Dmitry Kleimenov husband of Daineko biography. The history of the relationship between Dmitry Kleiman and Victoria Daineko

A well-known drummer, guitarist and beatboxer in musical circles, ex-husband popular Russian singer Victoria Daineko.

Dmitry Kleiman. Biography and career

Dmitry Kleiman born in Moscow in 1994. From the age of five, the boy, finding himself behind a drum set, became fascinated by this process and subsequently began, as it is written on his page on one of the social networks, extract a bit from literally everything that came to his hand - these were cans, cutlery, boxes, and even old shoes.

Drummer Kleiman quite famous in musical circles. In addition, he is a guitarist and beatboxer. Dmitry performs with rapper T-killah , known for his work with “Star Factory” graduate and ex-wife of director Rezo Gigineishvili Anastasia Kochetkova, Masha Malinovskaya, Olga Buzova and others. Also Kleiman plays in a band MF & Drum Cast.

Dmitry Kleiman. Personal life

Since November 2014 Dmitry Kleiman met with the popular Russian singer Victoria Daineko. A few months later, he proposed to her and on April 14, 2015, the couple got married. On October 3, 2015, Vika and Dima had a daughter, Lydia.

The creative duo Kleiman-Daineko has a significant age difference, and the spouse in the couple is 7 years younger. However, Dmitry himself stated in an interview with the media that this certainly does not bother him. He became close to Victoria when she was looking for drummers for her team.

“I needed drummers for the team to present my album” V" They recommended guys, among whom was Dima. I remember the first time I saw him. I walked into the rehearsal area, Dima was sitting sideways on the sofa, with a phone in his hands. We were introduced to each other, and without understanding why, I suddenly burst into a smile. I even had to turn away so as not to embarrass the guy. In general, I noticed him, and then we started rehearsing,” shared Daineko in one of the interviews.

However, the musicians' marriage ended in tears. In April 2017 Dmitry Kleiman stated that he wants to divorce his wife. On July 11, he filed for divorce. He did not name the reason for his decision, but Victoria hinted on social networks that problems in their family life arose due to Dmitry’s betrayal. Daineko then noted that in Last year Marriage, she and her husband quarreled very often. Moreover, as she admitted, all disagreements ended with Kleiman packing his things and leaving home. In September, 30-year-old Victoria Daineko officially divorced her husband Dmitry Kleiman. The initiative came from Dmitry.

Six months after the breakup, Kleiman decided to frank interview, in which he voiced the real reason their divorce. According to Daineko’s ex-husband, the performer did not value him at all and always reproached him for the fact that she mainly supports the family.

“Relationships with Vika have always been difficult. She knew she was marrying a guy who was just starting out creative path. But after the wedding, reproaches began - it all came down to money. She never had enough of them; Daineko did not want to reduce her appetites. There were continuous insults and reproaches. And this is not stimulating at all. If you feel supported, if they tell you nice words, you can move mountains. It is very important to know that your loved one believes in you! And when every day you hear: “Become a janitor or work as a courier,” your motivation disappears and you give up. This is difficult for any person, but for a creative person it is murder! I was trampled underfoot as a man, as a person! They trampled my love,” Dmitry shared.

According to Dmitry Kleiman, he decided to make a public confession after Victoria forbade him to see their 2-year-old daughter Lydia. “I was silent for a long time. I was silent and tolerated it when my wife humiliated me and took our family’s affairs to the Internet for everyone to see and desecrate. There are probably people in this world with limitless patience, but this is definitely not me. It ended exactly at the moment when the ex-wife completely blocked access to the child, blocking me everywhere. I can no longer call her, or even write to her by email to arrange a meeting with my daughter,” Daineko’s ex-husband admitted in an interview with the publication “

Dmitry Kleiman and Victoria Daineko got married in April 2015. In October of the same year, the couple had a baby, who was named Lida. However, in the fall of 2017, Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman announced their divorce. Why did the young people split up? What caused their separation? We will talk about this in our article.

Victoria Daineko's ex-husband - Dmitry Kleiman

It is known that Dmitry was born in 1994. By occupation he is a musician. He began to engage in creativity since early childhood. In addition to playing the drums, he plays the guitar and enjoys beatboxing (imitating drum rhythms with his voice).

He collaborates with various famous singers and is a fairly well-known person in certain circles. Dmitry is the drummer of the band DrumCast.

Kleiman met Victoria when she was looking for musicians to record an album. The young people felt sympathy for each other and began an affair in November 2014. On the eve of Valentine's Day, Dmitry proposed to his beloved. Two months later, Dmitry Kleiman and Victoria Daineko (photo of the ex-spouses is located in the article) officially legalized their relationship.

Wedding of Dmitry and Victoria

Registration of the relationship between young people took place at the Kutuzovsky registry office. The ceremonial event on the occasion of the wedding of Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman took place that same evening at the Rose Bar, which is located on Bolshaya Dmitrovka. The couple decided to hold their wedding in a luxurious restaurant located on the roof of an ancient building in the very center of the capital.

More than a hundred guests were invited to the celebration, including celebrities. Igor Matvienko, Mitya Fomin, TV presenter Evelina Khromchenko, Ksenia Khrabovskaya, Vika’s friends from “Star Factory” and other representatives of Russian show business came to congratulate the newlyweds.

Neither the musician nor the popular singer was embarrassed by the significant age difference. Victoria was 7 years older than her husband. The happy newlyweds assured that their marriage would be very strong, because the spouses were confident in each other.

On the eve of the wedding in funds mass media Information began to appear that Victoria and Dmitry would soon become parents. Six months later, the couple had a girl.

Reason for breakup

Daineko announced her divorce from Dmitry in May 2017. The girl had to break the silence, as quite a lot of untruths began to appear in the media.

Officially, Dmitry Kleiman and Victoria Daineko broke up on September 19, 2017. The divorce petition was accepted by the Kuntsevsky District Court. According to a participant in the Star Factory project, main reason The divorce was caused by a lack of mutual understanding and jealousy on Dmitry's part. The ex-spouses often argued, and all disagreements ended with the young man packing his things and leaving home. In the end, the couple decided to separate, after which Kleiman moved to another apartment.

The Star Factory participant hoped to the last to save her marriage, but she failed. In turn, Daineko’s husband claimed that Victoria was entirely to blame for the fact that they had to separate.

Victoria and Dmitry today

After the divorce, the baby stayed to live with Victoria. Dmitry lives in a separate apartment in the company of two French bulldogs.

Until December 2017, nothing was known about the singer’s personal life. However, on the eve of the coming year, information appeared in the media that the popular singer had an affair with a hockey player. The ex-husband, having learned about this, hastened to publish a photo with an unknown girl on social networks. The musician did not indicate the name of his companion, deciding to maintain the intrigue.

Victoria Daineko is a popular Russian singer who won the musical project “Star Factory-5”. The young artist arrived in the capital from Yakutia, impressing television viewers and professionals with the power of her voice and bright southern temperament.

Victoria still occupies her own niche in Russian show business, continuing to expand their repertoire with new fiery dance tunes.

Childhood and youth

Victoria Petrovna Daineko was born on May 12, 1987 in Kazakhstan, in the small village of Kirovsky, Taldy-Kurgan region. Immediately after the birth of their daughter, the Daineko family moved to Yakutia, to the city of Mirny.

Victoria’s mother worked as a programmer, and her father changed many professions: he was a truck driver, a television operator, a DJ at his own disco, served as the head of the automation department at Sberbank and worked in a housing cooperative. Vika was the only child in the family, so she received the maximum amount parental love and complete freedom of action.

Daineko began singing and dancing from early childhood. At the age of 5, her parents sent the girl to the ballet theater “Diamonds of Yakutia”. At the same time, Vika developed her singing talent: until the 8th grade she sang in the Atas ensemble. A girl with a beautiful and strong voice was noticed and invited first to the city pop group “Reflection”, and then to “Phaeton” of the Almaz Palace of Culture. The group successfully performed at various music venues in Mirny and mostly covered other people’s hits.

Daineko was noticeable and recognizable: flexible, with an exotic appearance and a strong voice. Wherein music education Vika never received it: there were no special ones in the town educational institutions, where they teach pop vocals. The girl learned all the subtleties of vocal performance herself, listening to CDs of popular singers and trying to repeat what she heard.

However, not only music and songs occupied all of her free time. The girl managed to prove herself in journalism: in the Lyceum newspaper “Lyceum Press” she wrote the column “Everything is important to us.” She also taught herself English and Spanish.

And yet music became decisive: the desire to sing in English prompted Daineko to enter the faculty foreign languages Moscow Aviation Institute.


The most noticeable and vibrant pages creative biography Victoria Daineko received in the capital. If in her native Mirny she was already a local celebrity, now she had to win the recognition of the whole country.

A student at the Moscow Aviation Institute lived not far from Ostankino. And when I found out about the casting for the TV project “Star Factory-5”, I decided to try my luck. A young contestant from distant Yakutia suddenly saw with her own eyes other show business megastars.

Victoria Daineko on the TV project “Star Factory-5” - “Leila”

After 3 months, Victoria Daineko became the winner of the “Factory” and acquired an army of fans and admirers. Immediately after the end of the project, the singer went with other participants on a concert tour around the cities of the country. She also recorded the first video for the new song “Leila,” which immediately became a hit. Filming took place in Thailand. A Yakut girl saw palm trees and the sea for the first time. After “Factory,” Daineko received an offer of cooperation from one of the most famous producers and composers in Russia, Igor Matvienko.

Now Victoria’s creative biography includes dozens of videos and hits, including the “first swallow” - “Leila”, and the duet with “I Dreamed”, and the already well-known “I’ll Just Leave You Right Now”, “Breathe”, “Stop, where am I going?

Victoria Daineko - “Breathe”

2007 was the most eventful year for the singer. In the fall, Victoria was nominated for the “Best Performer” award according to the MTV Russia Music Awards. That same year she starred for the first time in erotic photo shoot for Playboy magazine. The girl also took part in the project “ glacial period" Her partner was a famous figure skater. The couple reached the finals of the project, but the creative tandem of Daineko and Yagudin did not end there. Together with the skater, Victoria recorded the song “Needle” and shot a joint video.

In 2008, Victoria Daineko’s debut album entitled “Needle” appeared. He collected all the singer’s hits over 3 years of work. The album includes the compositions “I will be better” and “I will live”, a Russian adaptation of the hit “I will survive”, which served as the soundtrack to the animated film “Noah’s Ark”.

Victoria Daineko - “I will be better”

In the spring of 2009, Daineko sang in a duet with the TV project “Two Stars”. The couple took 3rd place. In the same year, the singer appeared in “ New Year's Eve on the First", where she performed in an even more unusual duet. Together with the comedian, Victoria parodied the popular film “Mr. and Mrs. Smith,” enthusiastically quarreling with her on-screen husband and shooting at him with various weapons.

In 2011, the singer repeated her success in the project with which her creative biography began. The artist took part in the show “Star Factory. Return”, where graduates of the “Star Factory” competed different years. The girl joined Igor Matvienko’s team. The hit of the project was the ensemble of Victoria Daineko, and, which was called “Loneliness”.

Slava, Victoria Daineko and Zara - “Loneliness”

In the same year, Victoria presented fresh singles and video clips for them: “Erase it from memory” and “Girl in a Million”.

In 2012, the celebrity recorded a new track “In last time", which was presented at New Year's concert Channel One "Olivier Show" paired with. The singer also released music videos for the songs “Closer than Tango” and “Mirror, mirror”, recorded together with. In the same year, Daineko recorded the song “Wings,” which was subsequently included in the album “Ellipses” along with compositions released over the previous 2 years. Victoria performed the title song of the new album together with.

Alexey Vorobyov and Victoria Daineko - “The Last Time”

In 2013, the video clip “Breathe” appeared in rotation. 2014 brought Daineko’s career two musical premieres: a video for the song “Beat Yourself” and a new album, the second in a row and the first in English, with the laconic name “V”, were released, which helped the singer gain weight on the international music market.

In 2015, Victoria released a video for the song “Living Together.” Soon the singer began working with animation again; she voiced one of the main characters in the cartoon “Trolls.” Victoria's company in the dubbing work was a singer who gave his voice to the second central character of the film.

Victoria Daineko – “Living Together”

In the same year, Victoria presented a new video clip for the song “These Nights”. But much more public attention was attracted by another composition called “Living Together,” which was released a year earlier. Listeners of Russian Radio brought this song to the top line of the Golden Gramophone hit parade. In the same year, the composition won the Golden Gramophone statuette. The artist herself calls this track very special and charged with positivity.

Victoria Daineko – “These Nights”

Also in 2016, “Russian Top” nominated Victoria for the title of “Singer of the Year”, and the “RU.TV Award” - “Moms of the Year”, but Daineko did not receive the awards themselves. But the singer, together with her husband Dmitry Kleiman, won the “RU.TV Award” in the “Wedding of the Year” category.

Personal life

During the first tour that took place after the end of the “Star Factory-5” project, Victoria Daineko met the lead singer of the group “Roots”. It was a bright but short-term romance, after which there was a beautiful song called “I’ll Just Leave You Right Away.”

Victoria had another affair with the group “Roots” with a representative of the same group, singer Dmitry Pakulichev. But this relationship also quickly ended in order to “make way” for the next one - with singer Alexei Vorobyov. The couple seemed happy, all the tabloids wrote about them, but the stormy romance between Daineko and Vorobyov suddenly ended in May 2012. Vika and Alexey unexpectedly broke up, without explaining to anyone the reasons for the breakup.

In November 2014, Victoria Daineko’s personal life again became a top tabloid topic: the singer began dating the drummer of the DrumCast group, Dmitry Kleiman. He is 7 years younger than the singer, but this did not bother Victoria at all. She admits that she did not feel the age difference, because her chosen one behaved very maturely and responsibly. As the singer told the press, at the time they met she did not even suspect that the musician was so much younger than her, and Dmitry sometimes behaved even more mature than his chosen one.

In February 2015, the musician proposed marriage to Victoria, to which she agreed. In April 2015, Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman. For some time there were rumors that the singer had separated from her husband, but Victoria quickly denied these gossips and even hinted that she and her husband were thinking about getting married.

Soon after the wedding, it became known that the singer was pregnant; on October 3 of the same year, Victoria gave birth to a daughter, Lydia. The celebrity tries not to let strangers know family life. She posts photos of the children's room, her daughter's clothes and other children's accessories on social networks, but does not share pictures of the girl with fans.

In November 2016, the singer organized a magnificent celebration in honor of her daughter’s birthday. Daineko rented a Moscow restaurant, which she decorated in soft pink and white colors, and invited celebrity friends. Unlike other star mothers who regularly show off their children to the press and fans, Daineko did not show her daughter to strangers even after the girl was one year old. Rumors about Lydia’s illness appeared in the media, but the artist denied these speculations.

In 2017, rumors appeared in the press about discord and quarrels in the Daineko family. By this time, Dmitry no longer lived with his wife and daughter. In May, Victoria commented on divorce rumors for the first time. According to the singer, the discord began due to constant quarrels in December 2016, after which the couple separated.

In the summer of 2017, a photo appeared on the Internet in which Daineko’s husband, smeared with lipstick, hugs two girls. Victoria wrote in social network an appeal to the girl in the picture, who turned out to be her friend, already an ex.

Later, information appeared about Victoria’s affair with hockey player Grigory Panin, but the celebrities themselves denied a close relationship with each other.

Victoria Daineko now

While journalists and fans worry about the singer’s relationship, Daineko plunged headlong into creativity. She presented a new composition, “The Heart Beats,” which was accompanied by a music video. The song was released as a single, which was supposed to add to the track list of the new album.

In 2018, the pop star’s studio work, called “Smiles,” was released. The album includes the tracks “I’m Coming,” “The Heart Is Beating,” “I’m with You.”

Vika Daineko - “Smiles”

On July 22, Victoria attended the second annual music festival under open air“Swallow”, which took place at Luzhniki. The singer posted a photo report about this appearance on the page in "Instagram".

Now uncertainty reigns in the artist’s personal life. In the summer of 2018, Victoria mentioned that she could start a new relationship with Dmitry. Over time, the feeling of resentment towards his former life partner dulled, and Kleiman began to visit his ex-wife and daughter more often.

However, already in the fall, rumors appeared between Daineko and Vorobyov. The singer invited ex-girlfriend to star in his video for the song “Happy New Year, my beloved person!” The video is based on real story love between two artists, the plot uses archival videos and photos.

The sincerity of feelings that Victoria and Alexey presented on the screen made fans talk about a new round in their relationship. The performers themselves did not comment on this information, but those around them noticed how the eyes of the former lovers glowed next to each other.

In November, the premiere of the Disney animated film “Ralph Breaks the Internet” took place, in which Daineko again participated in the dubbing. The heroine speaks in her voice.

In addition to her career as a voice actress, Victoria continues to act in television projects. The singer received a cameo role in the comedy series "". She played ex-wife the main character Kulagin, performed by.

Victoria Petrovna Daineko. Born on May 12, 1987 in the village. Kirovsky Taldy-Kurgan region (Kazakh SSR). Russian singer and actress, winner of “Star Factory-5”.

Victoria Daineko was born on May 12, 1987 in the village of Kirovsky, Taldy-Kurgan region. She spent her childhood in the Yakut city of Mirny.

WITH early years dreamed of becoming a pop singer, but adults did not take her desire seriously. Parents - Peter and Evgenia Daineko - sent their daughter to the ballet “Diamonds of Yakutia”. Vika studied dancing until she was 11 years old.

IN school years Vika began performing at various music venues in Mirny, mostly covering other people’s hits. She was making progress, so she was invited first to the local pop group “Reflection”, and then to a group called “Phaeton”.

Since there were no special music schools in the small town, Vika was self-taught. At the same time, Vika studied English.

In 2004, she became a participant in the Channel One television project “Star Factory 5” under the leadership of Alla Pugacheva, where she won.

As part of the television project, Vika performed two solo songs - “I will be better” (music by O. Volyando, lyrics by K. Arsenyev) and “Leila” (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by I. Matvienko, Y. Buzhilova).

A video was also shot for the song “I Dreamed” (music by A. Marshall, lyrics by K. Kavaleryan). The composition with Daineko was performed by Alexander Marshal.

After the end of the TV project with Vika, Igor Matvienko began serious work.

The singer’s debut video for the song “Leila” (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by Yu. Buzhilova) was filmed in 2005 in Thailand.

Victoria's life was constantly discussed in the press. In 2006, the singer had an affair with the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev.

However, her relationship with Artemyev did not develop into a serious one. But after them there was a plot for a video for Daineko’s song “I’ll Just Leave You Right Away” (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by O. Rovnaya). As conceived by director Viktor Priduvalov, it was closely related to the Korni group’s video for the hit “Do you want me to sing for you.”

Victoria Daineko - I'll just leave you right away

At the beginning of 2007, Vika recorded the soundtrack for the film “Waiting for a Miracle” under the title “The Film is Not About Love” (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by O. Rovnaya). In parallel with the filming of the film, a video clip for this song was shot.

In the fall of 2007, she was presented in the “Best Performer” category at the MTV Russia Music Awards, ultimately losing to the singer MakSim. She also won the Fashion TV channel award in the “Fashion Singer of 2007” category.

At the beginning of the same year, Victoria posed for the first time for the April issue of Playboy magazine. She later greatly regretted her photo shoots for a men's magazine (she spoke about this more than once in her interviews).

Victoria Daineko in Playboy

In 2007, she participated in the Ice Age project with Alexei Yagudin, with whom they reached the finals.

Together with Alexey, Vika recorded the song “Needle” (music by I. Matvienko, lyrics by O. Rovnaya), for which a video clip was shot.

In 2007, Vika tried herself in cinema. She played a cameo (herself) in a cameo role in the television series Happy Together, and also voiced main character Panti in the cartoon "Noah's Ark".

On March 6, 2008, the debut album “Igolka” was released. The album became a kind of “collection of the singer’s hits”, since it was the first album in 3 years of work.

Victoria Daineko - Moon moon

In the spring of 2009, she took part in the Channel One project “Two Stars 2009”, where, together with actor Alexander Oleshko, she took 3rd place.

At the end of 2010, she voiced the main character of the cartoon “Rapunzel: Complicated story».

In 2011, she took part in the “Star Factory” project. Return”, where graduates of the “Star Factory” from different years competed. Vika was part of the team of producer Igor Matvienko. Daineko won the project; she was preferred by 19% of the viewers who took part in the voting.

On November 14, 2014, the premiere of the second and first English-language album entitled “V” took place.

In May 2015 she was awarded the title “Honored Artist of Karachay-Cherkessia.”

In November 2015, the song “These Nights” was released, but already in January 2016 a video for this composition was shot.

In November 2016, the cartoon “Trolls” was released, one of the characters was voiced by Victoria Daineko.

Victoria Daineko's height: 161 centimeters.

Personal life of Victoria Daineko:

From the first days when Vika became famous, she led stormy life on the personal front, invariably attracting the attention of the press.

After the aforementioned affair with the lead singer of the group “Korni” Pavel Artemyev, Daineko switched her attention to another representative of this group - singer Dmitry Pakulichev. Daineko’s romance with Pakulichev was accompanied by many rumors and gossip, and the media constantly wrote about it.

Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Pakulichev

Relations with Pakulichev also ended in a break.

At the end of the summer of 2011, Victoria Daineko appeared in the life new man- Alexey Vorobiev. They were together until May 2012, when they separated.

Victoria Daineko and Alexey Vorobyov

Since November 2014, she dated the drummer of the DrumCast group Dmitry Kleiman.

On April 14, 2015, Daineko and Kleiman got married. On October 3, 2015, the couple had a daughter.

In March 2017, it became known that the couple was breaking up.

Victoria Daineko and Dmitry Kleiman

Filmography of Victoria Daineko:

2006 - Club - cameo
2007 - Happy together - cameo
2007 - First at home - cameo
2007 - Noah's Ark Panther - Panti (voice)
2010 - Rapunzel: Tangled - Rapunzel (voice)
2011 - All inclusive! - Vika
2012 - Cinderella - cameo
2015 - Wedding card (short film) - Dasha
2016 - m/f Trolls - Rose (voice)
2018 - - Natasha, ex-wife of Kulagin

Victoria Daineko - Big Love Show 2014

Discography of Victoria Daineko:

2008 - “Needle”
2014 - "V"

Video clips of Victoria Daineko:

2004 - I dreamed - together with Alexander Marshal
2005 - Leila (first solo video clip)
2006 - I'll just leave you right away
2007 - The film is not about love - soundtrack to the film “Waiting for a Miracle”
2007 - Needle - together with Alexey Yagudin
2007 - I will live - soundtrack to the cartoon “Noah’s Ark”
2008 - Stop, where am I going
2008 - Eye to eye - together with the group Roots (soundtrack for the comedy film “New Year’s Tariff”)
2009 - Blob - in the video the singer starred with Dmitry Bikbaev and the lead singer of the group Korni Dmitry Pakulichev
2009 - My angel (remix) - soundtrack to the animated film “Our Masha and the Magic Nut”
2011 - Erase him from memory (the main male role in the video was played by the lead singer of the group Korni Dmitry Pakulichev)
2011 - Million Dollar Girl
2012 - Closer than tango - advertising video clip in which the singer advertised the famous brand Always
2012 - Mirror, mirror - together with rapper T-killah
2013 - Breathe
2014 - Beat yourself
2015 - Living together
2016 - These nights

Victoria Daineko - Breathe

Victoria Daineko - I Will Survive

Victoria Daineko about herself:

“I’m a big fan of British musical culture. Almost all the performers I loved since childhood were from there.”

“It was difficult for me to communicate with people. I was always brave, and only when I went on stage did I start to feel embarrassed and lost... Besides, I didn’t know how to talk to people at all. It was in show business that I had to learn this.”

“It’s not that I’m amorous. Many people can be attractive and pleasant to me. But in such a way that some feelings arise and I can not just flirt with a person, but go for personal communication, this is rare. I’m always too open with people , and this, as a rule, scares them. And they, as a rule, run away from me.”

"...You are loved not for who you really are, but for who they want you to be. Roughly speaking, a person paints a certain picture in his fantasy, and it turns out to be too idealized. But you are a person "You are not the perfect porcelain creature that was placed in your home. You have completely different emotions."

“I’m a homebody person, and give me free rein, I’ll always sit at home, especially if it’s not stuffy there.”

“In general, I don’t really like cosmetics, with the exception, of course, for stage cosmetics. In my free time from work, I don’t wear makeup, I don’t overuse products, you know, I don’t have three tons of masks. As a rule, I have a good cleanser and moisturizer means".

“Of course, I am jealous of my husband. To the point that I have some kind of dream, and I can throw a scandal at Dima. Why was he staring at some blonde in my dream? Once at a concert he went to talk to some girl. Well, how was I supposed to know that it was his? former teacher in solfeggio? But the most serious case was when the husband in Cyprus did not answer calls and at the same time subscribed to some girl DJ on social networks."