Exercising in bed: the first step to a great workout. Uncal Tibetan morning exercises.

Tibetan monks This gymnastics has been used for more than a thousand years, but in our country tibetan gymnastics became known only during the times Soviet Union. Tibetan gymnastics aims to balance energy system human, thanks to the normalization hormonal levels. Therefore, these exercises are also called Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

Exercises should be performed early in the morning (before 8 a.m.), immediately after waking up, while lying out of bed. All Tibetan gymnastics in bed will take no more than 15 minutes.

The effect of Tibetan gymnastics

So what does Tibetan give? morning exercises in bed?

  • Firstly, as already mentioned, hormonal levels will improve, because... gymnastics has a positive effect on the functioning of the endocrine system (glands) internal secretion).
  • Secondly, they will work better internal organs(heart, stomach and intestines, lungs, lymphatic system).
  • Thirdly, these exercises make the body flexible, make your posture slim, help maintain youth and beauty, and also restore the vitality of the body.

In a word, Tibetan gymnastics, lying in bed, helps to maintain health.

So, the exercises themselves

In the morning we woke up early, stretched and, without getting out of bed, began to do Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed. The exercises must be done exactly in the order in which they are described here.

    1. Rubbing your palms – vigorously rub your palms together for a few seconds until hot. At the same time, we evaluate the state of our body: if the palms quickly become hot and remain dry, then everything is fine. If you warm up just a little, it means your immune system is weakened. If you sweat, but still don’t warm up, then the energy balance is disturbed and there is some kind of illness.
    2. Place warmed palms on eyes closed and press on the eyeball once per second (we start doing all the exercises 5-6 times, gradually increase to 30 times). At the end, we press on the eyes and hold (with worse vision, the longer we hold it, from 30 seconds to 2 minutes). During this exercise, the retina is nourished, which leads to vision restoration.
    3. Now we do about the same with the ears. , namely, we close the ears with our hands, fingers directed towards the back of the head, and press on the ears with a frequency of 1 time per second. This exercise has a positive effect on hearing and treats ear diseases.
    4. The fourth exercise for the beauty and tone of facial skin. We place the thumbs of both hands behind the ears, clench the rest into fists and begin to do a “facelift” - we press on the face and move our fists from the chin to the ears. We also do up to 30 repetitions. The exercise strengthens the facial contour well.
    5. The fifth exercise is performed on the forehead. We place both hands on the forehead (on top of each other) and move left and right from one temple to the other. We start with 5-6 times, bring up to 30 repetitions. This is how we treat sinuses and smooth out wrinkles on the forehead.
    1. The exercise for the crown of the head is not performed on the head, but at a height of several centimeters above it. Raise your hands, connect them into a ring (not a lock!), right palm below, left hand above. And we begin movements in the air from the forehead to the back of the head, doing it up to 30 times. We stop our hands at the crown of the head and make movements from side to side, from the left ear to the right, also up to 30 times. This exercise normalizes blood pressure (both high and low blood pressure returns to normal), develops the mobility of the arms and shoulder joints.
    2. We place our right hand on the bottom of the neck (more precisely, on the thyroid gland) , and with our left hand we move from the thyroid gland to the abdomen at a height of several centimeters from the body. We perform up to 30 times. In the end, left hand put it on the right (i.e. now both hands are on the thyroid gland) and hold for several seconds.


This completes the Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed.

While doing the exercises, your body and mind should be relaxed, this will speed up physiological changes. Also, do not forget about breathing, it should also be relaxed, even and deep.

Perform Tibetan gymnastics in bed every morning and after 1-3 months your general condition will improve. And after 6 months you will be able to evaluate the effectiveness of this gymnastics in full.

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17 Irina22.12.2016 Tibetan hormonal gymnastics - a synthesis of traditions and modern approaches

Dear readers, many of you will probably agree that in medicine they are increasingly using traditional methods that have stood the test of time. In fact, they are the most traditional: massage, herbal medicine, self-hypnosis, etc.

Modern medicine no longer disputes them; it is gradually introducing them into its practice. A number of medical institutions have paid attention to this phenomenon - Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. What kind of technique is this, where did it come to us? What are its advantages, and maybe there are negative points applications? Today I want to draw your attention to how, with the help of Tibetan gymnastics, doing just 10 minutes a day, you can significantly improve your health.

Tibetan gymnastics - where did it come from, why is it hormonal?

IN Soviet era our specialists were in demand in countries of what was then called the “third world”, that is, those that did not belong to either the capitalist or socialist camp. The USSR often provided various assistance to these countries. So in Tibet in the 80s, our engineers and workers were installing a power plant.

We decided to help the monks of a remote mountain monastery by extending a power line to them. Here are the monks, for lack of cash, and paid our professionals with their secret knowledge. This is how Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for health improvement and longevity was brought to our country.

So says the legend. Allegedly, then, 20 years later, one of the members of that expedition told this fascinating story and told about the basics of a set of exercises for the popular newspaper Komsomolskaya Pravda. And, moreover, he demonstrated how great shape he was in thanks to the use of this gymnastics. We will not judge how true the legend is. So far, the same issue with the revelations of power plant builders has not been found in the KP archives.

Why hormonal? Because by massaging, rubbing, triggering biologically active points, we simultaneously “add adrenaline” to the entire hormonal system of the body. And along the chain, with the help of the endocrine glands, it adds tone to other organs and systems, saturating the body with energy and rejuvenating the body. That is, it is both hormonal and harmonizing at the same time.

Our contemporaries most often make this discovery, according to tradition, from the Internet, where it is known as Tibetan hormonal gymnastics by Olga Orlova, video in different options It has long been replicated and is very popular. Orlova is a famous folk healer, and she became the popularizer of this health complex. I suggest you watch the video. Olga Orlova talks very interestingly about the gymnastics itself, and then we will be able to see all the exercises from Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

Who is it shown to: tasks and features

Watch how Tibetan gymnastics is performed in bed: the video demonstrates that even a person who is not properly awake is able to overcome simple initial movements that gradually bring you into a working state. But keep in mind: the bed should not be soft!

Often, “recruits” who have never done even the minimum of morning exercises before, notice some discomfort after starting classes. This is a manifestation of the body’s natural activation process. He begins to free himself from the layers negative energy, from elementary toxins that were quietly stored in our organs, for the time being without making themselves felt.

They would definitely come back later with new diseases, and Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for health improvement and longevity helps to expel these “slags”. And some discomfort at first is quite understandable; the body needs to get used to a new state, to new loads, even accessible ones.

It is very important not to interrupt classes, to accumulate positive results gradually but steadily. By taking breaks, we “lubricate” our achievements. It is believed that the maximum break is possible only for two days, then the effect is lost and everything will have to start from scratch.

I will talk about contraindications below. Here I would like to note that this is a health complex, and it has a positive effect on almost all systems of the body. Gives strength and energy, stops chronic diseases, strengthens the immune system, rejuvenates tissues. What exactly is good about each exercise, what tasks it performs, I will tell you when describing the individual parts of the complex.

A set of hormonal gymnastics exercises

Another good thing about Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is its absolute accessibility. To complete it, you don’t need to rush to a distant gym, there is no need to use any sports equipment or other devices. The only “tool” is our body.

The tasks that need to be completed are not at all difficult. These are 11 or 10 exercises (in different versions of the complex). Each movement must be performed 30 times, which takes approximately 30 seconds. That is, all this “charging” will take 5-6 minutes. It is better if these classes are carried out in the morning, then the effect will be maximum. But some exercises can be performed during moments of rest at work, and in the evening.

1. Rubbing your hands

The condition of the palms is an indicator of the activity of our biofield, and therefore an indicator of general well-being. That is why Tibetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity always begins with rubbing the hands.

The easiest way to do this is while lying on your back. We fold our palms in front of the chest, fingers “look” at the chin. Rub your palms together 7-10 times and see what happens. You have a strong biofield that functions without failure if your palms are slightly warmed up but remain dry. When they do not change temperatures, this is an indicator of energy depletion. If, in addition, the palms become wet, most often this indicates the presence of problems with the cardiovascular system.

In the latter case, that is, if you suspect heart disease, you should consult a doctor regarding exercise. Or, at a minimum, exclude exercise 9 (shaking) from the complex, and do the rest carefully, observing changes in condition.

We continue rubbing our palms, about 20 more similar movements are needed, but it is better to raise the limbs above the head. At the same time, we activate and warm up the shoulder girdle. We activate blood circulation processes.

2. Palming

The next step in Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, the video recommends palming, that is, palpation (pressure) of the eyes. Naturally, the eyes are closed, we massage carefully, through the eyelids.

We place our freshly warmed palms over our eyes. We press in a certain rhythm: one movement per second. A total of 30 pressures on the eyeball area will be required. After that, you should still hold your fingers over your eyes for about a minute and a half, let the energy from your fingertips nourish your eyes, increase blood circulation in small vessels, improving vision.

3. Ear massage

Let's move on to ear massage. There are many theories that claim that the ear is a projection of everything human body. In shape it resembles an embryo lying head down.

The earlobe “personifies” the head of the curled up embryo. Researchers have counted at least 170 active points on the surface of the ears; some experts acupressure They call the number 200. It is very useful to know which organs certain points correspond to.

But when we massage the entire ear, we tone the entire body. This is what you need to pay attention to. When the exercise is performed in the morning, the movements should be done in a clockwise direction. But in the evening, before going to bed, we do not need to activate the organs, otherwise it will be very difficult to fall asleep. Then the same massage is performed with counterclockwise movements, they have a calming effect.

Watch this stage of Tibetan gymnastics for health improvement and longevity in the video, it will become clear how best to position your fingers. We press our palms to our ears, our fingers are on the back of the head. We apply vigorous pressure and the usual light massage of the ears.

4. Facelift

Next, we point our thumbs towards the ears, while the rest are loosely clenched into a fist. This is roughly how we show a gesture; “Great, great!” You can put your thumbs behind your ears. And start moving your fists down to your chin and back to your ears.

It also helps “pointwise” in improving hearing, and improves the contour of the face, tightening the chin. With regular use, it may well help get rid of a saggy double chin.

For those who want to learn more about the secrets of the Eastern art of beauty and health, and seriously engage in rejuvenation, I advise you to refer to one of the blog posts.

5. Forehead massage

Now let's work on the forehead wrinkles, and at the same time clear the maxillary sinuses. In parallel, the following exercise will help activate brain activity and improve mental abilities.

We put right palm on the forehead, and the left one - on top of it. We perform sliding rubbing, moving from temple to temple. It will also take 30 seconds. For some, it is more convenient to do this exercise using a non-contact method: the palms are a couple of centimeters away from the forehead. It happens that you feel discomfort from the position of your hands, then you can change it - let the left one be below and the right one on it. This depends on various reasons, including which limb is your “leading”. Remember how in one Vysotsky song, however, about legs: “Whoever has a push is on the left, And I have a push on the right!”

6. Crown massage

The parietal region is very important in terms of normalizing blood pressure. If it is influenced correctly, then low pressure increases and high pressure decreases, that is, it returns to normal.

To perform these movements, you can sit down or remain lying down, but put a bolster under your neck so that your head is slightly suspended. We throw our hands over our heads, again lay them one on top of the other, usually the right one is at the bottom.

We leave our hands hanging a few centimeters above the crown of the head. We perform the movement from the forehead to the back of the head 30 times, and the same number from one ear to the other. This is how a non-contact massage of the entire parietal part of the head occurs.

In addition to treating hypertension and hypotension, this Tibetan gymnastics exercise has a positive effect on the mobility of the shoulder joints and strengthens the muscles of the upper limbs.

7. Thyroid massage

For the next exercise, we place the hand (right) on the thyroid gland, and place the left one on top. We make movements from the thyroid gland to the navel with the left hand, also without contact: 2-3 centimeters separate it from the body. The right hand remains on the thyroid gland, “warming” it. Then we “swing” with our hands folded one on top from one ear to the other, also affecting the thyroid gland. Result: strengthening the immune system and improving blood circulation.

8. Abdominal massage

After the previous task is completed 30 times, we continue the movements in the abdominal area. Simple circular strokes with palms in a clockwise direction, hands, as before, one on top of the other.

We stroke the belly 30 times, helping intestinal activity. Those who use the complex claim that Tibetan gymnastics for weight loss is also useful. In particular, this exercise, both due to regular massage and due to increased intestinal secretion, after which excess “deposits” of toxins disappear, constipation goes away.

9. Shaking

You can stay on the bed if the bed is hard enough, but it is better to move to the floor. At the same time we raise both our arms and legs up. We make circular rotations of the arms at the wrists, and the legs at the ankle joints, alternately in one direction and the other, after which we shake the limbs.

If it is difficult to perform with your arms and legs at the same time, you can do these rotations in turn. This achieves improved blood circulation in the capillaries. The muscles of the whole body become toned, this also helps to maintain a normal weight or even lose weight.

10. Foot rubbing

The final exercise of Tibetan gymnastics is foot massage. This may seem strange to some, but the foot, like the ear, contains a “coded map” of our body in active points. But, if you think about it, there is no paradox here.

Nature most often takes care of backup options and provides a “plan B”, because we live in difficult external conditions, anything can happen to one of the organs. Then we will use other “cheat sheets”. In the meantime, everything is normal, at least relatively, one definitely doesn’t interfere with the other.

We do foot massage while sitting. We start with the feet, then we work on the legs, knees, and hips.

Contraindications for use of the complex

Like any other healing method, Tibetan hormonal gymnastics has contraindications. But not in the usual “no” form, that is, these are not strict medical guidelines, but only recommendations to approach exercise more carefully, choose a gentle load and consult a doctor on dosage.

Logic dictates when you should give up exercise altogether: after operations and during the acute phase of serious illnesses, during pregnancy. Acute spinal pathologies can also be an undesirable background for these activities. It is advisable to refrain from drinking alcohol and tobacco during classes.

To summarize: the benefits of hormonal gymnastics

What do we have “in the bottom line” when we regularly practice Tibetan gymnastics? In addition to improving the functionality of those parts of the body and organs that are massaged, there are also deeper consequences for organs, systems and the whole organism:

  • physical and emotional stress is relieved;
  • vitality increases;
  • blood pressure normalizes;
  • immunity increases;
  • the activity of the gastrointestinal tract improves;
  • the respiratory system is cleansed;
  • toxins are removed from the body;
  • mental abilities and memory improve;
  • joint flexibility is restored, posture is corrected;
  • the functioning of the heart and blood vessels is improved;
  • the body rejuvenates.

That's all the most important thing that I would like to tell you about this interesting phenomenon - Tibetan hormonal gymnastics. It remains to add that it is especially useful for people with creative activities. With its help, the work of the right and left hemispheres of the brain is balanced. As a result, a person develops more harmoniously, perceives correctly the world around us and yourself in it. What I sincerely wish for all of you, dear readers!

And for the soul we will listen today Ave Maria Gregory Lemarchal and Lara Fabian

Tibetan longevity gymnastics is becoming an increasingly popular Eastern technique. It is used as morning exercises, performed immediately after waking up, while still in bed. This technique is also known as hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks. Many legends are associated with its appearance in Western culture. Most often they talk about monks living in the mountains of Tibet who, for one reason or another, pass on their knowledge to an uninitiated person.
Hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks returns the body's endocrine systems to their original state.

In the process of life, a person uses many different medicines, They improve the condition of one organ, but worsen the health status as a whole. The state of the body depends on the functioning of the endocrine glands. The Tibetan hormonal rejuvenation technique has a positive effect on all these glands and systems, allowing you to increase life expectancy.

This technique shown to everyone, side effects no, and will be completed without much effort. This hormonal gymnastics of Tibetan monks is suitable for all age groups.

Tibetan longevity gymnastics allows endocrine system remain in a state in which its operation is uninterrupted. Hormonal gymnastics does not require much time, It takes approximately 10 minutes to complete the entire complex. It is also called “Tibetan hormonal gymnastics in bed” because the exercises can be performed without getting out of bed.

It is believed that Tibetan hormonal gymnastics has a positive effect on hormonal levels and supports healthy condition all organs and systems, Helps restore vision and hearing, rejuvenates the body and reverses aging, treats various diseases, tightens the oval of the face, strengthens cardiovascular system, gets rid of cellulite.

Also Tibetan longevity gymnastics relieves stress, charges with vivacity and energy, makes the body more resilient. Positive influence The list could go on for a long time, but the main point is this increase in life expectancy by several decades.

Some rules

To complete it It is advisable to wake up before six in the morning and start exercising immediately.
Only daily execution will lead to the desired result.
Necessary quit all common bad habits.
Tibetan health gymnastics can be performed at any age.
Perform exercises on a hard surface. The best way to do this is to use a yoga mat.
Each movement should take one second.
After completing the complex, you need to drink a glass of warm water.
In the first days of implementation, exacerbations of diseases that have accumulated in the body over all these years may appear. After a while everything discomfort will stop, there is no need to worry about this.

Execution technique

Tibetan health-improving gymnastics in bed requires morning execution.

Action #1. We rub our hands.
Without getting out of bed, intensively rub them against each other so that they heat up. Dry and hot palms indicate the correct flow of energy in the body; if there is a slight lack of energy, the hands will be warm. In case serious problems with the body, the hands do not heat up and become moisturized.

Action No. 2. Palming.
After rubbing, place hot palms over the eyes and press on them for one second 30 times. The pressure should be gentle. Leave your palms there, but without pressing on the eyeballs. The palm itself should be with closed fingers. Hold your palms for half a minute to two, imagining how the heat from the center of your palms goes into your eyes. At this time, vision begins to recover and hair returns to its natural color. Then, inhaling deeply, remove your hands and gradually open your eyes. Blink them a little.

Action No. 3. Ear pumping.
Interlace your fingers at the back of your head, pressing the backs of your hands to your ears, placing your hands as if you were lying on the water with your arms crossed under your head, only your palms are covering your ears. Apply 30 pressures on the ears for one second each. As you know, projections of various organs are located on the auricle, so massaging them for six months can relieve many chronic diseases, hearing also improves.

Action No. 4. We tighten our face.
Clench four fingers into a fist thumb does not fit there, it is bent at an angle of 90 degrees relative to the fist. Place your thumbs behind the ears, with the rest, clenched into a fist, apply pressure on the face from the chin to the ears. Do the same number of repetitions and at the same time interval as in the previous exercises. Lymph begins to circulate more intensely and the face tightens.

Action No. 5. The forehead is massaged.
It is necessary to massage your forehead from one temple to another, lightly pressing on the skin, you can practically not touch the skin, the effect will still be there. The hands are placed palms to the forehead, the left hand lies on top of the right. The nasal passages are healed and the pituitary gland is activated.

Action No. 6. Massage the parietal area.
Place a small cushion under your neck and interlace your hands into a ring, with your left hand on top of your right. Make a stroking motion over your head, starting from the forehead to the back of the head. Do the same number of repetitions. Then do the same above the crown, running your hands from ear to ear, do 30 times. Exercise has a positive effect on joint mobility and normalizes blood pressure.

Action No. 7. Massage the thyroid area.
The left hand is on top of the right, the right is on the thyroid gland. Move your left hand from the thyroid gland to the navel 30 times, again place your left hand on top of your right and hold for several seconds. The functioning of the thyroid gland is improved.

Action No. 8. We massage the stomach.
After massaging the thyroid gland, slowly move your hands to the stomach (hands one above the other). Make 30 circular movements clockwise.

Action No. 9. Shaking.
Raise your arms and legs up, lying on your back, they are perpendicular to the floor. Rotate all limbs in the joints and shake them for 30 seconds. Blood supply improves.

Action No. 10. We rub our feet.
The exercise is done while sitting, first the feet are massaged, then the legs are rubbed from top to bottom. Do everything for 30 seconds.

With these simple exercises you can rejuvenate your body, the main thing is to practice according to the rules and regularly!

We wish you all health, excellent health and vigor in the morning!

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics will help heal the body and prolong youth.

The secret of Tibetan monks, which is longevity and good health, was transferred more than 30 years ago to Soviet specialists who allegedly installed electricity in the mountains of Tibet. For their work, specialists received gratitude in the form of revealing the secret of maintaining health and prolonging life. This is evidenced by the history of the origin of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics.

  • Modern people associate the fact good health and longevity of Tibetan monks with an ascetic lifestyle, mountain climate, cleanest air and proper nutrition.
  • But supporters of eastern hormonal gymnastics give it main role in longevity.
  • The set of exercises is simple. It is credited with miraculous properties that help one live an additional 20-30 years.
  • This type of gymnastics was known many years ago, but has only recently attracted attention.
  • Remember that with any gymnastics, physical exercise and even banal exercises have contraindications. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics is no exception. Below in the article the benefits and harms will be described, and also given various complexes exercises that you can do every day and get healthier.

The monks are sure that for longevity, external attractiveness and good health, the proper functioning of energy centers plays an important role. Eastern hormonal gymnastics are used to stimulate them. But what does Tibetan Eastern hormonal gymnastics give? The benefits of exercise by Tibetan monks for health and longevity lie in the following factors:

  • proper functioning of all body systems;
  • increased hearing and visual acuity;
  • stabilization of hormonal levels (important for women);
  • rejuvenation of the body;
  • memory improvement;
  • stimulating the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • relieving psycho-emotional stress and chronic fatigue;
  • getting rid of chronic diseases;
  • increase in lifespan;
  • restoration of elasticity to blood vessels;
  • improving the outflow of lymphatic fluid;
  • strengthening muscles, joints, relieving pain;
  • increasing skin tone, getting rid of excess weight and cellulite;
  • straightening the oval of the face, lifting the chin and getting rid of wrinkles;
  • charging with vigor and good mood for the whole day.

Oriental Tibetan gymnastics will be harmful if you have contraindications. These include the following conditions:

  • 6-12 months after surgery;
  • hypertensive crisis;
  • hypotension;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • stomach and duodenal ulcers;
  • age up to 16 years;
  • pregnancy;
  • diseases associated with the spine and joints, especially during exacerbation.

Each case is individual and only a doctor can authorize classes. In one case, the doctor will recommend doing oriental exercises for a specific disease, and in the other, on the contrary, a complete ban.

Important: Before starting exercises, be sure to consult your doctor!

If a woman wants to lose weight, then she tries different diets, does fitness and even goes to the gym. But not everyone is able to achieve the desired result. If you can restore the functioning of your energy centers, the process of losing weight will go much faster. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics for weight loss consists of 5 exercises:

Do these exercises every day from 6 to 8 am. Within a week you will notice that the weight begins to come off. But don't forget about proper nutrition, walks on fresh air And good mood. Smile more, because experts have noticed that when a person smiles while doing physical exercise, he additionally loses up to 200 calories.

The following conditions and diseases are contraindications to performing such exercises:

  • hypertension;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • impaired cardiac function in the acute stage;
  • stomach ulcer and acute inflammation intestines;
  • vertebral hernia and other pathologies associated with the spine;
  • postoperative period;
  • return up to 16 years;
  • acute arthritis.

If you have any chronic or acute illnesses, consult your doctor before starting classes.

Miraculous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Kalpashvini: description of 5 minutes morning exercises in bed for women

It is very convenient that eastern hormonal gymnastics is demonstrated not by trainers with pumped up bodies, but by ordinary women. A video with Olga Orlova’s gymnastics helps everyone who wants to do the exercise correctly. This technique is called the Kalpashvini method (this is the second name of Olga Orlova). This technique is distributed on the Internet and is accompanied by positive reviews, because with its help you can achieve longevity and increase your life span by 30 years without illness and in your right mind.

This gymnastics should be done at dawn (from 4 to 6 am), every day. Compliance with this rule is mandatory, since there are several reasons associated with it:

  • Daily exercise becomes a habit and increases efficiency. Thanks to this, a person works for results.
  • Conquering laziness and getting out of bed at 4 am every day to do exercises is the primary task that a person should set for himself if he wants to improve his health. Laziness prevents us from achieving our goals, so determination should be among your character qualities if you need to achieve a good result.
  • Stimulation correct order awakening - it is with sunrise that the process of wakefulness begins in the human body. The functional rhythms of the body are tuned to recovery. Tibetan monks and Vedic sages performed gymnastics precisely with the first rays of the sun.

Description of the miraculous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Kalpashvini:

Miraculous Tibetan hormonal gymnastics Kalpashvini

The video explains in detail and shows how to do each exercise.

Video: HORMONAL gymnastics 5 minutes a day for all diseases! Kalpashvini

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics by Nelya Shishatskaya: description

With the help of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics, a person wakes up quickly, without pain and fatigue. The miraculous 5-minute method of oriental gymnastics was described above. According to the method of Nelya Shishatskaya, gymnastics will be more expanded and effective. All exercises are performed a certain number of times, with precise order, one after another.

  • The impact occurs at the points of the glands - from top to bottom: the pineal gland, the pituitary gland in the head, the thyroid and parathyroid glands in the neck.
  • The thymus gland is located in the chest. The pancreas is in the upper abdomen, the adrenal glands are on the back. The female and male sex glands (ovaries and testicles) are in the lower abdomen, and the coccyx (kundalini - “sleeping snake”) is behind, but also below.
  • The skin is the largest human organ and gland. With the help of special exercises, we influence it with rubbing movements, as well as the internal organs and glands.

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics by Nelya Shishatskaya

Description of Tibetan hormonal gymnastics by Nelya Shishatskaya:

  1. Rub your palms, place them on your eyes and press on your eyes 30 times.
  2. Rub your palms again and apply to your ears. Press 30 times.
  3. Massage the tragus of the ear. Pull your earlobes back, release them - do this several times.
  4. With your fingers, folded into a fist, massage along the chin - 30 times.
  5. Index finger move up and down the nose - 30 times.
  6. Place your right palm on your forehead, and the palm of the left hand is on top of the right hand. Massage the frontal part of the head 30 times.
  7. Roll up a towel or sew a soft roll. Place it under your back and lie with your spine on the cushion so that your head touches it, but does not lie on it. Join your hands and place them on the floor above your head. Raise your arms up and lower them to the floor, as if opening your chest. Do the movement 30 times.
  8. Hands in the same position. Slide your hands along the floor, leaning to the sides - 30 times.
  9. Put your hands on your throat: the right one lies on the thyroid gland, and the left one moves along the body to the navel - 30 times.
  10. Remove the roller. Your back should be on the floor. Place both hands vertically, as if at the navel. Feel the pulsation and count 30 times.
  11. Right hand on the navel, top left. Rotate your hands around your navel 30 times.
  12. Place your hands in the area under your right rib, press slightly and feel the internal organs.
  13. Do the same at the top of the abdomen by listening to your feelings.
  14. Do the same on the left side, as in the previous two exercises.
  15. Knead down to the hip bones on the right and left, reaching the pubis and in the center up the abdomen. Movements should be smooth and painless.
  16. Repeat the last exercise again.
  17. Rub the area in your lower abdomen with the sides of your palms - 30 times.
  18. Cross your legs at the feet and lift them up. Swing your legs from side to side 30 times.
  19. Straighten your legs, stretch your arms up and squeeze your fingers and toes at the same time - 50 times.
  20. Raise your legs up. If it is difficult to hold your legs, place a bolster under your buttocks. Rotate your palms and feet first clockwise, then reverse side- 10 times.
  21. Stay in the starting position and now do light vibration with your body, arms and legs - 2 minutes. This exercise for capillaries will help keep your blood vessels toned.
  22. Then massage your feet, and the legs themselves from bottom to top - 30 times.

These basic exercises will help start the work of all glands in the body. See the video for more details.

Video: Tibetan hormonal gymnastics

Tibetan hormonal gymnastics by Alena Berdnik: description

Alena Berdnik is a famous psychologist. She tells how to do oriental gymnastics correctly, but without visually demonstrating each exercise. If you don’t like to repeat after someone, but just want to listen to how this or that exercise is performed, and then do everything your own way, then Tibetan hormonal gymnastics from Alena Berdnik is perfect for you. A description of each position is in the video:

Video: Hormonal gymnastics from Alena Berdnik

Health genitourinary system women directly depends on the tone of the perineal muscles. With age and poor lifestyle (little movement, excess weight), muscles become weak, and this provokes the development of various inflammations.

Hormonal gymnastics for women’s pelvic organs will help restore tone to the muscles that protect female organs from ingestion of germs and inflammation. Try to do these exercises daily.

Starting position (hereinafter IP) - sit on the floor, stretch and spread your legs. Place your hands behind you. Now do these exercises:

Hormonal gymnastics for the female pelvic organs - last part

The pace of each exercise is average, except for those positions where it is indicated that the pace should be slow and breathing should be even. In addition to this exercise, try to walk a lot in the fresh air. This will help restore metabolism, get rid of excess weight and restore blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Tibetan monks knew how to not only heal the body, but also rejuvenate the face. Tibetan hormonal gymnastics exercises for the eyes and facial skin are simple. They need to be done every morning, spending only 4 minutes a day. In just a few days you will feel how the condition of your skin improves and your vision is restored.

So, oriental gymnastics exercises for facial skin rejuvenation:

  • Warming the palms. Extend your arms and rub your palms together. Every oriental gymnastics complex begins with this exercise. Warm hands help open energy channels.
  • Apply gentle pressure to your eyes. Press your palms against your eyes and apply light pressure. Eyes must be closed. Do this 8 times. The interval between each press is 1 second.
  • Press on your ears. Press your palms to your ears. The fingers should rest on the back of the head. Press 8 times.
  • Facial skin massage. Clench your hands into a fist, move your thumb to the side, and place it on your earlobes. Then do a gentle massage over the skin of your face, moving from your nose to your ears. Pay attention to rubbing your sinuses and the area between your eyebrows.
  • Smoothing wrinkles on the forehead. Open your palms and place your right hand on the front of your head, and your left hand on top of your right palm. Make circular movements from one temple to another.
  • Contactless massage. Place a cushion or rolled up towel under your neck. Open palms lie on top of each other. Move your hands from the crown to the forehead, but at a distance of 5 cm from the surface of the skin. Do 8 movements. Rest for 1 minute and repeat the movements from ear to ear.

Now that the facial muscles are warmed up and the body is tuned to replenish the energy balance, you can perform the following exercises:

  1. Stand straight, grab the middle of your eyebrows with your fingers. Make movements with your hands, as if outlining lines up-left-right.
  2. Place your hands at the corners of your eyes. Use the pads of your thumbs to move from the corners of the eyes to the temporal part of the head. Do this 8 times.
  3. Rub your palms together. Place your hands on your cheeks. Move your hands down in the cheekbone area - 8 times.
  4. Place your hands on your nose and mouth so that the thumbs are in the hollows of the cheeks, and the index fingers are on both sides of the nose. Open your mouth and stick out your tongue, then hide it. Do this 8 times.
  5. Hands in the same position. Do rotational movements tongue in mouth - 8 times. Tap the inside of your lower and upper lips with your tongue.
  6. Hands are in the previous position. Pull out your lips with a tube. Rotate them left and right - 8 times.
  7. Now rub your hand in hand. When your palms are warm, make palpating movements with your fingers in the area of ​​the mouth, chin, cheekbones and forehead.
  8. Spread your fingers like a comb. Place your hand on your forehead and begin combing your hair, touching your scalp with your fingers - from the forehead to the back of the head. Do this 8 times.

Each exercise is shown in detail in the video below.

Video: Gymnastics for the face. Exercises for the face (facial rejuvenation). Facelift

Eastern gymnastics helps strengthen the heart and blood vessels, normalize metabolic processes, and rejuvenate the body. Thanks to the special exercises that the monks performed every day, they lived long and were healthy, with good eyesight, hearing and memory until the end of life. But does Tibetan hormonal gymnastics help with snoring?

  • Many modern people ask this question.
  • Eastern gymnastics helps relieve tension and helps get rid of diseases of the respiratory system.
  • If snoring occurs as a result of impaired breathing during sleep, or due to poor blood circulation in the nasal sinuses (deviated septum, etc.), then Tibetan gymnastics helps restore blood circulation, relax muscles and improve the functioning of the respiratory system.

Accordingly, with its help you can get rid of snoring.

Eastern gymnastics provides beneficial influence for the whole body. Cell nutrition, lymph outflow improves, internal organs begin to work without interruption. But is Tibetan hormonal gymnastics used for oncology?

It is better to ask your doctor this question. After all, only he knows about the problems and malfunctions in the body, and will be able to answer. It all depends on which organ has the disease and at what stage.

Activation of points at the bioenergetic level helps improve vision, hearing, and rejuvenate the body. But what are the consequences of hormonal gymnastics? Can there be memory problems after hormonal gymnastics? Such questions often arise among people who are just beginning to master the method of exercises from the monks of Tibet.

Eastern gymnastics helps relieve phenomena such as frequent fatigue, poor memory and forgetfulness, and removes stagnant processes in the lymph. Exercise will help improve memory and blood circulation in the brain. The experience of many people shows that memory improves, as do hearing and vision.

1. Wake up, then stretch and relax. Press your palms to your ears. Fingers point up and place your thumbs behind your ears. Swipe your palms from top to bottom 30 times, but so that index fingers moved towards the shell of the ear. Do it with concentration!
Protects the face, enhances the action of the facial nerve, enhances blood circulation in the temporal part.
2. Palm right hand put it on your forehead, the left one on the right one and move it along the frontal part from right to left 20 times so that the little fingers move above the eyebrow.
Increases blood circulation, heals and.
3. Using the back of your thumbs, massage your eyeballs clockwise 15 times.
Protects against eye diseases, improves vision,
4. Right palm place it on your bare stomach, the left one on the right one and move it in a circular motion clockwise 30 times, but so that the stomach moves from top to bottom - this is achieved by turning the palm.
Improves blood circulation, the process of food absorption, intestinal motility, strengthens the abdominal muscles, internal organs are massaged, they begin to work better.

5. Lying on your back, strongly pull your stomach towards your spine, and then stick it out 20 times (this should be done 2-3 times during the day).
Stagnation of bile and blood is eliminated, lymph movement increases. Helps. It also heals the gastrointestinal tract.
6. Lying on your back, sharply bend your leg in knee joint and energetically pull it towards your chest, while trying to hit your buttock with your heel, then sharply straighten your leg and lower it. 15 times on each leg.
A very valuable exercise, since not only the internal organs, but also the endocrine glands are subjected to general massage. At the same time, it acts to melt fat.
7. Sit on the bed, lower your feet to the floor, left leg place it on your right hand, and with the palm of your right hand massage the indentation of your foot 20 times. Then with your left hand - your right foot.
Good for rheumatic patients, gout, regulates heart function, helps with inflammation of leg joints.
8. While sitting, make a lock with the fingers of both hands, place them on the back of the head on both sides and massage the back of the head, leaning back, 10 times.
, large blood vessels, improves the movement of cerebrospinal fluid, has beneficial influence on the neck and chest.
9. While sitting, press your palms tightly against your ears. Using the fingertips of both hands, alternately hit (drum) the back of the head.
Stimulates the cerebral cortex, helps, treats headaches.

After just a week of doing the exercises every day, you will feel amazing changes in your entire body. By constantly performing such gymnastics, you will extend your life!