Military power of the DPRK. What is the North Korean army capable of?

Most are indignant because of the specific lifestyle of its inhabitants. This is due to the propaganda of the regime in which they exist. Few people know about real life in this country, so it seems like something creepy and unacceptable. Despite the peculiarities of the regime, the state is recognized in the world community and has both its own territory and an army that is called upon to protect it.

Troop combat effectiveness

The state has a weak economy and is isolated from the whole world. However, the army is still considered one of the strongest in the world. It's called the army. The main slogans of the DPRK ideology are “Juche”, which means “reliance on own strength", as well as "songun", that is, "everything for the army."

North Korean Army (number by different sources-from 1.1 to 1.6 million people) has a small budget. For example, in 2013 it was only $5 billion. Compared to leading countries, this figure is negligible. However, she is among the top five.

The North Korean army, which can at any time be supplemented by 8 million reservists, also has 10 nuclear warheads. The first tests to launch them were carried out in 2006.

Information about the armed forces

The North Korean army is no less closed than the state itself. All information about her weapons is approximate. This especially applies to the number of equipment.

It is known that its military-technical complex is capable of producing various classes of military equipment:

  • tanks;
  • armored personnel carriers;
  • rockets;
  • artillery pieces;
  • warships;
  • submarines;
  • boats;
  • jet systems volley fire.

The only thing that is not created in the DPRK is airplanes and helicopters. Although if foreign components are available, their assembly is quite possible.

DPRK partners

During the " cold war» North Korea received substantial military assistance from its two major allies - the USSR and the PRC. Current situation changed dramatically. Russia stopped aid due to the republic's poor solvency. China does not provide assistance due to dissatisfaction with its policies. However, officially Beijing still remains Pyongyang's patron and ally.

Iran remains the only partner today. The DPRK exchanges military technologies with it. The state also continues to work on its nuclear missile program.

Opponents of the DPRK

The North Korean army is called upon to fight two main enemies - South Korea and the United States. Once upon a time South Korea took the path of capitalist and allied relations with the United States. As a result, it became a fairly successful state.

In North Korea this was perceived as a betrayal. Its entire ideology is supported by stubborn conservatives who are not ready for change. Even the death of the main leader did not change the situation. His son and successor Kim Jong Un continues to strengthen ideological principles. The top leadership in North Korea simply will not allow him to make changes.

Despite a lot of shortcomings, the North Korean army will be able to compete against the United States. And the presence of nuclear weapons makes the picture even worse. Especially for neighboring countries, which in addition to South Korea are China and Russia.

Military service

All men in the DPRK are required to undergo conscript service. It is the North Korean army, whose service life is 5-12 years, that is very different from the armed fortifications of the whole world. Moreover, until 2003 this period was 13 years.

The conscription age starts at 17 years old. It is almost impossible to avoid serving in the armed forces. It is thanks to the size of the KPA that it is considered one of the strongest armies in the world.

Echelons of defense

North Korea's army has a ground force of about one million. They make up several echelons of defense.

The first of them is located on the border with South Korea. It includes infantry and artillery formations. In the event of a possible war, they must break through the South Korean border fortifications or prevent enemy troops from passing deep into the state.

The second echelon is located behind the first. It consists of ground forces, tank and mechanized formations. His actions also depend on who starts the war first. If the DPRK, then the second echelon will advance deep into the South Korean defense, including the capture of Seoul. If the DPRK attacks, then the second echelon will have to eliminate enemy breakthroughs.

The task of the third echelon is to defend Pyongyang. It is also a training and reserve base for the first two echelons.

The fourth echelon is located on the border with China and Russia. It belongs to the training reserve formations. It is usually called "echelon" last hope».

In the country, women have long been able to serve as volunteers. Their service life before 2003 was 10 years, and after - 7 years. However, many sources provide information that from 2015 all women will be required to undergo urgent military service. Recruitment will be carried out immediately after receiving the school certificate.

Women will serve in the army until they are 23 years old. Many experts consider such measures by the authorities to be forced due to the famine of 1994-1998, which resulted in a low birth rate, which resulted in a shortage of the male population of military age.

The DPRK is not a new discoverer in this regard. For example, in Israel, Peru, Malaysia and other countries, women have been required to serve for a long time.

Main disadvantages of KNA

The North Korean army, which is often reviewed without reliable information, can inspire fear in many countries. However, it has many disadvantages.

Weaknesses of KPA:

  • limited fuel resources will allow for extensive fighting no more than a month;
  • the inability of Pyongyang to carry out a long-term defense due to insufficient food supplies;
  • there are no means of modern technical reconnaissance, which reduces the effectiveness of artillery fire;
  • coastal defense is carried out with the help of outdated missiles, and the fleet as a whole is not distinguished by its autonomy and secrecy;
  • there are no modern air forces or air defense systems, and the available means will only allow them to counter enemy forces for a few days.

At the same time, the KPA remains one of the strongest, mainly due to the fact that more than one million people are ready to stand up for its defense, and another several million can short time be called up from the reserves.

It is possible to check the performance of the North Korean army only in a state of real war. However, this is feared all over the world. No state, including the United States, is yet willing to start a conflict with Pyongyang.

DPRK Air Force North Korea photo , a people's democratic republic is one of the most secretive states in the world. Even in the era of dominance of satellite reconnaissance means, their composition and organization are far from completely known.

DPRK Air Force flag (left) and military emblem air force Democratic People's Republic of Korea (right)

The date of creation of the DPRK Air Force is considered to be August 20, 1947. By mid-1950, they included one mixed air division (57th attack air regiment - 93 Il-10, 56th fighter - 79 Yak-9, 58th training - 67 training and communications aircraft) and two airfield technical battalions .
In the first days of the war on the Korean Peninsula, the DPRK Air Force acted quite actively, but very soon suffered big losses. By August 21, 1950, only 20 serviceable fighters and one attack aircraft remained in service. In the winter of 1950-1951, only light night bombers Po-2, Yak-11 and Yak-18 operated from the air force at the front. At the same time, within the framework of the United (Chinese-Korean) air army(OVA) North Korean aviation was being recreated on the territory of the PRC.
By mid-1951, it had 156 aircraft and 60 trained pilots. The arrival of MiG-15 jet fighters began, which gradually became the main type of combat aircraft of the North Korean Air Force. On account of the North Korean pilots for the time Korean War registered 164 official aerial victories.

The leader of North Korea, has the military rank of marshal, Kim Jong-un photo with employees of the 1st Guards Air Force and Air Defense Division

Despite the presence of a fairly developed military industry(including missile), Korean People's Democratic Republic does not produce its own aircraft.
In subsequent decades, the DPRK Air Force developed on the basis of supplies of Soviet aircraft. Airplanes also arrived from China. To date, North Korea's air force numbers (according to various sources) from 1,100 to 1,500 and even (according to various sources) 1,700 aircraft and helicopters. The number of personnel reaches 110 thousand people. The structure and locations of air units are not completely known.

Air Force bases of the DPRK (North Korea), far from complete data

The most numerous branch of combat aircraft of the DPRK Air Force is fighter aircraft. Most modern aircraft it includes MiG-29s, delivered from the USSR at the turn of the 80s and 90s of the last century. Vehicles of this type are in service with the 57th Fighter Aviation Regiment, stationed in Onchon and included in the air defense system of the DPRK capital Pyongyang.

The MiG-29 fighter is in service with North Korea, judging by the photo, the state of the fleet is deplorable, the plane is painted with paint reminiscent of oil, and this is one of the government’s propaganda, after all, the leader is present in the photo

The 60th Air Regiment (Pukchang) serves MiG-23ML fighters. The most popular type of fighter is the MiG-21 - the DPRK Air Force has about 200 such aircraft of several modifications, including Chinese copies of the “twenty-first” (J-7). They are armed with the 56th IAP in Hwangju, the regiment in Toksan and a number of other units. Finally, there are approximately a hundred extremely outdated J-6 and J-5 aircraft in service (Chinese “clones” of the Soviet MiG-19 and MiG-17F, respectively), completely unsuitable for combat air combat in modern conditions.

MiG-19 of the DPRK Air Force at an air base in South Korea (relations between the two neighboring states are very tense), in fact, a Chinese-made aircraft made exact copies our MIGs

In the photo - J-6, hijacked on May 23, 1996 by Captain Lee Chol Soo to South Korea, see photo above - this is the same plane. There are about a hundred extremely outdated J-6s and J-5s in service.

Aircraft and helicopter fleet of the DPRK Air Force (approximate data)

Fighters DPRK Air Force North Korea photo

  • MiG-29/29UB - quantity 35/5
  • MiG-23ML - 56 pcs.
  • MiG-21 PFM/bis/UM - 150
  • J-7 - 40
  • J-6 - 98
  • J-5-ok. 100

MiG-21 is the most popular fighter of the DPRK Air Force, about 200 are in service

Bombers North Korean Air Force

  • N-5-80

Fighter-bombers, attack aircraft North Korea photo

  • Su-7BMK -18 Su-25K/UBK - 32/4

Transport aircraft, Il-76-3 pieces, Il-62 - 2, An-24 - 6, An-2 - about 300

  • CJ-6-180
  • JJ-5-135
  • L-39C-12

Korean Air Force helicopters

  • Mi-26-4
  • Mi-8-15
  • Mi-2-ok. 140
  • Z-5 - approx. 40
  • MD 500 - approx. 90

Also outdated is the bomber force, which numbers approximately 80 N-5 aircraft - Chinese copies of the Soviet Il-28 front-line bombers, dating back to mid-20th century technology. They staffed the regiments in Orang and Uizhu. According to Western sources, no more than half of all N-5s are in flight condition. Probably, approximately the same percentage of combat readiness is in other types of aviation. Fighter-bomber and attack aircraft are concentrated in the 55th Air Regiment, stationed in Sunchon. It consists of about two dozen obsolete Su-7BMKs and approximately twice as many relatively modern Su-25s.
Auxiliary aviation
The basis of military transport aviation is large number(about 300) light single-engine An-2. Performing in peacetime ordinary transportation, in the military they are supposed to be used for landing reconnaissance and sabotage groups behind enemy lines. There are only a few heavier aircraft (for example, An-24 or Il-7b) in the Air Force. The situation is somewhat corrected by the use of Air Korea for military transportation - formally civilian, but actually part of Air Force. 1996 Training aviation is represented by approximately three hundred Chinese-made G-6 (a copy of the Yak-18) and JJ-5 (a two-seat version of the J-5) aircraft, as well as a dozen Czechoslovakian L-39Cs. Flight training is carried out at several air bases concentrated in the northeastern part of the country. North Korea's helicopter fleet is dominated by light aircraft.
Among them, American-made MD 500 helicopters stand out, purchased in Germany as civilian ones, and already armed in North Korea.

MD 500 Helicopters Inc purchased from Germany, later they were armed with the Malyutka ATGM

North Korean air defense systems

S-200 on a launcher in a museum in Hungary

The DPRK has a very powerful and deeply echeloned (albeit obsolete) air defense system. In particular, there is:

  • 24 PU SAM long range S-200,
  • 240 complexes medium range S-75 and 128 - S-125.
  • Military air defense is represented by the Krug, Kub air defense systems, Strela and Igla MANPADS. And the anti-aircraft artillery fleet is measured at an astronomical figure - 11 thousand anti-aircraft guns!

Each state has only two allies - its army and navy. A phrase spoken by one of the Russian tsars in the 19th century, is still relevant today. It’s just that with the development of technology, aviation and missile forces were added to the usual branches of the military.

The DPRK army is the 4th largest in the world.

North Korea is no worse than others in this regard sovereign states. Moreover, according to estimates from relevant departments, the DPRK armed forces are the 4th largest army in the world. Which forces not only neighbors, but also distant states to reckon with the DPRK.

However, the size of the DPRK army is easily offset by its technical equipment and training. And if the KPA is all right with the latter, then the equipment that the North Korean Armed Forces have, to put it mildly, does not shine. For example, tank brigades consist of T-55 and T-62. Cars from the early 1960s of the last century. Needless to say, these machines became obsolete already in the 1970s.

The DPRK army does not shine with military equipment.

True, this state of affairs does not prevent the KPA from conducting regular exercises near the borders of its neighbor, South Korea.

The DPRK army received a particularly strong boost after the end of civil war on the Korean Peninsula (1950 - 1953). This conflict is considered the most destructive in the second half of the 20th century.

As a result of 3 years of fierce battles, losses on both sides reached several million people. 80% of the entire infrastructure of the peninsula, transport and industrial, received critical damage.

Political outcome The war was the final division of the Korean people and the peninsula into two equal countries - the DPRK and the Kyrgyz Republic. The border between states is a demilitarized zone.

When was the DPRK armed forces formed?

The official date of formation of the DPRK Armed Forces is July 27, 1953. Serious military groups, cannon and rocket artillery are stationed on both sides, provocations and propaganda activities are constantly taking place.

1953 is the official date of formation of the DPRK Armed Forces

Officially, the war between the DPRK and the Kyrgyz Republic ended in 1991. However, nothing has actually changed. It is acceptable to say that the situation has worsened. The Soviet Union collapsed. Countries Warsaw Pact came under the banner of NATO or were destroyed.

Seeing the example of Yugoslavia, the leader of the North Korean people, Kim Jong-un, authorized the development of the DPRK's nuclear program, whose armed forces needed to be strengthened against a possible attack from capitalist countries. This led to tougher sanctions against them.

Constant sanctions have led to the bleeding of the economy of one of the last communist countries in the world. Only $5 billion is allocated for military needs. Which is prohibitively little. Especially looking at the budget of the Armed Forces of the USA (Almost 1 trillion dollars). It is on this note that it is worth moving on to the history of the formation of the KPA.

History of the Korean People's Army

Despite for a long time existence, the history of the KPA is poorly eventful. The figures below are rejected by a number of historians, but they are considered official in North Korea itself.

1932, April 25 Creation of the Anti-Japanese People's Guerrilla Army. It was this date that became the starting point for the existence of the DPRK army
1932 – 1941 Active counteraction of AUVs to the Japanese occupiers
1946 Formation of the first regular units of the DPRK army. Replenishment was due to volunteers
Mid 1946 Formation of additional infantry brigades and creation of a school for officers
1947 – 1949 The final formation of the North Korean army. At the same time, the Navy and Air Force appeared
1948, February 8 Official date of establishment of the Korean People's Army
1950, June 25 North Korea invaded South Korea
1953, July 27 The formal end of the Korean War and the creation of a demilitarized zone at the 38th parallel
1991 Official end to the Korean War

North Korea - armed forces formed from guerrilla units

The very beginning

Korea was one of the first countries to be invaded by Imperial Japan. Most of the country was occupied. The Japanese killed the entire political and military elite.

The policy pursued by foreigners on the peninsula most closely resembled assimilation. The cultural layer was gradually destroyed. Instead of Korean, Japanese was taught in schools. Subsequently, this greatly influenced the self-awareness of the Korean people and led to a split into two countries. But not all people accepted such trends.

Part of the population was active in partisan activities.

In 1932, several units united under a single command. One of the young commanders was Kim Il Sung. The group operated with varying degrees of success. The operations were carried out in North Korea, Manchuria and China. The Japanese brutally punished captured partisans, and towards the middle of World War II, members of the AUPA had to retreat beyond the Soviet border.

After the end of WWII, Korea was divided into two equal parts, North and South. Each zone was under the control of external forces. Above is the USSR, below is the USA. Even then, an invisible confrontation between the two powers began, which subsequently divided the world into 2 camps.

North Korea, whose Army was under the protection of the Soviet Union, turned into a powerful communist state. Kii Il Sung, who was personally acquainted with Stalin and Comrade Mao, was appointed head of the Korean People's Democratic Republic.

Comrade Kim Il Sung, head of the DPRK 1948-1994

The state needed its own armed forces. The North Korean army (weapons and personnel) initially began to be formed from volunteer units. Weapons and equipment were supplied from the USSR and China.

By the time the Korean War began, the total number of KPA troops numbered 185,000. In addition to ground units, North Korean naval and air forces appeared. In addition to the regular army, there were squads capable of facing the bayonet at any time.

Command was exercised by the Headquarters. In order to improve military training, officer schools were organized.

Korean People's Army in the 1950 War

On June 25, 1950, one of the bloodiest conflicts of the second half of the last century began. The KPA invaded the territory Republic of Korea and occupied Seoul without much resistance. Within a few weeks, most of its southern neighbor was under the control of North Korean troops. The remnants of the South Korean troops retreated to the Busan Perimeter. It seemed that this was the last line in the history of the Kyrgyz Republic.

However, South Korea had a powerful ally - the United States. IN short terms An American fleet located near occupied Japan approached the peninsula. The KPA attack choked. The vector of hostilities has changed. The DPRK army, whose weapons were small arms and light artillery retreated, suffering losses in manpower and equipment. The US advantage in the air was telling.

The combined troops of the Americans and Republicans soon began to approach Pyongyang. The situation with the Busan perimeter was repeated. But China and the USSR came to the aid of Kim Il Sung. The Chinese infantry corps were able to delay the advancing capitalists. This made it possible to increase reserves and reorganize the KPA.

The presence of the USSR was unofficial. Assistance was provided mostly in the form of supplies of weapons and equipment. In addition, aircraft piloted by Soviet pilots actively participated in air battles. This fact gave rise to jokes about the Korean pilots Li Xi Tsin.

In 1952 the front stabilized. No one could break through the enemy's defenses. A positional confrontation began. Moreover, oddly enough, the front line ran along the old border at the 38th parallel.

On July 27, the “hot” stage of the conflict on the Korean Peninsula ended. An agreement was signed to create a demilitarized zone. The reason for the end of the war, in addition to the depletion of human resources and the complete destruction of infrastructure, is the death of Joseph Stalin. After the death of the leader of the USSR, the command decided to withdraw from the conflict. Seeing this, China did not stand up to the Americans alone and provoked the signing of a peace treaty.

And although the battles stopped, clashes broke out more than once on the new border. The Cold War with South Korea continues. True, there were moments of improving relations.

For example, after the official end of the Korean War in 1991, economic and political ties began to be established. Appeared limited opportunity cross the demilitarized zone.

The idyll did not last long. Soviet Union fell apart. The Americans felt impunity. Pro-communist regimes began to be overthrown in Eastern Europe And South America. The United States has not forgotten about the DPRK.

The country was imposed with sanctions. The main reason is the development of nuclear weapons by the DPRK. Moreover, Kim Jong-un tried to establish a dialogue with the “carriers” of democracy, but came across a blank wall.

North Korea's weapons and nuclear shield development

Seeing that the American side did not want to engage in dialogue and resolve all issues diplomatically, Kim Jong-un accelerated the development of the DPRK’s nuclear program.

The process of creating your own nuclear bomb continued despite increasingly stringent economic restrictions and trade bans.

Even in this situation, the DPRK government tried to come to an agreement with its opponents. At the beginning of the 2000s, they even managed to conclude a pact on the denuclearization of the peninsula. The Korean side stops developing nuclear weapons. The response step is the lifting of sanctions. Everything went well for a while. The restrictions have been lifted.

this year North Korea withdrew from international treaty on nuclear disarmament and deterrence

The economy began to grow, and with it the Korean People's Army. However, less than a few years later, the United States reintroduced the ban. This became the reason for the DPRK's withdrawal from the international treaty on nuclear disarmament and deterrence in 2013. Work on the weapon continued.

Since 1990 Pyongyang has repeatedly tested its nuclear device. Of course, North Korea’s nuclear weapons are not perfect and are inferior in power to those of the United States or Russia. But an atom remains an atom. Tensions in the region are constantly growing. In addition to warheads, launch vehicles are being tested. The latter are capable of carrying a warhead at a distance of up to 3,500 km.

2016 was marked by elections in the United States, Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump were rushing to power. The last one won. One of the election promises was to resolve the Korean crisis.

In 2017 once aircraft carrier fleets began to conduct exercises near North Korean territory. However, things did not go further than maneuvers. Despite the increasing number of missile tests and the bickering between Trump and Kim on Twitter.

In 2017 The winter sports team was invited to participate in the 2018 Olympics. Winter views Sports in the UK are not very developed, so there was a temporary unification of the Korean people under a single flag. Possession of a nuclear arsenal provides its own benefit.

Organizational structure of the North Korean Armed Forces

The main governing body of the KPA is the GKO (Civil Defense Committee). It includes all other parts: Navy, AF, VMU, rocket troops, militias etc. The State Defense Committee is chaired by Marshal Kim Jong-un. He is also the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the North Korean Armed Forces, capable of declaring mobilization and martial law.

Structurally, the waxes of North Korea consist of:

Symbolism Branch of the military DPRK, Army, weapons, purpose Army of the DPRK, number of personnel, thousand

Main combat unit KNA. Designed for conducting ground operations. 70% of the composition is located along the border with the Kyrgyz Republic 1 020

Navy Designed to protect the DPRK's maritime borders and support ground units. Responsibilities also include coastal defense and amphibious maritime operations. 48

Air Force The structure includes fighter, assault, bomber and transport aviation. The KPA Air Force is equipped with Soviet and Chinese aircraft from the 70s and 80s 110
Images are not publicly available Strength special operations Designed for reconnaissance and sabotage operations 10

Other armed groups:

  • connections of the Ministry of Public Security;
  • security forces of the Ministry of Security state security;
  • militia Workers 'and Peasants' Red Guard;
  • youth Red Guard;
  • other units.

The total number of regular waxers is approaching 1.2 million people. Moreover, most of the armed forces are concentrated near the southern border. If necessary, it is possible to mobilize another 4 million people. However, as a last resort, the entire combat-ready contingent is drafted into the army. According to rough estimates, 10 million. The figure is impressive, considering that the DPRK is home to 24 million people in total.

Armament of the DPRK

North Korea has an excellently developed military-industrial complex. The lion's share of the country's budget is invested in this industry. The industry is capable of producing any type of necessary equipment and equipment, except military aircraft. Cycle production processes completely closed and independent of external supplies.

The problem with the North Korean economy is the total embargo.

The DPRK does not have its own sources of gas and oil.

Therefore, we have to buy from our neighbors. Mainly from China.

Contrary to public opinion The DPRK is not a country closed to visitors. Tourists often come there, and residents of the state periodically work in Chinese factories and simply travel.

North Korean Ground Forces

The total number of ground forces is 1.02 million people. For the most part, conscript soldiers were drafted into the army at the age of 17. The duration of service varies - 5-12 years. The group includes 20 corps: 12 infantry, 2 artillery, a capital defense corps, 4 armored and motorized.

The KPA ground forces have a large number of cannon and rocket artillery. For the most part, all troops are deployed along the border with the Kyrgyz Republic. Moreover, some can fire at Seoul and its suburbs.

Weapons used by the DPRK ground forces:

M1978 “Koksan” 170 mm self-propelled artillery mount, developed on a chassis Soviet tank T-62 or T-55
BM-14 MLRS 100 mm installation
BM-21 “Grad” MLRS 120 mm installation

BM-11 Independent Korean development based on Grad
M-1992 Further development of BM-11
VTT-323 MLRS mounted on tracked chassis
M-1985 Multiple launch rocket system, 240 mm caliber
M-240 240 mm rocket launcher
“Competition”, “Baby”, “Bassoon” Anti-tank guided missiles

T-54/55 and Type 59 Soviet medium tank, with a 100 mm gun. (Last one is Chinese license)
T-62 Almost MBT. Equipped with a 115 mm smoothbore gun
PT-76 Soviet light amphibious tank

Type 62/63 Light version of Type 59
“Cheonmaho” Korean modernization of T-62

“Bokphungho” T-72, produced in the DPRK. Obtained as a result of reverse engineering. Its parameters are close to the early T-90
BTR-60, BTR-70, BTR-80, etc. Armored personnel carriers

OTR “Luna” Operational-tactical missile system Soviet made
TR R-17 OTRK equipped with R-17 missile

Despite the hype surrounding the DPRK, the KPA ground units are intended to defend the country’s borders. Most of the ground forces are stationed around the 38th parallel and consist of artillery. In general, along the entire demilitarized zone, on the Northern side, long-term firing positions, bunkers, trenches and other fortifications.


The KPA fleet is divided into Eastern and Western. Each consists of warships of different classes, submarines, cargo and landing ships. The main task of the Navy is to protect state borders and assist ground forces conducting ground operations. At the same time, the transfer of the fleet from the western sea to the eastern sea and back is impossible due to geographical features.

The fleet is equipped with the following vessels:

“Najin”, “Soho” Corvettes

Project 613 Submarine, Soviet-made

Project 633 Soviet and Chinese submarines

Sang-Oh Small submarines

Project 205 “Wasp” Missile boat

“Hante” Small landing craft capable of carrying tanks

One of the main doctrines of the DPRK fleet is the application missile strikes from small vessels. This “mosquito” fleet tactic is used by many countries with limited budgets. Unlike ground units, service lasts 5-10 years.

Air Force

North Korean military aircraft are located at 70 airfields . The main part of the sites is built around the capital. This ensures that the city is protected from attacks by enemy aircraft. The helicopters in service are Soviet-Chinese production and captured helicopters captured during the Korean War.

Equipment used by the KPA Air Force:

Photo Name Type Quantity
MiG-29 Interceptors 35
MiG-23 56
MiG-21 / Chengdu J-7 Fighters 150
MiG-19/Shenyang F-6 100
MiG-17 Combat training 242
MiG-15 Training 35
CJ-6 180
Su-7 Attack bombers. Often used as educational ones. 16
Su-25 36
Q-5 190
IL-28 Frontline bomber 80
An-2, An-24, An-148, Tu-204, Il-62 Transport aircraft of various tonnage Up to 20 (An-2 – 200 pcs)
MD-500 Multi-role helicopter 84
Mi-2 139
Mi-24D Attack helicopter 20
Mi-4, Mi-8 Transport helicopters 48, 15
Tu-143 UAV 1
Bee-1T 10

North Korean Air Defense Forces

Photo Name Quantity Production
Anti-aircraft missile systems
KN-06/S-300 DPRK
Beech USSR, Russia
Man-portable anti-aircraft missile system

Strategic and tactical missile forces

The DPRK has successfully mastered the production of missiles of various classes. Production cycle entirely carried out by the military-industrial complex of North Korea. The first versions of missiles were developed with an eye on Soviet projects.

Subsequently, part of the developments was purchased from Ukraine (according to rumors). Ballistic intercontinental missiles capable of carrying a nuclear charge are currently being actively tested.

Types of missiles:

Photo Name Range, km Classification Year of adoption
Hwaseong-5 320 TBRMD 1985
Hwaseong-6 700 TRKMD 1990
Hwaseong-7 1000 – 1300 IRBM 1997

No-Dong-2 2000 IRBM 2004
Hwaseong-10 4000 IRBM 2009
Hwaseong-13 7500 ICBM 2017
Hwaseong-11 120 TBRMD 2007
  • TBRMD – Short-range tactical ballistic missile.
  • MRBM is a medium-range ballistic missile.
  • ICBM – intercontinental ballistic missile.

North Korean nuclear forces

Development atomic weapons started back in 1990. This is evidenced by a memo from the Chairman of the KGB of the USSR Vladimir Kryuchkov. The paper talked about the successful progress of development atomic bomb and plans to test the device.

The nuclear program was developed at a research institute near the city of Yongbyon. Presumably, analogues of Pakistani P-2 centrifuges were used to enrich uranium. This made it possible to increase the production of weapons-grade uranium to 60 kg per year.

  • In 2013 passed the third test of a nuclear bomb with a yield of up to 10 kilotons. According to experts, at that time the DPRK already had up to 15 combat devices and carriers for them.
  • January 6, 2016 the 4th test occurred. According to official sources, the force of the detonated charge was equivalent to hydrogen bomb. Another wave of panic swept across the world. Especially among the population of nearby countries.
  • September 9, 2016 carried out the 5th test. The main goal is an attempt to stop military exercises between the United States and the Republic of Korea. As well as liquidation military base Americans in South Korea.

KPA ranks


  • Generalissimo;
  • Marshal of the DPRK;
  • Marshal of the KPA;
  • Vice Marshal.


Senior officers

Junior officers

Military uniform DPRK


Soldier composition

Ideological work

Due to numerous sanctions imposed, North Korea is in constant economic crisis. The economy is developing weakly. Most of the funds go to the army. Since 1990, the DPRK has followed a policy of giving priority to its military industry and armed forces.

This allowed us to concentrate on developing a nuclear program and ensure our sovereignty. What such a policy will lead to in the future is unknown.

Advantages and disadvantages of KNA


  • high morale. The ideological indoctrination of the population is being carried out on a grand scale. Parades are held, children imbibe the Juche ideal from an early age. All this led to the unity of the people and the willingness to stand to the end;
  • number. Regular army– 1.2 million, reserve – 4 million, mobilization potential – 10 ml;
  • strong barrel and rocket artillery.
  • availability submarine fleet;
  • strong military-industrial complex;
  • presence of nuclear weapons;
  • global fortification of the country.


  • poor equipment of the army with modern technical means (Thermal imagers, fire control systems, noctovisors, etc.);
  • not the most modern aviation.

Despite the very weak economy and almost complete international isolation of the DPRK, its Armed Forces (KPA - Korean People's Army) remain one of the strongest in the world. The KPA is being built under the slogans “juche” (“reliance on one’s own strength”) and “songun” (“everything for the army”).

During the Cold War, North Korea received military assistance from the USSR and China. By now it has completely stopped. Moscow is not satisfied with Pyongyang's low solvency, and Beijing is extremely dissatisfied with its policies. North Korea's only partner in military field– Iran, with which there is a constant exchange of technology. At the same time, Pyongyang continues its nuclear missile program and maintains huge conventional forces.

The country has a developed military-industrial complex, capable of producing almost all classes of military equipment: missiles, tanks, armored personnel carriers, artillery pieces and MLRS, ships, boats and submarines - both based on foreign projects and its own development. The only things that have not been created in the DPRK are airplanes and helicopters, although it is possible to assemble them from foreign components, if available.

Due to the extreme closeness of North Korea, information about its armed forces, especially about the amount of equipment, is only an estimate.

Rocket Forces include a significant amount ballistic missiles different ranges. There are up to 16 divisions of Hwasong-7 missiles, also known as Nodong-1 (3 launchers in each division, a total of 200 to 300 missiles, flight range up to 1300 km), 1 OTR R-17 regiment (28 launchers , flight range - 300 km), as well as the Hwasong-5 OTR created on the basis of the R-17 (up to 180 launchers, 300-400 missiles, range - 330 km) and Hwasong-6 (up to 100 launchers, 300- 400 missiles, range - 500 km), up to 8 divisions of TR KN-02, created on the basis of the Russian TR "Tochka" (4 launchers in each, a total of at least 100 missiles, range - 70 km), 6 divisions of old TR " Luna" and "Luna-M" (4 launchers each, 70 km). IRBMs or even ICBMs of the Taepodong series are being developed.

KPA Special Operations Forces are at least the fourth largest in the world (after the USA, China, Russia), and perhaps even second after the Americans - up to 90 thousand people. The North Korean MTR is led by the Light Infantry Control Bureau and the Intelligence Directorate of the General Staff. CCOs include three components.

Special forces of the ground forces: 9 light infantry brigades, 3 sniper brigades (17th, 60th, 61st), 17 reconnaissance and 8 “regular” battalions. Airborne Forces: 3 “regular” (38, 48, 58th) and 4 sniper (11, 16, 17, 21st) airborne brigades, parachute battalion. Marine special forces : 2 naval sniper brigades (1 each in the Western and Eastern fleets).

Ground forces, numbering almost a million people, are divided into four strategic echelons. First echelon located directly on the border with South Korea and consists of infantry and artillery formations. If the DPRK starts a war, its task is to break through the South Korean border fortifications. If the first strike is delivered by South Korea and the United States, the task of this echelon is to prevent enemy troops from advancing into the interior of the country. The first echelon includes four infantry corps and one artillery corps.

1st Infantry Corps: 2, 13, 31, 46th Infantry Divisions, four brigades - tank, light infantry, self-propelled guns, MLRS. 2nd: 3, 6, 8th infantry divisions, 32nd light infantry brigade, two more light infantry brigades, as well as tank, self-propelled gun, MLRS, and airborne brigades. 4th: 26, 28, 33, 41st infantry divisions, four brigades - tank, two light infantry, airborne crossing. 5th: 5th, 12th, 25th, 45th Infantry Divisions, 103rd tank brigade, 75th and 80th light infantry brigades, self-propelled gun brigade, MLRS brigade, airlift brigade. The 620th Artillery Corps includes seven self-propelled gun brigades and six MLRS brigades.

Second echelon located directly behind the first and consists of the most powerful tank and mechanized formations of the KPA ground forces. If the DPRK starts a war, its task is to develop an offensive into the depths of the South Korean defense (including the capture of Seoul) after its breakthrough by the forces of the first echelon. If South Korea and the United States start a war, the second echelon of the KPA must eliminate possible enemy breakthroughs through the location of the first.

The second echelon includes a tank and two mechanized corps. 806th MK: 4th, 7th, 47th and two more mechanized brigades, a light infantry brigade, a self-propelled gun brigade. 815th MK: 26th and four more mechanized brigades, a light infantry brigade, a self-propelled gun brigade. 820th Tank: 105th armored division, three armored brigades, 15th mechanized brigade, self-propelled gun brigade, MLRS brigade.

Third echelon provides the defense of Pyongyang, is a reserve and training base for the first two echelons. Includes five infantry and one artillery corps. 3rd Infantry: five infantry divisions (including two training reserves), tank and artillery brigades. 6th Infantry: three infantry divisions (including two reserve training divisions), an artillery brigade. 7th Infantry: 10th and 20th Infantry Divisions, four training reserve divisions, 87th Light Infantry Brigade, artillery brigade. 12th Infantry: motorized infantry and infantry divisions, tank and artillery brigades. 91st Capital Defense Infantry: four motorized infantry brigades, an MLRS brigade. Kandong Artillery Corps - six artillery and MLRS brigades each.

Fourth echelon located along the border of the DPRK with the PRC and the Russian Federation. It is, like the third, a training reserve, as well as a “echelon of last hope”. Includes two mechanized and four infantry corps. The 108th and 425th MK have the same structure - five mechanized brigades, a light infantry brigade, and a self-propelled gun brigade. The 10th and 11th infantry regiments each include one infantry and one training reserve division, and an MLRS brigade. 8th Infantry: three infantry divisions (including one training reserve), tank and artillery brigades.

9th Infantry: 24th and 42nd Infantry Divisions, training reserve infantry division, MLRS brigade. It is this corps that has the border with the Russian Federation in its area of ​​responsibility. The ground forces also have 4 border guard and 22 engineering brigades.

KPA tank park has up to 4 thousand main and at least 250 light tanks. The oldest are the Soviet T-54 and T-55 (1000 of each) and their Chinese copies Tour 59 (175). There are 500 Soviet T-62s. On their basis, the DPRK created the Chonma family of tanks (at least 470 units).

The most modern North Korean tank is the Songun-915, known in the West and in Russia under the name Pokpun-ho. It is also based on the T-62, but using technologies from the more modern T-72 and T-80. It carries a 125-mm cannon, a 14.5-mm KPVT machine gun, coaxial launchers for the Balso-3 ATGM (a copy of the Soviet Kornet ATGM) and the Hwa Song Chon MANPADS (a copy of the Igla-1). No tank in the world has such a set of weapons. To date, 200–400 units of Songun-915 have been produced. Light tanks: 100 Soviet PT-76, 50 Chinese Toure 62, at least 100 own PT-85 "Shinhen" (an amphibious tank with an 85 mm cannon).

There are 222 Soviet BMP-1s, as well as more than 1,500 armored personnel carriers. The oldest are BTR-40 and BTR-152 (about 600 in total). Slightly newer are the Soviet BTR-60 (250 units), BTR-50 (50) and our own Type-73, created on the basis of the Chinese Toure 531 and better known as VTT-323 (at least 500). The most modern are 32 Russian armored personnel carriers-80A and up to 100 Type-69 armored personnel carriers created on their basis in the DPRK.

The KPA artillery includes numerous towed guns of Soviet, Chinese and domestic production. These are 500 A-19 and M-30, 300 D-74, 188 D-30, 50 Toure 59-1, 160 M-46 and up to 1000 similar guns of our own production, 200 D-20 and 100 ML-20. A significant part of these guns was converted into self-propelled guns by mounting them on the ATS-59 tracked transporter. There are at least 60 M-1973 and M-1983 Juche-po self-propelled guns with a firing range of up to 60 kilometers. Thus, total quantity Self-propelled guns and towed guns exceed 3000. Mortars (up to 7500) are mainly of our own production: M-1976 (82 mm), M-1978 (120 mm), M-1982 (140 mm).

There are also 1,000 Soviet 120mm M-43 mortars. The number of MLRS exceeds 5000. This is at least 3774 Chinese towed Toure 63, produced under license in the DPRK, 500 Soviet BM-21, our own BM-11, M-1973, M-1990, 100 Chinese Toure 63, 50 Soviet towed RPU-14 and 100 BM-14, 200 own M-1968 and Soviet BMD-20 (200 mm), from 200 to 500 Soviet BM-24, own M-1984 and M-1990 (240 mm).

Anti-tank weapons: ATGM "Malyutka", "Konkurs", up to 1100 ATGM "Fagot", as well as at least a thousand self-propelled anti-tank missiles M-1974 (100 mm).

In terms of the number of almost all classes of equipment, the KPA ground forces occupy at least fourth place in the world. Such a huge quantity largely compensates for its archaic nature. This especially applies to artillery; in terms of guns, the KPA is in second place in the world after the PLA. North Korean artillery is capable of creating a real sea of ​​fire in the front-line zone; it is physically impossible to suppress such a number of guns.

DPRK Air Force Organizationally they consist of 6 air divisions and 3 anti-aircraft missile brigades. 1st AD: 24th bomber ap (equipped with old Chinese N-5 bombers, created on the basis of Il-28), 35th fighter ap (Chinese J-6 fighters, copies of MiG-19), 55th attack ap (the most modern attack aircraft - Su-25 attack aircraft), the 57th fighter aircraft (the most modern - MiG-29), the 60th fighter aircraft (MiG-23ML/UB and MiG-21PFM fighters), two transport aircraft (An- 2 and their Chinese counterparts Y-5), helicopter regiment. 2nd AD: bomber ap (N-5), 46th IAP (J-6, MiG-21), 56th IAP (MiG-21PFM/bis), 58th IAP (MiG-23ML/UB) , 72nd IAP (MiG-21, J-7), as well as three more IAPs, a transport ap (An-2/Y-5), a helicopter regiment. 3rd AD: 4th and 11th IAP (armed with the oldest J-5 fighter, a Chinese copy of the MiG-17), 86th IAP (J-6, MiG-21), 303rd IAP (J-6) , helicopter regiment. The 5th Transport Hell includes five regiments.

The 6th transport hell includes the airline Air Koryo, which includes passenger planes transporting top officials DPRK and KPA, as well as seven helicopter regiments, including the only regiment attack helicopters Mi-24 and the 64th regiment of American MD-500 helicopters purchased in the 80s through intermediaries. The 8th Training Hell includes an aviation academy and four training aircraft regiments. Anti-aircraft missile brigades: 3, 66, 116th.

KPA Air Force Strike Aviation includes up to 86 extremely outdated Chinese N-5 bombers, from 18 to 27 Su-7 attack aircraft, 34–35 relatively new Su-25s (including 4 UBK) and up to 40 intermediate-aged Chinese Q-5 attack aircraft. Fighters: up to 107 extremely outdated Chinese J-5 and Soviet MiG-17, up to 109 J-6 and MiG-19, up to 232 MiG-21 and J-7, up to 56 MiG-23, 16–35 MiG-29 (in including up to 6 combat training MiG-29UB). There are 2 electronic warfare aircraft based on the An-24 (another may be in storage).

The DPRK does not have transport aviation in the classical sense. Air Koryo has 3 Il-76, 4 Il-62, up to 5 An-24, up to 14 Il-14, 2–3 Il-18, 2 Tu-134, 3 Tu-154 (1 more in storage). Two Tu-204s are designed to transport management and some critical cargo. Up to 300 An-2 and Y-5 are used by the Special Forces to transport special forces. Training aircraft: up to 35 MiG-15bis, MiG-15UTI and JJ-2, up to 49 CJ-6, up to 97 CJ-5 and Yak-18, up to 135 JJ-5 (training version of J-5) and MiG-17U.

Combat helicopters: 20–47 Mi-24D. Multi-role helicopters: up to 68 Mi-8T and Mi-17, 4 Mi-26, up to 108 Mi-2, up to 23 Z-5 (Chinese copy of Mi-4) and Mi-4 (1 more in storage), 5–8 Mi amphibians -14, up to 87 MD-500.

All ground-based air defense is included in the Air Force. It consists of 2 regiments (6 divisions) of the S-200 air defense system (36 launchers), 41 divisions of the S-75 air defense system (246 launchers), 32 divisions of the S-125 air defense system (128 launchers), at least a division of the KN-06 air defense system (from 8 PU). The KN-06 is a local version of the Soviet S-300PT/PS air defense system or the Chinese HQ-9. In service are up to 6,000 MANPADS (4,500 Strela-2 and their Chinese copies HN-5, 1,500 Igla-1 and their local analogues NT-16РGJ), several thousand ZSU and anti-aircraft guns, including up to 250 ZSU-57 -2, 148 ZSU-23-4, 1500 ZU-23, 1000 61-K, 400 KS-12, 524 KS-19.

Almost all of the KPA Air Force and Air Defense equipment is extremely outdated, even the Su-25, MiG-29 and KN-06 can only be considered relatively new. To a certain extent, this is compensated by quantity, but in this case this factor is much less important than for ground forces. However, the actions of the aviation of any enemy of the DPRK at low altitudes will be extremely difficult due to the mountainous terrain and the huge number of MANPADS and anti-aircraft guns in the North Korean air defense. Old planes may well be used as kamikazes, including those with nuclear weapons.

Naval forces are divided into the Western Fleet (includes 5 naval regions, 6 squadrons) and the Eastern Fleet (7 naval fleets, 10 squadrons). Due to geopolitical reasons, the exchange of ships between fleets is impossible even in peacetime, so each fleet relies on its own shipbuilding base.

In terms of the number of combat units, the DPRK Navy is perhaps the largest in the world, but almost all of the ships are extremely primitive. In particular, they do not have air defense systems at all. However, for actions in coastal waters The DPRK Navy has very significant potential. Their strongest point is a large number of small submarines, capable of both landing special forces groups on the enemy coast and operating against enemy ships in shallow waters. In regular border skirmishes between North Korean and South Korean combat boats, the advantage, as a rule, is on the side of the former.

The basis of the submarine fleet is made up of 22 old submarines of Project 633/033 (Soviet, Chinese and our own). It is possible that up to 4 very old Soviet submarines of Project 613 have survived. There are 30–40 small submarines “Sang-O” (built according to our own design), 23 ultra-small submarines “Yugo” of Yugoslav design (another 10 in reserve) and up to 10 “Yono” (Iranian "Ghadir").

In service are at least 2 patrol ships (frigates) of the Najin type, 1 catamaran Soho (possibly decommissioned), up to 30 corvettes (including 2-3 of the newest Nampo type). Missile boats: up to 8 old ones Soviet project 205, 4 of their Chinese analogues of Project 021, up to 10 of their local analogues of the Soju type, up to 6 very old Soviet Project 183R, up to 6 of their local analogues of the Sohung type, up to 6 of their newest own Nongo type (with local analogues of the Russian Anti-ship missiles X-35 "Uran").

The DPRK Navy is practically the only fleet in the world that continues to operate torpedo boats (mostly of its own designs) on a large scale. This is up to 100 "Sing Hong" hydrofoils, 42 "Kusong" types, up to 3 Soviet project 206M, up to 13 Soviet project 183. Patrol boats: 54 "Chongjin" type, 18-33 "Sinpo" type, 59 "" type Chaho", 6 Chongzhu type, 13–23 Chinese project 062 Shanghai-2, 19 Soviet project 201M. Minesweepers: 19 Yukto-1 type, 5 Yukto-2 type, up to 6 Pipa-go type boats.

Landing ships and boats are focused on conducting operations only within the Korean Peninsula itself, so they are small, but there are a lot of them. These are 10 Hanto-type TDKs, 18 Hunnam-type TDKs, 15 Hanchon-type TDKs, 51 Chongjin-type landing craft, 96 Nampo-type TDKs, 140 Konban-type hovercrafts.

Coastal defense covers the entire coast of the DPRK. It consists of 6 brigades (11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21st). Includes a significant number of Chinese HY-1 and HY-2 anti-ship missile systems, Soviet Sopka anti-ship missile systems, SM-4-1, M-1992, M-46, ML-20 guns.

In general, the noticeable technical backwardness of the KPA is largely compensated by the huge number of weapons, equipment and personnel, good level combat training and fanaticism of military personnel. In addition, the KPA is very well adapted to operations in mountainous terrain. This makes it a dangerous opponent even for the three strongest armies in the world (American, Chinese, Russian) and completely invincible for everyone else.

/Alexander Khramchikhin, Deputy Director of the Institute of Political and Military Analysis,

Organization of the DPRK Armed Forces

A distinctive feature of the Korean People's Army is its high degree of centralization. The leadership of the Armed Forces and military development is carried out State Committee Defense of the DPRK, headed by the Supreme Commander-in-Chief - Marshal of the DPRK Kim Jong Il. The Committee is subordinate to the Ministry of the People's Armed Forces (PAF), the Ministry of People's Security, the Ministry of State Security and Reserve Components armed forces. The tasks of operational control and combat readiness are solved by General Staff. With a population of 22.5 million people (2004 data), the country's army numbers 847 thousand people. There are about 4 million people in the reserve.

Ground forces

The number of SV is 718 thousand people. The service life of conscripts in this branch of the Armed Forces is 5-8 years.

The main formations and formations of the Army are the army, corps, division and brigade. The army does not have a permanent composition, but is deployed on the basis of army corps. An army may have 4-5 divisions, a tank or mechanized division, a separate tank regiment, a brigade rocket artillery and an army set of parts. The Army consists of 15 corps: 8 infantry, 1 tank, 4 mechanized, 1 corps special purpose, 1 artillery and 4 Commands (artillery, anti-aircraft artillery, defense of the capital and armored forces).

The army corps includes 43 divisions, 23 brigades, and 8 separate regiments. The ground forces are armed with: 31 launchers of tactical missiles, 21 launchers of operational-tactical missiles, 2770 medium tanks (T-54/-55/-62, Ture-59), about 730 T-34 tanks, 560 PT- light tanks 76 and M-1985, 2,440 armored combat vehicles, 12.7 thousand field artillery pieces and mortars, almost 1.1 thousand. jet systems volley fire, about 2 thousand. launchers

Air Force and Air Defense

Their number is 82 thousand people. The conscript's service life is 3-4 years.

The Air Force and Air Defense are divided into 3 combat aviation commands (12 fighter aviation regiments), air defense command (3 anti-aircraft missile brigades and 3 separate anti-aircraft missile regiments), capital air defense command (5 anti-aircraft missile regiments), main directorate civil aviation(transport air regiment and three training air regiments). The Air Force includes: one separate fighter aviation division, three bomber regiments, seven transport air regiments, seven helicopter regiments, three separate anti-aircraft missile regiments, and a separate radio engineering battalion.

In total, the Air Force has 38 aviation regiments and 16 anti-aircraft missile regiments.

The Air Force's aircraft fleet includes a total of 1,158 aircraft, including 646 combat aircraft. It consists of 80 N-5 (Il-28) bombers, 50 Su-7, Su-25 fighter-bombers, 421 J-5 (Mig-17), J-6 (Mig-21) fighters and others. The auxiliary aviation includes more than 340 transport aircraft An-2, An-24, Il-18, Il-62M, Tu-134 and Tu-154. Most of the aircraft fleet, as we see, are outdated brands. For example, the Mig-17 has been in service since 1952, and the Mig-21 since 1955.

Naval forces

47 thousand people serve here. The service life of a conscript is from 5 to 10 years.

The DPRK Navy includes two fleets: Eastern (main naval base Yohori) and Western (Nampo), as well as coastal missile and artillery forces. Other fleet bases: Wonsan, Najin, Heju, Chaha.

The fleets include water area security brigades, landing boat brigades, submarine divisions, a separate division of midget submarines (sabotage and reconnaissance forces), a division of guided missile frigates (with controlled rocket weapons), divisions of missile and torpedo boats.

IN combat strength IUDs available rocket ships(URO frigates), destroyers, small anti-submarine ships, diesel torpedo submarines, small and midget submarines, tank landing ships, missile and torpedo boats, other ships and vessels. The Navy is armed with anti-ship missiles class "ship-ship" type "Styx", coastal artillery guns of 122, 130, 152 mm caliber.

In general, weapons and military equipment- 30 and 40 years ago, with the exception of small quantity weapons received in the last decade.

Nuclear missile potential

The expert community neither in the West nor in Russia has accurate data on the actual situation with the DPRK’s nuclear missile potential.

Since 1988, having copied three complexes of Soviet single-stage Scud ballistic missiles obtained in Egypt, North Korea has put Hwasong-6 missiles into service with its army. Their further modernization, the mechanical doubling of the missile served as the basis for the production of Nodon-1 with a firing range of 1500 km and a warhead of 1200 kg. Since the mid-90s, Pyongyang has been developing intercontinental missiles "Tepodong-1" with an expected firing range of 2000-2500 km and "Tephodong-2" with a theoretical range of up to 7000 km.

Rough estimates by many experts indicate that the DPRK is armed with tactical missiles "Luna" with a reach of 55 km and "Luna-M" - 70 km, as well as operational-tactical missiles "Scud-V/S" - 300 km, " Nodong-1 - 550-600 km, Tephodong - 1500 km and Tephodong-2 - up to 7000 km. Presumably, the DPRK has 50-200 Nodon class missiles1 and 500-600 Scud class missiles2.

There is approximately the same uncertainty regarding the state of the North Korean nuclear program. Presumably from the beginning of the 90s, Kim Jong Il began developing nuclear weapons. Back in February 1990, the chairman of the USSR KGB reported to the USSR government that the North Koreans had nuclear weapons. It is possible that 8,000 rods received from Pakistan in exchange for sold missiles were recycled. From the plutonium obtained as a result of processing, 5 - 10 nuclear charges can be produced.

In the field of nuclear energy, by the mid-90s, it was built in the Yongbyon area for enrichment nuclear fuel a 5 MW graphite reactor, where about 6 kg of weapons-grade plutonium was produced annually. Presumably, according to expert estimates, two more reactors with a capacity of 50 and 200 MW have been built.

In 2007, the DPRK had a total stockpile of plutonium of 46-64 kg, of which about 28-50 kg had been separated and was suitable for the production of a nuclear explosive device. Today, after testing a nuclear warhead with a yield of 5-10 kilotons, the country allegedly has at least 6 nuclear warheads3.

Military doctrine

The basis of military doctrine is active defense. More than 60% of them are deployed south of the Pyongyang-Wonsan line total number formations and units of the Ground Forces, more than 40% of units and formations of the Air Force and Air Defense. The air force's aircraft are based primarily at 30 of the 70 airfields around Pyongyang. About 60% of the ship's personnel are located at forward bases on the east and west coasts. In the southern provinces along the 250 km long military demarcation line along the 38th parallel separating the DPRK and the Republic of Korea, the defense of four army corps is equipped. In the zone of each corps, 5-6 tunnels several kilometers long were dug to connect the rear areas of the corps with the demarcation line zone.

When fulfilling the task of transforming the country into an “impregnable fortress,” the southern regions of the country should practically form a continuous barrier zone. It is based on numerous underground shelters, fortified areas, areas for defense of tank towers, and engineering barriers.

Anti-landing defense east coast The DPRK is carried out by three army corps in cooperation with the coastal missile and artillery units of the Eastern Fleet and the combat aviation command of the Air Force and Air Defense, part of the forces of the Border Troops Corps; in the operational depth there are two mechanized buildings.

The West Coast is covered in anti-landing defense by four army corps in cooperation with the coastal missile and artillery units of the Western Fleet and two combat aviation commands, as well as part of the forces of the border troops corps; in operational depth there is tank corps. The Pyongyang zone is defended by the Capital Defense Command. Despite the fact that the Chinese leadership, in order to demonstrate dissatisfaction with its neighbor’s position in nuclear issue, in 2003, stationed five divisions with a total number of about 150 thousand people along the border with North Korea4, the DPRK maintains in the north only parts of the border troops corps numbering up to 30 thousand people.

Providing weapons and military equipment

Since the mid-90s, Pyongyang has almost completely satisfied the needs of its army for artillery and small arms and certain types of weapons and military equipment. Korean enterprises produce self-propelled artillery installations type M-1975/-1977/-1978/-1981/-1985/-1989/-1991. Based on Soviet models, the production of the Chonmaho tank and the M-1973 armored personnel carrier was launched. Mig-29 fighters and spare parts for Mig-21/-23/-29 and Su-25 aircraft are produced under Soviet license. According to expert data, during the year rocket manufacturing enterprises can produce up to 100 Scud V/S missiles, which allows them to be exported to other countries. Most of the Navy's ships are built in North Korean shipyards.

At the same time, North Korea needs to import complex modern systems weapons, missile and aviation technology. Most conventional weapons come from the CIS countries. According to SIPRI estimates, North Korea is able to produce most conventional weapons, despite its difficult economic situation.

A military-political analysis of the state of North Korea's combat power is significantly complicated by the fact that this country is one of the most closed in the world. Therefore, some of the data is of an expert nature, but based on the available information, one can confidently judge that in a practically impoverished country, a powerful army equipped with nuclear weapons has been created, which no one can underestimate.

1 SIPRI Yearbook 2007. Armaments, disarmament and international security. IMEMO RAS. P.594

2 Panin A., Altov V. North Korea. The era of Kim Jong Il at sunset. M., Olma-Press, 2004. P. 195.

3 SIPRI Yearbook 2007. P.593