasons. In some cases, the developers left the company, and in others, the developer company no longer exists. Therefore, the choice is this: lose the treasured functionality or transfer the configuration “at your own expense.”

Due to the firm's limited budget and program support, this issue can be very sensitive to clients.

Data restructuring

In general, the 1C update process, in particular data restructuring, are very delicate issues.

The restructuring itself takes a lot of time. Restructuring tables that have a significant number of records and, even with good hardware, can also take a lot of time.

There are cases when updating the database took several days, and at the end the system reported an error, saying that “the information register entry... has become non-unique.” Of course, such situations may exist, but you need to pay attention to this and additional time needs to be built into your risk bank.

The update process itself (when the software is launched for the first time, update handlers are launched) also does not work correctly (without errors) in all cases and can sometimes cause problems.

Today there is no single algorithm of actions that would help avoid mistakes. After all, every time a new “pleasant novelty” may appear. The only thing, in order to avoid unnecessary nerves at the “H” hour, at the beginning of the immediate transition, we advise you to run the update and restructuring procedure “live” several times on the server equipment.

A few words about access rights

Our experience suggests that quite often the average user may have problems with access rights. After updating, be sure to check your login capabilities and information database. Typically these problems can be resolved by rewriting the user's permissions (the tab called "Access Groups" in the directory entry called "Users").

Printed forms, external processing and reports

Translation of printed forms, external processing and reports is not provided by 1C in any way. To “convert” them you need to take a conscious approach to the matter.

To begin with, you need to transfer the forms to the managed application mode. Then we need to prepare such files using the new standard subsystem library method.

Numbering restoration process

Even the developers themselves noted that after updating the software product to version “3.0,” there are problems with the numbering: it “goes astray” and then starts counting again. In order to return the numbering, it is enough to generate a document with the last code that was in the system.

For example, if the last document called “Receipt” had number 256, then you need to create a document with the same number, set manually (256). The next document, accordingly, will automatically enter under number 257.

For such purposes, it is possible to write a simple processing. This means forming a document of each type with the last existing number and designating it for the purpose of deletion.

What are the exchange rules?

If, for example, your configuration was exchanged with another using exchange rules, then in almost all cases the rules will not work. This situation arises because some metadata objects began to have different names, some details were deleted, others were added.

To work correctly, you need to load your rules into a configuration called “Data Conversion”. Then find the details that have changed and correct them. If you know what the error is, then the existing error can be corrected in the " " rules file. It can be opened in notepad.

A little about organizational issues

Among the difficulties, attention should be paid to organizational issues:

Justification of the cost of updating to the client. For the latter, this is a rather difficult question. Relatively recently, there was just a transition from “1.6” to “2.0”, then a little time passed, and the configuration already needs to be changed to “3.0”. Why should the client again give his funds for an update? However, the user can be consoled by the fact that the 1C company is not planning any updates or major innovations in the near future.

What expenses should you expect during the transition? The time it takes to switch to a new version of a software product greatly depends on the degree of configuration modification itself. One of the recommendations is to refrain from making premature assessments, and instead agree to work “as a matter of fact.” After all, the restructuring process may continue much longer than planned. The downside is that the above problem cannot be predicted in any way.

Now we will draw certain conclusions and try to give advice on a more comfortable and simpler transition:

Don’t waste time, plan your transition as early as possible;

It would be better if the transfer of functionality was carried out by the same specialist programmers who were working on finalizing the configuration;

It is advisable to allocate as much time as possible for restructuring. For example, if you plan to switch from Monday, it would be better to start work on Friday evening;

Before you make final modifications, you need to run the updates in a text environment. Without the so-called “rehearsal”, there is a risk of not being able to complete the update in time during the technological window;

Backups should be made of everything and these operations should be carried out as often as possible;

The transition to “3.0” is a good reason to “take inventory” of improvements and code refactoring. If you see that a certain functionality is not used or has lost its relevance, then say goodbye to it without hesitation;

You can also test the transferred functionality more often. Create a test base and launch users into it;

Create an environment for users where they can get acquainted with the software product in advance. This will make it possible in the future to avoid simple questions when starting to work with “3.0”;

There should always be a Plan B in stock. If something didn’t work out with “3.0,” you will need to return to “2.0” so as not to stop the operation of the enterprise.

As the 1C company reports in official letters, from 2014 it is planned to discontinue support for the product “” 2.0. This means that 1C will stop releasing updates for this program, including regulated reporting.

The vendor recommends transferring its clients’ information systems to a new version of the program - 1C Accounting 3.0 (8.3). This program is a fully functioning full version of the program, the official release of which was released more than a year ago.

What does that require? Let's look at step-by-step instructions for updating or migrating from the 1C Accounting program from 2.0 to 3.0.

You can read more about the new version of the program on the page.

Before switching from 1C 8.2 to 8.3, you need to make sure that the correct versions of programs (configurations and platforms) are installed in the company.

Installing update templates

Before updating the program, you must install this. Where can I get the accounting update installation file? Subscription holders should not have any problems with this.

After downloading the update, open the archive:

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Launch the setup.exe file from the archive and click next 3 times:

The update has been unpacked!

Preparing for the update

Updating the configuration to version 3.0 possible starting from version Users who have an earlier version of the configuration installed must first update the configuration to a version no lower than

The new edition is supported by the platform 1C version 8.2.15 and higher.

Accounting version 3.0 is available for updating to clients who have a license for the program version 2.0 and an ITS subscription from 1C. If you need to switch from 2.0 to 3.0, contact an experienced 1C 8 programmer.

First, you need to make sure whether your configuration is typical. If you do not have support installed when you open the configuration (there is no lock on the configuration), do not try to update the configuration yourself under any circumstances, there is a risk of data loss. Talk to .

The configuration must have support installed (with a lock):

Before updating, make a backup copy of your database!

Program update

After the preparatory stage has been completed and you understand that it is possible, we will proceed to the update.

The transition to edition 3.0 is performed as an update of the configuration version using the configurator.

To do this, you need to open 1C 8.3 in configurator mode, open the configuration: