General characteristics of the Animal Kingdom Purpose: To consider the structural features and vital functions of animals; Make a comparative description of plants. Project on geography of the animal kingdom


A) the flowers are large, brightly colored, with a strong scent.

B) the flowers are small, odorless, collected in inflorescences

B) pollen is large and heavy

D) pollen is small, dry and light.

D) flowering occurs early spring before the leaves bloom

E) bloom throughout the summer.

Pollination type:

  • by the wind
  • insects.

Think about who we are talking about?

A living organism, a creature that has the ability to move and feeds on... ready-made organic substances.

Subject: Animal Kingdom. Basic characteristics of animals.

Target: consider the signs of animals.

Working with the textbook.

Page 88

Aristotle is considered the founder of zoology, who was the first to think about dividing animals into groups.

He divided them into animals with blood and animals without blood.

Environments and habitats

The main habitats of animals are water, land-air and soil. We must not forget about the organism’s habitat











No rigid cell wall

No chloroplasts or plastids

Vacuoles are small

Organ systems

Respiratory, nervous, excretory, etc.


regulated by hormones and

nervous system





Cell structure


There is a cellulose membrane, vacuoles, plastids.

Capacity for growth


Foraging activity


No cell center

There are no vacuoles (with the exception of digestive ones in protozoa), plastids.

Not active

There is a cellular center

Storage substance



Body symmetry


In most cases - active




Somatic. Genital

Organs form organ systems



The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up - (torso to the right - to the left)

I didn't want to sleep anymore.

(torso forward, backward)

He moved, stretched,

(hands up, stretch)

He soared up and flew.

(hands up, left, right)

The sun is just waking up in the morning, the butterfly is circling and curling (spinning)

Distribute the signs.

Autotrophic type of nutrition.

Unlimited growth.

The reserve carbohydrate is starch.

They are consumers in the food chain.

Finish the sentence.

I found out…….


1)p. 88

Page 88 pics

2) Creative task: prepare facts from the life of animals.

summary of other presentations

“Types of invertebrate animals” - Mollusks. Insects. Determine the type of animal. Sort the animals by size. Invertebrate animals. Arachnids. Where is my home? Tournament table. Choose a description for the animal. What insects are you most likely to see in a meadow? Plankton. In the world of invertebrates. Coleoptera. Examine the preparations under a microscope. Cephalopods. Pictures. Ciliated ciliates. Coelenterates. Biological tournament. Arthropods.

"Invertebrates" - Reproduction. Knowledge about the type Mollusks. Dividing the body into sections. Role performed in nature. Nutrition. In the endless ocean worse than the beast No. " Finest hour", 7th grade. Excretion of aphids. What protozoa cause infectious diseases in humans. The body of a cross spider. Make as many words as possible from the letters of this word. Invertebrates. What role does the fluid of the secondary body cavity (anneli worms) play?

“Characteristics of the echinoderm type” - Features of the external and internal structure. Starfish. Type Echinoderms. Sea urchins. Adults. Sea lilies. General characteristics. Holothurians. Body shape. Statement. Brittle stars. Ambulacral system. Calcareous skeleton. Sea bottom animals. Development of echinoderms. Meaning of Echinoderms. Nervous system. Echinoderms have the ability to regenerate.

“Classes of echinoderms” - Class Sea urchins. Test your knowledge. Reproduction. Meaning. main classes of the Phylum Echinodermata. Starfish class. Find in the text of the textbook what the ambulacral system is. Class Holothuria. The size and body shape of echinoderms is very diverse. Diversity of echinoderms. Ophiura class. Echinoderms are a type of invertebrate deuterostome animals. Internal structure. Holothurians or sea ​​cucumbers really look like cucumbers.

“Systematics of Animals” - Tarpan. How to understand the diversity of animals. Dodo. Reserve. Main groups of animals. Federal significance. View. Black list. Zebra quagga. Cedar pad. Human influence. Species name. Steller's (sea) cow. Passenger pigeon. Carl Linnaeus. Taxonomy. Red Book. Great auk. Eukaryotes. Classification of animals. Marsupial wolf. Human influence on animals.

“Characteristics of the Animal Kingdom” - General characteristics of the Animal Kingdom. Most have sense organs and a nervous system. Features of cell structure. Animal Science. The general characteristics of animals according to the type of metabolism are heterotrophs. There are unicellular (protozoa) and multicellular. Stages of development of zoology. Variety of animals. Difference between animals and plants. Methods of zoology. Most people breathe oxygen and exhale carbon dioxide.

Animals are the most numerous of the kingdoms, numbering about 2 million species. The variety of animals is striking in their differences in shape and size: blue whale can have a mass of 150 thousand tons, and an amoeba is a microscopic organism.

But at the same time, animals have general signs: cell structure, ability to feed, develop, reproduce, respire and grow; and special characteristics that other organisms do not have.

Animals have the following differences from plants and fungi:

  • Eat ready-made organic substances;
  • They do not have the ability to photosynthesize;
  • Almost all animals can perform active movements and move around;
  • Almost all animals have organ systems: musculoskeletal, respiratory, nervous, excretory, digestive.

Animals are unicellular and multicellular. Multicellular animals form the largest group of living organisms on the planet, with more than 1.5 million living species. One of the most important features of their organization is the morphological and functional difference between body cells. During evolution, a division occurred between cells, which allowed them to perform their functions more efficiently. Different tissues combined into organs, and organs into corresponding organ systems. To implement the relationship between them and coordinate their work, regulatory systems were formed - nervous and endocrine. By controlling the activities of all systems, a multicellular organism works as a single whole.

Multicellular animals are larger in size. To ensure nutrients They develop a digestive canal, which allows them to swallow large food particles that supply large amounts of energy. To break them down, digestive glands appear that secrete enzymes. Developed musculoskeletal system ensured the maintenance of a certain body shape, protection and support for organs, as well as the active movement of a multicellular animal in space. Thanks to this ability, animals were able to search for food, find shelter and settle.

With the increase in the size of the body, the need arose for the emergence of systems that act as the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to cells and tissues remote from the digestive canal and the surface of the body, as well as removing metabolic products from them. This is how the circulatory, respiratory and excretory systems arise.

The main transport function began to be played by liquid connective tissue - blood. The intensification of respiratory activity went in parallel with the progressive development nervous system and sense organs. The central sections of the nervous system moved to the anterior end of the body, resulting in the separation of the head section. This body structure allowed animals to receive information about changes in environment and respond appropriately to them. Multicellular animals reproduce mainly sexually, while primitive multicellular animals reproduce vegetatively and asexually.

Based on the absence or presence of an internal skeleton, animals are divided into two groups: invertebrates and vertebrates. Multicellular animals are usually characterized by symmetry in their body structure. In coelenterates, symmetry is radial, bilateral symmetry allows animals to actively move in a straight line, maintaining balance, and turn right and left with equal ease.

The most highly organized animals are birds and mammals.

The role of animals (especially insects) as pollinators of flowering plants and distributors of seeds and fruits is great. Their contribution to soil-forming processes (worms, insect larvae, burrowing rodents) and to the formation of landscapes (burrowing animals, ungulates, beavers) is undeniable.

The significant role of animals in human life is associated primarily with the use of many species as food sources and suppliers of various forms of raw materials. Animal food enriches the human diet with high-calorie, easily digestible, complete proteins. Its suppliers are various types crustaceans, mollusks, fish, hunting and commercial animals and domestic animals bred by humans. Fur raw materials are supplied by many species of animals: sable, marten, squirrel, beaver, arctic fox, sea otter, seal. Humans obtain natural silk as a result of breeding silkworm. Suppliers of valuable medicinal raw materials are bees and snakes. The glands of some animals are used in production hormonal drugs. Many animals are indispensable for humans as a means of transportation and physical work(horse, camel, deer, buffalo, elephant). Some representatives of the animal world are used as laboratory objects during educational and experimental work; they are objects scientific research(amoebas, ciliates, beetles, insects, frogs, pigeons, rats, mice, guinea pigs, cats, dogs, etc.).

Many animal species have already disappeared as a result of direct extermination and a number of indirect reasons. A person must put in a lot of effort and material resources to save the gene pool.

Stage 1 Ancient Greek scientists and doctors - Aristotle, Hippocrates. Stage 2 Ancient Roman scientists and naturalists - Claudius Galen. Stage 3 Scientists of the Renaissance Stage 4 of the century Fundamentals of the concept of structure circulatory system animals - A. Vesalius. Stage 5 Dutchman A. Leeuwenhoek discovery of single-celled animals and microorganisms. Stage 6 “System of Nature” - Carl Linnaeus 1735 Stage 7 18th century Italian physicist L. Galvani discovered “animal electricity”. Stage 8 The emergence of paleontology - J. Cuvier.

Stage 9 Outstanding Contribution Russian scientists contributed to the development of zoology: A.N. Formozov, V.A. Dogel, A.A. Zenkevich, K.I. Scriabin, M.S. Gilyarov. Comparative Morphological genetic zoogeographical Historical Paleontological Physiological Ecological

1. In the biosphere there are ..... species of animals. 2. Zoology is the science ……… 3. The Animal Kingdom is divided into two ….: ….. and …. Determine the type of symmetry of the animal body: Butterfly, cork sponge, dragonfly, octopus, crucian carp, snake, sea anemone, starfish, chicken, jellyfish, cat. Classify the proposed animals: Beetle, mouse, octopus, snake, hare, snail, frog, fish, bird, Jellyfish, starfish, butterfly, bee.

Animal Kingdom. General characteristics. Classification of animals.

Biology lesson (7th grade).

Objective of the lesson: show the diversity of the animal world, identify the characteristics of representatives of the Animal Kingdom, consider the principles of classification of animals.

Lesson objectives:

- educational: study the signs of the Animal Kingdom, expand your understanding of living nature;

- developing: continue to develop the ability to independently formulate hypotheses and establish cause-and-effect relationships;

- educational: create a culture of mental work, develop communication skills.

Zoology – the science of animals (from the Greek “zoon” - animal).

Ethology – the science of animal behavior.

Entomology – insect science.

Ornithology – bird science.

Herpetology – science of reptiles.

Batrachology – amphibian science .

Ichthyology – fish science.

Arachnology – spider science...

Currently it is known about 2 million animals.

The fauna of the Earth has not been fully studied. New species of insects are most often described, the number of which is over 1/ 3 all kinds of animals.

Variety of animals.

Protozoa 28,000

Coelenterates 9000

Arthropods 1,500,000

Worms (flat, round, ringed) 32,000

Shellfish 128,000

Pisces 20,000

Reptiles 6,000

Amphibians 2,600

Birds 8,000

Animals 4 000

  • What is

is it diversity?

“Animals are the kingdom of living organisms, one of the largest divisions in the system of the organic world...”

(Biological encyclopedic dictionary)

Animals are living organisms.

What does it mean alive organism?

But along with the signs of living organisms, animals have bright, unique features.

Compare animal and plant organisms.

How are they different from each other?

Distinctive features Animals:

1. Lack of a strong cell wall

4. Development of functional organ systems

Circulatory system of crayfish

Nervous system earthworm

5. Clear body symmetry

Symmetry is a certain geometric order in the arrangement of similar parts (organs).

- bilateral symmetry

- radial symmetry

What can an evolutionary tree tell us?

Key words:

- evolutionarily young groups

  • evolutionarily old groups
  • complex organisms
  • simply arranged organisms
  • origin

This is science...

  • this is a very ancient science that gives rise to numerous hypotheses;
  • the object of her research is far from completely familiar to scientists;
  • associated with it are labels with unpronounceable Latin names;
  • she is looking for a system into which all living things in the surrounding world would fit, and the result of her search is very complex tables classifications.


Classification of Animals

Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

Subkingdom Subkingdom

Unicellular Multicellular

1. Type Sarcotiguticophores 1. Type Sponges

2. Type Sporozoans 2. Type Coelenterates

3. Type Ciliates 3. Type Flatworms

4. Type Roundworms

5. Type Annelids

6. Type Mollusks

7. Type Arthropods

8. Type Echinodermata

9. Type Chordata

Meaning of Animals

Animal species

Meaning in nature and human life

1. Bees, bumblebees, butterflies...

Improves soil structure and fertility.

3. Ants, nutcrackers, squirrels...

Participate in the decomposition of the corpses of other animals.

5. Cows, sheep, chicken, bees...

Conclusion Today in class I learned something new: