April 1st spring call. Spring conscription into the army and timing

A headache for tens of thousands of young people is the impending spring conscription of 2019. Let's figure out how it will go this year and what to expect.

Spring call 2020? No, I haven't heard.

Every year, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation holds events to ensure the attraction of males to military service. These measures are based on a normative document called: “on military duty and military service.” Attraction always takes place strictly according to a certain algorithm. Almost every year, changes are made to the law, and 2020 is no exception. Therefore, conscripts often receive questions regarding the organization of conscription events.
The Military Service Act was signed into law in 1998. It includes:
Rights and responsibilities of conscripts.
Rules for service.
Rules on the order of recruitment.
Articles defining the procedure for organizing alternative service.
Let's take a closer look at the mechanism of conscription into the ranks of the Russian armed forces on individual points.

Who will be drafted into the army in 2020?

As always, the ranks of the Armed Forces will be replenished by male citizens of the Russian Federation, aged 18–27 years, who have no health problems, no outstanding convictions and no official deferments from conscription.

Conscription plan

At the moment, the state has not yet approved the spring conscription plan. The final figures will be announced before the start of the recruitment campaign. In 2019, the military commissariats fully complied with the presidential decree - during the spring conscription they put 142 thousand young people in uniform. We can expect plans for 2020 to remain at the same level.
It is important to note that the military commissariats are implementing the plan set by the president in a hurry. Because of this, the rights of young people are violated: commissariats conscript young men by force, or conscript citizens who cannot serve for health reasons. The most common practice is that they hand over summonses to the conscript’s parents or even acquaintances (with a signature, of course). In order not to become a victim of a violation of the law, you need to know the rules of conscription and not be afraid to defend your rights given by the constitution. If the situation requires it, you can seek a free consultation with a lawyer specializing in this area.

Spring conscription dates in 2020

The conscription period is the time during which the military conscription commission exists. This period is divided into two parts and covers all seasons. Federal Law No. 53 determines that the start of the spring conscription begins on April 1 (that is why it is called spring). Autumn conscription begins on October 1. Replenishment of the Russian Armed Forces begins only after a presidential decree.

The decree is signed within a week before the start of the draft. In 2019, it was published at the end of March. The decree contains an order to the Ministry of Defense and regional executive authorities. Tasks are set for carrying out conscription activities and transferring military personnel to the reserve. The spring conscription 2020, the terms of which remain the same - 3.5 months, is scheduled for April 1, and its end is July 15. Graduates of higher educational institutions, in case of successful defense of theses, receive a deferment for spring conscription until August 31. But despite this, they will all receive summonses in June.

Provided deviations in recruitment deadlines

For residents of the northern regions, the spring conscription may begin in a month, that is, on May 1. The reason is that the state cannot weaken the infrastructure in order to strengthen the army. There are jobs that cannot be interrupted: villagers are drafted only in the fall, because field work is too extensive for rural workers to have time to complete the plan and join the army. The situation is similar in the education system. It is inappropriate to make personnel changes at the beginning of the school year, so teachers were given a deferment from the fall conscription until the spring.

How long does the service last?

Every year there are rumors around the army about increasing the period of military service. Without a doubt, this leads to anxiety among young men and their parents. We hasten to assure you that, as before, all these rumors are fiction. The service life in 2020 will be 12 months.

Positive video on the topic of conscription:

What's new in the spring conscription

We have already written that the law changes every year. Now many future conscripts are interested in the spring conscription and what’s new in it, what should they prepare for? Let's figure it out.
Last year, a bill was introduced to the State Duma that would require sending subpoenas by registered mail or email. The draft could not get past the first reading, but officials did not forget about it. At the beginning of 2020, Andrei Krasov, deputy head of the State Duma Committee on Defense, introduced an equally interesting law into parliament.

The new initiative has two proposals:
1. Oblige conscripts to pick up the summons themselves if for some reason the military registration and enlistment office has forgotten about them. Failure to appear for a summons will be considered as evasion of duty.
2. Military commissariats will begin sending summonses by Russian Post. They will use registered letters with notification. Thus, not only the conscripts themselves, but also their adult relatives will be able to receive notification.
It is important to note that the spring conscription 2020 also retains the innovations of 2019 regarding the amendment to the Federal Law on military service. Upon admission to colleges, starting from January 2018, a deferment is provided, regardless of the age of the conscript. The innovations apply not only to students who entered in 2019, but also to those who chose a technical school or college before December 31, 2018. There are no more changes.

If you're not up to date on what's been going on over the past few years, here's a quick recap :
Conscripts have a “quiet hour” for rest.
When on leave, you can change into civilian clothes.
Now in the army you can have a mobile phone and even use it for some time.
Conscripts are given a choice: to serve 2 years under a contract or 1 year by conscription.
If you have a higher education, you can get into the so-called scientific company, where you will perform scientific work in accordance with your education.
When choosing a military unit for a conscript, preference is given to those units that are located in the native region with the young man.

Military conscription is carried out with the aim of attracting citizens into the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Recruitment activities are carried out by the Ministry of Defense annually in spring and autumn. Recruits are recruited into the army to ensure the country's future mobilization reserves. In 2020, young people will receive summonses for the same conscription periods as in 2019.

Will there be a conscription in 2020?

For many years now there has been a rumor about a mercenary army, where they will serve exclusively on a contract basis. In this case, the urgent call will be abolished. In reality, this will not happen in the near future. In 2020, young people will receive summonses for military service. Also will not be extended.

Plans for conscription

The Ministry of Defense determines the number of conscripts for each individual conscription. As a rule, mass recruitment into the ranks of the Russian army is carried out. This happens at the expense of students who did not pass the second session. In this case, the student loses the opportunity to take advantage of the deferment and undergoes a medical examination. This year, no innovations are expected either in terms of the timing of conscription (its schedule remains the same) or in the duration of service.

Recruitment procedure 2020

The 2020 recruitment campaign will take place within the same calendar framework as in previous years. The terms of service and temporary boundaries of the conscription period, determined by the law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service,” will not be subject to changes. So, in the spring, young people from 18 to 27 years old will receive summonses to the military commissar for the period from April 1 to July 15, from October 1 to the end of December.

Special categories of conscripts

Conscription dates are not the same for all citizens.

1. Citizens living in the Far North are conscripted a month later - in the spring from May 1, and in the fall from November 1. These include those who live in regions equivalent to the conditions of the Far North. The conscription ends for these categories of citizens at the same time as for everyone else.

2.Teachers receive summonses only during spring recruitment events in the period from May 1 to July 15. They are not called up in the fall.

3. Villagers engaged in sowing have the opportunity to complete agricultural work. For them, the call starts from October 15 to December 31. In the spring, young villagers are not subject to conscription.

Who will be drafted into the army in 2020?

The Federal Law “On Military Duties and Military Service” clearly stipulates the categories of people obliged to serve in the army, those who have the right to defer their term of service, and those who are finally exempt from conscription.

Young people aged 18-27 are citizens. A number of provisions of the law provide for the cases in which exemption from the army is possible temporarily or permanently.

1. Postponement. Pupils and students during their studies, citizens with health category G, as well as citizens with compelling reasons due to family circumstances can resort to this right.

2. Medical indicators. A limitation in the service awaits those who are assigned. Complete exemption from military duty is guaranteed under.

3. An academic degree gives you the opportunity to be freed from the army.

4.Criminal record. Fixed-term and contract service are not possible if there is an unexpunged criminal record. The same applies to outstanding criminal records.

5. Family relationships. A young man will not be drafted if he is the son or brother of someone who died in military service or during training camp.

6.Age. Upon completion of 27 years + 1 day, a citizen becomes unconscripted by age.

How is the recruiting event going?

When conscription into the army begins, male citizens who have reached conscription age are given summonses. On the specified date, at the appointed time, you must appear at the military registration and enlistment office at the specified address. The conscript undergoes a military medical commission.

Based on the results of the inspection, a decision on assignment is made. Based on this, the young man is declared fit or unfit for the army. If he does not have the right to a deferment, then the young man receives a summons and is drafted into the army on the days indicated on the agenda. After some time, he is sent to his duty station.

It is important to know: if you arrive earlier or later than the conscription deadline, the inspection results will be invalid and the actions of the military registration and enlistment office employees will be illegal.

Summons sent to citizens who have . This is stated in the Resolution “On approval of the regulations on conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service.” Clause 7 states that citizens with a deferment do not undergo a military medical commission.

Legal support

If the draft commission violates the rights of a conscript, then you can resort to the help of an experienced lawyer. Our law firm provides comprehensive assistance to conscripts and represents their interests in court when resolving controversial issues with the military registration and enlistment office.

In our country, the planned spring conscription for service in the Russian army continues. There is only a month left until the end, and the topic of the conscription procedure and its timing still remains relevant for many citizens. Conscription into the army in 2018: terms of conscription and start/end dates of the spring and autumn conscription campaigns in Russia.

Deadlines for conscription into the Russian army in 2018: start and end dates

Conscription for compulsory military service in our country takes place 2 times a year: in spring and autumn. This year, the conscription dates have not changed, and in general the following dates apply:

  • The spring conscription into the army takes place from April 1 to July 15,
  • The autumn conscription into the army takes place from October 1 to December 31.

There are no calls for service during the periods from July 16 to September 30, as well as from January 1 to March 31.

However, it should be taken into account that the conscription periods given by us are general. They will be relevant for the majority of potential recruits, but sometimes the law provides for certain exceptions to the general rule. For a number of categories of conscripts, the terms of both options for conscription may be shorter.

Similar exceptions are provided for in Article 25 of the law on conscription for military service:

  • From May 1 to July 15, as well as from November 1 to December 31, residents of the Far North and equivalent areas are conscripted into the army. Thus, the spring and autumn conscription in these regions starts a month later than in other regions, but ends at the same time as them.
  • From October 15 to December 31, there is an autumn conscription campaign in rural areas, in the event that conscripts are working on harvesting. In this case, the shifted draft dates apply exclusively to the fall, when the draft begins two weeks later than usual.
  • From May 1 to July 15, young teachers are called up for service - there is no autumn conscription for teachers liable for military service, and the spring conscription begins for this category a month later than the others.

These are all exceptions provided by law. All other categories of conscripts are required to appear at the military commissariat to undergo all prescribed conscription activities on the general dates.

Although one can often hear proposals to increase the conscription age in Russia, in 2018 the legislation did not undergo any changes in this regard. Citizens aged 18-27 are still eligible for conscription.

A citizen has the right to be called up for service only after turning 18 and does not have the right to be sent to the army if he is already 27 years old.

Proposals regarding raising the draft age arise frequently, but at the moment they are nothing more than a certain amount of information noise, which has not been followed by anything concrete.

At the moment they are not required, but such a law seems likely to be finally adopted quite soon.

The essence of the law, which is being considered by the State Duma and has already begun its movement through the authorities required for approval, is as follows: citizens of military age will be required to appear at the military registration and enlistment office on their own, even without signing off on receiving a summons.

This rule will work like this:

  • Another conscription campaign begins in Russia, and a young man aged 18-27, who has not resolved issues with his conscription, is waiting for a summons.
  • The call is coming to an end, but for some reason the citizen did not receive the summons.
  • Before the start of the next conscription, such a young man is obliged to appear at the military commissariat for a summons.

For example, if this law is adopted this year, then young men who did not receive a summons for the autumn conscription campaign will be required to appear at the military commissariat in January-March 2019 and receive a summons as part of the spring conscription. If they do not do this, they automatically fall into the ranks of draft dodgers with all the consequences required by law.

Traditionally in Russia, the conscription of young men for compulsory military service is carried out in two stages, which are called: spring and autumn conscription. These names were derived from the seasons in which these events are held. If in the coming 2019 a young man has already received the status of a person of military age, he will be able to serve in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation only at a strictly defined time, in accordance with established legislation.

Service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is an honorable duty for every young man of military age

Beginning of spring conscription

Like last year, spring conscription for military service in 2019 will begin on April 1. The start date of the spring conscription simultaneously triggers the first medical examinations of conscripts.

When does the spring call end?

The spring conscription in 2019 will last 106 days, as in previous years, ending on July 15, 2019. The spring conscription lasts a greater number of days - its duration exceeds the autumn conscription by 15 days. For those who complete their studies at universities in 2019 and successfully defend their theses during the conscription period, there is a deferment until August 31, inclusive. Therefore, you should not be surprised if a newly minted master or bachelor receives a summons from the military registration and enlistment office - they are sent to all young men of conscription age.

How many conscripts will there be in 2019?

Gradually, the percentage of conscripts will be reduced to 50%, i.e. at least half of the army will consist of contract soldiers. It is planned to reach such figures by 2020. Therefore, the number of conscripts is decreasing every year. This spring, at least 120,000 young men should go to serve in the army (last year the figure was about 130,000). They will serve, as before, for 12 months; in 2019, there are no plans to increase the service life in the ranks of the RF Armed Forces.

Exceptions due to conscription periods

There are a number of exceptions to the terms of conscription of citizens of the Russian Federation; the provisions of the federal law “On Military Duty and Military Service” affect only certain categories of conscripts.

Thus, persons permanently residing in the Far North are called up for service in a shorter period of time. Here, unlike all other regions, the conscription starts a month later, i.e. on May 1. The list of regions belonging to the Far North can be found in the relevant regulations on the website of the Ministry of Defense. The spring conscription ends for this category of citizens, as for everyone else, on July 15.

Exceptions to the deadlines for conscription into the army also apply to workers in the educational sector, in particular teachers. For teachers working in educational institutions, the call begins on May 1 and ends on July 15. In the autumn period, this category of citizens is not subject to conscription at all.

The Russian army is called upon to ensure the security of the country, and this is its main purpose

Residents of villages and hamlets engaged in agriculture also have the right to special conditions in terms of conscription into the army. In the spring - they are not called up, since the state believes that the sowing season is a priority, and rural youth will bring more benefit on agricultural land (if, of course, they are officially employed). Unlike other citizens, agricultural workers are called up for service later and in the fall. If everyone receives summonses from the military registration and enlistment office on October 1, then this category of young men begins on October 15.

Changes in the spring conscription 2019

There really are innovations, and they are all aimed at increasing the comfort of conscripts.

  1. Individual toiletry case with personal hygiene items. Everyone should understand that they are given attention at least at the minimum everyday level, and besides, it is much more convenient to store personal belongings in such a container.
  2. Recruitment is underway for scientific companies. There are few free places in such companies, but there are many who want to get there. Therefore, admission is carried out on the basis of competitive selection.
  3. Mandatory daytime nap. One of the most pleasant innovations is that now each soldier is given time to take a nap during the day. This was done to eliminate massive lack of sleep among soldiers, which negatively affects their service. In addition, it increases the performance and endurance of soldiers.

The Russian Army turns a boy into a real man, ready to defend the Fatherland in case of danger

Who is exempt from spring conscription?

Young people who have an academic degree in any scientific activity are exempt from military service. The sons and brothers of military personnel who died in the performance of military duties are not conscripted for military service. Young men working in agriculture are not subject to conscription in the spring, but only on the condition that they take direct part in sowing work.

In addition, the following categories of citizens are exempt from service in the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation:

  • conscripts who are undergoing compulsory correctional labor during the period of conscription;
  • persons with an outstanding criminal record;
  • citizens under investigation or investigative measures are being taken against them;
  • young men who, after undergoing a medical examination, are recognized as unfit for health reasons (the list of diseases and pathologies is large, this could be blindness, deafness, congenital pathologies, cancer, mental and physical disabilities, etc.);
  • citizens who served in military service in a foreign country (in this case, exemption from military duties is provided for by the relevant international agreements of the Russian Federation).

Employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the FSB and other departments also receive a deferment or complete exemption from service in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Fathers raising children alone, citizens caring for elderly parents and young people raising two or more young children have the right not to serve.

The image of the army plays an important role in shaping public opinion about military service

Exemption from military service can be obtained in a completely legal way. For example, if a young man works at an enterprise that has a special military status. To obtain the right to be exempt from conscription, a young person must have at least 21 months of experience in a similar enterprise. Representatives of small ethnic groups are also exempt from conscription. Well, one cannot help but recall one of the most well-known methods of exemption from service - the military department in some universities, but it is worth considering that training in such a department must be at least 450 hours.

Every year, as the time for military conscription approaches, many rumors arise about possible changes to the rules for military service. Young men who have crossed the threshold of maturity, hearing such unverified information, are at a loss, not knowing what awaits them ahead. The excitement is also fueled by incessant rumors that the deadline will be extended. Both the conscripts themselves and their parents are worried. Many are already thinking through plans to evade military duty.

Basic Concepts

The procedure for conscription into the army in 2018-2019 in the Russian Federation is regulated by Federal Law No. 53-FZ of March 28, 1998 “On Military Duty and Military Service”, as well as by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 11, 2006 No. 663 “On approval of the Regulations on conscription for military service of citizens of the Russian Federation." Conscription into the army is a set of events that includes appearing for a medical examination and a meeting of the draft commission, as well as appearing at the time and place specified in the military commissariat’s agenda to be sent to the place of military service and staying at the military commissariat before the start of military service.

Duration of military service in 2019

Rumors are constantly spreading among conscripts that the period of military service will be increased to two years. This change radically changes everything, because a very small part of the military personnel are willing to spend an extra year fulfilling their military duty. Such news is still at the level of rumors and in fact has no basis in real facts. The fact is that previously they served in the Russian army for two years. Of these, six months were spent on mastering theoretical knowledge. The employee was required to spend the remaining 18 months in a military unit, mastering the practical side of this craft. The government later came to the conclusion that the period needed to be shortened. Among young men at that time, a fairly large percentage tried in various ways to avoid conscription, and many succeeded. Those who were forced to go served very reluctantly. Thus, the army's effectiveness was low. But with the shortening of the period, everything changed. Young people have become more willing to come to military registration and enlistment offices to do military service.

2019 Recruitment Campaign

According to the Law of the Russian Federation, conscription campaigns will not change the timing of their work next year. That is, the deadlines for conscription into the army in 2019 are similar to those in effect now: the spring campaign will start on April 1 and last until July 15; autumn - between 1.10 and 31.12 annually.

In addition to the service in 2018-19, alternatives to completing it will also be available:

  1. Studying at a higher educational institution in the conditions of a military department. In this case, theoretical and practical training of children at the training ground is provided. The classes are structured in such a way that you can receive a higher education, upon completion of which you will have the rank of officer.
  2. Applying for public service. Let us remind you that by law, working in such an institution is equivalent to serving in the army. This option is available to those young people who are unable to complete traditional service. For example, due to religious beliefs. But there is a condition: resigning before the deadline, which is 21 months, is unacceptable. Violation of this condition may result in criminal prosecution and subsequent punishment.

Who is subject to conscription

In accordance with the law, military service in the army is carried out:

  • citizens - by conscription and voluntarily (under contract);
  • foreign citizens - under contract in military positions to be filled by soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and military formations.

Citizens (foreign citizens) undergoing military service are military personnel.

Male citizens aged 18 to 27 years, whether registered with the military or not, but are required to be registered and not in the reserves, are subject to conscription for military service, unless they are granted a deferment from conscription. Citizens who are exempt from military service, conscription, and citizens who are not subject to conscription are also not conscripted for military service. The decision to conscript citizens for military service can be made only after they reach the age of 18 years. Persons over 27 years of age are not subject to conscription into the army. If, upon reaching the age of 27, a citizen had the right to a deferment and did not serve, then he is issued a military ID.

Spring conscription 2019

You can only be drafted into the army during conscription periods. The conscription is carried out twice a year (spring and autumn conscription) on the basis of the relevant decrees of the President of the Russian Federation, which indicate the dates (dates) of the beginning of the conscription and when the conscription ends. Spring conscription into the army begins on April 1 and lasts until July 15. In 2017, in accordance with the decree of the President of the Russian Federation, the spring conscription took place from April 1 to July 15.

Autumn call 2019

Autumn conscription into the army runs from October 1 to December 31. Autumn conscription is also established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Possible exceptions

There are exceptions to the general conscription periods:

  • citizens living in certain regions of the Far North or certain localities equated to regions of the Far North are called up for military service during the spring conscription from May 1 to July 15 or during the autumn conscription from November 1 to December 31;
  • citizens living in rural areas and directly involved in sowing and harvesting work may be called up for military service from October 15 to December 31;
  • citizens who are teaching staff of educational organizations are called up for military service from May 1 to July 15.