Leontiev's first solo concert. Biography of Valery Yakovlevich Leontyev

Biography of Valery Leontyev

Pop star of Russia and the USSR, winner of many awards, extraordinary personality, performer, known far beyond the borders of the country.


On March 19, 1949, the future pop star Valery Leontyev was born in the small village of Ust-Usa. The boy was a late child in a family of reindeer herders. I was brought up with him elder sister Mayan. His childhood was spent in the Arkhangelsk region, the village of Verkhnie Matigory.

Valeria's mother is from Ukraine, and her father is a descendant of the Pomors who inhabited the Arkhangelsk region.

When the boy was 12 years old, the family decided to move to live on the Volga in the Ivanovo region, the city of Yuryevets. Valery graduated from school there. The family did not live richly, but since childhood the young man dreamed of becoming an oceanologist. Therefore, it was decided to enter the Far Eastern University, but I had to give up this dream, there was not enough money to live on.

In 1966, Valery decided to enter GITIS, but also took the documents from there at the last moment.
Without becoming a student, the young man had to return to his hometown of Yuryevets. And then everyday work lay ahead, since I had to feed and support myself. He had to work on the most different jobs, he was a postman and electrician, a factory helper and a tailor, a worker in a flax mill.

Having tried many professions, the young man decides to finally get higher education, he decides to enter the Leningrad Mining Institute, choosing its branch in Vorkuta. Along with his studies, he worked at a research institute as a laboratory assistant. TO future profession The young man’s soul did not lie, so he only completed his third year of study, dropping out. But my soul gravitated more and more towards music. Valera wanted to sing, and he dreamed of a big stage.

The beginning of a creative journey

In April 1972, Valery Leontyev gave his first solo concert in Vorkuta, the concert took place on the stage of the Palace of Culture. In the same year, the regional competition “Song-72” was held in Syktyvkar, Leontyev participated there with the song “Carnival in the North”.

Having won this competition, he received as a prize training in Moscow with Georgy Vinogradov in his Creative Workshop. However, he was unable to complete his studies in Moscow; Valery decided to return to Syktyvkar, where he began working as a soloist in the city philharmonic, and at the same time worked as a soloist in the musical group “Echo”.

It was with this group that Leontyev toured almost the entire Union with concerts, but they hosted a little-known group in local houses of culture.

This is how one of the concerts took place in Gorky, after which the singer was invited to work in the local philharmonic, Valery agreed with the condition that he would be sent to Yalta for an all-Union music competition. In Yalta, he performed a ballad with lyrics by Robert Rozhdestvensky and music by David Tukhmanov. He received first prize for his performance. It is worth noting that the competition was broadcast on screens throughout the country.

A year later, Leontyev took part in the International Festival “Golden Orpheus” held in Bulgaria. In the same competition, Leontyev took part in an unusual costume, which he invented himself for his stage image. The image was so successful that one of the Bulgarian fashion magazines awarded the singer a special prize.

And at one of the performances in Yerevan, American journalists really liked Leontyev; they even compared the singer’s performance style with Mick Jaeger, which caused a wave of indignation among Soviet officials. This began a kind of black streak in the artist’s work. For almost three years he did not appear on TV screens, the audience did not listen to his speeches and he was not invited to concerts. During the same period, the singer had major surgery to remove a tumor in the throat. The operation, however, was successful, and we even managed to preserve our beautiful voice. Raymond Pauls contributed to Leontiev's return to the stage.

In 1991, the singer was awarded the Best Performer Award, and he also became the leader in disc sales in the USSR.

His performances were always distinguished by their brightness and originality; even during the Soviet era, he managed to make a real show out of his performance. Of course, the viewer perceived this more than positively, since this was not enough at that time. Leontyev was often accompanied by ballet at his performances.

In 1997, a joint album was recorded called “On the Road to Hollywood.” The work took place with the composer Yu. Chernyavsky.

Personal life

The personal life of Valery Leontyev has always been shrouded in mystery. Lots of rumors and no confirmation from the singer. For him, this is too personal to bring his personal life to public discussion. But the public, together with journalists and the yellow press, spread all sorts of rumors that were never confirmed.

They said that the singer was gay, there were also rumors about his affair with the Prima Donna, and also that the singer had a child.

In reality, the singer had a long marriage with Lyudmila Isakovich. She worked as a bass guitarist, then moved to America. She still lives in Miami.

The couple's relationship began back in 1972, and only in 1998 was the official marriage registered.

Again, according to rumors in the yellow press, the singer has already stopped flying to Miami for several years, leaving his home ex-wife. He himself lives in a Moscow apartment. When asked about paternity, he answers that stage and creative life would not be allowed to become good father. That's why he doesn't have children; he devoted his life to creativity.

Valery Leontiev with his wife Lyudmila Isakovich

Valery Leontiev was born on March 19, 1949 in the distant village of Ust-Usa in the Komi Republic. The family was not rich and had nothing to do with creativity. Valery's father is a veterinarian and has been involved in reindeer herding all his life. The future singer was a late child; his mother gave birth to him at forty-three.

When he was twelve years old, his parents decided to move to the city of Yuryevets, Ivanovo region. Leontyev's craving for creativity manifested itself with early years. His parents noticed that he draws well, is flexible and sings well. From school, the future singer took Active participation in amateur performances and attended a drama club. He, of course, could not even dream of a career as an artist, since the family was not very rich.

After graduating from high school, the future singer tried to enter the Murom College of Radio Engineering, but failed the entrance exams. Then he decided to leave for Vladivostok and become an oceanologist, but the family’s modest budget did not allow his plan to come true. And already in 1966, Valery took the risk of submitting documents to the Moscow GITIS for the acting department, but provincial modesty did not allow the talent of the future star to reveal itself. Leontiev decided to pick up the documents from the admissions committee.

Returning home, the failed actor immediately got a job, and before starting his stage career, he tried himself in many professions, which would come in handy in the future. However, he still wanted to get a higher education, and Valery submitted documents to the Vorkuta Mining Institute. Unfortunately, he quickly became bored with his studies, and in his third year he dropped out, deciding to devote himself to creativity.

Stage career

Begins in 1972 creative career singer In the Palace of Culture in Vorkuta, the singer gives his first solo concert. Valery, inspired by success, wins the “We are looking for talents” competition in Syktyvkar. Leontiev arrived on the big stage only in 1978.

He performed on the stage of the Gorky Concert Hall. The concert ended with a stunning success, and the artist was invited to work at the city philharmonic. By the beginning of the 1980s, he was already known throughout the Soviet Union. He performed at the most popular venues of the time. Today, the 68-year-old singer has become an incredibly popular performer. He still performs numerous concerts, traveling throughout the country. He has released thirty vinyl records and CDs.

Biography of Valery Leontyev, personal life begins on March 19, 1949 in the village of Ust-Usa (Komi).

Valery Leontyev: personal life

Ekaterina Ivanovna Klyuts at the age of 43 gave birth to a boy - the future singer, Valery Leontyev. The father's name was Yakov Stepanovich Leontyev, he supported his family on a veterinarian's salary, and also bred deer. In the future, because of his father’s profession, the aspiring singer will be called a reindeer herder with ridicule. In addition to Valery, there were two more girls in the family. At the time of appearance youngest child older sister Maya turned 15 years old. There is a version that she was Valery’s biological mother, and her mother, in order to hide her daughter’s shame, passed off her grandson as her son.

The stories of the birth of children in the Leontyev family are very confusing. There was a popular version that Yakov was Maya’s stepfather. Young Katerina gave birth to her at the age of 18 from a gypsy. Adherents of this theory find confirmation in Valery’s exotic appearance.
Like all creative people, Valery Leontyev had many hobbies: dancing, drawing, dramatic art. The family often changed their place of residence, Valery had few friends. Constant criticism from his parents made him a timid and quiet child. He dreamed of devoting himself to ocean exploration, but his family did not have money to educate his son. In his youth, he tried himself in the professions of a tailor, electrician, and factory worker, but he understood that this was not his path.

In the “Song-71” competition, Valery performed on the big stage for the first time. His brilliant performance of the song “Carnival” brought him second place. The final breakthrough into the world of show business happened in 1972 at the “We are looking for talents” competition, which was held in Syvtyvkar. Here he became a soloist of the Echo ensemble. In the late 70s, the singer already shocked the Soviet public with his bright, unusual for that time, costumes and solo performances.
The personal life of Valery Leontyev, wife, children, are the most discussed topics among fans. After all, it is precisely this side of life that the artist hides from prying eyes. Fans of the talent were at a loss, journalists added fuel to the fire, attributing to him affairs with men. The artist did not go out in public with women, did not explain anything to journalists, and always behaved with dignity and restraint, not succumbing to provocations from spiteful critics. On stage he looked sexy and unusual. His revealing costumes were sometimes shocking.
Valery's first love happened in school years. He fell in love with his classmate Katya, who, according to the couple's classmates, after a two-year romance gave birth to a daughter, Irina. Valery himself does not comment on these rumors, so they remain gossip. Composer Laura Quint reported that she and Leontiev had real love, but their happiness was prevented by jealousy.

Valery Leontyev! Biography, personal life - everything causes delight and surprise. After all, two versions of his birth, his relationships with women, and his illegitimate children seem absolutely true.

Leontyev Valery: meeting his wife

Valery met his wife Lyudmila Isakovich in 1972, when he joined the Echo ensemble. At that time, Lyudmila was the leader of the group and was looking for a soloist. As Isakovich herself says, at first sight she realized that this was her boyfriend. More than 40 years have passed since then. However, many journalists call this marriage fictitious; I think Lyudmila Isakovich is too rude for Valery’s sophisticated creative nature. To support this theory, they cite the argument that the couple has not lived together for a long time. In the early nineties, Lyusya, as Leontyev calls his wife, left with the ensemble for America. She still lives in her own mansion in Miami, and Valery comes to see her several times a year. Once in an interview, Leontiev commented on his relationship with Lyudmila and said that it was very strong and warm. She is his main critic and adviser.

Valery Leontyev: personal life, wife. Children? According to the singer, he has no children. He devoted his whole life to his career, and Lucy always liked dogs more than children. Valery once admitted to reporters that he regretted not having children. According to rumors, which the singer does not comment on in any way, he even wanted to resort to the services of a surrogate mother, but never found a worthy candidate.

Needless to say, Valery Yakovlevich is credited with illegitimate children. And of course the singer would happily acknowledge them if they were really his.

During his career, the singer has released more than 30 albums. He starred in the films: “On someone else’s holiday”, “Don’t go, girls, get married”, “Insurance Agent”, “Psychic”. He sang and danced in musicals and won many music awards. He also successfully proved himself as a songwriter. In 2014 he released three albums - “Margarita”, “Culprit”, “Love-trap”. Since 1981 he took part in “Song of the Year”.
IN Last year Valery Leontyev does not go to Miami. In the interview, he said that he wanted to change his personal life, and also admitted his love for the audience, music and stage.
At 67 years old, Valery Leontyev looks great and despite closed access to his personal life and always decent behavior, he continues to be a Casanova and a heartthrob in the hearts of his fans.

Valery Leontyev: biography, wife, children - photo:

Leontyev Valery Yakovlevich (b. 1949) - popular Soviet and Russian singer, actor, has the title People's Artist Russian Federation.


Valera was born on March 19, 1949 in a small village called Ust-Usa, located in the Komi Republic.

Dad, Yakov Stepanovich, originally came from the Arkhangelsk region, worked as a veterinarian, specialized in deer. Mother, Ekaterina Ivanovna (maiden name Klyuts), was Ukrainian origin, was raising children, was still in the family eldest daughter Mayan. Mom gave birth to her son quite late, at that time she was 43 years old, and the difference between the boy and his sister was 19 years (Maya was born in 1930, she is no longer alive, she died in 2005). Due to his father’s profession, the family often changed their place of residence, moving from one village to another. Valery Leontyev's childhood years were already spent in the village of Verkhnie Matigory, it was located in the Kholmogory district of the Arkhangelsk region.

The boy grew up incredibly sociable and playful, he needed everything. Quite in early age he got it from both the goat and the dog (the first gored him, the second bit him), and all because Valera cared about everything, he could not calmly walk past the animals. Also in preschool age Valera began his first performances in front of reindeer herders: he climbed onto a stool and read poetry.

When I went to school, I immediately began singing in the choir from the first grade, and very soon I was already its soloist. The boy was very good at singing, but he just couldn’t stand calmly on stage during a performance; he was constantly spinning and waving his arms. The teachers made comments to him, but in vain, he was a very active boy, and it was impossible to keep him in one place.

Despite the fact that the family lived very modestly financially, in addition to the school choir, Valera was engaged in dancing and drawing, went to a drama club and to a music school for piano class.

When Valery was 12 years old, his father began to have health problems, and doctors advised him to change the climate. So the Leontyev family moved to the picturesque bank of the Volga, in the Ivanovo region, the city of Yuryevets.


In Yuryevets, Valery graduated from eight classes of school and decided to continue his studies at the Murom Radio Engineering College. Despite his talents in amateur performances, plasticity and artistry, Leontyev never dreamed of becoming a singer or artist. And for further study he chose the earthly one male profession.

However, he failed the entrance exams to the Radio Engineering College and had to return home, where he completed his studies at high school two more classes.

At school, Valery Leontyev studied well; his favorite subject was “Russian Literature”; he was very fond of poetry. Many years later, this childhood hobby will result in wonderful songs written to poems by Akhmatova, Blok, and Tsvetaeva.

In the meantime, he had a dream to tie his future fate with work at sea, he even chose educational institution where I wanted to go after receiving a certificate of secondary education - Far Eastern University, Faculty of Oceanology. But a family with a modest income could not afford such a long departure for their son; the dream remained unfulfilled. And perhaps that is why, after so many years, so much space in Valery Leontyev’s work is occupied by Marine theme.

Then Valery decided to go closer to Moscow, where he submitted documents for admission to GITIS. However, the huge and bustling capital put pressure on the provincial young man; at the last moment, due to indecision and confusion, he took the documents and returned home.

In Yuryevets, Valera immediately began working, he had to work in different places and master many professions - an electrician, an operator at a dairy factory, a general worker at a brick factory, a tailor and postman, a ribbon-oiler at a flax spinning factory.

However, it was necessary to receive at least some kind of education; the older sister insisted on this. And then the young man moved to Vorkuta, there was a branch of the Leningrad Mining Institute, Valery became his student. In the evenings he studied, and during the day he worked part-time in the laboratory of the Research Institute of Foundations and Underground Structures, and later worked as a draftsman at a design institute.

The beginning of a creative journey

In Vorkuta, Valera combined his studies and work with participation in amateur performances. At the local Palace of Culture he appeared on stage as a singer in theatrical productions. His first works were musical performances in plays:

  • "Circus lights up";
  • "Black dragon";
  • "The Blinded Apostle";
  • "Don Renaldo goes into battle."

At the end of 1971, a regional competition “Song-71” was held in Vorkuta, where Valera participated with the musical composition “Carnival in the North” and eventually became second.

Already in 1972, Valery Leontiev’s first solo performance took place at the Vorkuta House of Culture for Builders and Miners. This was in the spring, and towards the end of the year he went to Syktyvkar for the competitive festival “We are looking for talents,” which was held among creative amateur youth, where he won.

The winner received a prize - training from Georgy Vinogradov in his creative workshop pop art. Leontyev again went to the capital, but did not finish his studies and returned to Syktyvkar, where he began to solo in the local philharmonic with the musical group “Dreamers”.

In 1974, for his performances with the “Joy on the Road” program, Valera was awarded the first honorary title - “Excellence in rural work.”

Team "Echo"

Since 1975, Leontyev began collaborating with another group, Echo. The musicians’ repertoire included two programs: “Carnival in the North” and “Smile northern land", with which they traveled almost the entire Soviet Union, only they performed not on big stages and stadiums, but in local Houses of Culture.

Even then, Valery’s repertoire was different from all the performers available on the Soviet stage. He didn’t sing patriotic songs or go on stage in a formal suit. He himself came up with concert clothes, designed them, drew sketches and took them to the House of Public Services to sew them. Local dressmakers laughed at him and twisted their fingers at his temple. Then he took everything and made the costumes himself.

In 1978, the group performed on the big stage for the first time, it was the Oktyabrsky concert hall in the city of Gorky. A year later, Leontyev and his group began working under the auspices of the Gorky Philharmonic. In this city, the singer got his first own apartment.

From here, in 1979, the singer was sent to Yalta for the first all-Union competitive festival, which brought together the best singers of songs from the countries of the socialist commonwealth.

Leontyev performed the musical ballad “In Memory of a Guitarist” for 12 minutes, with lyrics by Robert Rozhdestvensky and music by David Tukhmanov, for which he was awarded the main prize. The festival was broadcast on All-Union television. Valery was filled with joy, but soon it gave way to pain and bitterness, as his father died.

After the competition, Valery met the composer David Tukhmanov, which subsequently resulted in a long and fruitful collaboration.

Having received the first prize in Yalta, a year later Leontyev went to Sopot for the 16th International Festival of Pop Songs "Golden Orpheus", where he won the main prize for musical composition"Dancing Hour in the Sun" And the Bulgarian fashion magazine “Lada” awarded him a special prize, appreciating the original concert costume of his own design.

Leontiev became popular, and many national concerts were not complete without his participation; he sang on the stage of the Variety Theater and Luzhniki, gradually conquering Moscow, and with it the whole country.

The thorny path to the pinnacle of glory

In 1981, a prestigious music festival was held in Yerevan, at which Valery won the popularity prize. But journalists from America who covered this event wrote that the singer was very expressive and looked like Mick Jaeger, which did him no good. I didn't like it high ranks on the Soviet stage and during three years Valery was no longer invited to concerts in the capital and broadcast on television.

Along with creative problems, health problems arose. In 1982, the singer had a throat tumor removed. His singing career was under threat, and Leontyev decided to get a higher education diploma after all; he began training to become a director of mass performances at the Leningrad Institute of Culture named after N.K. Krupskaya.

In 1983, Leontyev began working at the Voroshilovgrad Philharmonic in Ukraine, and the composer Raymond Pauls, who by that time was already quite an influential person in the world, helped him return to the big stage. Soviet show business.

In 1984, Pauls’s creative evening “Holy Love for Music” took place in the Moscow concert hall “Russia”, where Leontiev was allocated an entire section.

Already in 1985, Leontyev received the Lenin Komsomol Prize for his work. Soon, together with other artists, he gave concerts in Afghanistan, the following year in Chernobyl, and in 1987 he was awarded the title of Honored Artist of Ukraine.

Creative activity Leontiev has released almost 30 albums, among which the most famous are:

Album release year Album title
1983 "Muse"
1984 "Dialogue"
1986 « The Velvet season»
1990 "Sinful Path"
1992 "There in September"
1993 "Full moon"
1995 "On the Road to Hollywood"
1998 "Santa Barbara"
1999 "Everyone wants to love"
2001 "Augustine"
2004 "Night Call"
2005 "I'm falling into the sky"
2009 "Years of Wandering"
2011 "Artist"
2014 "Love-trap"

His best songs that every listener knows former USSR, present-day Russia and the CIS countries, have more than once made it to the finals of “Song of the Year” and occupied the top lines of the charts:

  • "The dark side";
  • “Hang gliding flight”;
  • "Green light";
  • "Verooka";
  • "Eclipse of the Heart";
  • "Disappeared sunny days»;
  • "Margarita";
  • "Casanova";
  • "Treasures of the Black Sea";
  • “Don’t forget me”;
  • “Everyone wants to love”;
  • "Augustine".

Leontyev is the stage director of all his concert shows and the creator of the original costumes.

Personal life

Valery Leontiev never gave interviews about his personal life, which gave rise to many rumors. They also talked about him gay, about an affair with a prima donna Russian stage Alla Pugacheva, that he has a child.

In fact, the singer lived in civil marriage with bass guitarist Lyudmila Isakovich. In 1998, they officially got married.

The singer's wife permanently resides in Miami. Valery is still busy with a very busy tour schedule. The couple never hid from their loved ones that their marriage was to a greater extent is a partnership rather than a love one.

The famous performer Valery Leontyev became the first musician to combine singing with dramatic art. He became the first artist who dared to amaze the Soviet audience with the shockingness and brightness of the show, and he was right. His original style of performance, coupled with his talent and amazing voice, brought the singer enormous popularity. How old is Valery Leontyev? In March 2017, the popular performer will turn 68 years old, because he was born on March 19, 1949.

The musician was born in the small village of Ust-Usa (Komi ASSR) in the family of a veterinary doctor. When the future artist reached eleven years old, the Leontyevs moved to the city of Yuryevets, in the Ivanovo region, where the performer spent his school years and youth.

Having received eight years of education, the artist went to enroll in a technical school in the city of Murom, but his attempt failed, and the singer returned to continue his studies at school. After the tenth grade, the guy planned to apply to the Faculty of Oceanology. But for this it was necessary to go to Far East, but he failed to raise money for a ticket. The singer decides to travel to Moscow, where he wants to study at GITIS. But, scared and not waiting entrance exams, he takes the certificate and returns to Yuryevets.

Both the reaper and the reader

Before becoming famous, Valery studied many professions, and he had to work part-time as an electrician, as a postman, and as a laborer at a factory. In addition, Valery tried to be a tailor, and even a fashion designer - these professions would be useful to him in the future for creating stage costumes.

A few years later, the musician again tries to graduate from university and enters distance learning in the Institute. But I'm not really interested in science young man, and therefore Valery drops out of higher education.

In parallel with his studies, the singer works in the laboratory of one of the scientific institutes and works part-time as a draftsman at the KBI. IN free time continues to perform in amateur creative groups and continues to sing.

First success

Leontyev made his debut on the big stage in 1971. Then the regional competitive festival “Song-71” was held in Vorkuta, and the artist performed there with his composition “Carnival”, taking second place of honor. A few months later, the musician gave his first solo performance on the stage of the Vorkuta Palace of Culture - this moment can be considered the beginning of his career.

Next, the young performer went to Syktyvkar, where he took a prize at the amateur competition “We are looking for talents”. Leontiev is sent to study at the All-Union School of Pop Art in Moscow. But Leontyev did not finish his studies, and a year later he returned to Syktyvkar along with the team created by Alexander Strelchenko.

The artist did not stay long in “Dreamers”, and a year later he released his own program called “Joy on the Way.”

Later he joined the group “Echo”, and the group released the concert program “Carnival in the North”. The next album, “Echo in the North,” was popular, and with it the band traveled almost the entire territory of the Soviet state. True, the performance stages were most often the venues of provincial cultural centers.

First merits

  • At the First All-Union Competition, held in Yalta (1975), Valery received a prize for his performance of the song “In Memory of the Guitarist.”
  • In 1980, the musician won the title of best performer at international competition"Golden Orpheus". Moreover, not only his singing was noted here, but also the stage costume that Valery sewed himself.
  • The artist’s popularity is growing, and he performs in many national concert programs along with other popular performers. Valeria is applauded on the stages of Oktyabrsky and Luzhniki.
  • In 1981, the musician became the winner of the Yerevan-81 festival.

Political persecution and loss of voice

Leontyev's shocking performances did not go unnoticed by foreign journalists, and many of them began to compare Valery with Mick Jager. This turn of events caused outrage among Soviet officials, and the artist was denied performances. This period was one of the most difficult in the artist’s life, because he could no longer imagine his existence without the stage. An old friend, Raymond Pauls, helped singer Valery Leontyev get out of political disgrace. This famous composer, without fear of condemnation from the authorities, constantly invited Leontyev to perform at his concerts. And soon, the incident was forgotten and Leontyev again began to appear at all major events.

In 1982, a difficult moment came in the artist’s life when, after the removal of a tumor on his throat, the question was whether he would sing. To distract himself, Valery decided to get a higher education and entered the Krupskaya Institute (Leningrad). It soon became clear that the singer had not lost the opportunity to perform his compositions, and therefore the artist went on a big tour. But, despite a rather busy schedule of tours and concerts, Leontyev is graduating from a higher institution.

During my professional activity Valery has released 25 studio albums and performed an incredible number of performances. Each of his shows is accompanied by a “theatrical” production, directed by the singer himself. In addition, his concert costumes became a legend, because during the “ Soviet power“Not a single performer allowed himself such bold and shocking images. His songs became incredibly popular and could be heard from every radio. The hits “Hang Glider”, “Everyone Wants to Love”, “Margarita”, “Casanova” and many others quickly found themselves at the top of all charts, and remained in the lead for quite a long time.

Valery always took his personal life very seriously and never commented on his relationships. Perhaps because of this secrecy and shockingness, the artist was often accused of homosexuality. He stood firm against these rumors, without getting defensive or trying to refute them. Despite the increased secrecy, journalists were able to establish that the singer had long been married to bass guitarist Lyudmila Isakovich. They began living together back in 1972, but only in 1998 did they officially register their relationship. Their 44-year marriage breaks all stereotypes about the “fickleness” of celebrities.

The life of an artist now

The artist released his last studio album in 2009, and for the time being nothing new has appeared in the artist’s repertoire. The number of concerts and performances also cannot be called numerous, but this is not surprising given the singer’s age. How old is Leontyev now? According to his passport data, the musician is already 67 years old, but you can’t tell by his appearance. After all, Leontiev always took care of his figure, and therefore earned the title of “sex symbol” of the Russian stage.

In addition, the singer does not deny that he has more than once gone under the surgeon’s knife in order to rejuvenate. In 2014, the artist’s anniversary concert took place, where he celebrated his 65th birthday. And looking at this fit, youthful and energetic person, no one would have guessed his real age. So, perhaps in the future he will delight us with new hits more than once.