The dignity and self-esteem of the main character of the story is a scarecrow. Essay on the story B

In this article I will try to briefly reveal the main ideas incorporated by the author into the work “Scarecrow”. The summary of this work will be filled to the maximum with details important for understanding the plot.

Main character

The main character, Lena Bessoltseva, comes as a new student to one of the provincial schools. She went to live with her withdrawn grandfather, whom everyone in the village dislikes. He collects paintings.

"Special" class

Arriving at new school, Lena faces contempt for herself. Her new class has its own hierarchy of relationships. At the head of the class is Mironova, who has been dubbed the “Iron Button” for her obstinacy when it comes to her rights in society. A boy named “Shaggy”, who believes that physical strength is the main thing a person should have. Shmakova is the most beautiful girl in the classroom, looking for benefits in everything. Popov is her henpecked man. Valka - little boy from a very poor family, dreaming of a big fortune. Marina is a girl who dreams of going to her father. Vasiliev is the quiet one of the class. And the last character, Somov, who is the richest and most authoritative of all.

Zheleznikov. "Scarecrow": summary

All these completely different children treat Lena with hostility, thinking that she is as crazy as her grandfather. Trying to win the respect of the class, Lena accepts all the barbs addressed to her with a smile on her face. Soon, because of this, she is given the nickname “Scarecrow”. The summary can only be superficial, since the work itself has many subtleties and details that are difficult to retell. However, we continue... The “Don Juan” of the class, Dima Somov, supports Lena, and soon their friendship develops into love. However, the relationship between them ends as quickly as it began. The reason for this is the behavior of Dima, who, under the “torture” of teacher Margarita Ivanovna, betrays his classmates who skipped class. Margarita Ivanovna cancels the planned trip to Moscow, for which everyone has been preparing for a very long time. The angry guys decide to find the culprit and punish them. Lena, knowing who the culprit is, does not want to betray her friend and takes all the blame on herself. She is declared an outcast, mocked and severely beaten. Lena sincerely hopes that Dima will admit everything, but he does not dare to do so. In addition to Dima and Lena, two more know the truth: Popov and Shmakova, who were hiding under the desk that day and heard the entire conversation between the teacher and Dima. But they are silent for now.

The culmination of the work

Soon Dima finally betrays Lena. Having joined his classmates, Dima symbolically burns the effigy. Seeing how far things can go, Popov plucks up courage and tells everything that really happened. Lena leaves school, not wanting to study there anymore. The grandfather gives all his paintings to the city and leaves it with his granddaughter. He gives one of the paintings of his grandmother, whom Lena is very similar to, to the school. Summary “Scarecrow” ends with a scene in which the children repent to Lena, writing under the presented portrait: “Scarecrow, forgive us!”


The work “Scarecrow”, a brief summary of which has just been outlined, is very deep and affects the psychology of children and their relationships. The author perfectly described the dissimilar characters, showing with a twist everyone who studies with the heroine nicknamed “Scarecrow”. The summary of this work, like any other, is not able to reveal the full depth of thought that is expressed in individual dialogues or minor actions of the characters.

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It’s hard to say which fans of this plot know more: the story by Vladimir Zheleznikov or the film by Rolan Bykov, based on this work. The reader will also read about the main idea of ​​the work “Scarecrow”, a brief summary of which will be presented below, in this article. The story is based on real events: one day the writer’s niece pleaded guilty to an offense she did not commit, and then her classmates united against the girl. The story and the film surprised readers and moviegoers, because Soviet children played the role of anti-heroes.

Story idea

The characters in Vladimir Zheleznikov's story are schoolchildren, sixth graders, demonstrating that children are often cruel, ruthless and unmerciful. The reader watches how events unfold, and the students show that they live according to the laws of the animal world, huddling in flocks and crushing the weak.

In order to present a brief summary of the story “Scarecrow”, it is necessary to characterize the main characters.

The main characters of "Scarecrow"

Negative characters are embodied by a class that obeys instincts and treats the main character with emphasized contempt from the beginning of the story. Let's imagine a small town located on the banks of the Oka River. Sixth grader Lena Bessoltseva comes here to visit her grandfather.

Nikolai Nikolaevich Bessoltsev

Grandfather main character Lena. Nikolai has been living alone for many years, located on an ancient family estate. The elderly man loved paintings, which he collected. His house resembled more of a museum. Lena's grandfather was so carried away by the paintings that he forgot about his clothes: the old man walked around in a coat with patches (hence his nickname - “patcher”). Nikolai Bessoltsev, like his granddaughter, is disliked and humiliated: people do not like their closed, isolated, uncommunicative lifestyle.

All of Bessoltsev’s funds were spent on collecting paintings. Nikolai continued family tradition: he lived alone, and moved to these parts after being widowed. Alone, Lena’s grandfather often indulged in nostalgia: Bessoltsev’s great-grandfather, a serf, was an artist. Therefore, Nikolai tried to find all the paintings of his distant relative and buy them back.

Nikolai Nikolaevich loved his granddaughter, but living in his small world, the elderly man does not notice the nightmare happening to Lena. Bessoltsev has too soft a character and is not able to help his granddaughter. After the bullying her granddaughter was subjected to by her classmates, the old man decides that the only right decision is to leave Tarusa. Before leaving, Nikolai Nikolaevich gives the school a gift: a painting of Bessoltsev’s great-grandmother, to whom the girl is very similar.

In the film, the final scene turns out to be sacramental: the girl leaves with her grandfather, and under the picture there is an inscription asking for forgiveness.

Lena Bessoltseva

Granddaughter of Nikolai Bessoltsev, who one day comes to her grandfather in Tarusa. The girl looked awkward: her legs were too long, she was thin and bony.

There is a constant smile on the girl's face. The schoolgirl’s character is strong, but at the same time Lena is described as a sincere, smiling and straightforward girl, albeit a principled one. These traits did not conform to the general paradigm of her environment.

The class did not accept Lena. One day she came home, crying and wanted to leave.

Grandfather, Nikolai Nikolaevich, tried to persuade the girl to stay, but Lena remained adamant. Then grandfather buys a ticket, but Lena is spotted by a group of schoolchildren near the ship. Lena tells her grandfather about what happened - after, in front of Nikolai Nikolaevich’s eyes, their granddaughter is called “Scarecrow” and the poor girl is bullied. But we will tell about the story that happened to Lena later, when we begin to describe the summary of “Scarecrow”.

Lena is characterized by kindness, sincerity, and truthfulness. The girl does not like to lie and considers justice to be the highest value.

Margarita Ivanovna

Margarita Ivanovna leads the class. If Lena’s class bullying had happened at another period in the teacher’s life, then she would probably have paid attention to these problems. But everything happens just before Margarita’s wedding.

6 “A” does not respect the class teacher, does not value the young teacher at all. The class plans to go to Moscow and is saving money for this venture. But one day the schoolchildren decide to run away with last lesson to go to the cinema. This offense leads to the fact that sixth graders are prohibited from going to Moscow.

At the end of the story, before Lena left the city, Margarita Ivanovna came to class and only then saw what was happening. The teacher repented, but it was too late. The mistake of the class teacher was that she did not lead the class at all, but was busy with her personal life and wedding.

Pupils of 6th "A" grade

Among the group of Lena's classmates, they stand out different personalities: some people lead their colleagues, others, on the contrary, suffer humiliation, like Lena.

For example, Red is ridiculed for his hair color. But the boy is afraid to go against the class, and therefore joins in the bullying of other children.

  • Mironova(nicknamed Iron Button) - informally leads the class. The girl does not recognize any other opinion other than her own. Problems begin in the family: Mironova’s mother does not try to resolve the conflict, but masks the difficulties. This position of the mother does not benefit the girl. At the end of the story, Mironova develops sympathy for Lena, rejoicing that the truth has come out. Iron Button is obsessed with justice, but does not understand that justice sometimes does not look as expected.
  • Boy named Valya– also Lena’s colleague – believes material assets, money is the main thing in life. The boy is rude and poorly behaved. The uncouth Valka catches yard dogs in order to hand them over to the slaughterhouse. Valya has an older brother, whose threats Dima was afraid of, and therefore did not tell the class anything. Brother Vali recently returned from the army and also caught dogs for killing.
  • Regarding Dima Somov, on the one hand, the boy tries to defend Lena’s interests. On the other hand, the sixth grader is afraid of everything, and refuses the decision to protect Lena, because he realizes that the class will make him a “scapegoat.” Dima's family is well-off and prosperous, but the boy is soft and is not able to firmly stand in his positions. Dima was considered the smartest and bravest. Lena really liked the boy, however, he also had sympathy for his classmate. Lenka found something in common between Somov and the sculpture, which was called “Sleeping Boy.” The young man repeatedly stands up for Lena (for example, at a toy factory, where classmates scared the girl with animal masks). But at the decisive moment, when the girl took Somov’s blame upon herself, the schoolboy chickened out and did not admit to the crime.
  • Shaggy- from the family of a forester - believes that the main argument is strength.
  • Vasiliev- good boy. The schoolboy does not want to mock Lena: Vasiliev is the only one who did not beat the girl. But he also succumbs to the mood of the group, afraid to contradict the leaders and go against the company.
  • Another classmate of Lena - Shmakova– presented as the most beautiful sixth grader. Dressed in good clothes, Shmakova, although beautiful, is stupid and empty. The girl gathers a “retinue” for herself, charming her classmates. Shmakova wants to get Dima for her “retinue”. But Dima does not join the ranks of the beauty’s admirers and “servants”.

Decisive event

There was a piggy bank in the class in which the children saved money for their desired trip to Moscow. The time for travel was approaching - the autumn holidays. The students came to the last lesson of the quarter. We were supposed to teach a physics lesson. However, on the blackboard, the sixth graders saw an announcement from Margarita Ivanovna: instead of physics there will be Russian literature.

Dima called the guys for “patronage” in kindergarten after school, but the boy’s classmates did not want to do this. Somov was going to announce that Valya was handing over the dogs to be killed. But when Valka’s brother came to class, Dima was again afraid of him and kept silent about the brothers’ business. Later, Brother Vali erases the note from the board, and Dima again keeps silent about it. This was an opportunity for the class to say that no one had seen the teacher's announcement. So the children went to the cinema.

Halfway there, Dima remembered that the piggy bank with money was still in the classroom: the boy was returning to pick up the piggy bank. Lenka also returned: she fell and injured her knee, so the girl went to the nurse.

The teacher was waiting for Dima in the classroom. When Margarita Ivanovna accused the boy of cowardice, he could not resist and told everything as it happened: he betrayed the class. The boy’s confession was heard by Lena, as well as by Shmakova and her “servant,” who were hiding under the desk. All the children were silent about what happened.

The next day, the class teacher announced that the trip to Moscow was canceled for disrupting the lesson. The money from the piggy bank was divided among the children. The schoolchildren tried to find out who “betrayed” the group. And Lena took Dima’s “blame” upon herself. The persecution of the girl began. Classmates not only bullied the schoolgirl and insulted Lena, but also beat Lena several times and burned the girl’s dress. In the end, the children even built a scarecrow, put Lenin’s dress on it and were going to burn it. Lena could not stand it: one day Nikolai Nikolaevich showed his granddaughter a picture of younger sister artist-serf Bessoltsev, Masha. Lena noticed her resemblance to her short-haired relative. Then she put on a burnt dress, cut her hair - like the girl in the picture - and went to her classmates. The girl told everything, and then she and her grandfather left the city forever.

“Scarecrow”: a summary of the work of Vladimir Zheleznikov

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Title of the work: Scarecrow
Vladimir Karlovich Zheleznikov
Year of writing: 1981
Genre: story
Main characters: Lena- teenage girl, her grandfather


A new girl comes to a small provincial school - a girl named Lena. The whole city marvels at her grandfather - an old collector who is so carried away by his hobby that he forgets about appearance. That’s why people in the city call him “The Patcher.” Classmates treat the girl the same way; they consider her strange, eccentric and ridiculous. Only Dima, the idol of all the girls at school, pays attention to Lena and soon a tender feeling flares up between the guys.

One day the whole class is going to skip class, class teacher asks Dima for this story and, as punishment, cancels his long-promised trip to Moscow. The students decide that Lena betrayed them and declare a merciless boycott against her. The girl expects Dima to admit his crime, but he, fearing the anger and contempt of his classmates, remains silent.

In the end, the guys, having stolen Lena’s dress, make a scarecrow and burn it at the stake. Then one boy, who also knew the truth about Dima, reveals it to his friends.

A few days later, Lena and her grandfather leave the city, and the old collector leaves his paintings and house as a gift. He takes with him only one, which depicts Lena’s grandmother, still a girl, surprisingly similar to her granddaughter. The whole class deeply repents of their actions, but it is too late.

Conclusion (my opinion)

Stories about love and friendship, betrayal and nobility will never lose their relevance, because these are precisely the spiritual values ​​that are commonly called eternal.


  • Show what child cruelty is, its origins, what it can lead to.
  • To develop the ability to give a detailed description of a literary character.
  • To cultivate kindness and mercy in students.


  • Texts of V. Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow”;
  • Portraits of the heroes of V. Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow”, illustrations for the work.
  • Fragments of the film “Scarecrow” by R. Bykov.

Lesson progress

I. Teacher's opening speech.

Guys, I think that probably every person in life has to face cruelty at least once. Children are often convinced that cruelty is only inherent in adults. It turns out that this is not always the case. Sometimes such a force of cruelty lurks in the younger generation that it becomes scary... It is this problem, the problem of childhood cruelty, that is reflected in V. Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow”.

It should be noted that the writer turned to the issue of child cruelty not by chance. The story is autobiographical: a similar event occurred in the life of V. Zheleznikov’s niece, to which he immediately responded and wrote the play “Boycott” - it was later used as the basis for the content of the story “Scarecrow”. The only difference is that in the work the events last several days, but in real life The persecution of the girl continued for six months.

“In “Scarecrow” I was interested in whether one person, so small, vulnerable, unprotected, like Lena, could withstand extreme situation against everyone. Then, in the process of work, a desire arose to create a panorama of the lives of teenagers, to understand from which seeds this shoot sprang.”

V. Zheleznikov.

II.Revealing initial impressions.

  • What feelings, emotions, impressions did the story leave you with? (I was struck by the cruelty of teenagers, Lena’s kindness, her faith in people).
  • What is a gallery? (Art Museum; long row, string).
  • I invite you to create a “Gallery of Teenagers” for the story “Scarecrow”. Whose portraits would you hang in it? (Mironova (Iron Button), Shmakova, Valka, Shaggy, Popov, Vasiliev). Portraits of the named heroes appear on the board.
  • What do these guys have in common? (They are all united by cruelty towards Lena Bessoltseva).
  • And the portrait of Dima Somov? Where will we hang it: together with everyone else or separately? Why? (The portrait of Dima should be hung separately from everyone, because he seems to be with teenagers and at the same time not with them - he stands up for Lena, at whom everyone laughs. Somov is the link between Lena and the class).

III. Analysis of the story "Scarecrow".

We created with you the “Gallery of Teenagers” of the story, determined the reason for their unification - ill-treatment with a classmate. But these children were not born cruel, they became so.

  • What influenced the emergence of cruelty in teenagers? (Family, school, general atmosphere city ​​life, which was created by residents who themselves believe that a person’s value can be determined by clothes (remember what nickname they gave wonderful person, grandfather of Lena Bessoltseva, - Zaplatochnik), the position in society that he achieved (father of Dima Somov)). Teenagers, like all residents of the town, see only the external, and the internal content of a person does not interest them).
  • We named the factors that influenced the emergence of cruelty in children and for now we talked about everyone in general. Now let's take a closer look at each teenager in our gallery.

Individual messages from pre-prepared students about each representative of the Teen Gallery.

Students are given the task in advance to prepare a message about each representative of the “Gallery of Teenagers” on the following points:

  1. family;
  2. relationships among classmates;
  3. relationship with Lena;
  4. statements by teenagers regarding other characters in the story;
  5. their actions and deeds.
  • -Yes, it would be better to look at all the characters in our “Gallery” from afar. The cruelty of their actions and the rigidity of their characters amazes even an adult. And yet, among them there is one person who realizes the horror of the state of things and awakens from sleep. Who is this? (Vasiliev).
  • But among these children who do not know pity, a boy stands out, who, at first glance, is not alien to human feelings of pity and compassion. Who is this? (Dima Somov).
  • Why did I say that human feelings are not alien to him only at first glance? Which explanation will give us more gaze on this person? (He is insincere in expressing his feelings. He shows them only in order to stand out from everyone, because Dima is the recognized leader of the team and is very afraid of not being one).

Individual messages from pre-prepared students.

The students at home are preparing messages in which Dima is shown in the struggle for leadership, his attitude towards Lena and Dima's split personality that occurs in this struggle. (Scene in the garden, a story about a cat pulled out of a fire, a fight with Valka, a scene of confession of guilt, a scene with a mask, Dima’s fate after exposure).

  • What conclusion can we draw about Dima’s actions? (All noble deeds are performed by Dimka in order to assert his strength, since in his soul he feels like a coward).
  • Let us remember the scene you mentioned, when Dimka calls Valka and Petka flayers. Fragment of a film.
  • What did you not like about Dimka’s behavior? (He calls Valka and Petka names very quietly. This is Dimka’s duality: in front of Lena he needs to be brave - to shout boldly after the villains offensive word, but I don’t want to get it from Petka, and so he screams in a low voice).
  • In what other scene do we see the duality of Dimka’s actions? (In the scene of chasing Lena).

Reading by role and (or) watching a film fragment.

  • What does this passage help us understand? (We read and see all of Dimka’s insignificance, all of his cowardice and cruelty).
  • Do the guys - classmates - see this? Who is Somov to them? (No, unfortunately, they do not see the second person of Dima Somov. For them, he is a leader, a person who is not afraid of anything or anyone, who knows the way out of any situation).
  • Does Somov himself want to understand himself, to see the truth? (No, Dimka does not want to see the bitter truth. He lives looking at the world through rose-colored glasses and does not want to take them off, afraid to see his essence).
  • And yet there is a person who opens Somov’s eyes to himself, forcing Dimka to think: who he really is - a knight or an ordinary coward. Who is this healing man? (Margarita Ivanovna, class teacher).
  • What special did she do? (She called Dimka a coward, and it was like a bolt from the blue).
  • What was Dimka's reaction? (He shouts: “I’m a coward!?” After all, the teacher touched the most painful string of his soul, showed him his true face).
  • Out of surprise, he could have whispered, speechless, but Zheleznikov puts exactly a scream into his mouth. Why is Dimka screaming? (It’s as if he wants to drown out the truth with his scream).
  • Which episode most clearly characterizes Somov as a coward? (When he admits his guilt, but, seeing how this could turn out for him, says that it is a joke and shifts all the blame onto Lena).
  • Yes, Lena... We talked about everyone, but forgot about her. Although, no, we haven’t forgotten. It simply cannot exist even in a conversation about a story next to cruelty and betrayal. She is a ray of sunshine who is prevented from warming the earth by clouds - her classmates. Who is Lena? (Granddaughter of N.N. Bessoltsev, nicknamed the Patcher by the townspeople).

Individual assignment from a pre-prepared student.

Tell us in more detail about Lena’s grandfather: how he got to the city, what he does, how the townspeople treat him, how he treats Lena.

Individual assignment for a previously prepared student.

Talk about how Lena appears in class and how she is received. (Lena’s appearance, character, the girl’s perception of the world and people around her). Connection inner world Lena with the Bessoltsev family tree.

Lena's openness, spontaneity, sincerity, and gullibility make her funny in the eyes of others and vulnerable. They laugh at her, and she, not understanding it, also bursts into laughter. After all, she had never had to deal with hypocrisy before. She thinks that in life she is surrounded only by pure and noble people, like everyone in the Bessoltsev family. After all, it is in the pedigree of this family that the power of goodness and courage lurks, which allows Lena to withstand and not break under the weight of ridicule and betrayal.

  • Who is Lena like? (Lena is very similar to Maria Nikolaevna Bessoltseva (Mashka), the sister of Nikolai Nikolaevich, depicted in the picture).
  • Can we say that these two person - Lena and Masha are similar not only externally, but also internally? (Yes, these two people are similar to each other both externally and internally: Lena is the same holy soul with her utmost devotion to friendship, with her dedication to other people. Lena, like Mashka, is a sacrificer).
  • What is the most big sacrifice Lena? (The girl sacrificed her honor, sullied it, to save Dimka).

Watching a film clip.

It becomes scary for Lena. It turns out that she is not at all protected from the cruel world around her. Lena does not expect such meanness from a friend as betrayal.

Watching a film clip. (Scene with a mask in the window, scene of burning an effigy).

  • Lena faces the cruelty of her classmates... But does she become like them? (No, despite everything that happened, Lena’s soul did not harden, the seeds of cruelty brought in by the children among whom she is located did not sprouted in her).
  • What or who helps Lena maintain the purity of her soul and heart? What is the help? (Grandfather. He explains to Lena that not all teenagers are as bad as they seem at first glance. It is he who explains the concept of mercy to his granddaughter, even in his own way. And Lena, having absorbed her grandfather’s truths, cannot and does not want to destroy another person, even if this person is guilty of her suffering, Lena remains a noble person to the end).
  • How does the story end? (Lena and grandfather leave the city).
  • What happens in the souls of the guys when Lena leaves their class forever? (The guys, although not all of them, develop a longing for human purity. Even if it’s late, they ask Lena for forgiveness to atone for their guilt when she is no longer with them).

Watching a film clip.

  • What do you think will happen next with the guys? Will this story leave a mark on their soul and what kind? (They will change, but not all of them. Vasiliev will grow up to be a man, there will be a turning point in the souls of Red and Shaggy, but Shmakov, most likely, will never change).

Zheleznikov’s story “Scarecrow” evokes the most conflicting feelings among its readers. In the heroes of the story you can recognize yourself, your classmates or acquaintances. The author very accurately managed to describe the feelings and behavior of children, which are very often inherent in social groups.

By creating the story, Zheleznikov wanted to show that children are often insensitive and cruel towards their more vulnerable peers. Teenagers tend to assert their identity through immoral methods, by insulting a person who does not have the opportunity to fight back such actions. The main character of the story, Lena Bessoltseva, turned out to be such a “whipping doll.”

The plot of the story "Scarecrow"

To one of the provincial schools Soviet Russia new student Lena Bessoltseva arrives. She is the granddaughter of an artist who leads a secluded lifestyle, which caused the townspeople to alienate him. Classmates try to smile at Lena, but in fact they openly let the new girl know whose rules are here.

Over time, Bessoltseva begins to be despised for her kindness and kindness; classmates give the girl the nickname “Scarecrow,” thus emphasizing her stupidity and lack of own opinion. Lena has a kind soul, and she tries in every possible way to establish contacts with her classmates, even without reacting to the offensive nickname.

However, the cruelty of children led by class leaders has no limits. Only one person feels pity for the girl, and Dima Somov begins to be friends with her. One day the children decided to skip class and go to the cinema. Dima was forced to return to class to pick up the piggy bank, which he had forgotten there.

The teacher met him, and after a long interrogation, the boy was forced to tell the truth that his classmates had escaped from class. After this, the children decide to punish Dima for his betrayal, but suddenly Lena, who has maintained neutrality all this time, stands up for her friend and begins to justify him.

Classmates quickly forget Dima's sin and transfer their aggression to the girl. They declared a boycott on Lena to teach her a lesson. Cruel children, who understand absolutely nothing about life’s values, burn an effigy symbolizing Lena in the school yard.

The girl, no longer able to withstand such social oppression, asks her grandfather to leave this city. After some time, the grandfather and his unfortunate granddaughter leave. After Bessoltseva left their lives, the children were overcome terrible torment conscience, they understood that they had lost a really good, honest person, but it was too late to do anything.

Social issue in the story

The story “Scarecrow” has a very scandalous character. The author expresses his open contempt not specifically for children, whose psyches are just being formed, but for their parents and teachers who did not interfere with Lena’s oppression.

Adults should have understood that Lena should not be responsible for her grandfather’s asceticism, but they did not react in any way, and even in some cases supported, violent behavior classmates girls.

A striking example is teacher Margarita Ivanovna, who in her own way also indirectly accepted active participation in the moral oppression of the child. The teacher supported the bright and strong personalities, however, she lacked the wisdom of life to consider such a personality in Bessoltseva.