Holly Webb: “All pet stories are based on real events. Holly Webb: “All stories about pets are written based on real events. What the writer Holly Webb looks like

Author of more than six dozen books. She has written both works for children and books for teenagers. The writer told the editors of our portal about how she works with such a demanding audience, how she competes with YouTube and social networks, as well as how she creates her heroes and comes up with amazing stories.

Holly, tell us how you started writing? After all, you previously worked as an editor in a publishing house.

Yes, that's absolutely right. One day, our editorial team came up with the idea of ​​writing a story about twin girls with very different personalities. The publishing house staff had to offer their ideas on how this plot could be developed, but I was so captivated by the process that I decided to write everything myself. I worked on the train from Berkshire to London and back.

Does your editorial experience interfere with your current work? Don't you constantly want to rewrite and change something?

It disturbs both the writer and the reader. But as for my books, this helps to a certain extent: I hand over ready-made material, and they edit it quite a bit.

You write books for children, but today's children are growing up in the digital age. How difficult is it to keep their attention and compete with YouTube and social networks?

It seems to me that today in England children are still returning to books. Of course, it's still a challenge to compete with the internet, but I think stories (in the broadest sense) are an extremely important part of life. Even a game should have a good story, otherwise it's not interesting. And it seems to me that books will always interest children, regardless of the time in which they grow up.

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Interest in reading is not the most typical situation. Are there any programs to stimulate interest in books?

In England, libraries have been hit hard by funding cuts. But people who read books discuss them on social networks, for example, on Facebook and Twitter. Due to this, interest in literature is growing.

David Walliams is very popular today. People still read Jack Wilson's books. Also in my country the books of the American Angie Thomas are known. But Walliams, compared to them, I think, is the most successful. Interest in fantasy continues, especially among teenagers.

Among your books there are those intended for six-year-olds and those written for twelve-year-olds. Which audience is the most demanding?

I like to write for both, these children are very different. Little ones cannot be upset; stories should be very light and kind. It’s more difficult with teenagers; they have many interests: friends, hobbies, social networks. Their attention just needs to be kept, but I understand how to communicate with them, because I myself have children - an eldest son of 13 and twin boys of 11 years old.

Your stories for kids are really very light and touching. Are there any among them that are written based on real events?

Yes, it's over. Many of them are written about my pets, starting with the first book “” (in Russian translation - “Pushinka the Kitten, or the Christmas Miracle”). Before I was born, my parents adopted a cat. The father went out to lunch and when he returned there was a cat sitting in his office chair and he took it home.

When I was little, my mother and I would imagine what adventures she had gone through before she found us. As I grew up, I remembered these stories, and my first book is based on them. Now I'm making up stories about the cats that live in our house today. One of them “gives” me a lot of stories because she is very restless and a little stupid.

Do you have any favorite breeds of cats and dogs?

All my cats are Bengal breed. These are beautiful graceful animals. We took them because they are very friendly and good with children. My kids play with them all the time. I love dogs too, when I was little I had a dachshund.

Question about teen books. - a girl detective living in the 19th century. What Victorian works did you turn to to recreate the atmosphere of old London?

Firstly, these are, of course, detective stories about Sherlock Holmes. Another very important book for me was Frances Hodgson Burnett’s “The Little Princess.” I don’t know how well known it is in Russia, but I remember that the story was filmed. London is as much a hero here as the characters. The frightening atmosphere of the capital of the empire with its fogs, described by Barnett, is very suitable for detective stories.

You are talking about Sherlock Holmes, but you made a girl the heroine of your books. Why?

I think because I read Sherlock Holmes as a child and constantly imagined myself in his place. I think it’s amazing to watch people and notice some small but important details. The funny thing is that I’m terribly inattentive and just don’t know how to notice little things. That's why I came up with a girl detective to do it for me. And instead of Doctor Watson, Maisie has a dog.

So you can find your traits in the heroine?

She is rather my opposite, because she is good at the deductive method. In it I embodied my desires. And, since I loved detective stories since childhood, I decided to create my own story about a young detective.

Could Maisie Hitchins eventually become, or have you planned a different fate for her?

That would be great! I don’t know how many books have been translated in Russia, but in one of the last ones, Maisie’s father returns to Maisie, who lives with her grandmother, and together they found a detective agency.

What is more interesting for you to work on, the character of the heroine or recreating the atmosphere of Victorian London?

What is your favorite era in British history?

I really love the Victorian era, but I also love the very beginning of the 19th century, and my next book will be about that time. The main characters of this book are a little girl and animals who lived in an ancient house at different times and remained there in the form of spirits in paintings and statues. With their help, the heroine learns about the history of her home and her country.

You have three children, do they read your books?

Of course, the younger sons read books about animals, and the eldest, since I started writing before he was born, literally grew up on them. He read both children's stories and Maisie Hitchins novels, but he always complained that there were very few boys in my books. Of course, it’s easier for me to write about girls, but when my sons grow up, it will be great to write a book with boy heroes.

On your website, you wrote that as a child you dreamed of becoming a librarian because you thought they spent the whole day reading books. How have your professions influenced the reading process, since you are exposed to texts both as an editor and as a writer?

Yes! I really thought librarians did nothing but read all day. But when I was ten years old, a book with errors on the back came into my hands. I was very worried about the author and the people who published this book. Until that moment, I did not know about the profession of an editor, but I realized that I wanted to correct errors in good books.

I will not recommend anything specific, because it depends on the preferences and imagination of a particular teenager. It seems to me that many stories make you sympathize with the characters. It is important to read about people in different situations, people living in different countries. This way the world opens up to the reader in all its diversity, I think this is important.

Speaking of writers, what advice can you give to aspiring authors? Especially for children.

Don't stop! Get started and don't give up. If you do something wrong, you can always redo it.

I know there are quite a few writing schools in the UK and US. How effective do you think they are and how much can it help beginners taking their first steps in literature?

Some of them have indeed produced very good authors, but writing courses are quite expensive and there is no guarantee that you will be published after them. Plus, there are people who are so desperate to become writers that they can do it without taking any courses.

I was lucky, I worked in a publishing house and during my time as an editor I unknowingly learned basic things about literary craftsmanship.

Holly Webb is an English children's writer born in 1976 in the south-east district of London. Every summer, the parents took the girl to the Suffolk coast. From an early age, Holly loved animals, she took care of her beloved pets - a cat and a dog. Possessing a developed imagination, from the age of ten she became interested in ancient Greek myths, which prompted Holly to study Latin and ancient Greek. In her youth, Holly dreamed of becoming a librarian and then an archaeologist. But when it came time to choose a university, the girl chose the University of London, where she successfully studied to become a philologist.

Favorite job

During her studies, Holly spent every summer at a children's book publishing house, where she got a job as a simple employee. At first, Holly’s duties included photocopying manuscripts, but she was happy with that too, as she really loved the atmosphere of the printing house. Therefore, after graduating from university, the girl without hesitation went to work at her native publishing house. Holly was hired as editor. Her responsibilities included proofreading new items and editing the text. Even after the girl had already gotten married and had her first son, Tom, she continued to fulfill her duties. Only now Holly was doing it remotely, from home.

First try of the pen

When the young mother was 28 years old, she decided to write her first book. It was a short work, “Becky’s Difficult Period,” from the “Triplets” series of stories, about sisters Becky, Katie and Annabelle. The idea came spontaneously while traveling by train. On the train, Holly made her first sketches, which she later refined at home. This is how her writing career began.

Books by Holly Webb in Russia

Now, from the pen of the author Holly Webb, more than 100 books for children have already been published, about 70 of them in Russian. The novelties of the writer from domestic translation publishing houses are books from the series, as well as. The children's author has already created 15 book series. They include stories about childhood, about animals, about magic, and also about incredible adventures.

Reading the works of Holly Webb is a real pleasure, as the plot of each book is unusual, and the characters, endowed with a great sense of humor, always find themselves in incredible adventures. In addition, each book is printed in large print, which makes the process of getting to know children's stories not only interesting, but also useful for developing speed reading skills in children of primary school age.

The writer's work

Holly Webb has her own website in English, where you can see a detailed description of all existing books and get acquainted with the latest news from the life of the writer. On the pages of the online resource, the writer talks about her biography and a little about her family.

Holly Webb's children's books are written in simple language, filled with kindness and designed to instill good moral values ​​in children. Holly herself really likes to write stories about puppies and kittens, since she loves animals very much; stories are born to her spontaneously, while communicating with household members and pets. All books dedicated to small animals are decorated with colorful images of furry animals. A number of cartoons based on Holly Webb's fairy tales have already been produced in the UK.

Personal life

Holly Webb is a happy wife and mother. She lives in her own house in Reading, Berkshire. Her husband's name is Joy, and her three sons are Tom, Robin and William. The first listeners to the talented mother’s fabulous stories are her children and the cat Marble, whom Holly loves very much. Now she is 41 years old, she is a simple, pretty woman with a kind smile and expressive eyes.

Kitten Katie, or Secret in the Closet

Lucy always dreamed of a little kitten. I dreamed so much that I was forced to lie to a classmate at school that I didn’t have a pet.

In fact, it was a partial lie - the girl found a small hungry cat in her garden, gave her the name Katie and put her in her closet.

Neither dad nor grandmother knows that Lucy has a friend. In addition, my father was always against animals in the house.

Puppy Toby, or Senior Friend

Girl Ruby finally got a puppy. Toby is a rabbit dachshund, very small in size, very inquisitive and loud.

Barking, it rushes at any passing dog of any size, as soon as it comes close to its owner. Toby thought that he was protecting and protecting his little mistress, and Ruby was ashamed of the puppy's behavior.

Toby is still too small for training school, and Ruby came up with the idea of ​​walking the pet in remote and deserted places.

Kitten Dandelion, or Hide and Seek

Olivia finally made a friend - a small kitten, so gray and fluffy that they gave him the name Dandelion. The baby was sweet, affectionate and childishly curious.

Not knowing any obstacles, the kitten climbed everywhere and the girl constantly found him in the most unexpected places. Ben, Olivia's older brother, invited his best friend Rob to visit. Olivia was seriously scared, because hooligan boys could offend Dandelion.

Everything went quietly and peacefully, but when Rob left, the kitten disappeared too. Olivia, out of habit, began to look for him in the house, but did not find him. Where could Dandelion hide this time? Or did Rob steal her kitten?

Kitten Snowflake, or Winter Magic

All the most interesting things happened to the cat Pushinka during a snowfall. Having run away from her farm, she found herself in the middle of a terrible snowstorm, lost her way home, and only miraculously reached the house of the girl Ella. And now it all happened again.

Fluffy went for a walk and again got caught in a snowstorm and got lost. The cat decided to escape to an abandoned house and found a tiny snow-white kitten there. Fluffy began to help the baby - feed and warm, but soon realized that the baby could not cope.

Now Pushinka has to overcome the high snowdrifts, find the owner and bring her to the kitten’s aid. Or maybe winter magic will help the cat and the kitten?

Kitten Smoky, or The Mystery of the Tree House

Emmy dreamed that her parents would give her a cute and fluffy kitten for her birthday. But mom and dad seriously doubted that their daughter would be able to take care of the baby, so the gift was a tree house. Real, cozy, beautiful and the best in the world.

But is it possible to replace some house of a real living friend! One day, a black cat came to visit Emmy’s house and they quickly became friends. Emmy gave her the name Smokey and decided to hide her existence from her parents.

Later, the girl found out that Dymka already had an owner who was bored and looking for a pet. So what should Emmy do now? She got so used to it and became attached to the cat!

Kitten Button, or Bravery as a reward

The parents of the main character named Maddie decided to surprise her before the holidays - give her a kitten!

The cute tricolor cat began to be called Button. But it soon became clear that the garden at Maddie’s house was already regarded as their property by 2 large neighbor cats.

Over and over again the cats bullied poor Button. Shy Maddy decided to dot all the i's - but the cat's owner did not want to talk to her, and his pets continued to create outrages in someone else's garden. And then Button disappeared completely. Maddie immediately went searching. Only in order to find the kitten, she needs to overcome her shyness and seek help...

Kitten Silver, or Striped Brave

Like most children, Helen really wanted to have a kitten. But mom was not happy with this idea, so they resolved the situation this way: Helen would no longer ask for a cat, but she would have the opportunity to help her cousin Lucy at the veterinary clinic.

One day, Helen and Lucy found a kitten on the street that had been hit by a car. They were able to save the baby, but his owner never made contact. The main character manages to persuade the mother to shelter the kitten for the duration of treatment.

But how can Helen now tell her mother that she would like to leave Silver for good?

Maisie Hitchins. Adventures of a girl detective

The mystery of the closed box

Oh, how Maisie Hitchins would like to begin her brilliant career as a detective with the search for stolen jewelry!

But the girl will have to find her first job herself.

By the way, this is a good one: you need to find out where the money disappeared from the locked box and save a boy you know from being accused of theft!

The missing emerald

Maisie's first case brought fame: now even actresses turn to her for help!

Today we need to help Sarah Massey, whose necklace with a huge emerald disappeared from her dressing room. And the investigation must be carried out as quietly as possible, without much noise, so that no one finds out about the loss. After all, otherwise Sarah’s fiancé (and this is the Duke himself!) may break off the engagement.

Who would have thought that the happiness of an unfortunate girl would depend on the attentiveness of Maisie, a twelve-year-old girl detective!

ghost cat

What a blessing that you can go to the countryside from stuffy London, covered in smog!

But there are bad rumors about the house where Maisie and her friend settled. Literally all, all, all tenants left the house without spending even a week there. Obviously, the matter is dirty.

Moreover, Maisie saw the ghost with her own eyes! ..

The Mystery of the Jungle Boy

Now secrets are pouring in on Maisie from all sides, just have time to reveal them (at the same time, it is important not to forget to carry out all the instructions of your beloved grandmother).

Oh, how I would like to quickly find out who the “Son of the Dark Jungle” is!

It’s curious why this boy is constantly watching the professor and why the “Son of the Dark Jungle” needs a mask with red feathers so much...

Puppy undercover

If it weren't for this incompetent policeman, Maisie Hitchins would not have gotten involved in the affairs of Scotland Yard.

But who is to blame that the girl was able to figure out the policeman in no time? He needed to come up with a better legend.

And so, Maisie is simply forced to figure it all out: how are the famous gang of painting thieves and the boarding house of her beloved grandmother connected?..

The Secret of Spilled Ink

Maisie Hitchins' best friend, Alice, has disappeared somewhere from the Institute for Noble Maidens. What happened to Alice? Will the kidnappers really show up soon and extort a huge ransom from the girl’s father?

When starting to study a writer’s work, pay attention to the works that are at the top of this rating. Feel free to click on the up and down arrows if you think that a certain work should be higher or lower in the list. As a result of common efforts, including based on your ratings, we will receive the most adequate rating of Holly Webb’s books.

    The girl Lucy dreamed of a kitten. She dreamed so much that she lied to a classmate at her new school that she had a pet. In fact, it was not entirely a lie - Lucy found a tiny hungry cat in the garden, named her Katie and made her a cozy home in the closet in her room. But neither dad nor grandma know that Lucy has a pet. In addition, dad always said that grandma was against animals in the house. How can Lucy confess her secret now? After all, dad and grandmother may demand that the girl give Katie to a shelter. And I also need to explain myself to my classmate......Next

  • Twins Adam and Georgia have been quarreling almost since birth - over toys, over household chores, you never know what you can argue about. But they had a common dream - a dog. And then a beautiful puppy, Favorite, appeared in the house. Affectionate, playful, slightly playful puppy really became the favorite of the whole family, but he was very upset by the quarrels between the twins. Every time Adam and Georgia started arguing, the puppy tried to run away from them and hide somewhere....Next

  • It's good to get away from the stuffy, smog-filled summer London to the countryside! It’s bad that there are bad rumors about the house where Maisie and her friend Alice settled. They say that things are dirty there - all the tenants are quickly moving out, and no one is telling why. And most importantly, the girls are their own eyes saw a ghost walking along the corridor! Small, the size of a cat......Next

  • Like many children, Helen dreamed of a kitten. But mom was against it, so they agreed this way: Helen would stop asking for a pet, but she could help her cousin Lucy at the veterinary clinic. One day, Helen and Lucy picked up a kitten on the street that had been hit by a car. The baby's life was saved, but his owner was never found. They couldn’t leave the kitten at the clinic, but it needed special care until it finally recovered. The girl had to break her promise and ask her mother to temporarily shelter the kitten. Fortunately, the mother agreed, and the baby, whom Helen named Silver, moved in with them. But how can Helen now admit to her mother that she dreams of becoming Silver’s new owner? So that their home becomes not temporary, but permanent for Silver?...Next

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  • “Jess, the collie puppy, had a wonderful life: she had a cozy home, tasty and nourishing food, a loving family. And most importantly, she had Will, a boy whom Jess considered her main owner and with whom she could run, jump and play to your heart's content whatever. But one day Will broke his leg and was admitted to the hospital. Jess was left to her own devices: Will's parents are at work all day, and his younger sister Chloe is terribly afraid of dogs and won't even go near the puppy. Who will take care of Jess while Will is away? Chloe decided she was up to the task. But how can a girl overcome her fear? And can she replace the puppy’s beloved owner?”...Next

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  • Usatik was the smallest and timid of the kittens. He was wary of loud noises and strangers and preferred to sit in the box while the other kittens bravely explored the vast new world. The owner, the girl Emily, was worried whether anyone would want to take her home such a timid and unaffectionate kitten. But Emily's friend, Mia, turned out to be patient and kind enough to win Mustache's friendship. Mia came almost every day to play with Usatik, but for some reason she never took him home. The kitten was alarmed - does Mia really not love him? And what does he need to do for the girl to finally become his mistress?...Next

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  • The parents of the girl Maddie gave her a surprise before the holidays - a kitten! The adorable tricolor cat was named Button. But it turned out that the garden at Maddie’s house is considered their property by two large neighbor cats. Gradually, the cats completely intimidated poor Button. Shy Maddy had to intervene - but the cat's owner did not want to talk to her, and his pets continued to misbehave in someone else's garden. And then Button disappeared completely. Maddie immediately rushed to search. Only in order to find the kitten, she needs to overcome her shyness and ask for help......Next

  • All the most important events in the life of the cat Pushinka happened in the snow. First, she ran away from her native farm, got caught in a terrible snowstorm, got lost, and only a miracle led her to the house of the girl Ella. Now Pushinka went out for a walk - and because of the blizzard she got lost again. The cat found shelter in an abandoned house and found a very tiny snow-white kitten there. Fluffy tried to help the baby - to feed and warm him, but very soon she realized that she couldn’t handle it alone. Now Pushinka has to get out through the deep snow, find his beloved mistress and bring her to the rescue. Maybe winter magic will help the kitty and her new friend?...Next

  • Maisie wouldn't have gotten involved in Scotland Yard's affairs if an undercover policeman hadn't moved into their house! Not a very skillful policeman, I must admit, - the girl saw through him in no time. And since the detectives from Scotland Yard are so incompetent, Maisie is simply obliged to help them. Moreover, the girl herself is interested in what the connection is between her grandmother’s modest boarding house and the famous gang of painting thieves......Next

  • Zoe loved dogs, but she understood that she was not destined to have a pet - her older sister was very afraid of them. To be able to communicate with dogs, Zoe began helping at an animal shelter. One day they threw a box of very tiny puppies there, and Zoe started talking about them take care. The girl fed them with a special formula, played with them and became very friendly with the smallest and weakest puppy, Kroshka. Time passed, the puppies grew up, and it was time to look for a new home for them. What a pity that Zoey can’t take Baby with her! Or maybe? To do this, you just need to persuade your older sister not to be afraid of dogs......Next

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  • The girl Taya dreamed of a kitten, and one day her parents gave her Millie, a Bengal cat, the same breed that looks like little leopards. Taya and Millie immediately became friends and began to actively explore the world around them. True, curiosity constantly led cat to troubles that Taya had to deal with. This time, Millie just jumped out of the house for a minute to check what was happening in the neighboring yard, when someone grabbed her and took her far away to a strange place. But the Bengal cat is one of the most agile creatures in the world, and, without a doubt, Millie will figure out how to get out of the cage. Taya also wastes no time and posts notices about the missing kitten wherever she can. Will Millie be able to return to her owner? Alone, in another area, find your way home?...Next

  • The girl Rosie had long dreamed of a kitten, but her mother did not agree. So Rosie went to a nearby farm and watched the kittens living there. She especially liked one, a bright red one, whom she called to herself - Ryzhik. But one day the farm was sold, and all the cats taken away by shelter employees. Rosie was very afraid that she would never see Ryzhik again, and even persuaded her mother to take him in with her. But when they arrived at the shelter, it turned out that Ryzhik was not there! Where did he go? And where to look for it? Won't the little red-haired happiness settle in Rosie's house?...Next

  • Jasmine knew all the neighborhood cats and cats. Since your parents won’t allow you to have your own pet, you can at least pet someone else’s. But the girl especially made friends with the cat Zvezdochka, affectionate and playful. Therefore, Zvezdochka's owners offered the girl look after your pet during their vacation. Jasmine agreed and began to diligently take care of Star. But for some reason the cat suddenly became lethargic and sleepy, and then disappeared completely. Jasmine was very upset - some trouble might happen to Zvezdochka on the street! However, Zvezdochka disappeared for a reason. She prepared a big, one might even say, double surprise for everyone!...Next

  • Fluffy was timid and cautious, so those on the farm were not surprised that other kittens had long ago found new owners, but no one wanted to take her. But one day an unfamiliar car stopped in the yard, and a quiet, modest girl got out. Ella and Pushinka at once They liked each other, but the girl’s mother did not allow her to take a kitten into the house. Ella had to leave, and Pushinka was left alone again. The longing for the girl was so strong that the cat decided to go looking for her. But she didn’t expect the world to be so huge. Will Pushinka be able to find Ella, because she doesn’t even know where she lives?...Next

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  • Maisie doesn't know anything about ships, but she liked this one. He has a beautiful carved sculpture on his nose - the figure of a mermaid. And if you look closely, it seems that the mermaid is crying: drops of resin are frozen on her cheeks. A wonderful ship, but the girl is confused by only one thing - her dad recently wrote to her that the ship on which he began his service sank. And the distinctive feature of this ship was a crying mermaid......Next

  • Emmy always dreamed of a cat and hoped that her parents would give her a cheerful, fluffy kitten for her birthday. But mom and dad weren’t sure that their daughter was ready to take care of someone, so the girl received a tree house as a gift. Almost like a real thing, beautiful and cozy, but even the best house in the world cannot replace a kitten! One day, a black cat looked into Amy's house, and the girl quickly became friends with her. Amy named the cat Smoky and was in no hurry to tell her parents about her. And later it turned out that Dymka already has an owner who misses her and is looking for her. What should Emmy do, since she is already so attached to the kitten? And which housewife will Dymka herself choose?...Next

  • Riddles are pouring in on Maisie from all sides, just have time to solve them (and at the same time carry out her grandmother’s instructions). For example, who is this boy who performs under the name “Son of the Dark Jungle”, why is he watching Professor Tobin and what does the huge mask with red feathers have to do with it, which the scientist brought from an expedition to the real jungle?!...Next

  • Lucy always dreamed of a kitten, and finally her dream came true - her parents gave her Violet. Only now the kitten appeared after the family moved to another area and Lucy had to go to a new school. The girl thought - dad and mom want her to forget the old house and former friends and was not very upset about the move. Lucy didn't want to forget, so she decided to pretend that she didn't need any kitten and not play with Violet in front of her family. But the girl had no idea how she would fall in love with the kitten, and every day it became more and more difficult to be cunning. Will Lucy be able to admit to her parents that she is pretending?...Next

  • Maisie takes out her trusty magnifying glass again. Her best friend Alice has disappeared from the boarding house for noble maidens, and the only evidence is an overturned inkwell and a chain of cat tracks. Where did Alice, the only daughter of a very wealthy merchant, go? What if she was kidnapped? Besides Her cat and kittens disappeared along with the girl. But it’s not for nothing that Maisie is proud of her powers of observation and sharp mind – and this secret will be revealed!...Next

  • Hannah has dreamed of having a Dalmatian puppy all her life. At first, mom and dad didn't allow it because she was too small to properly care for the puppy. Then Hannah had a brother, and again she had to wait. But before Christmas, a real miracle happened - parents decided to make Hannah's dream come true and brought a puppy from the Dalmatian nursery! The dog was named Oscar and fell in love immediately and forever. And everything would be fine, but it turned out that Hannah’s brother is still too young and considers the puppy a living toy. That's why poor Oscar hides all over the house from the overly sociable boy. Can Hannah explain to her little brother that Oscar is not a toy and make this Christmas a truly happy one?...Next

  • Girl Ruby received a long-awaited gift - a puppy, Toby. Toby is a rabbit dachshund, that is, a very tiny, but very curious and very loud dog. He barked at any dog, no matter what size, as long as it approached his adored owner. Toby thought so he protects the girl, and Ruby was ashamed of the puppy's behavior. Toby is still too small to go to training school, so Ruby and her pet began to walk in deserted places. And one day Toby got lost. Ruby was very scared for him; she knew how many dangers a puppy faced on the street. But the world is not without kind people and dogs, the main thing is not to bark at the saviors!...Next

Childhood and youth

Holly Webb is a native of London, born in 1976. From childhood, the girl was attracted to the natural world. Together with their parents, they traveled to the Suffolk coast, where they observed the world of flora and fauna.

There were always animals in Holly's house. When she was very young, she learned to care for her beloved cat and dog. Her pets were always groomed and fed.

The girl had a developed imagination, which aroused her interest in various myths. Later she began to study ancient Greek and Latin.

Young Webb dreamed of becoming a librarian so she could study more books. Then she wanted to be an archaeologist to engage in exciting excavations and searches for antiques. And later, when the time came to choose a university, the girl chose the profession of philologist and entered the University of London.

Desired job

During the summer holidays, Holly found something she liked. She got a job at a book publishing house, where she held the position of an ordinary employee. Her duties included simple photocopying of working documents and manuscripts. Although it was a simple task, the girl was happy. She was attracted even by the atmosphere of the printing house.

After finishing her studies, Holly didn’t think for a long time about where to go next. She remained at her native publishing house, where she was offered the position of editor. She edited texts and read the rules for new items that came for printing.

Some time later, Webb got married and gave birth to a child, but even this circumstance did not become an obstacle to stopping work at her favorite publishing house. She remained in her position and also performed her duties, only now she did it all at home - remotely.

First steps

Holly first decided to write a book when she was 28 years old. Then she realized that she was able to write better than those authors whose work she edits herself every day. Her first work was a work from the “Triplets” series, which told about the life of three sisters. The idea of ​​creating such a work arose in her head while traveling on a train. While moving, she jotted down her first thoughts, which she already organized and corrected at home. This is how her career as a writer began. In the first year after the book was published, the girl became famous throughout England.

Photo: Holly Webb with children

Now Holly Webb is the author of more than 60 books. You can learn about all the writer’s works, study their content and see the latest news on the author’s own English website. There she talks about herself, her life and, quite a bit, her family.

Each story by the author is written in clear and simple language, which is capable of developing the correct moral and ethical qualities in a child. Webb's favorite subject to write about is animals. She gets her inspiration from interactions with her pets, which then results in an interesting and spontaneous story. Each of her books is accompanied by colorful illustrations and is imbued with the life of small animals. Several cartoons based on her series of works have already been made in England.

Personal life

Holly Webb is a loving mother and happy wife. The whole family lives in the county of Berkshire, the city of Reading. She has three sons, who by their mere presence help her create masterpieces. They are also the first listeners of all the writer’s works. A cat, Marble, whom everyone adores, also lives with them. While writing all the works, she does not leave the author alone and constantly sits next to her.

Now Holly Webb is an active writer of children's stories and a good woman who has amazing ease of communication, beautiful style and a charming smile.

Domestic reader

Today, the writer’s works are just beginning to enter the Russian market. More than 60 of her works can be found on bookstore shelves. Each work belongs to a specific series: about animals, about magic, or about various incredible adventures.

The author is a prominent representative in the world of children's literature. Her work receives excellent reviews, and children are always interested in reading a new story. Holly Webb's books are popular all over the world and have already been translated into many languages.

Each story by the author is imbued with interesting adventures, humor and is quite unusual. The characters always manage to interest children. A special feature of each book is its printing. The reading font is quite large so that the child can independently study the work and at the same time perfectly develops speed reading in preschool children.

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