Medicines to gain weight for a man. Hormonal pills for weight gain and weight loss

Big problem modern women is overweight. However, for a number of reasons, the opposite situation may arise when, due to various circumstances, a girl, even with constant consumption of high-calorie and fatty foods, fails to gain weight corresponding to her height.

How to gain weight for a girl? How to achieve seductive breasts and rounded buttocks if angular, thin shapes are genetically inherent? To do this, it is necessary not only to change your diet, taking into account the peculiarities of metabolism, but also to exercise exercise, promoting muscle gain in problem areas.

How to quickly gain weight for a girl

Excessive thinness is not just a lack of figure. Lack of muscle and fat body mass can cause many problems - from difficulties conceiving a child to the development of various chronic diseases, including decreased immunity, food allergies, and digestive disorders. If such a constitution is not hereditary, but acquired, it is necessary to consult a doctor, as this may indicate the development of cancer.

The best way to find out how to gain weight for a girl is to consult a doctor. It is he who will be able to determine the reasons that caused weight loss and recommend the necessary diet. Since eating high-calorie and fatty foods in most cases does not bring the desired result, you need to start with measures aimed at increasing appetite.

Exist various ways in order to increase the natural desire to eat a lot and with pleasure. The simplest and most effective is to spend more time on fresh air. After a walk, a healthy appetite usually appears, and at the same time the metabolism necessary for more complete absorption of food improves.

If you don’t have enough time for walks in the fresh air, then before eating it is recommended to drink a glass of fresh natural juice or red wine. At the same time, you need to eat at least 5-6 times a day, snacking on what you want most at this time - fruit, a glass of kefir or nuts.

Many doctors, answering the question of how to gain weight for a girl, advise not to fuss after eating, but to rest for about half an hour. This is for skinny people good way improve digestion, which will allow maximum absorption of all beneficial substances.

Since it is quite difficult for a girl to gain weight, she needs to adjust her diet, giving priority to protein-carbohydrate foods. It is necessary that at least half of the proteins come from eggs, meat and fish. Poultry meat is considered healthy - it is low-fat and nutritious, and the protein it contains will allow you to gain weight faster. muscle mass for the desired body contour.

Daily consumption of low-fat fermented milk products will also help improve digestion, and, therefore, improve metabolic processes. Fat cottage cheese with a small amount homemade sour cream or an energy cocktail consisting of a glass of heavy cream, 100 g of cottage cheese and a few tablespoons of jam or honey.

When choosing a diet and deciding how to gain weight for a girl, you need to remember that the body needs fats, for which you need to use olive and soybean oils for dressing salads. They are rich in vitamin E, which gives elasticity to blood vessels and has a rejuvenating effect. Also for quick extensions subcutaneous fat no need to neglect foods containing carbohydrates - pasta, potatoes, white bread, sugar and various sweets.

I lost weight. How to gain weight?

Quite often you can find a discussion of the situation: “I have lost weight. How to gain weight? Is just following a diet enough for this?”

According to many doctors, after undergoing examinations confirming the absence of the disease, simply following a diet is often not enough to gain weight faster. Performing aerobic and strength exercises with dumbbells helps improve metabolism and at the same time build muscle mass.

Usually, trainers, when advising how to gain weight for a girl, do not recommend overloading yourself with physical activity in the first month. During this time, the body will have time to adjust to the new regime. Subsequently, it will be possible to increase the weight of the dumbbells and the number of repetitions of the exercises. You can exercise independently according to a program selected by a trainer or by visiting a fitness club. Moreover, such training should be combined with swimming in the pool, roller skating and cycling, and active games. If after several months your body weight stops increasing, it is worth changing the program and diet.

What pills to use to gain weight

Lack of weight is not an independent symptom, but a consequence of various problems with both physical and mental health. When asking your doctor which pills to gain weight with, you need to ask him about the list of possible effects they have on the body.

When deciding how to gain weight for a woman, you need to understand that any hormonal drugs interfere with the functioning of the body, destroying some of its systems. However, in some cases it will be almost impossible to restore it.

Among the pills that a doctor may recommend may be hormonal drugs, most often oral contraceptives. Weight gain is a fairly common side effect. According to the results of many studies, long-term use of hormonal contraceptives will lead to persistent weight gain, but doctors note that it will be quite difficult to get rid of it. Before giving advice on how to quickly gain weight for girls 13-15 years old, you need to take everything into account possible consequences and weigh the benefits against the existing risks.

Many women, when discussing which pills to gain weight, recommend drinking brewer's yeast. Their action is aimed at regulating metabolic processes by replenishing the deficiency of vitamins of various groups (especially group B, necessary for nervous system) and essential proteins and fats. In addition, brewer's yeast promotes:

  • Strengthening vascular walls;
  • Reducing the amount of harmful fats in the blood;
  • Improving immunity and performance;
  • Removing toxic metabolic products from the body;
  • Increasing the body's resistance to the effects of many adverse environmental factors;
  • Improving general well-being.

When discussing how to gain weight for a woman, many note that brewer's yeast is a good addition to diet and physical activity. By normalizing intestinal function, they improve appetite and promote more complete absorption of food. In addition to weight gain, many note an improvement in well-being and mood.

Before deciding how to gain weight for a girl, you need to find out the reasons causing weight loss. In many cases, losing weight is associated with psychological trauma and problems that a psychologist can help solve. Even if you don’t seek help from professionals, you need to know that many problems in the body are directly related to psychological mood. Therefore, while following the doctor’s recommendations, do not forget that you need to love yourself with all your shortcomings.

A problem with overweight every second woman in the world has it and only every tenth dreams of gaining weight. In this race against nature, women are increasingly resorting to " easy ways", using hormonal pills for this. To understand how they affect weight, it is necessary to understand their action and nature.

Hormonal pills contain analogues of physiological hormones that have certain effects.

Hormonal pills

The most popular among hormonal drugs is triiodothyronine. Normally, triiodothyronine is produced by thyroid cells and has a number of effects. Basically, its action is aimed at maintaining metabolic processes at a constant level.

That is, its attractiveness for women losing weight is based on the fact that triiodothyronine enhances the breakdown of fat (lipolysis) and inhibits the process of fat deposition and formation. But let’s read what other actions (not side effects) this hormonal drug actively performs, belonging to the thyroid hormone group:

  • stimulates the growth and development of the body;
  • increases body temperature;
  • increases tissue oxygen demand;
  • increases systemic blood pressure;
  • increases the frequency and strength of heart contractions;
  • increases the level of wakefulness….

Everything seems beautiful. But let's start from the end. People with an extra 2-3 kg of weight are unlikely to take diet pills (especially hormonal ones). And they take this extreme step - with greatly increased weight. But with long-term obesity, the first consequences are high blood pressure and a slow heart rate.

I really want to draw attention to such an action as it stimulates growth.

“The effect of thyroid hormones on the growth and development of the body is synergistic with the effect of somatotropic hormone”

"Somotropic hormone - growth hormone of the anterior pituitary gland"

“From preliminary studies in older people in the early 1990s, it appeared that administration of exogenous growth hormone could slow aging and improve physical state old people. These data were inflated by journalists and advertising. Further studies on mice showed that with a reduced content of growth hormone or reduced sensitivity of cells to it, as well as with a reduced concentration of IGF-1 during embryonic development, life expectancy increases significantly.

In adults, a pathological increase in the level of somatotropin or long-term administration of exogenous somatotropin in doses characteristic of a growing organism leads to thickening of the bones and coarsening of facial features, an increase in the size of the tongue - acromegaly."

Did you catch the connection?

If not, then everything is simple - taking hormonal drugs that artificially increase the level of hormones in the blood will not work without consequences. If not now, then a little later.
Hormonal diet pills will never replace the effect you get from proper nutrition and physical activity. Despite the slogan “beauty requires sacrifice,” the pursuit of perfect figure not worth the complications you'll get.

Hormonal pills for weight gain

The opposite effect of hormonal pills is weight gain. Such problems arise in male athletes who need to increase muscle mass at the expense of fat tissue. Steroids have this effect. Steroid hormones are a group of physiological hormones that regulate metabolism. These include sex hormones and corticosteroids.

The artificial synthesis of anabolic steroids was carried out on the basis of the molecule of the male sex hormone - testosterone. Male sex hormones provide a bright masculine appearance, a deep voice, hair growth on the face and body, strong muscles, good health and greater endurance. Those. along with weight gain due to muscle mass, a male body type is formed (roughness and angularity).

However, taking steroids is prohibited in our country and pharmacological companies have found another hormone that increases muscle mass. This is a growth hormone - somatostatin. Somatostatin is a hormone of the pancreas and one of the hormones of the hypothalamus:

Stimulates the growth of muscle tissue;

Burns fatty tissue;

Reduces fluid levels in the body.

In fact, it seems to be the ideal hormone for bodybuilders. But this is also growth hormone and the consequences are often even more serious, since these drugs are taken more long time. Remember that hormones are highly active substances whose levels must be maintained at certain levels. Exceeding their content can lead to serious complications, including the development of oncological pathology.

“Hormones are a chemical scalpel that very actively breaks into the functioning of the body. Sometimes even more powerful than a surgeon's scalpel. And when we abuse the achievements of pharmacology, we get very serious side effects” (M. Obukhov)

Hormonal pills for weight gain - personally for women.

Hormonal oral contraceptives (anti-pregnancy pills) - promote weight gain. This is one of the side effects that is officially recognized by the pharmaceutical industry. And despite the fact that all manufacturers insist that modern hormonal contraceptives give a very small chance of weight gain, which can be corrected rational nutrition and physical activity - the reality, alas, is much more complex and difficult.

Long-term (more than 10 years) use of hormonal pills leads to definite weight gain. And coping with this is much more difficult than simply losing a few kg after the New Year.

More the situation is more complicated with the use of hormonal drugs for girls during puberty as a forced (from the point of view of doctors) treatment. In my experience, there are 2 cases where hormonal therapy at the age of 13-15 years resulted in serious weight gain. And now no diets and physical exercise They can’t help girls lose weight anymore.

For example, the hormonal drug dexamethasone. It really gives you weight gain. But at what cost? Due to impaired lipid metabolism and glucose tolerance. Those. a kind of artificial diabetes mellitus. Moreover, the weight only remains as long as you are injected with this drug. And after its cancellation, the effect can be twofold: either you will begin to gain weight and gain weight, or you will begin to lose weight and lose weight.

Hormonal pills interfere with the system and break it.

Many men and boys suffer from lack of mass and want to gain muscle weight and look beautiful. To do this, they often resort to food additives, but they doubt whether they will harm the body. The modern pharmaceutical industry offers several types of drugs to solve the problem of lack of weight. A man should take weight gain pills after carefully analyzing his diet and identifying which ones. nutrients there is not enough in it.

Hormonal pills for weight gain

When using these drugs, you must be extremely careful and exclude their uncontrolled use, which can cause harm to the body. After all, most often hormonal pills are used to gain weight quickly and in significant quantities, as well as in the treatment of certain diseases associated with changes in hormonal balance. Such drugs should be prescribed after consulting a doctor and taking tests to determine the level of testosterone in the blood. You should not self-medicate and it is important to remember side effect similar therapy, which may be as follows:

  • androgenetic alopecia;
  • inhibition of the function of one’s own production of sperm and hormones;
  • increased risk of developing prostate cancer;
  • the appearance of acne and oily skin.

The most common names of weight gain pills are Cyproheptadine, Andriol, Chlorpromazine, Peritol. The latter also have a calming effect on the human psyche.

Vitamins for weight gain for men

Chinese weight gain pills

For those who strive in a safe way increase weight, and it is muscle mass, but not fat, that Chinese weight gain pills will come to the rescue. These tools are developed traditional healers and are based on plant extracts that will help not only solve the pressing issue of weight, but also strengthen the immune system and allow you to endure heavy physical activity. This is achieved by stimulating the necessary organs and systems. One such drug is Ginseng Kianpi Pil. It consists of the following components:

  • common ginseng;
  • Chinese cordyceps;
  • angelica or angelica;
  • shiny girchovnik;
  • Polygonum multiflora;
  • forest codonopsis;
  • dried antlers (young deer antlers);
  • bacopa manje;
  • thin-leaved istod;
  • Eucommia elm;
  • Dioscorea japonica.

What ways can you gain weight quickly? First of all, tablets and injections.

In order to recover quickly, it is necessary to approach the issue comprehensively. To begin with, you should pay attention to the number of calories consumed, diet, and composition of the daily diet. Brewer's yeast in the form of tablets has proven itself well for rapid weight gain. This remedy stabilizes the body's metabolism, increases appetite and can be used both before and after meals. When taking yeast, you should pay attention to the increase in mass, not fat. Many hormonal drugs are presented in the form various options support testosterone levels, such as:

  • gels and ointments;
  • plasters;
  • capsules and tablets;
  • subcutaneous implant;
  • injections.

Injections are most often used for androgen deficiency and can be either traditional with frequent use or with prolonged action, i.e. when one injection is enough for a long period. There are also natural cocktails that restore muscle mass and contain proteins, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and amino acids.

Currently, many people are concerned not only with the problem of excess weight, but also with its lack. Tens of millions of men and women in different corners people around the world dream of losing a few kilograms, but there are also those who would love to gain a little weight. Just like those who are losing weight, people who want to gain weight try to find the best options for this. simple ways. And many of them decide to use hormonal pills to gain weight. Such medications, as practice shows, help to gain weight, however, when using any hormones, you must be extremely careful, because. their uncontrolled and incorrect use can cause great harm to the body, and instead of gaining weight, very serious diseases can develop.

Features of weight gain in women and men

Women who have at least once had to take oral contraceptives (and they are just hormonal pills, but initially not for weight gain, but to prevent unwanted pregnancy), on personal experience Such drugs are known to promote weight gain. This side effect of contraceptives is recognized by medicine. However, most pharmacological companies that produce such contraceptives claim that when taking their pills, there is virtually no weight gain. In fact, oral contraceptives work like weight gain pills. And it is almost impossible to control weight gain when taking such drugs. Neither sports training nor proper nutrition will help.

Some men also experience certain difficulties in gaining weight while taking hormonal pills. This problem most affects men involved in sports.

Most of them, wanting to gain more muscle mass in as soon as possible, take steroids. In addition to muscle growth, such drugs contribute to the formation of a male-type figure and stimulate hair growth. This is ensured by the fact that the bodies of such men receive a large number of sex hormone known as testosterone.

Officially, taking steroids is prohibited in most countries, but enterprising pharmacists have created an analogue - the hormone somatostatin. Unlike steroids, such hormonal pills do not cause such significant changes in male body. Somatostatin is a pancreatic hormone. It promotes active burning of fat deposits and growth of muscle mass. So this hormone is great for harmless weight gain through muscle growth.

It is important to remember that you should not start taking any medications, including hormonal pills, without first consulting a doctor. Uncontrolled use of such drugs will not contribute to weight gain, but to the development of very serious complications, including cancer.

First of all, doctors may recommend taking hormonal medications to gain weight for people suffering from anorexia. This disease has not yet been fully studied. According to experts, people with anorexia, first of all, need the help of a psychiatrist. Typically, this disease develops in people who were overweight, began to actively lose weight and became too carried away by this process, as a result of which the thinness became painful, and the desire to get rid of everything more kilograms - obsessive and irresistible.

Such weight loss is very harmful to the body, because... the latter does not receive the nutrients it needs. People's hair begins to fall out and their teeth deteriorate. Being underweight contributes to the development of many diseases. Doctors often prescribe hormonal pills to such patients to promote weight gain. Before the appointment, a detailed examination of the patient is carried out and many tests are taken. Only after this is any treatment prescribed.

Below are the names of some popular drugs. If you plan to gain weight with the help of pills, under no circumstances start using them without first being examined in a hospital. Any names are provided for informational purposes only.

One of the most common hormonal drugs for weight gain is Duphaston. These pills were originally created for women planning a pregnancy. However, according to numerous reviews, they also contribute to weight gain. Tablets are used exclusively as prescribed by a doctor. Men are almost not prescribed, because... stimulate increased production of female hormones. You can start taking the drug only after a preliminary examination by an endocrinologist. The doctor will take the necessary tests and decide whether it is advisable to use such a drug in a particular case.

In the case of anorexia, weight gain pills are auxiliary. Cyproheptadine or Chlorpromazine may be prescribed. These drugs promote and have a calming effect on the human psyche.

If thinness has nothing to do with mental disorders, a person soberly assesses the problem of low weight and wants to gain some weight, then it is not at all necessary to take hormonal pills. In most cases, it is enough to consult a doctor, who will determine individual program for the production of hormones naturally. Men are generally expected to eat a healthy, high-calorie diet and exercise regularly.

What medications are commonly prescribed for weight gain?

Pills for the treatment of a wide variety of diseases have such a side effect as weight gain. For example, polcortolone and prednisolone, which are usually used to treat various chronic diseases, promote weight gain with prolonged use. However, this does not look very aesthetically pleasing: only the stomach, face, chest and shoulders gain volume, while the legs and arms lose weight. Fertility medications, such as clostilbegit and the like, also change metabolism and can cause weight gain.

Some people who want to gain weight take the drug dexamethasone. It increases glucose tolerance and disrupts lipid metabolism. Uncontrolled use of the drug can lead to diabetes mellitus. It will, of course, help you gain weight, but the effect will only be observed as long as the medication is administered regularly. The body's reaction to drug withdrawal can be unpredictable.

People who have lost weight due to serious illness, injury, or surgery are often prescribed an anabolic steroid called oxandrolone. As a rule, it is used in conjunction with a training program and proper diet. Another powerful steroid that promotes weight gain is oxymetholone. However, long-term use of such a drug (more than a month) is prohibited, because it harms the body. And you can gain muscle mass during training with the help of the drug Elcar. It improves food absorption, stimulates metabolism, fat and protein metabolism.

Before taking any pills, visit your doctor first. They have many contraindications and serious side effects.

Side effects

Taking pills to gain weight can trigger the development of various problems:

  • development of pancreatic diseases;
  • disturbances in the functioning of the adrenal glands;
  • testicular pathologies;
  • suppression of the thyroid gland.

If taken incorrectly, hormonal pills have a detrimental effect on the entire body and can lead to cancer, primarily of organs that are associated with the endocrine system.

To normalize the condition of the body and gain weight, you need to contact a good specialist, namely an endocrinologist. An experienced doctor will determine whether your weight problems are the result of a malfunction that requires the use of hormonal drugs, or whether your weight can be adjusted through diet.

It has been established that any deviations in weight from the norm can lead to hormonal imbalances, just as hormonal imbalances provoked by other factors can affect weight. Therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination.

The list of side effects of a prescribed medication can terrify the patient. Some simply ignore this point in the instructions: after all, the benefits of the drug certainly outweigh its potential disadvantages. But it's important to know what you may encounter during treatment.

Some drugs have been shown to cause weight gain. Knowing this can help you take preventative measures in time, says Prudence Hall, MD, a gynecologist in California.

Shilpi Agarwal, a board-certified family physician from Washington, agrees with her colleague:

We tell you what types of medications can cause weight gain, and what you need to do to avoid this side effect.

1. Antidepressants

4. Steroid hormones

As a rule, steroids are prescribed in short courses: these drugs can cause insomnia, increased appetite and fluid retention in the body. Dr. Hall says nearly 75% of patients who take prednisone long-term for rheumatism, arthritis, scleroderma, ankylosing spondylitis, hepatitis and other chronic conditions gain weight.

What to do: Ask your doctor to prescribe the shortest course of treatment for you and the most effective dose steroids. To prevent insomnia and excess weight have dinner 2-3 hours before going to bed, don’t overeat, try to walk in the fresh air before bed and do exercises regularly.

3. Beta blockers and angiotensin receptor blockers (ARBs)

These drugs are prescribed for treatment and prevention. It is known that taking them increases weight by 2-3 kg. A recent study published in the journal Cell Reports found that angiotensin receptor blockers slow metabolism and may lead to obesity.

What to do: Drug treatment It is recommended to start with diuretics. Beta blockers or ARBs are prescribed if diuretics do not work. But blood pressure control is vital for people with hypertension, and they may have no other treatment options. People taking beta blockers and ARBs are advised to limit their intake of simple carbohydrates, exercise, and get enough sleep. Healthy image life can cope with any potential danger weight gain.

4. Oral contraceptives

The reason for weight gain while taking oral contraceptives is most often water retention in the body. Drugs that affect metabolism and cause obesity have not been produced for a long time. However, some reduce tolerance to carbohydrates and increase the need for insulin, which is dangerous for patients with.

What to do: When it comes to birth control, women have many options. Low estrogen pills have the least effect on weight. If you notice unwanted weight gain, consult your gynecologist about changing the drug. It is not recommended to interrupt the course of oral contraceptives on your own.

5. Antihistamines

Think twice before taking allergy pills every day. Research shows that long-term use of these over-the-counter medications can cause weight gain—especially in women.

“We don’t yet know why this happens,” admits Dr. Agarwal. - It is believed that people begin to feel hungry due to the cessation of histamine production in the body.

What to do: Try alternative methods for preventing and treating allergies: limit contact with allergens as much as possible, talk to your doctor about immunotherapy.

Many people choose pills even if they only need a nasal spray. It is not worth treating the entire body when one small part needs it, notes Agarwal.

6. Medicines for migraine prevention

A number of migraine prevention medications can cause weight gain. This is especially true for tricyclic antidepressants, anticonvulsants and medications to lower blood pressure.

What to do: Severe migraines may require daily treatment. In this case, only a doctor will be able to select an alternative therapy. But it's especially important to figure out your individual triggers and stay away from them. For example, if you know that red wine causes headaches, eliminate it from your diet completely.

Drastically changing your lifestyle is not easy, but sometimes it solves the problem better than pills, says Dr. Hall.