Inna Rozumikhina: personal life. Boris Galkin and Inna Razumikhina: the couple is expecting a child. The last years of life

“I couldn’t imagine that I would ever apply to myself the phrase “All ages are submissive to love,” says the actor. “It’s probably fate.” When I first saw Irina, it was like a flash. Of course, we would like to replenish, but here everything is in the hands of God..."

Not a child - a miracle

Time cures? Yes, it doesn’t cure anything, believe me... Whether you like it or not, pray for it or not, but the feeling of guilt will not go away. Why? I didn’t complete it, I didn’t follow through, I didn’t like it, I didn’t... I didn’t... It’s all natural. All of Vladislav’s relatives and many of his friends have the same feeling.

I had and still have an absolute feeling for my son. He has been an independent active creative unit since childhood, incredibly pulsating, such a talented spark. He just didn’t invent, didn’t compose. IN Soviet years I often had to save money, borrowed money before future fees, in short, anything happened. And then one day Vladyusha was left alone, Lena and I ( ex-wife actor. - Approx. “Antennas”) came and saw the following picture on the floor: millet, rice, barley, buckwheat laid out in the form of a mosaic. He drew cereals, which was essentially what we ate at that time. Moreover, Vlad used all our impressive reserves, otherwise he would not have been so interested. The picture would not have been so large-scale. Of course, our son’s creation impressed us; we did not express any indignation; on the contrary, we admired his work.

Vlad’s whole character is in this act - he saw the grain and realized that this was exactly the material that an artist could use, and created a picture. He had golden hands, he made a lot, he learned everything with interest. By the way, I'm not that handy. Sometimes he made gifts for my birthday himself, with the obligatory invention. And once he gave me a Land Rover Discovery car. Vladyusha could buy a bronze acting mask and create (thanks to wood and some ropes, plaits) a real piece of art. He was not interested in pleasing with an ordinary mask, but in such a frame it looked impressive and original. At home, he also loved everything himself - he quickly assembled furniture and had absolute design taste. In the apartment on Smolenskaya, into which he moved, he came up with a project overhaul. Extraordinary talented person not only in the profession, but also in life - he approached everything thoroughly, brightly and quickly.

We felt each other well and knew when support was needed. One day the sciatica was very severe and I lay there and couldn’t move. My son arrived immediately and gave the injection himself. This has happened more than once...

Did I think that I would ever try on Pushkin’s line “All ages are submissive to love”? I never could have imagined this. Perhaps this is fate. I think that love can define everything and motivate even the most unexpected actions.

When I saw Inna (the actor’s wife, singer Inna Razumikhina. - Note “Antennas”) on stage for the first time, it was like a flash. I was very impressed by her performance. I heard some musical intonations that resonated deeply in my heart. She sang openly, sincerely - it was the obvious nature of feelings, deep emotions, and not just a wonderful performance.

Later we crossed paths at a performance, then I was offered to open it solo concert, which I gladly did. And after that we were invited to play a joint concert at Eldar Ryazanov’s club. I supplemented Inna’s program “To the Burning Address of War” with poems from poets who died in the war, as well as my own songs and poems. They played the program with success and decided to continue performing together. So my need to communicate with Inna grew every day. The decision to leave the family was difficult; it was a big responsibility.

Constant sum of impressions

Perhaps, thanks to the meeting with Inna, I finally took a deep breath, the registers of the soul opened. We had a modest but cheerful wedding, then a wedding, the ceremony of which was performed by Father Alexander in the Church of the Intercession in Fili, where Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov once prayed before the battle.

It is difficult to formulate why I love my wife. I would say this - for a permanent sum of impressions. For the first time in my life, I wrote poems for Inna - from a woman’s point of view, she set them to music. The result was several autobiographical songs. I remember once during a performance Inna raised her arms like a bird, and I came up with the poem “I am a free bird, a singer in love with the sky.” Later we walked around autumn St. Petersburg and the songs “It’s cold in St. Petersburg, autumn is coming to your city” and “Scarlet Sunsets” appeared. My life would have no meaning if I didn't know what love is.

It is important for us to be together, but where, in what context, in connection with a holiday or something else, is not at all important. The two of us love to go to the wilderness, the outback - to a boarding house consisting of cozy houses. Here in the Tver region, on the shore of the lake, we already have such a favorite fisherman’s house. We went there several times New Year met.

Returned to the stage 33 years later

The fact that I don’t film much now is partly my fault - I’m picky about the material offered. Still, I want a scenario where there are destinies, uncontrived conflicts, and not just a scuffle with the “strawberry”.

I recently returned to the theater stage - at the Moscow Provincial Theater in the play “The Jolly Soldier” I play the writer Viktor Astafiev. Before that, he appeared in the theater in Veliky Novgorod in 1983 - 33 years ago. I started at Satir, where I was hired in my fourth year at Shchuka, worked there for two years, then served at Taganka for five years. Then he entered the Higher Directing Courses and staged many performances in different theaters across the country.

It was important for me to play not just Astafiev, but the writer Astafiev. I knew this person, but I didn’t want to copy, although there is some fragmentary plasticity in the image. Viktor Petrovich was simple in gesture, word, and movement. His human nature is so natural... Once, when he came out to bow after a performance of his play, the whole hall froze while the author walked to the stage. Without any writerly pose, without ingratiation, Astafiev bowed restrainedly, and the audience simply exploded; even the actors did not deserve such applause. But they applauded not the writer, but Astafiev’s stunning authenticity and naturalness. And one of the spectators said: “This is the final!” Astafiev was convincing in the simplicity of his movements. Such simplicity is difficult to achieve, but in this role it is absolutely necessary.

I dream of playing the role of my grandfather

I loved my grandfather very much, he was a captain. I remember for a long time wore his officer's overcoat - an amazing thing, I can still clearly smell it. When I grew up, my mother shortened my overcoat a little, although the sleeves remained long. I went winter fishing in it and slept in the snow in the cold, it was so warm. My father's fellow soldiers remained in my memory. Remembering them, it seems to me that when I was little, I watched a movie with their participation. And today fragments from that film flash before my eyes - in it there is joy and the voices of men penetrating into the soul. They were all so stocky, open, straight. We had conversations, sang, danced, drank, walked...

These are my childhood impressions, not just the memory of my mind and heart, but something more - something that entered my flesh and blood. My grandfather passed away when I turned 14, but I still feel him all the time. My father worked day and night. “Don’t be stupid, don’t be a troublemaker, be a guy. Work hard!” - he told me. My grandfather was in charge of my upbringing, he opened the world to me - Leningrad and Petrodvorets, Tsarskoe Selo, and took me to Gatchina. He also played the piano by ear and did not know how to read music. He had a technique that only he could understand. He laid out a long sheet of paper on the keyboard with “notes” he had invented. Both white and black keys were designated there. Thus, he could record and reproduce any piece of music by ear. My grandfather also played the guitar superbly and sang romances and songs amazingly. Unfortunately, I have not yet come across a role that allows me to convey the image of my grandfather.

...In the fifth or sixth grade I became interested in poetry, then I went to a reading studio. By the way, my teacher Konstantin Titov is still alive - he is almost 100 years old. It was he who instilled in me a feeling for the living word. Over the course of a year, we made three programs with him - I read Yesenin, Pushkin and poets who died during the war. For our performances at the Riga Palace of Culture “Stroitel” they even sold tickets for 30 kopecks. Titov graduated from Shchuka and was Yuri Katin-Yartsev’s closest friend. He advised me after the 10th grade to go to Moscow, enter Shchukinskoye, and gave covering letter. I arrived in the capital, handed the letter to Katin-Yartsev, reached the third round, after which Yuri Vasilyevich met me in the corridor and said: “You, young man, could have done without a letter.” He was a true mentor. If he hadn’t discovered my acting skills and talent, he wouldn’t have been disingenuous so as not to ruin my destiny.

Good must win

I expect peace from life, hand on heart. Today there is a serious war going on, although it may not have very clear and noticeable outlines. Therefore, in our time it is extremely important that people come to an agreement with each other. Returning to Astafiev, I remember the words of my hero: “Here it is, human wisdom, and, it seems, this wisdom is irreversible, inexorable and unchanging. Someone is killing someone, eating someone, trampling on them all the time. And most importantly, man has grown and confirmed in himself the conviction that only in this way, by killing, eating, trampling each other, can individuals of the earth coexist on earth.” What a powerful thought! I want enlightenment, good must win.

Of course, we would like to expand our family, but here everything is in the hands of God...

// Photo: frame from the program

Actor Boris Galkin and his wife Inna Razumikhina have been married for four years. Information regularly appears in the media that the young wife gave the theater and film star a child. However, only now the artist personally confirmed this information.

On the air of the “Tonight” program, Galkin said that his daughter was born at the end of July, but the family did not want to make this news public, since the baby was premature. Good news came as a big surprise to all the actor’s friends who were present on the set.

“My daughter was born on July 30. My wife and I deliberately did not talk about pregnancy, since this was not the first attempt, we were very worried. Anya was born ahead of schedule, but is now catching up with peers in weight. At birth she weighed almost three kilograms. We were afraid to frighten away our luck, so we didn’t say anything,” shared Boris Sergeevich.

// Photo: frame from the program

The actor's wife confirmed that she had several unsuccessful attempts get pregnant. At some point, the family stopped hoping for a miracle, and then learned about the imminent addition. Inna Razumikhina dreamed of having a son, but Boris Sergeevich does not hide that he would be glad to have a child of any gender.

With the birth of the baby, the actor began to feel truly young. He admitted that he now wants to live as long as possible in order to marry Anna off and see his grandchildren.

The guest of the program was supported by presenter Maxim Galkin. The comedian spoke about his own experience as a father.

“My wife Alla also became a mother at a late age. I remember telling me that she would probably treat her children like grandchildren. And then, when they were born, there was a sharp change. She immediately became a mother,” the comedian recalled.

Newborn daughter became the first biological child 70-year-old Boris Galkin. However, he himself believes that he took on the role of a father long ago, when he adopted the heirs of his third wife Elena Demidova. “Vladislav and Masha have always been family to me. They are my children, and this topic is not discussed,” said the actor.

On the air of the “Tonight” program there was a conversation about tragic death Vladislav Galkin. Boris Sergeevich does not deny that the death of his adopted son was a real shock for him.

“Vlad and I met when he was ten years old. He was very talented actor. I was not with him on that tragic day. He always said that if he fell, his father's hands would be nearby. But I wasn't there. Sometimes I really blame myself for this,” Galkin shared his memories.

// Photo: frame from the program

Now the man is absolutely happily married. Their relationship with Inna was not always cloudless, because at the time the novel began, Boris Sergeevich was still married to Elena Demidova. However, the union turned out to be strong, and the lovers were able to stoically endure all the trials that befell them.

Now the couple devotes all their time to their newborn daughter. The actor admitted that he does not coddle with the girl, trying to talk to her on an equal footing. The appearance of the baby forced Boris Sergeevich to look at the world differently and reassess values.

70-year-old actor Boris Galkin became a father for the first time. The happy event happened eight months ago. On the “Live Broadcast” program, he came with his wife, 45-year-old singer Inna Razumikhina, and talked about meeting her and the joys of parenthood.

This is already the fourth marriage for Boris Galkin. His first wife was actress Tatyana Fedoseeva; they had a daughter, Vasilisa, but the child died in infancy, and the couple divorced. In his third marriage to actress Elena Demidova, Galkin adopted two children - Maria and Vladislav, who later became an actor, but died at 38 mysterious circumstances. Now Boris Sergeevich has married for the fourth time and has finally become a father. He hid the birth of his daughter for a long time and only shared the good news in September last year.

Inna Razumikhina and Boris Galkin got married in 2013. The man had to conquer her for a year and a half. Inna admits that he appeared during the most difficult period of her life.

“He covered me with a wave of his feeling,” Inna says about him.

Inna and Boris became parents last year. In the studio, a 70-year-old “young” father said that at his age, holding a newborn daughter in his arms is an incomparable feeling. Razumikhina adds that Galkin will make good father.

It was a long journey, it lasted four years. There were several attempts, but I somehow took it easy and thought that everything would be fine. As a result, there were miscarriages and missed pregnancies. He supported me very much at that moment, patiently... - recalls Razumikhina.

After the birth of her daughter, the woman still had to stay in the hospital for several days due to high pressure. Galkin visited her and decided to make a pleasant surprise.

Borya couldn’t stand it and literally on the second day he brought a box to my room with the inscription “In a silver embroidered shirt”, this is a song from my repertoire. He ordered a designer baptismal shirt, embroidered in silver, with the name Anna,” Inna said.

Galkin himself says that he sings songs to the baby and that she gives him strength and energy. He noted that the child took a lot from him and Inna.

She looks like both Inna and me. Everyone claims that my wife didn’t even pass by there, that it was only my child... Nothing of the kind. She sometimes looks like that, she’s the spitting image of Inna,” the actor shared.

Congratulate your ex-husband the star of the film “We’ll Live Until Monday,” Galkin’s second wife Irina Pechernikova, came. According to her, she was very happy about the birth of the actor’s daughter.

The program also remembered Vladislav Galkin: in 2007, he gave Boris Sergeevich a car, which he now carefully keeps for his daughter.

I will definitely never sell it. I hope that when Annushka turns sixteen, she will get behind the wheel of this car and take Inna and me out of town,” the actor shared.

Boris Galkin experienced a difficult loss - the passing of his own son. Both he and his wife were greatly distressed by the tragedy. But Boris did not stay with his wife Elena Demidova for long; he soon left for another - singer Inna Razumikhina.

Boris Galkin with Eden Demidova

The girl is 25 years younger than her husband, but this did not affect the relationship at all. Boris met his second wife on stage. She performed French chanson, and Galkin performed romances. As it turned out, he is not only an actor and director, but is also developing in other areas.

The couple created their own duet and began traveling around the world and giving concerts. Boris's friends initially reacted poorly to his action, or rather to the fact that he left his wife in such a difficult moment.

Boris Galkin with Inna Razumikhina

But as the actor himself says, the wife practically kicked her husband out of the house. She always blamed him for the death of her son, which greatly upset Galkin. He just couldn't stay home because DC voltage. Perhaps this was influenced by the fact that Boris was not blood father Vladislav. But this did not stop him from treating him like family and giving him a decent upbringing.

Boris Galkin's wife Inna Razumikhina

The actor’s former wife had another marriage before him, from which the actress had a son and daughter. After the wedding, the actor adopted his wife’s children and gave them all his warmth.

Elena always spoke of her husband as good person capable of providing for a family and giving children a decent future. But before her, he had another marriage - with actress Irina Pechernikova. But they broke up due to lack of time and rare meetings. The wife lacked her husband's attention.

Son of Boris Galkin with his wife

Boris decided to start his third marriage with a blank slate. He decided to fix previous mistakes and become an ideal spouse.

Honored Artist of Russia Boris Galkin showed his newborn daughter Anya. The 70-year-old actor became a father eight months ago. Later, happiness came to Boris Sergeevich after a series of heavy losses. Tragic death only son, actor Vladislav Galkin. A wave of rumors that Vlad is not his family. The appearance of Vladislav's biological father. Separating from wife Elena Demidova, with whom they raised their son, and her death from cancer. The real salvation for Boris Galkin was the appearance of a singer in his life Inna Razumikhina. Even the 25-year age difference did not interfere with this love. It was Inna who gave famous artist his only child to date...

The guests in the studio warmly welcomed the appearance of the “young” father, who joked that now, apparently, he needs to do something for an encore. The presenter showed him an example Emmanuel Vitorgan, who was recently honored on Andrei Malakhov’s Saturday show on the occasion of the birth of his daughter at 78 years old. Galkin said that at his age, holding a newborn daughter in his arms is an incomparable feeling. “Boris turned out to be an expectedly good father,” says the actor’s wife Inna.

She herself admits that she did not have a maternal instinct: the profession absorbed her entirely. But with Boris, she really wanted a child. But the path to motherhood turned out to be long - through several unsuccessful attempts. To his wife’s maternity hospital, without waiting for discharge, Galkin brought a silver-embroidered baptismal shirt for his daughter: the song “In a silver-embroidered shirt” with lyrics Marina Tsvetaeva is in the singer’s repertoire.

“He covered me with a wave of his feeling,” says Razumikhin-Galkin about her husband. She resisted for a year and a half, but Boris said that he would not back down. Even the future mother-in-law understood that her daughter was destined to be with this man. Inna claims that not only did she become a guardian angel for the actor, but he also appeared in her life during a difficult period for her of “disappointment in love.” She is glad that she did not watch films with Galkin as a child: otherwise she would never have decided to get close to him. But when Emelyanova saw him in the film in 2010 "We are from the future", for some unknown reason, my heart was “torn to pieces.”

Galkin’s second wife, the star of the film, came to the studio to congratulate her ex-husband "We'll live until Monday" Irina Pechernikova. She says that she was “numb with happiness” for him and explained that she and Galkin lived very well and cheerfully. This was confirmed by Pechernikova’s friend Elena Tsyplakova. And Galkin’s first wife was a little-known actress Tatyana Fedoseeva. They had a daughter, Vasilisa, who died in infancy. Soon the parents divorced. During the six years of marriage with Pechernikova, there was no addition to the family. With a playwright Elena Demidova Galkin lived for 30 years, and her children, Vlad and Maria, became family to the actor. In 2010, Vlad was found dead in his apartment, and Boris is still sure that it was a murder.

How to find the strength and courage to move on after the loss of a child? In response to the presenter’s request to give advice to parents who have suffered such grief, Boris Galkin read his poem “Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid of anything”: you just need to live, create and love without regard to the past, without fear of the future. Boris said that Vlad loved children very much and they clung to him. Vlad really wanted his own people and said that he would allow them everything. Galkin also told how his son in 2007 - as a surprise - gave him a car for his birthday. He saves it for his daughter: he dreams of how at the age of 16 she will get behind the wheel and take her parents for a ride...

Same age as Galkin Vladimir Steklov, who became a father just two months ago, congratulated his friend and shared his memories of working together with Vlad. Svetlana Toma stated that both Boris and Inna have become prettier and younger since they became a couple and parents. Vladimir Kachan expressed confidence that the age difference does not matter if people love each other. Marina Yakovleva did not spare enthusiastic epithets addressed to her partner in the 1980 film "Citizen Leshka".

Who called the Galkin couple “sticky candies”? Who became godparents Anechka and how many godchildren does Boris himself have? Why did Vlad Galkin create a scandal for the editor of a glossy magazine? How the hero of the program showed heroism off-screen and saved a life to a stranger who later became his friend? Answers are in the program "Live".