Ufa Oil and Gas Institute. Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (UGTU)

Ufa State Petroleum Technical University

Shammazov Ayrat Mingazovich – rector, doctor of technical sciences, professor, academician of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, president of the South Ural branch of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation.

The formation and growth of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University is inextricably linked with the accelerated development of the oil and gas, oil and gas refining and petrochemical industries both in Bashkortostan and in the east of Russia. The beginning of higher oil education in Bashkiria began in 1941, when the Moscow Petroleum Institute named after Academician I.M. Gubkin was evacuated to the city of Chernikovsk (now Ordzhonikidze district of Ufa), which in 1943 returned to the city of Moscow, leaving its branch with a student population of 150 people. In the post-war years, with the beginning of a new stage in the development of the oil and gas and processing industries of Bashkortostan and the Ural-Volga region, a need arose for a large number of highly qualified oil specialists. In connection with this resolution of the Council of Ministers of the USSR dated October 4, 1948 N3774, the Ufa Petroleum Institute was created on the basis of a branch of the Moscow Petroleum Institute. In the first year of its existence, 400 students studied at its two faculties - mining and petroleum and technology. 150 people were admitted to the first full-time course. 38 teachers worked at 15 departments, among whom were 3 candidates of science. In the first graduation of specialists, which took place in 1950, there were 14 mechanical engineers. The Institute immediately became an integral part of the system implementing a policy to increase the share of oil and gas in the country's fuel balance, training engineers for the oil and gas production and processing industries.

By order of the Committee of the Russian Federation on Higher Education dated November 22, 1993 N 364, the Ufa Petroleum Institute was renamed into the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (USPTU). Granting the institute university status testified to the recognition by the state and the scientific and technical community of the quality of the specialists being trained, the qualifications of the scientific and teaching staff, and the level and effectiveness of the scientific research being conducted.

Today the university is a single educational, research and production association, the structure of which includes 3 branches (in the cities of Oktyabrsky, Salavat, Sterlitamak), 10 educational faculties, an institute for advanced training and retraining of workers in the fuel, energy and construction complexes, joint faculties in the city . Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk, representative offices in. Nadym and Tchaikovsky, postgraduate studies, doctoral studies, research unit, scientific and production enterprise "Azimut", self-supporting scientific complexes and laboratories. Engineers are trained in 25 specialties and 20 specializations in 55 departments. The educational process is provided by more than 800 teachers, incl. 120 doctors of science, professors and 500 associate professors, candidates of science. Of the 30 thousand students receiving oil and gas education at Russian universities today, over 10 thousand study at USPTU. In all forms of education, the student population at the university is 10,779 people. Including 7,306 people (68%) are trained at the expense of the budget, and 3,473 people (32%) are trained through contract funds under direct agreements with enterprises. In 1999, 2,745 people were admitted to the first year, including 1,532 people (56%) at the expense of budget funds. The targeted admission of students to train specialists for the Republic of Bashkortostan has been completed. The graduates of specialists in 1999 amounted to 1,256 people, including 990 people in full-time education. The number of applications from enterprises for employment of USPTU graduates amounted to 1,456. Budgetary funding in 1999 was provided in the amount of 64,402.4 thousand rubles, which amounted to 39% of the university’s income structure. The Republic of Bashkortostan is a donor among the regions of the Russian Federation and pays up to 70% of funds for social support for employees and students from its own budget. According to the rating of the Ministry of General and Professional Education of Russia, the university ranks 14th among 135 technical and polytechnic state Russian universities and 4th among mining, metallurgical and oil and gas universities. Over the years of the university’s existence, 52 thousand engineers and over 1,200 doctors and candidates of science have been trained. There are 450 people studying in postgraduate courses at USPTU in 27 specialties, including 296 people who are full-time postgraduate students. 13 people are studying in doctoral studies in 5 specialties. In 1999, 9 specialized councils, 4 of which were doctoral, reviewed 78 works, including 11 doctoral dissertations. University science is actively developing. Volume of contractual research work in 1999 amounted to about 30 million rubles, which is 24% more than in 1998. In 1999, 36 applications for inventions were filed. The university received 40 patents of the Russian Federation, 25 positive decisions and 9 certificates for registration of computer programs. Of the patents received at the university, 65% are in such scientific areas as cleaning the surface of water and soil from oil and petroleum products, obtaining environmentally friendly high-octane gasoline, low-viscosity and high-viscosity fuels. Based on the results of scientific research, 859 articles were published during the year, including 30 in foreign publications, and 32 monographs were published. For the development and implementation of highly efficient technologies and downhole technological means for drilling and developing oil and gas wells, 11 university employees were awarded a prize from the Government of the Russian Federation in 1999 with the title “Laureate of the Russian Federation Prize in the Field of Science and Technology.”

The Institute for Advanced Studies of the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (IPK) is one of the leading educational institutions for additional professional oil and gas education of executives and specialists of enterprises and organizations of the fuel and energy complex of the Russian Federation, the Republic of Bashkortostan and the CIS Republics. The institute was opened in 1994 as a structural unit of USPTU. Every year, the institute undergoes professional retraining and advanced training courses for over three thousand engineering and technical workers from most of the largest associations of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) of the Russian Federation. IPC provides additional professional education (DPE) in the main areas of activity of the fuel and energy complex. The educational process is carried out by leading professors, associate professors of USPTU, as well as leading scientists, specialists and employees of other universities, enterprises and organizations of the fuel and energy complex.

In terms of the quantity of methodological literature published, the IPC is the leader among related educational institutions. Video animation films, electronic databases, and computer training programs are used in teaching.

An important area of ​​activity is international cooperation. Today, more than 160 foreign students, graduate students and interns study at the university. In special groups, the educational process is conducted in English. The average annual contingent of foreign students at the university in recent years is in the range of 140-170 people, including 1-13 people in Russian language courses in preparation for entering the university. The contingent of foreign interns and graduate students is mainly concentrated in the State Scientific Fund (77%), TF (15%), the rest - in the ASF. The university cooperates with educational and scientific institutions in France, England, Hungary, China, Austria, Canada, Germany, Vietnam, etc. Since 1996, USPTU has been a member of the International Association of Universities (IAU). In recent years, about 100 people from among the teaching staff, all deans of faculties and vice-rectors have undergone internships and training in foreign universities and educational centers, in particular in the USA, France, Hungary, Austria, Germany, Finland, Cyprus, etc. University takes an active part in the interuniversity international educational program “Integration”, regularly sending its representatives to international fairs of general education services. The university has been most representatively represented in recent years at similar fairs held in Southeast Asia (Thailand), the Middle East (Pakistan, Turkey), and Western Europe (London, Paris, Brussels). In 1999, direct cooperation agreements were concluded with the China National Petroleum Corporation, according to which 5 people are studying in graduate school at the university, and with the Petrovietnam company, on the basis of which 39 specialists are being trained at USPTU. The university has favorable conditions not only for study, but also for students’ recreation. The campus houses well-equipped dormitories, canteens, a student clinic and hospital, a sanatorium - dispensary and sports facilities, and various everyday services. All nonresident students are provided with places in the dormitory. One of the hostels is family-friendly. There is also a kindergarten. An integral part of the "Health" complex is a sports and recreational camp located on the shore of the Pavlovsk reservoir. The most picturesque corner of nature, combined with good sports and living conditions, attracts students here every summer. The achieved level of the university's material resources provides all the necessary conditions for organizing the work, life and recreation of students. The dynamics of the quality composition of the teaching staff, the availability of the necessary material and technical base, ongoing scientific research and established scientific schools, as well as close ties with consumers of graduates allow the university to train specialists at a level that meets the requirements for graduates of a technical university.

The university is proud of its graduates. The President of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Murtaza Gubaidulovich Rakhimov, is a graduate of the Ufa Oil Company. Among the university graduates are dozens of ministers, deputy ministers, and heads of oil and gas industry enterprises. Today, USPTU graduates are presidents and vice-presidents of such companies as AK Transneft, NK LUKOIL, OJSC Rosneft, AK Transnefteproduct, OJSC Northwestern Main Oil Pipelines, OJSC Ural-Siberian Main Oil Pipelines, OJSC "Volga Main Oil Pipelines", OJSC "Verkhnevolzhsky Main Oil Pipelines", JSC "Bashneft", "Bashtransgaz", "Oreburggazprom", "Urengoygazprom", "Yamburggazdobycha", "International Industrial Bank" and many others.

University structure:
Faculty of Mining and Petroleum
Faculty of Pipeline Transport
Faculty of Technology
Faculty of Economics and Management

International name Ufa State Petroleum Technological University (USPTU)
Former names Ufa branch
Ufa Oil Institute
Year founded
Type budgetary institution
Rector Bakhtizin Ramil Nazifovich?
Location Russia Russia, Ufa
Campus urban
Legal address Ufa, st. Kosmonavtov, 1
Website rusoil.net

Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (USPTU)(bashk. Өфө dәүләт oil technician universities (ӨDNTU)- technical university in the city of Ufa. One of the regional flagship universities.

Encyclopedic YouTube

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    In October 1941, the city of Chernikovsk (currently Ordzhonikidze district of Ufa) was evacuated.

    On October 4, 1948, on the basis of a branch of the Moscow Petroleum Institute named after I.M. Gubkin, it was organized Ufa Petroleum Institute (UNI).

    On November 22, 1993, the Ufa Petroleum Institute was transformed into Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (USPTU).

    from May 23, 2011 full name Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ufa State Petroleum Technical University(FSBEI HPE USPTU).

    USPTU has two campuses. One is located in the Ordzhonikidze district of Ufa, and the second in the Green Grove microdistrict. The latter trains students from the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering and two specialties from the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum.

    As of 1995, USPTU had 5.4 thousand full-time students and 1.4 thousand evening and correspondence students. By this time, a total of more than 47 thousand engineers (including more than 130 foreign oil specialists) had been trained in 22 specialties. 750 teachers worked at 54 departments, including 18 academicians and 5 corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus and industry academies. 74 people had a doctorate of science and 450 candidates of science.

    Since 1996, it has been a full member of the International Association of Universities (IAU). The university provides master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies.

    In the 2015-2016 academic year, the USPTU was reorganized by joining the USPTU as a structural unit of the Ufa State University of Economics and Service. Since December 21, 2015, the full name of the University is Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " Ufa State Petroleum Technical University"(FSBEI HE "UGNTU").


    Faculties and institutes departments

    • “Automation of technological processes and production” (from 1.09.09, formed by the merger of two departments of APP and ACP)
    • "Highways and construction technology"
    • "Architecture"
    • "Biochemistry and microbiological production technologies"
    • "Drilling oil and gas wells"
    • "Accounting and Audit"
    • "Water supply and sanitation"
    • "Computer technology and engineering cybernetics"
    • "Geology and exploration of oil and gas fields"
    • "Geophysical research methods"
    • "Hydraulics and hydraulic machines"
    • "Engineering Graphics"
    • "Foreign languages"
    • "History and Cultural Studies"
    • "Mathematics"
    • "Mathematical methods in economics and finance"
    • "Materials Science and Corrosion Protection"
    • "Mechanics and machine design"
    • "Oil and gas field equipment"
    • "Petrochemistry and chemical technology"
    • "General and Analytical Chemistry"
    • "Organization and economics in construction"
    • "Political science, sociology and public relations"
    • "Fire and industrial safety"
    • "Applied Mathematics and Mechanics"
    • "Applied Chemistry and Physics"
    • "Applied Ecology"
    • "Industrial safety and labor protection"
    • "Industrial Heat and Power Engineering"
    • “Development and operation of gas and gas condensate fields”
    • "Development and operation of oil and gas fields"
    • "Russian language and literature"
    • “Construction and repair of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities”
    • "Building structures"
    • "Technological machines and equipment"
    • "Oil and Gas Technology"
    • "Technology of petroleum apparatus engineering"
    • "Transport and storage of oil and gas"
    • "Physics"
    • "Physical and organic chemistry"
    • "Physical Education"
    • "Philosophy"
    • "Gas chemistry and modeling of chemical technological processes"
    • "Economics and management in the oil and gas industry"
    • "Economics and management in the oil refining and petrochemical industry"
    • “Economics and management at a construction enterprise”
    • "Economic Theory"
    • "Electrical engineering and electrical equipment of enterprises"
    • "Electrical equipment and automation of industrial enterprises"



    Famous teachers

    • V. V. Devlikamov (1923-1987) - specialist in the field of development and operation of oil fields. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR;
    • G. G. Ishbaev (born 1961) - mining engineer, scientist in the field of technology and equipment for drilling and overhaul of wells. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. General Director of LLC NPP "BURINTEKH". Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation. Honored Oilman of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of science and technology;
    • B.V. Klimenok
    • Yu. M. Malyshev (born 1931) is a specialist in the economics of the oil refining industry. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Honored Scientist of the RSFSR and BASSR;
    • B.K.Marushkin (1921-1994) - specialist in the field of oil refining technology. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the BASSR;
    • B. N. Mastobaev (born 1950) - specialist in the field of transport and storage of oil and gas, teacher. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Honored Scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Winner of two awards from the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education;
    • E. M. Movsumzade (born 1948) - specialist in the field of general chemistry, petrochemistry and history of oil and gas business; teacher Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Winner of three awards from the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • V. F. Novoselov
    Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (USPTU) is one of the largest oil and gas universities in Russia. USPTU provides training for the entire range of activities in the oil and gas industry, from oil and gas exploration to their processing. About 17 thousand students from 56 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and citizens of 36 countries of the near and far abroad study at the university.

    Since 1996, it has been a full member of the International Association of Universities (IAU). The university provides master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies. The university has a highly qualified teaching staff in all disciplines of educational programs: over 1000 full-time teachers: over 160 doctors of science, professors, over 600 candidates of science, associate professors working in 66 departments (of which 51 are in Ufa).

    USPTU has two campuses. One is located in the Ordzhonikidze district of Ufa, and the second in the Green Grove microdistrict. The latter trains students from the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering and two specialties from the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum.

    Information about departments and faculties of USPTU

    Faculty of Mining and Petroleum (GNF)
    . Development and operation of oil and gas fields (ORGM)
    . Development and operation of gas and gas condensate fields (RGCF)
    . Physics (Physics)
    . Geology and exploration of oil and gas fields (Geology)
    . Drilling of oil and gas wells (Drilling)
    . Geophysical research methods (Geophysics)

    Faculty of Humanities (SUMF)
    . Political Science, Sociology and Public Relations (PSiSR)
    . Philosophy (Philosophies)
    . History and cultural studies (Stories)
    . Economic theory (Economic theory)
    . Russian language and literature (Russian language)
    . Physical education (Physical education)
    . Foreign languages ​​(Foreign languages)

    Faculty of Technology (TF)
    . Petrochemistry and chemical technology (PCT)
    . Oil and gas technology (OTG)
    . General and analytical chemistry (GAC)
    . Biochemistry and technology of microbiological production (BTMP)
    . Physical and organic chemistry (PHOC)
    . Applied ecology (PE)
    . Industrial safety and labor protection (OSH)
    . Chemical cybernetics (Khimcybernetics)

    Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering (AFF)
    . Highways and construction technology (ADiTSP)
    . Water supply and sanitation (WW)
    . Building structures (SC)
    . Architecture (Architectures)
    . Applied mathematics and mechanics (APM)
    . Applied chemistry and physics (APhiP)

    Faculty of Automation of Production Processes (FAPP)
    . Computer Science and Engineering Cybernetics (VTIC)
    . Electrical engineering and electrical equipment of enterprises (EEE)
    . Automation of technological processes and production (ATPP)
    . Mathematics (Mathematicians)

    Institute of Economics (INEK)
    . Economics and management in the oil refining and petrochemical industry (ENHP)
    . Accounting and Auditing (A&A)
    . Economics and management in the oil and gas industry (ENGP)
    . Economics and management in the oil and gas industry (OES)

    Faculty of Pipeline Transport (FTT)
    . Transport and storage of oil and gas (OTNG)
    . Industrial Thermal Power Engineering (ITE)
    . Engineering graphics (IG)
    . Construction and repair of gas and oil pipelines and gas and oil storage facilities (ST)
    . Hydraulics and hydraulic machines (H&H)

    Faculty of Mechanics (MF)
    . Oil and gas field equipment (NGPO)
    . Petroleum apparatus technology (PTE)
    . Mechanics and machine design (MKM)
    . Technological machines and equipment (TMO)
    . Fire and industrial safety (PPB)

    Oktyabrsky branch (OktF)
    . Exploration and development of oil and gas fields (ERRGM)
    . Oilfield machinery and equipment (OPME)
    . Mechanics and technology of mechanical engineering (MTM)
    . Information Technology, Mathematics and Natural Sciences (ITMEN)
    . Department of Humanities and Socio-Economic Sciences (GSES)

    Salavat branch (SlF)
    . Department of Chemical Technological Processes (CTP)
    . Equipment for petrochemical and oil refining enterprises (OPPR)
    . General scientific disciplines (GSD)
    . Electrical equipment and automation of industrial enterprises (EAPP)

    One of the regional flagship universities.

    International name Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (USPTU)
    Former names Ufa branch
    Ufa Oil Institute
    Year founded
    Type budgetary institution
    Rector Bakhtizin Ramil Nazifovich
    Location Russia Russia, Ufa
    Campus urban
    Legal address Ufa, st. Kosmonavtov, 1
    Website rusoil.net

    History of the University

    In October 1941, the city of Chernikovsk (currently Ordzhonikidze district of Ufa) was evacuated.

    On October 4, 1948, on the basis of a branch of the Moscow Petroleum Institute named after I.M. Gubkin, it was organized Ufa Petroleum Institute (UNI).

    On November 22, 1993, the Ufa Petroleum Institute was transformed into Ufa State Petroleum Technical University (USPTU).

    from May 23, 2011 full name Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Ufa State Petroleum Technical University(FSBEI HPE USPTU).

    USPTU has two campuses. One is located in the Ordzhonikidze district of Ufa, and the second in the Green Grove microdistrict. The latter trains students from the Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering and two specialties from the Faculty of Mining and Petroleum.

    As of 1995, USPTU had 5.4 thousand full-time students and 1.4 thousand evening and correspondence students. By this time, a total of more than 47 thousand engineers (including more than 130 foreign oil specialists) had been trained in 22 specialties. 750 teachers worked at 54 departments, including 18 academicians and 5 corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Belarus and industry academies. 74 people had a doctorate of science and 450 candidates of science.

    Since 1996, it has been a full member of the International Association of Universities (IAU). The university provides master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies.

    In the 2015-2016 academic year, the USPTU was reorganized by joining the USPTU as a structural unit of the Ufa State University of Economics and Service. From December 21, 2015, the full name of the University is Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " Ufa State Petroleum Technical University"(FSBEI HE "UGNTU").




    Famous teachers

    • A. F. Akhmetov (born 1948) - scientist-technologist, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of science and technology.
    • V. E. Bugera (born 1971) is a philosopher, economist, political publicist and left-wing social and political figure. Doctor of Philosophy.
    • V.V. Devlikamov (1923-1987) - specialist in the field of development and operation of oil fields. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR;
    • G. G. Ishbaev (born 1961) - mining engineer, scientist in the field of technology and equipment for drilling and overhaul of wells. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. General Director of LLC NPP "BURINTEKH". Honored Worker of the Oil and Gas Industry of the Russian Federation. Honored Oilman of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of science and technology;
    • B.V. Klimenok
    • M. R. Mavlyutov (1928-2000)
    • Yu. M. Malyshev (1931-2015) - specialist in the field of economics of the oil refining industry. Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor. Honored Scientist of the RSFSR and BASSR;
    • B.K. Marushkin (1921-1994) - specialist in the field of oil refining technology. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the BASSR;
    • B. N. Mastobaev (born 1950) - specialist in the field of transport and storage of oil and gas, teacher. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Honored Scientist of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Winner of two awards from the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of education;
    • E. M. Movsumzade (born 1948) - specialist in the field of general chemistry, petrochemistry and history of oil and gas business; teacher Doctor of Chemical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education. Honored Scientist of the Russian Federation. Winner of three awards from the Government of the Russian Federation;
    • V. F. Novoselov
    • A. F. Polak (1911-1990)
    • G. M. Sidorov (born 1961) is a scientist and inventor of equipment for oil refining and petrochemicals. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Oil and Gas Technology. Laureate of the Government of the Russian Federation Prize in the field of science and technology;
    • A. I. Spivak (1923-2007)
    • P. I. Tugunov
    • V. S. Sergeev (1901-1963) - specialist in the field of hydromechanics, hydraulics, scientific foundations of transport and storage of oil and gas. Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Honored Worker of Science and Technology of the RSFSR.


    1. Management of USPTU (undefined) (unavailable link). Retrieved July 1, 2014.

    Year founded: 1948
    Number of students studying at the university: 20000
    Cost of studying at the university: 40 - 85 thousand rubles.

    Address: 450062, Republic of Bashkortostan, Ufa, Kosmonavtov 1


    Email: [email protected]
    Website: www.rusoil.net

    Social media Facebook: www.facebook.com/usptu.official/
    VKontakte: vk.com/ruoil
    Instagram: usptu_official

    About the university

    Fima State Petroleum Technical University is one of the leading technical universities in the country, a flagship university of the Russian Federation. In 2018, the Ufa Oil Company celebrated its 70th anniversary.

    The university was founded in October 1948 on the basis of a branch of the Moscow Petroleum Institute named after I.M. Gubkina. Its rapid development, the construction of new buildings and the opening of new specialties was due to the growth of the oil industry in the west of Bashkiria and Tataria. By the mid-1960s, the Ufa Oil Company was an extensive educational structure that provided the fuel and energy complex, as well as the construction industry of the region and the country, with qualified personnel. With the emergence of a new oil-producing region - West Siberian - the number of students at the Ufa Petroleum Institute increased sharply. By the beginning of the 1980s, the Ufa Petroleum Institute was formed as an educational and scientific complex on an all-Union scale. In 1993, the university officially received university status. In 2005, USPTU became the first strategic partner of PJSC NK Rosneft among higher educational institutions. In 2015–2016, the university received the status of a flagship university in Russia and a flagship university of the companies PJSC Gazprom and PJSC Gazpromneft.

    Over the years, the university has trained more than 100,000 specialists for the fuel and energy complex, the construction industry, the service sector, government authorities and management.

    The university is actively working to develop international activities, expanding the scope of international cooperation in the field of scientific and technical developments, actively exchanging students and teachers within the framework of the academic mobility program, and also implementing a wide range of professional training and retraining programs for foreign specialists. The university has been a full member of the International Association of Universities since 1996. Representatives of 67 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 51 states of the near and far abroad (Azerbaijan, Angola, Vietnam, Kazakhstan, Cuba, China, Tajikistan, etc.) study within the university’s walls. Currently, Ufa Oil is consistently among the TOP-30 universities in Russia in terms of the number of foreign students studying, and today there are almost 1,300 of them at the university. Rector of USPTU - co-chairman of the Russia-Azerbaijan University Association, chairman of the Bashkortostan-Vietnam Friendship Society. He does a lot of work to develop friendships and partnerships, exchange experience in scientific research and introduce modern technologies in the field of education.

    The university today includes 7 faculties, 3 institutes, an institute of additional professional education, master's, postgraduate and doctoral studies (7 dissertation councils), an engineering center and a youth technology park. Ufa Oil is today represented by three branches in the cities of Oktyabrsky, Salavat and Sterlitamak.

    Almost 20 thousand students study across the entire range of specialties, and their training is carried out by a highly qualified teaching staff: over 1,300 full-time teachers, among them more than 200 doctors of science, professors and more than 700 candidates of science, associate professors.

    The Institute of Additional Professional Education, opened in 1994, successfully operates within the structure of USPTU. It is a leading institution in the field of additional professional education for specialists in the fuel, energy and construction complexes. Every year, about 5,000 engineering and technical workers from most of the largest associations, enterprises and organizations of the Russian Federation, near and far abroad undergo advanced training and professional retraining.

    Close attention is paid to the development of science. Scientific schools are actively developing, the undoubted pride of which is the names of famous scientists, among them are full members and corresponding members of the Academy of Sciences of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus, honored figures of education, science, technology, construction and architecture.

    All educational and research activities of USPTU are closely related to production. This translates into the highest employment rates and average earnings of graduates among universities in the republic. Thus, in the National Ranking of Demand for Universities of the Russian Federation in 2017, USNTU took 32nd place out of 448 universities in Russia. In the ranking according to the level of demand for graduates by employers, compiled by the Expert rating agency, USNTU ranks 24th among the 100 best universities in Russia. According to the monitoring of the employment of university graduates conducted by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the employment rate of university graduates is 90%, and the average salary of specialists in the first year of work reaches 55 thousand rubles.

    In most federal and international rankings, USPTU, as a rule, occupies the highest positions among universities in the republic. According to the results of monitoring by the National Research University Higher School of Economics, USNTU entered the top 100 universities in Russia, taking 69th place in the overall ranking. In the ranking of 50 technical universities in Russia, Ufa Oil takes 15th place, and in 2017 it received international recognition, being included in a number of international rankings. Thus, in the ranking of universities in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (QS Emerging Europe and Central Asia University Rankings) by one of the most famous international rating agencies - Quacquarelli Symonds (QS), the flagship university of Russia is included in the 200+ category. In the ranking of BRICS countries (QS BRICS University 2018), among the 300 best universities in Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, the university occupies a position in the range of 161-170 places.

    USPTU has developed and successfully operates a graduate employment system. Direct contracts and agreements on cooperation in the field of educational services and scientific research have been signed with foreign universities, research centers and oil companies. In general, the demand for young USPTU specialists exceeds the supply. The university regularly concludes agreements providing for targeted training and retraining of specialists with the largest enterprises and organizations of the fuel and energy complex, such as Rosneft, Gazprom, Transneft, LUKOIL, Tatneft, Gazprom Neft, Sibur, Halliburton , Schlumberger, Baker Hughes, etc. Particular attention is paid to programs implemented jointly with state-owned companies.

    An integral part and basis for the development of a university is its material base. The history of the institute and the university is also the history of construction, expansion of educational and living areas, constant updating of educational, laboratory and research equipment. The starting point of this grandiose marathon is two small dilapidated buildings, adapted for educational classes in 1948. Currently, the university has, in addition to three USPTU branches in the regions of Bashkortostan, three compactly planned educational and community complexes with all services with a total area of ​​​​about 195 thousand m2. At the service of students, teachers and staff there is a sanatorium-preventorium, a student clinic with a full range of modern medical offices, a cultural and community complex, a family hostel, a sports and recreation camp, a sports complex with the most modern inventory and equipment, three canteens, as well as a Youth Palace, where students have the opportunity to be creative and develop their talents. The high level of vocal, dance and theater groups of the university is regularly confirmed by prizes at republican, Russian, international competitions and festivals.

    The university has traditionally been a place of attraction for guests of the city of Ufa and the Republic of Bashkortostan - government and public figures.

    Thus, at 70 years old, the Ufa State Petroleum Technical University is a flagship university of the Russian Federation, a modern, dynamic university with international recognition, a driver of development and a center of innovation in the region.