Comprehensive thematic planning in dow. Comprehensive thematic planning in preschool educational institutions as a factor in the effectiveness of the modern educational process


Compiled by: T.A. Hartanyuk

Planning - this is an advance determination of the sequence of implementation of educational educational work indicating necessary conditions, means, forms and methods.

To create a planning system in a preschool educational institution, several different types of planning are used:

1. A long-term development plan or development program for a preschool educational institution, drawn up on 3


2. Annual plan of the preschool educational institution;

3. Thematic plans (by main types of activities);

4. Individual plans specialists and administration;

5. Schedule and long-term planning in a specific age group.

Let's take a closer look at the two types of planning necessary for a teacher - long-term and calendar-thematic, since in practice it has been proven that teachers, using only a calendar plan, much more often make mistakes in planning.



Let's write down the first three principles and then look at them in detail.

  1. Compliance with the optimal educational load for children (the number and duration of classes meets the requirements of SanPiN).
  2. Compliance with the planned pedagogical process physiological growth and development of children (biorhythms are taken into account, difficult classes are planned on Tuesday and Wednesday).
  3. Taking into account medical and hygienic requirements for the sequence, duration of the pedagogical process and especially for the conduct of various regime processes.

What do you think is the purpose of the first 3 principles?

(Preservation and promotion of children's health). Open page 1 and tell me what points must be followed when implementing 1 principle?... 2 principles?....

3 principles?

  1. Accounting for local and regional features climate.

Almost all comprehensive programs are designed taking into account climatic conditions our region and do not need correction.

  1. Taking into account the seasons and weather conditions. This principle is implemented during walks, hardening and recreational activities, and environmental classes.
  2. Accounting individual characteristics. (you need to know the child’s temperament type, his hobbies, strengths and weaknesses, complexes in order to find an approach to his involvement in the pedagogical process).
  3. Reasonable alternation in terms of organized and independent activities. (classes, games, club activities, collaboration children and the teacher, as well as free spontaneous play activity and communication with peers).
  4. Taking into account changes in children's performance during the week when planning classes and requirements for their compatibility (planning classes with maximum mental load on Tuesday and Wednesday, alternating static classes with classes with high physical activity).
  5. Taking into account the level of development of children (conducting classes, individual work, games in subgroups).
  6. The relationship between the processes of learning and development (learning tasks are planned not only in the classroom, but also in other activities).
  7. Regularity, consistency and repetition of educational influences (one game is planned several times, but the tasks change and become more complicated - to introduce the game, learn the rules of the game, follow the rules, cultivate a friendly attitude towards children, complicate the rules, consolidate knowledge of the rules of the game, etc.)

Let's look at an example Role-playing game“Family” what tasks can be planned within 1 – 2 weeks:

Day 1 - teach children to follow the rules of role behavior;

Day 2 – teach children to come up with a game plan in advance;

Day 3 – promote unification with the game “Shop”, pay attention to

Communication culture;

Day 4 – promote the use of substitute items in the game;

Day 5 - cultivate a friendly attitude towards children.

  1. Inclusion of elements of activity that promote emotional release (psycho-gymnastics, daily relaxation, as well as color therapy, music).
  2. Planning is based on the integration of the efforts of all specialists.

It is necessary to interact with specialists, plan work on one topic, conduct individual work to prepare for classes, and conduct integrated classes.

  1. The planned activity must be motivated.

Motive is interest, desire.

The motivation is practical - to learn how to do it.

Game motivation (use of game techniques in class N: Dunno came to visit, something happened to him, we need to help. How?...)

Cognitive motivation (interest in new information- Do you want to know how?

Do birds live in the forest?...).

  1. Plan a variety of activities to help each child reach his or her maximum potential.

In order to implement this principle, it is necessary not only to plan a variety of activities, but also to create a full-fledged subject-development environment in the group: corners - environmental, sports, theatrical and musical, patriotic (in the art. gr.), artistic speech, manual labor, mummering (in the early age group and younger) – in Art. gr., sensory; centers "Science", " Entertaining mathematics", an area of ​​role-playing games.

  1. The planned activities of the teacher with children should be based on the general objectives of the preschool educational institution.

It is expected that parents will be required to be involved in the general educational process.(consultations, conversations, educational work - “What to teach at home?”, “What should a child know and be able to do by the end of the year?” Implementation homework in notebooks it is given only on weekends.


1. Knowledge of software tasks.

2. Knowledge individual capabilities and children's abilities.

3. Using the principle of repetition with increasing complexity of tasks (3 – 4 times) with a small interval.

It is very convenient to use task tables for all sections of the program.

If a task is used in class more than 4 times, take it to an unregulated activity.

4. Joint drawing up of a plan by both educators. As well as a constant exchange of opinions based on the results of observations of children: how they learn the material covered, how they perform their duties, what their behavioral skills are, manifestations of what character traits were observed, and so on. Thus, the main part of the plan is outlined by both educators, and the details are outlined by each individual.


Long-term plan –compiled for a quarter or a year (corrections during work in a plan of this type are acceptable).

IN long-term plan planned:

1. Goals and objectives (for the quarter);

2. Types of children's activities:

A) gaming activity;

B) social development;

C) physical education and health work (hardening, sports exercises,

Outdoor games);

D) cognitive and practical activities (observations, familiarization, experiments,


D) artistic activity(speech, theater, music, games,


E) elements of work activity.

3. Working with family.


Calendar thematic planningstructures the content educational process. In order to develop a detailed calendar and thematic plan it is necessary:

  1. Set the volume of the plan in conditional teaching hours.
  2. Determine the topic, content, and number of classes to cover each topic.

N: Vegetables - 2 lessons, Lifestyle - 6 lessons, Seasons - 4 lessons.

  1. Choose the optimal forms of conducting classes and teaching methods to achieve your goals and objectives.

It is impossible to oversaturate unregulated activities, as the plan will turn out to be very strict. Other activities can be added as needed as scheduling progresses throughout the year.


Goal: Organization of a holistic, continuous, meaningful pedagogical process.

The pedagogical process is a set of various activities and phenomena aimed at teaching, developing and educating children from goal to result.

The pedagogical process is a joint activity between the teacher and the child.

Schedule– provides for planning all types of children’s activities and the corresponding forms of their organization for every day.

The calendar plan is a mandatory document (1987).

The components of scheduling are:

1. Purpose. It is aimed at development, education, training.

  1. The content (types of actions and tasks) is determined by the program.
  2. Organizational and effective component (forms and methods must correspond to the assigned tasks).
  3. Result (what was planned at the very beginning and what was received must match).

The goals and objectives planned in the calendar-thematic plan must be diagnosable. N: cultivating a love for nature is not a diagnosable goal, but to form careful attitude to the flowers in the flower garden (water, do not pick, etc.) the diagnosed goal.

The calendar-thematic plan should be drawn up for one day, but practice shows that teachers, working in pairs, alternately draw up a plan for 1 - 2 weeks. Let's consider what events and in what period of time need to be planned:


MORNING. Target: create a cheerful, cheerful, productive mood.

In the morning period of time, you can plan all types of activities at the request of the children (games, communication, work, individual work, etc.), but they must meet the following requirements:

  1. The activity should not be long (15-20 minutes), the child should see the result of his work. N: plot-role and construction games are long-lasting and not planned in middle and senior groups.
  2. It is not advisable to plan activities in the morning that involve a lot of


  1. You cannot plan an activity in the morning that involves

Use of piercing and cutting objects.

  1. In the morning we plan only activities that are familiar to children.
  2. Morning exercises are planned. Learned in physical education class

The complex changes after two weeks.

WALK. Target: provide high active, meaningful, varied, interesting activity and relieve fatigue.

The walk begins with observation if it was preceded by a dynamic activity (musical, physical education, choreographic, etc.) and begins with a moving or sports game if there was a static activity before the walk. Let's take a closer look at what you need to plan for your walk:

1. Observation (of weather, nature, transport, adult labor, seasonal

Changes in clothing, etc.). Observations of natural phenomena are carried out

More often.

  1. Outdoor game (plot “Geese-geese...”, plotless “Day - Night”,

competitive - “Who is faster”), in which all children of the group take part. It is planned taking into account the weather and the characteristics of the season.

3. A sports game, exercise or elements of a sports game are planned in

Senior groups (badminton, basketball, football, hockey, small towns).

4. Didactic games, round dances, fun, creative.

5. Individual work on the development of movements, in preparation for

Classes (mathematics, speech development) with children who have not mastered

Material (3 – 7 minutes), with gifted children, on preparing for the holidays.

6..Work in subgroups (at the request of the children - what they want to do). In babies

It is necessary to create a need for labor.

It is not necessary to follow the sequence of actions during a walk; it all depends on the mood and desire of the children.

7. Conversations are planned on the culture of communication, on the education of moral qualities.

EVENING. Target. Create a joyful mood so that the next day the child will be happy to go to kindergarten.
At this time it is planned to:

1. All types of games - board-printed, role-playing, construction,

Mobile, didactic, developmental, theatrical. Desires are taken into account

Children's needs.

2. Entertainment, holidays, surprises conducted by the teacher are planned once

Weekly (Thursday or Friday).

Approximate names of holidays: holiday of “Soap Bubbles”, “ Balloons”, “Paper snowflakes”, “Thread (paper) dolls”, “Fuzzies”, “Flying pigeons”, “Jumping frogs”, “Funny words”, etc. Also planned various types theater, mini-concerts at which children perform their favorite poems, songs and dances; New toys are brought in and played with.

  1. Labor (manual labor, household chores (cleaning, washing) collective, in subgroups.

There is no planning for a familiar type of duty

Necessity, the plan reflects only innovation.

4. Individual work on all types of activities. According to fine art

Activities, construction before the lesson, the lesson is the result of the work

Educator. Before class, it is advisable to plan individual work with

Timid, “weak” children in this type of activity, in order to

These children felt more confident during the lesson.

6. Working with parents.

7. Work on ZKR.

In order to systematize activities outside of class in a plan, a cyclogram is needed.


Recording classes in the calendar plan should be done as follows:

Topic of the lesson.

Objectives (program content).

Objectives (educational, developmental and educational). What to teach, what mental processes develop (thinking, memory, eye, curiosity, etc.) and what moral qualities inoculate. Triple tasks are required.


Activation of the dictionary.

Methods and techniques.


IN methodological literature educational and developmental tasks are indicated in detail and educational tasks are often absent (see Vasilyeva’s program).

N: EDUCATE – goodwill, the ability to take care of children, express sympathy, not interrupt the speaker, the habit of behaving calmly in the room (don’t make noise, don’t run), c. negative attitude towards rudeness, greed, etc.

At the end of each quarter, final classes are planned in the form of quizzes, KVNs, and entertainment.


Forms of planning depend on the program and on the professional level of the teacher. The following forms of planning exist:

1. Text - the most detailed form of plan. It is necessary for beginning educators. It describes in detail all types of activities, tasks, methods, and forms.

2. Grid diagram.

Page 1 – list of children.

Page 2 – activity grid.

Page 3 – the main tasks of training, development and education (no more than 10). These tasks are set throughout the week, in all types of activities.

N: write down the game “Wonderful Bag”, and next to it in parentheses the number of the task.

A list of children in subgroups of 2 to 6 children is located at the end of the notebook and filled out in pencil, since the composition of the subgroups may change during the year. The younger the children, the more subgroups there are. Subgroups are formed according to the children's sympathies.

Planned events should be interconnected by the same topic throughout the week. The complication of each event should be a continuation of yesterday's events. The grid diagram is used by experienced educators.

3. Block planning– an option for creative, responsible educators.

During the week, one object, phenomenon or theme is played out.

This form of plan can be done in groups early age And junior groups.

N: Theme “Fish” Speech development Reading the poem “Where the Fish Sleeps”

Drawing – “Let’s draw a tail for a fish”, Object world – “Multi-colored fish”, etc.

The main criterion by which the quality of a good plan is determined is providing each child with meaningful and interesting activities.


calendar planning for 1 week



cognitive development



individual work

1 half day

Didactic, developmental.


1. with math

2. on ecology

3. on speech development

4. finger


Observations from the window

for the state of nature

birds, snow, etc.

In a corner of nature.

1. Conversations (morals, ecology,

Patriot, healthy lifestyle, safety)

2. Review


3. Reading fiction


In a corner of nature


In mathematics,

speech development,



Movable, sports


1. check the weather

2. per animal. and plants

3. for changes in


4. behind the work of adults

5. for transport

Conversations on morals


Consolidation of knowledge,

received in class.


domestic labor

Labor in nature


Speech development

Preparing for


2 half day



theatrical, music-did.,


Writing stories.


Memorizing a poem.

Looking at pictures.

Manual labor


household work,


1 entertainment in

a week

Fine art, design


In preparation for


TYPES OF ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE CLASS FROM ______ TO ______ _________________



cognitive development



individual work

1 half day

D/i "Wonderful"

bag" - secured. zn.

geom. figures

D/i “What they cook what from”

vegetables - fruits

R/i "Tangram"


P/i “Edible –


1. Consider

blossoming flower

(how to care)

2. Behind the wind from the window -

drives clouds, shakes trees (bends).

1. Conversation “The city in which we are

We live” - architect. monuments

2. “Parts of the day” - what we

We do it morning, afternoon, evening.

3. “I love vegetables” - teach

Composition descriptive. story.

4. “Living and non-living nature” -

Who? What?

5. “Visiting a fairy tale” review.

illustrations for fairy tales.

1. Teach

On one's own

prepare material

to classes.

2. Flower care

in a corner of nature


3. Teach

dress and undress independently.

1. Correct

use a fork -

Petya, Kirill.

2. Reinforce the concept

vowel sounds – Artem,


3. Color, shape, size -

Artem, Yulia.

4. Tree names –

Katya, Dima.

5 Article control -Julia,

Dima, Artem.


P/i "Homeless Hare"

P/i "At the bear's


P/i "Day and Night"

Sp/i "Football"

Sp/ex. "Towns"

S/r i. "Chauffeurs"

1 Behind the clouds - reading the poem “Why

clouds look like"

2 For insects –

about the benefits.

3 At the games of the elders

children - compliance

rules, friendliness.

4. For cargo


1. Shopping at the store" -

Closed knowledge about vegetables, where

They grow, what they do with them.

2. Compiling stories based on

Theme "Autumn"

1. Fruit collection

rowan for manual


2. Involve children in

cleaning up dried

flowers and flower beds.

3. Washing toys

After the walk.

4. Cleaning


5.Help the kids

Reach the group.

1.Secure temporary

concepts: morning, day,

evening, night - Katya, Petya.

2.Score within 10 –

Kirill, Artem.

3. Learn to throw the ball at

target – Julia, Artem.

4. Repeat text

nursery rhymes – Katya, Vera.

5. Accustom to actively participate in games -

Vladik, Nastya.

2 half day

S/r and “Library”

S/r "Family"

S/r Store"

D/i “What has changed”


D/i “Say kindly”

Page "Cities and


P/i "Mousetrap"

1. Compiling the story “If

I wish I were a wizard"

2. Retelling of the fairy tale “The Fox and

Jug" (based on illustrations)

3. Learning proverbs about


4. “Our Street” (considered

No pictures according to traffic rules)

5. Memorizing the text

Finger gymnastics.



2. Learning to work

By finished




old books (learn


using tracing paper).

1. Literary


"Find out the fairy tale"



According to the text,

According to the riddle)

1.Teach correctly

rinse your mouth – Artem, D

2. Expansion of the dictionary by

theme “Autumn” - Andrey,

Kirill, Vera.

3.Learn to cut from

paper figures by

outline - Nastya, Katya.

4. Learn to answer

question with a complete answer -

Julia, Vera.

1 week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Introduction to fairy tales.

Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Learning riddles, proverbs,


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Getting to know people


Introduction to Russian

national culture:

Reading and memorizing nursery rhymes,


Household work.

Household work.

Household work.

Household work.

Observing seasonal changes in nature.

Observing seasonal changes in nature.

Observing seasonal changes in nature.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.

Word games and exercises.


I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

I take care of my health.

Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.

Animal observation.

Bird watching.

Insect observation.

Observation of the inanimate


Getting to know creativity


Getting to know creativity


Getting to know creativity


Getting to know creativity



Traffic rules (reading).

Traffic regulations (games).

Traffic regulations (conversation).

Traffic regulations (observation).


Target walk.

Target walk.

Target walk.

Games with math

Quantity, count.

Games with math

Shape, size.

Games with math


Games with math

Orientation in space.

Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic


Cultural and hygienic



Literary hour.

Literary hour.

(world folk art)

Literary hour.

(poetic works)

Literary hour.


Plant observation


Plant observation


Plant observation


Plant observation


Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Theatrical games.

Work on consolidating the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on consolidating the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on consolidating the topic

on cognitive development.

Work on consolidating the topic

on cognitive development.


PPB (conversation)

PPB (reading)

PPB (game).

PPB (reading).

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

An evening of entertainment.

Games for memory development,


Games for memory development,


Games for speech development,


Games for speech development,


Observation of inanimate nature.

Observation of inanimate nature.

Observation of inanimate nature.

CYCLOGRAM. Distribution of activities by day of the week.

1 week

2 week

3 week

4 week


Educational games

"Merry Count"


Logic exercises.

Orientation, shape.


"Day and Night"

"Seven Brothers"


"Calendar", "Clock"


Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.

Changes in nature.







"Russian Literature"

speech development, vocabulary.

Writing stories,

creative storytelling


Word games.

Literary quizzes.

"Natural World"

Flora world.

Animal world.

The relationship between a person and


Ecology: conversations,



Animal and


Animal and


Animal and


Animal and








"Learning to be healthy"

Life safety.

Culture of behavior,

rules of etiquette.

Life safety

Hygienic basics.


Reading, dramatization,

theatrical games

Learning by heart.

Meeting the writers.

Riddles and answers.


For the weather.

For the weather.

For the weather.

For the weather.


Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.

Labor in nature.


"The World Around Us"





"Our Motherland"

"Our Motherland -


"Our City"

The work of adults.

“I’ll open it myself” in the club



The work of adults.

The work of adults.

The work of adults.

The work of adults.


In a corner of nature.

In a corner of nature.

In a corner of nature.

In a corner of nature.


Traffic regulations

Reading works.

Looking at posters

illustrations, paintings.

Creating problematic

situations, games.


Introduction to Russian

national culture

Rituals, holidays.

Proverbs, sayings,

folk signs.


Target walk


For transport.

For transport.

For transport.

For transport.

Manual labor

With paper.

With natural materials

waste material.

Builder drawing up a plan.

With fabric.

Forms of work in the second junior group.







Conversations on illustrations

(development of speech, familiarization with the environment).

Didactic game on REMP.

Outdoor game.

Board educational games with rules.

Articulation gymnastics.

Observations in a corner of nature ( environmental education, speech articulation).

Telling fairy tales using pictograms.

Outdoor game.


Play finger gymnastics.

Individual work to familiarize yourself with the environment (game, communication)

Conversation on moral education.

Individual work on artistic activities.

Outdoor game.

Learning poetry.


Theatrical activities.

Conversations on life safety, stories from personal experience.

Didactic game for the formation of grammatical structure of speech.

Individual work on labor education.

TRIZ elements.

Outdoor game.

Individual work to develop self-service skills.

Outdoor game.

Didactic game on REMP.

Writing a descriptive story.

Development work fine motor skills hands

Experimental game.


Outdoor game.

Individual work on REMP (preliminary preparation for a future lesson).


Problem-game situation (education of humanism, familiarization with the environment).

Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.

Reading fiction.

Modeling, “playing out” crafts and speech work.

TRIZ elements.

Outdoor game.

Designing, “playing out” crafts.

A game exercise to develop articulation (onomatopoeia, phrasing).

Dynamic hour.

Role-playing game.

Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.

Individual work

To consolidate skills in using scissors, a brush and glue.

A game to develop memory, attention, and thinking.

Reading fiction.

Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.

Household activities (by subgroups).

Poetry competition.

Dramatization game.

Didactic game to expand and activate the vocabulary.

Musical and sports entertainment.

Cyclogram of calendar planning for the “Childhood” program.

Forms of work in the middle group.







Observation in a corner of nature.

Learning poetry.

TRIZ elements.

Development of phonemic hearing (sound automation).

Compiling stories according to the scheme (description).

Outdoor game.

Didactic game for speech development.

Conversation on moral education (solving problem situations, stories from personal experience, reasoning).

Outdoor game.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for speech development.

Compiling stories according to a scheme (narration).

Outdoor game.

Individual work on the grammatical structure of speech.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for speech development.

Folk game.

Labor education.

Outdoor game.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game for speech development.

Individual work according to the sign. with others.


Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.


Didactic game for speech development.

Individual work on REMP.

Individual work according to the sign. with others.

Role-playing game.

Preliminary work to prepare for applique (with paper and scissors).

TRIZ elements.

Reading fiction.


Outdoor game.

Individual work on moral education.

Role-playing game.

Compiling stories using diagrams.


Educational game for the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Dynamic hour.

Outdoor game.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills.

Educational game for the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Work on differentiating sounds.

Role-playing game.


TRIZ elements.

Outdoor game.

Individual work (preliminary preparation for a future lesson on cognitive development).

Role-playing game.

Reading fiction.

Theatrical and gaming creativity.

Cyclogram of calendar planning for the “Childhood” program.

Forms of work in the senior group.







Didactic game for speech development.

Individual work on artistic activities.

Outdoor game.

Compiling stories using diagrams (description).

Didactic game on REMP.

Didactic game for speech development.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills.

Outdoor game.

Observation in nature.


Outdoor game.

Individual work on REMP.

Compiling stories from personal experience (narration and reasoning).

Articulation and finger gymnastics.

Outdoor game.

Individual work in notebooks to develop fine motor skills, activate thinking and speech.

Activating communication (solving problem situations).

Learning poetry.

Outdoor game.

Didactic game using signs. with others.


Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.

Individual work on the formation of the grammatical structure of speech.

TRIZ elements.

Didactic game on REMP.

Learning poetry.

Outdoor game.

Individual work on the development of memory, attention, thinking.

Reading fiction.


Theatrical and gaming creativity.

Individual work on physical education.

Outdoor game.

Role-playing game.

TRIZ elements.

Dynamic hour.

Designing with “playing out” crafts.

Outdoor game.

Experimental game.

TRIZ elements.

Reading fiction.

Dramatization of a fairy tale.

Outdoor game.

Individual work to activate the dictionary.

Role-playing game.

Individual work on the development of phonemic hearing.

Household work.

Musical and sports entertainment; competition of readers, riddles, etc.

Cyclogram of calendar planning for the “Childhood” program.

Forms of work in a preparatory group for school.







Activating communication (stories from personal experience, solving problem situations).

Observation and work in a corner of nature.

Individual discussion of completing “homework” in notebooks.

Outdoor game.

Compiling stories according to diagrams (narration, description).

Didactic game using signs. with others.

Articulation and finger gymnastics.

Outdoor game.

TRIZ elements.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills.

Experimental game.

Household work.

Educational game (logical and spatial thinking.

Outdoor game.


Learning poetry.

Conversation (social and moral education).

Educational game (spatial and logical thinking, imagination).

Outdoor game.

Conversations using pictograms on life safety.

Articulation and finger gymnastics

Outdoor game.

Fun game (folk, round dance, low mobility).

Dramatization of a fairy tale.


Outdoor game.

Individual work according to the sign. with others.

Role-playing game.

Didactic game to prepare for learning to read and write.

Didactic game on REMP.

Individual work

on the development of phonemic hearing, elements of sound analysis of words.

Preliminary work to prepare for a future lesson on cognitive development.

Role-playing game.

Outdoor game.


Individual work on REMP.

Didactic and developmental exercises using cards (attention, memory, hand motor skills).

Preliminary work to prepare for a future art class.

Outdoor game.

Reading fiction.

Didactic game to activate vocabulary.

Individual work on the development of fine motor skills.

Household work.

TRIZ elements.


Didactic game (grammatical structure of speech).

Individual work on REMP.

Designing, playing with crafts (2nd week - musical and sports entertainment).

Models for writing lesson notes.

Option 1.

  1. Topic of the lesson.
  2. The triune task (education, training, development).
  3. Equipment.
  4. Activation of the dictionary.
  5. Methodological techniques (forms of organizing cognitive activity):
  1. Organizational moment (motivation)
  2. First part (consolidation of the material covered)
  3. Second part (familiarization with new material, formation of vocabulary concepts)
  4. The third part (consolidating new material)
  5. The outcome of the lesson in accordance with the goals.

Option 2.

  1. Topic of the lesson.
  2. Triune task (education, training, development)
  3. Specially organized workspace.
  4. Activation of the dictionary.
  5. Methodical techniques:

a) First part (introductory). The purpose of the activity is to set children up for active work, positive contact with each other, and create interest in the upcoming activity.

b) The second part (motivational basis of activity). The purpose of the activity is to stimulate the acceptance of elements of the educational task, to create interest in the content of the lesson.

c) The third part (joint productive activity). Creation problematic situation, searching for a way out of it.

The fourth part (final).

A variety of methods and techniques.


Visual (connection to memorization and assimilation educational material

all senses - hearing, sight, smell, taste, touch):


  • intriguing start
  • emotional plot
  • surprise moment, etc.


  • creating an entertaining situation
  • asking riddles
  • creating a situation of novelty
  • surprise effect, etc.

Methods that arouse interest in acquiring knowledge and skills:

  • creating a situation of clash of opinions
  • game (cognitive, developmental, didactic, active, etc.)
  • game exercise
  • heuristic method - discovery method
  • conducting an experiment
  • experimentation
  • problem-search methods

Calendar and thematic planning

_________________academic year

Type of activity _______________________________________________

Age group_______________________________________________

Program ___________________________________________________________________
_(complex, partial



Regulated activity

Implementation of lesson topics in unregulated and free activities



Lesson topic

Program tasks

Additional methodological support







Games, play exercises, reading, memorization, observation, experiments. Experiments, excursions, search and research activities, etc.

(1-3 events)

  1. This type of planning is developed for the entire academic year.
  2. The number of classes must correspond to the curriculum of the preschool educational institution.
  3. Program tasks must correspond to the age standard and program requirements.
  4. In column 5, it is necessary to indicate methodological literature and pages.
  5. Topics must be consistent with the program.
  6. Unregulated activities are determined by the choice of the teacher.

Scheduling in kindergarten.

The calendar plan for the educational process in groups is an advance determination of the order and sequence of implementation of the educational program, indicating the necessary conditions, means used, forms and methods of work.

The basis of daily planning is business. We call a case a motivated set of events with the participation of children, as a result of which we obtain a visually perceived result - an exhibition, game, performance, concert, album, etc.

The theme and purpose of the case can be suggested by the calendar of significant dates, the plan educational institution, group calendar. The initiative in choosing activities can come from the teacher and the children. Often things are subordinated to the season and social events.

Group work is structured in such a way thatEvery day another task is completed . Putting things into practice may take a long time - up to 2 weeks, but may be completed in short period- 1-2 days. In early preschool age, only short-term activities are planned. With age, the length of time required to implement planned tasks can gradually increase.

The direction of any business is determined by the leading educational activity, from which integration is built different types children's activities. In each case, all educational areas are covered, this guarantees a change in the types of children's activities, and, consequently, the prevention of fatigue.

Goals and objectives of calendar planning.

1. Ensuring the implementation of the educational program in preschool educational institutions in each age group.

2. Implementation of educational influence on children systematically and consistently.

3. Achieving positive results in the upbringing, education and development of children.

Scheduling principles .

The plan should:

1. Comply with the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of the child.

2. Meet the criteria of completeness and sufficiency.

3. Combine the principles of scientific validity and practical applicability.

4. Ensure the unity of educational, training and development goals, as well as the objectives of the educational process for children preschool age.

5. Be built taking into account the principle of integration educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of students, the specifics and capabilities of educational areas.

6. Be based on the complex thematic principle of constructing the educational process.

7. Provide for the solution of program educational tasks in joint activities adults and children, and children’s independent activities not only within the immediate educational activities, but also when carrying out regime moments in accordance with the specifics of preschool education.

8. Assume that the educational process is based on age-appropriate forms of working with children, i.e., based on play activities.

Requirements for drawing up a calendar plan.

1. The plan must be written neatly and in clear handwriting.

2. A title page must be drawn up indicating the group, full name of both teachers of the group, and the start and end dates of the plan.

3. The plan must contain the following sections

Annual tasks of the preschool educational institution;

Group daily routine;

Schedule of direct educational activities;

Daily traditions of the group;

Weekly group traditions;

List of children in the group (indicating the date of birth and age of the child as of September 1 of the current year, the number of boys and girls in the group is indicated below the list);

Legend(it records all the abbreviations used by the group’s teachers).

4. The plan is drawn up in accordance with the approved planning form in accordance with GOST for the structure of the basic general education program.

5. It is necessary to determine a place for recording the methodologist’s recommendations.

6. When planning a variety of children's activities, the form of children's activities is indicated; target; questions; equipment necessary for organizing children's activities.

7. When planning, the use of observation cards, finger gymnastics, articulation, invigorating gymnastics, etc., compiled by the group’s teachers is encouraged.

Organization of work.

1. The basis for planning the pedagogical process depends on the program for the upbringing, education and development of children in a kindergarten.

2. Calendar plans are drawn up in accordance with the group’s daily routine, calendar-thematic planning, and a cyclogram of joint organized activities during routine moments.

3. The calendar plan is drawn up a week in advance (with the exception of individual work with children).

Kovaleva Natalya Nikolaevna methodologist of the Municipal State Communal Enterprise "Center" aesthetic development nursery-kindergarten No. 15 “Bobek”, Pavlodar region, Ekibastuz.

Cell phone: 8 705 268 60 32

Anna Zasypkina
Methodological development “Drawing up a calendar plan in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standards of Education”

Explanatory note

This electronic manual is intended for educators and can be used methodologist, senior educator for training young teachers drawing up a calendar plan.

Relevance: In connection with the opening of new groups, young teachers are coming to work in kindergartens. They are well prepared theoretically, but in practice they often do not know how draw up a calendar plan in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. In addition, each institution has its own nuances of design and consistency.

Target this manual : teach young teachers make a plan educational work in compliance with Federal State Educational Standards for Preschool Education.


Introduce teachers to the content calendar plan;

Teach draw up a calendar plan educational work in in accordance with Federal State Educational Standards DO and complex thematic planning.

Description of working with slides:

Slide No. Actions and possible option explanations methodologist

No. 1 Today we will look at drawing up a calendar plan in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

№2 1. Schedule starts with title page. By clicking on a line, you will see a sample title page. It indicates the group (general developmental or combined, institution, academic year, teacher, beginning and end. /Click/

2. The list of children is approved by the head of the joint venture. /Click/

3. Children are divided into subgroups in the first junior groups in half, and in groups of combined orientation the first subgroup are children with normal, the second subgroup – children with disabilities. /Click/

4. You can print out the daily routine and GCD schedule for your group. /Click/. By clicking on a line, you will see samples. /Click/

5. The audio pronunciation screen fills, starting with middle group. /Click/

6. Next components of the calendar plan are planned for a month. Complex morning exercises for 2 weeks you can borrow from a physical education instructor. Thus, there should be two gymnastics complexes per month. /Click/.

8. When working with parents, activities for the month are indicated from the perspective planning for the year. /Click/

tabular form.

At the beginning of the week, the topic and goal are indicated in compliance with a complex thematic planning. /Cry/

The first column indicates the date and day of the week, the second column indicates the regime moments, and the third indicates the integration of educational areas. /Click/

No. 4 Remind them of their names. /Click after the teachers named the area/

No. 5 By clicking on the inscription, you will see an approximate structure planning educational and developmental work. /Cry/

No. 6 Let's try to fill out the table calendar plan. We find the column Joint activities with adults and peers. Group, subgroup work. /Cry/

No. 7 Choose an activity that you can plan for the morning in this column. Now check yourself. /Click//Click//Click//Click/

#8 See how it will look in plan. /Cry/

No. 9 Choose an activity for individual work. Test yourself. /Click//Click//Click//Click/

No. 10 We place it in the Individual work column. /Cry/

No. 11 Filling out the column Creating a developing educational environment. Name your option. Let's check. /Click//Click//Click//Click/

No. 12 Place it in a column. /Cry/

No. 13 Next column Interaction with parents and social partners. Choose. Test yourself. /Click//Click//Click//Click/

No. 14 Let's look at plan. /Cry/

No. 15 How will we plan GCD. Choosing an activity in according to schedule. Check your choice. /Click/ /Click/ /Click/ /Click/

#16 Look at plan. Likewise planned and other organized activities in according to schedule. /Cry/

No. 17 Choosing an activity for a walk. Group, subgroup work. Check your selection. /Click//Click//Click//Click/

#18 Look at plan. Don't forget plan also a game of low mobility. /Cry/

No. 19 Let's move on to individual work while walking. Choose. Test yourself. /Click//Click//Click//Click/

No. 20 Let's look at plan. /Cry/

No. 21 Organization of a developmental environment during a walk. What can you put in this column? Check it out. /Click//Click//Click//Click/

#22 Look at plan. For the evening planned activities in the same way as in the morning period. Remember to cover all educational areas and activities. Second walk planned the same as the first one. /Cry/

#23 Congratulations! You can do it yourself make a plan.

RMO of educators preschool groups

Complex thematic planning at preschool educational institutions

as a factor in the effectiveness of the modern educational process.

“The future must be built in the present.

This is called a plan. Without it, nothing in the world can be good." Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Plan – a working document, the purpose of which is to help achieve the intended objectives. Without this document, the teacher has no right to start work.

Planning – this is an advance determination of the order and sequence of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, means, forms and methods used. The effectiveness of educational work as a whole depends on how thoughtfully and competently the planning is carried out.

Planning allows not only to significantly reduce the share of uncertainty in the development of the pedagogical situation, but also to ensure the continuity of today's and tomorrow's actions.

Planning educational work is based on the cooperation of the teacher, children's group and parents, on their understanding of the goals and their tasks in joint activities, on the desire to make life in kindergarten interesting, useful, creative

Planning principles

No matter how the plan for educational work with children is designed, it must meet certain requirements:

- be based on the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of every child;

- a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process;

- the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the group’s pupils;

- ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education of pupils, in the process of implementation of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children;

- the planned content and forms of organization of children must correspond to the age and psychological-pedagogical foundations of preschool pedagogy. When planning and organizing the pedagogical process, it is important to take into account that the main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play.

Complex - thematic principle of constructing the educational process

  • A comprehensive thematic model is a combination of educational areas into a single whole based on the principle of thematic planning of the educational process.
  • A comprehensive thematic model of organizing the educational process is described in the Scientific Concept edited by V.I. Slobodchikova. It is expected to highlight the leading topic of the day, week, month. The developed model must comply with the principle of cyclicity.

The theme-forming factors used, proposed by N.A. Korotkova:

The first factor is real events, occurring in the environment and arousing interest children (bright natural phenomena and social events, holidays);

The second factor is imaginary events described in work of art which the teacher reads to the children. This is as strong a theme-forming factor as real events;

  • the third factor is events specially “modeled” by the teacher based on developmental tasks (introducing into a group of objects previously unknown to children with an unusual effect or purpose, arousing genuine interest and research activity: “What is this?”, “What to do with it?” , "How does it work?");

The fourth factor is events occurring in the life of an age group that “infect” children and lead to the preservation of interests for some time, the source of which, as a rule, is the media and the toy industry.

When using comprehensive thematic planning, it is taken into account

Number of topics

The forms of training are integrative in nature;

One topic is given no more than 1 week in junior groups (must be a specific task), at least 1 week in older groups (no more than 2 weeks);

The principle of age targeting;

The theme is reflected in the selection of material located in the group centers.

Scheme of comprehensive thematic planning

Season, month, week

Theme-forming factor

Program content

Final event options

Information and resource support

The essence of thematic planning:

  • a topic for the week is selected, which is called and initially discussed in a lesson on familiarization with the surrounding world (ecology or familiarization with natural world, acquaintance with social reality), which takes place on the first day of the week;
  • all other activities (speech development, elementary mathematical representations, modeling, appliqué, design and others) continue the proposed topic and are somehow related to it;
  • At each of the subsequent lessons, a short repetition of the topic of the week is given;
  • for parents are offered brief recommendations, tips on organizing home activities, observations in nature, reading to children at home.

Expected planning results

  • Planning of organized educational activities.
  • Increasing the competence of teachers.
  • The relationship between theoretical learning and practice.
  • Unified thematic plans for main areas child development, in all educational areas.
  • Implementation of integration of educational areas.
  • Increasing the level of development of preschool children.
  • Using a variety of forms and methods of teaching.
  • Rational use of technical teaching aids.

“To the extent that a man devotes himself to writing a plan, to the same extent does he find the highest satisfaction in his work.”

Booker Taliapher Washington


One of important points program implementation is planning the educational process. A plan for educational work with children is a document according to which group teachers work. Therefore, if a plan is a model of joint activity, then planning must be joint. It involves not only the process of drawing up a plan, but also general mental activity, which involves two teachers discussing what needs to be done to implement program objectives.



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Slide captions:

RMO of preschool teachers Comprehensive thematic planning in preschool educational institutions as a factor in the effectiveness of the modern educational process.

“The future must be built in the present. This is called a plan. Without it, nothing in the world can be good." Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

A plan is a working document whose purpose is to help achieve the intended objectives. Without this document, the teacher has no right to start work. Planning is an advance determination of the order and sequence of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, means, forms and methods used. The effectiveness of educational work as a whole depends on how thoughtfully and competently the planning is carried out. Planning allows not only to significantly reduce the share of uncertainty in the development of the pedagogical situation, but also to ensure the continuity of today's and tomorrow's actions. Planning educational work is based on the cooperation of the teacher, the children's team and parents, on their understanding of the goals and tasks in joint activities, on the desire to make life in kindergarten interesting, useful, creative

No matter how the plan for educational work with children is drawn up, it must meet certain requirements: - be based on the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of each child; - a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process; - the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the group’s pupils; - ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education of pupils, in the process of implementation of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children; - the planned content and forms of organization of children must correspond to the age and psychological-pedagogical foundations of preschool pedagogy. When planning and organizing the pedagogical process, it is important to take into account that the main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play. Planning principles

A comprehensive thematic model is a combination of educational areas into a single whole based on the principle of thematic planning of the educational process. A comprehensive thematic model of organizing the educational process is described in the Scientific Concept edited by V.I. Slobodchikova. It is expected to highlight the leading topic of the day, week, month. The developed model must comply with the principle of cyclicity. Complex - thematic principle of constructing the educational process

The first factor is real events occurring in the environment and arousing the interest of children (vivid natural phenomena and social events, holidays); the second factor is imaginary events described in a work of fiction that the teacher reads to the children. This is as strong a theme-forming factor as real events; the third factor is events specially “modeled” by the teacher based on developmental tasks (introducing into a group of objects previously unknown to children with an unusual effect or purpose, arousing genuine interest and research activity: “What is this?”, “What to do with it?” , "How does it work?"); the fourth factor is events occurring in the life of the age group, “infecting” children and leading to the preservation for some time of interests, the source of which, as a rule, is the media of mass communication and the toy industry. The theme-forming factors used, proposed by N.A. Korotkova:

The number of topics in the training form are integrative in nature; one topic is given no more than 1 week in junior groups (must be a specific task), at least 1 week in older groups (no more than 2 weeks); principle of age targeting; The theme is reflected in the selection of material located in the group centers. When using complex thematic planning, the Scheme of complex thematic planning is taken into account Season, month, week Theme-forming factor Theme Program content Options for the final event Information and resource support

the topic of the week is selected, which is named and initially discussed in a lesson on familiarization with the surrounding world (ecology or familiarization with the natural world, familiarization with social reality), which is held on the first day of the week; all other classes (speech development, elementary mathematical concepts, modeling, appliqué, design and others) continue the proposed topic and are somehow related to it; At each of the subsequent lessons, a short repetition of the topic of the week is given; Brief recommendations and tips on organizing home activities, observations in nature, and reading to children at home are offered for parents. The essence of thematic planning:

Planning of organized educational activities. Increasing the competence of teachers. The relationship between theoretical learning and practice. Unified thematic plans for the main areas of child development, for all educational areas. Implementation of integration of educational areas. Increasing the level of development of preschool children. Using a variety of forms and methods of teaching. Rational use of technical teaching aids. Expected planning results

Booker Taliafer Washington “To the extent that a man spends himself in writing a plan, to the same extent does he find the highest satisfaction in his work.”



Comprehensive thematic planning in preschool educational institutions

as a factor in the effectiveness of the modern educational process.

Prepared by the teacher

RMO of preschool teachers: Novikova S.A.

Boksitogorsk city 2016

One of the important aspects of program implementation is planning the educational process.

“The standard does not impose restrictions on the forms of planning educational activities of preschool educational institutions. You should focus on the type of planning that is recommended by the Approximate Public Educational Institution of the Preschool Educational Institution, on the basis of which the preschool educational institution creates its own educational educational program."

Target: generalization of teachers’ knowledge about the implementation of complex thematic planning in the context of the transition to the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

Planned result:

Objectively assess the level of your work at the time of planning;

Be able to identify planning goals and objectives for a certain period of work, correlating them with an approximate educational program, according to which the educational process is organized, age characteristics groups of children and the priority area of ​​work of the preschool educational institution;

Clearly present the work results that must be achieved by the end of the planning period;

Choose optimal ways, means, methods that help achieve your goals, and therefore obtain the planned result.

A plan for educational work with children is a document according to which group teachers work. Therefore, if a plan is a model of joint activity, then planning must be joint. It involves not only the process of drawing up a plan, but also general mental activity, which involves a discussion between two teachers about what needs to be done to implement program tasks.

Plan – a working document, the purpose of which is to help achieve the intended objectives. Without this document, the teacher has no right to start work.

Planning – this is an advance determination of the order and sequence of educational work, indicating the necessary conditions, means, forms and methods used. The effectiveness of educational work as a whole depends on how thoughtfully and competently the planning is carried out.

Planning allows not only to significantly reduce the share of uncertainty in the development of the pedagogical situation, but also to ensure the continuity of today's and tomorrow's actions.

Planning educational work is based on the cooperation of the teacher, the children's team and parents, on their understanding of the goals and tasks in joint activities, on the desire to make life in kindergarten interesting, useful, creative

Planning principles

No matter how the plan for educational work with children is designed, it must meet certain requirements:

Be based on the principle of developmental education, the goal of which is the development of every child;

- a comprehensive thematic principle of constructing the educational process;

- the principle of integration of educational areas in accordance with the age capabilities and characteristics of the group’s pupils;

- ensure the unity of educational, developmental and training goals and objectives of the education of pupils, in the process of implementation of which knowledge, skills and abilities are formed that are directly related to the development of preschool children;

The planned content and forms of organization of children must correspond to the age and psychological-pedagogical foundations of preschool pedagogy.

When planning and organizing the pedagogical process, it is important to take into account that the main form of work with preschool children and the leading activity for them is play.

Complex - thematic principle of constructing the educational process

A comprehensive thematic model is a combination of educational areas into a single whole based on the principle of thematic planning of the educational process.

A comprehensive thematic model of organizing the educational process is described in the Scientific Concept edited by V.I. Slobodchikova. It is expected to highlight the leading topic of the day, week, month. The developed model must comply with the principle of cyclicity.

The purpose of comprehensive thematic planning

Create comprehensive thematic planning based on theme-forming factors and the principle of age-specific targeting, make children’s lives interesting and connect it with the surrounding reality.

Thematic factors used

Proposed by N.A. Korotkova:

The first factor is real events occurring in the environment and arousing the interest of children (vivid natural phenomena and social events, holidays);

The second factor is imaginary events described in a work of fiction that the teacher reads to the children. This is as strong a theme-forming factor as real events;

The third factor is events specially “modeled” by the teacher based on developmental tasks (introducing into a group of objects previously unknown to children with an unusual effect or purpose, arousing genuine interest and research activity: “What is this?”, “What to do with it?” , "How does it work?");

The fourth factor is events occurring in the life of an age group that “infect” children and lead to the preservation of interests for some time, the source of which, as a rule, is the media and the toy industry.

Thus, thematic planning of the educational process in our preschool institution for all age groups is built on an “event” principle, namely on the basis of seasonality, holidays, anniversary dates, traditions, thematic meetings and the principle of age targeting.

When used comprehensively -

thematic planning is taken into account

number of topics

The forms of training are integrative in nature;

One topic is given no more than 1 week in junior groups (must be a specific task), at least 1 week in older groups (no more than 2 weeks);

The principle of age targeting;

Scheme of comprehensive thematic planning

Season, month, week

Theme-forming factor


Program content

Final event options

Information and resource support

The essence of thematic planning:

  • the topic of the week is selected, which is named and initially discussed in a lesson on familiarization with the surrounding world (ecology or familiarization with the natural world, familiarization with social reality), which is held on the first day of the week;
  • all other classes (speech development, elementary mathematical concepts, modeling, appliqué, design and others) continue the proposed topic and are somehow related to it;
  • At each of the subsequent lessons, a short repetition of the topic of the week is given;
  • Brief recommendations and tips on organizing home activities, observations in nature, and reading to children at home are offered for parents.

Expected planning results

  1. Planning of organized educational activities.
  2. Increasing the competence of teachers.
  3. The relationship between theoretical learning and practice.
  4. Unified thematic plans for the main areas of child development, for all educational areas.
  5. Implementation of integration of educational areas.
  6. Increasing the level of development of preschool children.
  7. Using a variety of forms and methods of teaching.
  8. Rational use of technical teaching aids.