Scheme of the warhead of the Zur Roland 3. Roland anti-aircraft missile system (France, Germany)

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Management functions of a general education institution.

School management is an activity aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up results based on reliable information. The central place in the process of solving many problems of school management belongs to the head of the school and the teacher, who have to face new tasks of increasing complexity and bear responsibility for decisions made and final results. They carry out intra-school management, that is, they interact purposefully and consciously within the framework of a holistic pedagogical process based on knowledge of its objective laws in order to achieve an optimal result.

Experience and intuition are increasingly unable to ensure the adoption of a satisfactory, let alone optimal, decision in practice. And this is where management theory comes to the rescue.

What does knowledge of the internal school management system give in practice?

Firstly, it allows you to change the management process, create an atmosphere of respect, trust and success for each member of the school team.

Secondly, it realizes the opportunity to move away from the vertical command-and-administrative style of management and switch to a horizontal, professional style of cooperation. Corporate management style takes into account individual qualities each person and implements a person-oriented approach to his activities.

Thirdly, it opens up the opportunity for the development of each individual, which is based primarily on the motivational orientations of teachers.

Fourthly, it provides an opportunity for the formation of an intra-school culture that creates psychological and pedagogical comfort for all participants in the educational process.

The management process occurs differently in different schools. The main role here is played by the content of the management process, which is determined by its goals, principles, methods, functions, the specifics of education, and the level of this body in the general system of management bodies. For example, if a school considers as a goal the improvement of the learning process to improve the quality of knowledge and skills of its graduates preparing to enter a university, then the main goal of management is to provide conditions for improving the learning process. The main attention is paid to the level of teaching, professional and methodological training of teachers, the work of methodological associations in subjects, the establishment of stricter discipline in the classroom and a number of other areas of work. Management principles and methods are selected in accordance with the goal. To achieve this goal, an authoritarian management style can be chosen.

The content of management may become completely different if the goal for the school is the creation of an authoring system. In this case, the basis of management is the creation of the most favorable conditions for the activities of innovative teachers and further dissemination of their experience to the activities of other teachers in the school.

However, the content of management may vary not only in terms of the goals, methods and principles of educational institutions. Differences also exist in the sphere of management itself. There are three fundamentally different components of management. First this is the hierarchy of an organization, where the main means is influencing a person “from above” (using the basic functions of motivation, planning, organizing and controlling activities, as well as the distribution of material goods, etc.). Second internal culture of activity, i.e. values, social norms, attitudes, and behavioral characteristics developed and recognized by society, an organization, or a group that force a person to behave one way and not another. Third this is a market, i.e. equal relations “horizontally”, based on the purchase and sale of products and services, on property relations, on the balance of interests of the seller and the buyer.

In real social and economic systems these three components coexist, and the shape of the socio-economic organization of society is determined by which of these components has priority.

In management theory, the following main management functions are distinguished: analysis, planning, organization, control. These functions can be considered as relatively independent activities. Meanwhile, they are all interconnected and successively, gradually replace each other, forming a single management cycle.

Information analysis. Effective management school begins with the creation or transformation of an information support system. It is based on pedagogical analysis - the study of the state and trends in the development of the pedagogical process, an objective assessment of its results, on the basis of which management decisions are developed. Information analysis is a management function aimed at studying the actual state of the school and its environment, assessing the results of the pedagogical process and developing regulatory mechanisms further activities schools.

School leaders must have information about the state and development of processes in those subsystems for which they are responsible and on which they are called upon to exert managerial influence. At the first stage of creating an information support system, the main goal is to model and organize the simplest information support. The second stage will be the creation of a data bank on several thematic blocks: quality of knowledge and quality of teaching; level of education and educational work; work with teaching staff; working with parents, the community and businesses; organizational issues of creating conditions for receiving education; the state of internal school management; material and technical base; information about students, teachers, etc.

A necessary condition carrying out an analysis of the activities of the school and the conditions prevailing in the microdistrict, is the availability of complete and reliable information. It is important to impose increased requirements on the selection of information, namely: the information must be, firstly, minimally complete in its volume, and secondly, extremely specific.

In integral systems of information and analytical activities, the content, volume and sources of information (who reports) are determined, and information flows arriving at various levels of management are formed. For each subsystem – control and managed – there are three levels of information. Thus, for a school there are: administrative and managerial level (director, deputy for educational work, deputy for extracurricular and extracurricular work, deputy for administrative and economic work, dispatcher, etc.); level of collective-collegial management (School Council, Pedagogical Council - the highest body of self-government of the teaching staff of the school, methodological council and methodological associations in academic subjects, scientific departments, public organizations); level of student self-government.

Timely, reliable and complete information for school leaders and teachers stimulates the emergence of motives that encourage action. The information collected from various sources then goes through the stage of pedagogical analysis. Analysis not only provides knowledge about ongoing processes and phenomena, but also allows us to assess their depth and significance for the current school.

For school great value has an analysis of its results. Currently, the emphasis is shifting from the analysis of intermediate results to the analysis of final results. There are four main stages in conducting a pedagogical analysis of the final results of a school’s activities.

First stage– determination of the subject, composition and content of the analysis. Information is being collected on the status and development of educational process, management activities during the academic year. This information is classified into main blocks, and the purposes of its analysis are determined. Then each part of the subject of analysis is assessed using quantitative and qualitative indicators, factors and conditions, methods, means and influences that positively and negatively influence the development of the school are identified.

Second stage comes down to a structural and functional description of the subject of analysis.

On third stage An analysis of cause-and-effect relationships is carried out in order to find out the cause of a particular phenomenon.

Final stage – fourth– establishing the facts of achieving goals. Final conclusions are formulated, supported by objective data, goals and main tasks for the new period; The received materials are usually presented to the teachers' council at the end of the academic year.

These are the components of one of the most important management functions - analytical. The main condition for its implementation is systematic work with management and teaching personnel.

Planning is the basis of management and the most important stage of the management cycle. Planning can be defined as a specific mapping of the upcoming progress of work in its overall strategic directions and the smallest details.

The planned plans must be scientifically based, take into account real resources and capabilities, and the consequences of decisions made. Effective planning requires a combination of long-term forecasting and current planning, consistency of plans at all levels of management. When defining goals and objectives in secondary school It is advisable to comprehensively substantiate the ways to achieve them, taking into account all aspects of the development of the education system: political, economic, legal, social and pedagogical.

The key element of planning is goal setting school activities. Target it is a conscious desired result. Target selection starting position, the first stage of management, its most creative component. According to the source and method of formation of goals, both at the level of an individual person and at the level of any organized social system, such as a school, goals can be internal (initiative), i.e. formed by a person or a social system independently, or external, if they are given from the outside. This is the case in pedagogical systems for which goals are set by society.

When setting goals, the question of distinguishing the concepts of “task,” “goal,” and “ideal” becomes especially important. Task This is a result that is realistically achievable in a given period of time and under certain conditions. The goal involves achieving the desired result over a longer period of time, i.e. the goal is specified in tasks, and the totality of solving these tasks leads to achieving the goal. Ideal or super task This is a rarely achieved desired result that can be constantly approached.

The division of goals and objectives (according to their significance and time of achievement) into strategic, tactical and operational has become widespread in the scientific literature. Under strategic goals understand the long-term expected result. Tactical tasks are intermediate desired results in the foreseeable future, and operational tasks desired result at the moment.

As one of the main elements in management, planning must meet a number of fundamental requirements, which are as follows: unity of the target setting and implementation conditions; unity of long-term and short-term planning; implementation of the principle of combining state and social principles in the development of forecasts and plans; ensuring the comprehensive nature of forecasting and planning; stability and flexibility of planning based on forecasts.

An analysis of the existing practice of school planning made it possible to identify certain shortcomings of this type of management activity. These include: high density of plans, uneven distribution of planned activities between performers, uneven distribution of main activities by month, planning of unrealistic activities, ineffective organization of work during the implementation of the plan, unplanned activities, lack of control and self-control, imbalance of activities in the managed and control subsystems, etc.

Practice confirms that objective conditions require adjustments and clarification of plans in the process of their implementation. However, a scientifically organized system for the formation of plans and programs reduces to a minimum the number of such amendments at all levels of management. In order to streamline planning, it is advisable to use the following system of plans: long-term plans and comprehensive targeted programs; annual plan (including blocks of comprehensive targeted programs on the most pressing problems); monthly calendar plans; individual plans teachers' work for a month. When developing a plan, it is important to determine indicators for specific end results for the past academic year and build on them possible forecasts development of the school for the new period.

One of the effective ways to improve planning is the introduction of comprehensive target planning (or comprehensive target programs). A target program is drawn up at school to address problems that need to be solved immediately. Core of the target program the general goal communicated to each school unit and performer. The structure of a comprehensive target program should include: a brief description of the state of the problem, its place and role in the school-wide plan; general goal; a system of tasks (subgoals) communicated to performers; indicators characterizing the success of achieving the goal; deadlines, performers; information support managing the problem solving process; monitoring the progress of the program; current and final analysis; regulation.

Complex target programs are often presented in table or graphic form, then all goals, objectives, a set of methods, means and impacts are presented visually on one sheet. This form of plan becomes a guide to action.

Organization of activities. In the chain of related stages of the management cycle, there is a special stage on which the quality of the functioning and development of the school depends - the organizational stage, characterized as the activity of the subject (object) of management to form and regulate a certain structure of relationships and interactions necessary to effectively achieve the goal.

Organizational relations can be defined as connections between people established regarding the distribution of powers and assigning to them the functions of their joint activities. Organizational relations exist objectively and reflect the processes of division and cooperation of labor.

Organization in the intra-school management system is aimed at forming a control and managed subsystem, defining rights and powers for each level of management. When determining the functional responsibilities of employees in each subsystem, it is important to take into account functional regulation and the principles of their distribution: compliance of the assigned powers and rights provided with his official position, organizational abilities, level of general culture and professional readiness, compliance with the content of the activity individual capabilities personality. All this leads to determining the degree of personal responsibility of each participant in the pedagogical process at any level of management for the results of the school’s work, increasing the role of the human factor in improving the education and upbringing of children and students in accordance with the requirements of today.

Methods, i.e. The methods, means and influences underlying the structure of organizational activity take into account the specificity of the object and subject of management in the system of organizing interaction (relationships) and are divided by purpose (direct and indirect), by forms (individual and collective), by methods, means and influences (moral, material, disciplinary, etc.). The methods that determine the organizational and executive activities of school leaders, based on the pedagogical focus on the subject (object), can have a variable combination for optimal achievement of the organization’s goals.

Currently, there are several main ways to improve the efficiency of organizational activities.

1. Implementation of a person-centered approach. Person-centered approach This is a unique position, a person’s position in the system of socio-pedagogical and other relations. The teacher’s activities are affected by his perception of his functional and civic duty, the degree of conviction in the appropriateness of what he is doing. Therefore, the teacher’s awareness of the importance of his profession and activities, the intensification of his own teaching activities, and increased responsibility for the assigned work and for the final results is of such great importance.

2. Scientifically and practically justified distribution of functional responsibilities between the governing body, the head of the school and members of the teaching staff. The main trend in changing the distribution of responsibilities today is democratization and strengthening the role of self-government bodies in schools.

Transforming a school into a self-governing system allows the delegation of a number of rights and powers from the upper echelons of management to the lower ones. There is a development of democratic bodies, including teachers, students, parents, and democratization of the educational process, i.e. democratization of relations and communication, growth of economic and financial independence with elements of self-financing and self-financing. Delegation of rights, powers and responsibilities to performers at each level of management allows for rational use of the manager’s energy and time.

3. Formation of relatively autonomous systems of intra-school management. The transition to management through the construction of autonomous self-governing systems to the utmost specification of activities at all hierarchical levels one of the possible ways to optimize control.

Monitoring activities and results. The control process requires reliable feedback between the control and controlled subsystems at any level. It is control in its various forms and methods (methods, means and influences) that provides feedback. He is one of the most important sources information necessary to assess the functioning of the control system.

In conditions of increasing independence, delegation of many rights and powers to the school itself, and therefore increasing its responsibility, the control function of intra-school management is occupied special place. It becomes most effective when combining administrative and public control within the school with analysis, control and evaluation of their activities by each participant in the pedagogical process. When transitioning to self-government mode, evaluation of the school’s activities is a subject of daily concern for the school itself, part of its professional activity.

Intra-school control represents the type of activity of school leaders together with representatives public organizations to establish compliance of the school’s educational work system with national requirements and school development plans. To assess the progress of a school in its development, the following indicators are usually determined: innovative activity, method of organization and effectiveness of the educational process.

1. Innovation activity schools: updating the content of education (knowledge of the updated basic and additional components, training and education programs); updating methods and forms of work (new methods of mastering programs, systems for organizing the educational process; the predominance of individual and group forms of organization cognitive activity above general class ones); a combination of analysis, control of one’s own activity with its assessment and assessment of partners in joint cognitive activity.

2 . Method of organizing the educational process (TIP): self-government, cooperation of teachers, students, parents in achieving the goals of training, education and development; joint planning and organization of activities of teacher and student as equal partners; high level motivation of participants in the pedagogical process; a comfortable material-spatial and psychological-pedagogical environment for all participants in the holistic pedagogical process; the right to choose the content, profile, and forms of education for students.

3 . Efficiency of the UVP, compliance of the final results with the planned ones: a high positive level of education and training of students, their erudition, knowledge of any field of science, a positive attitude towards study, work, nature, social norms and the law, a conscious attitude towards beauty, a realistic attitude towards oneself.

Along with constant intra-school control, to ensure a unified state basic level of knowledge, abilities, skills and level of education of schoolchildren, state control of school activities is also carried out. This control is carried out by educational authorities - departments, scientific and methodological centers. The object of their inspection (examination) is the management activities of school leaders, and not the work of the teacher. Monitoring the quality of a teacher’s work, the quality of students’ knowledge, and their upbringing is carried out and assessed by internal school management bodies of the pedagogical process.

The effectiveness of organizational regulation is measured primarily by how rationally it is possible to organize the processes to be managed with its help.

In practice, we see that some schools, having set themselves the goal of simply teaching students, function without changes, while others, striving to improve various aspects of the pedagogical process, are developing. How does a functioning school differ from a developing one? And in general, which school can be classified as developing?

There are a number of fundamental requirements for a developing school. This is a school where:

The student exercises his right to education in accordance with his needs, abilities and capabilities;

The teacher develops his professional and personal qualities:

The leader ensures the success of the student and teacher;

The team works in a creative search mode;

Relationships of partnership, respect, trust, and an atmosphere of success have developed.

Such conditions become the driving force that allows the school to transform its activities from functioning to developing. Conditions conducive to transferring a school to development mode are:

Availability of a concept and program for school development;

Carrying out innovative experimental and experimental work at school;

A close-knit team of teachers united by a common goal;

Organization of a self-government system;

Availability of a system of effective scientific and methodological activities;

Sufficient educational and material base for the formation of an optimal educational environment;

A set of alternative educational services in accordance with the needs of participants in the pedagogical process.

Besides these general conditions special managerial actions of the head are also necessary to prepare the school for work in the development mode: studying the educational needs of children and parents, studying the capabilities of the teaching staff to work in an innovative mode; determining the zone of proximal development of each participant in the pedagogical process; determination for the future of the type (kind) of the school, the long-term strategic goal of its activities; selection of a system (technology) of training, education and development for each stage; selection and structuring of the regime and work of the school; identifying priority areas and creating conditions for their implementation, etc.

Larisa Yakovleva
Organization as a function of educational system management

1.1An organization is a group of people, whose activities are consciously coordinated to achieve a common goal or goals.

Main task organizations- prevent deviations from goals management by transmitting information and ensuring its adequate perception.

Control is a planning process organizations, motivation and control necessary to formulate and achieve goals organizations.

Management is an element of the function of organized systems of various natures ensuring the preservation of their specific structure, maintenance of the mode of activity, implementation of programs and goals.

In progress management There are 4 types activities:

Planning (type of activity of the manager for the development and adoption of a detailed managerial decisions based on environmental analysis);

Organization(type of activity of the manager in determining the volume of work, dividing it into sections, coordinating the efforts of employees);

Motivation (the type of activity of a manager to encourage employees to achieve a goal);

Control (a type of activity of a manager to set standards, measure and compare what has been achieved with them, and take corrective action).

system, where present control, can be divided into two subsystems: managing and managed. Two systems interact with each other - exchange information. Governing body, having received information about activities controlled subsystem, then produces other information, processed. So way of management as a process in form it is the collection, processing and issuance of information. Moreover, this process is cyclical. Managerial a cycle involves repetition of actions, but not information. As part of the information approach under management function is understood by the links of management cycle or action of the subject management, corresponding to changing stages information processing:

TO (control information collection)- A (analysis identifying cause-and-effect relationships)

Ts (goals adoption management decisions, strategic planning) -

P (planning the development of a specific program)- ABOUT ( organization preventing deviations from course by transmitting information.

In this cycle, not a single component can be removed; everything is interconnected.

Organization as a management function can be represented as a flow of information from control subsystem to the controlled one, and therefore the main mechanisms for implementing this functions is informing workers, instructing them, regulating activities, ensuring teachers have a clear understanding of their general and immediate tasks.

At organizations transfer of information the manager must consider:

Features of the perception of information by the subject - the receiver;

Features of the communication object (information);

Features of the subject - the source.

In other words, in the process organizations it is important to ensure the perception of information.

1.2. The relationship between regulation and others management functions

The quality of construction and implementation of all management functions - goal setting,

planning, organization, control, analysis - the most essential way influence the need for activity correction controlled subsystem, i.e. the better organized the work of the teaching staff, the less effort has to be spent on regulation and adjustment.

This function reflects the dynamics of processes in system and represents smaller ones nested in the main loop management cycles: receiving information about deviations from targets management and analyzing it, the leader does not wait for a new beginning management cycle to adjust, if necessary, goals, re-plan and organize work - most often he intervenes in activities to eliminate deviations. The need for intervention is often caused by deficiencies in the management activities, however, even in the case of error-free implementation of the previous management functions, life still requires making certain adjustments to activities.

Function control is closely related to the regulation of the holistic pedagogical process. This is due to the fact that the holistic pedagogical process, like any system, characterized by a desire for organizations, guided by the activities of teachers, on the other hand, to disorganization, due to the influence of various external and internal factors on it. In order to eliminate the contradiction between organization and disorganization and counteracting random factors and there is a need to regulate pedagogical systems. Reasons disorganization the pedagogical process may involve the introduction of new content, forms, methods into its structure, which causes a violation of the established order, requires a change in conditions, the type of thinking of the subject and object management. The need for regulation also arises due to constant change and development of components systems. Changing level professionally - pedagogical culture teachers, changing value orientations and much more, requires from the outside control system reasonable regulation. Such regulation is possible based on objective data from control and pedagogical analysis.

1.3. Ratio organizations and regulation as management functions.

Regulation and organization are interdependent on each other, since the main task functions of the organization- prevent possible deviations from goals management, and regulation - to correct deviations that have already arisen. It is no coincidence that the instruments of regulation and correction are, as in the case of organizations, regulation of the activities of performers. Another thing is that bringing the necessary expedient building the activities of information performers and ensuring its perception by employees at the stage organizations can significantly reduce the number of deviations and, accordingly, new transmission of almost the same information (now already having a corrective character).

So way, need for correction the opposite of organizational quality(subject to high-quality goal setting and planning).

II. The organizational role of the leader

Supervisor - official, which is officially entrusted functions of team management and organization of its activities. A manager's work with people is control individuals and small groups within the work process through formal and informal relationships.

A role is “a set of specific behavioral rules appropriate to a specific institution or position.”

necessary action as an assessment of the progress and results of a particular case.

Classification of roles within three major categories:

1. Interpersonal role - stems from the authority and status of the leader in organizations and covers the scope of his interactions with people. The leader is able to play a role related to acceptance solutions: resource allocation, conflict resolution, finding opportunities for organizations, negotiating on behalf of organizations.

2. Information role - collection various information(mostly current) of a specialized nature about external and internal environment organizations which he uses in the interests of his business; acts as the center of the internal and external information, coming to organization. Distributes received information in the form of facts and normative guidelines among subordinates, explains policies and main goals organizations. Sends information to external contacts organization regarding plans, policies, actions, performance results organizations, acts as an expert on issues in the industry.

3. Decision-making role - determines the direction of growth organizations. At the same time, he seeks opportunities for this, both inside organizations, and beyond; develops and launches improvement projects that bring change; controls the development of certain projects. When organization encounters unexpected violations, the manager is responsible for corrective actions. He is responsible for allocating all kinds of resources organizations, represents organization in all significant and important negotiations.

The roles are interconnected and interact to create a unified whole.

Manager - leader (leading, first, going forward)- a person in any group ( organizations, enjoying great, recognized authority,

having an influence that manifests itself as control actions.

The main task of a manager is to improve the quality of life organizations, systematic observation, analysis of personnel behavior, direction for further development organizations in a changing environment.

What is important is the social and psychological competence of the leader, the component of his emotional intelligence, sanogenic (positive) social thinking.

Formula for a successful leader = strategy (35%) +team (40%) +control (25%)

What is important is setting the task, focusing on results, obtaining feedback(understanding, acceptance of information, requirements for personnel.

Any system has: goals, objectives, functions, features, structure, attributes, relationships or interactions, the presence of two or more types of communication (direct and reverse), levels of hierarchy.

S.I. Arkhangelsk defines a “system” as a set of interconnected components that make up a certain whole in their structure and functioning.

T.A. Ilyina: “system”- an ordered set of interconnected elements isolated on the basis of certain characteristics, united common goal functioning and unity of control and acting in interaction with the environment as an integral unity.

Educational systems

Interaction various elements educational system is aimed at achieving a common goal for the system goals, an overall positive result. Namely – training, education and personal development.

Elements of the Russian educational system: 1. Students and scientific and pedagogical workers; 2. Educational institutions; 3. State educational standards; 4. Educational authorities; 5. Public association in the field of education.

System educational institutions Russia: 1. Preschool educational institution (DOU) - implements educational programs preschool education; 2. General educational institutions – primary school, main general school, secondary general school, gymnasium, lyceum; 3. Professional educational institutions: a) educational institutions of NPO (primary vocational education) (vocational schools, vocational lyceums); b) Educational institutions of secondary vocational education (secondary vocational education) (technical school, college); c) Educated. Higher professional education institutions (universities, academies, institutes); 4. Educated. institutions of additional education (for children, for adults); 5. Educational institutions special type(military educational institutions; educational institutions for orphans; educational institutions for persons with disabilities disabilities health).

Management is necessary not only in the technical, production processes, but also in the field of complex social systems, including pedagogical ones.

Peter Drucker ( economist, publicist, teacher, one of the most influential management theorists of the 20th century) : Management- This special kind activities that transform a disorganized crowd into an effective, focused and productive group. Management is a continuous process of influencing the object of management to achieve optimal results with the least expenditure of time and resources.

(Slastenin V. A, Isaev I. F, Shiyanov E. N “Pedagogy”): Control

Objects control can be biological, technical, social systems. One of the types of social systems is the education system. It can operate on the scale of a country, region, region, city or district.

Subjects management of the education system are the Ministry of Education Russian Federation; education departments of a region, region or city, as well as district education departments (Federal Service for Control and Supervision in Education; Federal Agency for Education and Science, local governments).

The development of the theory of social management began at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, thanks to the achievements of science and technology, which led to significant changes in attitudes towards material production and business.

There is no significant difference between the concepts of “management” and “management”.

Initially, the word “management” meant “the art of breaking horses” (18-19 centuries, England). Later in the definition of the term "management" began to give the following meaning: type of activity; control apparatus; science and art of management; academic discipline(Joseph Wharton began teaching it in 1881 at a US college); system of planning, forecasting and production organization; targeted interaction between the control and controlled subsystems; activities to implement management tasks, etc.

Currently, management is the theory and practice of management in social organizations.

(Also according to Slastenin): Main features public administration educational systems: One of distinctive features development modern system education is the transition from state to state-public management of education. The main idea of ​​state-public education management is to combine the efforts of the state and society in solving educational problems, to provide teachers, students, parents more rights and freedom in choosing the content, forms and methods of organizing the educational process, in choosing various types educational institutions.

The state nature of management of the education system is secured by a set of principles public policy in the field of education, formulated in the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”: - the humanistic nature of education (priority of universal human values, human life and health, free development of the individual); - unity of the federal, cultural and educational space (protection of national cultures and regional cultures by the education system cultural traditions in a multinational state);

Public access to education; - the secular nature of education in state and municipal educational institutions; - freedom and pluralism in education; - democratic, state-public nature of education management; - autonomy of educational institutions. (RF Law “On Education”).

General principles management of educational systems (according to Yu. A. Konarzhevsky): 1. Democratization and humanization of management of educational systems (openness of discussion and adoption of management decisions, appeal to the individual, respect for human dignity and trust in him); 2. consistency and integrity in management (the interaction and interrelation of management functions in the activities of its leader and teaching staff, excludes one-sidedness in management, emphasizes that management activities are consistent, logical, mutually beneficial, all its functions are equally important); 3. A rational combination of centralization and decentralization (ensures the activities of heads of administrative and public bodies in the interests of the entire school staff, creates conditions for discussion and adoption of management decisions at a professional level, eliminates duplication and increases coordination of actions of all structural units of the system); 4. Unity of unity of command and collegiality in management (ensures discipline and order, clear delineation and observance of the powers of participants in the pedagogical process. If collegiality is a priority at the stage of discussion and decision-making, then unity of command is necessary, first of all, at the stage of implementing the decisions made). The implementation of the principle of unity of unity of command and collegiality in the management of the educational process is embodied in the activities various kinds commissions and councils operating on a voluntary basis; in the work of congresses, rallies, conferences, where collective search and personal responsibility for decisions made are necessary; 5. Objectivity and completeness of information in the management of educational systems (The effectiveness of the management of educational systems is largely determined by the presence of reliable and necessary information. In social and pedagogical sciences, information is considered either as a means of communication between teachers and students, or as a set of information about the state of the system and the environment).

(T. I. Davydova, T. M. Davydenko, G. N. Shibanova “Management of educational systems”):

Control functions

1. The information and analytical function of management creates the basis for all educational activities and plays the role of a primary source in the adoption management decision;

2. The motivational-goal function forms a motivated approach to defining goals educational process;

3. The planning and forecasting function of management involves the identification of specific and realistic goals aimed at achieving higher quality condition object;

4. The organizational and executive function contributes to the implementation of the adopted target decisions and the coordinated work of the subjects organizational structure and interaction of all participants in the pedagogical process;

5. The regulatory and corrective management function ensures the elimination of the causes of technological failures in ongoing processes;

6. The control and diagnostic management function establishes the compliance of the received data with the requirements of the educational standard.

So, Educational systems- these are all those social institutions, whose goal is human education.

Educational systems have their own structure and consist of certain elements that are interconnected.

The interaction of various elements of the educational system is aimed at achieving a common goal for the system, a common positive result. Namely – training, education and personal development.

Control- activities aimed at making decisions, organizing, controlling, regulating a management object in accordance with a given goal, analyzing and summing up results based on reliable information.

The education system is one of the types of social systems. It can operate on the scale of a country, region, region, city or district. This object management.

Subjects management of the education system is the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation; education departments of the region, region or city, as well as district education departments.

General principles management of educational systems (according to Konarzhevsky Yu. A): 1. Democratization and humanization of management of educational systems; 2. consistency and integrity; 3. A rational combination of centralization and decentralization; 4. Unity of unity of command and collegiality in management; 5. Objectivity and completeness of information in the management of educational systems.

Control functions- the activities of entities carrying out the full technological process of the management cycle with the targeted achievement of actual results.

1. Information and analytical;

2. Motivational-target;

3. Planning and prognostication;

4. Organizational and executive;

5. Regulatory and correctional;

6. Control and diagnostic.

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November 24, 2019

Anti-aircraft missile system Roland (France, Germany)

"Roland" is a German-French anti-aircraft missile system.

The air defense system was developed in the 60s of the last century by the German company Messerchmitt-Bolkow-Blohm together with the French company Aerospatiale-Matra for the armed forces of both countries. In 1977, mass production of the Roland-1 began.

The complex can be placed on various chassis, namely on the chassis of the French AMX-30 medium tank or on the chassis of the 6x6 ACMAT truck, as well as on the chassis of the German Marder infantry fighting vehicle or on the chassis of the 6x6, 8x8 MAN truck.

The Roland air defense system puts three people on combat readiness - driver, commander, operator.
The complex has been repeatedly modernized and improved in order to increase combat capabilities, or to equip a complex of modern equipment. In 1981, Roland 2 was developed, and in 1988, Roland 3 was released. Today, the latest version of the family is in production - the Roland VT1 air defense system, which was developed in 1989. In total, more than 650 complexes of various modifications were produced.

The Roland VT1 air defense system is based on the Roland 1. The complex is equipped with beams for placing missiles, a detection radar antenna, a target and missile tracking radar antenna, optical and infrared tracking systems and a command transmitter antenna. The complex is also equipped with transmitters and receivers for target detection radar and target and missile tracking radar, a computer, a control panel, two revolver magazines with eight missiles in transport and launch containers, a radio station, instrumentation and a power supply. Guidance of the holder beams with containers in the elevation plane is carried out automatically along the target tracking line, in the azimuthal plane - by turning the turret.

The Roland VT1 air defense system is equipped with a solid-fuel missile weighing 62.5 kg, which is housed in a sealed transport and launch container (TPC) and does not require inspections or checks. The rocket is equipped with a solid fuel launcher rocket engine SNPE Roubaix, which is capable of accelerating a rocket to a speed of 500 m/s.

The complex is equipped with an optical infrared sight, which allows the missile to be aimed at a target, while deviations of the missile defense system from a given course are entered into the computing device, and guidance commands are automatically transmitted on board the missile by a command transmitter. The radar transmitter is made on a magnetron. It is also worth noting that the complex is equipped with a two-channel monopulse radar, which allows you to track and track targets. The complex is also equipped with Doppler filtering of reflected signals, which can significantly reduce the influence of reflections from local items. The Roland VT1 complex is equipped with a parabolic antenna, which is gyro-stabilized in azimuth and elevation and has a radiation pattern of 2° in azimuth and 1° in elevation. During combat operations, it is possible to quickly switch guidance modes, which significantly increases the noise immunity of the complex.

The Roland VT1 air defense system is in service with the armies of Germany, France, Argentina, Brazil, Nigeria, Qatar, Spain and others.