Eminem personal life. The real reason you've never heard of Eminem's other two daughters

Even if you don't like Eminem's music, there's a good chance you know a lot about the man behind Marshall Mathers' music. After all, he is one of the biggest names in rap and one of the most recognizable celebrities in the world. Eminem has been telling his story to the world for decades, and people have listened. Over the years, fans have even learned about Eminem's family through his music. We've heard about his volatile relationship with his ex-wife, Kim Scott/Mathers. We also learned about his biological daughter, Haley Scott Mathers.

Whether you first heard about her on “Just The Two of Us” on the 1997 Slim Shady EP, on the eponymous track “97 Bonnie & Clyde” on the 1999 Slim Shady LP, or on one of the many subsequent songs in which Eminem tapped his daughters, do you have any idea who Haley is? While much is known about Haley, little is known about Eminem's two daughters, Whitney and Alaina. You may have just now learned that Eminem had two more daughters.

Well, it really is. There are only three of them. While Alena Marie Mathers, 25, and Whitney Scott Mathers, 16, don't get as much attention as Hailey in Eminem's music, they aren't completely absent, either. However, details of their lives are not always available, and for good reason. In fact, there are several good reasons why we don't hear about them.

It's a long story

While even casual fans know Hailey through Eminem's music, Alena and Whitney are known only to a more exclusive group. One of possible reasons This is because their stories are more complex. Alaina (born Amanda) is the daughter of Kim's twin sister, Dawn Scott. Due to Dawn's struggle with drugs, Eminem and Kim took on Alaina. “My niece has been a part of my life since she was born,” the rapper said in a 2004 Rolling Stone interview. “Kim and I pretty much had her, she lived with us wherever we were.”

After adopting Alena in 2002, Eminem introduced her to fans in the 2004 song “Mockingbird,” writing: “Uncle Laney is crazy, isn't he? Yeah, but he loves you, girl, and you better know that." Later in the song, Eminem would call her his daughter, stating, "You're almost like sisters now. Wow, looks like you're almost there and daddy is still here. Laney, I'm talking to you too. Daddy is still here.”

Fans may not have known it then, but Eminem also cared for another little girl during those years. Whitney Scott was born to Kim in 2002 while she was with Eric Hartter. With Hartter and Kim out of prison, Eminem also raised Whitney. Through his music, Eminem introduced the youngest of the Mathers family as “ younger sister"Haley in 2005, "When I'm Gone" and by name for the first time in 2009 in "Déjà Vu."

Hayley is his muse

While Eminem certainly loves and adores all three of his girls equally, we can't expect him to talk about Whitney or Alaina as much as he does about Hailie. After all, Eminem started using Hailey in his lyrics very early on, before he adopted Alena and before Whitney was born. But Hailey's connection to Eminem's music goes much deeper. After Eminem's first album, Infinite, flopped and he was fired from his culinary job, his fear of Hailey's failure pushed him to new heights. “She was my main source of drive and motivation,” he said in a 2002 interview (via MTV). “I talk about her a lot... the truth is that she is all I have in this world. If it all ends tomorrow, she's all I have.”

From the very beginning, among the rapper's toxic, sadistic and often hated personas, there has always been loving father. This caring side of Eminem showed through in his music and prevented him from going too far in his career. dark side. In many ways, Haley became a useful musical device - the light and love of his life. For his devoted fans, Eminem could evoke very specific images and emotions through nothing more than the name Hailie. Years later, he simply stuck Alaina and Whitney into Haley's features in his songs, combining them all into a three-headed metaphor.

Eminem learned from his mistakes

In another 2017 song, “In Your Head,” he claims that he didn't want to do Haley "80 percent of what he rapped about." Although on this moment It was too late in his career for Hailey, these feelings and regrets give us an idea of ​​why Eminem may not include his other daughters. The rapper is so insistent that he keeps his superstardom at bay in his children's lives that when Hailey was named homecoming queen in 2013, he calmly watched from another room “because he didn't want to cause a scene,” according to another parent .

Other rappers rejected Haley

While it may seem like a stretch to suggest that Ja Rule had an influence on the way Eminem goes about his work, it's likely that the 2002 diss track "Loose Change" helped shape how much Eminem would involve Whitney and Alaina in his music moving forward. . After all, this was the same year that Eminem welcomed Alaina, and rumors of Ja Rule publicly insulting his daughter, Hailie, were not a little. In addition to several other insult tracks he made in response, Eminem addressed Hailey's feud and insult in the rap "Like Toy Soldiers," "I heard him say Hailey's name in a song and I just lost it."

Unfortunately, Ja Rule is not the only rapper to insult Hailey in a song. In 2013, rap trio Hotstylz rapped Hailey on their track “Rap Fraud,” declaring, “I see Hailey with knee pads—is that C**ch clean?” And she's a queen prom. The king was fat, so congratulations. I think your daughter just became a rat." When asked about their decision to abuse a young girl, Hotstylz told Rolling Stone that they "don't think it's below the belt because we were basically imitating him and that's what he will do it himself.” It’s true. Indirectly, Eminem put his Hailey in the line of fire by including her in his music. He may have brushed it all off, but it's possible that Eminem decided to shield Whitney or Alaina from any such cheap shots.

Eminem the Recluse

Despite the fact that Eminem is one of the most famous rappers and recognizable stars on the planet, he is very closed person. He is considered a recluse, and people close to him have expressed concern about the way he is forced to live his life. Friend and co-worker Skylar Gray said: “I feel sorry for them. It is sad. I see a lot of isolation.” She added, “I think he's afraid to walk out the front door because someone is always waiting for him. Everyone wants something from him... to see him so isolated behind so many defenders, I feel sorry for him.”

However, Eminem is very secretive when it comes to his children. In 2011, when Eminem sat down with Rolling Stone to discuss his return to superstardom following the release of Recovery, he stated that while he no longer lives on the downsides of fame, there are negatives. For example, he cannot “take [his] children to a haunted house.” But Eminem doesn't even like to talk about his children in interviews. In this Rolling Stone piece, Eminem made it clear that he “prefers not to discuss his family.” Describing his 2007 overdose, he said there were some details I should leave out because they involved my children.” Not surprisingly, we We know so little about children.

A life of fame has consequences

Perhaps no one knows better than Eminem what consequences this can have loud life for a person. He was sued by several people he rapped about, including his mother. His ex-wife attempted suicide after he performed a song about his abuse, and his best friend Deshawn Dupree Holton was shot, killed and allegedly robbed in 2006. Eminem's fame had a ripple effect and affected almost everyone in his life.

In addition to the suicide attempt, Eminem's ex-wife and occasional target in his music, Kim, has experienced the challenges of living in the public eye. “[People think] just because we have money that it makes us happy,” she said in a radio interview (via the Daily Mail). “Yes, I can pay the bills. Yes, I can give my children whatever they ask for, and it's great to see them happy. But you lose friends, you lose family, you don't have anyone you can trust, anyone you can talk to. Eminem also shares these sentiments. “I have trust issues,” he told Rolling Stone. “With women, friends, anyone. You always wonder what their real motives are.”

Since both Whitney and Alaina's parents speak openly about the difficulties and dangers of fame, it makes sense that they would grow up protected from it. Not only will their privacy be protected by their parents, but they themselves will likely be more careful with their public persona.

Girls live a different life from Hayley

Besides the fact that Hailey has been in the public eye since a very young age, she is more visible than her sisters because now she wants to be. She is currently striving to become a social media influencer, so being seen and heard is important to her, especially online. However, even Haley isn't very approachable. According to the Daily Mail, she "avoided" social media until 2016, when she created account Instagram. As soon as she signed up, Hayley was inundated with offers to work with major brands. “People came through , because I don’t have [management],” she said in an interview.

According to a Daily Mail source, "Hayley wanted to test the waters by sharing some of her life on Instagram, but she's not ready to put herself out there entirely yet." That's probably why she still keeps her Twitter account private.

Alaina's Twitter account is not private and has been active since 2009, but she seems less interested in promoting herself than simply using the account as an emotional sound board. Plus, Alena can hide in plain sight a little easier than Hailey since Eminem didn't make her a spectacle. Whitney may also keep a low profile online, but that likely has more to do with her young age than any personal choice.

Girls don't live with Eminem.

One of the main reasons the world doesn't hear as much about Eminem's daughters as we think they do is because they don't live with the star. Even if they lived together, it's unlikely that Eminem's privacy rules would allow them to be seen and heard. However, Eminem, Kim and Hailey live very close to each other. Alena, now a 25-year-old college graduate, is likely living on her own (though she hasn't made her residential location public), while Whitney, at just 16, lives with Kim. The distance from dad, although small, keeps a little wall in front of Alena and Whitney.

However, the girls are not hiding. In June 2018, when Eminem performed at the Governor's Ball in New York, Whitney, Hailey and her boyfriend Evan McClintock were spotted in New York to see the show. The visit didn't make much of a splash as the girls simply shopped, watched their father perform in front of a sold-out crowd, and then went home. Good behavior does wonders for keeping the tabloids quiet, especially since the world is simply not interested in unconsented celebrity children. In past turbulent relationship Eminem and Kim made them almost constant headlines, so Hailey's name popped up here and there. These days, the family runs like a well-oiled machine. “He was really supportive,” Kim said of the rapper. “We're really close. We're just trying to raise our kids together and make it as normal as possible for them.”

He doesn't discriminate

With the exception of the odd interview from Eminem's more talkative past, everything we've learned about Hailey has been through his music. Although the rapper mentions each of his daughters by name in his songs, he rarely goes into detail. He doesn't even rap about Haley as an adult very often, except for the odd throwaway remark. Although he still reflects on Hailie's childhood, just as he did in "Castle," Eminem seems to actively avoid making distinctions between the girls. Sure, it may be looking at a specific point in time when neither Whitney nor Alena were present, but it mostly remains fairly fairly balanced. True parent.

After all, if he had started to explain who Whitney's father was, or if he had gotten into more small parts of her childhood, it would have marked her out as different, as something different from Hayley. The same goes for Alaina, biological mother who died of a drug overdose in 2015. Not only will digging up his girls' past give public access to private information, but it will create distance between his daughters, making Thanksgiving quite awkward around the Mathers house.

The name Kim Mathers, Eminem's ex-wife, is familiar to many of us. But it just so happened that it was not by her will. The rapper’s most controversial and harsh lyrics, which once attracted the American public, were “fed” precisely by these relationships, which lasted more than twenty years. Eminem dedicates his new album “Revival” to his ex-wife a good portion of the album, telling her story on tracks like “Remind Me” (and its intro) and “Bad Husband,” and also drawing parallels to his relationship with Kim on several other tracks on the album.

Despite them being far from perfect union, there was a passion between them, thanks to which they stayed together for two whole decades, gave birth to a child and even adopted two more. But what is it real story Kim?

All this time, we saw the story of a girl from Michigan through the eyes of her ex-husband, through the prism of his aggressive texts. Therefore, we propose to analyze this complicated story in details.

early years

Kim Mathers was born in 1975 in Warren, Michigan, one of twin sisters born to Caitlin Slack. Although not much is known about the girl's childhood, information about her teenage life begins to emerge from the moment she met Eminem in 1987 - then just Marshall.

Kim first met Eminem at thirteen, at a party with mutual friends. The girl was fascinated by a fifteen-year-old boy who was rapping while standing right on the table. - the song “I’m Bad” by rapper LL Cool J. Love immediately broke out between the teenagers and soon Kim, along with her twin sister, ran away from home to live with Marshall and his mother Debbie Mathers.

In parallel with their romance, which lasted throughout the 90s, Eminem worked tirelessly on his career and began participating in rap battles in the famous Detroit Hip-Hop-Shop. And soon the aspiring rapper attracted the attention of a producer named Mark Bass, who really wanted to work with a young guy full of determination and a desire to succeed.

Things seemed to be getting better for Marshall and Kim, but then an unexpected event overtook them - Kim suddenly became pregnant.

Birth of Hayley Jade Scott-Mathers

Kim's unplanned pregnancy came as a shock to Eminem, but despite this, the young guy did everything to support Kim and their child. By the time Hailey was born, on Christmas Day 1995, Eminem was working sixty hours a week, which nearly ruined his fledgling rap career.

According to Mazur, one of former colleagues Eminem's job, he suddenly transformed from a sluggish slacker into a super-exemplary worker with exceptional enthusiasm: "He didn't want his daughter to grow up the same way he had once grown up, making ends meet."

Although Kim herself never mentioned this difficult period of her life, it is important to note that it was then that the couple’s relationship began to falter.

Life from hand to mouth with a small child in his arms was the “last straw” of patience for Marshall, whose ambitions were literally boiling. This was the reason for their first separation in 1996. Eminem returned to his mother, and Kim and her daughter returned to their one-room apartment.

It was during this period that Em created his violent alter ego, "Slim Shady", and poured out all his anger, frustration and resentment in the now infamous songs about Kim, including "97 Bonnie and Clyde" ("We're like Bonnie and Clyde") in '97").

In this violent song, Slim talks about how he takes his little daughter Haley and goes to dispose of Kim's corpse by throwing it into a lake. The worst thing was that Haley's voice sounded in the track. When Kim heard the songs, he was furious.

“That day I lied to Kim, said I would take Hailey to Chuck E. Cheese, and I drove her to the studio. When she found out that I used my daughter to record a track about her murder, Kim just went crazy. We just made up a couple of weeks ago and then I showed her the song and she ran out of the house like she was scalded,” Eminem told Rolling Stone magazine.

At the time, Kim and Eminem lived in a terribly dangerous area. One day, Kim was nearly hit by a stray bullet while she was washing dishes: “The place we lived in was fucking shitty. In the two years that we lived there, I changed four televisions and five tape recorders.”

First marriage

The couple married in 1999, before Eminem left with Dr. Dre, Snoop Dogg and many other popular rappers on the infamous "Up In Smoke" tour.

Kim later explained that main reason This marriage was due to her desire to keep Eminem “on a short leash” while on tour in order to keep the family together. Naturally, at this stage of their lives, this attempt was unsuccessful.

While it's not clear exactly what went on between Kim and Eminem after their first marriage in 1999, it's safe to say there was a lot of turmoil.

In an interview with Dr. Keith Ablow, Kim said that by bringing his alter ego with him on tour, Eminem destroyed her self-esteem to the point that she even attempted suicide in 2000. “Watching the crowd sing along to those monstrous words, laughing and clapping... it felt like they were all looking at me... I knew he was singing about me... that night I came home and tried to kill myself.”

She also added that fame turned Marshall into a "honeymoon" for other women, and it made her feel pathetic and rejected. “When his first tour started, that’s when his ego came in. He imagined himself to be God and said that I should say thank you that he still communicates with me, like you know how many women hang on to me. It all made me feel like a piece of crap."

Second marriage

The couple's first marriage broke up in 2001, but despite this, thanks to joint custody common daughter, Hayley, they kept in touch. After regular quarrels and reconciliations, in 2006 Kim and Eminem decided to get married again. Kim explained that the second marriage was to celebrate the 15th anniversary of their relationship: “We decided to get married on January 14th. Marshall wanted this because it was the 15th anniversary of our first date. I remember I said then: “Let’s just have a ceremony, without official marriage.” Because I was afraid of what might happen to our children if we went through divorce again. And then, 41 days later, on February 25, Marshall left." Although the second marriage was doomed, it was after it that the couple began to build friendly relations for the sake of their little daughter Hayley.

Other relationships

After her first marriage to Eminem ended in divorce, Kim met a man named Eric Hatter, with whom she had a daughter, Whitney, in 2002. When she and Marshall reconciled, Whitney was unofficially adopted by him. In his 2005 interview, Eminem very affectionately admits that he is “just in love with this sweet and funny girl.”

Kim's twin sister - Dawn

Kim and her sister had no better life, after running away from their alcoholic parents at age 13. In addition, they themselves suffered from addiction. Unfortunately, unlike Kim, who was able to overcome alcohol and drug addiction, her sister did not succeed; she died of an overdose in January 2016.

While there is no information about when exactly Dawn's addiction problems began, it is known that her daughter Alaina was in the care of Kim and Marshall from an early age due to her mother's inability to care for her - a sad fact that we will cover more in next section. In 2014, Dawn's addiction to heroin, cocaine, Aderal and Klonopin left her homeless. The woman wandered around rented apartments with friends until she found a room in a Detroit trailer park, on 8 Mile Road.

A few months before her death, Dawn said on Radar Online that Kim and Marshall refused to help her during her most difficult times: “My brother-in-law is a millionaire, my sister has a ton of money, but they refuse to help me. This is betrayal. Mathers has been a part of our family since he was 15!”

Dawn in her trailer, presumably from a heroin overdose.

Despite the fact that Dawn condemned her sister for not helping her, and providing help, especially financial, dependent person, always leads to trouble. But, of course, Kim cared about her sister. After her death, Kim wrote a touching obituary: “Dawn was my beloved sister who lost her way. I hold a candle for her in hopes that she will find her way back to me. I miss and love her more than anyone in the world. I wish she was here so I could hug her and tell her how much I love her. The other half of me left with her and I will never feel whole again. She always made me laugh and kept me afloat. She was the best sister, friend and I will miss her until we are together again."

Adopted daughter Alaina

Kim's sister's drug problems led Kim and Marshall to officially adopt her daughter in 2002. Alaina, who grew up with Hailey and is now 23, appears to have grown into a happy, healthy, young girl raised by Kim and Marshall.

Suicide attempt

IN last couple For years, Kim's name surfaced in a story that was very actively covered in the media. On October 7, 2015, Kim Mathers committed car accident while driving in drunk.

The police, of course, arrived at the scene of the accident and began asking passers-by how it happened. One eyewitness said: “I heard swipe, boom! And I thought: What was that?!” Everyone waited by the car until they knew who was in it. It was Kim Mathers, Eminem's ex-wife. She was able alcohol intoxication. According to her, she drank a whole quint of rum in broad daylight.

One of the reasons why many curious fans of digging into other people's dirty laundry showed great interest in this story is that Kim's suicide case and court documents were hidden from prying eyes.

Later, Eminem's ex-wife admitted that she tried to commit suicide by getting into a car while intoxicated and deliberately trying to get into a fairly serious accident. In May 2016, Kimberly spoke about this in an interview for the program “Mojo in the Morning.” During the conversation, she explained why the court papers relating to the accident were sealed, insisting that it was not because of preferential treatment, but only because the papers contained medical information about her suicide attempt. Regarding the accident and suicide attempt, Kim said that she had planned the accident and collision in advance so that there would be no injuries, and admitted that she mixed alcohol and drugs before getting behind the wheel of her Cadillac Escalade SUV.

“I drove to the end of the road, where I was sure that no one but me would get hurt,” Kim explained. - “Yes, I drank, took pills, and I pressed the gas and drove the car into a pole.”

She did not talk about the very reason why Kim decided to commit suicide. But she said that during this difficult period for her (after the death of her sister and after this accident), Eminem supported her very well. "He was a big support during this time," she said of her ex-husband. - “We are very close friends. We're just trying to be together the best parents for our children to keep their lives as normal as possible."

At the end of 2016, Kim was convicted. The process lasted many months and was kept secret from the people. Kim Mathers was sentenced to probation for driving under the influence causing an accident. She was placed on one-year probation, which included drug and alcohol tests and observations, which began on November 22, 2016. The probation period ends in March 2018.

Eminem and Kim's daughter Hailey, graduating from high school


Whatever Kim’s life is, it’s not for us to judge her or poke our nose into her personal affairs. Kim is an important part of Eminem's life. She greatly influenced him and was reflected in his work.

Despite all the adversity Kim went through, she dedicated herself to being the best parent she could be, and her beautiful daughters are proof of that.

On his track "Bad Husband" from the album "Revival", Eminem laments the fact that his relationship with Kim has collapsed. “If she could take it all back, I would do so many things differently.”

"We are not bad people, we just don’t feel good together.”

Rolling Stone magazine called Eminem the “King of Hip-Hop” and ranked him 83rd on its list of the 100 greatest artists on the planet. The most influential chart company Nielsen Sound Scan proclaimed the musician the sales leader of the 2000s, because in 10 years the singer’s fans bought 100 million albums, which no other artist has achieved.

The American rapper, producer, composer and actor has won 15 Grammy and Oscar awards. MTV ranked Eminem 9th on its "Greatest MCs of All Time" list and 13th on its "22 Greatest Voices in Music" list.

Childhood and youth

Marshall Bruce Mathers III was born in the provincial town of St. Joseph, Missouri on October 17, 1972. The day the future rap star was born fell on the zodiac sign Libra. He is the only child of singer Debbie Mathers-Briggs, who married a musician 8 years older at age 15. Eminem has Scottish, English, German, Swiss and Polish blood in his veins.

When his son was six months old, his father abandoned his 18-year-old wife and their baby. Marshall never saw Dad again. Wanting to get out of poverty, Debbie moved with the boy from state to state. We stopped in a suburb of Detroit with an African-American population, where the future star went to school. Children regularly beat up a white classmate. In the winter of 1983, Marshall suffered so much that doctors took him out of a coma for 10 days.

In the mid-80s, the family returned to Kansas City, where Eminem became close to his mother's brother Ronnie. In 1987, his uncle, a rap fan, gave his nephew a cassette tape by American musician Tracy Marrow, known as rapper Ice T. Marrow's music changed Marshall Mathers' ideas about rap.

Eminem fell so in love with the musical direction that he never dreamed of anything else. The musician took part in battles and won over the audience, overcoming the attacks of black MCs. They argued that rap is a musical direction of blacks, and whites are a priori not capable of becoming rappers.

IN creative biography Eminem had a huge role played by his friend and member of the group D-12 Proof. The 17-year-old boy had a collection of his own compositions, which he performed in nightclubs. At this time, he took the pseudonym “M&M”, which transformed into Eminem (“Em-and-Em”).

At the age of 17, Eminem put an end to his school studies and devoted himself to music. To earn a living, the musician washed dishes in a restaurant kitchen and performed on nightly broadcasts of a local radio station.


In 1995, the rapper debuted as part of the group Soul Intent, which was left by Proof and DJ Butterfingers. With the team, Eminem recorded the disc Biterphobi, which became a rarity: due to the lack of money and sponsors, it was released in a meager circulation. The musicians dedicated the track Fucking backstabber to the African-American rapper Champtown.

In 1996, the musician released his debut solo album Infinite, which fans did not notice due to the oversaturation of Detroit with rap. The failure plunged Eminem into depression - for two years alcohol and drugs occupied the main place in his life. The singer was in the care of his wife and one-year-old daughter, for whom he could not even buy diapers. The artist admitted that he was on the verge of suicide and was looking for a “normal” job.

The black rapper Dr. helped the musician return to creativity. Dre (), Eminem's idol since childhood. The musician found Marshall's demo record and became interested in the young performer.

In 1999, Dr. Dre forced Eminem to re-release the Slim Shady EP, and it became a hit.

The singer took second place in the Rap Olympics super battle held in Los Angeles. The informal “white” rapper received an award from Word Up! and signed a contract with Dr Dre. The venerable musician worked with a young colleague on his first full-length studio album, The Slim Shady LP (1999), which turned Eminem into a world-famous star.

Eminem - Go To Sleep

In the early 2000s, the singer was at the peak of his popularity: the albums The Marshall Mathers LP (2000), The Eminem Show (2002), Encore (2004), Curtain Call: The Hits (2005) broke sales records. The most striking hits were Guilty Conscience, 97 Bonnie & Clyde, My Name Is, Role Model, The Way I Am, I'm Back, White America and Mosh.

The sharp lyrics of the compositions caused heated debate: some believed that Eminem was revealing the ulcers of society, others - that it incited hatred towards women, sexual minorities and humanity. The singer admitted that he says shocking words, but does not do anything shocking and does not dream of becoming -2.

Eminem - Im Sorry Mama

The Marshall Mathers LP is chock-full of lyrics that have sparked debate. The song The Real Slim Shady became a hit. Eminem also sang the track “Stan” with the singer. A provocative video was recorded for the composition.

Eminem and Dido - Stan

In one of the songs on the album, the musician spoke unflatteringly about his mother, and she sued her son. The Homosexual Association said it would respond to the artist's Grammy nomination with a boycott. But in 2001, the musician was awarded the award three times.

In the same year, Eminem became a member of the group D12, which released the album Devil's Night in 2002. The compositions Fight Music and Purple Pills instantly gained wild popularity.

In 2002, the video Without Me appeared and the album The Eminem Show was released. The disc became diamond certified: 20 million copies were sold worldwide.

Due to a 7-year pause in creativity, rumors arose that the rapper had stopped his career. But in 2009, the artist pleased fans with two solo albums, Relapse and Refill. In 2010, the album Recovery was released, which included a joint composition with Love The Way You Lie, which received 1 billion 300 million views on YouTube.

In 2013, Eminem worked on his 8th album, The Marshall Mathers LP 2, which he presented in November. All this time, the musician successfully performed in concerts.

In the third single from Rap God's 8th studio album, the rapper speaks 1,560 words in 6 minutes and 4 seconds. Eminem is the first person in history to collect more than 78 million likes on Facebook.


In 2001, the singer played a cameo role in the film “Moika,” but his full-fledged film debut was the 2002 film “8 Mile,” which he called semi-biographical. The film should not be taken as a biography of the artist; the film gives an idea of ​​the teenage period. Fans saw the star in the image of a beggar rapper Jimmy Smith. The soundtrack to “8 Mile” Lose Yourself brought Eminem an Oscar statuette.

In the video game 50 Cent: Bulletproof, the artist voiced the corrupt cop McVicar. Eminem appeared in the form of a doll in the TV show " Talking Dolls" and the web cartoon series "The Slim Shady Show", shown on television and later on DVD.

The musician performed a cameo in Judd Apatow’s tragicomedy “Pranksters” and starred in the season 7 finale of the TV series “Entourage,” entitled Lose Yourself.

Eminem - Beautiful

In 2012, the actor starred in two documentaries– “Rap as art” and “How to make money selling drugs.” Two years later, the action comedy “The Interview” was released, in which Eminem appeared as himself. Internet sales of the film brought Sony Pictures $40 million.

In October 2008, the rapper released his autobiography, The Way I Am, openly talking about his struggles with poverty, drug addiction, depression and fame. Debbie Nelson's mother also wrote an autobiography called My Son Marshall, My Son Eminem.

Personal life

Eminem has been married to Kimberly Ann Scott twice. Marshall met his future wife at school - at one time, due to problems in the family, Kim and her twin sister lived in the musician’s house. The young people dated for ten years, after which they got married in 1999. The beginning of family life coincided with the rise of the rapper's career - the marriage lasted until 2001.

Five years later, Marshall and Kim got married again. This time they managed to live together for six months. The couple divorced, unable to save the family. They agreed to jointly raise their daughter Hayley, who the couple had in 1995. The rapper tried to show paternal responsibility towards the girl. Interestingly, the artist later also took custody of two more children – the daughter of Kim’s sister Alaina Scott and Whitney, a girl born to his ex-wife in another relationship. Eminem also took care of stepbrother Nathan Kane.

In the early 2000s, the rapper was credited with having affairs with actresses, singers, and models. An attractive musician with an athletic build (with a height of 173 cm, his weight did not exceed 68 kg) aroused the interest of many representatives of the fair sex. There were rumors about the scandalous singer's meetings with, but the stars denied any connection with Eminem. The artist’s romance with porn industry star Brittany Andrews lasted six months.

In 2002, the rapper dated the actress who played in the film “8 Mile”. The lovers tried to live together, but the relationship did not culminate in marriage.

Eminem and Brittany Murphy (still from the movie "8 Mile")

Marshall, like all representatives of the hip-hop community, loves to decorate his body with various tattoos. During his creative career, Eminem had a lot of them. These are tattoos dedicated to the memory of a beloved uncle and dead friend, daughter and ex-wife. There are also images that do not carry any semantic meaning.

Eminem's daughter, Haley Jade Scott, started an Instagram page on which she posts interesting photos.

The singer’s only biological child does not intend to follow in his father’s footsteps and has not yet decided on a profession. Hayley is tipped to be a model, but the girl is in no hurry. She graduated with honors and entered the University of Michigan.

In 2017, fans of the star welcomed the release of the official biography of their idol “Eminem. At the limit of what is possible." The book was presented by the writer Elizaveta Buta, who is the author of the biographies,.


Eminem is a controversial personality and the hero of dozens of scandals. The cause of 90% of scandalous situations was not actions, but the words of songs.

In 1999, Debbie Nelson's mother spoke out against Marshall. She was upset that in his songs her son talked about her as an alcoholic, insane and drug addict. For the offensive lines of the track My Name Is, Debbie demanded $10 million in compensation for moral damages, but the court refused the woman.

In 2001, the world watched the altercation between rapper and singer Mariah Carey. Eminem claimed that he had a sexual relationship with the sweet-voiced diva and now the girl demands attention, but Mariah denied the connection. In the song Superman, the rapper dedicated several unpleasant lines to the singer. Eminem mentioned Carey again in the track Bagpipes From Baghdad.

In one of the songs, the musician spoke insultingly about, with whom he had previously maintained friendly relations. The friendship of the stars is over.

Marshall's wife Kimberly Ann came under the aggressive barrage of her husband's creativity: while married to her, the rapper repeatedly “killed” his wife. Having broken off relations with her, the musician beat Kim’s new beau with a pistol, for which he received a suspended 2-year prison sentence.

Eminem and Christina Aguilera had a fight

In 2009, a scandal involving the rapper broke out at the MTV Movie Awards. Then, dressed as Bruno (TV presenter from gay), soared with angelic wings over the stage, after which he “accidentally” landed on Eminem’s head, wrapping his legs around his head. The rap artist left the event bursting into obscene language. It turned out that the incident was planned, but no one warned the rapper about the half-naked Baron Cohen.

In the lyrics, Eminem spoke unflatteringly about Britney Spears and. Among the rapper's enemies were performers Whitey Ford, Ja Rule and members of the group Limp Bizkit.

Eminem now

Eminem is the founder of the independent non-profit hip-hop radio station Shade 45. The start date of its work was 2004. In addition to broadcasting Eminem’s own recordings, the uncensored radio station provides subscribers with the opportunity to listen to modern rap music, including foreign performers.

In 2017, the Russian rapper visited New York, where he gave great interview on Shade 45. He announced his visit from his personal page

22-year-old Hailie Scott Mathers is the only one biological daughter 45-year-old rapper Eminem from his ex-wife Kimberly Ann Scott.


Family life Eminem and Kimberly were very difficult. Eminem met future wife while still in school - then the aspiring rapper was 15 years old, and the girl was 13. Kim ran away from home and moved in with her boyfriend, and in 1995 the couple had a daughter, Hayley. Only 4 years later the young parents got married. They divorced once because of Kim's drug addiction, but then got married again. In December 2006, Eminem finally divorced Kim and vowed never to marry again. Eminem won custody not only of his daughter Haley, but also of his daughter Kimberly from another man, Whitney. A few years later, the artist also adopted his niece, the daughter of Kim’s sister.



Eminem repeatedly mentioned all the details of this difficult relationship in his songs. Having become famous at an early age, Heidi now tries to hide her personal life. And apparently, she and her father still have disagreements over the use of videos of her in music videos. In the track Castle from the latest album Revival, Eminem admitted that he regrets what he did.

Hayley never gives interviews, but she agreed to answer a few questions from the Daily Mail. The girl said that she was not going to become a singer and generally doubted that she would like great popularity and universal attention.


Hayley admitted that she and her father a good relationship and they are very close. Now the girl lives separately from her family. She has been dating Evan McClintock for two years, whom she met while studying at the University of Michigan. Her parents approve of her choice.

In the early 2000s Eminem made his baby daughter famous Haley Jade Scott, dedicating several of his famous hits to her, and even starring her in one of the videos. Then the blond angel was not even 10 years old, but now the daughter of the famous white rapper is already an adult beauty! She is 21 years old, she is studying to become a psychologist and, it seems, is well aware of what a slender beauty she has grown into. Her Instagram is replete with selfies and pictures in full height in sexy outfits.

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Let's remember that Hayley was born on December 25, 1995. Eminem had a difficult, scandalous relationship with her mother Kimberly Scott: they were married from 1999 to 2001 and then got together again for a short time in 2006. Eminem and Kimberly Scott's romance began in 1989, when they were still teenagers. 16-year-old Kim and her sister left home and began living with Eminem and his mother. The couple's relationship lasted more than 10 years before the lovers got married in 1999. True, a few years later the couple filed for divorce. By that time, Eminem had become a father three times: Haley was born in 1995, and later he adopted Kim’s daughter from another man, Whitney, and the daughter of Kim’s sister, Alaina Scott. In 2006, Eminem and Kimberly made a second attempt to be together; they again formalized their marriage. However, the union fell apart again just a few months later.