I suffered from the love of Vizbor. The bard of hell Yakusheva died in terrible agony due to lack of painkillers The Three Wives of Yuri Vizbor

Yuri Vizbor's first wife was his classmate, the famous bard and journalist Ada Yakusheva.

They had a daughter, Tatyana, now the presenter of popular music programs on Radio Russia.

The love story of Ada Yakusheva and Yuri Vizbor has become a legend. Many of
those who studied at the institute with them at the same time admitted that they were simply in love with this extraordinary, talented couple.

The childhood of the famous bard is connected with Kuban

The house on Kuznechnaya Street was demolished last year. Few people know that the famous bard Yuri Vizbor first went to school from here in 1941.

His mother was born in Krasnodar, and he himself spent his childhood years here. Maria Grigorievna Shevchenko outlived her son by 15 years.

She died in Moscow in 1999, and soon the author of these lines was found by her granddaughter, Tatyana Vizbor, daughter of Yuri and Ada Yakusheva.

We have known each other for a long time. We met at her mother’s house, where I came one day with the editor of the Yunost radio station. It was an unforgettable evening - with a guitar and long conversations. By that time, Yakusheva and Vizbor already had other families, but their first and such bright love left behind their daughter Tanya and amazing songs. Vizbor sang: “You are alone with me, like the moon in the night...”

Yakusheva echoed: “You are my breath, you are my early morning, you are both the burning sun and the rains. I will exhaust myself, I will become the best, and for this occasion you wait.”

Thousands of lovers repeated these words to each other after them, and the history of the authors’ relationship was overgrown with entire legends.

Only 20 years after death ex-husband Ada decided to publish their letters: she gave me her book “Three Wives Ago” in Krasnodar with a dedicatory inscription: “This correspondence is almost 50 years old, but I boldly hand it over to you, hoping for complete understanding.” By that time, Tatyana Vizbor had already been hosting the “Sunday in Moscow” program on Radio Russia, dedicated to bard song. She and I met from time to time in radio corridors or in the company of mutual friends, sometimes we called back, but Tatyana never said that her father once lived in Krasnodar. And suddenly this call with an unexpected request: after the death of their grandmother, they and their half-sister Anya, the daughter of Yuri Vizbor and actress Evgenia Uralova, were faced with a copyright problem. “We need to prove that Maria Grigorievna was married to Yuzek (Iozas Vizboras, Yuri’s father. - Ed.), - Tanya explained. - He was shot as an enemy of the people in 1938, and grandmother and father, according to her, were then saved by the stamp , placed in the Krasnodar registry office. Perhaps the divorce certificate is preserved in the archives?

The task was almost impossible. After all, Krasnodar survived the occupation and was severely destroyed by bombing. Part of the archive was also destroyed, but - miraculously - the document we needed survived. It was possible to find him through the efforts of many people, each of whom, having learned that we're talking about about Yuri Vizbor, abandoned the most urgent matters and joined the search.

Maria was younger sister my father,” recalls Viktor Shevchenko, Vizbor’s cousin. - At the end of the 1920s, she graduated from medical school and was assigned to Sochi, where she met Jozas Vizboras, a former sailor, Lithuanian. Then we learned that Yuzek, as his family called him, was undergoing rehabilitation there after being wounded. He served in the authorities in Moscow, where he took our Masha. Yura was born in June 1934, I was seven years old then, and I remember how Maria brought her infant son to Krasnodar. I don’t know the reason, but I think it was at this time that she filed for divorce from Yuzek. True, just a couple of months later he himself came to us, picked up Maria and Yurochka and took them to Moscow again. The second time my brother was brought to Krasnodar in 1941, immediately after the start of the war - Yuzek was no longer alive. Yura lived with us for a whole year, I took him to first grade, and just before the occupation, his mother came from Moscow to pick him up.

Grape taste of childhood

According to relatives, Yurin’s father fell under the rink of repression in 1938. Either he himself had done it ahead of time, or Maria Grigorievna, after his arrest, considered it best to “lose” the Baltic ending in her ex-husband’s surname and change his name. So Iozas Vizboras became Joseph Vizbor. Filling out various forms, Yuri for a long time avoided mentioning his disgraced father, who was posthumously rehabilitated only a quarter of a century later. And the Lithuanian relatives of Vizboras themselves found Yuri when films with his participation came out and songs began to sound.

Maria Grigorievna visited her Kuban relatives, and Yuri had only childhood memories of Krasnodar, although he had more than once promised his cousin to come visit.

We met in Moscow when I went there on business,” says Viktor Petrovich Shevchenko. “I remember in the late 1950s I came to his house with a basket of grapes. The father, collecting the gift, said: “Tell Yurka, let him remember the taste of his childhood.” I didn’t know then that he composed songs.

His daughter Lyudmila was the first to hear about it.

At the factory measuring instruments where I worked, young people were fond of hiking,” she says. - Once my friend brought cassettes with recordings of bards from a tourist festival. “Listen,” he says, “what wonderful songs Yuri Vizbor composed.” I gasped: “This is my uncle!”

Igor, younger brother Lyudmila, recalls how Uncle Yura once gave him branded jeans. Then it was a valuable gift, and Igor valued it very much. But it didn’t take long to show off the new clothes: the jeans were stolen in the bathhouse. He says that he almost cried then.

After the release of the film “Seventeen Moments of Spring,” where Yuri Vizbor played Borman, the Krasnodar relatives got through to Moscow.

I shared my impressions of the film with him and said that I really liked the way he played Borman,” says Igor Yasinsky, son cousin Yuri. - And then he burst out laughing and joked that Hitler should send him an iron cross from the other world for this role.

Now Vizbor’s Kuban relatives keep in touch with his daughters and do not lose hope that Tatyana and Anna will still come to the city where their father once lived.

Lyudmila Shevchenko’s home archive contains almost all of Vizbor’s song heritage. It is stored on tape reels, cassettes and disks. These include amateur recordings, the Krugozor magazine with records, and modern CDs. There are also books, letters, posters. One of them, dated June 20, 1986 (Vizbor’s birthday), invited me to an evening in his memory at the Tekstilshchik cultural center in Krasnodar. Among the organizers and participants of that concert was Eduard Goncharov, a journalist, traveler, and documentary filmmaker. And his bard friends also know him as the first chairman of the Krasnodar amateur song club.

Bring on the festival!

It was at the instigation of Vizbor that similar clubs began to appear in the country like mushrooms after rain about half a century ago, says Goncharov. - After all, in addition to writing, he then constantly traveled to mountain camps with a guitar and left his mark everywhere. Gradually, the PCB movement became a mass phenomenon. In addition, Vizbor and Yakusheva managed to create a genre that censorship could not keep track of. True, when the thaw passed, the authorities tried to somehow bring art song clubs under control. But the movement went “into the woods”, where its participants began to hold festivals.

Goncharov met with Yuri Vizbor late autumn 1983, having agreed through mutual friends about an interview.

We talked for three hours then,” recalls Eduard Vasilyevich. - After all, we are from the same generation, we had a common passion - song and mountains. He said that he was baptized in the Krasnodar church on the corner of Severnaya and Sedin, and went to school on Sadovaya Street in first grade. We agreed that next year he would certainly come to Krasnodar. “I’ve been dreaming about this for a long time,” he said.

However, the dream was not destined to come true: on September 17, 1984, Vizbor passed away. He literally burned out in a few months: he returned from another campaign in May, celebrated his 50th birthday in June, and then fell ill. The disease turned out to be incurable...

Today Vizbor's songs are as popular as they were a quarter of a century ago. His “Skis stand by the stove”, “Alexandra, this city is ours with you”, “My dear, forest sun” are heard from the stage and around the fire, and many do not even know their author. And the famous lines “but we make rockets, block the Yenisei, and also in the field of ballet we are ahead of the rest” have not been attributed to anyone over the years!

Modern youth, it seems to me, don’t know Vizbor well,” says Sergei Svashenko, chairman of the Pervomaisky District Court of Krasnodar, an expert and admirer of bard songs. - He once said: “Behind the windows with umbrellas, humanity wanders, robbed by us of love.” And the youth, I think, were robbed by Vizbor - they have other idols, and this is sad.

I would like to propose an idea - to hold a next year, when we celebrate his 75th birthday, the Vizborovsky festival. I’m sure it will gather a lot of talent, because the art song movement is still widely developed in Kuban. I’m ready to join the festival’s organizing committee, and Tatyana Vizbor, as far as I know, has already agreed to come to Krasnodar. It’s a pity that her grandmother’s ancestral home has not been preserved here. But it is absolutely necessary to perpetuate the memory of Yuri Vizbor in the city where he once lived.

Tatiana Pavlovskaya, Krasnodar

And now it’s time to get to know Ada Yakusheva better.

Ariadna (Ada) Adamovna Yakusheva (Kusurgasheva; born January 24, 1934, Leningrad) - Russian poetess, bard, radio journalist.


Ada Yakusheva was born on January 24, 1934 in Leningrad. Her father died during the Great Patriotic War in Belarus, being a commissioner partisan detachment. As a child, Ada studied music in the cello class, but did not graduate from music school. In 1952 she entered the Moscow Pedagogical University state institute them. V.I. Lenin at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature, where she studied simultaneously with future bards and poets Yuri Vizbor, Yuli Kim, Yuri Ryashentsev, writer Yuri Koval, as well as with director Pyotr Fomenko. The Pedagogical Institute was one of the country's main centers of original song, and in 1954, in her second year, Ada began composing songs and poetry.

She graduated from the institute in 1956, and in 1957 she married Yuri Vizbor. Soon their daughter Tatyana was born. In the early 1960s, Yakusheva led a women's song octet and toured with it throughout the country. From 1966 to 1968 she worked as an editor at the Yunost radio station. In 1968, she married radio journalist Maxim Kusurgashev.

Yakusheva released a record on the Melodiya label. Among the singer’s published audio recordings are “Forget it for a while,” “You are my breath,” “ Best songs", "Ada Yakusheva" (in the series "Russian Bards").

In addition, three books by Ada Yakusheva were published - “If you knew”, “The song is my love” and “Three wives ago. The story of one correspondence."

And here is an excerpt from her interview with Express Gazeta correspondent Boris Kudryavov, which was published on January 22, 2009, on the eve of her 75th birthday.
Ada Yakusheva: It was useless to be jealous of Vizbor!

The famous bard and poetess is talking to the TV out of boredom.

The name of one of the founders of modern art song, Ada YAKUSHEVA, has long been overgrown with legends. Yuri VIZBOR considered her his muse and most beloved wife. On the eve of her 75th birthday, Ada Adamovna agreed to give only one interview - to Express Newspaper.

Ada Adamovna, you must be a wealthy person? So many CDs with your songs are sold.
- You won’t believe it, I live on a pension. She is the same as everyone else, small. A long time ago, some company paid 20 thousand. I was so surprised. Nobody pays me copyright.


Tell us about your relationship with Vizbor?
- So much has already been written! It turns out that there were such intrigues around us! Sparks were flying! But we were very friendly. They argued, yelled, made scandals - where would we be without this? Our categoricalness went beyond all possible limits. Can two poets live peacefully next to each other? Thank God they didn't fight. But one could endure a lot from a person like Yura.
- But you still ran away...
- No one was holding anyone back. And most importantly, he didn’t betray! Yurka was constantly in love with someone. And I didn’t lag behind him: there were only fans around. His ex-wives still treat me very decently (Evgenia Uralova and Nina Tikhonova. - B.K.). We have nothing left to share.
Yura had a poetic sense of humor. He was very fond of the expression of our mutual friend Zyama Gerdt - “three wives ago.” Vizbor was legally married to all his wives. Of course, my heart is warmed by the thought that Yakusheva is called Vizbor’s first muse.
After Vizbor ran away from me, they told me: they saw your Yura on television with a beautiful young girl. It turned out that this was our daughter, Tanya.


Where did Vizbor get such a rare surname?
- A distant relative of Yura lives in Lithuania - Grazina Vizboras. We have never met her. Yura didn’t see his father either. He was repressed and shot somewhere in Siberia.
We got married in 1957. I even once had his last name, which was distorted in all sorts of ways. “It’s good that they don’t call him Visborg,” Yura joked. But his patronymic was still distorted: instead of Iozefovich, he became Iosifovich. My daughter Tatyana still has her last name. She was even considered Jewish at school.
- How did you manage to lasso such a ladies' man?
- All the students, including young graduate students, ran after Vizbor. But there was no point in being jealous of him. He was bathed in love. He lived and worked according to its laws. All I could do was suffer. That's what I did - I wrote poems and songs. Yes, at our institute everyone composed something.
My future husbands and I studied at the same institute (Moscow Pedagogical Institute - B.K.). Maxim Kusurgashev (second husband - B.K.) was a witness at Yura and I’s wedding. He took my Tanya with me from the maternity hospital. Yura was on a business trip somewhere at that time.
My Tanya once blurted out: “My mother, of course, is not Nefertiti, but she still grabbed two wonderful men.”

You said earlier that the bard’s song was an outlet from everything that surrounded us. And now what?
- Remember where we sang then? Along the forests and through the clearings. There was nowhere else, the authorities simply didn’t allow it. The Grushinsky festival was banned because some kind of informal audience allegedly gathered there. But not a single politicized, protest song was heard. Even Vysotsky never came there. And now it’s turned out that Oleg Mityaev is singing in the Kremlin!


And I would like to say from our readers and editors: Happy Jam Day, dear Ada Adamovna! Take care of yourself!
- Are you hinting, Borya, that Yakusheva has long been a historical person? Wish me better to live longer and limp less... You know, time flies, but I still really like to rhyme. Here I give to the readers of Express Newspaper:

It became cold. What to do?
Who's warm now?
What was - white snow,
snowy, clouded.
What will happen to us, as we see,
it is not possible to know yet.
And, like Atlantis,
I'm sinking to the bottom.
Wrong - I know that.
Although I’m alive, I’m not alive.
Help me, dear,
stay afloat.

With this I say goodbye to you, friends. To new meeting!

Yuri Vizbor's whole life, all his work was inextricably linked with women. He was always surrounded by many fans, and he himself constantly started new romances and dedicated his songs to new muses. “The keys from different apartments jingle in my pocket” - these lines perfectly reflect his personal life. But the women who really left a mark on his biography were still his wives - Vizbor believed that he should marry the woman he loved.

“Vizbor often repeated Blok’s statement that “only a lover has the right to the title of man.” And I can testify that he was constantly in this state. I suspect that he was trying to sculpt a complete image of the ideal woman for him. And there was no end in sight to this sculptural work.”
Ada Yakusheva

“You are the only one for me...”: Ada Yakusheva

Vizbor met his first wife, Ada Yakusheva, a famous bard and journalist, while studying at the Moscow Pedagogical Institute. Their love became a legend of the institute, and many of those who studied at this university in those years subsequently said that they were in love with this extraordinary talented couple.

When Yuri served in the army after college, they corresponded, and their correspondence was published today in the book “Three Wives Ago” (Vizbor “picked up” this expression from Gerdt, who himself was married three times). And in 1957 they got married.

Ada Yakusheva:

“Oh, my God, what a grief it is to love such a talker!” - these are the lines I wrote when I laid my eyes on Vizbor. And he always had a huge crowd of admirers. But what's the point of being jealous of such a person? Although there were plenty of reasons. Yura always lived by his own unpredictable laws. I still suffered from Vizbor’s loveliness. The “ease” of our relationship seemed to be implied by itself: how can two poets live peacefully next to each other?..
...He left and then came back. He was very amorous. Ran from one skirt to another, like March cat. But, despite all these comings and goings, there always remained a bright relationship between us.”

Again your endless “wait”
He looks through my windows on the white road,
Snow knocks on snowy flooring.
I don't want you to leave.

I don’t want it in the snow and I don’t want it in the heat
I lean against the other shoulder.
Am I strong enough, am I not strong enough?
I don't want you to leave.

I don't care how many years are behind,
I don't care how much trouble lies ahead.
I don't want you to leave.
Don't go or don't come...

Ada Yakusheva

Tatyana Vizbor, daughter of Yuri Vizbor and Ada Yakusheva:

“When I turned 25, my father came to my birthday party with his last wife Ninoy told his mother in front of everyone that if he were young, he would still marry you. It seems to me that even though the breakup was quite painful for both, they were never able to separate completely.”

However, Vizbor could not devote his life to one woman. And even his famous song “You are the only one I have...”, written in 1964, according to some, is dedicated to Ada Yakusheva, and according to others - to Tamara Maslenkova, a climber and skier from Leningrad.

“My dear, forest sun...”: Evgenia Uralova

Vizbor's second wife was the actress of the Theater. Ermolova Evgenia Uralova. They met on the set of Marlen Khutsiev’s film “July Rain.” Evgenia was then married for the second time, to actor Vsevolod Shilovsky.

Evgenia Uralova:
“I arrive at Mosfilm, enter the elevator. Vizbor stands: a worn shirt, worn-out shoes. "Bard!" - I thought respectfully. Then he and I went for a walk and kissed in the drizzling rain. The only thing he said was: “I love you, and you shouldn’t worry about the rest.” They immediately called Seva and reported that I was cheating on him. Looking at him, my heart sank with pity: Shilovsky lost seventeen kilograms. I left under his angry warning: “Look, the mouse’s tears will flow to the cat!” If he knew..."

Tatiana Vizbor:

“My father always said: don’t confuse the lyrical hero of a song with its author. But at that moment, “when my beloved entered my house, there were only a pile of books in the corner,” there was Evgenia Uralova, who entered this house. Just not in the place of my mother Ada Yakusheva. The parents had already separated; there was some kind of passing romance, as far as I know. It turned out that not a single subsequent wife broke up the marriage of the previous one.”

However, the marriage with Evgenia Uralova broke up because of the woman Vizbor married, the artist Tatyana Lavrushina. However, this marriage lasted only a little more than six months and did not leave a special mark on itself - Vizbor was too different from the practical, striving for material security Tatyana. Therefore, his third wife, with whom he lived until the end of his life, is often called journalist Nina Tikhonova.

“Oh, my dear, my incomparable lady...”: Nina Tikhonova

Nina Tikhonova:
“I remember when Vizbor crossed the threshold of my house. I just separated from my second husband. Vizbor came to the birthday of my friend, who lived in a neighboring house, but for some reason she could not celebrate at home. I, as the hostess, greeted the guests. Including opening it to Vizbor. And I immediately saw that he was a man of amazing charm. The second time charming man I haven't met anyone else...
When he walked in, it sank inside: what a interesting man! I lived on the 9th floor on Kutuzovsky Prospekt, and the view from the window was amazing... In the evening, when the lights came on, Vizbor came to the window and also said: “What a view! I guess I won’t leave this house anywhere.” “Time will tell,” I answer...
How many stories he told! I kept thinking: “What an interesting man, what a talent, what a memory!”
And so he began to sing. I have never heard such a targeted performance in my life... And when a person sings in a whisper, looking into your eyes, with such feeling, and everyone freezes, and the songs are such that you will go crazy...
I understood that he liked me: you can’t fool a woman. And he - to me. Later I noticed that in all companies he was a leader. And not because he is noisy and loud, but due to his intelligence and humor...
After that night, I fell in love with this man, and we began a very stormy romance...
I understood what kind of women he had in his life. Ada Yakusheva writes amazing songs. Zhenya Uralova is an actress. Who is Nina Tikhonova? He doesn’t write songs, doesn’t play on stage, and isn’t creative. I was jealous of this. His interest in women lies in a certain direction...
I understood that Yura liked feminine young ladies. I wasn't jealous of women with backpacks...
I thought that he would need an eye and an eye. But it turned out the other way around. He was wildly jealous!.. He thought that I was so irresistible and that fans were hovering around me, he even wrote a song. But no one bothered...
To remain a widow at 45 is a tragedy for a woman. There were, of course, people who offered to share the rest of their lives with them. But I suddenly realized that the rest of my life would be in comparison. And the person who will be next to me does not deserve such an attitude from me. Therefore, one day I clearly decided: I devote this life to only one thing - to the fact that during his lifetime Vizbor did not complete, did not receive, did not... did not... Therefore, I must publish all his books, all his CDs. How to pass on his work to a new generation. I do it."

Another memory of Nina Tikhonova:

“There was a moment in my life that was significant for me. We were going to his friends, I put on mink coat from Germany. Yura comes in, looks and says: “Ning, you chose the wrong person.” If your priority is to always be beautiful, elegant and wear expensive things, then it’s better to break up. I have kayak trips and potatoes by the fire. Take off this nonsense, your friends won’t understand.” But I went in a fur coat and realized from people’s eyes that I had made a colossal mistake. “With such tricks, it won’t be long before you lose Vizbor,” I thought. But still, Yura valued grooming in women, he only disliked excess luxury...
Not a single woman made an easy-going husband out of this man. I told myself: “Don’t try to change him at 40 years old.” He lived half his life and succeeded in everything. And you still need to work a lot on yourself. And that’s why Yura is always right.” From that moment on, our life became like in paradise...
When Yura and I lived, something bad probably happened, but I don’t remember it. The good grew in me like Everest. My mother taught me: “Never be offended.” It seems that resentment is an innocent feeling. But it gives rise to envy, hatred, cruelty. If resentment arises, I tell myself: “Stop!” I play the tape back and look for the reason within myself. Agree, it’s rare for a woman to admit that no one leaves her loved ones, the good ones...
The first thing I saw in him was talent. I often ask: why did God give me these 10 years of happiness? I was unlucky in only one way. When I got the person I could only dream of, I lost him at the speed of sound...
After Vizbor left, I truly realized who I lived with. I was never bored with him for a single minute. It was never like yesterday.”

Yuri Vizbor passed away very early, at the age of 50. In June, just before his anniversary, he was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer, liver metastases, and in September he died. In the hospital, he did not allow himself to be injected with morphine. He had this expression: “Go to the bottom without lowering the flag.” And so he left, according to the recollections of his relatives, while talking with the nurse, complimenting her.

Yuli Kim recalled:

"This September I spoke to him last time by phone. He was hopelessly ill and seemed to know it. His voice was weak, but cheerful.
“In the morning it lets go, and in the evening again...” he said. - Come by some morning, in two days.
- What can I bring you?
Here he hesitated, and then with some half-joking rage he said:
- You know, bring me some poison. Something like that, you know, imperceptible, without smell or taste, and right away.
I seem to have found it:
- Yuri, I don’t really know. Of course, I have potassium cyanide, there’s a whole tank there, but it smells like an infection! Bitter almonds.
Vizbor laughed and immediately, in his rapid-fire way, told me the story of how one man didn’t take potassium cyanide, well, completely, and he blackmailed his family by drinking a glass of the poison in front of their eyes. But one day I forgot that I shouldn’t drink black coffee right after...
- Call me the day after tomorrow. Maybe I'll see you...
But the day after tomorrow it was no longer possible to visit him. And a week later I saw him. But he doesn’t have me..."

Nina Tikhonova:
“In 1981, Yura wrote the song “September will pass on zinc water.” In it, he predicted not only the month of his death, his “touch to the earth,” but also the weather: on the day of his death, “zinc” rain poured like a wall...
...We came up with a story that he had hepatitis and that he was about to get better. He seemed happier. And once, when he had Yulik Kim, Yura told him that he was forced to play a merry fellow in front of Ninon, although he was experiencing unbearable torment and was ready to shoot himself if Yuliy brought him a gun... The man burned out in three months, full of plans and ideas... »

Based on materials from the newspapers “Moskovsky Komsomolets”, “Facts and Comments”, magazines “Caravan of Stories” and “Sobesednik” and websites

(Ariadna Adamovna Yakusheva) - Russian poetess, legend of art song, radio journalist. Member of the Union of Journalists (1973). She occupied a completely special place- being, in the almost completely male context of the first generation of creators of the “art song”, the only female bard. Her songs “bright, pure, sympathetic, charming... They had a short first life. Born on the disastrous edge of a great feeling, they sang at once, in one short breath, and - the string burst, Ada no longer sang... "(D. Sukharev).

Born in Leningrad. His father, a commissar of a partisan detachment, died in Belarus during the Great Patriotic War. As a child, Ada studied cello music, but did not graduate from music school.

In 1952 she entered Moscow State University, but did not pass the competition. In her memoirs she wrote: “Now I am amazed at my audacity, but having firmly decided to enter the journalism department of Moscow State University, an essay on literature at entrance exams I wrote it in verse. A bunch of grammatical errors dashed all my hopes. And only the incomprehensible benevolence of the teachers could explain the fact that they still gave a satisfactory grade, which allowed me to be enrolled in the evening department of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. And a year later the opportunity arose to transfer to full-time work.”.

At the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute named after. V.I. Lenin Ada Yakusheva studied at the Faculty of Russian Language and Literature at the same time as future bards and poets Yuri Vizbor, Julius Kim, Yuri Ryashentsev, Vladimir Krasnovsky, writer Yuri Koval, and future director Pyotr Fomenko. Ada Yakusheva recalled: “All the students, including young graduate students, ran after Vizbor. But there was no point in being jealous of him. He was bathed in love. He lived and worked according to its laws. All I could do was suffer. That's what I did - I wrote poems and songs. Yes, at our institute everyone composed something.”

The Pedagogical Institute was one of the main centers of art song in the country (it was not for nothing that they joked about the abbreviation MGPI that it was not “Moscow Pedagogical Institute”, but “Moscow Singing Institute”), and in 1954, in her second year, Ada began composing songs and poetry. She became the organizer of the student song ensemble of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute. Irina Demakova (Oltarzhevskaya), who led the legendary women's octet of the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute after Ada Yakusheva, recalls that Ada wrote songs very quickly. Someone tried to count them, got to three hundred and got lost. Unfortunately, many of Ada Yakusheva’s songs (especially from her student days) remained unpublished and are now virtually lost.

After graduating from the institute in 1956, she worked for some time as a teacher at Moscow school No. 106, and as a correspondent for the MAI newspaper (1956-1957). In 1958 she married Yuri Vizbor, and in November of the same year their daughter Tatyana was born. Ada Yakusheva said: “It turns out that there were such intrigues around us! Sparks were flying! But we were very friendly. They argued, yelled, made scandals - where would we be without this? Our categoricalness went beyond all possible limits. Can two poets live peacefully next to each other? Thank God they didn't fight. But one could endure a lot from a person like Yura... Yurka was constantly in love with someone. And I didn’t lag behind him: there were only fans around... Yura had a poetic sense of humor. He was very fond of the expression of our mutual friend Zyama Gerdt - “three wives ago.” Vizbor was legally married to all his wives. Of course, my heart is warmed by the thought that Yakusheva is called Vizbor’s first muse. After Vizbor ran away from me, they told me: they saw your Yura on television with a beautiful young girl. It turned out that this is our daughter - Tanya". It only remains to add that when Tanya got married, all three wives of Yuri Vizbor celebrated her wedding together.

In 1964-1965, Yakusheva led a women's song octet and toured with it around the country. In 1965, a program dedicated to the work of Yakusheva was recorded on the Yunost radio station, where her songs were performed by M. Kristalinskaya, E. Kamburova, L. Barashkov, A. Ioshpe and other famous singers at that time. Since 1966, she worked as an editor at the Yunost radio station, where she hosted the most sincere and action-calling program “Hello, Comrade” - about romantics and people for whom heroism is a normal part of life.... Then I met Alla Pugacheva, with whom I was friends for a long time afterwards. “...sang with her on stage in two voices: I was the first, she was the second. Then vice versa. We were sent together from the Yunost radio station to grow potatoes. We were friends for a long time. But I’m still a little older than her... And who was Alla in the 60s? She was just getting started. By that time, Yakusheva had already traveled half the country. True, Pugacheva was a good girl: she didn’t make faces, she didn’t break down. Girlfriend, in a word", - recalled Ada Yakusheva.

In 1968, Ada Yakusheva married radio journalist Maxim Kusurgashev, who was a witness at her wedding to Vizbor: “We studied at the same institute with our future husbands. Maxim Kusurgashev was a witness at Yura and I’s wedding. He took my Tanya with me from the maternity hospital. Yura was on a business trip somewhere at that time. My Tanya once blurted out: “My mother, of course, is not Nefertiti, but she still grabbed two wonderful men.”. In this marriage, Yakusheva had two children - Maxim (1969) and Daria (1973).

In the 70-80s, Ada Yakusheva’s performances became a rare event, although a number of new songs were written and almost all of them were recorded at the Yunost radio station. In the late 70s, when Vladimir Vysotsky, due to illness, was unable to perform a concert in Leningrad, Ada Yakusheva worked out a whole concert program with her songs. There were no people leaving the hall!

Ada Yakusheva’s first solo record appeared only in 1991: the Melodiya company was finally honored to release the solo album “Forget for a while” with recordings from the mid-60s, and in such a meager circulation that the album became a rarity... And before that - only inserts from “Krugozor” and rare poems in songbooks, sometimes even without mention of authorship.

“Ada spread extraordinary light, kindness, tenderness, and sincerity around herself. She lived very quietly and gave us songs that everyone knew and loved. These songs are immortal - they will never be forgotten, like Ada herself"- said the singer of the original song Galina Khomchik. Literary critic Lev Anninsky wrote about Ada Yakusheva: “They told her that she had to remind herself of herself, appear in front of the audience, “otherwise they might forget.” She answered: “It’s okay.” In the sense: and let them forget... So they didn’t forget! The songs became bard classics from the very first performance and remain in the golden fund to this day.”.

Her (probably almost never performed with a guitar) iconic poem for Fantlab, which begins with the line: “Having read all science fiction from cover to cover and loved it for many years...”

©borch for the website (based on network materials)

Biography Note:

There are two videos available:

1. “Evening wanders along the forest paths” performed by Ada Yakusheva with her daughters Tatyana Vizbor and Daria Kusurgasheva (Grushinsky Festival, second half of the 80s).

2. “You are my breath” performed by Tatiana Vizbor and her daughter Varya; guitars: Yura Vizbor Jr., Dima Grigoriev (Fifth concert “Our songs are an amazing life”)

The famous poet, bard, journalist Ada Yakusheva, who died in Moscow as a result of a severe cancer disease, was dying in terrible torment due to the fault of the doctors at the district clinic who refused to prescribe painkillers to a dying woman. But the problem goes deeper than the callousness of individual doctors.

Heartbreaking details have emerged last months the life of the famous poet, bard, journalist Ada Yakusheva, who died in Moscow on Saturday, October 6, at the age of 79.

Details about her mother’s death were told by her daughter Tatyana Vizbor. (Ada Yakusheva’s first husband was the Russian bard, poet, and artist Yuri Vizbor, who dedicated the famous song “You are the only one to me”) to his wife.

“This happened today at 07:45 am in Moscow. She (Yakusheva) had been sick for a long time, for three months already - it was oncology. IN lately She was at home almost all the time, and we only went to the hospital for pain relief. She died calmly and serenely, the pain was relieved,” RIA Novosti quotes Tatyana Vizbor as saying.

But, as it turned out, the agency did not provide all the information about the circumstances of Ada Yakusheva’s death. On Monday night social networks a recording by the famous journalist Irina Petrovskaya circulated, from which it became known what exactly preceded the moment when, according to RIA Novosti, “she died calmly and serenely, the pain was relieved.”

“In our country it’s scary not only to live, but also to die,” . - I just returned from Tatyana Vizbor, the daughter of Ada Yakusheva, who died yesterday. Our beloved Ada. The disease was discovered at the beginning of summer - Ada never went to the doctors, but then it became unbearable: coughing, suffocation. The operation to remove the lung tumor was successful. Ada even rehabilitated herself and began breathing and walking. And then I fainted, and the study showed metastases in the brain, alas, not operable. And then the journey through torment began. District 98th polyclinic of the North-East Administrative District is the Gestapo! A doctor named P*** is Doctor, ***, Mengele!!! Ada, small, fragile, weighing 37 kg (!!!) at the time of her death, was dying in terrible agony, because in this f***ing clinic there was no stamp or MaryIvanna issuing certificates... “Mom is suffering!” - the daughter screamed. “Everyone is suffering!” - the doctors answered her, whom it would be hard to call doctors. On the eve of Ada’s departure, a doctor from the hospice arrived, was horrified by the suffering she was experiencing because the district *** did not prescribe drugs for her, and took her away with him. There she was injected with morphine for the first time, and our beloved Ada probably fell asleep for the first time in a month, turning on her side and placing her fist under her cheek. In the morning she left without suffering,” writes journalist Irina Petrovskaya, who was friends with Ada Yakusheva for many years.

However, according to people who have encountered similar situations, the problem is not only with the heartless doctors of one particular Moscow clinic. Such stories happen all the time, and the worst thing is that this happens, including to children.

“Unfortunately, I know of many cases when cancer patients in district clinics were not given drugs because it was “harmful,” writes blogger Natalia in a comment under Irina Petrovskaya’s note.

The problem is that due to the extremely confusing and complex rules issuing drugs, many doctors, for fear of getting caught, simply do not want to take risks.

“I will give your son drugs, and then my children will be left without a father,” one doctor bluntly told the mother of a screaming child with incurable oncology, who was discharged from the hospital to go home to die. Unfortunately, only hospice doctors have the opportunity to legally competently provide pain relief to cancer patients in the terminal stage, and these institutions are not so easy to get into.

A week ago, the blogosphere was shocked by the material of the Moscow region resuscitator Denis Savchenko, who works at Disaster Medicine, who wrote that medical employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations were completely deprived of the right to use effective painkillers, which should inevitably lead to a sharp increase in mortality during various emergencies. Dr. Savchenko also did not hesitate to compare Russian doctors forced to work “under Krikaine” with Dr. Mengele.

The situation can only be resolved by the intervention of the State Drug Control Service, which must stop the practice of legalized abuse of cancer and other seriously ill patients suffering from severe pain.

Ada Yakusheva was born in Leningrad on January 24, 1934. In 1952, she entered the Moscow State Pedagogical Institute, where she studied with the future famous bards Yuri Vizbor, Yuli Kim and Yuri Ryashentsev. Yakusheva began composing songs and poems in her second year. Among Yakusheva’s most famous songs is “Evening wanders along forest paths.”

Ada Yakusheva’s first husband was Yuri Vizbor, they had a daughter, Tatyana. Vizbor dedicated the famous song “You are the only one for me” to his wife.

Yuri Vizbor himself also died from cancer, having lived only to 50 years.

On video from YouTube: Ada Yakusheva “Other Cities”. Recording from the concert. Music, lyrics by A. Yakushev. Published on May 29, 2012 by user pustinnik50

The first meeting of Ada Yakusheva and Yuri Vizbor took place in V.I. Lenin. It was 1954. Tatiana's parents were not yet known at that time general public. Each of them was looking for their own path in life. Together they began to visit a society of tourists, where, on numerous trips, Ada first began to compose poetry. They got married four years after the meeting, and the newlyweds did not shout about unearthly love for each other; these feelings were the innermost secret of two creative souls.

Ada Yakusheva and Yuri Vizbor: family life

Tatyana Vizbor, daughter of Ada and Yuri, was born in 1958. But the rebellious spirit of the poet did not allow Yuri Vizbor to enjoy the measured times. Sometimes he spent a lot of money on entertainment, while little Tatyana did not even have a stroller. Every day love boat became more and more unsteady, crashing against everyday problems. They parted for a very long and painful time. Tanya's father either left the family or returned again. But Ada Yakusheva once broke all the loose ends by leaving her husband with her daughter.

Then both of Tatyana’s parents started families again. Father, Yuri Vizbor, married three more times. However, he always called Ada his first muse. His famous song “You’re the only one I have” is dedicated to her.


Childhood years passed in great communal apartment on Neglinnaya street. Friends of the parents often gathered there, among whom were musicians, mountaineers, skiers, and journalists. When the girl was very little and had just begun to explore the world, for a long time she could not figure out which of all the many inhabitants of the apartment were the closest to her. After all, all her parents’ friends were affectionate with her, spent a lot of time and constantly treated her to something sweet. When the child's consciousness was formed and Tanya no longer doubted who her mother and father were, kindergarten Another amazing discovery awaited her. For the child, the presence of music in the life of the family was so obvious, because she fell asleep every day to the guitar, that the fact that not all children have parents who are musicians struck her as a child.

Her parents wanted Tanya to grow up as an independent and responsible girl, allowing her to make her own decisions. important decisions. For example, when the family moved to another district of the capital, Tatyana herself decided to transfer to another school, since she had to get to the previous one by trolleybus. She herself wrote an application for transfer and began visiting new school, and the parents who returned from the trip then only put their signatures on all the necessary documents.


Tatyana Vizbor looks very similar to her father. Like her father, she adores active recreation outdoors with a bonfire, tents and guitar. In her youth, she often went hiking with her parents. The daughter of Yu. Vizbor especially remembered the kayak trips that she went on with her dad for ten years. It was on such travels that she met her father's friends - the then famous bards Viktor Berkovsky. Tatyana often speaks in interviews about the parenting methods that her father used. He never had long conversations about good and bad deeds, preferring to show everything by his own example.

For a long time, Tatyana did not know that her parents had separated, because her father did not disappear from her life and devoted a lot of time to communicating with his daughter. Even when he had another family, Yuri Iosifovich tried to eldest daughter with his other children formed friendly relations. And so it happened.

Is it easy to be the daughter of famous parents?

Both Yuri Vizbor and Ada Yakusheva were teachers by training. The daughter also decided to follow in their footsteps and after graduating from school she tried to enter a pedagogical institute. However, she didn’t get the points and didn’t get accepted.

The next year, she already changed her mind and successfully passed the exams at Moscow State University, the Faculty of Journalism, where she made many new friends, just like she who dreamed of broadcasting news and events to the people... It was while a student that the girl realized the scale of her father’s popularity. And before that, it was clear to her that dad writes songs, sings and gives concerts. But when her fellow students began asking to get them tickets to their father’s concert, at first it was a big surprise for Tatyana.

After receiving her diploma, the girl faced serious difficulties. Nobody wanted to hire the daughter of famous parents. God forbid they think it’s due to connections. Even in the youth editorial office, where she received an official assignment, Tatyana was politely shown the door. According to the then chairman of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company Sergei Lapin, labor dynasties belong at the plant, and not at all on radio and television. And this despite the fact that Tanya has been freelancer youth editorial office. And my parents worked in other organizations: my father worked at the creative association “Ekran”, and my mother worked at the radio station “Yunost”.

First job

There was no way out, I had to look for a job not related to journalism. Friends from the faculty helped Tatyana with this. The girl went to work at the Mechanical Engineering Research Institute. She was busy drawing out forms for improvement proposals. The salary was not bad at that time, but the work itself was far from Tatyana’s dreams. Moreover, for good money, one had to comply with very strict strict rules, some of which reached the point of absurdity. For example, the lunch break lasted strictly 48 minutes and not a minute more.

First creative experience

Tatyana Vizbor, whose biography proves that parents’ fame does not always help in life, worked in the field of mechanical engineering for 4 months.

Then one of her father’s friends helped her get one of the ordinary positions at Soyuzinformkino. The salary there was less than at the previous place of work, but it was closer to creativity. At first, Tatiana’s responsibilities included studying printed publications for the purpose of selecting information related to cinema. She cut out everything that was in any way related to the movie, and put the clippings in special archival folders.

A few months later, they began to trust her with more serious work. She was engaged in creating posters and writing notes about films that appeared on cinema screens. Her notes were published in the newspaper Gudok.

Gradually, Vizbor Tatyana Yuryevna realized that she would like to work on the radio. She was interested in reporting on various festivals and talking about events in the film industry. And she did it with pleasure. However, she had to cut out her own voice from the materials, because she continued to be considered just the daughter of celebrities. And Tatyana was forced to write out the fees not in her own name, but in the names of friends and acquaintances, so that those at the top would not find out about her involvement in these materials.

The life and work of Tatyana Vizbor today

Tatyana Vizbor: family

Tatyana herself is the mother of two beautiful children: Yuri and Varvara. They are both creative people.

Daughter Varvara enjoys performing songs written by her grandfather. She rightly believes that Yuri Vizbor’s songs will never become outdated. With her friend Sergei Khutas (jazz musician and composer) she created a musical project called “Vizbor V.S. Khutas", in which they perform songs by Yuri Vizbor in a modern arrangement.

As Tatyana Vizbor herself says, the children themselves chose their paths in life. She, like a mother, always supports them in their endeavors. For example, realizing that my son has undoubted musical abilities, the parents took the boy to a music school. However, the rigor of the pedagogical approach and academicism in teaching alienated little Yura. Then Tatyana Vizbor, whose husband supported her in this decision, did not force her son to attend music school, allowing him to go his own way. Now Yuri (Vizbor Jr.) is successfully demonstrating his abilities: performing, composing, and interpreting-arranger. People like him are the future of the original song.

Varvara Vizbor on the project “The Voice”

Varvara Vizbor took part in the popular project “The Voice”, but during the blind audition none of the jury members turned to her. But Yuri Vizbor’s song “Winter” performed by the girl made an indelible impression on the entire audience. And Polina Gagarina admitted that she liked Varvara’s performance, but she did not expect that the song would be so short and simply did not have time to turn around.

Tatyana Vizbor doesn’t really like to talk about herself in interviews. Her personal life has turned out well: she is happily married to her husband and the father of her children. Willingly answers questions about creative path parents and about the successes of their daughter and son, preferring to remain silent about themselves. But she is one of the most famous radio journalists of our time, and even writes wonderful songs and poems.