Topics in English on the topic family. Family traditions - Family traditions (topic)

Topic: Family Holidays

Topic: Family holidays

What can be more pleasant than and recollecting some past events from your lives or telling exciting stories? It is so wonderful when all the family members come from different parts of the city or even the world to spend time with their relatives. Usually it happens on holidays, as they can be days off and it is a tradition for some holidays to gather together. Such holidays are called family ones and usually they are similar in different countries, though there can be some exceptions. As for me, I think that family holidays are Christmas, New Year, Easter and Birthdays. In spite of a different origin they are celebrated in the family circle, but of course, some close friends can be also invited.

What could be more enjoyable than sitting with your family and eating delicious food while reminiscing about some past events in your life or telling fascinating stories? It is so wonderful when all family members come from different parts of the city or even the world to spend time with their relatives. This usually happens on holidays, since they may be days off and for some people, gathering together on holidays is a tradition. Such holidays are called family holidays, and, as a rule, they are similar in different countries, although there may be some exceptions. As for me, I think family holidays are Christmas, New Year, Easter and birthdays. Despite their different origins, they are celebrated within the family circle, but of course some close friends may also be invited.

Christmas is the first and the most widely known family holiday all over the world. different dates for its celebration because of some religious views, it does not change the way it is celebrated in many countries. The whole family gathers in one place around the table and welcomes. They sing songs, discuss some topics, eat and drink. It is also a great tradition to give presents for this holiday, as children adore finding them in red stockings over the fireplace or under the fir-tree. Different countries serve different food for this holiday. The Americans cook turkey with vegetables, the Germans bake sweet Christmas biscuits, while the Eastern European countries have their own customs and traditions. We are used to cooking twelve dishes, the main one is kutya, sit at the table with the appearance of the first star in the sky and congratulate others singing carols. It is one of the most important days of the year, so everyone is always looking forward to it.

Christmas is the first and most widely known family holiday all over the world. Although there are different dates for its celebration, due to some religious views, this does not change the way it is celebrated in many countries. The whole family gathers in one place around the table and welcomes the birth of Christ. They sing songs, discuss some topics, eat and drink. It is also a wonderful tradition to be able to give gifts on this holiday, as children love to find them in red stockings above the fireplace or under the tree. Different countries serve different dishes for this holiday. Americans cook turkey with vegetables, Germans bake sweet Christmas cookies, while Eastern European countries have their own customs and traditions. We are used to preparing twelve dishes, the main one of which is kutia, sitting down at the table with the appearance of the first star in the sky and congratulating others with carols. This is one of the most important days every year, so everyone always looks forward to it.

Another popular family holiday is New Year. It is celebrated on December, 31, when people welcome the coming of the next year. Usually many preparations take place before the holiday. People stand in long queues in order to buy products for their New Year tables and spend long hours in front of the cooker or oven some exotic dishes. Our New Year holiday is associated with champagne, fireworks and one famous salad called Olivier, sometimes accompanied by TV programs. When the clock strikes twelve, people cheer and make wishes. They are happy to forget past offenses and misunderstandings and start the new one with everything good.

Another popular family holiday is New Year. It is celebrated on December 31st when people welcome the coming of the next year. As a rule, many preparations take place before the holiday. People stand in long lines to buy food for their New Year's tables and spend long hours in front of the stove or oven to prepare exotic dishes. Our New Year holiday is associated with champagne, fireworks and one famous salad called Olivier, sometimes accompanied by a TV program. When the clock strikes twelve, people rejoice and make wishes. They are happy to forget past grievances and misunderstandings in the previous year and start a new one with all the good things.

Easter is a Christian holiday, when people celebrate. It is always a day off, so taking place in spring all the family members try to spend it in nature. Forty days before the holiday people have to follow tape. So it is not surprising for Easter so much. This holiday also has some preparations to be made. All the hostesses bake Easter bread and paint eggs in different colors. In the evening or in the morning of the next day they go to the church. Then the family tries to spend together all the day celebrating and treating others with their pastry. In Germany there is one more tradition for children. They have an Easter rabbit, which hides eggs from children and they look for them everywhere. Easter is a perfect holiday for a family as it has some unique atmosphere and special family traditions.

Easter is Christian holiday when people celebrate the resurrection of Christ. This is always a day off, and taking place in the spring, all family members try to spend it in nature. People must fast for forty days before the holiday. Therefore, it is not surprising why they are so impatiently waiting for Easter. This holiday also has some preparatory work. All housewives bake Easter cake and paint the eggs different colors. In the evening or morning the next day they go to church. The family then tries to spend the entire day together celebrating and sharing their baked goods with others. In Germany there is another tradition for children. They have an Easter Bunny who hides eggs from the children and they look for them everywhere. Easter is a wonderful holiday for the family, as it has a certain unique atmosphere and special family traditions.

One more holiday to invite your near and dear relatives is your birthday. Though with time fewer adult people celebrate it with the members of the family, state that birthdays of children and elderly people are always visited by them. Who can make a kid happier than beloved grannies, aunts, and cousins? They bring huge presents, hug, kiss and play with him or her. The same situation is with elderly people. They do not need posh restaurants, cafes or expensive presents: is the presence of children, grandchildren and other close people. So birthday is a holiday that deserves a title of a family one. No matter how old you are, you will be disappointed if someone from your family forgets about your holiday, and you would be very grateful to those of your relatives, who found a minute and a penny to congratulate you.

Another holiday to invite your family and friends is your birthday. Although over time, fewer and fewer adults celebrate it with family members, but I must say that the birthday parties of children and the elderly are always attended by them. Who can make a child happier than his beloved grandmothers, uncles, aunts, cousins ​​and brothers? They bring huge gifts, hug, kiss and play with him or her. The same situation applies to older people. They do not need luxury restaurants, cafes or expensive gifts: their only desire is the presence of children, grandchildren and other loved ones. So a birthday is a holiday that deserves the name of a family holiday. No matter how old you are, you will be disappointed if someone in the family forgets about your holiday, and you would be very grateful to those of your loved ones who took a minute and a penny to congratulate you.

Family holidays are not only an opportunity to celebrate a particular date, but also a possibility to unite all the family members. The more they meet and communicate the closer and more important they become to each other. Do not look for a special day to visit your relatives, as you have a chance.

Family holidays are not only a reason to celebrate a specific date, but also an opportunity to unite all family members. The more they communicate, the closer and more important they become to each other. There is no need to look for a special day to visit your relatives, as you have the chance to turn every day into a family holiday.

Let's talk about family traditions

It goes without saying that the family is very important as a unit in our society. Nothing else but family can be an emotional center of people's lives and a transmitter of culture. Understanding between all members of the family and consideration for others are very important in family relationships. Tenderness, warm-heartedness and respect must always be present in the family to make it friendly. I do think family traditions help its members respect and support one another.

A lot of activities can help members of a family to be on friendly terms: discussing all the family plans, going on trips together, visiting museums, theaters, exhibitions and exchanging opinions about them, sharing joys and sorrows.

If to speak about my family, I can say I enjoy our honest and open relationship. I like it when parents trust their children, give them freedom, rely on them and respect them. In my opinion these things make family relations warm and pleasant.

Unfortunately, we can't spend much time together during a week. My parents have to work a lot to earn money for our family. But in the evening they try to spend as much time as possible with my sister and me. Everybody in our family likes having tea when we can speak about our working day, share impressions and good news, discuss our challenges and make plans for the coming day. It's one of our family traditions. To my mind, it helps us learn more about one another and makes our family united.

Every member of our family looks forward to the weekend. We enjoy going to the cinema and cafes together. In winter we often ski and skate. In other seasons we enjoy riding bikes, going to theme parks or visiting famous sights of our country. We visit our extended family and often help them in the garden. It"s also our family tradition to spend summer holidays together either at the seaside or in the country, which I enjoy very much.

We have other family traditions. Our family see the New Year at home. We cook a lot of delicious food for the night meal which usually starts at 10 p.m. A goose or chicken stuffed with apples is our traditional New Year dish. We sing songs, play games and give presents to one another.

We have a family tradition to celebrate birthdays of each member of the family. On these days we usually have parties. Friends and relatives come with presents and flowers. Our last family birthday was mother's birthday. We wanted to make it a special day since it was her 38th birthday. We had selected a nice present for her and my father and I had done all the cooking. The table was nicely laid up The party was fantastic. All the guests seemed to enjoy themselves a lot.

As you can see, consideration for others is very important in our family relationships. We have our family traditions which make our life more exciting and interesting, help to understand one another better, to express our emotions and feelings. Our parents feel great affection for us and try to bring us up in a proper way. They devote their free time to us and this makes our home the happiest place for me.

Family traditions. Family traditions

Now we are going to speak about family traditions. Now we will talk about family traditions. What is your family like? What's your family like? Do you spend much time with your family? Do you spend a lot of time with your family? What do you usually do together? What do you usually do together?

Let's read a dialogue about family traditions.

Katya: Sergey, are there any interesting traditions in your family?

Sergey: Let me think... Of course, we spend most of holidays together. But you ask me about special occasions, don’t you?

Katya: Yes, I do. May be, you arrange some unusual birthday parties, picnics or some other holidays…

Sergey: Oh, I guess what you mean… We always help our mother on International Women’s Day. My sister cleans the room, I go shopping, and then our father starts to cook.

Katya: Can you father cook?

Sergey: Yes, he can. He has got a special menu on that day.

Now, read some words and expressions from the dialogue.

1. interesting traditions - interesting traditions

2. Are there any interesting traditions in your family? - Are there any interesting traditions in your family?

3. Let me think... - Let me think...

4. to spend holidays together - spend holidays together

5. Of course, we spend most of holidays together - Of course, we spend most of the holidays together.

6. special occasions - special events

7. But you ask me about some special occasions, don’t you? - But you're asking about any special events, aren't you?

8. to arrange a party - to arrange a party

9. May be, you arrange some unusual birthday parties, picnics or some other holidays... - Maybe you will organize some unusual birthday parties, picnics or other holidays...

10. Oh, I guess what you mean... - Oh, I guess what you mean

11. to help - help

12. We always help our mother on International Women’s Day. - We always help our mother on International Women's Day.

13. to clean the rooms - clean the rooms

14. to go shopping - go shopping

15. to cook - to cook

16. My sister cleans the rooms, I go shopping, and then our father starts to cook. - My sister cleans the rooms, I go shopping, and then our dad starts cooking.

17. Can your father cook? - Does your dad know how to cook?

18. a special menu - special menu

19. He has got a special menu on that day. - He has a special menu for this day.

Katya and Sergey continue speaking about family traditions.

Katya and Sergey continue their conversation about family traditions.

Katya: Does he cook anything exotic?

Sergey: No, he doesn’t. Traditionally, it is a roast chicken with potatoes and vegetables, some salads and a cake.

Katya: Do you help your father to cook?

Sergey: I try to do it. Though, I think, it’s not a man’s business. I always break a cup or a plate when I help him.

Katya: Oh, do you?

Sergey: But our father says, we should thank our mother for everything she does for us all the year round.

Katya: I think, he is right. And you are a close family.

Now, read some words and expressions from the dialogue...

1. exotic - exotic

2. Does he cook anything exotic? - Is he preparing something exotic?

3. a roast chicken with potatoes and vegetables - baked chicken with potatoes and vegetables

4. and salad - salad

5. a cake - cake

6. Traditionally, it is a roast chicken with potatoes and vegetables, some salads and a cake. - Traditionally, it is baked chicken with potatoes and vegetables, some salads and cake.

7. Do you help your father to cook? - Do you help your dad cook?

8. I try to do it. - I'm trying to do this.

9. though - although

10. Thought, I think, it’s not a man’s business. - Although, I think this is not a man’s business.

11. to break - break

12. I always break a cup or a plate when I help him. - I always break a cup or plate when I help him.

13. Oh, do you? - Oh, really?

14. to thank - to thank

15. all the year round - all year

16. We should thank our mother for everything she does for us all the year round. - We must thank our mother for everything she does for us all year.

17. I think, he is right. - I think he's right

18. And you are a close family. - And you are a close-knit family.

And you? Could you answer my questions?

And you? Answer my questions please.

1. Are there any interesting traditions in your family?

Does your family have any interesting traditions?

2. Do you arrange some unusual birthday parties, picnics or some other holidays?

Do you organize unusual birthdays, picnics or other holidays?

3. What do you do on such special occasions?

What do you do on such special occasions?

4. Do you go somewhere or stay at home on that day?

Do you go somewhere on this day, or stay at home?

5. Do you invite guests or stay with your family on that day?

Do you invite guests on this day, or stay with your family?

6. Are you a close family?

Are you a close-knit family?

Thank you for your answers. Thank you for your answers.

Now you can speak about your family traditions.

Now you can talk about family traditions.

Good luck! Good luck!

List of used literature:

  1. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentsova L.A. Russian language. 5th grade. – M.: Education, 2008-2012.
  2. Stronskaya I.M. Handbook of the Russian language for students in grades 5-9. – St. Petersburg: Publishing House “Literature”, 2012.
  3. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I., Kapinos V.I. and others. Russian language: Textbooks for grades 5, 6, 7, 8, 9. educational institutions / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta, - M.: Bustard.
  4. Nefedova E.A., Uzorova O.V. Rules and exercises in the Russian language. 5-8 grade. - “Aquarium” GIPPV, 1997.
  5. Lesson notes for Russian language teachers. 5th grade. Sychugova L.G. – Vlados, 2004.
  6. Russian language lessons in 5th grade. Book for teachers. Bogdanova G.A. – Genzher, 2000.
  7. Goldin Z.D., Svetlysheva V.N. Russian language in tables. Grades 5-11: Reference manual. – M.: Bustard, 2000.
  8. Arsiriy A.T. Entertaining materials on the Russian language: Book for students / Ed. L.P. Krysina - M.: Education, 1995.
  9. Lesson developments in the Russian language, grade 5. Egorova N.V. – M.: Vako, 2013.
  10. Russian language lessons. A manual for teachers for the textbook by S.I. Lvova. Vasiliev I.P. – M.: Mnemosyne, 2010.
  11. Tests and tests in the Russian language for the textbook “Russian language 5th grade”. Educational and practical manual. Gribanskaya E., Novikova L. - Exam, 2004.
  12. Materials of the Unified Collection of Digital Educational Resources

Topic about family in English, in itself, is not difficult, but it is precisely such simple tasks that cause difficulties in selecting vocabulary appropriate to this topic age characteristics and level of English language proficiency.

Each of us has a family, and our upbringing and relationships with the outside world depend on what it is like. As they say:

Every family is a small but the most important cell of a big society, which exists to remind us not to forget about our closest and dearest people. It helps us to keep up alliances and to make each family’s member happy.

Each family is a small, but the most important unit of a large society, designed to remind us of our near and dear people, as well as to maintain our family ties and make all family members happy.

If you decide to write a topic in English “About my family”, then the following examples of texts with translation will help you.

From the article you will learn:

Text 1. My family (My family)

I am Ildar Kirillov. Ildar is my first name and Kirillov is my last name. I am sixteen years old. I want to tell you something about my family. It is not big family - only five people. I have a father, mother, sister, and grandmother.

First of all, a few words about my parents. My father is forty five. He is an engineer. He likes singing and when we have free time at home I play the guitar and we sing together. When my father was a little boy he used to take things into pieces. My grandmother told me a story that once he tried to mend their microwave oven but he could not. Then they had to call in a repairman. It happened a long time ago but now he is able to fix almost everything.

My mother is a good-looking lady with dark hair. She is forty two but she looks much younger. She is a geography teacher and she works at school. She likes her job. My mother keeps house tidy and takes care of everyone of us. Also, she is very good at cooking.

My parents have been married for 18 years. They usually work hard. They have a lot in common but they have different views on music, books, and movies. For example, my father likes horror films whereas my mother likes comedies; my father is fond of football but my mother doesn’t like any sports.

My grandmother is retired. She lives with us and helps us to run the house. My sister's name is Alice. She is younger than me and she’s a schoolgirl. I like playing with her on the backyard.

I want to go to university because I would like to study foreign languages. I always try to be in a good mood. We are a good family and we have a lot of relatives.

Translation from English: My family

I am Ildar Kirillov. Ildar is my first name, Kirillov is my last name. I am 16 years old. I want to tell you a little about my family. My family is not very large - only five people. These are dad, mom, sister and grandmother.

First of all, a few words about my parents. My father is 45 years old. He is an engineer. He often sings and when we are at home and have free time, I take the guitar and we sing together. When he was little, he loved to take everything apart. My grandmother told me that my dad once tried to fix their microwave oven, but it didn't work. And they had to call a repairman. But that was many years ago. Now he can fix almost anything.

My mom looks good and she has dark hair. She is 42 years old, but she looks much younger. She is a geography teacher and she works at school. Mom loves her profession. She keeps the house clean and takes care of us all. And also, she cooks very well.

My parents have been married for 18 years. Usually, they work hard. They have a lot in common, but they have different views on books, music and cinema. For example, my father loves horror films, and my mother loves comedy; my father is fond of football, and my mother does not like sports.

My grandmother is a pensioner. She lives with us and helps us around the house. My sister's name is Alice. She is younger than me and she is a schoolgirl. I love playing with her in the backyard.

I want to go to university and study foreign languages. I always try to be in a good mood. Our family is good and we have many relatives.

Text 2. About my family - About my family

I have a big lovely family. Well, let me introduce myself to you. My name is Alina. I am 12 years old. Besides me, there are two more children in our family. My older brother’s name is Igor; my younger sister's name is Lena.

Igor is twenty-four. He works as an engineer for a small company. He graduated from university two years ago. It is very good to have an elder brother. As a rule, he helps Lena and me to do our homework. Lena is ten years old. She says her dream is to become a doctor in the future. However, nobody knows that I like this idea.

Also, we have a big pet. It is a dog. We like to look after it. Its name is Mushket and it is my favorite one. I like playing and having fun with my favorite pet. Sometimes, I have to play with my sister too. But, unfortunately, she is too small to share secrets with.

My parents are not strict. My Daddy is over fifty and he works as a driver. He is a very kind man. My Mummy is nearly fifty. I am proud of the fact that she works in the local library. She has been a librarian for a lot of years. My mum knows plenty of interesting stories.

As well as me, my mother has parents. It means I have grandparents. My grandfather and grandmother used to work at school as teachers. Now, they are retired and live in a village. They have a kitchen garden and they enjoy growing things. In summer my grandparents spend all their time in the garden harvesting vegetables.

My sister and I like swimming, so on Saturdays we usually go to swimming pool. At weekends my family always goes shopping. We usually buy food and some nice toys for Lena and me. On Sundays we all usually cook together in the kitchen. In the evening we get together at the table to have nice dinner. I love my family!

Translation into Russian: ABOUT MY FAMILY

I have a big sweet family. So, let me introduce myself. My name is Alina. I am 12 years old. Besides me, there are two more children in my family. My older brother's name is Igor, my younger sister's name is Lena. Igor is 24 years old. He works in a small company as an engineer. He graduated from university 2 years ago. It's nice to have an older brother. As a rule, he helps Lena and me with homework. Lena is 10 years old. She dreams of becoming a doctor in the future. However, no one knows that I like this idea.

Also, we have a big pet. This is a dog. We like to take care of her. His name is Musket and I love him very much. I love to play and have fun with my pet. Sometimes I have to play with my sister too, but, unfortunately, she is too small to share secrets with her.

My parents are not strict. My dad is over 50 years old and works as a driver. He is very kind. My mom is about 50. I'm proud that she works in the library. Mom has been working as a librarian for many years. She knows many interesting stories.

Just like me, my mother has parents. This means that I have grandparents. In the past they worked school teachers. They are already retired and live in the village. Grandpa and Grandma have a vegetable garden and they love to grow things. In the summer they spend all their time in the garden, harvesting vegetables.

My sister and I love to swim and on Saturdays we go to the pool. Every weekend, the whole family makes sure to go shopping and buy groceries, as well as some toys for Lena and me. On Sundays we usually cook everything together in the kitchen and gather around the table in the evening to enjoy a delicious dinner. I love my family!

Text 3. My family - My family

My name is Maria. I am fifteen years old. I am a high-school student. I am at French school, so I study English and French. I like learning languages ​​and writing things. I am going to be an international journalist.

I have a family: a father, mother, and brother. I love them a lot. My father is fifty three and he is an English teacher. He loves his job and he is really into teaching English.

My mother is forty six. She is a beautiful lady with huge green eyes. She is a landscape designer. My mom has clever fingers and she makes wonderful things at her work. She loves her job as well.

My brother is twenty and he is a musician. He is a conservatory student and he studies clarinet and piano. He can write music and he is very keen on doing it. I like his music. I think he is going to be a great composer.

What the best thing we like is going bowling. We enjoy it a lot and we often go to bowling club. Sometimes, we think that it would be nice to have our own bowling at home. I have a very nice family. We get on very well with each other.

Translation into Russian: My family

My name is Maria. I am 15 years old. I'm in school, in my senior year. This is a school with a focus on studying French. There I study English and French. I love learning languages ​​and writing about different topics. I'm going to become an international journalist.

My family is dad, mom and brother. I love them very much. My father is 53 years old and he is an English teacher. He loves his job and he does it perfectly.

My mother is 46 years old. She is a beautiful lady with huge green eyes. She is a landscape designer. She has golden hands and does wonderful things at work. She also loves her job very much.

My brother is 20 years old and he is a musician. He is a student at the conservatory in clarinet and piano. He knows how to write music and he loves it very much. I like his music. I think he will be a great composer.

Most of all we love to play bowling and we often go to the bowling club. Sometimes we think it would be great to have our own bowling alley at home. I have wonderful family. We get along great with each other.

Our Family Traditions – Our family traditions

A happy and harmonious family is based on strong family traditions. There are a few traditions in my family which I would like to tell about.

Summer holidays

Every summer we all go on a camping trip. For a few days we stay in a cottage on a lakeside. We swim in the lake and lie in the sun, sometimes we go to the nearest village for a day out.

Every day we build a fire and cook food on it. This is the process that units the whole family. Somemake a fire, others cut vegetables and cook. This is the moment when we don’t stop talking to each other and laughing at jokes.

Grandmother's birthday

Fortunately, my grandmother lives not too far from us so we often go to visit her. But her birthday is a special day which everyone looks forward to.

This is the day when all the relatives come to her place to celebrate. My family is very big. I have uncles, aunts and cousins. My grandmother’s birthday is the day when we all sit around one big table.

Personal achievements

We always support and help each other in different life situations. This builds the confidence and helps become successful. This is why personal achievements of each of us are the reason for everyone’s joy.

Such events as promotion, admission to the university or victory in a competition are celebrated in my family. Usually on this day we go to a restaurant and spend the rest of the day together.

New Year

New Year is a family holiday. Traditionally, we stay at home on this day. In the evening we sit at the table and remember everything that happened to us throughout the year. After dinner we usually leave to meet our friends at the New Year’s tree in the city centre.

A happy and friendly family is based on strong family traditions. There are several traditions in my family that I would like to talk about.

Summer vacation

Every summer our whole family goes on a summer camping trip. For several days we live in a cottage on the lake. We swim in the lake and sunbathe, and sometimes we go for a walk in the neighboring village.

Every day we make a fire and cook food on it. This is a process that unites the whole family. Someone lights a fire, someone chops vegetables and cooks. At this moment, the conversations and laughter do not subside.

Grandma's birthday

Luckily, my grandmother lives not too far from us, so we visit her often. But her birthday is a special day that everyone looks forward to.

On this day, all relatives gather at her house. We have a very large family. I have uncles, aunts, cousins. Grandma's birthday is the day when we all gather around one big table.

Personal achievements

We always help and support each other in different life situations. This helps you become confident and successful. That is why everyone’s personal achievements are a reason for everyone’s joy.

Events such as getting a promotion, going to university, or winning a competition are cause for celebration in my family. On this day, the whole family usually goes to a restaurant and spends the rest of the day together.

New Year

New Year is a family holiday. Traditionally, we spend this day at home. In the evening we sit down at the table and remember what happened in the past year. After dinner we meet our friends at the New Year's party in the city center.