What does “Limitedly fit for military service” mean? What does fitness category “B” mean on a military ID? Diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Deciphering military ID data is necessary when applying for a job or enrolling in an educational institution. It is important to understand the contents of your own personal document, and a military ID is one of the most important. Let's look at how to decipher those mysterious abbreviations that are written there. Especially often you can hear the question - what does category “B” mean?

What data does a military ID contain?

In addition to the basic data of the person liable for military service, his profession and educational institution, information relating to military service is entered there - rank, position, military specialty and anthropometric - height, shoe and headgear size. Information regarding registration and deregistration and taking the oath is also noted.

When a specific disease is identified, its number is first given in order in the officially approved list of diseases, then the letter corresponding to the severity of progression is given. The most complex medical abnormalities are listed first, then, in descending order, those that are easier.

What are these categories?

In order to streamline conscription into the army and admission to a military institution for study, a special list of categories of fitness for service for health reasons was developed. Depending on what letter the doctors at the medical examination assessed the level of the conscript, he will go to one or another branch of the military or even receive an exemption from military service.

These categories are not something immutable; re-examination is possible. You can change the category after undergoing comprehensive treatment. It is also necessary to monitor changes in legislation, since the eligibility and failure criteria are regularly updated. It is especially useful to know what category “B” means on a military ID, what advantages it gives the conscript and what, on the contrary, it is fraught with.

Think about the future

When employing a citizen who has received category “B” or “D”, problems may arise - employers do not welcome candidates with poor health. You will practically have to forget about serving in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Federal Penitentiary Service, and the FSB, and it is also better not to apply for vacancies in a number of state and municipal organizations.

This does not apply to the ban on issuing a driver’s license - unless we are talking about serious problems ah with the musculoskeletal system or psyche.

What category of fitness for military service can there be?

Any citizen who has a military ID is assigned one of the five accepted fitness categories. They are designated by capital letters from “A” to “D”, and only two of them guarantee unconditional exemption from conscription. Those that allow the conscript to serve are most often additionally accompanied by digital designations indicating the type and branch of the recommended troops.

Category “A” means that the conscript is completely healthy and fit to perform military service. If this letter is assigned, it is considered that the medical examination did not reveal any health abnormalities.

Having received category "A", a conscript can serve in any army. Sometimes a special number from 1 to 4 is placed in the place with the letter, indicating a specific branch of the military. The numbers under this letter can mean the following:

  • “A1” - had minor illnesses, can serve;
  • “A2” - suffered an injury or was seriously ill.

Your health is not perfect, but you will serve

Most often, category “B” is found on military ID cards. In practice, this means that the conscript has certain health problems, but not so serious that he is not subject to conscription. Such young men are recognized as fit for service with certain restrictions. And their military specialty will be such that a number of troops will be closed to it.

Let us repeat, we are not talking about a deferment or complete exemption from conscription service in the presence of category “B”.

What does category "B" mean on a military ID?

Do they serve with her or not? And what is the difference between it and the previous one (that is, “B”)? This question worries the vast majority of young people.

Category "B" - limited suitability for military service. Having this letter on the ticket, a citizen is exempt from military conscription, since its presence implies at least one of the serious diseases included in the official list of diseases and which does not allow military service due to health conditions. Such ailments are most often chronic and accompany a person throughout his life.

The citizen is released from service in peacetime and enlisted in the reserve. At the same time, according to the law, he is fit for wartime, that is, if war happens, he will be called up.

If suddenly there is an injury

A conscript receives category “G” in case of temporary unfitness for service. He is given a deferment for medical reasons, but complete liberation there is no need to count. Deferment is given for a period of one or two six months until the end of conscription age.

Those who do not go to serve

Category “D” on the military ID page certifies absolute unfitness for service. It is assigned to a few citizens who have a permanent serious illness or disability incompatible with military service. Such citizens are exempted immediately and forever - they are not subject to conscription under any circumstances.

When a letter doesn't suit you

Sometimes it becomes necessary to replace an existing category. Let’s say your ticket has category “B” (limitedly fit for military service), but now there is a need or opportunity to “get rid” of it - say, for employment purposes. In this case, you can initiate the re-examination procedure yourself. You should send a written application to the military registration and enlistment office where you are registered for a second medical examination. State positive changes in your health status as the reason for your request.

Based on such an application, the military medical commission of the military registration and enlistment office must necessarily conduct a re-examination either with confirmation of the previous category or with the assignment of a new one. In case of genuine improvement in health, category “B” can be replaced by “B” or even “A”.

This does not entail repeated conscription into the ranks of the Armed Forces; the procedure is carried out for accounting purposes.

If the military registration and enlistment office refuses the re-examination procedure or the result does not coincide with the medical diagnosis, the actions (or inaction) of the military commissar can be appealed in court. In addition, there is an independent medical examination.

We hope that this short article has clearly explained what category “B” means on a military ID and how, if necessary, it can be changed.

Russia is one of the countries where conscription for military service is still maintained. Accordingly, if a person at the age of 18 receives a fitness category of “A” or “B” in his personal file, it means that he can be sent to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, although there are some restrictions. But there are also some groups that are not accepted into the army. One of these is “B”, with which the conscript is immediately sent to the reserve. Let's be honest, many young people in our country dream of this category. But what is it? What does the concept of “limitedly fit for military service” include? This is exactly what we will talk about today.

A little about groups

Before talking directly about group “B”, you first need to figure out what specific categories of fitness for military service exist in our country? Please note that today there are five of them. What are they and what are the restrictions? Let's list them:

  1. "A". It includes persons who can be drafted into the Armed Forces without any problems. If there are any nuances, as a rule, they relate to illnesses or injuries suffered in childhood. A conscript with group “A” can even be recruited into detachments special purpose, Airborne Forces, aviation, etc.
  2. "B". This category provides for certain health restrictions for the conscript. In turn, it is divided into 4 subcategories, each of which provides specific problems. A conscript, in various cases, is fit for military service in various units, from submarine forces and Marine Corps to auxiliary units.
  3. "IN". A category whose conscripts are not recruited into the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with the wording “limitedly fit for military service.” We'll talk about it in more detail later, so we'll leave it for now.
  4. "G". Representatives of this group suffer from short-term illnesses or injuries, but after recovery, it can be removed and the person transferred to “A” or “B”.
  5. "D". The last group includes citizens suffering from serious health problems that do not allow them to be admitted to military service.

Group "B"

So, category “B” means the fact that the person is partially fit for military service. This means that right now a citizen cannot be recruited into the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - either by conscription or on a contract basis. At the same time, its representatives will be involved in the first case if mobilization is announced throughout the country. Persons assigned category “B” are subject to priority conscription immediately after “A” and “B” for military service in the presence of an external threat. Suitability restrictions apply only during peacetime.

Persons who are recognized as partially fit for service have the right to priority receipt of a military ID. At the same time, they are assigned a military specialty, which they receive in a civilian specialty. In case of urgent mobilization, representatives of category “B” are sent to recruit units of the second stage. Moreover, if you pay attention to the wording specified in the regulatory documents of the Ministry of Defense, you can draw an important conclusion. In fact, representatives of group “B” will be called upon to make up for front-line losses.

So, we figured out what this category of persons represents. However, what happens after a person is declared partially fit for military service? More on this later.

What consequences might there be for representatives of such groups?

First of all, it is important to know that persons who have been assigned group “B” are not involved in urgent or contract service in peacetime. Similar restrictions apply to group “D”, however, in that case, persons cannot be involved even in the event of hostilities. If a person was assigned group “B” in his personal file, he will also not get a job in some institutions. For example, these include:

  • Federal Security Service;
  • Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service;
  • organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Emergency Situations;
  • organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

We also note that this prohibition does not apply to other types of civil and municipal services.

But what to do if a person still wants to repay his debt to his homeland? Previously, groups “B” and “D” were considered, roughly speaking, a death sentence. If a person was classified in this category, he no longer had the right to undergo a second medical examination. However, changes have recently been made to the current legislation. In particular, this affected the provisions “On military medical examination” and related regulations.

The essence of these amendments is that now all citizens have the right to undergo a second medical examination. Thus, if a person was previously marked “B” in his personal file, he has the right to undergo courses of treatment, restore his health and request a second medical examination. Based on its results, the medical board will make a conclusion about whether it is possible to change the category for those wishing to serve, or whether everything remains as before. You can undergo a repeat medical examination an unlimited number of times.

There are many myths surrounding these categories. We immediately draw your attention to the fact that the restrictions for representatives of group “B” are minimal. For example, there is a lot of false information circulating about the impossibility of obtaining a driver's license. In fact, categories of military personnel do not provide any restrictions on on this occasion. The only thing that can lead you down the path to the necessary documents is the disease for which you were assigned category “B”. The mere fact of its setting does not give the traffic police representatives the right to refuse to receive you driver's license. The same applies to a number of other documents.

This is exactly what this article will talk about. Here you will find answers to many questions asked by conscripts and their parents, girlfriends or wives.

What does it mean?

So, you have passed the mandatory medical commission and the doctors have assigned you category “B”. What does it mean? Simply put, you will not serve in the army in peacetime. You won’t have to wear an uncomfortable uniform for a whole year, follow orders from officers, and get homesick. As you lived in civilian life, so will you. And no one has the right to call you.

But in case of war, you will be drafted, just like those who received categories “A” and “B”. But you don't have to run to the front with a machine gun. You will have safer tasks, for example, helping in medical units, warehouses, factories. You can forget about the war zone forever.

Now you have learned what “limitedly fit for military service” means. But for a conscript to be assigned this category, there must be compelling reasons.

What diseases should there be?

If you have chronic diseases that cannot be cured by anything, then you can be, although not one hundred, but seventy percent sure that you will not be called up. But remember that those who do not have acute illnesses are also accepted into the ranks of the armed forces.

What diseases fall into category “B” (limitedly fit for military service)? Let's see:

  • syphilis (primary, secondary, latent);
  • tuberculosis of non-pulmonary organs and tissues;
  • various mycoses, candidiasis;
  • benign neoplasms with minor disorders;
  • slowly progressing blood diseases;
  • goiter that interferes with wearing a uniform;
  • diseases of the endocrine system;
  • moderate mental illness of different nature;
  • illnesses nervous system including injuries;
  • eye diseases;
  • heart disease;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • ENT diseases;
  • illnesses respiratory system, including bronchial asthma;
  • diseases of the digestive system and the absence of more than 10 teeth;
  • various skin diseases;
  • ailments of joints and cartilage;
  • diseases of the spine;
  • limb defects;
  • flat feet;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • lack of height and weight.

Alternative service: is it possible?

And if a young man really wants to serve, does he have a chance? On the one hand, the doctors’ conclusion can be challenged. But if there is a certain risk, then no arguments will help you, you will have to accept it.

You need to remember one more feature. Anyone who is limitedly fit for military service cannot serve under a contract. On the other hand, doctors may offer conscripts treatment for an illness. You can forget about the civil service (Ministry of Internal Affairs, FSB, Ministry of Emergency Situations). Only healthy children are accepted into such structures. And if you dream of joining the army, then take care of your body in advance.

What if the military registration and enlistment office changes its mind?

Have you already received a military ID marked “limited validity”? Then you will not have to wait for a summons or a second medical examination. Neither at twenty, nor at twenty-five, nor at more than thirty will the military registration and enlistment office bother you.

Of course, these words are valid only in times of peace and while the present law is in force. And it, as a rule, undergoes noticeable changes from time to time. These are the prospects for those who are limitedly fit for military service, which means they do not serve in peacetime.

It is worth adding that having a disability definitely exempts you from military service.

Work in enterprises

If you are applying for a job in an ordinary organization, for example, as a system administrator or manager, then your military ID will probably not affect your employment in any way. But if you plan to join a civil-military or military organization, then military service may be mandatory. But, fortunately, this is not the case everywhere. Therefore, you don’t have to worry about the fate of someone who is limitedly fit for military service.

Category “B” is good news for those who do not want to serve in the army. You can be sure that there will be no summons from the military registration and enlistment office, and there should be no problems with employment. But if, on the contrary, you dream of being a military man, when you have two options: challenge the diagnosis right in the doctor’s office or start treating chronic diseases in advance.

Serving in the army is the duty of every adult male citizen of the Russian Federation. The 2018 military draft has a number of important features, because almost every year new requirements for compulsory military service arise.

Regulatory legal acts define the conditions that must be fulfilled, because military service must be carried out by men who are physically ready for this, and they must also meet conscription age! Defense of the Fatherland in Russia, a multinational country, is strictly obligatory and has always been honorable, but in some regions there are also quite specific and important features for potential conscripts.

Military service in 2018

What are the main features of urgent conscription into the army? All adult male citizens of the country who have no contraindications due to their status or health must serve in Russia. Future conscripts must go through a whole complex the most important events which everyone strictly needs to go through:

  • at the age of 16 you must register with the military and receive a registration certificate;
  • Having reached conscription age and received a summons, it is strictly necessary to visit the military commissariat at the designated time;
  • the summons must be delivered personally to the conscript against his signature;
  • In case of failure to appear when summoned, the legislation provides for administrative and criminal liability.

Passing a medical examination

After receiving the summons, a strict medical examination will follow; all future privates will certainly undergo it Russian army, except for those with a legal deferment. The medical commission, after a thorough comprehensive examination, will make a decision on whether the conscript is fit for full service in the army. In total, current legislation provides for 5 categories of fitness for military service:

  • fit;
  • suitable with minor restrictions;
  • has limited validity;
  • temporarily unfit for military service;
  • no good.

It happens when the commission cannot make an unambiguous decision due to various controversial circumstances. In this case, the conscript is redirected to an inpatient or outpatient examination at a licensed medical institution. After complete treatment and the decision of the doctors, a new conscription period is set. Next an important stage sending to the army will require a medical report. A qualified draft commission will make its final verdict on the conscript. According to this conclusion, the future date is sent to send:

  • for military service;
  • call him up for alternative civil service;
  • grant a deferment;
  • carry out exemption from conscription;
  • enlist in reserve;
  • according to legal grounds, grant freedom from military service.

Russian legislation provides for enlistment in the reserve upon reaching 27 years of age. From now on, a man is not subject to military service, regardless of his state of health.

Duration of service and time of organization of conscription into the army

The conscription dates for the future 2018 provide for two calls - spring, which begins on April 1 and ends on July 15, and there is also an autumn call, which will last from October 1 to December 31 inclusive. According to the law, conscription into the ranks of the armed forces Russian Federation possible only during these periods.


There are several important exceptions to the rules - citizens of military age from the Far North will receive their summons from May 1 to July 15, as well as from November 1 to December 31. Those who live in rural areas and are engaged in harvesting and sowing work, have a full right to implement the conscription in autumn time- from October 15 to December 31. Teachers have this opportunity - on spring call from May 1 to July 15.

The main branches of the military where they can be called up for service

In 2018, a potential conscript can join the following branches of the military:

  • ground forces;
  • air force;
  • navy;
  • strategic missile forces;
  • space forces;
  • airborne troops.

The specialty that the conscript possessed and his state of health are important. Traditionally, only the strongest and most physically resilient young people with a strong psyche and good health are accepted into the Airborne Forces.

Who will not be accepted into the army in 2018?

A citizen will not be required to join the army in 2018 if he:

  • has permanent job in the structures of the Ministry of Internal Affairs;
  • works in Federal service security;
  • belongs to the Ministry of Emergency Situations workers.

There is a most important limitation - if a citizen nevertheless decides to resign from there, but at that moment he is under 27, then he will definitely receive a mandatory summons from the military registration and enlistment office!

The following will be avoided from conscription into active military service:

  • adult men with one or more convictions that have not been expunged for many years;
  • Citizens under investigation for a crime or on trial will avoid conscription;
  • serving their sentence in a penitentiary institution.
  • A university student will not serve if he receives full-time education;
  • graduate students;
  • the appearance of a second child in a legal marriage;
  • Fathers who, due to insurmountable circumstances, are forced to raise a child on their own and without support are not subject to conscription;
  • guardians of elderly citizens who have sick relatives as their dependents:
  • The ranks of the Russian army will not be joined by young men who have very serious health problems.


There are several other categories of citizens who are legally may not serve in the army - foreigners who served in the armed forces of another state and future military personnel who lost their older brothers during military clashes in hot spots. They will take you into the army if you have been expelled from a university and are studying by correspondence.

Diseases for which they are not called up for service

The diseases for which people are not accepted for military service are quite numerous. They can be divided into several large subgroups.

Diseases of the musculoskeletal system

Disorders of the musculoskeletal system with which they are not accepted into the army - scoliosis of the 2nd degree with a deformation of at least 11 degrees, flat feet, called bear foot in the 3rd stage, deformities and other diseases of the hands or feet - for example, the absence of several fingers, arthrosis and arthritis of the second degree or higher, affecting the legs.

Diseases of the organs of vision

Poor vision is an important barrier to military service: cataracts, retinal detachment, severe myopia over -6, progressive farsightedness, glaucoma, eye injuries, or the absence of one eye.

Cardiovascular pathologies

If a conscript has hypertension - pressure exceeding the threshold of 150 to 90,
chronic vegetative-vascular dystonia, which is quite severe - periodic fainting and constant dizziness, the presence of heart disease and ischemia. We have listed the most important deviations that occur in real practice.

Hearing problems

The presence of chronic otitis media and complete deafness can become an insurmountable obstacle to military service.

Digestive system diseases

Difficulties with digestive system may well lead to a delay in military service. Such a reason may be a hernia that limits intestinal patency, pancreatitis in its chronic form, stomach and duodenal ulcers, hemorrhoids. Gallstone disease is a serious disease that interferes with service.

Problems with the genitourinary system

Conscripts with chronic enuresis, urolithiasis and hydrocele, sexual dysfunction and hyperplasia are not accepted into the army.

Other chronic diseases

Stuttering, which seriously distorts speech, will be an obstacle to serving. diabetes mellitus, obesity above 2nd degree. Patients with chronic hemorrhoids, tuberculosis, HIV, hepatitis, and cancer are also not useful in combat service. Mental problems are a serious reason for exemption from the army:

  • the appearance of obsessive states;
  • pronounced phobias;
  • chronic schizophrenia;
  • pathologies of the respiratory system.

The presence of chronic alcoholics and drug addicts in the army is contraindicated, but it will be strictly necessary to confirm the presence of constant persistent addiction, which is confirmed by relevant documents!

You can find a complete list of diseases with which you will not be accepted into the army in 2018 (list of diseases).

What categories of citizens are granted a deferment from military service?

A deferment for a potential military personnel is just a temporary opportunity to avoid the obligation to serve in the army. Along with its completion, you will have to repay your debt to your homeland. The following are the official grounds for not going to work for a strictly defined period:

  • state of temporary unfitness for service;
  • caring for a sick relative who is being looked after at the moment no one to look after;
  • presence of a disabled child under 3 years of age;
  • pregnant wife more than 26 weeks pregnant;
  • PhD students defending their dissertation;
  • deferment due to study at a higher or secondary educational institution;
  • deferment for a schoolchild who must receive time to enter a university or college.


Postponement will only be carried out if there is necessary documents— diploma of education, certificate of admission to graduate school, medical certificate indicating the presence of serious health problems

The number of deferments available is unlimited - you can get them not only after graduating from school, but also when the student transitions from the bachelor's to the master's degree system. You can only take advantage of a deferment for conscription when studying at an officially licensed institution!

Various forms of military service

Since 2017, the state has provided conscripts with the opportunity to independently choose the form of fulfilling their military duty to the country. You can choose:

  • alternative service for a period of 21 months;
  • contract service with full monetary and clothing allowance;
  • serve conscript service within a year.

By 2018, you can independently choose which military service is more attractive to you.


It is planned to gradually reduce the proportion of conscripts in the army, gradually replacing them with professionals. By 2020, more than 85% of its personnel should serve in the army on a contract basis.

Features of conscription into the army in 2018

According to the constitution, men from all regions of Russia are subject to military service, but there are several features of conscription. Conscripts from Crimea serve only on the territory of their peninsula, and in the Chechen Republic for several previous years, young men were not conscripted due to some local specific features. Immigrants from Chukotka, Yamalo-Nenets District and Yakutia must serve, but conscription there is adjusted, starting only on May 1 and ending on July 15. In terms of its duration in 2018, the service life will remain the usual - 1 year.

The Duma Defense Committee will support a bill prepared in the Federation Council on conscription into the army of those who were previously recognized as partially fit for service for health reasons. Sources in the lower house said this

The Duma Defense Committee, at a meeting on Thursday, October 19, recommends supporting amendments to the Federation Council that would allow the conscription of men previously recognized as having limited fitness for military service into the army. military service, if they later underwent re-examination. Two sources on the committee spoke about this.

According to Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Defense Yuri Shvytkin (“ United Russia"), the initiative "deserves support" "because it will help give the opportunity to defend the Fatherland to those who really want it." According to the current law, if the medical commission does not allow a conscript to serve, then he will no longer enter the army.

The bill was supported by the Duma legal management, recalled one of the sources. In addition, the document received positive feedback government. The Cabinet of Ministers agreed with the arguments of the senators that “many citizens who were previously recognized as partially fit for military service due to health reasons and were enlisted in the reserves express a desire to do military service upon conscription.” “The adoption of the bill will ensure the opportunity for these citizens to exercise their constitutional right and fulfill their duty to defend the Fatherland,” the government review emphasized.

The bill was introduced by a group of senators led by Chairman of the Defense Committee of the Federation Council Viktor Ozerov on May 2. As noted in the text explanatory note, “male citizens aged 18 to 27 years, exempt from conscription for military service as limitedly fit for military service due to health reasons and enlisted in the reserve, have the right to undergo medical re-examination.” If a medical examination shows that the conscript is fit for military service or “fit with minor restrictions,” he can go to serve.

The authors justify the need to adopt the bill by the fact that “military commissariats and legislative bodies receive a significant number of appeals” from Russians who were initially not allowed to serve in the army due to health reasons, but then their medical indicators improved.

“The law is needed because of the growing demand for military service. The current list of diseases, which limits the possibility of conscripting young people, also consists of curable diseases,” commented Viktor Murakhovsky, editor-in-chief of Arsenal of the Fatherland magazine. The expert added that due to the growing number of contract soldiers, the Ministry of Defense does not have a shortage of conscripts. This allows military registration and enlistment offices to select conscripts not only based on medical conditions, but also through interviews with psychologists, and also taking into account their suitability for military specialties.

Another argument in favor of the bill, Murakhovsky called the growing interest in military service due to the fact that those who served in the army began to be provided with additional benefits when entering universities and the civil service. “Some draft dodgers are now running around and trying to retroactively register their service in order to take advantage of the privileges,” the expert noted.

"The number of conscripts in recent years stays at 300 thousand a year. This is a third of total number young people of conscription age, fit for military service,” said Sergei Krivenko, coordinator of the public initiative “Citizen and Army”. This situation has been observed since 1994. According to Krivenko, more no conscripts required. The army is tasked with forming combat-ready units on a contract basis. “They don’t want to cancel the conscription, since this transition is difficult, and contract soldiers are recruited from among the conscripts,” he added. In units, all units that perform combat missions, are formed from contract soldiers, but conscripts are employed in auxiliary work, Krivenko noted. According to him, this dangerous situation: in the army there are many conflict situations between contract soldiers and conscripts.

In May, a group of senators led by Ozerov introduced to the State Duma a whole package of bills regulating issues of conscription into the army. As one of the co-authors, Senator Franz Klintsevich, explained, the package of amendments was designed to reduce the number of “evaders” and help form a military reserve.

One of the bills, in particular, proposed to give military registration and enlistment offices the opportunity to send summons to conscripts email. But the State Duma refused the proposal to send conscripts electronic summons to the military registration and enlistment office. The Defense Committee calculated that the implementation of the bill would require additional spending from the budget.

In Russia, conscription for military service is carried out twice a year: from April 1 to July 15 and from October 1 to December 31. Men aged 18 to 27 years old who do not have medical contraindications and rights to deferment. On September 27, President Vladimir Putin signed a decree calling up 134 thousand people for military service from October 1 to December 31, 2017.