At what age are guys drafted into the army? Transition to contract service

Most often, future conscripts are interested in the question of daily routine, because they all have to live according to a clear schedule, which few people adhere to in everyday life. In the army, the day is structured in such a way that military personnel have virtually no free time for walks and entertainment. This is due to the fact that the task of the army is to teach young people to defend their homeland.

Why do you need a daily routine?

Everyone who has already served in the army gives an unequivocal answer to this question: a clear schedule helps to value time. In fact, it was invented so that in the event of an unexpected threat, the soldier would be alert and ready to repel it. Also, statutory regulations are used to improve discipline in military units. In 2013, reform in the army brought an update to the schedule. Now military personnel have days off.

The time at which the “Hang Up” command sounds depends on the specific part. There is a recommended schedule posted on the Department of Defense website, but not every unit actually uses it. The regulations may change due to:

  • features of the tasks assigned to the unit;
  • time of year;
  • climate conditions at the location of the unit.

How much will be allocated for classes and other activities also depends on the specific officer who joined the daily duty of the unit. If he turns out to be lenient, then military personnel will be able to spend more time watching TV. At the same time, especially zealous managers keep their subordinates busy in such a way that they do not even have a free minute to go to the toilet or take a smoke break.

Time to study

Most of the day in the army is occupied by training in combat, tactical, political and physical training. According to the schedule recommended by the ministry, in weekdays A minimum of eight hours is allocated for them. During this time, work can be carried out with military equipment, as well as theoretical classes. If possible, soldiers apply part of their knowledge in practice.

Exactly how long the classes will take depends on the part of the curriculum prepared by the management. Typically it takes into account:

  • field exits;
  • maneuvers;
  • teachings;
  • live firing;
  • daily duty service;
  • being on duty.

Accordingly, new topics are explained only when the entire platoon or company is present (depending on the characteristics of the lesson). The first block of classes starts at nine in the morning and lasts almost until lunch. Four hours are allocated for combat or tactical training, and forty minutes are spent on physical exercises.

The second part of classes starts immediately after lunch. It includes only three hours. This block of classes ends with educational or sports work, and on Friday the results of the week are summed up. Time for summing up allows you to evaluate the personal results of each serviceman and point out to him weak sides preparation.

How much time do soldiers have to eat?

The army provides three meals a day:

  • at half past eight, breakfast begins, for which twenty minutes are allotted;
  • at two ten minutes the soldiers go for a half-hour lunch;
  • in the evening, at half past eight, dinner begins.

After the evening meal, before the “All Clear” command, the personnel of the units begin their personal time. We'll talk about it a little later.

One of the main differences modern army is that cooking is no longer the task of military personnel. Contracted civilians are now in charge of the kitchen. In some units they may be assisted by soldiers in auxiliary work.

How much time do you have for sleep?

  • at 6:50 the deputy platoon commanders wake up;
  • From 7:00 to 7:10 ordinary employees rise.

On weekends, the schedule is shifted another hour. On night sleep unit personnel leave at midnight and wake up at eight in the morning. These days are not carried out morning exercises and classes.

Another innovation was the hour-long afternoon nap. The command is given at 14:40, and the personnel wake up at 15:40. Previously, during the daytime, soldiers were not even allowed to sit on the bed. There were a lot of jokes about the extra hour of rest among those who previously served in the army, but from a medical point of view, this innovation is useful. First of all, time to rest relieves military personnel from stress, and secondly, it helps young people with hypotension cope with stress.

Personal time: what does it include?

On weekdays, the concept of “personal time” means carrying out sanitary and hygienic procedures:

  • shaving;
  • a haircut;
  • collar update;
  • shoe cleaning;
  • classes in the sports corner;
  • reading.

The schedule provides for a fifteen-minute walk in the evening, but you should not think that the personnel are idly walking around the territory of the unit. Usually it looks like a formation on the parade ground and a march to military songs.

Saturday, Sunday and holidays declared holidays. Usually, in the morning, military personnel are still sent to public events, and later is given the opportunity to go on leave, write a letter, read or access the Internet via mobile phone. The main difference between the modern army is that it is allowed to use mobile phones (they are even specially issued SIM-cards), you can go on leave in civilian clothes. Later, the ministry plans to introduce a rule so that young people serve in conscription in their region, this will give them the opportunity to be at home on weekends.

If you don’t already know that a beaver is a dead soldier, a tochevo is food, and mining asphalt means clearing snow from a parade ground, welcome to serve in the army. In this school of life you will learn a lot. At what age do people enlist in the army in Russia is the topic of this article.

Law of the Russian Federation “On military duty and military service" states that military service is compulsory for men aged 18 to 27 years. Whether he wants it or not, this is his responsibility as a citizen of the country.

Not everyone serves


However, there are a number of reasons that allow you to receive a deferment from military service, or even not serve at all.


The most common reason for refusal of service is the presence of illness. Moreover, the disease must fall under the list defined regulatory documents. Having received a summons to the military registration and enlistment office and undergoing a medical examination, you can find out that you are not fit for military service and receive the appropriate category of unfitness - B or D.


The second most popular reason for not serving is training. There are often cases when a young man studies until he is 27 years old, that is, until the end of conscription age.

Family circumstances

Certain circumstances regarding family issues may favorably influence the granting of a deferment from the army. So, for example, if by the age of 18 you already have a legally registered family, as well as at least two children (as soon as you have time!), you are guaranteed a deferment, and not temporary, but permanent. Upon reaching 27 years of age, you can apply to the military registration and enlistment office to receive a military ID.

There are other reasons associated with family circumstances, thanks to which you will not end up in the army. But you can read about them in another article on our website.

When 1 is almost 2! In order not to serve, one child in a family is enough. But in this case, your wife must be pregnant and the gestation period must be at least 26 weeks. The spouse, naturally, should not be a common-law spouse, but an “officially registered” one.

Work and alternative service

Let's say you graduated from a specialized university and are an employee of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Prosecutor's Office or Customs; or you are a young and very talented, hardworking, socially responsible, honest deputy with a deep sense of compassion for your neighbor (there are such people too! There must be! Well, at least a few!); or you are a deeply religious person with anti-militaristic views on life; Well, at least a reindeer herder! - You won’t see the harsh everyday life of the army in an interesting way.

What about the ladies?

Military service in the army does not apply to representatives of the fair (but weaker) sex. Still, women can serve in the army. For them there is only one way out - contract service.

“Are you sure you’re not crazy?” In addition to the mandatory medical examination women wishing to serve must pass psychological tests. They allow you to assess stress resistance, reaction speed, temperament, including relationships with male subordinates. After testing, one of 4 possible categories is awarded. Only the first two are accepted into the army.

Why from 18 years old?

The first summonses are served upon reaching the age of 18. Let's figure out why this age is so good for a potential soldier:

  • By the age of 18, the muscular skeleton of a young man is finally formed, becoming capable of long-term physical activity, without which there is nowhere in the modern army;
  • The majority of conscripts, at the age of 18, have not yet had time to start a family and settle down in life professionally. It's a little easier to tear such young people away from civil life and plunge into the fascinating everyday life of the army;
  • Among school graduates there are those who do not plan to go further to study. It happens that the vital energy and impulses of passion in such young men overflow, often leading to administrative and even criminal offenses. Army – great option for such young people. Military service, with its canons and rules, will help them become more disciplined and acquire a technical profession that can be useful immediately after finishing their service.

Why until 27 years old?

Let us also name the reasons why the conscription age ends at 27 years.

  1. Purely statistical. Taking into account the existing service life - 12 months, the presence of two conscription campaigns per year - spring and autumn, as well as the number of military personnel at a particular point in time, including contract soldiers - it was calculated, mathematically verified and ultimately enshrined in law that 27 years is the age limit for an ordinary conscript recruit.
  2. Social. At this age, a man should already be of value to the state, as a decent family man, father, highly qualified specialist, and not a soldier. And over the years, getting an education or starting a family does not seem to be an easy task.

Two campaigns

There are, as you know, two conscription campaigns in total in the year - spring and autumn. Their dates are as follows:

  • Spring – from April 1 to July 15, lasts 106 days;
  • Autumn – from October 1 to December 31, lasts 92 days.

Thus, the call covers all seasons. Despite the fact that the timing of the campaigns does not change from year to year, conscription activities begin with the same event - the signing by the President of the Russian Federation of a decree on replenishing the ranks of the RF Armed Forces. This Decree is signed, as a rule, at the end of the month preceding the start of the campaign.

What if there is a war tomorrow?

We live in unstable times, when the threat of an outbreak of hostilities is very high. Let's figure out what age they take you to Russian army in the event of the outbreak of a military conflict. The above-mentioned Law “On Military Service” contains the answer to this question.

In case of war, those men who have served are subject to mobilization conscript service or did not serve, but were recognized by the medical examination as being of limited fitness (category B).

Important! Category B is assigned to those young people who, during the period of examination at the military registration and enlistment office, had serious illnesses that did not allow them to perform the duties of a military serviceman in Peaceful time. GPS in a military ID means “unfit in peacetime.”

There are 3 groups (or categories) of military personnel in the reserve who will be called up to war.

  1. Group 1: 18-35 years old;
  2. Group 2: 35-45 years old;
  3. Group 3: 45-50 years old.

First of all, military personnel of the first group are subject to mobilization. They are much stronger and more resilient. Representatives of groups 2 and 3 will serve at the country's defense enterprises serving the needs of the front. However, in the event of massive losses as a result of hostilities, they too will go to the front.

Still, let's not talk about sad things. We really hope that Russian men will never need this information.

And this is already very important! According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Service”, only military personnel on a contract basis can serve in the “hot spots” of the planet outside the Russian Federation. Conscripts can also be sent there, but not in the first months of their stay in the army. In 2013, President of Russia V.V. Putin signed a decree according to which conscripts can be sent to serve in “hot spots,” but only after 4 months of training.


Now you know what time, who and when they are drafted into the army in Russia. If you have not yet served, you are now of conscription age and there are no compelling reasons for a deferment, we wish you to spend 12 months with the maximum possible benefit for myself. And let not a single military conflict affect your service!

Today, every young man asks the question “Do I need to go to the military registration and enlistment office?”, which can only be answered by finding out “Until how many years is it valid in Russia? draft age in 2018

Let's figure out what law Russian Federation conscription age is fixed. This law is called “On Military Duty and Military Service” under the number 53-FZ and was signed on March 28, 1998. Like other federal laws, changes are regularly made to the law regulating legal relations in matters of military service and conscription.

About conscription age: up to what age are you drafted into the army?

Therefore it is important to use current edition the law establishing the conscription age in the Russian Federation in 2018 - according to the version of the 2018 law.

The section of the federal law dedicated to the conscription of young people into the army in 2018 clearly states that young men from 18 to 27 years old are drafted into the army. Precisely until the age of 27. No other by-laws are valid if they contradict federal law, so the actual draft age must be looked at in this document.

Based on the above, it is clear that the information about the length of conscription age up to and including 27 years is false, because it contradicts federal law. A young man will not be drafted if he is 27 years old.

Raising the draft age in 2018

You can also often hear that the conscription age in 2018 will be increased to 30 years inclusive (according to other sources - up to 32 years inclusive). We remind you that such an increase is possible only through amendments to the above-mentioned federal law. There is no information about such amendments in the coming year. This means that the information that the conscription age in 2018 will be increased to 30 years inclusive is nothing more than rumors.

Conscription age in case of war

In connection with the aggravated foreign policy situation in the world and tectonic changes in relations with foreign partners of the Russian Federation, Russian citizens are asking the question, “Is war possible?”, and others, “What will be the conscription age in the event of war?” Here, again, you can only rely on current legislation.

In accordance with the above-mentioned law, young men who have completed conscription service, as well as those who are recognized as “limitedly fit” for military service, are enrolled in the so-called “reserve” of the Russian armed forces. At the outbreak of war, mobilization will be announced.

Men in the reserve, in accordance with the law, are divided into categories depending on age. During mobilization, conscription age will be taken into account based on these ranks.

  • 1st category – from 18 to 35 years old;
  • 2nd category – from 35 to 45 years old;
  • 3rd category – from 45 to 50 years.

It is obvious that in wartime, in the event of mobilization, young people will be drafted first, there are 1st category, as those most adapted to the difficult conditions of service, and then according to the needs of the army. Thus, the conscription age in Russia in 2018 during mobilization is 18 - 50 years.

Citizens liable for military service

Contract service

In addition to being mandatory by law, military service can be completely voluntary: when a person consciously signs a contract to serve in the RF Armed Forces, that is, he actually goes to work. This can happen in three ways:

In addition, there is an extension of an already concluded contract, which initially privates sign for a minimum of 3 years, and officers for 5 years. The first contract for military service is allowed to be concluded at the age of up to 40 years, if we're talking about about citizens of the Russian Federation. Foreigners, who also have the right to sign such a contract subject to certain conditions, can become Russian military personnel only if they are under 30 years of age.

Law and prospects for changing the draft age in Russia

When it comes to extending a contract, there is a so-called age limit for military service, which is:

According to requirements Federal Law dated 03/28/1998 N 53-FZ (as amended on 03/07/2018) “On military duty and military service”, all male citizens of the Russian Federation must serve in the army for one year. The conscription age in Russia in 2018 ranges from 18 to 27 years (more precisely, up to 26 years inclusive) and has not changed for several years.

Let's consider what awaits a man and his environment (relatives, employers, teachers) during this period. After all, in addition to military conscription, there is also contract service in the army, military training for those who have already served, as well as conscription age in the event of war in Russia.

Citizens liable for military service

According to the law, the age of those liable for military service in Russia in 2018 is not limited to these very same from 18 to 27. After all, it does not apply only to conscripts, but also applies to those who are currently serving and even have already been transferred to the reserve. Citizens will be called to serve in war time, if a general mobilization is announced. At the same time, not only men, but also women in certain professions, such as doctors, are legally liable for military service. They also receive a military ID and are subject to military registration at their place of work or study. But any man fit for service due to health reasons is, by default, liable for military service. Up to what age military service lasts depends on military rank and gender:

  • men and women of enlisted personnel (soldiers, sailors) - up to 45 years of age;
  • men - corporals, sergeants, foremen - up to 50 years old;
  • female corporals, sergeants, foremen - up to 45 years old;
  • male warrant officers, including senior officers - up to 50 years of age;
  • female warrant officers - up to 45 years of age;
  • junior officers, men (lieutenants, senior lieutenants and captains) - up to 55 years old;
  • female officers, regardless of rank - up to 50 years;
  • officers with the rank of major to lieutenant colonel - up to 60 years of age;
  • lieutenant colonels and captains of the first rank - up to 65 years of age;
  • generals and marshals - up to 70 years of age.

There are also ranks for various ranks, but in general the age limit for possible conscription looks like this. Once this age is reached, the obligation ceases. The military registration and enlistment office where the citizen is registered prepares Required documents, he himself removes the person from the register and transfers him to retire from the reserve. Until this time, in the event of martial law being declared, such citizens may be drafted into the ranks of the armed forces of the Russian Federation for service according to their rank and profession.

Until what age are you called up for military service and training?

The conscription age in Russia, as mentioned above, ends at 27 years. Although in Lately There is a lot of talk about increasing it to 30 years; these initiatives have not yet been implemented. Therefore, when a conscript celebrates his 27th birthday, he ceases to be considered a conscript, even if he was not in the army. But they still won’t remove him from the military register, because by law he remains liable for military service.

There is also a category of people for whom it does not matter how old the conscription age is in Russia, since they have already served in conscription due year and returned to their families. However, they may be called back into service. This is due to the fact that the country regularly holds military training for reservists. They are announced by his Decree by the President of the Russian Federation, who is the Commander-in-Chief. Military registration and enlistment offices independently form lists of people who need to be called up for training. At the same time, the draft age of reservists in Russia in 2018 is equal to the age of those liable for military service. That is, in theory, any person who is in reserve can be invited to the training camp. The duration of such military training is 2 months.

Employers are obliged to let their employees go to them while maintaining their average wages.

Contract service

In addition to what is mandatory by law, military service can be completely voluntary: when a person consciously signs a contract to serve in the RF Armed Forces, that is, he actually goes to work.

Until what age do people enlist in the army in Russia (up to what age are they drafted)?

This can happen in three ways:

  1. after the end of the military educational institution with the assignment of an officer rank;
  2. during (3 months after conscription) or after conscription service as a private or sergeant;
  3. from stock until the age limit is reached.

In addition, there is an extension of an already concluded contract, which initially privates sign for a minimum of 3 years, and officers for 5 years. The first contract for military service is allowed to be concluded at the age of up to 40 years, if we are talking about citizens of the Russian Federation. Foreigners, who also have the right to sign such a contract subject to certain conditions, can become Russian military personnel only if they are under 30 years of age. When it comes to extending a contract, there is a so-called age limit for military service, which is:

  • for marshals, army generals, fleet admirals, colonel generals and admirals - 60 years;
  • for lieutenant generals, vice admirals, major generals, rear admirals - 55 years;
  • for colonels and captains of 1st rank - 50 years;
  • for other military personnel, including officers - 45 years old;
  • for female military personnel in any rank - 45 years.

True, by decision of the commander of the military unit where a person serves, a contract can be concluded after reaching the age limit for another period of up to 10 years inclusive, but no more than until the serviceman reaches the age of 65 years (Article 10 of the “Regulations on the Procedure for Military Service”) ", approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of September 16, 1999 No. 1237).

The issue of service life is of great concern to conscripts. And it’s not surprising - after all, this time can be spent on building a career or family.

The length of service directly determines how long the conscript will be away from home and at what age he will return.

The excitement is also fueled by incessant rumors that the deadline will be extended. Both the conscripts themselves and their parents are worried. Many are already thinking through plans to evade military duty.

However, it is enough just to understand the rumors a little and it will become quite obvious that the conscripts have nothing to fear.

Service life in 2019

Rumors are constantly spreading among conscripts that the period of military service will be increased to two years. This change radically changes everything, because a very small part of the military personnel are willing to spend an extra year fulfilling their military duty. Such things are still at the level of rumors and in fact do not have any real facts behind them.

The fact is that previously they served in the Russian army for two years. Of these, six months were spent on mastering theoretical knowledge. The employee was required to spend the remaining 18 months in a military unit, mastering the practical side of this craft. The government later came to the conclusion that the period needed to be shortened.

Among young men at that time, a fairly large percentage tried different ways“to avoid” conscription and many succeeded. Those who were forced to go served very reluctantly. Thus, the army's effectiveness was low. But with the shortening of the period, everything changed. Young people have become more willing to come to military registration and enlistment offices to undergo military service.

At the same time, many types of official deferments from the army have become irrelevant, so there are far fewer ways to escape. Thanks to this, the army is steadily replenished with young men for each conscription campaign. At the same time, the demand for military departments at universities has fallen - they also provide deferment, and previously this method was very popular among conscripts.

In the State Duma, individuals several times raised the issue of returning the service life to 2 years or at least increasing it to 18 months. However, these initiatives were not supported. The question about changing the service period was also asked to the President, to which he answered categorically that an increase in the service period should not be expected.

If the President of the country does not change, then there will be no reason to worry about increasing his service life. Therefore, with great probability, in 2019 young men will also serve for 12 months.

Transition to contract service

In 2012, Dmitry Medvedev proposed an initiative for the gradual introduction of contract service in Russia. The strategy is designed in such a way that contract soldiers should gradually displace the majority of conscripts. This is a fairly reasonable solution that quite a few states have already implemented.

The advantages of this approach are obvious. First of all, only people who are truly interested in this will join the army. Such young men will give themselves completely both in training and on the battlefield. Becoming a military man will be their own decision and they will understand the full responsibility of this profession.

At the same time, there will be a disproportionate increase in military power states. Such soldiers will be much better trained. At the same time, they will have the most important thing - enthusiasm, a desire to serve and a willingness to devote themselves completely to this work.

By replacing unmotivated conscripts, who sometimes have to be forcibly dragged to the military registration and enlistment office, with contract soldiers who are eager to defend their country, the state will receive a very effective army.

Transition strategy contract service divided into 3 stages:

  • mass propaganda of the benefits of contract service and setting the ratio of contract soldiers/conscripts in the army to 70/30 or 80/20, respectively;
  • gradual change in the ratio of contract soldiers/conscripts to a ratio of 85/15, improvement of service conditions;
  • increase in salaries for contract soldiers, transition to the ratio of contract soldiers/conscripts to a ratio of 90/10.

It's worth noting that this strategy is a work in progress. Its final result cannot be assessed in the coming years. The army, where 90% of employees work under contract, will have to wait a little longer.

Military department and alternative service in Russia

Do not forget about completely legal methods of exemption from military service. They are not accessible to everyone and are not entirely simple, but they still exist:

  • work instead of service at a special enterprise that has military status;
  • passing the military department at a university.

Very few people can claim the first option. Employees of military enterprises can become either indigenous representatives ethnic groups, the number of representatives of which is limited. Conscripts whose religion does not allow them to serve in military service can also apply for this option. At the same time, the conscript must work at the enterprise for 21 months.

Thus, there is every reason to believe that in 2019 it will remain unchanged - conscripts will have to fulfill their duty for 12 months. It is extremely unlikely that this period will change, so there is no need to worry.

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Compulsory military service is a legal obligation for every adult young man Russian Federation, therefore, for persons of conscription and pre-conscription age, the issue of service life always remains relevant. Are innovations expected in 2018-2019 or will current standards remain the same?

How long to serve in 2018-2019

According to paragraph 1 of Art. 38 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Military Duty and Military Service,” young people on urgent conscription are required to serve 12 months, regardless of the type of military service. Compulsory military service in internal troops Every healthy representative of the male population of the country aged 18-27 years must undergo it.

At the same time, there is no reason to assume that given period will be changed in 2018-2019. Currently, the main emphasis is on the formation of a contract army, where professionals in their field will serve. As the practice of other countries where the armed forces are formed on a contract basis shows, this approach makes it possible to bring the army to a more high level and ensure its professionalism and capacity. As a result, young people are sent to the army by at will, therefore, they feel responsible for the obligations assigned to them, and receive sufficient material support for their efforts.

In the near future, it is planned to achieve a ratio of conscripts and contract soldiers of 20% to 80%, and in the future - to increase the figures to 10% and 90%, respectively. But despite the increase in the percentage of contract soldiers in Russia, no one is going to give up mandatory urgent conscription.

For alternative service

  • Training at the military department in the process of obtaining higher education. This provides for theoretical and practical training (including training at training grounds) for 450 hours, upon completion of which a graduate of the military department receives the rank of officer.
  • Employment in Spetsstroy, military institutions or enterprises equivalent to the status of the military. In total, for this path of fulfilling military duty, you can choose from 65 professions and 61 positions, but a mandatory condition is a referral to another region of the Russian Federation. It is available only to conscripts who belong to the category of small indigenous peoples, as well as those for whom being in the army contradicts the principles of religion. The duration of service is 21 months, and criminal liability is provided for unauthorized leaving the place of service.

For contract soldiers

In addition to the generally mandatory performance of military duty, young people can choose a contract form, which is valid for both junior personnel and officers. The period in this case is determined depending on the type of military service and rank:

  • 2 or 3 years for soldiers, sailors, sergeants and foremen upon initial conclusion of the contract;
  • 5 years for midshipmen, warrant officers and officers upon initial conclusion of the contract;
  • 1-10 years to choose from for those who enter into a contract for the second and subsequent times.

Conscript soldiers also have the opportunity to switch to a contract uniform 3 months after conscription. For some this path is seen as a good option improve your financial situation and open up new career prospects.

Colossal work is being done to attract men into the ranks of contract soldiers:

  • wages increase;
  • the age of service in the army for officers is increasing;
  • expanding social package, which includes education, medical care, benefits for military personnel and members of their families;
  • new housing is being built and options for improving living conditions are proposed.

But it also has its drawbacks in the form of a long minimum contract service period, so most young people traditionally prefer to serve the required year in the army and return to civilian life.

Possible change

Since 2012, deputies have brought up the issue of increasing the length of military service for consideration many times. IN different years it was proposed to extend the period of stay of young people in the army to 1 year and 6 months, 1 year and 8 months and even 2 years. The main arguments are:

  • lack of ordinary conscript soldiers in military units;
  • inability to master complex military-technical specialties well within the current period (1 year).
  • increasing requirements for the quality of reserve personnel of the armed forces;
  • lack of time to conduct all types of training for military personnel, including exercises close to combat conditions.

Despite this, President Vladimir Putin categorically rejected the proposed initiative and refused to increase the length of military service. Since he is the Supreme Commander, then final decision always remains with him.

How the deadlines changed

After Russia became independent state The duration of military service has changed several times, both up and down:

  • since 1993 ground forces And navy served for 1.5 and 2 years, respectively;
  • since 1996, the duration has been increased to 2 years;
  • since 2002, preparations began for the gradual transition of the armed forces to a contract basis and a gradual reduction in the terms of service under urgent conscription;
  • in the fall of 2007, conscripts began serving for 1.5 years;
  • Since January 2008, conscripts serve in the army for 1 year.

Therefore, for now we can say that they will serve in 2019 for the same amount of time as in previous years, that is, 1 year. But it can be assumed that the presidential elections in Russia in 2018 will make adjustments to the change in terms of military service in 2018-2019.

Vladimir Putin on extending military service: video