13 sunny day. Thirteenth sunny day

Halley (Halley) Edmund 10/29/1656 English astronomer and geophysicist

Reaumur René Antoine 02/26/1683 French naturalist

Casanova Giovanni Giacomo 04/02/1725 Italian adventurer

Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus 01/27/1756 Austrian composer

Blake William 11/28/1757 English poet and artist

Nelson Horatio 09/29/1758 admiral of the English fleet

Friedrich Engels 11/28/1820 one of the founders of Marxism

Skobelev Mikhail Dmitrievich 09/29/1843 Russian military leader

Polenov Vasily Dmitrievich 06/01/1844 Russian artist-Itinerant

Bazhov Pavel Petrovich 01/27/1879 Russian writer

Ioffe Abram Fedorovich 10/29/1880 Soviet physicist, semiconductor researcher

Blok Alexander Alexandrovich 11/28/1880 Russian poet

Maretskaya Vera Petrovna 07/31/1906 Soviet actress

Antonioni Michelangelo 09/29/1912 Italian film director

sunny day

Dedicated Geush Urvanu.

Geush-Urvan is a deity of the Zoroastrian pantheon, embodying the productive forces of the animal kingdom. Zoroastrians adopted a number of deities from the general Indo-European proto-religion, without whose worship the life of the pastoral-pastoral tribes of the ancient Aryans would have been unthinkable. One of these deities turned out to be Geush-Urvan, whose name translates as “Soul of the Bull.” The bull is the most revered animal among Zoroastrians. The well-being of the community members directly depended on it, and therefore they considered the bull Eukhodat to be the first animal created by Hormazd, and even the universal deity of the animal kingdom Geush-Urvan took the form of a bull among the Zoroastrians.

Text of "Zirochaka"

The day is dedicated to "the Body of the Divine Cow, which is the whole world; the soul of the Cow, which is the souls of all animals. The mighty Gervaspe, created by Mazda and the Holy Immortals."

Gervaspa is a great shepherd, a shepherd, belonging to the Izeds. He is the king of the Isles of the Blessed, where the souls of the righteous reside after death. Peace, relaxation, well-being in the family, wealth and reward for work done are associated with this ized. When a person received a reward for his work, he had to throw some coins into a well or any source and say: “Praise Gervaspe!” This Ized was portrayed as a middle-aged man (sometimes an old man), of a corpulent build, with a very kind face.

In another text: "The day of Geush-Uravan, which leads the souls of people to the islands of the righteous. Mighty (mighty), created by Mazda and Asha-saint Gervaspe." Almost all Zoroastrian names have both feminine and masculine transcriptions, just as the Izeds have both a masculine and a feminine nature, since they did not go through the division that Angra Manyu created over Gayomart (the first man) and, accordingly, over all of us. Each ized can manifest itself in both male and female forms. "To the great peace that Ahura-Mazda established for his creations. To the well-being and good property of all those who believe in Mazda." That is, on this day people’s property is also sanctified.

It’s good to make material plans, to build something. The day is favorable for commerce, material and financial relations, and shopping. Try not to make any important decisions. You cannot disturb harmony, bring chaos into the world. Show care for animals, do not offend them, and do not insult anyone at all. Be in high spirits, seek reconciliation, and actively relax. Accumulate knowledge. Fasting is not recommended. Those born on this day should not eat slaughter. You cannot desecrate the earth: spit, throw garbage, blow your nose.

Food. Mainly dairy cuisine, especially milk porridge, cottage cheese, cheesecakes and bread. Bread was dipped in honey and thrown into milk - prison with honey - a ritual dish. It is recommended to constantly chew something throughout the day. It's good to eat nuts and seeds. You can't eat anything at night.

Cloth. If possible, do not wear leather or clothing made from natural fur on this day. Stick to green colors. Avoid anything colorful or loud.

Signs. Signs are not particularly followed on this day. But if animals fawn on you or birds sit on your shoulder, if you meet a lot of animals, this is a sign of help and protection. If animals attack you, this means that your path in life is wrong. When animals attack a child - this is a sign to his parents that he is unprotected. If you are bitten by blood-sucking insects, it means an upcoming illness or a warning that you are taking the wrong steps. If you witness a disaster or see blood, cut yourself - you are warned about mistakes that could lead to illness.

Dreams. Foggy and vague dreams are not interpreted. Vivid dreams come true very quickly, within a week. Eating, drinking and seeing milk in a dream is a sign of good luck and prosperity. And to perform an act opposite to food is a sign of theft and loss. Getting dirty and seeing yourself naked means decline and poverty. Swimming and seeing water means gossip and rumors. Winter landscape - to illness. See money - get it. Seeing blood or getting hurt is a warning about disasters or serious illness.


Cow, Taurus.


Blonde hair, round face, thick neck and lips, wide nose, large, languid eyes. Stocky, of small or medium height, they speak slowly. Such people tend to be overweight.


They are characterized by a certain passivity, lethargy, peacefulness, and calmness. Such a person does not get into a fight, it is difficult to anger him. He is prone to sentimentality, whiny; it is easy to relax; loves working with children and animals. A very kind person, he doesn’t know how to get angry, he forgives even his worst enemies. This is the Christian ideal. Brings peace and harmony to everything. Very hardworking. Does not tolerate extremes, does not shout at anyone. Everyone loves him. He is good in the family, children adore him and he loves them too. Often such a person has a large family. Sometimes he is stubborn and conservative, resists and moans. It is difficult for him to swing and decide on something. But he has good business acumen and knows how to make money. The money goes into his hands. Among such people there are many philanthropists; people always feed around them. But they don’t just give money away; they don’t like to waste it. More often than not they spend, but invest. They love to surround themselves with beautiful things.

Signs of Hvarna

In the middle of the chest there is a triangle of moles with the apex down in women, and the apex up in men.

Good cause

Altruism is selfless love for all living things: people, animals, plants.


Black rhinoceros.


Small eyes, bloodshot, a hefty jaw, heavy facial features, thick skin, hardened, often red. Tall, healthy, heavy figure, poor vision, inflamed eyelids. A loud and yelling person, interrupts others, angry, explosive, categorical, intolerant, prone to rage. He rushes forward, not understanding the road and sweeping away everything in his path, persistent, does not care about everything, follows his own line, does not hear others. Harmful character, excessive seriousness, does not like family, embittered loner. Greedy, petty restrictions on his loved ones, yelling at them.



Numbers. 4, 24, 83 is a masculine number.

Planet. Venus.

Star. Shaf (beta Cassiopeia), 2nd magnitude, white-blue color. It manifests itself in idealistic knights, people who cleanse the world of dirt. Star of mystics, secret figures, revealers of secrets. Associated with the animal world, well-being, property and money.

Item of power. The wand of the mace is a symbol of pacification, the presence of great potential strength and energy. Sometimes a bull's head was carved on this mace. Sometimes it was made of wood, but better of bronze.

Stones. Amazonite (green with white flecks). This stone strengthens the family, home, and brings happiness and good luck in financial matters.

Today is the second day of the Moon's stay in the sign of Taurus, which is traditionally ruled by Venus. Here the Moon is strong (exalted), and its position causes the manifestation of the unconscious. Therefore, people will be inclined to do what they have been planning for a long time, but everyone did not dare to start. A strong Moon imparts calmness, stable emotional perception, a sense of adequacy, but at the same time some phlegmatism.

With this position of the Moon, the need for comfort intensifies - one wants to harmonize life. First of all, I want to surround myself with something that promotes and supports the inner feeling of beauty. Opponents, enemies, people who cause discomfort today may be denied contact and attention.

A clear awareness of who is close and who tires, irritates and provokes a bad mood will acquire vivid manifestations when the Moon is in Taurus, forcing you to finally put an end to the relationship. But at the same time, you will feel somewhat constrained and slowed down, despite the clarity of intention and awareness of what is happening.

The Moon in Taurus encourages rest and relaxation before plunging back into the realities of work.

It is usually believed that the position of the Moon in Taurus is characterized by an initially stable psyche. However, if a crack has appeared in it, the person may not be fully adapted to new circumstances. The reason for the imbalance is the importance of emotional comfort for the Moon in Taurus, while the onset of the opposite reality - unexpected stress and discomfort, causes an overstrain of the psyche, oriented towards stability. Therefore, at this time, it is not recommended to become involved in relationships that are initially expected to be unpleasant, stressful, or reminiscent of times that are not very favorable.

Unconscious reactions develop relatively slowly, so the tendency to be patient and wait for a long time - before doing anything - can stop hasty emotional reactions.

So, this position requires comfort and disconnection from the field of tension.

Medical contraindications.

U For a person with the Moon in Taurus, the throat and thyroid gland (and the endocrine system as a whole) are most vulnerable. In addition, this position of the Moon often leads to diseases of the lungs, bronchi, chest, blood and nervous system, and frequent neuralgic pain in the arms.

When the Moon is in Taurus, the throat is very congested and, in addition, there is greater sensitivity to food. Therefore, at this time you should not eat anything. But you can’t go hungry either - you need to eat high-quality food and follow a diet.

Look of the day

The day promotes sociability, attracting contacts into your orbit. A person can be their initiator, if he wants to - he can become one today.

The day can impart qualities of freedom and haste when it comes to contacts and attracting the attention of others. In the best case, there will be a manifestation of high professionalism, and in the worst case, the person is inclined to bring discord and contradictions. Everyone around him is quarreling, butting heads, but he turns out to have nothing to do with it and he even feels good that a field of conflict arises between other people and battles take place.

Jealousy, possessiveness, lust for possession and submission are the dangerous moods of the day.

Dominance of the lunar rhythm quite strong (determined by the position of the Sun and Moon in the sign - somewhere the luminaries are stronger, somewhere weaker).

8 lunar day

Symbol of the day - Phoenix(burning and reborn from the ashes, building a nest, returning back).

The 8th day of the Moon - the day of Uranus - transformation, insight, seeing reality from a different angle, feeling yourself even in your own body differently.

The day can be the beginning of rebirth, or it can provoke “burning out” or the completion of a stage with awareness of oneself in a new quality, with new hopes, desires and motivation. Mistakes will be left behind, and as a reward for fearlessness - the right to take a new chance, taking into account the experience gained.

If yesterday brought stress, some fatigue, frustration or just pleasant fatigue, today will close this page, giving you energy and imparting the ability to master the art of small steps towards achieving your goal. It is very important to believe that this day can be a turning point, not to transfer the realities of yesterday onto it, otherwise you will not be able to resurrect - you will only continue to burn in the flame for the second day in a row.

The day is associated with digestion, energy transformation (physical energy transforms into astral energy). A certain “photosynthesis” occurs (the formation of organic substances from inorganic ones under the influence of the sun’s energy), transformation of energy up to the inclusion of its subtlest manifestations in biochemical and alchemical reactions in the cells of the body. In nutrition today, a mono-diet will be effective, in which food is absorbed as well as possible.

At best, the day will report a gradual update. But the movement further will begin from a moment laid down earlier, but forgotten or lost due to lack of time. Today is a good time to start any energy practices to restore the biofield. Hot herbal tea, hot food are useful - in a word, everything that creates a feeling of a surge of energy and strength. Eating animal food does not belong to the diet of this day, since it will impart to the body and soul the energy of murder and slavery, and today it is necessary to comprehend the opposite - breaking the chains of powerlessness and resurrection.

On this day, ritual actions and actions are possible in accordance with the norms and rules of life: take a kitten doomed to death from the street and make it a pet. Such acts are usually committed unconsciously, but they can save the life of the person who committed them if, for example, she is under threat of a fatal illness or accident.

On this day, it is necessary to resolutely refuse help to people who have lost their conscience and ethical perception, guided by the cultural framework of behavior: “So that people don’t say anything” - this is how they justify their insensitivity and treachery. Their intentions are usually openly selfish and selfish (this is not obvious only to them), and their actions can be anything - depending on personal gain - from courtesy to silent claims and condemnation, so not giving such a person a chance to resurrect and transform his life is - means to act ethically and harmoniously in accordance with the laws of existence.

Violating the laws of conservation of energy on this day is especially harmful. If it becomes easier for someone, but he does not deserve it or, according to the laws of karma and life, should not have received relief, then it will be worse for the one who helped - the law of balance.

Games of kindness and beneficence on this day can result in attracting troubles into your own life, so if there are doubts about how worthy another person is of help and support, it is better to avoid situations in which you will have to make such a choice.

At its worst, the day involves a loss of balance and, to some extent, oneself. As a result, you will end up repeating the same mistakes, just like in a dream.

It is recommended to master techniques for changing and regulating the aging process - for example, breathing exercises, Yoga, Qigong, meditation and relaxation techniques, cleansing the lymph and intestines, drinking structured water.

If there is a feeling of uncertainty of goals, you should begin to analyze your life and make an attempt to streamline your desires and aspirations. It is possible to determine the moment at which something went wrong.

Purification by fire - contemplation of a candle, evening by the fireplace - does not seem to contradict the day, but can cause the release of the subconscious with its unknown contents - depression, a sense of loss and other forgotten negative experiences. It may not be possible to cope with these messengers from the psychic depths, so you should not provoke their appearance. Analytical and mental practices are favorable, not semi-conscious blackouts in the hope of forgetting and waking up in a better mood.


You can fast and practice cleansing your stomach and intestines. Attention should be paid to the peripheral nervous system. It is good to start a course of homeopathic treatment. You need to treat the symptom that lies on the surface. If you suffer from bloating, then you should take anti-bloating medications, etc. If symptoms change and others appear, you need to change the homeopathic medicine. This step-by-step treatment is not considered the only method in homeopathic practice, but some people use it successfully and get good therapeutic results.

13 sunny day

The image of this day is associated with overcoming exhausting, soul-draining conditions. In popular language, these conditions are called damage.

The day reveals black magic influences or people who are inclined to create well-being for themselves by deceiving, provoking, “snagging” others and knocking the ground out from under their feet.

To enhance protection or gain a clear understanding of what is happening, it is recommended to cleanse the body. Even music on this day can have a particularly destructive and unharmonious effect, so it is worth turning to recordings that contain sounds of nature (raining rain, sea waves, birdsong) - this is one of the ways to harmonize the work of the brain hemispheres.

Again, today, like yesterday, it is worth following the words and controlling the train of thoughts - after all, this the day has the power to embody thought.

Marriages concluded on this day run the risk of finding a second and third bottom. At best, they simply will not bring prosperity, at worst, they will add another one to the baggage of personal dramas and vicissitudes. Attempts to sort things out on this day may also not be successful; they should be postponed until better times, which will come with the onset of the 10th lunar day.

Both lunar and solar days coincide uniquely. Their combined influence contributes to the processes and complexes of healing, fasting, and losing excess weight. This applies primarily to women.

On the other hand, the 13th solar day is a travel day. It is good to engage in solving logical problems and intellectual work. The best day for any games, especially with children. It is important for consciousness to find application of attention; you cannot be in a suspended and lethargic state.

Qualities of the day: seriousness, fearlessness, ability to control one’s actions, taciturnity, ingenuousness, integrity. However, it is worth remembering that the truth cannot always save the situation. In some cases, it is better not to say it or to avoid a frank, open conversation in order to avoid creating a “nuclear explosion” of indignation and aggression - exactly what people call damage. In any case, such situations are associated with intrigue and provocations. Even if you act like an honest and truthful person in them, your aura will still give a serious crack, illness at the end of the day and misunderstanding - why? After all, you behaved honestly, almost “Christianly”...

It’s good on this day to help others understand this world. The feeling of joy from understanding that someone succeeded in something today thanks to your contribution will provide additional strength and inspiration by the end of the day.

A sunny day promises a way out of the labyrinth, if the situation can be seen and understood correctly. For example, a husband’s aggression is not associated with dissatisfaction with the marriage, but with a lack of money for his needs and goals. Scandal is a hidden expression of this discontent.

The worst dynamic of the day is betrayal. If during the day you meet those who fuss, do not speak directly, act on the sly, curry favor, want to “ingratiate themselves” with both their own and their enemies, like, as they say, to sit on two chairs, are gloomy, embittered, do not like animals , does not believe in anything good, is closed - this is a sign of the presence of enemies. And they oppose for a reason, but want total destruction out of resentment and a desire for revenge.

Issues of the day

The day can provoke a barrage of insults if someone steps on a sore spot, but another option is also possible: “from rags to riches.” On the one hand, immersion in unconsciousness, drowsy and reflexive flow, and on the other, a chance to wake up and, like a bear after hibernation, rush to the refrigerator and gain the power of a natural predator, reminding everyone who is boss.

Walking through the thickets, this “bear” will not delicately tear apart weak and unrooted plants, so the problem of the day and its goal will be to avoid the states of permissiveness and rudeness of the “bear” or the position of the plant trampled by the “powerful paw” of reality.

Chain reaction

Venus is on the verge of leaving the sign of Aquarius, so the resolution of all doubts regarding the search for reciprocity, finances, spending money and large purchases should be postponed until Venus enters the sign of Pisces and finds its incredibly strong and harmonious position, coloring everything that concerns Venusian phenomena (love, comfort, money, creativity associated with the sense of beauty and the golden ratio) brightness, brilliance and the best prospects.

The day can be regarded as the materialization of karma. Everything that she carries within herself on this day can become literal - people, conversations, words and information.

It is worth carefully observing the plots of the day - they will strive to “say” out loud what is really bothering you, to suggest at which end to begin to unravel the tangle of your life. The symbols of reality are consistent with karma as much as possible. This day could be called a comprehension not of your Self, but of your past karma and what was once your life, but was forgotten. But this slice did not disappear like a turned page. The “book” of life can still be opened on the same page, but today a “gust of wind rushing through the window” can turn it over.


P.P. Globe "Lunar Astrology"

P.P. Globa "When the day comes"

The day is dedicated to the keeper of rain - Tishtriya, he is the winner of the drought that comes from the demon Apaoshi. The main functions of Tishtria, according to Zoroastrians, were the expulsion of darkness, deliverance from hunger and death. It is with Tishtria that the brightest star is associated - Sirius, which is the leader of the night sky. According to beliefs, it is Sirius who saves the lands from drought, irrigating them with torrential rain, and also getting rid of insect pests. Tishtriya was also revered as a savior from induced magical effects.


Today you should not indulge in gluttony; it is a good day for fasting. If this is not part of your plans, then just try to exclude animal foods from your diet. Diversify today's menu with salted cheese, cottage cheese, bread and unleavened pancakes.



You need to pay special attention to signs in the first half of the day, and especially in the morning. So, if you accidentally find an object made of metal or silver, then strong protection awaits you. A dropped knife predicts your victory over your enemies. If in the morning you feel a sweetish taste in your mouth or smell an unusual pleasant aroma, then a pleasant acquaintance awaits you in the future.

If your back itches in the morning, you should expect trouble. Itching in the neck - be smarter in your spending, and if your stomach itches, you should take your job responsibilities more responsibly, since there is a possibility of getting into unpleasant situations at work. Broken dishes today warn you that you have recently made the wrong choice, which you will soon regret. Spilled salt is a sign of future disagreements. If the howling wind is heard in your windows and doors, then unexpected financial expenses await you in the future. If you get caught in the rain or get dirty in the mud, obstacles await you along the way. The clock has stopped - be more attentive to the choice you will soon make, do not make a mistake! A negative sign foreshadowing death is the loss of keys on the 13th sunny day.


Today you should be attentive to specific dreams, because on the 13th sunny day, they usually serve as a warning sign. So, the fire seen today portends patronage and powerful protection. If you see yourself dressed in a hat, fur coat or coat, then in the near future good luck will smile on you. A fish seen by a woman promises the fulfillment of a desire. Keys that appear in a dream symbolize the future acquisition of self-confidence. If in the plot of a dream you see yourself reading a book or writing a letter, this is a positive sign, foreshadowing new pleasant acquaintances, and a girl meeting her future husband. For a married woman, such a dream is not very favorable, since it promises a break in the existing relationship.

Totem: horse with wings, Pegasus.

The characteristic features of a person with this totem expressed are a slender neck, a massive nose, a drooping gaze, as well as a large forehead and jaw. Typically these are short people with thick, coarse and blond hair.

The horse man has a courageous, freedom-loving character. He will not be afraid to tell the truth to his face, no matter how cruel it is, which is why those around him dislike him. He is distinguished by a high level of integrity and will defend his beliefs to the bitter end. However, he respects true leaders and unquestioningly submits to the stronger. He is independent, used to solving his problems himself, and prone to introspection. In relationships, they are usually monogamous and the leader. Among the Pegasus there are rarely hypocrites and intriguers; these are people distinguished by their strong spirit and courage.

Signs of Hvarna: 3 moles in the form of a triangle on the inside of the thigh.

A good cause: the eradication of evil, lies and hypocrisy. Fight for the truth. The 13th sunny day usually creates for you a situation in which it is necessary to make a choice, since it does not tolerate duality and immaturity.

Antitotem: viper, asp.

Sin: Atheism, worship of false gods.

Number: 5, 13, 33, 55, 128, 555, 1024.

Patron planet: Chiron.

Patron star: Sirius.

Item of power: chain with a metal pig at the base, whip with 7 ropes.

Patron stone: Jasperite is a mineral that protects against the effects of dark forces.

Famous people born on the 13th solar day

Reaumur René Antoine 02/26/1683 French naturalist

Halley (Halley) Edmund 10/29/1656 English astronomer and geophysicist

Casanova Giovanni Giacomo 04/02/1725 Italian adventurer

Blake William 11/28/1757 English poet and artist

Mozart Wolfgang Amadeus 01/27/1756 Austrian composer

Nelson Horatio 09/29/1758 admiral of the English fleet

Skobelev Mikhail Dmitrievich 09/29/1843 Russian military leader

Polenov Vasily Dmitrievich 06/01/1844 Russian artist-Itinerant

A favorable day for concluding contracts and important transactions.

It is necessary to observe moderation in everything.

It is considered a bad sign to see the sky covered with clouds.

The day is associated with the Stars. This is the day of astral battles, initiation, reaching a new level. The day that opens the doors of the future.

Any adventures are extremely dangerous. Fight the confusion of Good and Evil, avoid duality in relationships and deeds, as well as substitution of concepts. Watch your words, control the course of your thoughts, because any bad thought of this day can come true.

A time of victory over fears and liberation from damage and the evil eye.

It's good to be closer to nature. This is a time of travel, exploration of new spaces. Barren, dry places should be avoided.

The day is favorable for fruitful cooperation. You can make big deals, sign important papers, draw up contracts, but not marriage ones. Marriages concluded on the 13th sunny day often end in divorce.

Under no circumstances should you abruptly break off relations with anyone. Provide patronage and all possible assistance to other people.

You should not eat food of animal origin. Do not mix foods of different tastes, refrain from food experiments. You can practice separate meals.

The best food of this day is bread, unleavened flatbread, cheese and salted cottage cheese.

Health. It is not recommended to shave, cut hair, or trim nails. It is good to begin the cycle of cleansing the physical body. On this day you need to protect your senses. Try not to inhale pungent, irritating odors. Do not use perfumes, deodorants or overly fragrant cosmetics.

You should not tire your eyes, so do not read in poor lighting or look at bright light sources.

Try not to strain your ears. Avoid harsh sounds, do not listen to loud music, and never shout yourself.

On this day, severe chronic diseases may appear, which, most often, are karmic retribution for some sins and bad deeds. It is especially bad if diseases associated with the sensory organs occur on this day.

Diseases of the thirteenth solar day are not easy to cure, since they are practically not amenable to medical treatment and conventional remedies are of little help. Treatment with drugs should be carried out in combination with alternative methods of treatment. At the same time, it is necessary for the sick person to repent of his sins and attune his consciousness to some changes in his personal life.

It’s bad if you have some kind of itching on this day. In this case, it is necessary to wash the body, preferably with holy water.

Significant signs of the day. Itchy skin on this day indicates a problem approaching you in the current solar month. The best “indicator” of this day is the morning, especially the first hour after the urge. If during this hour your stomach itches, this means troubles related to work or pets; neck - a sign indicating the need to save money; back - troubles associated with children, as well as some problems in the sphere of love and intimacy (for a woman, for example, this could be an unplanned pregnancy).

In the morning, feeling a sweet taste in your mouth means good luck and, possibly, a new acquaintance.

Feeling an unpleasant taste in the mouth is not a good sign.

If there are many stars in the sky at night, this is a sign of prosperity for the area.

Spill salt - to chaos, discord.

Getting wet is not a good sign.

Getting splashed or covered in mud means failure.

If dishes break, this is a sign of a wrong choice in life. perhaps this is a warning sign against some kind of error.

If a knife falls, this is a sign that your enemies will soon be punished.

If the wind throws open the windows, opens the doors with a knock, “howls” in the cracks, making strange sounds - these are signs warning of a possible loss of money.

If you hear a knock on the window or the doorbell rings, you must open the window or open the door.

Stopping the clock is a sign warning of some terrible mistake that you may make.

Finding some shiny (including metal) object is a good omen, it is a sign of help.

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General characteristics of Sunny days

1st sunny day
Totem- Griffin. Very interesting information is conveyed by those sunny days, the totem of which are mythical animals, such as the Griffin. It is believed that people born on this day live to a ripe old age.
Recommendations: All undertakings will be promising only if you get down to business seriously and for a long time. If you doubt something, then it is better not to start this business. A person should devote the morning and afternoon to active work, and the evening to fun and relaxation. It is forbidden to succumb to despondency and depression. Show creativity and initiative on this day, be generous. No adventures! Favorable time for weddings. During daylight hours, try to have less contact with water. After sunset it is bath time.
It is good to cut your hair and nails.
Cloth: Dress in new clothes. Choose light and bright colors. More shine is recommended. Avoid dull and dark colors.
Dreams: It's good to have vivid dreams.
Item of power: Lamp, fire.
Stones: Garnet associated with the storage of faith and fire, the primary creative principle.

2nd sunny day
Totem- Dog. Lives up to 20 years. This will be an addition to life expectancy. Dedicated to: Good Thoughts.
Recommendations: It’s good to shop on this day, engage in trade and money transactions. Contacts, communication, information, learning, mastering some skills are favorable. You cannot be silent, lie and be rude. Be gracious. Try not to clean the house, do laundry, or receive guests. The day is good for travel. Do not come into contact with fire. Alcohol and heavy foods are contraindicated.
Cloth: It's good to dress in new clothes. Yellow, blue and blue-green colors are recommended. Avoid all red, orange and purple tones.
Dreams: Prophetic. It’s good to see the road, travel, trees - signs of prosperity, change for the better, fulfillment of desires. A dream that continues is certainly prophetic.
Item of power: Staff.
Stones: Cat's eye, eye quartz.

3rd sunny day
Totem- Elephant. He lives a long time, and even if a person was initially given a short life, the Elephant evens it out to an average length. With a long life, it increases to a maximum period - a person can live about 100 years. At the same time, he will harmoniously distribute his resources. It is impossible to determine his age by the appearance of a person born on the day of the Elephant.
Recommendations: The best day for prayers, visiting temple, household chores and family. It's good to start building a house. The day is also good for the start of trials. You can start big things related to welfare. You can't make thoughtless expenses. All creative endeavors are shown. Be sure to follow the culture of communication with people, do not swear. Bake pies and eat more bread products. The day is good for music, singing and reading books. Marital relationships are favorable. All operations on the body are contraindicated (if 3 ld. or 21 ld. - then it’s possible). Prepare your own food.
Cloth: Stick to dark blue, dark red and dark cherry tones. Yellow-green and poisonous colors are not recommended.
Dreams: Dreams associated with matter and things are considered good. You should pay attention only to specific dreams, where it is clear where you are going and what you are doing.
Item of power: A hat, a helmet, even an umbrella.
Stones: jet (petrified tree resin), preserving peace and tranquility in the family.

4th sunny day
Totem- Snow Leopard. It lives for about 20 years, so the increase in life will be 15-20 years..
Recommendations: Critical day. You cannot saw, plan, or chop anything. Don't give in to despondency and don't finish the things you start. Don't shy away from things and don't avoid responsibility. This is a day of active endeavors and risks. It’s good to argue, to defend the weak and offended. Sports competitions are favorable. It's good to do martial arts. Don't write letters on this day. You can't gamble. Favorable time for purchasing and cutting stones. Do not eat animal food, you need to drink more fluids.
Cloth: Stick to reds and pinks. Avoid green and all poisonous colors.
Dreams: It's good to have dynamic dreams.
Item of power: Spear and combat gloves, pole with a banner.
Stones: Ruby and rubellite (ruby stone from spinel) are stones of warrior, protection, restores balance.

5th sunny day
Totem- Donkey. These animals live up to 35 years, just like horses. Life gain is about 30 years.
Recommendations: On this day you need to work more with your own hands, work on the land, in your garden plots. It is good to plant, water, cultivate plants, and care for animals. Good to work with wood. You can't mess around. A day of peace and forgiveness, concluding long-term contracts and signing important work-related documents. Travel, long trips and rush are not recommended. It's a bad day for shopping. It is better not to accept gifts on this day. Save light on this day. It is not recommended to fast on this day. Favorable time to conceive a child.
Cloth: Stick to soothing, bedtime tones. Bright colors are not recommended. It is good to wear copper items.
Dreams: Don't pay any attention to vivid dreams.
Item of power: A bag or basket, preferably leather or wicker, round like a pear, backpack.
Stones: Rhodonite, yellow agate - stones of peace and prosperity

6th sunny day
Totem- Jay. Belongs to the raven family. They all live quite a long time, at least longer than many other birds. The short life of the Jay doubles, and with a long life it gives about 24-25 years.
Recommendations: On this day you can’t stress. Rest and relaxation are indicated. It’s good to establish relationships between people and help others. You cannot swear or raise your voice. Be sure to pay attention to your children. A day of healing, preparing and purchasing medicines, promoting health and working on the physical body. Cleansing procedures and ablutions with cool water are recommended. You can't pollute water. It’s good to dig canals, clean wells, and purify water. Drink more fluids. Ablution with cold water is indicated. It is good to take decoctions and poultices. Any therapeutic measures are welcome, but not surgical ones. The day is good for receiving guests and sexual contacts
Cloth: Stick to silvery blue tones. Black and all bright colors are not recommended.
Dreams: Seeing birds is a sign that you will soon receive good news. Swimming in clear water is good luck. Seeing clean water is a sign of a clean life. Muddy water means illness.
Item of power: Bowl or goblet with lid. or a jug. Ideally, the bowl should be silver, with your initials on it. Water was spoken onto the cup on this day and it became healing.
Stones: White jade is a healing stone that preserves peace, tranquility and balance within the body

7th sunny day
Totem - White Hawk or White Albatross.
The day is dedicated to the giver of immortality. Victory over death, gaining eternal life - this is what the best representatives of humanity devoted themselves to. He is the patron of plants, and the idea of ​​the Great World Tree is associated with him - “the tree of all seeds,” the juice of which has become a drink of immortality, bestowing supernatural abilities and defeating death.
Recommendations: This is a day of big and serious matters that must be thought out in advance. Sing songs and have fun on this day. Asceticism is contraindicated. It is good to restore ancient monuments, plant shrubs and trees. Do not tear leaves, do not pick flowers. Repair work and house cleaning are favorable. The day is good for travel and long trips. It is not recommended to make large purchases. You can go jogging and strengthen your physical body. It is useful to take a hot bath. Favorable for conceiving a child and love relationships.
Cloth: Clothing should be very light, try not to wrap yourself up on this day. White, yellow, golden tones are recommended. Avoid all dark colors, especially brown.
Dreams: All dreams related to plants are favorable.
Item of power: Barsman is a bundle of 7 branches, and for women - of 8.
Stone: Carnelian is a stone of immortality and life extension. Gives wealth, strength, strengthens physical potential, neutralizes and stabilizes the body as a whole.

8th sunny day
Totem- Mongoose. They live long enough. They are associated with the destruction of snakes and can give a person an additional 18 years of life. and with a short life - 36-37 years. The peculiarity of this day is that the more fatal the initial horoscope is, the more opportunity a person has to live.
Recommendations: Do not live according to plan on this day, all plans can be realized exactly the opposite. Don't bet on instinct. Installations on this day are completely contraindicated. Favorable contacts, hospitality, new acquaintances. A day of cleansing and bathing, cosmetic procedures. Do not initiate legal proceedings or conduct real estate transactions on this day. Unfavorable time for long and sea travel. The best day for fortune telling and casting lots. Surgeries on the skin, oral cavity and teeth are indicated (with the exception of the Moon in Aries). It is good to cut your hair and nails.
Cloth: Variegated colors of clothing are recommended. Avoid all monotonous and gray tones, as well as red-brown colors.
Dreams: One of the main ones for prophetic dreams. It’s good if you remember the dream very vividly.
Item of power: Dart, spear.
Stone: Diamond or diamond, lapis lazuli, jet, coal

9th sunny day
Totem- A lion. They live for about 40 years. For a strong and friendly family, you can get an increase in life up to 40 years.
Recommendations: The day is favorable for travel and long journeys, temple visits and prayers. Walk as much as possible. You should not sleep or eat a lot. This is the time of fasting. It is good to heal with fire and to pass through the corners of the house with fire. Previously, on this day, everything that was obsolete and unnecessary was thrown into the fire. You can begin a cycle of exercises to strengthen the body. Idleness and adventure are contraindicated. Don't throw your problems onto other people. You can have a little drink. It is better not to cook food, bake anything or bake pies. Everything needs to be prepared the day before.
Cloth: Stick to yellows, dark reds and browns. You can wear shiny clothes. Avoid all cool shades.
Dreams: It's good if you don't see or remember your dreams. It was believed that on this day one should stay awake more and not sleep.
Item of power: A hearth, brazier or censer that drives away demons with white smoke.
Stone: Pyrope (or fire garnet) is associated with fire.

10th sunny day
Totem- Dolphin. Intelligent creatures live about 60 years. Dolphin is associated with Neptune, and the minimum increase that it gives even to long-lived people is 13 years. And with a short life, there is a chance to get up to 60 years
Recommendations: It is good to engage in self-regulation and introspection. Get closer to nature. It is not recommended to work hard or strain yourself. The day is not favorable for travel. You can't pollute water. Washing, bathing and taking medications is not recommended. This is the best day for rest. It is recommended to get more sleep. Try to spend more time indoors. We must abandon rudeness and try to be laconic on this day. It’s good to cast spells on water. Before going to bed, do not forget to tell the flowing water about everything bad that happened that day in order to wash away all the negative information.
Cloth: Dark gray-green and blue colors are recommended. It's good to wear something transparent. Avoid bright colors, especially red.
Dreams: Prophetic.
Item of power: Bucket, scoop, anchor or trident.
Stone: Aquamarine, transparent dark blue-green.

11th sunny day
Totem– Swift or Killer Whale Swallow
A person born on this day may gain few extra years if he does not develop creatively. People of this day are obliged to create works of art and write books. A maximum of 8 years are added to life.
Recommendations: A day of acute and crisis situations that need to be addressed immediately. Do everything quickly on this day and with lightning speed. Planned actions are not recommended. You can’t procrastinate, be lazy or sleep too much. Do more work with your children and self-study. Think back to your childhood. It's a good start to any learning process. You cannot be lazy and give in to despondency. Play more, be in public. Receive guests, eat more. It's good to sew clothes and repair them. Wash and clean your apartment until it shines. It is not recommended to dig in the ground, plant and sow. On this day, it’s good to give your child a gift; don’t deny him anything. It's good to cast lots.
Cloth: Stick to bright colors. Dark tones, blue and black are not recommended.
Dreams: You should not pay special attention to dreams on this day. Only specific dreams come true and only when you dream about relatives and close people; they are interpreted directly..
Item of power: A comb that does not allow energy to be wasted, holds it in a bundle and directs it where it is needed.
Stone: Aventurine pink-yellow, with sparkles..

12th sunny day
Totem- White polar owl Owls live more than 20 years. For victory over the evil in oneself, a person is given an additional 27 years.
Recommendations: Dedicate the day to home, relaxation, family traditions, and pets. The day is good for acquiring treasures, returning old friends, and for reconciliation. Don’t strain yourself, show sincerity, kindness, peace, tranquility and mercy. It is good to take baths, ablutions, and to bless waters and springs. Divine power flows through the water on this day. It is recommended to swim, dive into the water, and drink spring water well. You can't do social things. Don't waste a lot of time on words. The day is good for prayers and meditation. Try to talk less. Drinking, walking and having fun can only be done in a narrow home circle. It's good to drink white wine and juices. You can only enter into intimate relationships for the purpose of conceiving a child.
Cloth: Stick to subtle, washed-out tones. Blue and silver colors are favorable. Avoid everything yellow and orange.
Dreams: Prophetic. It is good to see animals and birds in a dream.
Item of power: Ball of magicians, ball.
Stone: Adularia (a type of selenite), smoky. This is a true moonstone.

13th sunny day
Totem- Pegasus. This is a critical day associated with a winged horse with bird feet. Pegasus is a mythical creature, therefore it lives for a very long time and gives an increase in life up to 50 years, but only if a person has chosen the path of a warrior and really fights evil.
Recommendations: Travel day. It’s good to sign important contracts and make big deals. You need to cast lots and solve logical problems. You can start a complex of healing and getting rid of excess weight. Day of exposure to damage. It is recommended to cleanse the body and free it from damage and the evil eye. The day is good for intellectual work. Watch your words and control your thought process, because any nasty thought on this day can come true. The best day for any games.. It is good for women to lose excess weight. Animal food is not recommended. It’s good to start fasting and getting healthy. Do not enter into intimate relationships or enter into marriages, they may end in divorce. Even pets should not be allowed near each other to have sex. You cannot cut your hair or nails, shave or take baths.
Cloth: Red, lilac and white colors are recommended. Avoid all faded and marshy tones, sandy yellow.
Dreams: Symbolic dreams do not come true, but concrete dreams come true in a very short time.
Item of power: A whip with seven tails, each with an iron knob. Indicates 7 choices.
Stone: Jasperite (which contains a lot of iron). It is red with white and gray streaks - a stone of struggle against demons. It is attracted by a magnet.

14th sunny day
Totem- Cow. The increase in this day is up to 40 years. To increase life expectancy, it is contraindicated for such people to be very thin (but at the same time, the person should not be overweight).
Recommendations: It's good to make material plans. The day is favorable for commerce, money-material relations, and shopping. Try not to make any active decisions. Any harmonious situation must not be disturbed or desecrated. You cannot desecrate the earth: spit and urinate, throw garbage, blow your nose. Show care for animals; you must not offend animals, beat them, or insult them. It’s good to do construction, mix mortars. You can't go hungry. It is recommended to accumulate knowledge, be in high spirits, make reconciliations, and actively relax.
Clothes: Give up leather clothes and fur coats today. Stick to green colors. Avoid all colorful and loud colors.
Dreams: Foggy and vague dreams are not interpreted. Vivid dreams come true very quickly, within a week.
Item of power: The Rod or Mace is a symbol of pacification, great potential strength and energy. Sometimes a bull's head was carved on this mace. Sometimes it was made of wood, but better of bronze.
Stone: Amazonite (green with white flecks). Brings happiness and good luck in money relationships.

15th sunny day
Totem- Beaver. Added up to 17 years of age. A person born on this day needs to work around the house and be an economical organizer and manager.
Recommendations: Do house cleaning and laundry. But you shouldn’t strain yourself and lift heavy weights. The day is good for weddings and any alliances. You can build and repair a house, dig in the ground. It is good to prepare medicines and tinctures. Wet cleaning of the entire house is required. Take care of animals. Avoid hard work, aggression and drinking. You can't light fires in the forest. Work on this day should be a joy, otherwise give it up. And no monetary and financial matters! Eat more citrus fruits. It’s good to make vodka tinctures and liqueurs. A woman is considered the mistress of the situation on this day. A good day for washing, cutting hair and nails.
Cloth: Try to wear less clothes and avoid dress uniforms. Orange and silver tones are recommended. Avoid bright green.
Dreams: Prophetic, both symbolic and real.
Item of power: A wreath or magical chain that is worn around a person’s neck as a magical talisman. Silver is best.
Stones: Zircon is a stone of mystical knowledge, a stone of great dreams. It has an orange-yellow color.

16th sunny day
Totem- Horse or Unicorn, Golden-maned Horse with sad blue eyes. The task of this day is to preserve purity and virginity. The day is related to solar cycles, so the addition here can range from 11 to 55 years.
Recommendations: The day is associated with a showdown. It is necessary to adhere to the law, the agreement prescribed earlier. Watch your words, try to talk less. There must be clarity in all matters. It is good to start legal proceedings to restore justice. A favorable time for signing contracts, important negotiations and starting a new job. Try not to lead, it is better to be subordinate. You cannot lie, break your oath and contract. This day is associated with strict performance and ritual, where work should not be a joy. Do not swear or smoke on this day.
Cloth: Blue tones are favorable. Avoid yellow and green colors.
Dreams: Symbolic dreams are not interpreted. They come true in the near future if you have colorful and specific dreams.
Item of power: A belt that was woven from 3 threads (yellow, red and white)
Stone: Sapphire is associated with loyalty and oath, the highest law, a ritual stone. Wear on the middle finger.

17th sunny day
Totem- Rooster. This is a critical day. In fact, his totem is not just a Rooster, but a horse with a rooster's head and wings. A rooster can add a maximum of 7, but in some circumstances up to 14 years.
Recommendations: Critical day. Nothing can be planned. Fear is contraindicated. It is important to perform ablution of the whole body on this day. It’s good to start the cycle of education, training, enrollment. Sign important documents, start long trips. Day of prayers and visiting the temple. The day is good for matters that require quick solutions. Do not complete any tasks on this day. It's good to make new acquaintances. You can't sit at home too much. You can’t sleep for a long time and look in the mirror for a long time. You should sleep with light on. Children need to be protected with mantras and prayers. This is an unfavorable time for cleaning the house; you should not raise dust. Marital contacts and feasts are not recommended. You can't eat chicken meat. Do not offend poultry or pull out their feathers. A person born on this day needs to choose his name especially carefully. It is better for them to have not one, but several names, at least three.
Cloth: It’s good to change clothes, dress in everything new and clean. White, yellow, orange and dark red tones are recommended. Avoid all dark, gray and blue colors.
Dreams: All good and pleasant dreams can come true exactly the other way around. A good dream indicates deception; you will be lured somewhere. And unpleasant dreams can come true.
Item of power: Spear, shaft, dart.
Stone: A bright red spinel similar to a ruby.

18th sunny day
Totem- Crane. It evens out life to the average length for short-lived people (increases it to about 70 years), but gives almost nothing to long-lived people. The task of people of this day is to find a “golden mean” in life, then they will receive an average life expectancy.
Recommendations: A day of fun and joy, entertainment, games and activities with children. Exchange information and experience. It is good to give gifts, play sports and strengthen the physical body. This is a day of justice, so you can start fighting for a fair solution. Privacy is not recommended. Sexual contacts are favorable. It's good to drink, but in moderation. You can't shave or get a haircut, eat a lot of sweets
Cloth: Light-colored clothing is not recommended. Stick to simple colors, preferably dark and gray tones.
Dreams: Almost all dreams on this day are considered empty, especially those that occur in sunny weather. Only those dreams that are dreamed in cloudy weather have meaning. They are implemented very quickly, within 1-2 days.
Item of power: Dark cape with hood and white gloves.
Stone: White jade and jadeite. These are stones of earthly joys, good luck, justice.

19th sunny day
Totem– Mouflon, mountain sheep. This day is associated with ancestors. Therefore, the life of girls is added as long as the mother lives, for boys - as long as the father lives. If the father is initially short-lived, then his time is added to the son's time. People on the 19th sunny day need to take care of the lives of their parents and their entire family. The better they do this, the longer their lives will last. As soon as there are no elders left in the direct line of the family, the person immediately becomes defenseless.
Recommendations: It's good to start treatment. Be vigilant and watch your words; you cannot make promises or oaths. It is recommended to spend the day with your family. Not good for fun. You have to cry, be sentimental, relaxed and focused at the same time. Do not sign documents or make written commitments. The day is favorable for individual work and housework. It is good to remember ancestors, remember the past and forgive insults to your loved ones. Remember what was good in your past. Do not prepare food on this day; it is usually prepared in advance.
Cloth: Try not to wear a lot of clothes. Green tones are preferable. Avoid yellow, orange and black colors.
Dreams: Prophetic things come true after a long time.
Item of power: Sacred Key.
Stone: Jasper, which is greenish-brown in color, and chrysoprase, which is greenish in color.

21st sunny day
Totem- Eagle with the head of a wolf Eagle is a long-liver. It can give a very large supplement, almost maximum - up to 60 years. Someone who initially has an average life expectancy will live up to 100 years, of course, if he lives up to his day. This correspondence is expressed in strength, the ability to lead, organizational skills, and teaching. Increases life and wealth earned through honest labor - the richer a person is, the longer he will live.
Recommendations: Teamwork is favorable. Day of casting lots. Favorable energy healing. There must be great composure and concentration of efforts to accomplish important things. Teamwork shown. The day is good for weddings and moving, moving to a new job. You can't sit at home and be alone. Marital contacts cannot be avoided.
Cloth: It is recommended to stick to dark blue and red-brown colors. Avoid variegated tones and blue.
Dreams: Only those dreams that are quickly remembered are prophetic. All dreams are related not to you personally, but to your environment and come true only if you were interrupted in some dream in which you woke up.
Item of power: Lightning, bell, comb.
Stone: Bloodstone, dark with bloody veins, is a sacred magical stone.

22nd sunny day
Totem- Ermine. Levels life to an average duration. If a person matches his day, then he is guaranteed an even longer life. Short-lived people get up to 75 years, long-lived ones get 85 years. One of the conditions for increasing life expectancy is helping worthy people. It is necessary to promote the exaltation of some teaching, to preach.
Recommendations: It’s good to understand your life path. It is recommended to make drastic changes in your life. For example, a sudden transition to another job. Nothing can be planned. It is favorable to travel and make trips, make new acquaintances. Try to stay less under the roof of your home. Live this day according to your intuition. It's bath day. You can cut your hair and nails.
Cloth: Dimmed and blurry tones are preferable. Avoid all variegated colors, especially red and orange.
Dreams: Prophetic things come true very quickly and are usually interpreted directly. Seeing several dreams in a row is a sign of favorable changes in life.
Item of power: Wheel, throwing disc.
Stone: Jaspilit - associated with freedom and struggle.

23rd sunny day
Totem- White spider. Gives a very long life, especially to women, but adds little to men - no more than 10 years. Men born on this day are recommended to choose women taller than themselves as partners, while women, on the contrary, need to look for partners shorter than themselves. The fact is that in all spiders the females are much larger than the males.
Recommendations: The day is quite free and you have to live according to a free schedule. You can do important social events, sign serious documents, legal matters. You cannot retire, indulge in despondency and do repairs on this day. Try to rest less. It's good to start a course of treatment. Trees can be trimmed and cut down. It’s good to build fences, cut locks, set alarms. Don't buy new things because they will wear out very quickly. Get more sleep. Blessed is the one who is overcome by sleep at noon (an indicator of connection with his Guardian Spirit). It is not recommended to avoid marital hugs. The day is good for weddings. A bath and hair and nail trimming are recommended.
Cloth: Preferably worn and gray tones of clothing, protective. Anything bright and colorful, or a combination of black and white, is not recommended. Try not to wear hats.
Dreams: It is better not to dream on this day. If you have a lot of dreams, it means you are on the wrong path, you are very far from the truth.
Item of power: A mirror or crystal ball on which one concentrated to immerse oneself in a trance.
Stone: Serpentine, associated with elemental spirits. Greenish-gray in color, with mottled black inclusions

24th sunny day
Totem- Woodpecker. Gives few extra years of life. Long-lived - 5 years, short-lived - twice as long, i.e., 10 years. A person born on this day must constantly think. If he is lazy to think, he will get nothing. It's a hard day.
Recommendations: The critical day is dedicated to prayer and fasting. You cannot succumb to provocations, be rude and rude. It is not recommended to laugh a lot or celebrate holidays. Avoid sexual contacts, trips and travel; you should stay more under the roof of your home. It is good to cleanse the body, take medications.. It is recommended to do house cleaning, repairs and restoration. You need to be silent more, read books. It is good to do tailoring and repairing clothes; any manual labor, jewelry work, and stone turning are recommended. You can't work with the ground. Good for poisoning insects. Do not spend this day in dark rooms. Do not open windows at night so as not to attract dark forces.
Cloth: A combination of red and black colors is recommended, as well as a poisonous yellow-green color. Avoid grey, brown and purple tones.
Dreams: It's good if you don't dream today. A dream on this day is a sign of warning and temptation.
Item of power: Broom, mortar, spindle, fan.
Stone: Jasper, cherry.

25th sunny day
Totem- Chamois. A day can add from 8 to 40 years. Those born on this day are obliged to raise both their own and adopted children - the more of them there are, the better. Honesty is also important. A short-lived person can get up to 40 years, unless he lies.
Recommendations: Adventures and new things are contraindicated. You can’t get angry and kill animals and insects. Be kind and merciful on this day. Then they will help you in difficult times. Spend more time at home and family, children. Family holidays and any housework or repair work are favorable. Get in more contact with water. Don't start any new business. It is good to make peace with enemies; on this day courts were scheduled to sort things out. You can't lie. The day is associated with prayers. It’s good to give flowers in pots on this day. Picking flowers is not recommended. This is Children's Day. The bad parents are those who do not spend time with their children at 25 s.d. Try to fulfill the child's request. It's good to repay debts. It's a bad day for traveling. On this day, communicate with animals, talk to them. Desecration of land and forests is not allowed. On this day, a person’s real teacher can come to him. Do not avoid marital hugs and love on this day.
Cloth: White, yellow and pink colors are recommended. Avoid black, blue and brown tones.
Dreams: Pay attention only to specific dreams. They are prophetic. The brighter the dream, the faster it comes true. You can order sleep on this day, but at the same time you need to eat almost nothing from noon to evening. The less a person eats on this day, the more prophetic the dream will be.
Item of power: A cloak, a rope, a lasso, a net in which all dark forces are entangled.
Stone: pink-lilac amethyst is a stone of purity, righteousness, manifests thoughts, helps against intoxication and all kinds of intoxication.

26th sunny day
Totem- Polar bear. Lives approximately as long as a person. This day brings life to an average level. This is one of the few days that gives you the opportunity to live only in your homeland. The further a person moves from the place where he was born, the smaller the increase he can receive.
Recommendations: Good for shopping. Give gifts that will bring joy to yourself and others. Men should definitely give a gift to a woman. A day of serious events and matters related to money, signing business papers, transactions. It's a merchant's day. Invite guests. It's good to start business trips. Cultivation Day.. Avoid marital contacts, only conceiving a child is favorable.. You can treat teeth, do cosmetic surgeries, cleanse the body and skin
Cloth: It's good to dress in new clothes. Gold, white and red colors are recommended. Avoid black, blue and lilac tones. They wore a lot of jewelry and rings. Women should be in all their beauty, men should admire them and rejoice.
Dreams: It's good to have a lot of dreams. All dreams on this day are related to property. Item of power: Bag, wallet - everything related to carrying property.
Stone: White agate or true chalcedony.

27th sunny day
Totem- Blue Bird of Paradise Those born on this day need to travel a lot, then the Blue Bird will give them the opportunity to live long enough. If a person corresponds to his sunny day, then, as a rule, he always lives to see some anniversary date, at least 60 years old. The closer such a person's life comes to an end, the happier she is. At this time, a huge number of the brightest and most intense events take place. A person must say goodbye to life on a high note and leave.
Recommendations: This is a day of strict observance of rules in relations between people. Act as if you were under Heaven's control. You cannot lie and smoke on this day. Treason is contraindicated. Be outdoors more and indoors less. Favorable for trips and trips, contacts and new acquaintances, exercise in the air. This is the day of money exchanges. Walking and exercise on the legs are shown. Women are not recommended to use cosmetics. Be hospitable. It is not recommended to go underground and into mines, or dig into the ground. Avoid sexual contact. You cannot shave or have your hair cut.
Cloth: On this day it is better not to wear a lot of clothes. Blue, blue and gold colors are recommended. Avoid green and brown tones... Dreams: Dreams are considered prophetic if a person slept in the open air, with open vents and windows. Dreams that occur on a moonlit night are especially prophetic. They come true quickly, within a week. It is good to see the sky, stars, and rainbows for good luck.
Item of power: Key, network.
Stone: Lapis lazuli. It differs from lapis lazuli in that it has white veins on the blue stone.

28th sunny day
Totem- Crow. It gives one of the longest lives, but is prescribed to be a loner. The fewer close people around him, the better. The life of short-lived people who live according to their day can be increased fourfold. Some people, 28 sunny days, live longer than 100 years.
Recommendations: Hard day. Give up all important things. It is not recommended to desecrate the earth and kill animals. You can make fences, dig the foundation of a house, plant plants. You must not shed blood or pollute the air. It is good to do treatment, harvest herbs and prepare medicines. Special attention must be paid to cooking. All Souls' Day. It is not recommended to begin serious treatment and surgery. The day is associated with a name change. You cannot shave or have your hair cut. You can drink, but only for peace and you can’t clink glasses.
Cloth: Black, dark blue and brown colors are recommended. Avoid yellow, red and orange tones.
Dreams: It is believed that only nightmares and very specific dreams are prophetic. Dreams are only meaningful at sunrise.
Item of power: Shovel and comb.
Stone: Labrador (crow's eye black with blue highlights).

29th sunny day
Totem- White cat. Fluffy cat with blue eyes. The increase in life will be up to 15 years. “This totem does not give an increase to people who are gloomy, withdrawn, angry and envious. The ideal person of this day should be cheerful and friendly. Recommendations: It's good to buy, sew and mend clothes. The day is favorable for learning and talking, but remember to watch your words. Favorable time for restoration and repair work. A good time for writing and reading books, starting the educational process. A day of fun, joy, laughter. The day is bad for travel and for all drivers. Loneliness is contraindicated. The day is good for conceiving a child. Sexual relations are required, but only in the light. On this day, fortunes were read using a book and lots were cast. It's bath day. It is recommended to cleanse the skin, trim hair and nails. Massages and rubbing are recommended.
Cloth: It’s good to dress in everything colorful and bright. The more colorful and shiny, the better. The best colors of this day are golden, light lilac, yellow. Any monotonous colors are not recommended, all very dark tones (brown) and green. On this day, new clothes were bought and worn, they took special care of jewelry, and under no circumstances wore malachite.
Dreams: If you hear voices in a dream, then it is a prophetic dream. It is better if the dreams are not colored, the dream information is interpreted directly.
Item of power: Scissors, they even used them to guess, holding a book and cutting all kinds of threads. And all kinds of musical instruments, in particular the flute.
Stone: variegated jasper, reddish-yellow-lilac, with white streaks.

30th sunny day
Totem- Peacock. A bird similar to a peacock, like the Firebird, gives long life. Anyone who knows how to balance extremes, smooth out aggression, eliminate contradictions, and complete things they have started, their life is greatly increased. The increase can be up to 50 years.
Recommendations: Finish old things. This is a day of serious and important events, everything should be taken seriously. It is better to spend the day with relatives, to be less in public. Long distance travel is not recommended. Watch your thoughts, talk less and don’t throw words to the wind, don’t plan anything bad. You cannot kill animals and insects. Day of Prayer and Remembrance of the Dead. It is advisable not to do laundry, cleaning, or cooking. Best day to fast. Try to be exposed to more light and sleep in the light. It's good to buy watches and mirrors. The best day for meditation, especially on a light source. It’s good to get rid of old things and take unnecessary things to a landfill.
Cloth: Any colors of clothing are allowed, except black.
Dreams: Only that dream comes true after which you unexpectedly wake up and remember it to the end. Ideally, it is better not to dream at all - that means you have no problems. There are dreams - there are problems, but there is a way out of them.
Item of power: Stone rosary with 30 stones, preferably tourmaline, bell.
Stone: golden aventurine (brown with sparkles). And tourmaline (pink, almost transparent) is a stone of innocence, where, according to Zoroastrians, there are huge deposits of light. This is a stone that tests the strength of any teacher and strengthens the family.