Return of goods within 14 days clothing. How to return clothes to a store legally? What to do if the goods are not accepted

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Consumer Protection Law

The right to exchange or return the purchased product by the buyer is provided for by the provisions of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.

In accordance with the provisions of this Law, goods purchased in a store can be returned, but only if the buyer meets specific conditions .

Thus, according to Article 25 of the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, if a person wants to return a quality product, then he has only 14 days from the date of purchase to do so. The specified period is counted from the day following the purchase.

For a return, the reason that the item does not suit the buyer according to certain parameters (style, dimensions, size, equipment) is sufficient.

It will not be possible to return a quality item by specifying a different reason, since the law does not provide for such a possibility.

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Return goods to the store within two weeks

The possibility of exchanging goods or returning them is also provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

This right is stated in Article 502 of the Code - any consumer has the opportunity, within 2 weeks from the date of purchase, to change an item if it is of high quality, but does not meet certain parameters. A longer period can be set by the seller himself.

Remember! Both articles: the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (502) and the Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” (25) talk about quality goods that were not suitable for their customers for one reason or another.

For example, a purchase is not the right size for a person, he doesn’t like its color, the style is wrong, questions arise regarding the completeness. The seller does not have the right to refuse the buyer's request to exchange his purchase or return it.

Please note! In this case, the item must not have signs of use, the packaging must be intact, and all receipts must be present. They are the ones who can confirm the purchase of goods in a particular store. But the absence of receipts is not regarded as a hopeless situation - an exchange or return is possible even in this case. In such circumstances, only witness testimony can help.

If there are witnesses to the purchase, by law you have the right to return the purchase back to the store.

In this case, the buyer should try to exchange his purchase for another. If the item could not be exchanged for a similar one with the characteristics specified by the buyer, then you can return the purchased clothing.

When a return occurs, the funds paid for the purchase are transferred to the buyer in full. The maximum period for compensation is three days. Money transferred from the card is returned to the same account.

How to return an item you don't like after 14 days

Legal features of the implementation of the rights (obligations) of sellers and buyers are listed in a separate law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. It also talks about the quality of the product, the timing of the work, exchange (return).

As stated earlier, a person can return a purchased item within 14 days. At the end of the period specified by law, it will be almost impossible to return a quality item.

Important! You should also know that when calculating the specified period, the day of the purchase is not taken into account. That is, 1 day of the specified period begins from the next day after the purchase.

After the two-week period, you can only return an item of low quality, with defects or defects.

How to return an unsuitable item to a store with a receipt

If you have a receipt for purchasing the product, you can return the item you don’t like back to the seller without any delay.

Remember! To ensure that the seller accepts your returned item, you should do the following:

  • make sure that appearance the product has remained unchanged, that the item being returned shows no signs of wear;
  • provide a payment document (payment receipt) confirming the fact of purchase of the goods (date, place);
  • make sure that the returned goods are not included in the list of purchases that, by law, cannot be returned (Resolution No. 55 of January 19, 1998 “On approval of the rules for the sale of certain types of goods, the list of durable goods that are not subject to the buyer’s requirement for free provision him for the period of repair or replacement of a similar product, and a list of non-food products of inadequate quality that cannot be returned or exchanged for a similar product of a different size, shape, size, style, color or configuration).

If the receipt is lost, the consumer has the opportunity to use the help of witnesses to the purchase - they will confirm the fact of purchase.

When returning an item, go to the store with the person who saw you buy it. Instead of a check, you can use analogues - receipts, a tag with the value written on it, etc.

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample application for the restoration of a lost check:

Watch the video. How to return an item to the store:

Lack of receipt is not a hindrance

The seller does not have the right to refuse to return the purchased goods to a visiting buyer, even if he does not have a receipt with him. Losing a receipt does not mean it is impossible to legally return a purchase.

Paragraph 5 of Article 18 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” states that even if the buyer does not have a receipt (sales or cash register), or other payment document indicating the purchase and terms of purchase, he has the right to count on the satisfaction of his legal requirements, and the seller cannot refuse this.

If the payment was made using a bank card, this fact can be easily proven; just request the necessary information from the bank. Subject to availability mobile banking You can simply show the seller the statement displayed on the screen of your mobile device.

Attention! The fact that a purchase was made in a particular store can be certified by witnesses. At the same time, almost any person who catches you in a store purchasing goods can say: “I really saw how he bought a sweater from you.” And this will be quite enough.

In addition, store representatives can use the computer database, find exactly your receipt and re-print it.

Rules for filing a claim

Before heading to the store, fill out a written application. Only 2 copies are required.

Don't forget your sales receipt and personal passport. The original receipt always remains with the buyer - it cannot be transferred to the seller. A receipt (sales receipt, cash receipt) and a warranty card must be attached to the completed application; however, only photocopies of documents are used.

What exactly does the statement mean:

  • where is it addressed? As the recipient, indicate the director of a specific store (all necessary information about the seller can be found from the available payment documents);
  • Who exactly is sending the application? Indicate information about yourself - your last name, first name and patronymic, address information, contacts.

Then outline the essence of the problem, that on such and such a day you came to the store where you purchased such and such an item. Explain what exactly the claims are. Describe in detail why you are returning the item or requesting its replacement due to any defects or malfunctions, or due to what specific parameters.

Please indicate what you want:

  • return funds;
  • replace the item with another one of high quality with other acceptable parameters;
  • leave a low-quality item, however, subject to a reduction in its price, etc.

This document is presented directly to the store seller or to the manager. A copy of the claim remains with the buyer, the second is given. If you refuse to accept a complaint, send it postal service and attach a notice to the letter (it will be useful in case of trial).

ATTENTION! Look at the completed sample claim for the return of goods of good quality:

Document review period

This issue is directly addressed by the legislator in Articles 20-22 of the Law.

Please note! Here's what they say about the deadlines:

  • defects concerning the product must be corrected as soon as possible. The law defines a time frame for eliminating identified deficiencies - a total of 4 days;
  • if during the repair period it is necessary to replace the product with the same one with similar characteristics, 3 days are given,
  • replacement of an item - within a week from the date on which the claim is received, if a quality examination is carried out on the issue - 20 days are provided, if there are no similar goods - a month;
  • when the buyer makes demands (to reduce the cost, to compensate for losses from self-correction of product defects, to return the entire cost of clothing, to reimburse expenses in connection with the purchase of low-quality items and those incurred due to failure to provide information on the product) - 10 days are given.

The law outlines the right of the judiciary to decide to impose a fine on the seller in case of disagreement with the fulfillment of the consumer’s legal requirements.

Attention! If during the appropriate period the claim is left without consideration, or the seller considers it necessary to send a justified refusal, then go to court and resolve the controversial issue this way.

Supplement the requirements when drawing up a claim with compensation, compensation for penalties, and a claim for lost income. Remember that in addition to actual costs, moral damages and costs associated with the consideration of the case are recovered from the culprit.

It doesn’t matter whether you ultimately received an answer to your claim or not, and the fact that you missed the deadline for filing a claim doesn’t matter either.

Appeal to a judicial authority

You can file a claim either in handwritten or printed form, there is no difference. How exactly to file a claim in court, how it is considered, and what requirements apply to the content statement of claim, is established by the Civil Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

Remember! If the documents are drawn up without taking into account the basic requirements, completely arbitrarily, the court will not accept them and will not consider them.

Before asking for help judiciary, decide what requirements you will put forward. Determine who exactly is the defendant in the case.

Correctly determine the court where the application will be sent. Since cases of this category are considered in every court.

When drawing up a document, imagine that you are an outside observer; it will be more convenient to present all the circumstances of the case in the most accessible form and in detail.

No abbreviations or commonly known acronyms are used. When describing problematic situation be based only on factual data.

Indicate when (date) and where (location) the violation occurred. Requirements must be justified and based on the rights violated.

Its consumer properties must also be preserved. You cannot use the product and then return it. It is advisable that the receipt be kept when returning. What can't be returned? What types of clothing cannot be returned? There are some items that cannot be returned to the store. Their list is quite large, but the only clothes that cannot be returned are linen, sewing and knitwear, as well as hosiery. All other clothing, including children's clothing, can be returned or exchanged. Rules In order to return or exchange an item in a store, you will need to write a special application. You need to have a passport or other document that proves your identity with you. The seller has the right not to accept other documents.

Is it legal to return clothes to a store?

The application must indicate the following information:

  1. Full name of the retail outlet where the purchase was made;
  2. Contact and personal details of the applicant;
  3. Reasons for return or exchange;
  4. Customer requirements indicating how the request will be satisfied (for example, if the request is a return cash, the customer can provide bank details);
  5. Information about accompanying documentation (receipts, videos, etc.);
  6. Date of delivery of the application to the seller.

The claim must be written in two copies: one for personal use, the second for the seller. After completing the application, you must personally visit the retail outlet and hand over the document with the claims to the seller. Next, both parties must sign statements.

Is it legal to return clothes to a store?

Availability of a document confirming the purchase, special significance does not have. The absence of a receipt does not give the seller the right to refuse to satisfy the buyer’s legitimate demands. Wardrobe items that cannot be returned or exchanged:

  • underwear;
  • stockings, tights and socks.

Any other clothing is subject to exchange and return.

back to contents Rules for returning defective items An essential reason for returning a purchase is the presence of defects in the clothing. If a defect is discovered, if the seller did not warn about it initially, the buyer has the right, given by the legislator, to return the purchased item to the store. Returns can be made within 14 days from the date of sale.

Discounted clothing, if any flaws are found, can also be returned to the store.

How to return clothes to a store legally?

Returning goods purchased from the ZENDEN online store

  • Return of goods
  • How to return worn shoes to the store? (1 of 2)
  • Exchange and return
  • Registration of return of goods to a foreign supplier

Business forum of small and medium-sized businesses In the Komsomol "I read the following": The packaging, labels, etc. were not preserved, if you "tailored the purchase to yourself" - sewed in the skirt, shortened the trousers, etc. and in the process of wearing you a defect has surfaced, a defect, you have the right to a refund of all the money.” And the seller does not have the right to reduce the price, demand the presence of packaging, labels, but is obliged to return the money unconditionally.” - - we sell a product, customize it to the buyer, he wears it, after a month the thing becomes boring, tired, all colleagues and friends have seen it, in general, he wants a new one! then this buyer takes a pin, pokes it a couple of times on the fabric, or takes a puff, or the seam is unraveling, but you never know what you can think of.

Returning clothes to a store - return rules

The procedure for exchanging quality goods The process of returning clothing of proper quality is practically no different from the process of returning defective clothing. If the item does not fit in size, style or color, the buyer can return it to the store within 2 weeks. Conditions for returning and exchanging clothing of good quality:

  • the item has not been used;
  • saved presentation;
  • presence of factory labels;
  • availability of a document of purchase.

Lack of receipt has no of great importance, the consumer may refer to witness testimony.


When returning clothes to the store, the buyer must present an identification document to the seller. It is possible that in order to satisfy the requirements, you will have to write a corresponding statement or claim. The purchaser's requests for the exchange of clothing are satisfied immediately, on the day of application, if available.

Return of worn goods

The consumer's right to exchange goods of proper quality

  1. The consumer has the right to exchange a non-food product of proper quality for a similar product from the seller from whom this product was purchased, if the specified product does not fit in shape, dimensions, style, color, size or configuration. (as amended by Federal Law No. 212-FZ of December 17, 1999) The consumer has the right to exchange non-food products of proper quality within fourteen days, not counting the day of its purchase. An exchange of a non-food product of proper quality is carried out if the specified product has not been used, its presentation, consumer properties, seals, factory labels, as well as the sales receipt or cash receipt issued to the consumer along with the specified product are preserved.

Return of worn goods

Thus, swimsuits, lingerie (underwear), stockings, socks, and knee socks are not subject to exchange or return if they suit you in terms of quality. In other cases, goods with factory tags are accepted for exchange (it is unlikely that you will be able to return clothes without a tag, although they may be cut off). In this case, the product must have an appropriate presentation and must not be worn.

When exchanging goods, it is desirable to have a commodity/ cash receipt. You can also return a purchase without a receipt, but only if the buyer brings a direct witness of the purchase to the store. An unsuitable product can be replaced with a similar one (if it is available in the store or warehouse).
The buyer may also request a refund, which the seller must return within 3 days after receiving the goods. Tip #3.

Should I accept returns of used clothes or not?

The remaining conditions for returning clothes online are the same as in the cases listed above. back to contents What to do if the seller is against it? In practice there are often conflict situations when the seller, taking advantage of the buyer’s legal ignorance, behaves in bad faith and refuses to satisfy the latter’s legal requirements. In such a case, the consumer has every right to demand protection of his interests in court. You can return clothes to the store, but it is better to be more responsible in choosing them in order to save your own nerves, money and time in the future.
Rules for returning items to the store in this video: Did you like the article? Follow site updates on VKontakte or Twitter.

The courier records the final cost of the purchase in the documents (receipt), signs on the receipt and leaves it with you, along with the purchased goods, takes back the items that do not fit. Return of already purchased goods is possible within 14 days from the date of receipt of the order, if the presentation, consumer properties of the goods, labels, as well as documents confirming the fact of purchase of these goods are preserved (please keep the cash receipt!). How to return worn shoes to the store? (1 of 2) To return shoes to the store, you must first make sure that the period during which the buyer has the right to return the item to the store has not passed. Moreover, you should familiarize yourself with the return and exchange rules of the store where the shoes were purchased. This procedure is not always allowed in stores; not very honest entrepreneurs do this.

Returning clothes

How to return clothes to a store without a receipt? Returning clothes without a receipt If the buyer has lost the receipt, then returning the clothes to the store will be more difficult. An alternative to a check may be.

Most often, clothes are returned to the store within the first 14 days. This rule applies only to high-quality clothing that does not fit in size, color or style. But sometimes there is a need to return clothes to the store for another reason - due to a manufacturing defect. This issue is especially relevant for fur coats and other outerwear (coats, down jackets), as well as expensive branded items. Such clothes take a long time to buy and are quite expensive. Especially for readers of the site - simple and clear instructions on how to get your money back for defective clothes.

The main problem with low-quality clothing is that they usually do not have a warranty period. By law, you can make claims regarding the quality of such goods within 2 years from the date of purchase. However, you yourself will have to prove to the store that the defect was a manufacturing defect - it arose before the goods were delivered to you or for reasons that arose before that moment. This is stated in paragraph 5 of Article 19 of the Russian Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”. To prove in practice means “to carry out an independent examination at your own expense.”

How to get money back for defective clothes:

  1. We are trying to do without an examination.
    We write a complaint to the store “for a fool.” There is always a chance that the store will immediately admit its mistake and return the money or wish to do the examination itself.
  2. We decide whether it is advisable to do an examination.
    We compare the cost of clothing and examination. If the clothes are more expensive, and the price for expert services is not very high, we order an independent examination. You can try to get a preliminary consultation from experts first (this costs an order of magnitude cheaper than an examination). At such a consultation, you will be told whether it is worth doing an examination at all, and whether it can confirm the presence of a manufacturing defect.
  3. We do an independent examination.
    It is highly advisable to invite store representatives to the examination. Let them see the defects in the product with their own eyes and ask the expert questions as they investigate. If your issue with a refund for defective clothing is not resolved based on your claim and you go to court, the store’s presence at the pre-trial examination will help eliminate unnecessary questions. We receive a ready-made expert opinion, pay for the experts’ services and be sure to pick up the contract and checks.
  4. We are writing a complaint to the store.
    Based on Article 18 of the Consumer Protection Law, you can, at your choice, demand a refund for the clothing or an exchange. Of course there are other options ( proportionate reduction prices, warranty repairs, reimbursement of repair costs), but in the case of clothing, they are probably not very relevant. Of course, in the claim we include a clause on reimbursement of examination costs - these will be your losses caused by the sale of goods of inadequate quality. . We attach a copy to the complaint. expert opinion, contracts for examination and checks for its payment. The store has 10 days for a refund or 7-20 days for an exchange(20 - if additional quality control is required).
  5. If there is no positive answer, we go to court.
    In a claim for the protection of consumer rights, you can file demands for a refund for the goods (exchange), reimbursement of the costs of an independent examination, payment of a penalty - 1% of the price of the goods for each day of delay, recovery of compensation for moral damage and a fine under clause 6 of Art. .13 of the Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights”. The procedure for calculating the penalty can be viewed

Before you cut something, think about whether you are in a hurry to buy this thing. If the receipt is lost at the time of return, the product can be returned if there is a receipt indicating its name, date and place of purchase. The seller can meet the buyer halfway, accept the goods without a receipt and receipt, based on the preserved copies in computer system accounting or a copy of the cash receipt kept by him. The receipt can be restored to the date of purchase. The easiest way to restore it is to pay for the goods using a plastic card. In this case, all necessary information. In turn, the purchase can be confirmed with a bank printout, which will indicate the date, product, amount and place of payment.

Is it legal to return clothes to a store?

Without a receipt Returning clothes without a receipt will be a little more difficult. In this case, other saved documents for the product can help: instruction manual, receipt for the tear-off coupon, user manual.
These documents must contain information about the seller, the name of the product, its cost and date of purchase. But even if no documents have been preserved, it is quite possible to return the item.

In this case, you can refer to witness testimony. The witness can be the person who accompanied you while buying clothes, or the seller himself who remembers you.


In the case of a salesperson, some difficulties may arise, because sometimes management tells cashiers “not to remember” customers. The procedure for filling out an application for an exchange without a check is exactly the same as for an exchange with a check.

The store may ask you for a passport if you return clothes on a day other than the day you purchased them.

How long can a purchased product be returned to the seller by law?

Returning children's clothing to the store is also possible if the buyer has met all the requirements for the return conditions. What clothes cannot be exchanged or returned? Underwear, stockings, tights, stockings or leg warmers cannot be returned. Is it possible to return clothes bought in a store if you don’t like them? A product that has tags and proper appearance is subject to exchange within 14 days, not counting the date of purchase (if you have a sales receipt or other document that would confirm the fact of the purchase). Is it possible to return clothes to the store if the tags have been torn off? If it has been cut or torn a small paper tag that was attached to the product at the time of purchase, it is not subject to exchange/return.

Application for return of clothing - sample A sample application for the exchange of unsuitable goods (clothing, shoes) has a certain table of contents, that is, it is filled out in a strict form.

Returning clothes to a store - return rules

Its consumer properties must also be preserved. You cannot use the product and then return it. It is advisable that the receipt be kept when returning.
What can't be returned? What types of clothing cannot be returned? There are some items that cannot be returned to the store. Their list is quite large, but the only clothes that cannot be returned are linen, sewing and knitwear, as well as hosiery.
All other clothing, including children's clothing, can be returned or exchanged. Rules In order to return or exchange an item in a store, you will need to write a special application.

You need to have a passport or other document that proves your identity with you. The seller has the right not to accept other documents.


If you want to find out how to solve your particular problem, please contact the online consultant form on the right or call the free consultation numbers: To solve such a problem, a person who finds himself in the role of a buyer must know and be able to defend the rights established by law to protect his own interests. We’ll talk about the procedure for returning clothes to a store legally in this article.

Is it possible to return the kit? bed linen to the store? Find out the answer right now. back to contents Can I return a wardrobe item? Questions regarding the return of defective or low-quality clothing arise quite rarely. Everything is clear here - the seller must reimburse the buyer for the amount of money spent on purchasing a defective wardrobe item.

But it happens that the purchase does not fit the person in size or simply no longer likes it. There is a solution to this problem in legislation.

Is it legal to return clothes to a store?

In a clothing store, we are surrounded by salespeople who, in order to fulfill the plan, with a smile and cheerful chirping, mislead us regarding quality, size and style. When you come home, you often find that your trousers are short, your jacket sleeves are long, and the seams are unraveling even before you start wearing them.

  1. What can't be returned?
  2. Return Policy
  3. Reasons for return
  4. Returning goods of inadequate quality
  5. Returning children's items

What can't be returned? A list of non-returnable items has been established:

  • ribbons, braid, lace (regardless of material and fabric);
  • underwear items;
  • related to socks and hosiery.

These restrictions are quite logical and justified by compliance with hygiene rules.

Is it possible to return an item to the store without explanation and for how long?

    • After how many days can I legally return a product?
  • After how many days can I legally return a product?
    • General rules returning goods
    • Is it possible to return clothes to the store?
    • Good morning
    • Return rules for quality and low-quality goods to the store
    • How to legally return clothes to a store
    • How long can I return a product to a store under the 2018 law?

After how many days can I legally return a product? General rules for returning goods B this issue there are a lot of different opinions. However, the hierarchy of the legislative system itself places codes slightly higher than federal laws. At the same time, in.

How many days to return clothes?

The procedure for exchanging quality goods The process of returning clothing of proper quality is practically no different from the process of returning defective clothing. If the item does not fit in size, style or color, the buyer can return it to the store within 2 weeks.

Conditions for returning and exchanging clothing of good quality:

  • the item has not been used;
  • preserved presentation;
  • presence of factory labels;
  • availability of a document of purchase.

The absence of a receipt does not matter much; the consumer can refer to witness testimony. When returning clothes to the store, the buyer must present an identification document to the seller.

It is possible that in order to satisfy the requirements, you will have to write a corresponding statement or claim. The purchaser's requests for the exchange of clothing are satisfied immediately, on the day of application, if available.

How many days after can you return an item to the store by law?

This procedure is necessary for accounting. You may also need to fill out a Lost Check Report. These steps will make returning clothing much easier. If all of the above conditions are met, the seller is obliged to exchange the clothes or return the money you paid for them if exchange is not possible. Without a tag It is impossible to return clothing without a tag or label, since according to the law it must retain its salable condition. All tags must be present. Without them, the seller has no right to exchange it for you. Poor quality This is how you can return or exchange clothes of good quality. But what if the quality of the product is inadequate? The process of returning low-quality clothing is almost the same as the process of returning goods of good quality.

How long can prepayment be returned under the 2018 law?

Exchange or demand a refund for defective clothing. Have you found any defects or defects? Here are several options to solve the problem:

  • Replacement poor quality product for similar quality
  • Replacing the product with a similar product of a different model or trademark(if the price does not match, recalculation is carried out)
  • A proportionate reduction in the price of a product that has defects
  • Free elimination of the defect by the seller or compensation for the costs of its elimination by the buyer/third party
  • 100% money back

All claims can be made during the warranty period (for 2 years, if the warranty period for the product is not specified or determined). Having discovered a defective product, the consumer makes a claim in writing, clearly stating the requirements.

The Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” provides for situations when a purchased item can be returned back to the store shelf. How to do this correctly? And how long might this take? Read in the article.

What does the law allow?

The Law “On Protection of Consumer Rights” allows:

  • within two weeks, not counting the day of its purchase. In this case, the item may not be suitable in size, style, cut, color, and so on.
  • You can return a non-defective item back to the store if the item has not been worn or washed, i.e. upon return has the same external characteristics, as at the time of purchase. Tags, labels and price tags must not be cut off from the purchased item.
  • Clothing can be returned to the store upon presentation of the receipt issued at the time of purchase.
  • If the consumer is not satisfied with the purchased item, then in the store he can not only return it, but also exchange it for a similar one in a different color or size.
  • If, when returning clothes, there are no similar clothes, the buyer can either ask for a refund in exchange for returning the item of clothing, or negotiate and wait until a similar item appears in the store again.
  • The consumer has the right not only to return the clothing to the store, but also to exchange it for another item of clothing with recalculation of the cost of payment.

The most important thing when returning clothes back to the store is preservation appearance clothes.

What clothes cannot be returned?

  • Underwear.
  • Tights, socks, stockings, leggings.

Preparing for return

  • Before going to the store, check the condition of the clothes you want to return. If there are ties or other flaws on it that indicate that the item has been used, then you will definitely be denied a return.
  • Make sure that all labels, stickers, tags that were on the item at the time of purchase are retained.
  • Find the receipt given to you after purchasing the item.
  • Take your passport or other document proving your identity with you.
  • In the store, present all of the above, indicating the reason for the return.

Legitimate reasons

  • The item turned out to be defective: it has ties, holes, uneven seams, etc.
  • The item turned out to be the wrong style for you. In the fitting room it seemed to you that it suited you, but in the home mirror it seemed different.
  • The item turned out to be the wrong size.
  • The clothes I bought turned out to be of a different shape.

Actions in the store

  • After stating the reason, the seller will ask you to fill out a special application.
  • In the application, write down your personal data: last name, first name, patronymic, as well as serial number and passport number.
  • Next, the application states the name of the product, as well as its value at the time of purchase.
  • Afterwards the date of purchase is indicated.
  • The refund amount for returned clothing is indicated.
  • The seller and consumer sign at the end of the application.


The law provides for a three-day period for consideration of an application submitted by a consumer. Afterwards, the buyer must be refunded the amount spent for the clothes, or offered an exchange.

How to return clothes to a store without a receipt?

If the buyer has lost the receipt, it will be more difficult to return the clothes to the store. An alternative to a check can be:

  • Rules for wearing clothes. Often issued along with the item.
  • The receipt that came with the check. It contains the name of the item of clothing, the day of purchase, and information about the servicing seller.
  • A person who was next to the buyer at the time of purchasing clothes. He will be able to confirm the fact of purchasing specific clothes in a specific store.

The rules for returning clothes to the store are similar to the rules for returning with a receipt. In addition to the main application, store management may ask you to fill out an additional application regarding the loss of a receipt.

Is it possible to return clothes to the store without tags?

If you cut off the tag of purchased clothing, then such clothing cannot be returned or exchanged.

How to return clothes that are defective?

Before describing the procedure in this case, we list the characteristics of clothing that are considered defects:

  • Stains, stains.
  • The fabric is worn down to holes.
  • Broken zippers.
  • No buttons.
  • Defective buttons.
  • Sloppy seams
  • Sticking threads.
  • Breaks in stitches.

In the store you also write, after which the item is sent for examination. If a manufacturing defect is discovered, store employees will offer the buyer an exchange or refund the cost of the returned clothing. If not, the clothing will be returned to the buyer without payment of appropriate compensation.

What to do if a store refuses to accept clothes?

  • If the seller refuses to accept the item back or accept the application for examination, then it is better to first contact the general manager of the store.
  • If he refuses to satisfy your demands, then next comes the consumer protection service.
  • The most extreme option is litigation.

Sample documents