Colleague of Eduard Uspensky: He did not like children, although he earned more than a million dollars a year for them only on Cheburashka. Three wives of Eduard Uspensky: stories of love and overcoming How Eduard Nikolaevich communicated with his daughter

On April 14, 2018, at the age of 80, the beloved national writer Eduard Uspensky passed away. His name accompanied the childhood of many, creativity gave and continues to give that comfort and warmth with which the bright times were endowed.

The cycles “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat”, “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends” and other famous fairy-tale stories are an array that laid down the concepts of friendship, love and kindness in the younger generations. But what is the author’s personal life like and is it as “rosy” as one might think based on the author’s work?

Childhood and parental home

The date and place of birth of the author is December 22, 1937 in Yegoryevsk, in the Moscow region, so Eduard Nikolaevich’s childhood occurred during the harsh war and post-war years. The family, to put it mildly, was poor, and after the death of Uspensky’s father, Nikolai Mikhailovich (1903-1947), life began to be difficult.

In the photo, Eduard Uspensky as a child with his mother

Mother, Natalya Alekseevna Dzyurova (1907-1982), earned money by being a mechanical engineer and could not fully support her offspring of 3 people: Eduard’s older brother Igor, the younger brother Yuri and Edik himself. Before his death, his father held a position in the apparatus of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) (Central Committee of the CPSU).

At school, Edward was an obnoxious fellow, he eccentrically disrupted his lessons and did not want to study. Then the school authorities decided to appoint the student to the position of counselor of the younger, namely, second grade. Uspensky accepted the role with due responsibility and coped with it successfully. After which the future writer goes to the hospital with a broken leg and asks his mother to bring all the textbooks in order to keep up with the program. During treatment, he went through all the books inside and out. He especially enjoyed the mathematics course, which prompted Uspensky to desire to connect his life with exact sciences. IN recent years During his school studies, one can notice Edward’s maturation and development as an independent, reasonable person.

Studying at the University

In 1966, Eduard Uspensky entered the Moscow Aviation Institute, where he immediately signed up to participate in the student wall newspaper. Many students eagerly awaited the releases, and especially loved the epigrams of the future writer. Everyone knew that Uspensky was of an absolutely mathematical mind, but, apparently, the author was more multifaceted and was already thinking about the craft of a writer.

writer in his youth

Once he even signed up for a student theater to write feuilletons and sketches for it. At the same time, Uspensky began to try himself in the poetic field. People laughingly called his creations “counting books” because of the simplicity of the rhythm of the poems. The heads of the literary world of that time also treated him with disdain: Barto, Aleksin and Mikhalkov. Only Boris Zakhoder, the creator of Winnie the Pooh, believed in the young writer. “You can make some sense,” Zakhoder tells Uspensky.

In 1960, Edward began publishing his poems and feuilletons in the Krokodil magazine and in the Nedelya newspaper. So in 1961, the author completed his studies at the university with a degree in engineering and began 3 years of work at the Second Moscow Instrument-Making Plant.

Writing career

One day, when Uspensky came to visit his good friend, he caught a picture of his daughter changing clothes. The girl was wrapped in a huge fur coat, so it was extremely difficult for her to walk and her attempts looked funny and clumsy.

“Well, a natural Cheburashka!” said the girl’s father.

Then Uspensky asked what “Cheburashka” meant. They explained to him: to cheburashka means to fall clumsily, which is where the “Cheburashka” came from. This is how Edward’s new image of the character was born, which he later, as we know, brought to life, making it a cult for many generations.

In the mid-60s, Uspensky began a full start to his writing career and in 1965 he turned to the Children's Literature publishing house with his collection of poems, “The Funny Elephant,” which was accepted for publication.

Well, in 1966, the fairy tale “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends” was published. Here begins a whole cycle of the universe of Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena in the form of animations: “Crocodile Gena” (1969), “Cheburashka” (1971), “Shapoklyak” (1974), “Cheburashka goes to school” (1983- y), which he produces in collaboration with director Roman Kachanov. Then they together released the plays “Cheburashka and His Friends” (1970) and “Vacation of the Crocodile Gena” (1974).

The fame of Cheburashka extends not only to countries former USSR, but also far abroad. So, for example, in Japan there is still a whole bunch of characters, and in 2000 they released their animated film about Cheburashka. Well, it’s impossible not to mention that, starting from the summer Olympic Games 2004, the hero repeatedly became a symbol of the competition.

In 1975, Eduard Uspensky published the equally famous fairy tale “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat,” after which a series of film adaptations of this story also began: “Three from Prostokvashino” (19780), “Vacation in Prostokvashino” (1980) -th) and “Winter in Prostokvashino” (1984), filmed by Vladimir Popov.

To summarize this summary, it is worth saying that in just his life, Uspensky published 10 plays, 77 stories, 1 historical novel, “False Dmitry the Second, the real one” and 1 “significant textbook” on radio engineering “Lectures of Professor “Chainikov”. Almost all of the author’s works have been translated into 25 languages, and more than 60 cartoons and 2 films have been made based on his works. In the 70s, Uspensky also occupied a television niche, where in the 70s he became a screenwriter and author of the “Baby Monitor” program, and then, in the 75th, his program “ABVGDeyka” started, which was the first program of Central Television. He then takes part in a number of other television programs, including reviving the “Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful” in 1986. The author was the chairman of the jury named after Korney Chukovsky and has 9 awards in the field of culture and one service to the Fatherland.

Personal life

The first wife of Eduard Uspensky was named Rimma. He met her at university. The girl became the prototype of the old woman Shapoklyak, although all the friends of this couple claimed that Rimma was more like Uncle Fyodor’s mother than a grumpy character. In 1968, Rimma gives birth to Tatyana, whom Uspensky loved madly and, after divorcing his wife, took her to live for 12 years. year old daughter to another family. In the future, the girl graduates from the Forestry Institute with a degree in site design and design and works as a hairdresser.

In the photo, Eduard Uspensky with his daughter Tatyana

Edward's second wife is Elena Borisovna Uspenskaya. The writer met her in a buffet. Then he gave her his book Prostokvashino to read, which she really liked. They have an age difference of 22 years, but despite this, Uspensky meets his new love. He was 42 years old then. The couple adopts two disabled girls (due to kidney problems), whose names are Irina and Svetlana, born in 1991. The girls decided to study to become veterinarians.

But this marriage did not last long. In the 90s, Uspensky’s program “The Pouring Came into Our Harbor” required a new editor. The candidate was quickly selected - she was a young and modest girl named Eleonora Filina. The marriage with his second wife was coming apart at the seams, so the divorce and new marriage came into the writer’s life very soon.

Uspensky with his ex-wife Eleanor Filina

From the outside, the marriage of Eleanor and Edward seemed ideal: they raised their son together, they had their own joys and hardships, and they ran their own program together. But when in 2011 a woman filed for divorce with the loud statement “My husband is a tyrant!”, the whole country was horrified. It turned out that Edward hated Eleanor’s son, beat her and made scandals. Filina claims that she had an abortion and did not regret it, and that she previously dreamed of divorcing her tyrant husband, but regretted it because of her illness (the writer was diagnosed with a malignant tumor).

The answer to the whole scandal from Uspensky came quickly: closing of all accounts and shame in front of friends. This news caused a huge resonance in society, which is why some sympathize with Edward for slandering his wife, and others with Eleanor. One way or another, this situation had a positive impact on the writer’s work and new works began to be published.

Pictured is Elena Uspenskaya

Scandal with daughter

The divorce from his third wife was not the only major scandal at the end of the author’s life: his daughter Tatyana also accuses him of cruelty. Based on the release of the program “You Won’t Believe It,” it is known that the writer for a long time belonged to a totalitarian sect. Tatiana says they send her to a similar sect, supposedly for treatment, where the girl spends four years. Afterwards she escapes home, from where her stepmother Elena kicks her out. But in the end, the girl leaves home at the age of 21, and now Tatyana is married and has two children - a girl, Ekaterina, and a son, who was named after her father.

Tatyana Uspenskaya - daughter of a famous writer

The authenticity of the above facts has not been proven, so everyone has a choice of which side to take. Public life tends to be scandalous, for which we should forgive the children's author, whom we love.

Death of Eduard Uspensky

The great writer died on the evening of August 14, 2018 from a long-term cancer that had plagued him for a long time.

The third wife of Eduard Uspensky, Eleanor Filina, met the writer on Russian Radio. It was very easy for Filina to work with Uspensky, but Eleanor called her marriage to him a mistake.

“Seven years have passed since we broke up. We had the happiest creative union. Unfortunately, ours turned out to be not so ideal family life“- Filina admitted on the air of the program “Let Them Talk.”

For a long time, Uspensky struggled with stomach cancer, which eventually defeated him. Deadly disease caught the writer at the moment when he was on the verge of divorce from Filina. At that time, the press often wrote that Eleanor left her husband in a difficult situation. She called such information a lie.

“None of the close relatives, much less the press, knew that Uspensky was ill. We left for Germany. There I lived with him in the same room for a month. The operation was completed and the rehabilitation was over. The illness was reported only upon returning home. By the time we finally broke up with him, he had gone into remission. After that, the disease did not bother my husband for six years,” said Eleanor in the studio of the “Let Them Talk” program.

Prokhor Chaliapin, who was present in the studio, advised Filina to ask for forgiveness from her ex-husband, arguing that at one time Eduard Nikolayevich told others about how his beloved Eleanor betrayed him. She did not want to talk about this topic and asked Prokhor “not to start a farce.”

Let us remind you that late at night on August 14, Eduard Uspensky, who gave the children their favorite characters: Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena, Uncle Fyodor, Cat Matroskin and many other characters, passed away. He accepted his illness, treated it calmly, and sometimes with humor.

“You know, this is my second time surviving cancer. This is a very serious disease. Somehow I manage to survive and continue to live peacefully. My friend Yura Kushak ( Soviet writer, - Approx. ed.) died of cancer. He suffered for three years, and I have been recovering for a long time. When I feel worse, I wake up the whole family, and we go somewhere, do something. Then the disease goes on its own, and I go on my own,” Uspensky shared.

At the age of 81, Eduard Uspensky passed away. He gave millions of people the heroes of Prostokvashino, Cheburashka, Crocodile Gena and other favorite characters. But what a husband and father the “great storyteller” was. At times the script of his life could be used as a basis family drama or even a real soap opera.

The first wife and the image of Shapoklyak

With his first wife, Eduard Uspensky studied at the Moscow Aviation Institute, she quickly captured the attention of the then young man, and in 1963 they got married. Rimma gave birth to her husband’s daughter Tanya and was there when Uspensky began writing cartoon scripts, poetry, and then his now world-famous books.

They lived in marriage for 18 years, and it seemed that nothing foreshadowed the sad development of events, but Edward fell in love with someone else. Uspensky met his second wife in the cafeteria of the animation studio.

Rimma did not expect such a turn of events. In addition, after the divorce, the writer took his daughter with him, and Tanya grew up in a family with a stepmother, who was able to become her friend.

Cheburashka’s father did not remember very flatteringly about his first wife:

“The prototype of the old woman Shapoklyak was my first wife - a harmful lady in all respects. Now I’m just wondering how we managed to live together for eighteen years! Although, to be completely honest, Shapoklyak also has my features. My character is also not angelic,” said the writer.

Second wife - wife forever (almost)

Ouspensky’s second wife was 22 years younger than him - he was 42, and she was 20! Surprisingly, her parents had nothing against their union.

Elena was not familiar with the writer’s work, and the first works she read by him were stories about Prostokvashino.

“I fell under his spell,” Elena recalled. - He was 42 years old at the time; he and his wife were on the verge of divorce; by that time they were no longer living together. I moved to Eduard Nikolaevich. And immediately became a mother. He took in his 12-year-old daughter from his first marriage, Tanya. She was both a friend and a nanny for her at the same time.”

Elena did not give birth to her own children, but she and Eduard adopted two girls at once - Ira and Sveta, who had kidney problems, which is why they later received disabilities.

When, after 20 years of marriage, Edward decided to leave the family for another woman, it came as a shock to both his daughters and Elena. She was essentially left alone and continued to care for her daughters, who required constant medical supervision.

Third wife and scandalous separation

Uspensky met his third wife on his original program “Ships Came into Our Harbor.” He needed an assistant, and colleagues from “ Good morning“volunteered to help and sent a tall, slender girl who captivated the writer.

While Elena was at home with the children, Edward spent almost all his time with his assistant Eleanor. Their romance began quickly.

“How could I interfere with Eduard Nikolaevich, especially if he and Eleanor have crazy love? And in general, it is much easier to endure a divorce than, God forbid, death loved one. And he’s a good father,” Elena recalled.

At first, everything was fine with Uspensky and his third wife, but then problems began. Eleanor had a son from previous relationships, but accept him as your own new husband I couldn't.

The woman recalled that her child constantly listened to complaints about him and was often to blame simply for being there.

However, all disagreements stopped when the writer was diagnosed with stomach cancer. Fortunately, the disease was overcome then. Eleanor followed her husband to all hospitals and rehabilitation centers. But this did not help save the relationship.

The couple broke up and there is still no clear answer to the question “who is to blame?” no one gave it. Some say that Eleanor found another man, so she decided to leave, but she herself claims that she simply could not stand the harsh and sometimes even tyrannical attitude of her husband. The writer’s friends also sometimes commented on such statements and confidently said that there was definitely no need to talk about assault.

Return of the husband

But no matter what they say, apparently, his most beloved, reliable woman has always been and remained until last Elena, second wife. It was to her that Ouspensky returned after breaking up with Eleanor.

Elena forgave and accepted, and later helped fight the newly appeared terrible disease- cancer, this time - prostate cancer. The writer ultimately lost the fight with him.

The 75-year-old writer explained for the first time the reason for his divorce from Eleanor Filina

The 75-year-old writer explained for the first time the reason for his divorce from Eleanor Filina

The scandal in the family of Eduard USPENSKY has not subsided for two years now. Ex-wife and partner in the popular TV show “Ships came into our harbor...” Eleonora FILINA, even after the divorce, continues to water famous writer dirt. They say that Uspensky is a tyrant and a drunkard, he humiliated her and her young son. The reason for all these furious attacks is extremely banal - the lady does not lose hope of suing ex-husband country house and an apartment in the center of Moscow. Eduard Nikolaevich was silent all this time and finally told his version of events only for Express Gazeta.

The love story of the 75-year-old author of Cheburashka Eduard Uspensky with a 51 year old Eleonora Filina It also started with a scandal. In 2003, because of an affair with a young colleague, Uspensky divorced his wife Elena, with whom he raised twin daughters.

Trying to get it over with quickly old life, the writer bought an apartment in the center of Moscow on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and moved there with Eleanor. However, in 2011, after he was diagnosed with cancer, he unexpectedly filed for divorce, and Filina began to talk about the horrors of their life together.

Uspensky was silent then. But the writer Maria Arbatova got the details from close friend Uspensky - writer Gregory Oster and wrote a whole detective story on her blog.

“Edik is covering Filina’s entire family with a thick layer of money,” the writer said. - She is supervising the construction of a huge estate in Troitsk. Filina's son is entering adolescence, and he and his stepfather begin to clash. Filina is completing the construction of the estate, pushing a jacuzzi into Uspensky’s office against his will. Uspensky has a heart attack in the pool, a swimmer nearby saves him.

Uspensky is diagnosed with cancer. Filina goes with him to Germany, where, according to her, he raises his hand against her. Edik, who healthy looking half the size of this woman, raising her hand after cancer surgery!

Filina abandons the writer in Germany, returns to Moscow, where, together with her lover, she mortgages the house bought by Uspensky in Peredelkino. A young lover is trying to buy a gold mine in Tynda with this money. They are thrown into the mine, the money flies into space.

The indignant Uspensky closes the program “To Our Harbor...” and stops giving Filina money. Eleanor rushes to all channels, all magazines, saying that Uspensky is a tyrant.

In the hands of young scammers

Referring to illness, Eduard Nikolaevich refused to refute in any way offensive words ex-wife, generally remember the past. However, having learned about the property litigation started by the ex-wife, who claims a luxurious apartment on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and a house of 1200 square meters. m in Troitsk near Moscow, Uspensky still could not stand it and responded to the insults:

IN lately I am constantly approached by television and the press with questions about my divorce from Eleanor Filina, with whom we lived together for a long time.

I want to explain that my ex-wife fell into the hands of young scammers led by her “friend” - a twenty-three-year-old David Chedia.

She sold the Nissan Tiana we bought, her valuables and my antique books and got into multi-million dollar debts. Most likely, under their influence, she took out a huge loan from a bank, mortgaging the four-story house we built in Peredelkino, which cost about a million dollars. Apparently, she was unable to repay the loan. Because of this, Vyatka Bank employees evicted Eleonora Filina onto the street. She currently lives in her mother's four-room apartment, which I also helped purchase.

I am truly sorry that she ended up in such a situation. It’s hard for me to comment on this, so I don’t want to discuss this situation with anyone.