No need to litter! Interesting selection of posters. Separate waste collection - the clearest and simplest instructions About the selection of anti-garbage posters

Day recycling celebrated around the world on November 15th. How to start sorting waste at home and where to take it?

For some reason, many people are sure that the garbage they throw into the garbage chute or the nearest bin in their yard is sent to a parallel Universe. But waste, whether we like it or not, ends up in a landfill, firstly, it poisons the environment, and secondly, it boomerangs back to us in the form of substances hazardous to health.

Environmentalists propose separate collection and recycling of waste as a solution to this problem. Moreover, many Russians are already ready for separate collection. This is confirmed by the surveyVTsIOM, and, for example, recentvoting results of a crowdsourcing project to discuss the Environmental Strategy of Moscow until 2030 . Again, as research shows, the problem of garbage is pressing in the opinion of Russians.

To understand the problem, you need to try to assess its scale. Every year 3.5 billion tons of waste accumulate in Russia. Russia's landfills cover an area of ​​more than 4 million hectares, and the area continues to grow.

In general, the situation with separate collection in our country could already be different - the issue of collecting and processing recyclable materials has long been on the agenda. Back in August 2012, among the first decisions of President Putin after the inauguration, in fact, along with the “May decrees”, a decree was issued on holding the Year of Protection environment. Already in November 2012, Vladimir Putin instructed the Government to ensure the introduction of amendments to the State Duma by mid-December federal legislation about waste, which should actually determine the priority of waste processing over its disposal in landfills and incineration. In his statements, the president puts the garbage problem on a par with ensuring security in the country. Environmental specialists have been waiting for these amendments for more than 10 years. But, despite the clearly stated task, amendments to the legislation were suddenly adopted only at the very end of 2014, having undergone noticeable changes. During this period, Vladimir Putin repeatedly gave repeated instructions to speed up and complete the work on reform in the field of waste management. The reasons for the delay were voiced by relevant departments and experts: “garbage lobby”, “industrial”, “business”, “construction” and even “packaging” lobby. Even now, those in charge are in no hurry to implement a widespread system of selective waste collection and recycling.

For example, in the summer of 2015, the head of the Moscow Department of Natural Resources Management and Environmental Protection said that Moscow “shouldn’t rush” with separate collection, so the Department in the near future does not plan to develop a system of selective waste collection within walking distance. He and many of his colleagues from the vast majority of regions of the country refer to the fact that citizens are “not ready.” The Russians answered and continue to answer this both in the framework of opinion polls and in spite of everything by sorting waste at home, that they have been ready and waiting for a long time. So, this year, as part of the “Unified Day of Action for Separate Collection,” hundreds or even thousands of Russians plan to express their opinions. Anyone can join by taking a photo with a special poster against the backdrop of a landmark in their city and publishing the photo in social networks with an appeal to the mayor or governor. You can find posters for each city in the promotion group, post your photo there too. Photos will be accepted until November 20, after which the organizers will collect a “people's map” of readiness for separate collection.

However, many do not fully understand how this whole process is carried out, and they think that organizing separate waste collection at home is an impossible task for an unprepared person. But this is just the first in a series of myths and misconceptions about separate collection. In reality, no special training is not needed, you just need to study the question, how simple instructions will help.

The second misconception, which is generally unknown where it came from and who is replicating it, is that in order to collect and hand over recyclables, you need to put 5 different trash cans in each corner. In fact, in general, you can simply divide all waste into two parts - non-recyclable and recyclable, which are already sorted by type at the point. Or you can immediately install it in the apartmentconvenient combinations of several containers, for example, stackable ones with a lid or several bags with which you can immediately go to the point. Don't forget to rinse the container to remove leftover food and drinks so you can store it until removal. Many collection points do not accept dirty containers so as not to create unsanitary conditions.

IN at the moment in Russia, of course, not all types are recyclable household waste, but still a fairly extensive list: plastic, paper and cardboard, metal, glass, multilayer packaging TetraPak . 50 to 80 percent waste ordinary family can be processed in Russia now. But there are exceptions here too. For example, you cannot hand in transport cards (because of the chip inside), checks (they contain almost no cellulose), napkins, egg trays (they are last stage life of waste paper), dirty paper and cardboard (they will contaminate the future batch of recycled paper). In the case of plastic, you need to pay attention to the markings. Plastic marked “3” and “7” is currently not accepted from the population for recycling, and bottles from vegetable oil and polystyrene foam cannot be handed over at all.

Where to donate collected recyclables? Here we come to the third myth - that we completely lack waste collection infrastructure, as well as plants for their processing. In reality, there are more points than you think. Some have been preserved from Soviet times, as well as large number is opening now, new points are appearing “like mushrooms after rain.” Most of them were collected by activists

Where can I sell cigarette ashes? The story that cigarette ashes are very valuable, and pharmacies and some enterprises are ready to pay a lot of money for the ashes, has migrated from real life to the network. And the gullible Buratins have no idea that if cigarette ash were worth the money they offer for it, then cigarette manufacturers would simply burn their products! So where did the legend of the priceless cigarette ash?
It's all due to ordinary human greed and the desire for easy money. And if there are naive people who believe in wonderful and easy ways to make money, then there are also enterprising people who are ready to make money from naive simpletons. Moreover, the scheme that scammers use is very simple: an advertisement is placed for the purchase of completely useless nonsense such as cigarette ash, or some other tempting offer, in general - main goal to interest a person in something.

Surely almost everyone active user Runet knows about the network legend about incredible expensive coins, which, nevertheless, can end up in everyone’s pocket. Of course, I want to write about the legendary 10 kopeck coin from 2001.
As befits a modern legend, despite numerous refutations, a rumor of this kind persists: “Market the cost of a 10 kopeck coin from 2001 is from 29,000 to 40,000 rubles. The price depends on the condition of the coin. For example, 10 kopecks from 2001 sold for 50 thousand rubles at auction! And you just have to imagine how much it will cost in a few years! The number of coins is decreasing, the price of the remaining ones will increase every month, so hurry up!!!"

What if you don’t have a corkscrew at hand, but you need to open a bottle of wine? Eat different ways solutions to this problem, I’ll tell you about them below:
Method number 1. The simplest and most effective. To open a bottle of wine without a corkscrew using this method, you simply need to hold the bottle horizontally with one hand and gently tap the bottom of the bottle with the palm of your other hand.
If possible, wrap the bottom of the bottle with a towel. (otherwise the bottle may break!), and lightly tap the wall. With a successful combination of circumstances, in a few minutes the wine will be ready to be poured into glasses. It is extremely rare, but it happens that this method takes too much time, so we move on to the next method. I warn you again! No need to use excessive force or knock hard objects to the bottom of the bottle, otherwise the bottle will break.

Method number 2. You can simply push the cork inside the bottle using any object, for example, reverse side forks or spoons, marker, pen, pencil. Attention! Ub...

Vasilkova Tatyana

The first month of summer was spent in our garden under the slogan “Nature and I are true friends,” dedicated to the Year Ecology in Russia. During this month, various environmental activities,conversations, observations, activities, entertainment, action "We are for a clean village", issue wall newspapers"No trash".

Target: Draw the attention of preschoolers and their parents to environmental problems, in particular to spreading garbage.

Tasks: Train to throw away garbage only in the container.

Upbringing environmental culture of preschool children and their parents.

Encouraging children to understand environmental problems and participation in solving them.

Whatman paper (I don’t have A4 sheets, 6 pieces fastened together with paper tape)


Printed themed pictures (garbage,garbage containers, etc.. p.)

Move work:

Preparing the background for the future wall newspapers Using a sponge and paint, paint over the prepared sheets. Blue, turquoise and green. We write the name wall newspapers,instead of the letter O in the word garbage draw the sun. Glue thematic pictures.

The guys really liked this one wall newspaper, and now when they come to kindergarten and get ready for a walk, they always come up to her and heatedly discuss what You can't throw trash around, or better yet, “feed” them trash can!

Publications on the topic:

Let's give trash a second life!!! The project helped children and parents understand that they should not litter thoughtlessly. Garbage must be properly packaged and disposed of carefully.

Children's research project “Let's give garbage a second life” Older children preschool group together with the teacher and parents participated in the project “Let’s give garbage a second life” dedicated to.

Under this slogan it was organized in educational organizations competition held by the affairs department civil defense together.

Memo for parents “No to terrorism!” Terrorism is one of the most terrible crimes. People commit these terrible acts to achieve their evil goals at any cost.

Victory in the “No Fires!” competition. Photo report. Annually Khoper State nature reserve holds an ecological and cultural campaign “Feed.

Goal: to develop in children a conscious and responsible attitude towards following the rules fire safety. Objectives: - equip with knowledge.

Hello dear colleagues! Good day everyone! Today I would like to touch upon the problem of child neglect and homelessness.

In our selection you will find 120 different drawings, signs and inscriptions that can be printed and placed in the form of posters or stickers in places that require protection from debris! These posters will be useful not only to experienced environmentalists, but also to simply conscious citizens who are tired of putting up with the garbage around them!

Based on the theme, our selection is more suitable for outdoor placements, but some are also suitable for the city!

Download our anti-garbage collection!

You can download a selection of 120 anti-litter posters and signs right here using the links below from our website:

We ask all readers, if you know what materials could be added to our collection, please send them to us by mail: [email protected]

About a selection of anti-garbage posters!

I was inspired to create this collection by the desire to place several anti-litter posters in the forest, next to the place we have set up for a small forest camp! The place is more or less clean, however, after we equipped this place with benches, the likelihood has increased that sooner or later it might get dirty!

Here someone can say that if they want, then nothing will help, and I agree! But I’m also sure that our people are mostly good and love nature! From which I conclude that more often there is simply a lack of consciousness, understanding of the issue and the habit of cleaning up after oneself! And sometimes just faith that something can be changed for the better! A person thinks like this: “They litter, and I’ll leave it so dirty!” And in the end everyone litters instead of reducing this dirt! It is for these people, and not inveterate scoundrels (throwing out their garbage anywhere), that it makes sense to post such posters! In order to awaken consciousness or simply remind (have you forgotten that you should not litter?) such posters are created! We just want our Motherland to be clean and the future to be bright!

To carry out my plans, I began searching on the Internet, but it turned out that there were no special selections of the posters I needed, with more or less good quality not so many, and most of them are also endowed with side inscriptions that are not relevant (developed by that, names of shares, dates, etc.)! I had to type various queries into the search engine to find what I was looking for! I'm sure most people did the same and wanted to post an anti-littering poster just like me! But wouldn’t it be nice to simplify this process to make doing good deeds easier?

In the end, I did this (I even had to actively use Photoshop) and the result was this collection with a bias towards a polite explanation of the fact that littering is not good! Here are collected posters (cleaned of unnecessary information and aimed only at the fight against litter) for different tastes, so there are also more edgy posters! Although, I am convinced that our people cannot be frightened by threats of a fine (they will pile you up right under the sign), especially if in reality there is no control! And some somewhat offensive posters (even if correct), sometimes even with obscene language or aggression, can cause not only a negative reaction from those who continue to do bad things, but can also simply spoil the atmosphere of the place with their appearance! Again, I’m not very sure that our man can be intimidated by anything! But I believe that you can reach your heart!

Why shouldn't you litter in nature?

The question is quite strange for those who have already decided for themselves never, under any circumstances, to litter in nature! Well, I’ll ask everyone else to be sure to answer it themselves! Study the question - this best way understand the problem! To get started, just type the following query into your search engine: garbage in the forest! See what pictures it will give you, what you feel seeing how your life is (and the forests around your settlement- this is part of your life, if of course you go there) turn into a trash heap? Study the harm that garbage causes to nature and people! And perhaps there will be more people in Russia who have the habit of not littering anywhere! Which means everything will not be in vain..

Although, for those who visit nature themselves, I think there is no need to explain anything, everything is already in plain sight! Well, since it’s obvious, the logical question would be, can I do something about it? Can! It will be enough if you start with yourself! And you will develop a personal habit of not littering and always cleaning up after yourself, regardless of the situation!

And this is not only a matter of ecology (which now, like sports, is often used for political or other purposes), it is simply a matter of survival and life!!! Personally, I just don’t understand why litter in nature anymore! In the clearing where you went for a picnic or barbecue, on the beach where you swim (and will come again, I’m sure) or where your children will swim, in the forest where you pick mushrooms and berries! Why throw garbage out the window of your own car, or drive it to most beautiful place to create a landfill! To dump all the rubbish among the beauty that an artist could depict, about which a poet could write poetry...

Why do even many tourists, people close to nature, leave trash behind? When you can bring it to the trash can or trash can in any situation! Checked! You can always! There would be a desire to act humanely!

ABOUT personal experience fight garbage in forests!

Many people say that all this is nonsense, and they say that all our efforts will be wasted anyway (there is no point in organizing clean-ups in the forest, hanging signs against litter! After all, you will clean up, and others will still come and mess up!) We will not reach people. People are pigs! And these are not my words, everyone says so! There probably wasn’t a single person who didn’t tell me in a conversation that littering, yes, is bad, and our people are to blame for everything! But then, where does the garbage in the forests come from if everyone I don’t ask condemns those who litter in the forests?

It seems to me that here you also need to ask yourself a question: what did I personally do in this struggle? Whether I stood on the sidelines, did I care at all, or did I at least try to do something! Do not say in words that our people are pigs, but prove the opposite and clean up a specific area!

I am convinced that if a person himself begins this struggle, he will not only deepen his awareness of the problem, because the garbage he removes will not be virtual, not thoughts in his head, but specifically from under that bush there are about two dozen bottles, and under that tree there are three more, etc. And for those who nevertheless decide to take such a step, and even manage to attract equally caring people to it, it will forever become clear what crime people are committing against themselves! And he will never litter again! No, we won’t clean up after everyone, we don’t set such a goal, but what we can do is do a specific thing, in a specific place!

By the way, I have experience in organizing and participating in such an event (only one so far), and I want to talk about some conclusions! A lot of trash was removed, mostly glass and plastic bottles, bulls, food packaging! And this is definitely cool!

But there are places that get very polluted, these are recreational places where there are a lot of people, in particular those who drink, smoke and litter right there, and don’t clean up after themselves! Here you need to evaluate your own capabilities, strength and time. Of course, you can clean up in such places, but is it really you who needs to do this? If you yourself have no connection with this place, it is quite logical to leave these same vacationers in their own trash! If you like to relax like this - please! Although cleaning a place like this is a good thing, it’s still not very effective!

Just imagine that you go into a pigsty and spend general cleaning, after which after some time, due to the natural activity of pigs, everything is dirty again (forgive me for such an example, but it’s very relevant)! Here it is necessary not only to clean up, but also to awaken consciousness in people, perhaps install trash cans so that the rest will be more cultural, etc. But I repeat, if these are special favorite places rest of the townspeople, then you must be prepared for a more serious fight than a one-time foray! If you have a lot of supporters, a lot of effort and time, you can change the situation here, but you need to understand that it will be very difficult, and you must be prepared for a desperate long-term struggle! Although even one outing is a contribution! In such places, it would be more logical to use all the forces possible and be sure to involve local authorities in solving problems!

But, for starters, it seems much more effective to destroy incipient landfills (someone took and threw out a certain amount of garbage in the forest, by the side of the road, on the shore, etc., which can be removed on our own, for example, take it out by car).

It also makes sense to remove single-scattered garbage, because... if the surroundings are clean, the likelihood of littering is much less than where there is already trash! I tried to collect similar garbage when going out to pick mushrooms and berries. A very effective thing, firstly, you clean exactly the place that is connected with your life (that is, you are already providing direct benefit to yourself and this can be considered as an additional plus)! Here you can pick mushrooms and collect some garbage in a bag to throw away (after all, you’re going back to the city by car).

There are also good places outdoor recreation is not so popular, but somewhat polluted, and this is where the effect of your actions will be most long-term!! Again, it is more logical to involve city authorities in the fight against large landfills, but if you act on your own, then you need to think sensibly! And spend your energy and time where you can change something, and preferably for a long time!

It also makes sense to carry out cleaning at springs, here you will not only help yourself, but also all the people who come for clean water! It would seem that in such holy places there cannot be garbage by definition, however, just imagine... They even manage to dump garbage here, and this is not just remnants from the same flasks that are used to collect water, but also garbage thrown out of the car with the aim of creating a landfill! Once I came across discarded construction waste right next to a spring! How you can even wrap your head around all this and understand it, I just don’t know!

Nowadays, such an event as a scavenger hunt is gaining fashion in European countries, maybe you will also like the idea and join it! The bottom line is that two useful things are combined, namely: running and collecting garbage. The most common running is that it takes place in places most polluted with garbage! This means you run a certain distance, then take out a small bag (or maybe you collect everything along the way) and fill it with garbage, after photographing the trophies and posting them on Instagram (to draw attention to the problem)!

Well, here’s another option that I’m currently busy with. Just maintaining cleanliness in the place that is chosen for relaxation, I have already printed out a poster and laminated it, and also made some stickers and will soon hang them in the forest near our place!

Well, why not, there is a good way to recycle construction waste, namely, creating something useful out of it, something that will still serve people, for example, these .

In general, the fight, of course, must be waged wherever it is required! And it would be nice if this were everyone’s business, even though there is only one warrior in the field! The main thing is not to burn out and just systematically make the world a cleaner place!


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