Doe literacy training in the preparatory group. Teaching literacy in preschool age - where to start

Long-term planning for literacy instruction in the preschool classroom.

This material will be useful to kindergarten teachers and teachers working in schools for future first-graders. The plan is based on the book “Teaching literacy to preschool children” by N.V. Nishcheva.

1. Letter Aa and sound (a). Formation of the ability to find a letter among other letters of the alphabet. Development of phonemic awareness, visual and auditory attention, general and fine motor skills. Developing skills of cooperation, goodwill, initiative, and responsibility. p.26
2. The letter Uu and the sound (u). Formation of the ability to find a new letter among other letters. Reading mergers Au, ua. Development of phonemic awareness, visual and auditory attention, gross and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination. Formation of cooperation skills, a positive attitude towards participation in classes, initiative, independence, responsibility. page 30
3. Consolidation of knowledge of the letters A, U. Reading mergers au, ua. Consolidating knowledge of the letters A, U and the ability to find them among other letters of the alphabet. Reading mergers au, ua. Development of phonemic awareness, speech activity, visual attention, speech hearing, general, fine and articulatory motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination. page 34
4. Letter Oo and sound (o). Formation of the ability to find a new letter among other letters of the alphabet. Development of coherent speech, phonemic awareness, visual and auditory attention, general, fine and articulatory motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination. Developing skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill, initiative, responsibility. p.36

5. Letter Ii and sound (i). Formation of the ability to find a new letter among other letters of the alphabet. Improving the reading skill of vowel fusion. Improving phonemic awareness, developing a soft voice based on the material of the vowel sound (i), development of visual and auditory attention, general, fine and articulatory motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination. Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill, responsibility, independence. page 40
6. Introducing the letter T. Letter T and sound (t) To develop the ability to find the letter T among other letters of the alphabet, read and form syllables and two-syllable words with her. Development of phonemic awareness, skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, visual attention, speech hearing, general, fine and articulatory motor skills, coordination of speech with movement, creative imagination. Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill, initiative, responsibility. page 44
7. Consolidation of completed letters. Consolidating the ability to find the completed letters among other letters of the alphabet, read and compose two-syllable words with the completed letters. Development of phonemic awareness, skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, visual attention, speech hearing, general and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement. Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, goodwill, initiative, responsibility. p.48
8. Letter Pp and sound (p). Introducing the letter Pp and the sound (p). Forming the ability to find it among other letters of the alphabet, the skill of reading and composing two-syllable words with it. Development of speech activity, phonemic awareness, skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, visual and auditory attention, touch, examination skills, general and fine motor skills. Formation of skills of cooperation, interaction, independence, initiative, desire to be fair. Fostering a love for nature. page 51

9. Letter Nn and sound (n). Forming the ability to find a new letter among other letters of the alphabet, read and compose syllables and two-syllable words with it. Formation of the concept of a proposal.
Development of phonemic awareness, skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, visual and auditory attention, general, fine and articulatory motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.
Formation of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.57
10. Letter Mm and sound (m). Familiarization with the letter M. Formation of the ability to find a new letter among other letters of the alphabet.
Development of phonemic awareness, visual and auditory attention, gross and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.
Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.62
11. Letter Kk and sound (k). Introducing the letter K. Developing the ability to find a new letter among other letters of the alphabet, read and compose syllables and two-syllable words with it.
Forming an idea of ​​the proposal.
Development of speech activity, phonemic awareness, skills of sound and auditory analysis and synthesis, visual and auditory attention, gross and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.
Formation of skills of cooperation, mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. page 69
12. Letter BB and sounds (b) – (b’). Acquaintance with the sounds (b), (b’), the letter BB, the formation of concepts about hardness - softness, sonority - deafness of consonant sounds. Improving the skill of reading syllables and words with a new letter.
Development of phonemic perception, skills of sound analysis and word synthesis, thinking, gross and fine motor skills, coordination of speech with movement.
To develop skills of cooperation in play and in class, independence, initiative, and responsibility. p.85


13. Letter Dd and sounds (d) – (d’). Familiarization with the sounds (d), (d’), and the letter Dd. Improving the skill of reading syllables and words with a new letter.
Development of phonemic perception, skills of sound analysis and word synthesis, thinking, gross and fine motor skills, literacy skills, coordination of speech with movement.
To develop skills of cooperation in play and in class, independence, initiative, and responsibility. p.93
14. Letter Вв and sounds (в) – (в’). Familiarization with the sounds (в) – (в’) and the letter Вв. Improving the skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Improving the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter Vv. Prevention of writing disorders. Improving typing skills. Development of the syntactic aspect of speech (consolidation of the concept of a sentence).
Development of dialogic speech, speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual attention and perception, memory, thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Formation of independence, initiative, responsibility. Developing a sense of justice. p.117
15. Letter Xx and sounds (x) – (x’). Familiarization with the sounds (x) – (x’) and the letter Xx. Improving the skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Improving the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter Xx. Prevention of writing disorders.
Development of speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual attention and perception, memory, thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. page 127
16. Letter Yy and sound (s). Familiarization with the sound (s) and letter ыы. Improving the skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Improving the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter Y.
Development of phonemic perception, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.133

17. Letter Ss and sounds (s) – (s’). Familiarization with the sounds (с) – (с’) and the letter Сс. Improving the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter Ss. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis. Prevention of writing disorders.
Development of speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual attention and perception, thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.138
18. Letter Zz and sounds (z) – (z’). Familiarization with the sounds (z) – (z’) and the letter Zz. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis. Improving the skill of reading syllables and words, sentences with the new letter Zz. Prevention of writing disorders.
Development of phonemic awareness, fine and gross motor skills.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. page 145

19. Letter Shsh and sound (sh). Familiarization with the sound (sh) and the letter Shsh. Improving the skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Improving the skill of reading syllables and words, sentences with the new letter Shsh. Prevention of writing disorders.
Development of coherent speech, phonemic awareness, visual attention and perception, thinking, fine and gross motor skills.
Formation of skills of cooperation, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.151
20. Letter Zhzh and sound (zh). Familiarization with the sound (zh) and the letter Zhzh. Formation of the skill of reading syllables and words, sentences with the new letter Zhzh. Improving the skills of sound analysis and synthesis.
Development of speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual attention and perception, thinking, articulatory and fine motor skills.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.159
21. Letter Ee and sound (e). Familiarization with the sound (e) and the letter Ee. Formation of the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter E. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis. Improving typing skills.
Development of phonemic perception, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, motor coordination, dexterity.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.170
22. Letter Yy and sound (y). Familiarization with the sound (th) and the letter Yy. Formation of the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter Yi. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis. Improving typing skills.
Development of phonemic perception, articulatory, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements, creative imagination, imitation.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. page 175

23. Letter Her. Familiarization with the letter E. Formation of the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter E. Improving the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis. Improving design and printing skills. Prevention of writing disorders.
Development of speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual gnosis, constructive praxis, plane orientation skills, fine and gross motor skills, motor coordination, creative imagination, imitation.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.180
24. Letter Yoyo. Introducing the letter Yoyo. Formation of the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter Eyo. Improving the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis and analysis of sentences with a preposition. Improving design and printing skills. Development of speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual gnosis, constructive praxis, plane orientation skills, fine and gross motor skills, motor coordination, creative imagination, imitation.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.185
25. Letter Yuyu. Introducing the letter Yuyu. Formation of the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter Yuyu. Improving the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis. Formation of the skill of analyzing sentences with a preposition. Improving design and printing skills. Development of speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual gnosis, constructive praxis, plane orientation skills, fine and gross motor skills, motor coordination, creative imagination, imitation.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.188
26. Letter Yaya. Introducing the letter Yaya. Formation of the skill of reading syllables and words with the new letter Yaya. Improving the skills of syllabic analysis and synthesis. Formation of the skill of analyzing sentences with a preposition. Improving design and printing skills. Development of speech hearing, phonemic perception, visual gnosis, constructive praxis, plane orientation skills, fine and gross motor skills, motor coordination, creative imagination, imitation.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.192

27. Letter Tts and sound (ts). Familiarization with the letter Tsts and the sound (ts). Formation of the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences with a new letter. Consolidation of ideas about hardness-softness, deafness-voicing of consonants. Improving the skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Improving design and printing skills. Development of phonemic perception, visual gnosis, constructive praxis, orientation skills on a plane, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements, creative imagination, imitation.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.200
28. Letter Chch and sound (ch). Familiarization with the letter Chch and the sound (ch). Formation of the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences with a new letter. Consolidation of ideas about hardness-softness, deafness-voicing of consonants. Improving the skills of sound analysis and synthesis. Improving design and printing skills. Development of phonemic perception, visual gnosis, constructive praxis, orientation skills on a plane, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements, creative imagination, imitation.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.204
29. Letter Shch and sound (ш). Familiarization with the letter Шшч and sound (ш). Formation of the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences with a new letter. Consolidation of ideas about hardness-softness, deafness-voicing of consonants. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis. Improving design and printing skills. Development of phonemic concepts (differentiation of sounds (w) - (sch), visual gnosis, constructive praxis, orientation skills on a plane, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements, creative imagination.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. p.208
30. Letter Ll and sounds (l), (l’). Familiarization with the letter Ll and sounds (l), (l’). Formation of the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences with a new letter. Consolidation of ideas about hardness-softness, deafness-voicing of consonants. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis. Improving design and printing skills. Development of phonemic awareness (identification of initial and final sounds in words, selection of words for given sounds). Development of general motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity, mobility.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. page 215

31. Letter Рр and sounds (р), (р’). Familiarization with the letter Рр and sounds (р), (р’). Formation of the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences with a new letter. Consolidating ideas about hardness-softness, deafness-voicing of consonants. Improving the skills of sound analysis and synthesis, analysis and synthesis of sentences. Improving design and printing skills. Development of phonemic awareness (identification of initial and final sounds in words, selection of words for given sounds). Development of general motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity, mobility.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. page 220
32. Letter b. Familiarization with the letter b. Formation of the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences with a new letter. Improving the skills of sound-letter analysis and sentence synthesis. Improving design and printing skills. Development of phonemic representations. Development of general motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity, mobility.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. page 230
33. Letter B. Familiarization with the letter Ъ. Formation of the skill of reading syllables, words, sentences with a new letter. Improving the skills of sound-letter analysis. Improving design and printing skills. Development of phonemic representations. Development of general motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity, mobility.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. page 236
34. Consolidation of completed letters. Consolidating reading skills of syllables, words, sentences, texts with completed letters. Improving the skills of sound and syllabic analysis and synthesis, analysis and synthesis of sentences. Formation of ideas about the Russian alphabet. Development of phonemic processes, fine and gross motor skills, coordination of movements, dexterity, mobility.
Formation of mutual understanding, goodwill, independence, initiative, responsibility. page 247

A literacy lesson in a pre-school group.

Educational goals:

continue to teach children to conduct a sound analysis of the words “Rose” and “Meat” using the rules for writing vowels and determining the stressed vowel sound.

Learn to name words according to a given model.

Developmental goals:

develop coherent speech (monological and dialogic forms);

consolidate the ability to answer questions with a common sentence;

develop the ability to draw conclusions independently;

develop the grammatical structure of speech (consolidate the skill of agreeing adjectives with nouns in gender, number, case);

development of phonemic hearing, perception, attention, memory, verbal and logical thinking;

develop the ability to name words with a given sound.

Educational goals:

developing the skill of independent activity;

to develop in children the skills to: work in a team, patiently listen to questions from teachers, answers from comrades and respect their opinions;

cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and assistance;

cultivate interest in the activity and love for the native language.

Demonstration material: red, blue, green, black chips; cash register with the vowels “a” and “i” gone through; letter "o"; pointer.

Handout material: red, blue, green, black chips; cash register with the vowels “a” and “i” gone through; letter "o"; card with a diagram (houses for sounds).

Progress of the lesson

I. Organizational stage.

II. Setting a learning task through game motivation.

III. Main stage.

Game “Who is bigger?”;

Game exercise “Finish the word”;

Game "Shorty Babies";

Game exercise “Transforming words - a magic chain”;

Word game “Say it right”;

Game “Name Your Brother”;

Game "Recognize the sound";

Word game “The sound got lost”;

Game “Who is attentive?”;

Carrying out a sound analysis of the words “Rose” and “Meat” using the rules for writing vowels;

Game "Correct the mistake";

Game "Name the words."

IV. The final stage.

Progress of the lesson

(Children enter the group and greet guests)

Educator: - Guys, please tell me which group you go to? (Preparatory group)

- So, soon you will become schoolchildren. Imagine that today you are not in a group, but in a school, in a classroom. Teachers came to us to see how you are ready for school. Shall we show our guests what we know and can do?

(The bell rings, the children stand in a circle)


- Guys, you know what we say in words. And now we will show how many words we know. Let's play the game "Who is bigger?" (The teacher stands in a circle with the ball, throws the ball to the child, calls any sound, the child returns the ball and calls a word that begins with this sound).

- Well done, you said a lot of words. And now the game “Finish the word.” (The teacher with the ball stands in a circle, throwing the ball to the child, calls the first part of the word, the child, returning the ball, calls the second part or the whole word: dro-va, so-va, tsap-lya, etc.)

- Great, and now the game “Shorty Babies”:

We are short babies.

We will be glad if you

Think about it and find out

And the beginning and the end.

(Boris, rhinoceros, pie, skid, Aquarius, zoo, password, fence)

- Okay, and now the game “Transforming words - a magic chain” (The teacher stands in a circle with a ball, throwing the ball to the child, calls a word, he changes one sound and calls a new word: house - tom - com - crowbar - catfish, chalk - sat down - sang, beetle - bough - onion)

- Well done, and so the game “Say it correctly” (agreeing an adjective with a noun in gender, number and case).

- Guys, so far we have been talking about words. Tell me, what do words consist of? (from sounds)

-What are the sounds? (Vowels and consonants)

- What about the consonant sounds that we know? (Hard and soft consonants)

- Okay, let's play the game “Name Your Brother” (The teacher stands in a circle with the ball, throws the ball to the child, names a hard or soft consonant sound, the child, returning the ball, names the opposite).

- Well done, you have already told me a lot. Now show how you recognize the sound, the game “Recognize the Sound” (The teacher names the words, the children clap their hands if they hear the sound p, z).

— Do you know that sounds can get lost, the game “Lost Sound”:

The hunter shouted: “Oh!

The doors (animals) are chasing me!”

Sits firmly in the garden

Orange cap (turnip).

The lazy man is lying on a cot,

Gnawing, crunching, guns (drying).

The poet finished the line,

At the end I put a barrel (dot).

- Great, you did a great job in the game. Now, quietly go to your desks. (Children go to the tables)

- Place red, blue, green chips from your boxes in front of you. Game "Who is attentive?" (The teacher names one sound at a time, the children raise the chip that represents it. During the game, the teacher asks the children individually: “Why did you pick up this particular chip?”, the child explains).

- Well done, remove the chips. Move the diagram towards you, we conduct a sound analysis of the word “Rose”, and Kirill analyzes the word at the board. (Children parse the word independently, and Kirill - with reverse side boards. When he finished and larger number children, the board unfolds, and Kirill explains why he composed this particular model of the word).

- The first sound in the word “Rose” is the sound “r”, a hard consonant sound and is indicated by a blue chip. The second sound in the word “Rose” is the sound “o”, a vowel sound and is indicated by a red chip. The third sound in the word “Rose” is the sound “z”, a hard consonant sound and is indicated by a blue chip. The fourth sound in the word “Rose” is the sound “a”, a vowel sound and is indicated by a red chip.

- And you guys, check, you have such a model, check your neighbor too.

- Good girl, you did everything right.

- How many sounds are in the word “Rose”? (4). How many consonant sounds are there in the word “Rose”? (2). Name the 1st consonant, 2nd consonant (“p”, “z”). What is the stressed vowel sound in the word "Rose"? (O). What chip indicates a stressed vowel sound? (Black).

(the teacher invites the children to put the word “Meat” under the word “Rose”. The children parse the word on the spot, and at the board in front of them the child parses it, explaining each of his actions)

— What are the same vowel sounds in the words “Rose” and “Meat”? (ABOUT). What consonant sounds are followed by “o” sounds? (after hard consonants).

(The teacher shows the children the letter “o” and they replace the red chips with the letters “o”).

- Well done, now put all the chips in the box. Game “Correct the mistake” (The teacher places a blue chip on the board and behind it the letters “a”, “o”, under them lays out a green chip and the letter “I”. Repeats with the children the rules for writing the vowels they have learned. Then asks them to close their eyes, rearranges sometimes letters first, then chips. Children find and correct the mistake.).

— Good guys, we corrected all the mistakes. Now look at what model I put on the board: blue, red, blue chips. Game "Name the words." Name the words that can be read using this model. For example: cat, onion,…..(tom, house, lump, mouth, nose, catfish, smoke, poppy, current).

Well done!!!

Result: - What did we do in class today? (Children's answers)

— Who do you think took a more active part in the lesson today, who distinguished himself, who worked well? (Children's answers) Now let's applaud those guys who did a good job!

(The bell rings, class is over)

Purpose of the lesson: help the preschooler master the program material, make the pedagogical process more emotional, and achieve greater child activity in the classroom.


  • To consolidate children's ability to conduct sound analysis of words using the rules for writing vowel letters and determining the stressed vowel sound.
  • Strengthening the skills of isolating the desired sound in a word.
  • Develop the ability to divide words into syllables.
  • Strengthen the ability to highlight the first letter in a word and name words of a certain sound structure.
  • Improve children's ability to compose a chain of sentences using diagrams.
  • Form a grammatical structure of speech, expand your vocabulary.
  • Improve children's reading skills.

Materials: envelope with letter; pictures; diagram of a five-sound word, chips: red, blue, green, black; cards-schemes for identifying syllables in a word; cards with a set of letters; pointer.


The teacher tells the children that she found a letter from Dunno. Reads it to children.

Educator: Dunno writes that he has found himself in the country of “Smart Men and Women” where Queen Gramota reigns. The Queen of Letters invited Dunno to play speech games, but Dunno refused to play with the queen, because he does not know what “speech” and “speech games” are. At which the queen was very angry and ordered Dunno to be imprisoned in a high tower, but promised to release him if you and I help him. We must complete the tasks that Queen Gramota has prepared for us. Well, do you agree to help our friend Dunno? (Children's answers).
– Before we start completing the tasks, let’s remember what “speech” is? What does it consist of? (Speech is words, sentences. Speech consists of sentences. Sentences consist of words. Words consist of syllables and letters. Syllables consist of letters and sounds).
– In order for us to complete all the tasks correctly, let’s do gymnastics for the tongue. Curious tongue looks up, down, left and right (children perform tongue movements 3-4 times). Now let’s say the tongue twister: “Like a hill on a hill, lived thirty-three Yegorkas.” (children pronounce the tongue twister quietly, loudly, quickly and slowly).

1 task: Sound analysis of a word

Educator: Look at the picture and name the words starting with solid sound-m- and soft sound -m’- (Children's answers).

– Now let’s conduct a sound analysis of a word, for example the word bear Do you remember what sounds there are? (Vowels and consonants, hard and soft, voiced and voiceless, as well as stress).

M'– consonant, soft, sonorous sound, marked with a green chip.
TO– consonant, hard, dull sound, marked with a blue chip.
A– vowel sound, marked with a red chip.
What sound is stressed in this word? Sound -i-, place a black chip next to it.

Task 2: Which letter is “lost”? (Fix the error)

Task 3: How many syllables are in a word?

Educator: You need to paint over as many “bricks” as there are syllables in this word.

Physical education minute

Task 4: Unscramble the word

Educator: You need to guess which word is encrypted. The pictures will tell you which letters need to be written in the squares.

Task 5: Make a proposal

Educator: Adding one word at a time, create a chain of sentences according to the diagram.

Task 6: Read the word

Educator: And finally, the last task. Each of you has a chain of letters; you need to circle the letter that is written correctly, and cross out the one that is written incorrectly. Read the received word.

Educator: Well done!

The phone rings, the teacher talks, then informs the children that Dunno is free and invites the children to invite him to kindergarten to teach him everything they themselves have learned.

Requirements for educational preparation of children in recent years became significantly tougher than before. Now at kindergarten start studying foreign languages, music, logic, get acquainted with the world around us, starting from the age of four. Coming to first grade high school, the child already has a significant store of knowledge. It’s too early to say how such a load affects children’s brains. Certain conclusions can be drawn only in two to three decades, when several generations have studied under this program. However, literacy education in preparatory group is one of the most important elements of preparation for school, and a lot of attention is paid to it. Teachers believe that, in addition to knowledge, a child needs to instill skills educational activities, only then will he be able to perceive new material and use it effectively.

Teaching literacy in the preparatory group: main aspects

Very often, educators and parents ask one common question: “Is it necessary to teach a child who has not reached the age of 6 years?” Some people think that before literacy training begins in the preparatory group, no attempts should be made to develop children in terms of reading.
This opinion is fundamentally wrong, since the main function of a kindergarten is And here it is very important to begin the educational process as early as senior group, that is, in the second half of preschool childhood.

Well-known teachers, such as L. S. Vygotsky, believe that at the age of up to 5 years the educational program should not yet be of a sharply differentiated nature, however, starting from the age of five, it is necessary to take into account all the features of the development of children's thinking and psyche, using a clear division of education according to categories. Only this method will allow you to achieve the best results.

Research conducted by employees of research institutes in the field of education has shown that when teaching, it is extremely important to give children knowledge not only in one specific area, but to provide them with a whole system of concepts and relationships. In order for preschoolers to be able to perceive everything new and assimilate material, it is necessary to use a wide variety of educational methods.

Teaching literacy in the preparatory group of kindergarten is one of the most basic areas in the process of preparing for first grade. It is necessary for children to learn to understand the sound meanings of spoken and read words.

An indispensable condition for the literacy of a child, teenager and adult is the ability to compare different units of phonetic reality. In addition, preschoolers must develop specific speech skills.

By by and large, speech therapists advise starting to learn sounds and letters in the older group. The fact is that at the age of 4 to 5 years, children have a very acutely developed so-called linguistic sense. During this period, they absorb all new lexical and phonetic information like a sponge. But after a year this feeling gradually decreases. So it's best to start early training literacy In the preparatory group, the sound and letter "M", for example, are studied over several lessons, but children of five years old acquire this knowledge in just one or two lessons.

The most popular method of teaching literacy

One of the sources of teaching activity was D.’s book “Native Word”, published back in the 19th century. It outlined the basic methods of teaching children to read and write. Since reading was considered one of the most important elements of education, the issues of its teaching have always been very relevant.

It is highly recommended that you read this book before starting a Literacy Lesson. The preparatory group is the most difficult period in preparing children for school curriculum, so here you need to be extremely attentive to individual thoughts and psychological characteristics every child. Methods developed by linguists and teachers will help with this.

Ushinsky created a sound analytical-synthetic method of teaching literacy, which is based on considering letters not as individual elements, but as an integral part of words and sentences. This method allows you to prepare your child for reading books. In addition, it makes it possible to awaken children’s interest in literacy, and not just force them to mechanically learn and remember letters. This is very important. Ushinsky proposes to divide the entire teaching process into three components:

1. Visual learning.

2. Written preparatory exercises.

3. Sound activities to promote reading.

This technique has not lost its relevance today. It is on this basis that literacy training is built. The preparatory group, whose program is very rich, gets acquainted with reading in exactly this sequence. These stages make it possible to gradually and gradually present the child with all the necessary information.

Literacy training in the preparatory group according to Vasilyeva

One of the methods used in kindergarten was developed in the 20th century. Its author was the famous teacher and speech therapist M. A. Vasilyeva. She developed several programs for which you need to study. They are based on a natural sequence on which the lesson “Teaching literacy” should be based. The preparatory group is intended for children who are already quite large and capable of understanding a lot. First they need to be taught to highlight separate sound, and then consider it with text accompaniment. This method has many features and advantages.

How does teaching literacy in the preparatory group proceed according to Vasilyeva’s method? The sound and letter "M", for example, are presented as follows: first, the teacher simply shows the images in various options(graphic picture, three-dimensional, bright and multi-colored). Later, when this knowledge is consolidated, you can move on to the next stage. The teacher introduces the children to words that contain this letter. This allows you not only to learn the alphabet, but also to master the basics of reading. This is the most preferable sequence.

Psychological features of teaching in kindergarten

Before you start looking at letters and sounds with children, there are a few things you need to understand. important features. What are the psychological foundations of such a process as learning to read and write? “The preparatory group,” Zhurova L. E., the author of numerous works in the area under consideration, notes, “is an unusually plastic material that allows you to perceive and reproduce a wide variety of concepts and behavior patterns.” The process of learning to read largely depends on the methods of teaching. It is very important that the teacher correctly targets children and lays in them the foundations of preparing for school. What is the final goal and letters? This is reading and understanding what is written in the book. This is obvious. But before you understand the content of the book, you need to learn to perceive it correctly. Text is a graphic reproduction of our speech, which is then converted into sounds. They are the ones that must be understood by the child. At the same time, it is very important that a person can reproduce the sound in any word, even an unfamiliar one. Only then can one say whether literacy training is a success. The preparatory group, whose program includes an introduction to the Russian alphabet, should become the foundation for children’s further literacy.

A child's ability to reproduce sounds

When a baby is just born, he already has innate reflexes. One of them is the ability to respond to surrounding sounds. He responds to the words he hears by changing the rhythm of his movements and becoming animated. Already in the third or fourth week of life, the child reacts not only to loud, sharp sounds, but also to the speech of the people around him.

It is obvious that simple phonetic perception of words is not a guarantee successful learning reading. Human speech is extremely complex, and in order to understand it, it is necessary for the child to reach a certain level of mental and emotional maturity.

Researchers have found that the vast majority of children between the ages of six and seven cannot yet separate words into syllables. Therefore, literacy training in the preparatory group should be built in strict accordance with these features. Under no circumstances should you give a child a task that his brain is simply not able to cope with due to its immaturity.

The direct process of learning to read and write

The development of a program for introducing preschoolers to letters and sounds is handled by each educational institution. That is why classes in different kindergartens can differ significantly. But, despite external differences, the meaning educational process uniform throughout the entire education system. It includes three stages already listed above.

Of course, when directly studying letters, the teacher takes into account many factors: the mood of the children at a given moment, their number, behavior, as well as other important little things that can improve or worsen perception.

The importance of sound analysis in teaching reading

IN lately Many speech therapists express the opinion that the methods used to introduce literacy are already outdated. They argue that at this stage it is not so important. That is, first you just need to ensure that children remember the graphic representation of the letters, without trying to reproduce their sounds. But this is not entirely correct. After all, it is by pronouncing sounds that the child will hear them and be able to better perceive the speech of other people.

Planning literacy instruction in pre-kindergarten classrooms

If you go to a preschool in the middle of the day, you may get the impression that chaos reigns there. Children play in small groups, and some even sit on a chair and draw. But that's not true. Like everything else that happens in kindergarten, it has its own program and literacy training. The preparatory group, whose lesson planning is subject to strict recommendations of the Ministry of Education, is no exception. The program is compiled on academic year, is agreed upon with the methodologists and approved by the person in charge of the preschool institution.

How to make lesson notes

Literacy learning does not take place in any random order. At first glance, it seems that the teacher is simply playing with the children, but in fact this is part of getting to know the letters. The course of the lesson is determined by the teacher, and a pre-prepared outline helps him in this. It indicates the time that will be devoted to study, the topic that should be covered, and also outlines a rough plan.

Foreign literacy experience

So far, new techniques developed by foreign specialists have not been widely implemented in Russian system The most popular two methods of education that came to us from other countries are the Montessori and Doman systems.

The first implies an individual approach to each child and comprehensive creative development. The second involves studying not letters and sounds separately, but entire words at once. Special cards are used for this. A word is written on each of them. The card is shown to the child for several seconds, and what is depicted on it is also announced.

It is difficult to implement in municipal kindergartens, since the number of pupils does not allow paying enough attention to each of them individually.

The Doman system is criticized by Russian speech therapists, who claim that it is applicable to the study English language, but not suitable for Russian.


GCD for literacy preparation

preparatory group

Speech therapist teacher: Sharifullina T.V.

MBDOU kindergarten No. 1 “Smile”

Ostashkov, Tver region

Topic: "ABVGDeyka"

Goal: To consolidate knowledge of preparing children for literacy.

Correctional educational tasks:

    Continue learning to conduct sound analysis of words

    Strengthen the ability to determine the presence of a given sound in a word.

    Strengthen the ability to complete and supplement a sentence with meaning using supporting pictures.

Corrective and developmental tasks:

    Develop phonemic awareness.

    Develop memory and attention.

    Develop verbal-logical thinking in children, to reason, to draw conclusions.

Correctional and educational tasks:

    Cultivate respect and mutual understanding for each other.

    Develop the ability to use acquired knowledge in practical activities.

Equipment: projector, video presentation (excerpt from the TV show “ABVGDeyka”, slides with pictures to highlight sound, pictures to determine the number of syllables), magnetic board, cards with words from proverbs, ball.

Handout: a set of subject pictures, cards with the image of a circle, felt-tip pens.

Children enter the group and greet the guests.

Speech therapist teacher: Stand in a circle quickly, hold hands tightly.

Children stand in a circle.

All the children gathered in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.

And we play and we sing,

We live together in a group . (installation on N0D)

Game "Magic Sounds"

Speech therapist: Guys, do you know that singing certain sounds helps improve your health? If you have a runny nose, turn into an airplane - take a deep breath, and as you exhale, pronounce the sound [B] for a long time and quietly. If you have a sore throat, turn into a mosquito and pronounce the sound [З] as you exhale. When coughing, turning into a beetle and pronouncing the sound [Zh] for a long time will help.

Children perform exercises while standing, eyes closed and body relaxed.

Speech therapist: Remember these exercises and do them, and magical sounds will always come to your aid.

Guys, who remembers the articulation fairy tale “At Grandma and Grandpa’s”?

Articulation gymnastics

Fat grandchildren came to visit (the children puffed out their cheeks)

With them the thin ones are just skin and guests (they sucked in their cheeks without opening their mouth)

Grandparents smiled at everyone (wide smile)

They reached out to kiss everyone (imitation of a kiss)

In the morning we woke up with a smile on our lips (wide smile)

We cleaned ours upper teeth(the tongue moves between

upper lip and teeth)

Right and left, inside and outside (corresponding tongue movements)

We are also friends with the lower teeth (corresponding tongue movements)

Speech therapist: Guys, we received a VIDEO LETTER. Want to watch? Make yourself comfortable. (Children sit in a semicircle opposite interactive whiteboard) Attention to the screen. (Surprise moment)

Video. On the screen is an excerpt from the TV show “ABVGDeyka”. The heroes received an assignment from the teacher to make up a proverb about friendship from words. They find it difficult. They ask the guys for help.

Speech therapist teacher: Guys, let's help the clowns?

You and I know that the direct path to success is your sensitive ears, attentive eyes and, of course, the right answers. So, are you ready to take on the challenges?

Children: Yes, sure.

Speech therapist: Look, there are words hidden on the board, (there is an exclamation mark on the cards there's a word on the other side) Are you interested in finding out what proverb is hiding? We can open them if we complete certain tasks. Do you agree?

1 task “Riddles”

Speech therapist: First, let's solve the riddles:

    One is soft and whistles
    The other is hard and hissing.
    The third one will start singing
    At least someone will pronounce it... (sound). (What sounds do you know?)

    Black birds on a white page
    They are silent, waiting for someone to read them... (letter).

(What is the difference between a letter and a sound??)

    At first I couldn't
    Read with two letters
    Your first... (syllable).

    I'll match the sound to the sound
    And I will say it
    If I put the letters in a row
    Then I’ll read it later... (word).

5. I will collect a lot of words
I'll make them friends with each other
The presentation will be clear
Then I will receive...(sentence).

We have guessed the riddles, we reveal the first word.

Task 2 “Find the sound”

Pictures on the screen: Robot, drum, rocket, tomato

Speech therapist: Guys, tell me what is shown on the screen (robot, drum, rocket, tomato). Listen and name the sound that I make when I say these words?

Children's answers: R sound

Speech therapist: And now we need to determine its place in the word.

Children's answers.

Pictures on the screen:

Lamp, elephant, chair, pencil case L Ophpedist: Look and say what is shown on the screen (lamp, elephant, chair, pencil case). Listen and name the sound that I make when I say these words?

Children's answers: Sound "L".

Speech therapist: And now we need to determine its place in the word.

Speech therapist:-Right! Now I propose to highlight these sounds in other words, if we hear the sound “L”, we clap, if the sound “R”, we stomp.

Frame, llama, rose, vine, shaft, var, cake, port, swamp, work, dill, bug, lamp, ramp, table, floor, map, desk, crowbar, swarm. (children complete the task)

Smart girls, we completed this task and correctly identified the sounds “L” and “R”.

Task 3 “Divide the word into syllables”

Speech therapist: Look, guys, what interesting pictures!

Name what is shown on the screen.

Children name (doll, car, ball, pyramid)

Speech therapist: - Guys, what are words made of?

Children's answers.

How to find out how many syllables a word has?

Children's answers:(using claps, there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels).

That’s right, use clapping to determine how many syllables are in the word “Doll”

    How many syllables (1) are there in the word “ball”, how many vowel sounds? (also 1)

    How many syllables (3) are there in the word “car”, how many vowel sounds? (also 3)

    How many syllables are there in the word “pyramid”? 4), how many vowel sounds (also 4)

    Tell me guys, what can you call these items in one word? (toys)

Speech therapist:-Well done! Now I invite everyone in the circle to play with you.

Physical education minute

We put our hands on our shoulders,

Let's start rotating them.

So we will correct the posture.

One, two, three, four, five! (hands to shoulders, rotating shoulders forward and backward).

We place our hands in front of our chests,

We separate them to the sides.

We'll do a warm-up

In any weather. (hands in front of the chest, jerking your arms to the sides).

Let's raise our right hand,

And we'll lower the other one down.

We swap them around

We move our hands smoothly. (one straight arm, the other down, with smooth movements one arm lowers and the other simultaneously rises).

Now let's get together

Let's walk everything in place. (walking in place).

To do the following, invite the children to sit at the tables.

Task 4 “Finish the sentence”

Speech therapist: guys, tell me, what is a proposal?

Children's answers: These are 2, 3, 4 or more words that are friendly with each other.

Speech therapist: Look, you have cards with pictures laid out on your table (airplane, flower, table, balloons, fish, sock). (work with handouts)

And now we will play the game “Finish the sentence.” I will start a sentence, and you, using a picture that matches the meaning, finish it.

Flying in the sky.....

Growing in the park…..

In the room there is…..

Masha has an airy...

The fishermen caught......

Grandma knitted...

Children hold up their pictures and repeat the entire sentence.

Speech therapist: Okay, we completed this task. Repeat what a sentence is (These are 2, 3, 4 or more words that are friendly with each other). (children’s individual answers)

Great, we can open the fourth word.

Task 5 “Turn a short word into a long one”

Speech therapist: And in order to open the next word, I suggest standing in a circle and playing. I will throw a ball to each of you and say a short word, and you will turn this short word into a long one. For example: cat - cat, in the second word there are more sounds, so it became longer.

Is the task clear? The game begins: ball-ball, table-table, car-car, doll-doll, etc.

Well done kids. You came up with long words correctly.

Speech therapist: You guys are very smart. You have correctly turned short words into long ones. So we can open one more word.

Open and read the fifth word.

Task 6 “Draw a letter”

Speech therapist: Guys, pay attention that you still have cards on the table. They depict a circle. What letter does it remind you of? (O) What letters do you think a circle can be turned into? That's right, if we add some imagination to the elements, then we'll get a different letter. Now I'm turning you into magical artists! And then you will be able to turn an ordinary circle into bright, cheerful, mischievous letters. One, two, three, four five, we begin to draw..... (children complete the elements to make a letter). (music plays, children draw) Guys, show us what you have done. (children show and name the resulting letters)

Speech therapist: Wonderful. We turned out so different, bright letters. We can open last word, read the whole proverb.

Offers to open the last sixth word and read the proverb.

“A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends.”

On the video screen: the clowns thank the children and say that they are true friends. They say goodbye.

Speech therapist: Look, the clowns are very happy and grateful that you helped them. Did you like helping the clowns yourself? Which task was the most interesting? Difficult? What new have you learned? What's your mood?

And I liked playing with you and completing tasks. You are so smart!

Guys, I have prepared a surprise for you (opens a beautiful box) look - emoticons, they are different joyful, thoughtful, sad. If it was easy for you in class today and you completed all the tasks, take a happy smiley face; if you encountered difficulties, but you tried to overcome them, take a thoughtful emoticon, and if it’s really difficult, take a sad one.

And for guests there is another box in it, too, with emoticons, if you were interested - happy emoticons, if you are bored and not interested - sad.

Now I invite everyone to the circle

Everyone gathered together in a circle

I am your friend and you are my friend

Let's hold hands tightly

And let's smile at each other.