Maria Mironova: biography, personal life, new husband. Maria Mironova - biography, personal life, husband, photo Maria Mironova biography personal life new husband

Maria Mironova, whose biography is connected with theater and cinema, is a famous actress. Possessor of many prestigious awards. He is one of the leaders of a foundation that helps Russian artists. Plays at the Lenkom Theater in the capital.

Biography of the actress

In 1973, Maria Mironova was born. The biography of the actress began in Moscow. Her parents are famous Soviet actors Andrei Mironov and Ekaterina Gradova.

For Mironov this was the first marriage. He married Gradova in 1971. Soon Maria Mironova was born - the daughter of Andrei Mironov. Her biography is similar to creative path father.

Known with mother Maria Soviet actor divorced in 1976. His second wife was the performer of the role of Shurochka from the film “The Hussar Ballad” - Larisa Golubkina. But Mironov no longer had any children of his own.

Her mother Ekaterina Gradova tied the knot for the second time only in 1991, when Maria grew up. Her new husband was a scientist, nuclear physicist Igor Timofeev. It is noteworthy that the lovers met during a pilgrimage to Optina Pustyn. Maria was already 18 years old.

Even as a child, it was decided that the biography of Maria Mironova would be connected with the stage. She made her film debut when she was 8 years old. In the adventure film directed by Stanislav Govorukhin "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn" she played the friend of the main character Becky Thatcher.

Theater school

Maria Mironova received her secondary education at school No. 113. The actress’s biography continued at the famous theater school named after Shchukin. Then she transferred to the All-Russian state institute cinematography. She was studying in a creative workshop people's artist Russia by Mikhail Gluzsky.

Having received a theater education, Mironova received an invitation from the School of Contemporary Play, and then from several other famous metropolitan stage venues. As a result, I gave my preference to Lenkom. She started working there in 1997.

Debut on stage

She played a lot on the theater stage bright roles Maria Mironova. The biography, photos of which illustrate her work, is replete with noticeable images.

In "Lenkom" she played Verochka in the play "Two Women", actress Eurydice in "The Executioner's Lament", Mademoiselle Blanche in the play "Barbarian and Heretic" based on Dostoevsky's novel "The Gambler", Katerina in William Shakespeare's comedy "The Taming of the Shrew", Fanchette in "A Mad Day, or The Marriage of Figaro" by Beaumarchais, Elmira in "Tartuffe" by Moliere, Clara Tsakhanassyan in "The Lady's Visit" by Friedrich Durremant, Russian empress Ekaterina Alekseevna in the production of "The Jester Balakirev", Marina Mnishek in "Boris Godunov".

In the 2000s, Marina Mironova began collaborating with the capital's State Theater of Nations. Her biography was replenished with the roles of Nina Zarechnaya in Anton Chekhov's "The Seagull", Vera Ivanovna Pavlova in Andrei Zholdak's play "Phaedra. The Golden Ear", as well as Carmen in the play of the same name and Caesonia in the production of "Caligula".

Community service

Mironova is known not only as an actress, but also as public figure. She participates in numerous charitable and cultural-social projects.

For example, he runs the “Artist” fund for helping creative people. Participates in the organization of the art festival "Territory".

She campaigned for Sergei Sobyanin in the elections of the capital's mayor in 2013. She was his confidant.

Success on screen

Her most successful film work was her role in Pavel Lungin’s comedy drama “The Wedding” in 2000. In the film she played the main female role. The film participated in the program of the Cannes Film Festival. The acting ensemble received a prize for best roles.

Mironova plays a young girl Tatyana, who returns to a small provincial town Tula region Lipki from Moscow. Everything around her knows like the back of her hand. Relatives, loved ones, friends. And, of course, a simple local guy Misha, played by Marat Basharov. He has been in love with her since school. I dared to confess to her on the last school evening. And then Tatyana, having drunk vodka for courage, promised that she would marry him if the coin fell on the right side.

Now it's time to keep your promises. But many years have passed since then, the main characters have become completely different people, they have changed a lot.

Lungin himself said that this is a very simple and human history, through which the absurdity and complexity of our life appears. In addition to success at the Cannes Film Festival, the film was awarded in Vyborg at the Window to Europe film festival, in Tromso, Norway, and at the annual Russian film award Golden Aries.

Film work

Maria Mironova played several dozen roles on the big screen. Kharlov in the historical film by Alexander Proshkin “Russian Revolt”, Masha in another drama by Pavel Lungin “Oligarch”, Lyuba in the serial action film by Alexander Buravsky “Ice Age”.

Many fans of the works of Russian science fiction writer Sergei Lukyanenko remember her from the film adaptation of his “Watches”. In them she played the role of Irina, the mother of the boy Yegor, who is being hunted by the dark ones.

Mironova also embodied on the screen the images of Lyalya Saburova in the multi-part drama by Vladimir Khotinenko “Death of the Empire”, Julie in the detective story by Philip Yankovsky “State Councilor”, Nina Koroleva in the documentary drama “Battle for Space” by Chris Spencer and Mark Everest, Tanya in the melodrama by Anton Sivers “ Swing", Queen in Yegor Konchalovsky's comedy melodrama "Moscow, I Love You", Masha Guseva in Alexander Erofeev's dramatic war film "Sniper: Weapon of Retribution", Mr. Fest's granddaughter Masha in Anna Surikova's comedy remake "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines", Queen Anne Austrian in the historical adventure film by Sergei Zhigunov “The Three Musketeers”, Nadezhda Pechernikova in the drama by Stanislav Mitin “Apothegeus”, Nina Kaverina in the serial drama by Oleg Pogodin “The Cry of an Owl”, forensic expert Margarita Pavlovna Ushakova in the serial dramatic detective by Alexander Rodzyansky “Investigator Tikhonov”, wife Bragin Elena in Pavel Lungin's television series "Motherland", Anna Berezhnaya in Sarik Andreasyan's disaster film "Earthquake".

Personal life

Maria Mironova, a biography whose personal life is of keen interest to all her fans, was married three times. Her first chosen one was television businessman Igor Udalov, who was responsible for fashion content. From him, Mironova had a son, Andrei, in 1992. He followed in his mother’s footsteps and is now playing at the Vakhtangov Theater.

The second fly of the actress is an employee Russian Academy sciences, advisor to the president of this institution Dmitry Klokov. The marriage with him also did not last long and soon broke up.

For the third time, Mironov officially married actor Alexei Makarov. Native son Lyubov Polishchuk. They lived together for less than a year, and a year later they officially divorced. IN at the moment one Maria Mironova. The biography, personal life, and husbands of the actress are always actively discussed on the pages of the tabloids.

Maria Mironova first got married while studying at the Shchukin School, but all three marriages ended in nothing. The actress has no desire to change anything in her personal life, and she prefers not to advertise her new companions.

For an actress, work comes first, and the only man, to whom she pays a lot of attention - Andrey, son from her first marriage..

First love

Maria left with her first husband friendly relations. The husbands even communicated well and went on vacation with Maria and her son. Maria's second marriage ended for unknown reasons, which the actress is silent about.

Maria met Igor Udalov back in school years, even a ten-year age difference did not prevent the couple from entering into a real serious relationship.

Maria’s mother did not object to this relationship, since she saw in Udalov a completely self-sufficient and reliable man for her daughter. Igor took care of his wife and provided for her very well.

Next important stage In the life of the actress, she entered the Shchukin School, where she studied quite a bit due to pregnancy. After the birth of her son, Maria began her studies at VGIK, and upon completion of her studies she was offered a job at the Theater of Modern Play.

However, she did not dare to get a job there, preferring to work in Lenkom. At first Maria was offered small roles, then she played main character in the play “The Taming of the Tamers”, and then with directors Pavel Lungin and Timur Bekmambetov.

The only love

Andrey was named after his grandfather, People's Artist of the RSFSR, Andrey Mironov. At school, the boy studied well, played football, played tennis, hand-to-hand combat and swimming - his mother really got him interested in sports.

Having matured, Andrei decided to follow in his mother’s footsteps and become an actor. However, first he studied at the Faculty of Management, and only then entered the Faculty of Theater Arts.

Later, Andrei Udalov got the opportunity to play in big project. This should have brought the actor stunning success.

Interesting notes:

Now Maria’s son is performing at the Vakhtangov Theater, where he was taken immediately after graduating from college. She fully approves of her son's aspirations and supports him in all his endeavors.

It is also known that Andrei has an educated girlfriend, Ksenia. They met while studying at the University of Management. Maria really likes the girl, and she even expects to become a grandmother soon.

Second marriage: he was 5 years younger

A disagreement with her first husband marked the beginning of her acquaintance with Dmitry. The actress and Dmitry worked together through the Artist Foundation, which is managed by Maria. And although Dmitry was five years younger than Maria, this did not stand in the way of their romance.

Even before Klokov, Maria achieved a lot both in her personal life and in her work - her track record included many roles in theater and cinema.

Having told her husband about her love for another man, Maria left with her son. Dmitry Klokov and Andrey quickly got along, as did their family life, but five years later there was a rift. According to rumors, Klokov went to the left.

Later, Maria and her first husband restored their relationship. They were both divorced at that time, but maintained a relationship in a so-called “guest marriage.”

Working together prevented a third marriage

On November 1, 2011, Alexey Makarov announced his marriage with Maria, although she never mentioned it. They officially divorced in the summer of 2013. Their life together lasted only one year.

Alexey and Maria starred in “The Three Musketeers,” which put an end to their relationship. The beginning was promising and ideal, Alexey took care of Maria in a way that many husbands could not take care of - there was everything for a long and happy life together. However, all this came to an end, because Mironova’s roles obliged her to star in love scenes with the participation of other actors. And this caused Alexei unprecedented jealousy.

The lovers quarreled, then often quarreled, which caused a fatal divorce. Alexey Makarov returned to his family, which he had once left for the sake of shared happiness with Maria.

Even if the actress now has a lover, this never spreads. According to Maria, she would like to live without fuss, as regards her personal life.

The actress has the following priorities: first place is God, relatives and friends are second, and she gives third place charitable foundation, and work – fourth.

Photos from the life of a Russian actress

These two pretty actresses of the same age are often confused. Their names are the same - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina. By the way, they have the same middle name - both Andreevna. And even more precisely we're talking about about the same Andrei, everyone’s beloved Mironov. The girls have similar eyes, there is something in common in their facial expressions and gestures. And yet, both Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina admit in unison: “We are not sisters! And not even an ounce of common blood. "How so? After all, according to documents, both are daughters of the great Soviet artist theater and cinema, Andrei Mironov, who passed away early. But why don't they consider themselves sisters and why do they have different last names?

Masha and their parents

The first of them, Mironova, was born in last days May 1973. Her parents are an outstanding Soviet actor and his first wife, who also became famous for her role as radio operator Kat from “17 Moments of Spring.” By the way, it was little Masha who was the same little one that the radio operator held in her arms. The girl was named after her grandmother, Andrei’s mother, famous actress Maria Mironova. As for the second Masha, she is not biological daughter Andrey Mironov. Maria Golubkina was adopted by him at the age of three, when he married her mother. Thus, her mother is the famous Russian-Soviet actress Larisa Golubkina, and who is the father? This question is not so easy to answer. At the time when Masha was born, her mother was not legally married, but lived with Nikolai Shcherbinsky-Arsenyev. It is he who is considered the official father of the girl, although Golubkina chose to give her daughter her last name. However, in some interviews Shcherbinsky says that he has nothing to do with his daughter common-law wife, and as Maria’s father he names Vladimir Dostal, the director of Mosfilm, with whom Larisa was legally married. However, Andrei Mironov became the girl’s real father, who married her mother when Maria was only 3 years old and even adopted her. Thus, Andrei Mironov had two daughters of the same age - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina.


The first Masha lived with her father under the same roof until she was 3 years old. However, the love between Gradova and Mironov soon passed, disagreements arose, and Andrei was not indifferent to the actress Larisa Golubkina, and then the couple separated. Masha, naturally, stayed with her mother and moved with her to her parents - grandparents. On the contrary, his new wife and daughter, Maria Golubkina, moved in with the artist. Andrei Mironov soon became very attached to the girl and decided to adopt her. But Ekaterina Gradova’s new husband (by the way, soon after the divorce she moved away from the acting environment), physicist Igor Timofeev, was practically indifferent to his wife’s daughter; he probably understood that he had no chance of competing with the great artist. Since the divorce was quite intelligent, without squabbles or insults, Catherine was not against father and daughter dating.

Perhaps this is jealousy?

If Andrei Mironov and Maria Golubkina lived under the same roof, had breakfast and dinner together, spent evenings, all weekends, then Masha Mironova did not see her father very often. And yet everyone saw in her a lot in common with Andrei. She looked like him not only in appearance - the same Blue eyes, the same mouth, the same shade of hair - but also with his own manners, sophistication and sense of style. But, unlike him, she was very withdrawn and silent, self-absorbed. The girl did not even think about becoming an actress; she dreamed of becoming a ballerina, although Gradova did not want to send her to a ballet school, and Masha was content with a dance club. She apparently always felt abandoned by her father. One day Andrei introduced her to his half-sister, and the girls, to put it mildly, did not like each other. Until now, the relationship between Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina cannot be called close, much less sisterly.

New family, new dad

Andrei Mironov and Larisa Golubkina have been married for 13 years. The new wife was ideal wife, mother, housewife. Mironov was an excellent father to her daughter. Those who did not know the history of their family thought that Maria Golubkina was own daughter Mironov. It’s just that her last name raised questions in everyone’s mind: why did Larisa give her daughter her last name, and not her father’s? The girl loved Andrei very much, they had their own secrets from their mother. Masha went in for equestrian sports, and was creative personality, often asked her father’s advice on this or that issue, and her mother was the ideal woman for her and served as an example to her in everything.

Masha Mironova: entry into the profession

As already noted, Maria Mironova dreamed of becoming a ballerina as a child. When she was very young, she dressed up in a dress that looked like a tutu, played a record with classical music and imagined herself or Maya Plisetskaya. However, she failed to become a ballerina; her parents never sent her to ballet school, but throughout her childhood she danced in various dance clubs, and as she grew up, she honed her skills in clubs. Thanks to this, she had a very graceful gait, excellent plasticity of movements, and the proud bearing of a ballerina. At the age of 10, she starred in a movie for the first time (of course, if you don’t count her debut in the TV series “17 Moments of Spring”). She played the role of the proud Becky Thatcher in the beloved children's film about Tom Sawyer. Many Soviet girls would dream of being in her place and being the partner of handsome Tom.


Apparently it was fate, but at the moment when Mironov had a stroke, which took his life, Masha was in the hall and saw everything with her own eyes. She was 14, and this, of course, was a huge shock for her. Last time she saw her father conscious between parts of the play in the dressing room, and he shared with her his plans for a trip to Holland. For the few days following the blow, which the artist spent in the hospital and was in a coma, his daughter did not leave his bed one step. It was then that the hospital learned that the artist had two daughters - his own - Maria Mironova and Golubkina’s daughter, also Masha. The second was also very worried about her father, but probably understood that the place at Andrei Mironov’s bed belonged to his own daughter.

Studying at the school named after Boris Shchukin

It seems to many that after the role, Masha Mironova was one hundred percent sure that she would become an actress. However, this is not true. She thought about it for a long time future profession, and at the last moment I decided to enroll in “Pike”. By the way, she later starred in the film “Main Roles” (2002) directed by Tigran Keosayan about this period of her life. In 1990, Masha became a student at the most prestigious theater school in the country. This is where her father once studied. Her mentor and curator was Yuri Lyubimov. She soon realized that she liked acting on stage. So she became the continuer of the profession of her parents - Andrei Mironov and Ekaterina Gradova.

The beginning of a theatrical career

After “Pike” she studied at VGIK, and then she joined the Lenkom Theater and quickly became Zakharov’s favorite, who began to trust her with very good roles. In her first year, Maria had an affair with the son of Yuri Yakovlev. By the way, she never completed her studies at the Shchukin School, because as a first-year student she started an affair with businessman Igor Udalov, whom she had known since she was 9 years old. Then there was a wedding and the birth of a son, whom she named Andrei in honor of his famous grandfather. Looking ahead, we can say that the grandson and namesake of Andrei Mironov also continued family tradition. After graduating from school, he entered the same “Pike”, and after graduation he became an actor at the Vakhtangov Theater.

Masha Golubkina: entry into the profession

Just like the actress Maria Mironova, Golubkina’s daughter Masha did not dream of acting career. She thought that she would become an athlete, because from the age of 11 the girl was passionate about equestrian sports. However, when the decision came to her to become an actress, she decided to enter the Shukin School. Thus, both of Andrei’s daughters - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina - began to study at the same educational institution. Golubkina's daughter, before entering "Pike", had already managed to act in a big movie - in the film "Adam's Rib". Unlike her sister, she graduated from college in 1995 and immediately got a job at the Satire Theater - the same theater where she appeared on stage as a child, while earning money. Here throughout many years Andrey and Larisa worked. From 2007 to 2010, Maria Golubkina worked at the Pushkin Drama Theater (Moscow).


The very first role of Maria Mironova at the Lenkom Theater was Franchette from The Marriage of Figaro. Then her repertoire expanded greatly and began to include many serious roles. We can say that in this regard she succeeded more than her sister. As for cinema, here Maria Mironova lost the palm. Actress Maria Golubkina, as already noted, first starred at the age of 16, while still a 10th grade schoolgirl. Machine’s first role after Becky Thatcher was in Pavel Lungin’s film “The Wedding.” It was she who became the leading role. By the way, the second Masha also appeared in this film. Mironova herself chose her partner in the film: it turned out to be Marat Basharov. The film turned out to be simply wonderful, in particular, because the director assembled a simply unique cast: Andrei Panin, Marat Basharov, Alexander Semchev, and two sisters - Maria Mironova and Maria Golubkina. The film received a prize. It was a success! However, Masha is most remembered in connection with the film "Oligarch", where she played the role of Plato Makovsky's friend. In the film “State Councilor” her partners were Nikita Mikhalkov himself and Konstantin Khabensky. Then her list was replenished with roles in such famous films as “Night Watch”, “Death of an Empire”, “The Three Musketeers”, etc.

Maria Mironova and Golubkina: sisters or not?

Despite the fact that they were the same age and had known each other since childhood, the girls could not find any particular sympathy for each other. Today, everyone who knows them says that women treat each other in a civilized, friendly manner, but this is by no means a sisterly relationship. By the way, according to many, they have been similar in many ways since childhood: both are serious, unspoiled, erudite. And yet, even as small girls who did not understand anything, they did not want to play together, they closed in each other’s presence, Masha Mironova even began to clearly feel sad. Then life again wanted to unite them and arranged it so that both chose acting. As we have already noted, they even had to play in the same films. Both became popular film actresses, both love to experiment, although Mironova prefers sophisticated roles, and Golubkina agrees to play any role, as long as it suits her perfectly. So, Masha agreed to star in the film “The Scam”, where she had to appear in the image of a journalist exposing a swindler-scientist, then there were the series “Jackpot for Cinderella”, “Crazy”, “Revelations”, “Pearls”, etc. Golubkina also starred in mini-series about Sergei Yesenin and the head of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the USSR Leonid Brezhnev. In the mid-2000s, she appeared in action films, proving that she could do anything. By the way, “Moscow Heat” - collaboration Russian and American filmmakers.

Two Maria Andreevnas today

They are both in their forties now and both look great. Masha Mironova is a tall blonde, as in her youth, she is slim and elegant, while the second Masha is a brunette, although she often experiments with her hair. Maria Golubkina, on the contrary, is inclined to be overweight, but always tries to be in shape. She is shorter. Both have very beautiful blue eyes, which makes them similar to each other, and they also had the happiness of knowing Andrei Mironov better than anyone in the world and being his favorite girls. Mash has a similar idea of ​​success: if you want to be successful, don’t wait for someone to hand it to you on a platter ready-made, go and take from life what you need!

The long-awaited daughter of actors Andrei Mironov and Ekaterina Gradova was born on May 28, 1973. The girl received her name in honor of the actor’s beloved grandmother. In the first months of her life, Maria already starred in an episode of the film “17 Moments of Spring.” It is she who is held in her arms by radio operator Kat, the heroine of Ekaterina Gradova, despite the fact that in the story the baby is a boy.


When Masha was three years old, Andrei Mironov left his family for Larisa Golubkina, for whom he had long had deep feelings. Ekaterina Gradova abandoned her career as an actress; in the 90s she left normal life in Moscow and left for a deep village in the Vladimir region with a new husband.

Maria rarely saw her famous father, but inherited his aristocratic manners, exquisite taste, magical facial features and inner depth. As a child, the girl took up dancing, dreamed of becoming a famous ballerina and often imagined herself as Isadora Duncan when hosting house concerts. But fate brought her to the cinema.

In 1987, Andrei Mironov passed away. 13-year-old Masha was present at her father’s performance that fateful day and saw with her own eyes how he fell to the floor in the final scene. This moment became a turning point for the girl, she for a long time I couldn’t put my thoughts in order and overestimated a lot.


At the age of 10, Maria played her first big role in the film Tom Sawyer. She appeared as Becky Thatcher. The girl liked the filming, although she had no intention of becoming an actress at that time.

In 1990, Masha decided to enter the theater school named after. Shchukin, which her father graduated from. Actor Yuri Lyubimov became her mentor. Love prevented the young actress from graduating from college. An affair with an old acquaintance - businessman Igor Udalov, maternity leave after the first year, actress Mironova’s plans were disrupted.

In 1993, the girl transferred to VGIK. In 1997, she received a diploma and became a full-fledged actress of the Lenkom Theater. The first performance, by chance, was The Marriage of Figaro. On the theater stage he also played roles in the following productions:

  • "Two Women";
  • "The Taming of the Shrew";
  • "Gull";
  • "Tartuffe" and others.

In 2000, Maria appeared with Pavel Lungin in the film “Wedding”. Lungin suggested main role almost no casting, he was impressed to see Mironova in the theater. The picture turned out to be bright and energetic, the young actors received large number positive feedback.

In 2000 there was the drama “Russian Revolt”, in 2002 Mironova again got into Lungin’s project “Oligarch”. In the drama, she received the role of the main character's muse and beloved woman. In Yankovsky’s “State Councilor,” Mironova looked great in the role of Madame Julie. The actress was accompanied by and.

Interesting notes:

Maria’s list of works includes many high-profile roles: Yegor’s mother in Timur Bekmambetov’s “Night Watch”, and also in the continuation of the story:

  • Natalya in the film “Parcel from Mars”;
  • Elena Saburova in the historical series “Death of the Empire”;
  • Bragin's wife in the series.

In 2017, Maria joined the team of the series in the role of a cynical doctor. Mironova played the role of the doctor's beloved. The actress also recently played in the drama “Salyut-7” about a station lost in space and the heroic feat of the astronauts.


Year Movie Role
1981 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn Becky Thatcher
2000 Russian revolt Kharlova
2000 Wedding Tanya Simakova
2002 Oligarch Masha
2002 Ice age Lyuba
2002 Main roles

Irina Kolomiychenko

2003 Binge drinking theory "Mermaid"
2003 Winter. Spring

Contender No. 9

2004 Parcel from Mars

Natalia Strelnikova

2004 Night watch

Irina, Yegor's mother

2005 Death of an Empire

Elena Ivanovna (Lelya) Saburova

2005 State Councilor Julie
2005 Battle for space Nina Koroleva
2006 Day watch

Irina, Yegor's mother

2006 Nine months Nastya
2008 Grandfather as a gift Seraphim
2008 Swing Tanya
2008 Nobody but us Natasha
2009 Moscow, I love you! Queen
2009 Sniper: Weapon of Vengeance Masha Guseva
2009 Wish Faith
2010 The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines

Masha, Mr. Fest's granddaughter

2010 Robinson Zoe Robertson
2010 Cadences

Valya, translator

2011 Treason Natasha
2011 Jester Balakirev

Empress Ekaterina Alekseevna

2012 Leader of the heterogeneous Mother
2012 Personal file of Major Baranov Catherine
2012 Triple life Lera Brusina
2013 The Three Musketeers

She is the daughter famous actors– favorites Soviet people and she is no less popular. She inherited from her father her high efficiency, unique charm, and one hundred percent dedication. Leads healthy image life, which allows her to look younger than her age. She made her film debut as a child, but theater is not something of secondary importance to her. With no less dedication he is engaged in charity work and supporting artists.


Many people are interested in how their daughter lives famous actor Maria Mironova, her biography, personal life new husband. She is a native Muscovite and was born on May 28, 1973. Her father is a cult Soviet actor who lived a short but bright life– Andrei Mironov, who passed away in 1987. Mother - Ekaterina Gradova, an actress who was not blessed with roles, but was not deprived of popularity after one role in a Soviet TV series (radio operator Kat). Maria herself is an Honored Artist of Russia, winner of many theater and film awards. The actress has a half-sister (Maria Golubkina), also familiar to the viewer, and stepbrother, about which little is known.


She is no stranger to the world of cinema, because she was born in acting family, which, however, was fraught with another danger. Following in the footsteps of her parents, she, one way or another, had to face the widespread stereotype “nature rests on the children of celebrities,” when she has to make twice as much effort to at least be no worse than her ancestors in the eyes of others. How Maria Mironova lives, her biography, personal life and new husband, this information is of interest not only to fans of her work, but also to those who knew the roles of her father.

Since childhood, she has been accompanied by the legend that she first appeared on screen as an infant in her mother’s arms in the very series that made her famous. However, it was a different child because her mother was three months pregnant at the time. Her full-fledged film debut took place in “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn,” where she played one of the main roles.

Mironova failed to graduate from the Shchukin Theater due to the birth of her son (1992). In 1993, when Andrei grew up a little, she continued her studies, but at VGIK (course of M. Gluzsky).

After graduation (1996), she chose between two theaters, giving preference to Lenkom, where she works to this day (since 1997). Maria Mironova, whose biography as an actress is quite successful, periodically pleases with something new. Her theatrical roles are loved by audiences, have won the respect of critics, and her film work is always noticeable. The film “The Wedding” (2000), where she played the main role, was even awarded at the Cannes Film Festival.

In 1998, she received the first prize (named after E. Leonov), the year 2000 pleased her twice: with an award for her role in the film “Wedding” and the “Actress of the Year” award (according to Komsomolskaya Pravda). Five years later she received the “Golden Eagle”, and a year later - the “Acting Success” award and the title of “Honored Artist of Russia”. The next year was even more generous with awards: for work in the production “Phaedra. Golden Spike" (from Moskovsky Komsomolets) and "Golden Mask" for her, as well as the "Best Actress of the Year" award.

2008 pleased her with the “Best Actress of the Five Years” (according to Teatral), and 2011 with the Figaro Award named after her father. 2015 brought the Golden Eagle for the series The Cry of an Owl and Crystal Turandot for his role in the production of Boris Godunov.

As you can see, the actress has many awards. But not cinema and theater alone, as they say. The advertising field is no stranger to her; for a long time, viewers watched Mironova in an advertisement for Jacobs Monarch coffee. The daughter of the popular favorite of Soviet times, Andrei Mironov, is involved in social, cultural and charitable projects with no less enthusiasm than work. In 2008, the actress co-founded the Artist support fund for artists, and since 2013 she has been a member of the Moscow Public Chamber.

According to the actress, theater is her stability, which cannot be said about cinema, due to its unpredictability. The actress does not play everything in a row, does not chase quantity, preferring quality. She literally grew up on the theater stage, and all creative life Not a single one of her works goes unnoticed by the public and critics. She likes it when everything is so well done and thought out that a masterpiece is born from it.

Regarding participation in erotic scenes, the actress said that she would not participate in scenes where there is rudeness and vulgarity. She won’t do “anything” for the sake of a role, but she is capable of significant changes in appearance.

Mironova starred in more than forty films, the most famous of which are “State Councilor” (2004), “Night Watch” (2004), “Death of the Empire” (2005), “Day Watch” (2006), “The Three Musketeers” ( 2013).

Personal life

Fans are interested not only in the film works of Maria Mironova, but also in the biography and personal life of her new husband. But she is not inclined to talk about such things and hates conversations and gossip about her personal life. Information that gets into the press without her knowledge is unpleasant for the actress, but what can you do, these are the features of the life of celebrities. One way or another, the public is concerned with the details of the personal relationships and everyday life of the stars. Mironova stubbornly denies one of her marriages with an acting colleague. Not only was this kept secret for a long time, but after the information appeared in the media, the actress commented on it specifically, emphasizing that she was accustomed to “tales about her life.”

The star’s first husband was a TV businessman, Igor Udalov (born 1964), who is the president of the World Fashion Channel International television company. This marriage produced the only child of Maria Mironova, Andrei (1992), who also chose the acting path. The second husband was Dmitry Klokov (born 1977), advisor to the President of the Russian Academy of Sciences. But regarding the third husband, actor Alexei Makarov, the information is contradictory.

According to some sources, the marriage with the son of actress Lyubov Polishchuk was registered, according to others - and this information comes from Mironova herself - it did not exist at all, which contradicts the fact of the official divorce in July 2013. They got married in the fall of 2011, separated a year later, and divorced almost a year later. The romance began during the filming of the series “Department of S.S.S.R.”

Makarov cannot be considered a monogamous man, as evidenced by his numerous novels, and, as time has shown, these relationships most likely became his next hobby. However, it is possible that Mironova herself did not want to continue, because living with a person whom all exes unanimously characterize as “hot-tempered and jealous” is very difficult. The relationship began to crack during the filming of The Three Musketeers.

At the moment, there are no compromising photos or rumors about the actress’s personal life, so it is unknown whether her heart is free or busy. Perhaps we will soon learn about her next relationship.

In one of the interviews, Maria complained that with regards to her profession, she has a certain degree of fanaticism, which is why she has little time left for any activities for the soul. According to her, she “realized quite early on the level of sensations” that she, like anyone else, has her own set of abilities, and this should not be lost, but returned with interest. Therefore, all her life she worked, improved in pursuit of ideality in everything. Perhaps it was thanks to this that the viewer saw Mironova as we know her. Each role was a new achievement for her.

According to Maria, her happiness includes gratitude to people and the creator for a lot, and she likes this feeling, however, this could not be done without her penchant for self-improvement, since she “cultivates it” in herself.

Mironova became the owner of the international title “Messenger of Tulips”, established by the Dutch. Having seen the actress in the film “The Wedding,” they considered her the personification of Russian beauty, which they associate with the tulip.

The actress, not deprived of beauty, tries to keep herself in shape, “takes care of herself,” and does not just live with her natural abilities. A short recipe for beauty in her case is the formula “eat less, more sleep, playing sports." In her diet " proper nutrition“Vegetables and fruits dominate, and among “sports” she prefers swimming and fitness.

Her gym membership almost never ends, and if she is deprived of this opportunity, she “feels uncomfortable” and simply works out at home. A pedantic approach and desire for excellent results can be seen in this aspect of the actress’s life.

Mironova’s approach to choosing clothes is restrained and thoughtful. She doesn't like brightness, shockingness, or trends. On her excellent figure, one might say a student’s, despite the fact that she is already over forty, everything looks perfect, as numerous photos testify, but she gravitates towards only two styles - romantic and sporty. Maria dresses in a discreet but sophisticated way, and this impeccable elegance clearly suits her.

According to her, clothes often reflect her condition, especially in sporty style, but sometimes she is in the mood to look like “Marilyn.” She has constant preferences regarding perfume, and these scents have become “native”. Such a person cannot help but have some bright events, only if she herself does not want it, so, Maria Mironova, her biography, personal life, new husband, soon we will probably learn something about this.

The actress loves fresh flowers and participates in the arrangement of her home no less than the invited designers, she has her own color and style preferences, so all the many renovations that she had in the end turned out to be something similar. The actress likes furniture with history, and some of the furniture she owns can boast of being in one of the royal palaces.

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